Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Rootstocks and Varieties of Fruits, Berry Crops, and Grapes, Used for Intensive Gardening in Kazakhstan

Written By

Yuliya M. Yefremova, Marina V. Urazayeva and Saule Sh. Kazybaeva

Submitted: 25 May 2022 Reviewed: 29 September 2022 Published: 16 May 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.108360

From the Edited Volume

Apple Cultivation - Recent Advances

Edited by Ayzin Küden

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The results of the study of clonal rootstocks of apple trees of various ecological and geographical origins, varieties of fruit, berry crops, and grapes of local selection are presented. According to the efficiency of reproduction in the mother liquor and fields of nursery formation, as well as the short stature of trees of grafted varieties in the garden, precocity and productivity, clonal rootstocks of the apple tree B7-35, Arm18, 62-396, and B16-20 were distinguished. Their important role in unlocking the potential of ancient apple varieties in the south and southeast of Kazakhstan. These rootstocks and varieties are recommended for propagation and creation of highly productive orchards. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan provided funding within the framework of the budget program 267 “Improving the availability of knowledge and scientific research” under subprogram 101 “Program-targeted financing of scientific research and activities” – Creation of varieties and hybrids of fruit and berry, nut crops and grapes based on the achievements of bio and IT technologies, 2021–2023yy. No. BR10765032.


  • clonal rootstocks
  • nursery
  • seedlings
  • varieties
  • intensive gardening
  • selection

1. Introduction

In recent years, the economy of Kazakhstan has been steadily outpacing the average world growth rates, ensuring the progressive socioeconomic development of the country. In 2019, GDP growth amounted to 4.5%, accelerating the momentum gained in 2017–2018. More than 85% of economic growth in 2019 was provided by the non-primary sector of the economy. These are construction, manufacturing, and services in general. That’s where the growth prospects for the village. Therefore, our task is to at least increase productivity in the agro-industrial complex by 2024. Only agro-industrial diversification, that is, a sharp increase in the processing of agricultural raw materials, new equipment, new technologies, and approaches in agriculture, can solve this difficult task. It is necessary to use world experience, to quickly introduce it into our agriculture [1].

At present, in Kazakhstan, the production of fruit and berry products, as well as early vegetables during the off-season, is not sufficient. At the same time, there is a great potential for increasing the production of these products, given the favorable natural and climatic conditions of the southern regions of the republic for the cultivation of fruit crops and grapes. There is also a large market for fruit products in the border regions of the Russian Federation. One of the effective ways to increase the production of these products is the introduction of advanced technologies, in particular, intensive orchards with a high planting density, accelerated entry into commercial fruiting, and high yield potential. In order to implement the Program for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2013–2020 “Agribusiness-2020,” a Master Plan “Fruit and Vegetable Growing” was developed [2].

The main requirements of industrial horticulture are to obtain early-growing, high-yielding and low-growing fruit trees. These main requirements of intensification are achieved by introducing new varieties and rootstocks into the assortment, using various agro-technical methods, and using completely new types of planting structures [3, 4].

In the practice of managing the genetic diversity of planting material in Kazakhstan, a course has been taken to create gardens on low-growing vegetatively propagated (clonal) rootstocks, as well as to obtain highly adaptive varieties of horticultural crops by breeding [5].

In this regard, F&VRI has obtained a unique collection of rootstocks and varieties from various fruit growing regions of the world, as well as varieties of local selection, which has replenished the agro-diversity of fruit crops in Kazakhstan. Long-term studies have identified a group of rootstocks with positive economic and biological characteristics, in particular, good adaptability to local soil and climatic conditions of growth, contributing to high productivity of trees with good fruit quality [6].

At present, the isolated rootstocks of apple trees and varieties of horticultural crops form the basis for the development of a system for conducting intensive horticulture in Kazakhstan. The use of their biological potential will significantly increase the profitability of orchards in newly created peasant and farm enterprises and support their economy [7].


2. Materials and methods

The objects of research in the mother liquor, fruit nursery, and orchards were new for Kazakhstan clonal apple rootstocks and varieties of local selection of horticultural crops. The studies were carried out in the mother liquor of vegetatively propagated rootstocks, in the fields of nursery formation and in gardens of Almaty, Zhambyl, and South Kazakhstan regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Over the years of research, 150 clonal rootstocks of apple trees were studied, including 14 forms of apple trees of the M series, No. 34–30, No. 34–38, (England, East Malling Research Institute of Horticulture), 12 types of the MM series (England, East Malling Research Institute and D. Innes Research Institute of Horticulture), 10 rootstocks bred by V.I. Budagovsky, 4 rootstocks of the North Caucasian Zonal Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture, 52 forms of the B series (Dagestan, Buynaksk Experimental Station), 18 types of the Arm and LA series (Armenia, NIIVV and C), etc. The controls are generally recognized in world practice dwarf rootstocks M9, srednerosly MM106, in the gardens of the seed rootstock Nedzvetsky’s apple tree. Introduced and domestic varieties and hybrids of grapes. The genetic fund of grapes in Kazakhstan is more than 500 variety samples, where varieties are collected from almost all viticulture regions of the world, of which 28 varieties are selected by the Research Institute of Fruit Growing and Viticulture [8].

The soils of the experimental plot are dark chestnut, low humus, the average content of humus in the arable horizon is 2.3% with a deep occurrence of pebbles. The soils of the experimental plots before the laying of the experiments had an average supply of hydrolyzable nitrogen, mobile phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, zinc, low boron, and high manganese [9].

According to the mechanical composition, the soils are medium loamy. Soil-forming rocks are deposits represented by loess-like loamy clays, which are characterized by an increased content of carbonates. The soil reaction is alkaline, pH – 7.8.

The studies were carried out according to the methodological recommendations of the Kazakh Research Institute of Fruit Growing and Viticulture [10], All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture. I.V. Michurin [11], Uman Agricultural Institute [12], scientific institutions of the Baltic Republics and Belarus [13].


3. Results and discussion

The manufacturability of the rootstock in the mother liquor of vegetatively propagated sub-roots was determined by such indicators as the shoot-producing ability of mother bushes, the absence of shoots with lateral branches, the number of rooted shoots, the degree of rooting, and the output of standard layering.

For many years, the introduction and study of seed and clonal rootstocks of apple, pear and stone fruit species have been carried out in the nursery and orchards. Experimental gardens were laid in Almaty, Zhambyl, South Kazakhstan regions. Combinations of rootstocks with apple tree varieties Aport, Zarya Alatau, Golden Delicious, Milton, Jonathan were studied. Semi-dwarf – B 16–20.

Arm 18. Bred at the Armenian Research Institute of Viticulture, Winemaking and Fruit Growing (Yerevan) by breeder L.A. Apoyan.

The uterine bush is undersized, bushy in shape. The height of the uterine bush is 40 cm. The rooting of the layers is excellent – 4–5 points, the diameter of the conditional root collar is 8 mm. Layers are characterized by a strongly developed fibrous root system with good regeneration after planting. The output of standard cuttings in the mother liquor of vegetatively propagated rootstocks is 250–350 thousand pieces/ha, or an average of 300 thousand pieces/ha, which is significantly higher than the analogue of M9 and other clonal apple rootstocks. One of the best clonal apple rootstocks, perfectly propagated by woody cuttings in the open field.

Apple-tree varieties Aport, Golden Delicious, Jonathan, Zarya Alatau, Milton, Saltanat budded on Arm 18 give a high yield of standard 1-year-old seedlings, an average of 52 thousand pcs/ha for varieties or 99% of the total number of dug seedlings, of which 77% first commercial grade.

The trees in the garden are stunted and smaller in size than M9, early-bearing, they bear fruit 4–5 years after planting and subsequently are characterized by high yields. The average yield of various varieties is 180–260 q/ha. Trees are well fixed in the soil. The rootstock is more drought-resistant than M9.

The stock is recommended for use in Almaty, Zhambyl, and South Kazakhstan regions.

B7-35. Received at the Buinaksk Experimental Horticulture Station D.N. Krylov, R.G. Tsabolov (Dagestan, Buynaksk).

The uterine bush is medium tall, bushy-pyramidal in shape. In the mother liquor, the height of the bush is 62 cm. Rooting of cuttings takes an average of 8 years, 3–10 years after planting – 4.4 points. The uterine bushes are resistant to falling out. From the moment of planting and during 12 years of operation of the mother liquor, 97% of the bushes were preserved, in M9 – 86%. The output of standard cuttings is high – 237 thousand pieces/ha, which is 83% of the total number of shoots.

In the nursery, this stock has even, smooth trunks with elastic bark, which makes budding easier. The output of seedlings in the nursery is 47,000 pieces/ha of 1-year-olds.

Apple cultivars in the orchard are characterized by moderate growth or level with trees on M9.

Apple varieties begin to bear fruit 3–4 years after planting. The average yield of 14 18-year-old trees is 130 (Aport) and 230 q/ha (Zarya Alatau, Jonathan). Trees of grafted varieties on this stock, unlike M9, are very firmly fixed in the soil due to the presence of skeletal roots. A valuable feature of B7-35 is its high resistance to drought, which is of great importance for a dwarf rootstock under irrigated fruit growing.

For high economic and biological indicators, the dwarf apple rootstock B7-35 is recommended for use in Almaty, Zhambyl, and South Kazakhstan regions.

62-396. Selections of the Department of Fruit Growing of the Michurinsk State Agrarian University, selected from the hybrid fund of V.I. Budagovsky and others (Russia, Michurinsk).

The dwarf rootstock of the apple tree has an anthocyanin coloration of leaves, shoots, bark, wood, and roots inherited from the Nedzvetsky apple tree – a local species of Kazakhstan.

In the mother liquor of clonal rootstocks of apple tree 62–396, it is characterized by excellent rooting of shoots – 4.7 points and a high yield of standard cuttings – 260,000 pieces/ha, which is four times more than M9. Thanks to good rooting of the shoots and a powerful fibrous root system, they take root well and grow intensively in the nursery, which makes it possible to obtain a high yield of standard seedlings.

The height and size of trees on this rootstock are 14–28% lower than on M9, depending on the variety. They begin to bear fruit 4–5 years after planting. The average yield of various varieties is 150–220 q/ha. Under-howl is very drought-resistant and winter-hardy, having inherited valuable traits from Nedzwiecki’s apple tree. The rootstock can be successfully used in the northern regions of Kazakhstan.

Since 1998, the stock has been included in the State Register of the Republic of Kazakhstan and approved for use in Almaty, Zhambyl, South Kazakhstan regions.

Employees of the nursery laboratory, as a result of crossing clonal rootstocks with the Nedzvetsky apple tree, received a series (seven forms) of new low-growing vegetatively propagated rootstocks called “Zhetysu.” The rootstock Zhetysu 5 turned out to be promising for production.

Zhetysu 5. Selections of LLP “KazNII of fruit growing and viticulture.”

The shoots of the rootstock Zhetysu 5 are characterized by very high rooting in the mother liquor – 4.4 points. The output of standard cuttings is very high – 321,000 pieces/ha. Thanks to a powerful root system, they take root well and grow intensively in the nursery, which makes it possible to obtain a high yield of standard seedlings.

The height of 14-year-old Golden Delicious apple trees under irrigated conditions in the foothill zone is 3.2 m, which is 20% higher than on M9, the crown width is 2.3 m, the projection area is 4.1 m2, and the volume is 6.0 m3.

The apple-tree variety Golden Delicious on the rootstock Zhetysu 5 begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting. The average yield of Golden Delicious trees is 171.5 q/ha. Rootstock is very drought-tolerant. It is a promising semi-dwarf apple rootstock for the conditions of the south-east of Kazakhstan.

Variety Aport gave the highest total yield on a dwarf rootstock B 7-35 (1758 q/ha). As seed rootstocks for the variety Aport, 22 varieties of apple trees were studied, of which, according to positive economic and biological indicators, seedlings of the varieties Pestrushka and Eko-numberat Extermayer stood out.

For pear varieties Forest Beauty and Talgar Beauty, low-growing seed rootstocks were selected. It has been established that among 23 pear seed rootstocks, the East Asian group of the Bretschneider species is characterized by an excellent root system in the nursery, a high yield of seedlings. Variety Forest beauty on rootstocks of Chinese origin Xiang li, Bai li, Xiao he bai li, Zi li, in comparison with the forest pear, differs in moderate growth, compact crown (height of 6 summer trees – 1.9–2.8 m, on forest pear – 3.1 m).

Out of 23 forms of pear clonal rootstocks, a high yield of standard offspring in the mother liquor was obtained from quince Arm 21, No. 1, K13, Sido.

A large collection of seed and clonal rootstocks for stone fruits has been studied. There are 36 types and forms in total. The collection of plum seed rootstocks includes cherry plums of the North Caucasus, plums of the Mountain Pa-mir (Balzhuanskaya, Darvazskaya), hybrids of cherry plum, and Aflatunia, felt cherry from the Far East. The most effective rootstock for plum varieties Victoria, Stanley, was felt cherry. The average yield for the fruiting years of the Stanley variety was 240 c/ha, of the Victoria variety −120 c/ha.

For cherry from the studied forms of cerapadus (VP-1, 28,888, 30,020, 31,409), the rootstock VP-1 was isolated. Cherry cultivars Lyubskaya and Komsomolskaya proved to be more productive on this rootstock than on Maga-lebka cherry.

New rootstocks, identified as a result of many years of work at the Kazakh Research Institute of Fruit Growing and Viticulture, made it possible to reevaluate the potential of a number of ancient and local varieties of the south and south-east of Kazakhstan, such as Aport, Zarya Alatau, Salta-nat, and others. These varieties, having excellent taste and appearance, as a rule, did not differ in consistently high yields over the years. On new rootstocks, they gave a significantly greater economic effect and therefore should not be discounted when determining the assortment for laying commercial gardens and growing planting material. So, for example, the unique variety Aport on the dwarf rootstock B7-35 exceeded by 35–45%, in terms of productivity, trees on M 9. 9 times higher than on the widespread rootstock MM106.

In 2015, a mother plant was planted with clonal rootstocks of stone fruit crops bred by Eremina G.V. (11 forms). According to economic and biological characteristics in the mother liquor, the forms VSV-1, Druzhba, Evrika 99 can be attributed to the group of promising clonal rootstocks of stone fruit crops [14].

At present, the ampelographic collection is located in two different natural and climatic zones: in the south near the city of Shymkent and in the southeast, near the city of Almaty.

Over the years of the existence of the ampelographic collection, the grape gene pool has been drawn from 22 countries, almost from all regions of viticulture, and amounts to more than 500 varieties, of which 28 varieties are bred by the Kazakh Research Institute of Fruit Growing and Viticulture [15].

In the ampelographic collection, a group of oriental varieties, Taifi pink, Nimrang, Boyan shirey, Khindogny, Khu-saine, Karaburnu, etc., is widely represented. Moldova, Queen of Vineyards, and many others. Western European group – varieties Aligote, Pinot franc, Riesling, Cabernet franc, etc. American group – varieties Lydia, Isabella, Lyatis.

Also in the ampelographic collection, there are native varieties – Kuldzhinsky, Uigursky white.

Breeding is inextricably linked with variety study, since without knowledge of grape varieties and their characteristics, it is impossible to correctly select the source material for breeding new varieties. The collection has a hybrid nursery, which contains more than 3500 hybrid forms, from which a rigorous selection is carried out annually according to a set of positive indicators [16].

All vineyards in Kazakhstan are located in the zone of sheltered viticulture; therefore, it is important to select varieties that are characterized by increased winter hardiness suitable for growing grapes in a subclinical and even non-covering culture. On this basis, nine varieties were selected, as well as breeders of Kazakhstan created a group of varieties with increased winter hardiness (Samal, Almaly, Iliysky, Bereke), which allow the cultivation of grapes in a subclinical culture.

In Kazakhstan, in recent years, epiphytoties of mildew and oidium have become more and more frequent. As a result of the study and analysis, 12 varieties were selected from the collection, which most fully meet modern requirements (Moldova, December, Lyana, Rusmol, Citron Magaracha, etc.). All of these cultivars are used in crossbreeding as parental forms to create complex disease-resistant cultivars [17].

Kazakhstan is in the phylloxera free zone. Until now, all vineyards are root-owned, so at present, the import of foreign collection material is possible only through in vitro, and this is associated with additional difficulties. In this regard, selection is underway to create local varieties of ultra-early and early ripening, as well as varieties with high winter hardiness and disease resistance, high yields. New varieties and hybrid forms (Kara-Koz, Almaty, Kyzyl Tan, Aigul, Kishmish Alma-Ata, Muscat Kazakhstani, etc.) in the south and south-east of Kazakhstan are far ahead of standard varieties in terms of maturation. Many of them have already been zoned and are undergoing state testing [18].

Table grape varieties

Grape variety Alma-Ata early

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 1974

Authors: Ponamarchuk V.P., Bogdanova V.S.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: Madeleine Angevin.

General characteristics: Very early table variety.

Approbation signs: Bisexual flower. The berries are medium, round, light green, golden yellow on the sunny side. The skin of the berries is thin, well-eaten, the flesh is juicy, fleshy. The taste of berries is pleasant with a nutmeg aroma. The bushes are medium tall, the ripening of the shoots is good.

Productivity: Productivity is 120–130c/ha, differs in good sa-horonaccumulation.

Resistance to diseases and climatic conditions: Winter hardiness is relatively high. Disease resistance is good.

Recommendations: Zhambyl region (Table 1).

RootstocksFrom a bush, pcs.thousand units/haStandard of the total number of shoots,%First commercial grade from standard layers, %
M9 (St)2.1658762
MM106 (St)3.41067452
SPS -74.11285379

Table 1.

Yield of standard apple cuttings depending on rootstocks (average over 8 years).

Grape variety Alma-Ata

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 2004

Authors: Ponamarchuk V.P., Tekhneryadnova R.T.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: It was bred by the method of intraspecific hybridization from crossing varieties Druzhba X Rizamat and subsequent individual selection.

General characteristics: Table variety of medium-late ripening period. It is offered as a table variety for fresh consumption (Table 2).

RootstocksOutput of one-year-olds
from 1 ha, thousand piecesOf the total number of seedlings,%First grade from standard
M9 (St)54.09777
MM106 (St)65.49885
Arm 1872.29977

Table 2.

Influence of rootstocks on the output of standard annual apple seedlings in the nursery.

Approbation characteristics: A cluster of large size, conical shape, medium-dense, stem length 3 cm. The average weight of the clusters is 410 g. The berry is large, oval shape. The color of the berries is black. The skin is rough. The consistency of the pulp is fleshy-juicy, the juice is not colored, the taste is pleasant, harmoniously sweet. Seeds – 2–3 pieces, seed size is medium, pear-shaped, light brown in color. The sugar content in berry juice is 17%. Acidity −6.2 g/l. Tasting score 4.8 points.

Productivity: Productivity from a bush is 6.8 kg, productivity from 1 hectare is 165.9 q/ha.

Resistance to diseases and climatic conditions: Covering culture. Winter hardiness is average. Disease resistance is average.

Recommendations: Zhambyl region.

Grape variety Muscat Kazakhstani

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 2011

The authors: Ponomarchuk V.P., Tekhneryadnova R.T., Karycheva L.A., Smurygin A.S.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: Madeleine Ange. x Muscat of Alexandria. + Muscat Uzbekistan.

General characteristics: Table variety of medium ripening period.

Approbation signs: Bisexual flower. The berries are medium and large, white, oval, the flesh is fleshy, with a nutmeg flavor. Bushes of medium strength, shoots ripen satisfactorily.

Productivity: Productivity average (140–160c/hectare).

Flour-grinding and baking qualities: Clusters are medium and large (180–260 g), medium dense.

Disease and weather resistance: Disease resistance is moderate.

Recommendations: Almaty region.

Grape variety Bereke

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 2020

Authors: Ponomarchuk V.P., Tekhneryadnova R.T., Karycheva L.A., Beketaeva L.I., Kazybaeva S.Zh.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: Northern x Ili.

General characteristics: Variety of early-medium ripening, technical direction of use.

Approbation signs: The berry is small, black, rounded. The bunch is medium, dense. Resistant to oidium and frost. The bushes are very tall, the ripening of the shoots is good. Recommended for making intensely colored dry and dessert wines.

Productivity: Productivity is 90–104 c/hectare.

Resistance to diseases and climatic conditions: The variety is relatively resistant to mildew, oidium, and low temperatures.

Recommendations: Turkestan region.

Apple tree

Apple variety Ainur

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 2011

Authors: Vinovets A.D., Ostarkova L.V.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: Created by the method of intraspecific hybridization of individual selection from crossing Aport x Golden Delicious.

General characteristics: Variety of autumn–winter ripening period. Winter hardy. Disease resistant.

Approbation signs: The tree is medium-sized, the crown is round, sprawling, medium thickened. Fruits of medium size 170–200 g, round-conical, golden yellow, with a slight blush, sweet and sour taste, with a strong aroma, creamy flesh, juicy, dense, tender.

Yield: Average yield 20 t/ha.

Disease and climate resistance: Drought-resistant variety. Moderately diseased.

Competitiveness: The main advantages of the variety: Winter-hardy, regular fruiting, yield and stability of fruit formation in years with different meteorological conditions.

Recommendations: For cultivation in Almaty, Zhambyl and Turkestan regions (Table 3).

RootstocksTree height,
Crown projection area,
Crown volume, m3Average yield for the last 5 years, c/ha
Alma-Ata’s region
Aport, 20-year-old trees
Niedzwiecki (St)4.614.02826.2
MM106 (St)4.09.61629.2
M 9 (St)3.49.21793.6
Dawn of Alatau, 20-year-old trees
Niedzwiecki (St)6.416.248129.2
MM106 (St)5.611.227121.6
M 9 (St)4.69.419226.0
South Kazakhstan region
Jonathan, 19-year-old trees
Niedzwiecki (St)4.012.62275.6
MM106 (St)3.610.215107.2
M 9 (St)2.99.09168.0

Table 3.

Influence of rootstocks on height, crown habit, and productivity of apple trees.

Apple variety Egemen

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 2019

Authors: Vinovets A.D., Ostarkova L.V., Nurtazina N.Yu.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: Derived from seedlings of the variety Golden Delicious.

General characteristics: Variety of winter ripening. The grade differs in high winter hardiness, plentiful annual fructification. Ripens at the end of September, lies until April. It begins fruiting 3–4 years after planting in the garden.

Approbation signs: The tree is medium-sized. The crown is dense, rounded, the branches are compact. The fruits are large, regular conical shape 180–200 g. With an integumentary okrus all over the fruit.

Yield: Average yield 20 t/ha.

Disease and climatic resistance: Drought-resistant variety. Resistant to powdery mildew and scab.

Competitiveness: The main advantages of the variety: Winter-hardy, regular fruiting, yield and stability of fruit formation in years with different meteorological conditions.

Recommendations: For cultivation in the Turkestan region.

Apple variety Voskhod

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 2011

Authors: Vinovets A.D., Ostarkova L.V.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: Created by the method of intraspecific hybridization of individual selection from crossing Fantasia x Sinap Almaty.

General characteristics: Winter ripening, high winter hardiness. Resistant to powdery mildew and scab. It starts fruiting 2–3 years after planting in the garden. The yield is high.

Approbation signs: The tree is medium-sized, the crown is round, compact. The fruits are large, up to 260 g, candilla-shaped, light yellow in color with a delicate blush. The taste is sweet and sour, with a pleasant aroma. The pulp is white, dense, tender, juicy, fine-grained.

Productivity: Average productivity −35 t/ha.

Disease and climate resistance: Drought-resistant variety. Moderately diseased.

Competitiveness: The main advantages of the variety: Winter-hardy, regular fruiting, yield and stability of fruit formation in years with different meteorological conditions. Stored until April.

Recommendations: For cultivation in Almaty, Zhambyl and Turkestan regions.

Pear variety Talgar beauty

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 1965

Authors: Katseiko A.N.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: Created by the method of intraspecific hybridization, the seedling of the Forest Beauty from St. pollination.

General characteristics: Autumn ripening. Winter hardiness is high.

Approbation signs: The tree is medium-sized. The crown is wide-pyramidal, of medium density. It enters fruiting in the 4th year after planting in the garden. Productivity is high. The fruits are large, elongated pear-shaped. The color is light yellow with a red carmine blush on the greater half of the fruit. The pulp is creamy, crispy, juicy.

Yield: Maximum yield 20.0 t/ha.

Disease and climatic resistance: Drought-resistant variety. Moderately diseased.

Competitiveness: The main advantages of the variety: Winter-hardy, regular fruiting, yield and stability of fruit formation in years with different meteorological conditions. Keep until January. Transportability is high.

Recommendations: For cultivation in Almaty, Zhambyl, East Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda, and Turkestan regions.

Pear variety Fragrant

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 1965

Authors: Katseiko A.N.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: Created by the method of intraspecific hybridization, the seedling of the Forest Beauty from St. pollination.

General characteristics: Autumn ripening. It has high winter hardiness and good resistance to pests and diseases. It begins fruiting 5–6 years after planting in the garden. Yield is high.

Approbation signs: The tree is medium-sized. The crown is dense, pyramidal. The shape of the fruit is broadly pear-shaped, slightly oblique at the stalk. The color is yellow-green, with a slight blush on the sunny side, the flesh is tender, juicy, sweet with a strong specific aroma. Variety of winter ripening.

Yield: Maximum yield 18.0 t/ha.

Disease and climate resistance: Drought-resistant variety. Moderately diseased.

Competitiveness: The main advantages of the variety: Winter-hardy, regular fruiting, yield and stability of fruit formation in years with different meteorological conditions. Stored until January. Transportability is high.

Recommendations: For cultivation in Almaty, Kyzylorda regions.

Plum variety Bailyk

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 2020

Authors: Nurtazin M.T.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: Created by intraspecific hybridization Renklod green from free pollination.

General characteristics: Autumn ripening, high winter hardiness. Disease resistant.

Approbation signs: The tree is medium-sized, the crown is compressed, reverse-middle shape. It starts fruiting 5–6 years after planting in the garden. The yield is high. Fruits are medium, oval, purple in color, pulp: orange, juicy, medium density, hormonally sour sweet taste.

Yield: Maximum yield 4.8 t/ha.

Disease and climate resistance: Drought-resistant variety. Moderately diseased.

Competitiveness: The main advantages of the variety: Winter-hardy, regular fruiting, yield and stability of fruit formation in years with different meteorological conditions.

Recommendations: For cultivation in the Almaty region.

Plum variety Renklod Talgarsky

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 2020

Authors: Nurtazin M.T.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: from free pollination of the Edinburgh plum variety

General Characteristics: Medium early maturing variety than standard Stanley late maturing variety. Winter hardiness and resistance to diseases and pests is good.

Approbation signs: The tree is medium-sized, spherical with a spreading crown. It begins fruiting 4–5 years after planting in the garden. Mixed fruiting. Fruits are medium, round purple-brown. The pulp is yellow, juicy, cartilaginous, of good sweet and sour taste, it separates well from the stone. Variety of universal use.

Yield: Maximum yield 4.0 t/ha.

Disease and climate resistance: Drought-resistant variety. Moderately diseased.

Competitiveness: The main advantages of the variety: Winter-hardy, regular fruiting, yield and stability of fruit formation in years with different meteorological conditions.

Recommendations: For cultivation in the Almaty region.

Cherry variety Aigerim

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 1996

Authors: Nurtazin M.T.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: Yellow Drogana from free pollination

General characteristics: A variety of medium-late ripening, high winter hardiness. Disease resistant high.

Approbation features: The tree is not large, compact, the crown is compressed, drooping, of medium density. It starts fruiting at the age of 5, after planting in the garden. The yield is high. The fruits are large, attractive, yellow in color, with a bright blush. The taste is sweet and sour, with a pleasant aroma. The pulp is yellow, dense, juicy, pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Yield: Maximum yield 20.5 t/ha.

Disease and climate resistance: Drought-resistant variety. Moderately diseased.

Competitiveness: The main advantages of the variety: Winter-hardy, regular fruiting, yield and stability of fruit formation in years with different meteorological conditions.

Recommendations: For cultivation in the Almaty region.

Sweet cherry variety Lyazzat

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 1999

Authors: Nurtazin M.T.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: from free pollination of Drogana yellow

General characteristics: Late ripening, high winter hardiness. Disease resistant.

Approbation signs: The tree is medium-sized, the crown is round, spreading. It begins fruiting 5 years after planting in the garden. Yield is average. The fruits are large, dark red, obtuse-shaped. The taste is sweet and sour, with a pleasant aroma. The pulp is dark red, crackling, very dense, juicy.

Yield: Maximum yield 10.5 t/ha.

Disease and climate resistance: Drought-resistant variety. Moderately diseased.

Competitiveness: The main advantages of the variety: Winter-hardy, regular fruiting, yield and stability of fruit formation in years with different meteorological conditions.

Recommendations: For cultivation in the Zhambyl region.

Tauly blackcurrant variety

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 2020

Authors: Kadirsizova Zh.K. Egorova G.I.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: Bred by selection from seedlings of the variety Minai Shmyrev.

General characteristics: A variety of medium ripening. The variety has an advantage in winter hardiness and resistance to powdery mildew in relation to the standard variety “Minay Shmyrev.” There is a patent No. 572 dated 10/20/2015.

Approbation signs: The bush is medium-sized, semi-spreading. Shoots are medium, straight. Leaves are 3-lobed, large, dark green. The leaf blade is naked, matte, smooth, convex. Fruit raceme of medium length (5-8 cm). The berries are large, black, rounded, the skin is medium with a dry margin. The average weight of berries is 1.8 g, the maximum is 2.0 g. The taste of berries is sweet–sour (4.5 b) with aroma. Versatile berries.

Productivity: Productivity is 65.0–67.0c/hectare.

Resistance to diseases and climatic conditions: Moderately affected by diseases.

Competitiveness: The main advantages of the variety: Winter-hardy, external presentation, fruit size, regular fruiting, yield and stability of fruit formation in years with different meteorological conditions.

Recommendations: For cultivation in the Zhambyl region.

Blackcurrant variety Gulzat

Year of inclusion of the variety in the State Register: 2019.

Authors: Kadirsizova Zh.K., Egorova G.I.

Originator: Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture LLP

Origin: Derived from free pollination of the currant variety Leskovitsa.

General characteristics: A variety of medium ripening. A variety of medium ripening, winter-hardy, drought-resistant, resistant to powdery mildew.

Approbation signs: The bush is medium-sized, semi-spreading. Shoots are straight, light brown. The leaves are 3-lobed, large, dark green. The leaf blade is naked, matte, wrinkled, with blunt short teeth. The berries are large, black, round, with a dry separation (1.7 g). The taste of berries – 4.5 points, with aroma.

Productivity: Productivity on the average 67–70c/hectare.

Resistance to diseases and climatic conditions: Moderately affected by diseases.

Competitiveness: The main advantages of the variety: Winter-hardy, regular fruiting, yield and stability of fruit formation in years with different meteorological conditions.

Recommendations: For cultivation in the Almaty region.

Under field conditions, variety samples are stored for 10 plants of each variety, which makes it possible to obtain a completely objective assessment based on the results of many years of study. The most valuable varieties and hybrids are preserved in vitro during cold storage [19].


4. Conclusion

Currently, the gene pool of fruit tree rootstocks in Kazakhstan is 39 forms, species and types.

The collection from various fruit growing regions of the world allows replenishing the agrobiodiversity of fruit trees in Kazakhstan and makes it possible to use their genetic and biological potential in the production of fruit seedlings and create modern gardens.

In the field gene bank of Kazakhstan, 140 technical varieties are preserved, of which: 9 varieties with increased winter hardiness, 12 – resistant to fungal diseases; 230 table varieties, of which 18 varieties of super-early and early ripening, 50 varieties of raisin, 28 varieties of selection of the Kazakh Research Institute of Fruit Growing and Viticulture were selected.


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Written By

Yuliya M. Yefremova, Marina V. Urazayeva and Saule Sh. Kazybaeva

Submitted: 25 May 2022 Reviewed: 29 September 2022 Published: 16 May 2023