Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Traffic Load and Its Impact on Track Maintenance

Written By

Stefan Marschnig and Ursula Ehrhart

Submitted: 11 December 2022 Reviewed: 07 March 2023 Published: 25 April 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.110800

From the Edited Volume

New Research on Railway Engineering and Transportation

Edited by Ali G. Hessami and Roderick Muttram

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Transport volume is often addressed as gross-tonnage when it comes to track degradation, maintenance needs and maintenance costs. Tonnage and thus weight are insufficient to address track loading: The vehicle properties, mainly axle load, unsprung masses and bogie stiffness, as well as train speed have a major impact on track maintenance demand. This chapter gives an overview on vehicle-specific track deterioration models and describes the maintenance needs of different track as well as the influence on track maintenance cost of different vehicles and trains. The approach proposed is both simple enough to be used and sufficiently detailed to address the main technical aspects. The differences of track maintenance necessary for mixed traffic lines, high-speed lines and heavy haul freight lines can be derived from the vehicles used and the existing train speeds. In passenger transport, the difference between push-pull loco hauled trains (with wagons) and multiple units are a major aspect.


  • track maintenance
  • traffic load
  • gross-tonnage
  • track deterioration model
  • vehicle properties
  • track access charges

1. Introduction

Transport volume is one major trigger of track maintenance [1]. For all structures, the loading drives damage, wear and overall system deterioration. In the case of railway track, the loading can be described in different ways. The number of trains gives information on the track utilization. This indicator is important in terms of capacity and linked issues like timetabling, but does not directly influence the maintenance as trains range from heavy freight trains to fast long-distance passenger trains to regional trains. The number of trains does have influence on the maintenance costs as most maintenance tasks need closed-down tracks. Line utilization specifies that the duration of track closures which in turn defines the possible length maintenance tasks can be carried out and thus impacts the cost per meter [2]. Additionally, so-called cost of operational hindrances emerges as trains are delayed, re-routed or simply do not run [3, 4]. Alternatively, the accumulated weight of trains can be applied which describes the intensity of track usage. The calculated gross-tonnage is widely used as an indicator for track loading and used for both classifying tracks [5] and defining maintenance frequencies [6, 7, 8]. Consequently, track maintenance cost is allocated to gross-ton-kilometers [9, 10]. Also charging is based on this unit [11, 12]. On the other hand, tracks are designed, constructed and classified for a maximum permissible static axle load and a maximum allowed speed [13, 14, 15]. Forces are generally used as loading for the design of structures, and the static axle load at least approximates the vertical loading. Summarizing, the gross-tonnage is a feasible indication for the vertical loading and thus works as an approximation for ballast maintenance and possible rail fatigue. However, the gross-tonnage is definitely not sufficient for all damage mechanisms that are additionally triggered by lateral forces, slip and/or applied traction forces and thus for determining maintenance requirements for rails and turnouts. Moreover, gross-tonnage does not cover axle loads and speed.

There are some approaches covering those—and even more—aspects in calculating so-called equivalent gross-tons. In [16, 17] speed and high axle loads act as increasing factors, so does the aggressiveness of powered axles. [18, 19] additionally address the unsprung mass. Those models improve the description of vertical impacts, but still do not address lateral aspects. The approach of Burstow adds these in providing a damage index for the rails [20].

Finally, there are existing track deterioration models combining all the mentioned aspects [18, 21]. These models have been the inspiration for the proposed model in this paper which is close to the SBB-model. We specified the loading for crossings in turnouts and also added an additional damage term for the entire track structure being restored by a track renewal only. In the result section, we give several examples using this model for both the prediction of track maintenance and the effects of different train service and vehicles. These examples leave out the damage mechanisms for turnouts and the entire track and turnout structures so that one can follow the examples well.


2. Methodology

2.1 Track deterioration model

A track deterioration model (TDM) enables damage assessment by using one mathematical formula. The TDM presented is therefore an analytic approach. The model is based on three input categories: track characteristic, rolling stock and track maintenance. Figure 1 gives an overview of the input categories that have an impact on the TDM.

Figure 1.

Input categories for the track deterioration model.

The first category track characteristics provides components of the track’s superstructure such as rail type (profile and steel grade), sleeper type and ballast bed condition. Furthermore, the category track characteristic includes information about the condition of substructure and functionality of drainage. Radius and maximum permissible speed (alignment caused) can be found as well in this category. In Section 2.3.1, the track characteristic is discussed in more details.

In the second category Maintenance track works are documented by their type, frequency and costs. This category is strongly linked to the track characteristic. Types of maintenance work considered in the model can be found in the subchapters of Section 2.2.

Vehicle parameters that are necessary for the TDM and therefore those which can cause damage to the track can be allocated to Rolling Stock. Parameters like maximum vehicle speed, number of powered/unpowered axles, static and dynamic vertical wheel load, etc., are collected in the third category. This is discussed in Section 2.3.2.

Linking all parameters of those three input categories together enables setting up a track deterioration model. The core of the TDM is a developed mathematical wear formula that is composed of damage terms (Dn for damage) and cost calibration factors (cn for costs). The wear formula consists of seven damage terms which range from D1 to D7. Each of the seven damage terms describes a partial damage that occurs due to a vehicle’s run through the track and the arising vehicle track interaction. As those damage terms do differ in their units and do cause different maintenance costs, the damage terms are multiplied by cost calibration factors. Eq. (1) depicts the calculation method and general composition of the wear formula, in which the products of damage terms and cost calibration factors are added up to give total costs per vehicle kilometer.


CVeh,S,R—costs per vehicle kilometer depending on speed and radius (costs/km); cn—cost calibration factors (n = 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 5, 6, 7) (costs/(unit km*)); Dn—damage term (n = 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 5, 6, 7)(unit*).

*Unit of the damage term: kN3 (D1, D6 and D7), kN1.2 (D2), kW/mm2 (D3), kN (D5) and D4.1 and D4.2 are unitless

Damage terms D1, D2, D5, D6 and D7 represent physical forces that are expressed in kN. However, D1, D6 and D7 are weighted by the exponent 3 (kN3), while damage term D2 is weighted by the exponent 1.2 (kN1.2). D3 describes the rail deterioration caused by the physical power per wheel in kW/mm2. The contact patch frictional energy described in D4 is expressed in Nm/m. By the fact that the damage terms differ in their physical units, the cost calibration factors correlate to the track damage terms in costs/unit-kilometer.

Precising the general Eq. (1) by means of its damage terms Dn leads to the track deterioration formula set up by Graz University of Technology based on the existing SBB-formula [21]. The track deterioration model and its detailed approach for each damage term are depicted in Eq. (2).


CVeh,S,R—costs per vehicle kilometer depending on speed and radius (costs/km); cn—cost calibration factors (n = 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 5, 6, 7) (costs/(unit km*); P2,S—dynamic vertical wheel force (long-waved) depending on speed (kN); P1,S—dynamic vertical wheel force (short-waved) depending on speed (kN); YR—lateral force of the guiding wheel on the outer rail within radius R 190 m (kN); TPV—traction power value (kW/mm2); D4.1—damage index for rolling contact fatigue (RCF); D4.2—damage index for plastic deformation/rail abrasion; f71,R—weighting factor for the vertical dynamic wheel force depending on radius R; f72,R—weighting factor for the lateral wheel force depending on radius R.

*Unit of the damage term: kN3 (D1, D6 and D7), kN1.2 (D2), kW/mm2 (D3), kN (D5) and D4.1 and D4.2 are unitless

The track deterioration model consists of seven damage terms, whose calculation is based on one of the four physical parameters vertical or lateral force, power or friction work. These four parameters lead to wear mechanism in the track and therefore to maintenance work. A more detailed explanation of each damage term can be found in the following Section 2.2, while Section 2.3.2 describes the four physical parameters.

2.2 Damage terms

2.2.1 D1: Track geometry deterioration

Damage term D1 describes track geometry deterioration and ballast destruction on the basis of dynamic vertical wheel contact force P2. [22] and [23] are the foundation for the approach of the P2 force (see Section 2.3.2 for more details). This force is not only vehicle-dependent but also a function of speed and represents the long-waved force influence that is caused by track joints/isolated defects. As shown in Eq. (3), the dynamic vertical wheel contact force P2 is weighted by the exponent 3. The approach of the over linear influence (exponent 3) of the representative axle load bases on [24]. In 1987, the dynamic effects due to increasing axle load from 20 to 22.5 metric tons were investigated on the railway test circuit in Velim (Czechia).


D1—damage term 1 (kN3); P2,S—dynamic vertical wheel force (long-waved) depending on speed (kN).

In the calculation of damage term D1, each vehicle’s wheelset is classified as damage-relevant. Ballast bed cleaning, line and spot tamping are types of maintenance work that are related to this damage term.

2.2.2 D2 and D3: Rail surface damage (straight tracks)

The damage terms D2 and D3 are discussed together in this chapter because both describe rail surface failures in straight tracks, however, due to different impacts. Damage term D2 describes rail surface failures due to vehicle’s dynamic vertical wheel force. The wheel force P2 used in D2 corresponds to the force applied in damage term D1. As depicted in Eq. (4), the P2 force is weighted by the exponent 1.2. The approach of the power 1.2 does also form the basis of [24, 25], in which the influence of increasing axle load from 20 to 22 metric tons was investigated. In damage term D2, every wheelset is relevant for determining the surface failure due to vertical force impact.


D2—damage term 2 (kN1.2); P2,S—dynamic vertical wheel force (long-waved) depending on speed (kN).

As not only dynamic vertical forces affect the rail surface, the model does also consider longitudinal forces on the rail. Longitudinal forces are induced by the traction power of the rolling stock [26]. Damage term D3 describes the influence of traction power on the rail surface by means of the traction power value (TPV). This value is based on the vehicle’s power density. The power density is related to the cumulated contact area between rail and wheel of powered axles. Hence, a multiplication with the number of axles (like it is done, e.g., in D1 and D2) is not necessary. Furthermore, only powered axles are considered in damage term D3. Eq. (5) describes the content of damage term D3 with its unit. A more detailed description of the traction power value can be found in Section 2.3.2.


D3—damage term 3 (kW/mm2); TPV—traction power value (kW/mm2).

Both damage terms D2 and D3 describe rail surface fatigue in straight tracks, where head checks, squats and corrugation occur. The vertical (D2) and lateral (D3) force impact cause maintenance work in form of rail surface treatment, such as grinding and milling.

2.2.3 D4.1 and D4.2: rail surface damage and wear (curved tracks)

As damage term D2 and D3 describe the rail surface damage in straight tracks, damage terms D4.1 and D4.2 do so for curved tracks. In curved tracks, a distinction between three damage characteristics can be drawn: rolling contact fatigue (RCF), rail abrasion/plastic deformation and a mixture of both effects. The three damage characteristics are evaluated due to the contact patch frictional energy Tγ (T-Gamma) that is calculated by a multiple-body simulation. The evaluating function that describes the relationship between the contact patch frictional energy (Tγ) and the fatigue damage is based on findings by Burstow [18]. This function with its different wear areas (A to D) is depicted in Figure 2. In the function’s area A (Tγ < 15 Nm/m), no rail surface wear occurs, whereas in area B RCF takes place (15 ≤ Tγ < 65 Nm/m). RCF as well as abrasion/deformation appears in function area C (65 ≤ Tγ < 175 Nm/m). Isolated rail abrasion/deformation is described in area D (Tγ > 175 Nm/m).

Figure 2.

Burstow’s evaluating damage function [18] that distinguishes in no wear (A), RCF (B), RCF and abrasion/deformation (C) and abrasion/deformation (D).

As the TDM distinguishes between rail surface treatments and rail exchange, Burstow’s evaluating damage function is split up into descriptive functions for damage term D4.1 as depicted in Eq. (6) and damage term D4.2 as shown in Eq. (7). These two equations reflect different scenarios (a to e). Scenarios (a)-(c) describe rail surface wear that is connected to rail surface treatments in curved tracks as it is meant by damage term D4.1. Scenarios (d) and (e) are linked to damage term D4.2 that represents rail exchange in curved tracks.


D4.1—damage term 4.1; D4.2—damage term 4.1; n—number of leading wheelsets of a bogie; Tγ—contact patch energy (Nm/m).

The total damage potential of a vehicle is obtained by multiplying each term D4.1 and D4.2 by the number of all leading wheelsets in a bogie, since only these are considered as relevant for damage. The contact patch friction that appears in curved tracks not only leads to rail surface treatments but also to rail exchanges of the outer rail. Damage terms D4.1 and D4.2 therefore enable an evaluation of curve-friendly vehicles. Nerlich and Holzfeind [27] shows that actively controlled wheelsets that enable a better radial position in curved track sections lower the contact patch friction by over 60%. A more detailed description of the contact patch energy Tγ is discussed in Section 2.3.2.

2.2.4 D5: Wear of turnout components

Damage term D5 describes wear of turnout components with the exception of the crossing nose. The wear of the crossing nose is specified in an extra damage term (D6). As can be seen in Eq. (8), term D5 is described by the vertical (P2) and lateral (YR) forces. P2 is thereby analogous to the use in D1. Whereas YR is estimated by a multiple-body simulation and represents the lateral force of the guiding wheel on the outer rail that occurs while driving through a s-curve. As a reference for the simulation, a turnout deviation at a radius of 190 m and speed of 40 kmph was chosen as representative for turnouts in the Austrian railway network. This turnout geometry not only represents the vehicle’s characteristic significantly, and this geometry also occurs frequently in the network of the Austrian Federal Railways (appearance of still 15% on the mainlines). With regard to [24] and [25], a linear damage approach is selected for D5, in which the vertical and lateral forces are weighted in each case by 50%.


D5—damage term 5 (kN); P2,S—dynamic vertical wheel force (long-waved) depending on speed (kN); YR—lateral force of the guiding wheel on the outer rail within radius R 190 m (kN).

Calculating damage term D5, each wheelset is concerned for the vertical force. For the lateral force the number of leading axles in a bogie is considered. Damage in D5 correlates to maintenance work in turnouts, such as exchange of turnout parts (switch and guard rail), grinding, welding, singular sleeper exchange and deburring. As mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, D5 does not deal with crossing noses. This is done in the following chapter.

2.2.5 D6: Wear of crossing nose

Damage term D6 describes wear of the turnout’s crossing nose. The short-waved dynamic vertical wheel force P1 is used to estimate the wear, as depicted in Eq. (9).


D6—damage term 6 (kN3); P1,S—dynamic vertical wheel force (short-waved) depending on speed (kN).

The approach of P1 is based on [22] and is justified due to the fact that a wheel running through a crossing nose results in an immediate impact stress. This short-waved force impact leads to wear in the crossing nose. The damage influence of the P1 force on the crossing nose is evaluated super linearly with the exponent 3 and is therefore comparable with the damage term D1. The power of 3 is also based on [24, 25]. As every wheelset has its impact on the crossing nose during a drive through the turnout, each wheelset is classified as damage relevant in the calculation of damage term D6. The described wear in D6 results in maintenance work, such as exchange of the crossing nose and surface-layer welding/build-up welding. Section 2.3.2 gives a more detailed description of the vertical wheel force P1.

2.2.6 D7: track renewal (reinvestment)

Damage term D7 was invented to describe the damage to ballast, sleeper and rail components and implies the renewal of tracks and turnouts. Eq. (10) shows the composition of damage term D7 and its parameters.


D7—damage term 7 (kN3); P2,S—dynamic vertical wheel force (long-waved) depending on speed (kN); YR—lateral force of the guiding wheel on the outer rail within radius R (kN); f71,R—weighting factor for the vertical dynamic wheel force; f72,R—weighting factor for the lateral wheel force.

The speed-dependent vertical force P2 and the speed and radius-dependent lateral force YR are used in D7 similarly to damage term D5. Again, the ORE report for question D161 [24] is the basis for the over-linear approach (3rd power) to the component damage in this term. The weighting factors (f7.1 and f7.2) represent the damage allocation of the vertical and lateral forces depending on the radius. In straight track sections, the lateral force between wheel and rail is negligible, which is why only the vertical force P2 contributes to the component damage in straight sections. Furthermore, the smaller the radius, the higher the share of lateral force YR. Table 1 includes the radius-dependent weighting factors for the vertical and lateral force. The classification of radii is explained in Section 2.3.1 in more detail.

Radii classTrack alignment
in m
R5R > 10001.00.0
R4600 < R ≤ 10000.80.2
R3400 < R ≤ 6000.70.3
R2250 < R ≤ 4000.60.4
R1R ≤ 2500.50.5

Table 1.

Weighting factors for vertical and lateral forces in damage term D7.

For calculating the component renewal of tracks and turnouts, each vehicle’s wheelset is considered in the calculation for the vertical stress. The leading wheelsets of bogies are used for the lateral stress in curved tracks.

2.3 Input data

Applying the TDM needs input data. On the one hand these input data refer to the characteristics of rolling stock. The vehicle’s information about their characteristics is the foundation for calculations and simulations regarding stresses on the track. On the other hand, the input data refer to the track alignment radii and speeds. Classifying the track in radii and speed classes allows distinguishing between wear in straight and curved tracks. One and the same vehicle running once through a straight and once through a curved track section causes therefore wear to a different extent. Furthermore, maintenance work that appears due to vehicle–track interaction needs to be defined and its strategic costs determined. In this TDM, the three categories, namely rolling stock, track characteristics and maintenance are strongly connected to each other (see Figure 1). The following chapters expand on these impact categories.

2.3.1 Track characteristics: Radii and speed classes

Based on the differences between alignment of track sections, a classification of radii and speeds was done. For the TDM 5 radii classes (R) were defined. These 5 radii classes correspond to those used in the Standard Elements [1]. Further, defining different radii classes comprises not only the law of superelevation of the outer rail in curved tracks, but also the wear of this outer rail.

The fifth radius class (R5) represents track sections that show a radius of more than 1000 m. These sections are classified as straight track sections. Radius class R5 is again divided into eight speed classes (S1 to S8). For each radius and speed class one reference speed is allocated with which the vehicle parameters are calculated. The reference speeds of radius class R1 to R4 each represent the rounded median value of the line speeds of the Austrian core network. The reference speed of 60 kmph of radius class R1 thus indicates that on the Austrian main lines in curves with radii less than 250 m a median speed of 60 kmph is driven. The calculation of the reference radii is done analogously. Table 2 lists the radius and speed classes with their reference radius and speed.

Classification of radius
in m
Reference radius
in m
Classification of speed
in kmph
Reference speed
in kmph
R1 R ≤ 250215SR1 -60
R2 250 < R ≤ 400315SR2 -70
R3 400 < R ≤ 600500SR3 -90
R4 600 < R ≤ 1000800SR4 -110*
R5 R > 1000S1 S ≤ 8075
S2 80 < S ≤ 10090
S3 100 < S ≤ 120110*
S4 120 < S ≤ 140130*
S5 140 < S ≤ 160150*
S6 160 < S ≤ 200190*
S7 200 < S ≤ 230220*
V8 230 < S ≤ 250240*

Table 2.

Speed and radii classification.

For fright rolling stock 90 kmph is assumed as a reference speed.

In the Austrian network vehicles used in freight traffic are always treated with a maximum speed of 100 kmph, in the model 90 kmph is therefore assumed as a reference speed for freight traffic. This speed limitation applies to both freight wagons and also freight locomotives. For speed classes S3 to S8 of radius class R5 (straight tracks) and radius class R4, the reference speed is applied in the model, as the reference speed exceeds 90 kmph in these classes. The speed classes S2 to S8 are thus identical and further lead to equal calculated parameters for freight rolling stock. For universal locomotives, it therefore makes sense to differentiate according to type of traffic (passenger or freight traffic).

Additionally, it should be mentioned here that the reference speed is a reference value that is based on the maximum permissible speed of track sections due to their track alignment (STrack). If the maximum permissible speed of the vehicle/train (Smax,Veh) exceeds the speed due to track alignment (Smax,Veh > STrack), in the calculation of the vehicle parameters (Section 2.3.2), the reference speed (STrack) of Table 2 is applied. This also applies analogously vice versa, as shown in Eq. (11).


S—relevant speed (kmph); Smax,Veh—maximum permissible speed due to rolling stock (kmph); STrack—maximum permissible speed due to track alignment (kmph).

Using the minimum of both speeds Smax,Veh and STrack reflects the operational reality. Regarding the speed the determined damage that is speed dependent (D1, D2, D5, D6 and D7) is thus also close to reality.

2.3.2 Rolling stock parameters

The TDM and its damage terms described in Section 2.2 are based on the following four parameters:

  • Dynamic vertical force: P1 and P2

  • Lateral force: YR

  • Contact patch energy: Tγ

  • Traction power value: TPV.

The parameters P1 and P2 stand for the dynamic vertical force, while Y describes the lateral force that occurs in a track curve on the outer wheel of a bogie in the leading wheelset. The traction power value (TPV) indicates the physical power per wheel due to traction. The fourth physical input parameter for the deterioration formula is Tγ that stands for the friction work due to longitudinal and lateral slip. The following sections include a discussion of the four vehicle parameters in more details. Dynamic vertical force (P1 and P2)

Due to [23] and [22], the P1 and P2 force is applied in the TDM. Eqs. (12)(16) depict the composition and calculation scheme of the vertical impact forces P1 and P2.


P1,S,P2,S—vehicle dynamic wheel forces (N); P0—vehicle static wheel force (N); S—relevant speed (limited by vehicle or track alignment) (m/s); 2α—total joint angle (rad); mu—unsprung mass per vehicle wheel (kg); mt—effective vertical track mass per vehicle wheel (kg); ct—effective track damping per vehicle wheel (Ns/m); Kt—effective vertical track stiffness per vehicle wheel (N/m); me—effective track mass per vehicle wheel (kg); mr—rail mass per unit length (kg/m); ms—mass of half a sleeper (kg); l—sleeper spacing (m); P1,est—estimated vertical dynamic wheel force (N); G—Hertzian flexibility constant (for worn tyre profiles) (m/N2/3); RWheel—wheel radius (m); KH—linearized Hertzian contact stiffness per vehicle wheel (N/m).

The total vertical force that arises due to the interaction between rail and wheel comprises not only the static gravitational loading (P0) but also the dynamic forces activated by speed (S), unsprung mass (mu) and the rail’s alignment (2α). Both calculation schemes of the vertical wheel forces P1 (Eq. (12)) and P2 (Eq. (16)) are based on this approach. While P2 does also depend on track parameters (track stiffness Kt, track damping ct and track mass mt per wheel), P1 is additionally conditioned by the effective track mass (me) and the linearized Hertzian contact stiffness (KH) per wheel. The Hertzian contact stiffness KH is subject to an iterative calculation between Eqs. (12) and (14) and therefore depending on the P1 force. P1 can be summarized to be the high-frequency portion of the impact force that is primarily responsible for surface wear and local stress peaks of the rail material. P2 is the low-frequency and long-waved force component that mainly stresses the sleepers and ballast bed [22, 28].

In the TDM the included constants mt, Kt, ct and 2α are applied according to [23]. Further, rail mass (mr) belongs to UIC60 rail, the mass of half a sleeper (ms) to concrete sleepers and the sleeper spacing (l) to the standard spacing in Austria. The included constants in the TDM have the following values:

  • 2α = 0.02 rad

  • mt = 245 kg

  • ct = 55,400 Ns/m

  • Kt = 62,000,000 N/m

  • mr = 60 kg

  • ms = 150 kg

  • l = 0.6 m

As the approach for P1 and P2 depends on the unsprung mass (mu), the model differs between the wheels of powered and unpowered axles. Wheels of powered and unpowered axles therefore show varying values in both, P1 and P2. Section 2.4 gives an example calculation of the P1 and P2 force for a universal locomotive at a speed of 90 kmph. Lateral force (YR)

The lateral force YR describes the horizontal force component that arises in a track curve on the outer wheel of a bogie in the leading wheelset. On the basis of a multiple-body simulation (MBS) YR can be determined. Representing the case of a typical turnout (for Austria EW190-1:9: single turnout at an inclination 1:9 and radius of the junction of 190 m) and calculating YR values for damage term D5 at 40 kmph, a s-curve with radii 190 m was used in the MBS. In this s-curve no cant or transition curves, but an intermediate straight line of 6 m were used to ensure a representative simulation of a vehicle’s run through a turnout. Due to the s-curve, both the left and right wheel run on the outside of the curve. Two YR values (left and right) are therefore produced within one simulation. The higher value of both is considered for the TDM [21].

As not only damage term D5 (turnout wear) depends on the lateral force but also D7 (track renewal), an MBS is done also for tracks representing radius class R1 to R4. In this MBS a cant was implemented, so that the lateral acceleration is constantly 0.85 m/s2 in each radius class. As a reference for the classification (R1 to R4) of the track curves, radii in the amount of 215, 315, 500 and 800 m were chosen. The YR was simulated at the reference speed of each radii class and for both, powered and unpowered wheelsets. Table 3 gives an overview of the input parameters that were chosen for the MBS and calculating YR.

Radii classReference Radius
in m
Reference Speed
in kmph
in mm
Lateral acceleration
in m/s2

Table 3.

Input parameters for MBS of YR.

For fright rolling stock 90 kmph is assumed as a reference speed. Contact patch energy (Tγ)

Not only the lateral force is determined by a multiple-body simulation (MBS), but also the contact patch energy Tγ. Tγ represents the input parameter for Burstow’s [20] evaluating function for rail surface wear in curved tracks. For determining Tγ on the basis of MBS, again a s-curve has been used. The applied curves in the simulation belong to the radii classes R1 to R4 and their reference radius (215 m for R1, 315 m for R2, 500 m for R3 and 800 m for R4). Further, the simulation includes superelevation and transition curves. Table 3 in Section depicts the input parameters for the MBS of Tγ. As the simulation is not only done for powered but also unpowered wheelsets up to 8 Tγ values can be assigned to one specific vehicle due to 4 radii classes. The contact patch energy Tγ is given in Nm/m for the TDM. A detailed specification for the MBS is described in the SBB guidance for vehicle pricing [21]. Traction power value (TPV)

As damage term D3 describes rail surface wear due to the impact of vehicles power, the traction power value (TPV) is calculated. TPV describes the power of a vehicle (PWheel in kW) related to the contact area between rail and wheel (Aeff in mm2) as shown in Eq. (17). The TPV therefore only exists for powered wheelsets.


TPV—traction power value (kW/mm2); PWheel—power per wheel (kW); Aeff—effective contact area between rail and vehicle wheel (mm2).

The vehicle’s power is a value that should be available from the data sheet of the vehicle, whereas the contact area between rail and wheel can be calculated. Basis for this is the methodology due to the Hertzian contact area for arbitrarily curved surfaces as it is described in [29]. However, the Hertzian contact area is downsized by a factor of 2/3 to include system-related uncertainties. Eq. (18) depicts the general approach of the downsized Hertzian contact area due to the major (a) and minor (b) radius. In Eq. (19) the major and minor radius of the ellipse are specified as well as the auxiliary angle (ϑ). Due to the formula of Hertz, the major and minor radius are functions dependent on static wheel force (P0), Poisson’s ratio (ν), modulus of elasticity (E) and the wheel and rail radius (RWheel, RRail). The coefficients η and ξ are functions of ϑ. Summarizing the general Eq. (18) of Hertz with the parameters in Eq. (19) leads to a simplified Hertzian formula, as depicted in Eq. (20).


Aeff—effective contact area between rail and vehicle wheel (mm2); a—major radius of ellipse (mm); b—minor radius of ellipse (mm); P0—vehicle static wheel force (kN); RWheel—wheel radius (m); RRail—rail radius (m); ϑ—auxiliary angle (rad); ξ, η—coefficients; ν—Poisson’s ratio; E—modulus of elasticity (kN/m2).

For the analytic calculation of the Hertzian contact area, the vehicle is considered to be standing on a straight track. The rail head radius (RRail) is therefore expected to be 0.3 m. Further, the Poisson’s ratio (ν) is uniformly set to 0.3 and the modulus of elasticity (E) to 2.1 × 108 kN/m2. These parameters are constant values in the TDM and do not get changed. The coefficients ξ and η can be summarized (approximation) in a function for each, as shown in Eq. (21) due to [21] and [29].


ϑ—auxiliary angle (rad); ξ, η—coefficients.

Implementing the functions of the coefficients ξ and η into Eq. (20) gives the final description of the effective contact area due to the Hertzian methodology, as shown in Eq. (22). This formula is valid for the Austrian TDM due to constant values for RWheel, E and ν.


Aeff —effective contact area between rail and vehicle wheel (mm2); P0—vehicle static wheel force (kN); RWheel—wheel radius (m); ϑ—auxiliary angle (rad).

The determined TPV in kW/mm2 corresponds directly to the damage term D3. A multiplication by the number of driven axles is not necessary, since the vehicle’s power per wheel is related to the Hertzian contact area between wheel and rail.

2.4 Exemplary calculations

In the following subchapters, exemplary calculations are done for a sample vehicle. A universal locomotive is chosen as a sample vehicle that goes through a track segment of radius class R3. The maximum permissible speed of this vehicle is 230 kmph at an axle load of 22 t. In Table 4, all input parameters are given that are necessary to calculate the rolling stock parameters and the damage increments for the sample vehicle.

Universal locomotive: axle load = 22 t | Smax,Veh = 230 kmph
R3: 400 < R ≤ 600 m | Sreference = 90 kmph | Rreference = 500 m
ParameterValue (per wheel)Unit
P0Vehicle static wheel force22 × 9.81 × 1000/2 = 107,910N
SVehicle speed (limited by vehicle or track alignment)90 × 3.6 = 25m/s
S40Vehicle speed for D540 × 3.6 = 11.11m/s
Total joint angle0.02rad
muUnsprung mass per vehicle wheel1247.5kg
mtEffective vertical track mass per vehicle wheel245kg
ctEffective track mass per vehicle wheel55,400Ns/m
KtEffective vertical track stiffness per vehicle wheel62,000,000N/m
RWheelWheel radius1.15m
mrRail mass per unit length (rail UIC60/60E1)60kg/m
mSMass of half a sleeper300/2 = 150kg/m
lSleeper spacing0.6m
P1,estEstimated dynamic vertical wheel forceIteration (367,283.51)N
npNumber of powered wheelsets4
nupNumber of unpowered wheelsets0
npNumber of leading powered wheelsets in a bogie2
nupNumber of leading unpowered wheelsets in a bogie0
PWheelPower per wheel6400/4/2 = 800kW
Smax,VehMaximum permissible speed of vehicle230kmph

Table 4.

Input parameter of the sample vehicle.

2.4.1 Rolling stock parameters

In this chapter, the rolling stock parameters of the sample vehicle are calculated due to the described formula in Section 2.3.2. The vertical wheel forces P1 and P2 and the TPV are determined for powered axles as the sample vehicle has four powered axles and no unpowered axles. Furthermore, Tγ and YR are not treated in this chapter as they are estimated by MBS. Determining the dynamic P2 force for radius class R3 at 90 kmph as shown in Eq. (23) and for 40 kmph (damage term D5) in Eq. (24):


Determining the dynamic P1 force for radius class R3 as shown in Eq. (25).

to Eq. (28):


*At the end of the iteration process P1,est is expected to be ∼367,283.5 N.

Determining the TPV as shown in Eq. (29):


Table 5 summarizes the parameter values for the powered wheels of a universal locomotive in a track segment of radius class R3. This locomotive does not have unpowered wheelsets. In the case of vehicles with both powered and unpowered wheelsets there exist another table with vehicle parameters for unpowered wheels. In the following table, the parameters YR and Tγ that belong to MBS are added too for further calculations. P2 and YR values at 40 kmph are needed later on for damage term D5.

Universal locomotive: axle load = 22 t | Smax,Veh = 230 kmph
R3: 400 < R ≤ 600 m | Sreference = 90 kmph | Rreference = 500 m
Parameters are related to one wheel
in kN
in kN
in kN
in kW/mm2
in kN
in kN

in Nm/m

Table 5.

Vehicle parameters for powered wheels of a sample vehicle (universal locomotive).

For every vehicle type (such as locomotives, freight wagons, passenger wagons or multiple units) that appears in a network these five physical parameters shown in Table 5 need to be estimated. As not every parameter occurs in every radius and/or speed class in the following their appearance is summarized:

  • P1: R1 to R4 and values for R5 S1 to S8 (12 input values)

  • P2: R1 to R4 and values for R5 S1 to S8, one value at 40 kmph (13 input values)

  • YR: R1 to R4 and one value at 40 kmph (5 input values)

  • TPV: one input value

  • Tγ: R1 to R4 (4 input values).

If those input parameters are available for all vehicles in the network, the seven damage increments of the TDM can be estimated for each vehicle. This is illustrated for the sample vehicle in the following Section 2.4.2.

2.4.2 Damage increment (Dn)

In this chapter exemplary calculations for the seven damage increments of the TDM are given. Required data and information to do so are.

  • the estimated vehicle parameters (Table 5),

  • number of powered and unpowered wheelsets and the number of leading wheelsets of bogies (Table 4) and

  • the maximum permissible vehicle speed (Table 4).

The basic formula of the vehicle-specific damage increments Dn can be seen in Eq. (30). Since the vehicle parameters are given per wheel, they must be multiplied by the number of wheelsets (powered and unpowered).

DnVeh,Si|Rj=formula for damage termnVehPnSi|RjpSmin×nVehp+formula for damage termnVehPnSi|RjupSmin×nVehup

DVeh,SiRj—damage increment Dn of the sample vehicle at speed (i) and radius class (j) (with i=1-8 und j=1-4); nVeh—number of powered (p) or unpowered (up) wheelsets of the sample vehicle; VehPSiRjSmin—vehicle parameter of powered/unpowered wheelsets at R/S-class, depending on relevant speed; Smax,Veh—maximum permissible vehicle speed in kmph; STrack—reference speed at a certain speed and radius class in kmph; S—relevant speed for determining the vehicle parameter in kmph.

Calculating the vehicle-specific damage increments, it is important to distinguish between powered and unpowered wheelsets. On the other hand, attention must be paid to the relevant speed due to the vehicle and the radius/speed-class. The minimum of both is considered in the calculation.

Exemplary calculation for damage increment D1 is given in Eq. (31).

Formula forD1:P2,S3

D1,R3—damage increment D1 of the sample vehicle in radius class R3 (kN3/vehicle); nVehp—4; nVehup—0; P2,R3p—216.8 (kN/wheel); P2,R3up—0 (kN/wheel).

Exemplary calculation for damage increment D2 is given in Eq. (32).

Formula forD2:P2,S1,2

D2,R3—damage increment D2 of the sample vehicle in radius class R3 (kN1.2/vehicle); nVehp—4; nVehup—0; P2,R3p—216.8 (kN/wheel); P2,R3up—0 (kN/wheel).

Exemplary calculation for damage increment D3 is given in Eq. (33).

Formula forD3:TPV=7.243kW/mm2E33

D3—damage increment D3 of the sample vehicle (kW/mm2); TPVVeh—7.243 (kW/mm2)

Exemplary calculation for damage increment D4.1 and D4.2 is given in Eq. (34).

Formula forD4.1areaa:D4.1=0forTγ175Nm/m
Formula forD4.2areae:D4.2=Tγ65110forTγ65Nm/m

D4.1R3—damage increment D4.1 of the sample vehicle in radius class R3 (-/vehicle); D4.2R3—damage increment D4.2 of the sample vehicle in radius class R3 (-/vehicle); np—2; nup—0; Tγ,p—291 (Nm/m); Tγ,up—0 (Nm/m).

Exemplary calculation for damage increment D5 is given in Eq. (35).

Formula forD5:0.5×P2,S=402+0.5×YR=1902

D5,R3—damage increment D5 of the sample vehicle in radius class R3 (kN/vehicle); np—2; nup—0; P2,40,p—156.3 (at 40 kmph) (kN/wheel); P2,40,up—0 (at 40 kmph) (kN/wheel); YR=190,p—69.0 (at 40 kmph and radius 190 m) (kN/wheel); YR=190,up—0 (at 40 kmph and radius 190 m) (kN/wheel).

Exemplary calculation for damage increment D6 is given in Eq. (36).

Formula forD6:P1,S3

D6,R3—damage increment D6 of the sample vehicle in radius class R3 (kN3/vehicle); nVehp—4; nVehup—0; P1,R3p—367.3 (kN/wheel); P1,R3up—0 (kN/wheel).

Exemplary calculation for damage increment D7 is given in Eq. (37).

Formula forD7:f71,R×P2,S2+f72,R×YR23

D7,R3—damage increment D7 of the sample vehicle in radius class R3 (kN3/vehicle); np—2; nup—0; P2,R3p—216.8 (kN/wheel); P2,R3up—0 (kN/wheel); YR3,p—40.0 (kN/wheel); YR3,up—0 (kN/wheel); f71,R—0.7; f72,R—0.3.

2.4.3 Damage per vehicle-kilometer (Dn,km)

In a further step the damage increments of every vehicle are related to length by means of unit-kilometer. The absolute value of the damage increment stays the same; however, the unit changes (see Eq. (38)).


Dn,km—damage increment per vehicle of one unit kilometer (unit*km/vehicle); Dn—damage increment (n = 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 5, 6, 7) (unit*/vehicle); km—length (km).

*Unit of the damage term: kN3 (D1, D6 and D7), kN1.2 (D2), kW/mm2 (D3), kN (D5) and D4.1 and D4.2 are unitless

Due to Eq. (38), a length reference is established in the TDM and vehicle-kilometer are therefore included. This approach is similar to the conventional vehicle gross-tonnes that turn into vehicle gross-ton-kilometer when length is considered.


3. Results

In the first part of the result section, we assess the influence of traffic on track maintenance. We start with a given situation in an artificially configurated network with a mixed traffic load of some 30,000 gross-tons per day (∼10 mio. Gross-tons per year). We analyze the influence of changes in the traffic mix preliminary with focus on the different traffic segments, long-distance passenger traffic, regional passenger traffic, and freight transport. We also include by way of example the influence of different superstructure and substructure conditions (see more details in [1]).

In the second part, the influence of different vehicles is highlighted (see Section 3.2). This influence is much smaller at the network level of course, but might be significant in some parts, line segments or whenever entire vehicle fleets are replaced. We compare different vehicles at different speed levels and also powered and running axles. Estimating future track maintenance needs the assessment of future vehicles on the network. New vehicles might be track-friendly or track-harming and train operators focus on many other aspects than track maintenance consequences. Again, in these evaluations, we see the strong impact of the technical configuration of track, as different tracks indicate a higher or lower importance of the one or the other vehicle characteristics.

3.1 The impact of loading on track maintenance

In order to highlight the main difference between treating track loading as gross-tonnage or as specific damage for different track components, this paper delivers results based on an artificial network. Note, this network is also used in [1] dealing with the impact of different track-related boundary conditions on overall track maintenance and renewal. We add the line speed as a parameter and use the modulation done in [1] concerning superstructure components.

The network covers 10,000 km with a given radii distribution and line speed distribution for the straight sections given in Table 6. To keep the focus on the loading, we model the maintenance for a given, constant track consisting of heavy superstructure (concrete sleepers, wooden sleepers in the sharp curves R ≤ 250 m 60E1-R260 rails) on medium ballast quality, good subsoil and good drainage condition. The tracks are loaded with 30,000 gross-tons per day everywhere in the network. Both assumptions are never true for any existing network, but were chosen for illustration purposes.

Radii ClassTrack Alignment
in m
Radii Distribution
in %
Line Speed*
in kmph
Line Speed Distribution
in %
R5R > 100076.0140 < S ≤ 16012
120 < S ≤ 14031
100 < S ≤ 12030
80 < S ≤ 10019
S ≤ 808
R4600 < R ≤ 100012.5140
R3400 < R ≤ 6006.5110
R2250 < R ≤ 4004.590
R1R ≤ 2500.580

Table 6.

Reference network.

Line Speed is not reached by all trains/vehicles.

According to the track maintenance assessment provided by [1], this network characteristics deliver a certain track maintenance and renewal demand depicted in Table 7.

Track workAmount
in km
Ballast Cleaning0
Rail Grinding504
Rail Exchange5.5

Table 7.

Maintenance and renewal demand for the reference network.

For applying the alternative description of track loading proposed in Section 2, we need to have a closer look at the transport load. The traffic mix shows long-distance passenger trains (LDP), regional passenger trains (RP) and freight trains (F) consisting of different vehicles (Table 8).

No. of Trains
in %
in gross- tons
in %
Long-distance Passenger13[20]6284[21]
Regional Passenger35[53]5072[17]

Table 8.

Traffic mix.

The train configuration of the different market segments is depicted in Table 9. The long-distance train is a loco-wagon train with a maximum speed of 160 kmph (and thus reaching the maximum line speed). For the regional passenger traffic, the traffic mix consists of two different types of electric multiple units (EMU), one (EMU1) with a total weight of 160 tons consists of four powered bogies and two trailer bogies (axle scheme Bo’Bo’2’2’Bo’Bo’), the other one (EMU2) is a lighter and shorter trainset with two powered bogies and three trailer bogies (axle scheme Bo’2’2’2’Bo’) and a total weight of 127 tons. The freight trains are modeled as some 1000 ton-trains with one four-axle loco and a mix of empty, medium-loaded and full-loaded freight wagons (detailed loads see Table 9), all with two Y25-bogies.

No. of vehicles
in Vehicle/Train
Vehicle weight
in tons
Train weight
in tons
Long-distance Passenger
4ax-2Bogie-Passenger Car756.48
Regional Passenger
4ax-2Bogie-Y25 Freight Car “empty” (Axle-load 6.5 t)725.56
4ax-2Bogie-Y25 Freight Car “medium” (Axle-load 14 t)856.65
4ax-2Bogie-Y25 Freight Car “full” (Axle-load 20 t)481.28

Table 9.

Train configuration.

3.1.1 Ballast maintenance

The transport volume for the entire network can be addressed as gross-ton-kilometers or as damage-kilometer following Section 2. For the latter, for the ballast maintenance we need to calculate the P2-forces, specifically for the different line speed sections. Thereby it is to be considered that the train speed may be limited by the allowed maximum vehicle speed and not by the given line speed. For freight trains, the maximum speed assessed for this calculation is 100 kmph. Thus, for all sections with higher line speeds the damage increments D1 (P2-force) are calculated with 100 kmph only. What we can see directly from Table 10 is that the alternative description of “loading” moves relative damage shares toward long-distance passenger traffic. This effect is mainly driven by the higher speed as axle loads for these two traffic segments are about the same on average. The share of regional passenger traffic remains almost the same as speeds are higher than in freight transportation, but axle loads lower.

Gross-ton-kilometers per yearD1: kN3-km per year
Long-distance Passenger2,29E+1021%9,83E+1528%
Regional Passenger1,85E+1017%5,57E+1516%

Table 10.

Track loading.

We know that this loading leads to 1747 kilometers of necessary tamping in the network or a tamping interval of 5.7 years (6 years in the straight sections). If we allocate this tamping demand to the loading, we can calculate an incremental tamping demand for the unit gross-ton-km and the alternative unit kN3km.

As both tamping demand and the damage according to D1 vary over the track radius, we split this calculation into radii classes. All values are presented in Table 11. The incremental tamping demand in Table 11 can also be seen as the calibration of the damage model D1.

LDP gross-ton-km1,75E+102,86E+091,48E+091,03E+091,13E+08
RP gross-ton-km1,41E+102,30E+091,19E+098,28E+089,15E+07
F gross-ton-km5,23E+108,55E+094,43E+093,07E+093,39E+08
Sum gross-ton-km8,38E+101,37E+107,10E+094,93E+095,44E+08
Tamping demand [km]126920813311226
incremental tamping demand ton-km1,51E-081,51E-081,87E-082,27E-084,72E-08
LDP kN3-km7,99E+151,18E+154,35E+142,06E+141,85E+13
RP kN3-km4,52E+156,74E+142,48E+141,17E+141,05E+13
F kN3-km1,49E+162,49E+151,29E+156,10E+145,46E+13
Sum kN3-km2,74E+164,34E+151,97E+159,34E+148,36E+13
Tamping demand [km]126920813311226
incremental tamping demand kN3-km4,62E-144,78E-146,73E-141,20E-133,07E-13

Table 11.

Incremental tamping demand.

If we now change the transport volume, the differences between those two approaches become visible, as shown in Table 12. In the gross-ton-approach, it does not matter which trains generate the ton-km. Therefore, the tamping demand calculated with the incremental tamping demand based on ton-km according to Table 11 stays constant for constant gross-ton-kilometers. In the case of the specified loading derived from the damage function D1, the results change significantly: In the straight sections, the higher speeds of long-distance trains lead to 40% higher taping demands, whereas the lower speeds decrease the demand for the “freight trains only” scenario (note: on average, freight transport delivers lower axle loads than long-distance passenger traffic).

Sum gross-ton-km8,38E+101,37E+107,10E+094,93E+095,44E+08
Tamping demandin km126920813311226
LDP kN3-km3,87E+165,70E+152,11E+151,00E+158,95E+13
Tamping demand
LDP only
in km179127314212028
in %141131107107107
RP kN3-km2,69E+164,01E+151,48E+156,98E+146,23E+13
Tamping demand
RP only
in km1244192998419
in %9892757575
F kN3-km2,41E+164,01E+152,08E+159,83E+148,80E+13
Tamping demand
F only
in km111219214011827
in %8892105105105

Table 12.

Tamping demand for different track loading scenarios.

These results are well in line with common experience and still count, even if we consider the extremes on both ends of railway operation: slow freight traffic needs less ballast maintenance, even in case of heavy haul operation, while high-speed train operation leads to very frequent interventions in order to keep track geometry on the necessary level [30].

In mixed traffic though, these effects occur at a much lower level. To show the limited, but nevertheless existing effects, we double the transport volume in our example. For the gross-ton-approach, this simply gives double amount of ballast related maintenance. Increasing the transport volume to some 60,000 gross-tons per day by adding trains of one market segment only delivers different maintenance needs using the specific damage function D1 (Table 13).

Doubled gross-ton-km1,68E+112,74E+101,42E+109,85E+091,09E+09
Tamping demandin km253841526622451
in %200200200200200
SUM in km3493
Doubling with LDP only kN3-km6,56E+169,95E+154,05E+151,92E+151,72E+14
Tamping demand
LDP only
in km303247627223053
SUM in km4062
Doubling with RP only kN3-km5,46E+168,38E+153,46E+151,64E+151,46E+14
Tamping demand
RP only
in km252440123319645
SUM in km3399
Doubling with F only kN3-km2,41E+164,01E+152,08E+159,83E+148,80E+13
Tamping demand
F only
in km238139927323053
SUM in km3335

Table 13.

Tamping demand with increasing track loading.

Again, we learn that maintenance demands for increasing transport volumes can be estimated sufficiently well by using gross-tonnage as long as this increasing volume consists mainly of regional passenger trains (the difference to specific damage function is less than 3%) or freight trains (the difference is some 5%). Adding faster long-distance trains add much more tamping needs than estimated by the simplified gross-ton-approach with a resulting 16% higher total tamping demand.

In order to deepen these findings, we performed another variation: instead of simply increasing the amount of tonnage of long-distance passenger trains, we introduced an additional long-distance passenger service with a speed up to 200 kmph in the sections with maximum line speed of 160 kmph (12% of the straight line-section according to Table 6) covering half of the trains (scenario LDP+ only, see Table 14). Of course, this assumes that technically the maximum line speed can be increased to this level. In this case, the tamping demand in the radii class R5 rises by another 250 kilometers.

Doubling with LDP only kN3-km6,56E+169,95E+154,05E+151,92E+151,72E+14
Tamping demand
LDP only
in km303247627223053
SUM in km4062
Doubling with LDP+ only kN3-km7,10E+169,95E+154,05E+151,92E+151,72E+14
Tamping demand
LDP+ only
in km328247627223053
SUM in km4312
Doubling with LDP+ only kN3-km7,10E+169,95E+154,05E+151,92E+151,72E+14
Tamping demand
LDP+ only
improved Track Quality
in km289447627223053
SUM in km3925

Table 14.

Tamping demand with increasing track loading—Scenario LDP+ only.

Usually this effect is not significantly recognized even though higher speeds in passenger long-distance services are introduced quite intensively in European mixed traffic networks. The reason for this is that introducing faster passenger services is often accompanied by establishing new lines or the total rehabilitation of existing lines. This comes along with tracks on perfect substructure and robust components such as padded concrete sleeper. Such tracks generally perform better, and ballast-related maintenance is reduced by 50%. Considering this for our example, the scenario “LDP+ only, improved Track Quality” even delivers a lower tamping demand (Table 14).

Summarizing, we can state that the influence of the specific loading is considerably high even though it is hard to extract in top-down figures for extended mixed traffic networks.

3.1.2 Rail maintenance

Similar to the ballast maintenance, we can analyze the rail maintenance in more detail using the damage function according to Section 2, the damage mechanism D4 for both rail surface damage in wider curves and rail side wear in tighter curves. Note: Rail grinding in tangent track is not assessed, as this is driven by the damage functions D2 and D3.

Differently to ballast maintenance, regional passenger trains contribute significantly to both rail surface damage and rail side wear (Table 15). Again, doubling the transport volume (and thus the rail maintenance following the gross-ton-approach) by increasing one market segment only, we see distinct differences.

Rail Surface Damage1Rail Wear2
Doubled gross-ton-km1,37E+111,37E+11
Grinding1/Rail Exchange2demandin km58411.0
in %200200
Doubling with LDP only D4-km1,07E+098,76E+08
Grinding1/Rail Exchange2demand
LDP only
in km65314,6
in %224265
Doubling with RP only D4-km1,16E+097,81E+08
Grinding1/Rail Exchange2demand
RP only
in km70713,0
in %242236
Doubling with F only D4-km9,13E+085,48E+08
Grinding1/Rail Exchange2demand
F only
in km5589,1
in %191165

Table 15.

Rail maintenance demand with increasing track loading.

According to damage term D4.1.

According to damage term D4.2.

This result is not linked to train speeds, but mainly to the vehicles in use. Rail maintenance is mainly driven by the type of bogie and the longitudinal stiffness of the car body. Therefore, we need to look deeper into different vehicles.

3.2 The influence of vehicle properties on track maintenance

As shown in Section 2, the alternative description of track loading as specific damage goes along with vehicle properties such as axle load, unsprung mass, traction power or longitudinal stiffness and also for some damage mechanisms with vehicle speed. Since the total damage is calculated as a sum of those impacts, it is in turn also possible to allocate track maintenance to single vehicles. This chapter gives examples for the influence of different vehicle properties in combination with operational scenarios. In order to sum up different track maintenance works, for this task, we use the maintenance costs. Thus, the following results are track maintenance cost per vehicle-kilometer, sometimes re-calculated to track maintenance cost per gross-ton-kilometer. As the absolute cost level varies from infrastructure manager to infrastructure manager and are moreover not of importance for this investigation, the costs are normalized. The 100% base level is a fully laden 4-axle freight car with Y25-bogies (axle load 20.5 tons) running at 90 kmph on a straight track. The track is according to the network configuration in Section 3.1 a ballasted concrete sleeper track on good subsoil with 60E1-R260 rails. Note: In order to keep results comprehensible, we do not add any costs of turnouts so that the damage mechanisms D5 and D6 are not added. Also, D7 is not addressed as we model track maintenance only, without incorporating renewals.

To better understand the results, it is essential to know the track maintenance expenses allocated to the damage mechanisms. According to the network configuration and the superstructure parameters, track maintenance costs split into the percentages displayed in Figure 3. We see that the overwhelming part of the costs (85%) is triggered by the damage mechanism D1, the dynamic vertical forces. These costs contain mainly ballast-related maintenance and small reactive maintenance. In this network, some 12% of track maintenance costs are due to rail surface damage (D2, D3 and D4.1) and thus rail grinding or milling costs. Only 2% of the costs are the consequence of rail side wear in curves.

Figure 3.

Track maintenance expenses.

Looking at the reference vehicle (Figure 4), the heavy freight car, we learn that ballast-related maintenance costs increase with decreasing track radius. Moreover, rail surface maintenance costs in straight tracks are very low and increase with decreasing track radius to be finally replaced by rail exchange costs (rail wear) in the smallest radius (250 m).

Figure 4.

Track maintenance costs per vehicle-kilometer—4ax-Y25 freight wagon_20 t.

Locomotives and generally powered axles come along with higher unsprung masses and in addition with traction forces. The latter deliver a significant contribution to the rail surface damage in straight sections (damage D3). Figure 5 shows both effects directly compared to the unpowered axles of the freight wagon. Both vehicles have the same tonnage but contribute very differently to the track maintenance needs. This is in accordance with [16]. The third column shows the influence of speed: Due to the high additional dynamic forces, the allocated track maintenance costs double when operating the same loco at 160 kmph instead of 90 kmph.

Figure 5.

Track maintenance costs per vehicle-kilometer—Powered and unpowered axles.

The high differences between the allocated maintenance costs in straight and curved track originate mainly in the maintenance needs themselves. Track maintenance in tight curves reaches much higher levels than in straight sections (see [1]). In a network, curves form only a small part. Looking at the network used in this paper as reference (Table 6), only 24% of the track show radii below 1000 m. The wear formula allows for calculating associated track maintenance costs as a consequence of track radius and speed level. For this example, we use nine different operational situations (four radii classes and five speed levels according to Table 6). In our simplified example, all vehicles run along all lines exactly in the distribution of these operational situations. Thus, we can calculate the average track maintenance cost per average vehicle-kilometer (vehicles according to Table 9) and sum up how the single vehicles to trains deliver results as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6.

Track maintenance costs per train-kilometer for different trains.

These trains have different weights and cannot be compared directly. This counts especially for the light electrical multiple units and the heavy freight trains. We thus re-calculate the train costs to gross-ton-kilometers, simply by dividing by the train weight (see Table 9). Figure 7 shows the damage impact of one gross-ton-kilometer on the track: Again, the long-distance passenger train is the 100% level. The regional trainsets deliver 20 to 40% less track damage. This is due to the lighter axles, less unsprung masses and the lower speeds compared to the fast intercity-train. The freight train has similar axle loads on average compared to the long-distance passenger train and the same loco, but runs at 100 kmph maximum so that the impact per gross-ton-km is 31% lower. Figure 7 also shows the gross-ton-kilometer approach with the dashed light gray bars: In this approach, all these trains are meant to cause the same track damage.

Figure 7.

Track maintenance costs per gross-ton-kilometer for different trains.

These first examples compare very different trains and/or vehicles. It is not surprising that the track damage caused by these vehicles differ widely. But these differences occur for similar vehicles in the same way. We looked at locos with similar total weights (which is always close to the maximum allowed weight of 90 tons), but very differing unsprung masses, and bogie stiffnesses. In Figure 8, we see differences up to 65% for operating the locos on passenger trains with speeds up to 160 kmph in the artificial network. In freight operation, the differences are much lower, 20% maximum.

Figure 8.

Track maintenance costs per gross-ton-kilometer for different locos.

From a track maintenance point of view, the use of track-friendly vehicles is of course preferable. However, the selection of vehicles or even train concepts focuses on many other aspects. We highlight the use of different train concepts as our next example: As an alternative choice for the long-distance passenger train consisting of the loco and seven wagons, an electrical multiple unit enabling higher speeds is analyzed. This trainset comes along with distributed powered axles, comparably high axles loads as the trainset is a double-decked unit and a total weight of some 400 tons. In Figure 9, we see three different options for performing a comparison. The red line demonstrates the allocated track maintenance costs of the loco hauled passenger train for the different radii and speed ranges (100% is the cost at speed level S5, 150 kmph). This red line is the same for all three comparisons. Initially, we look at the track maintenance cost per vehicle-kilometer (black solid line). The EMU causes some 20% lower damage in curves, only slightly lower damage in straight sections with moderate speeds, and only at the highest speed (velocity range 5) higher track maintenance cost (plus 9%). As the trainset is lighter than the push/pull train, we again re-calculate the cost to gross-ton-level (dashed black line). We learn that the impact of these two trains is very similar on gross-ton-level; in the highest speed range the inserted damage of the EMU is 30% higher. The third possibility for comparing different passenger train configurations is to refer the track maintenance cost caused to seat-kilometers. In this option, the double-decked trainset option performs best: As the dotted line in Figure 9 indicates, the difference is remarkable and reaches values up to 35% less track maintenance costs caused.

Figure 9.

Track maintenance costs per gross-ton-kilometer for different long-distance passenger trains.

Concluding, we want to underline that not only loading triggers track maintenance. Improving track structure and installing innovative, robust components helps to drop the maintenance demands—much more than track-friendly vehicle concepts. Figure 10 shows, for example, the impact of using concrete sleepers with under sleeper pads [31, 32] on the ballast-related maintenance costs (dashed yellowish bars) and on top, for example, a rail steel grade of R350HT in curves (dashed purple bars—rail grinding and rail exchange). The track maintenance cost decreases by more than 40% using these components in curves and still by one third in straight sections where higher rail steel grades do not reduce maintenance demands.

Figure 10.

Track maintenance costs per vehicle-kilometer—4ax-Y25 freight wagon_20 t with varying track components.


4. Conclusions

Track loading is a main trigger for track maintenance needs. Gross-tonnage is widely used, but cannot cover the different damage mechanisms properly. Damage processes on rails and in ballast are the most relevant causes for track maintenance. Dynamic vertical forces created by unevenness of track can be seen as loading for the ballast-related deterioration process, while rail surface damage and rail wear needs a more holistic description of the loading. Existing track deterioration models still need improvement, especially for new rail surface failures and for turnouts, but deliver a much more detailed insight on both track maintenance demand for changing traffic compositions and vehicle properties triggering track maintenance. Following this approach of a track deterioration model based on vehicle properties will help to forecast necessary track maintenance and the associated budgets much more precisely than the simplified gross-ton approach. The possibility to calculate track maintenance costs on vehicle basis enables of course also to allocate these costs much better in track access charge schemes [21, 33, 34]. This would support the construction and use of track-friendly vehicles and thus to reduce the costs of railway operation.



The research was funded by ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG and SBB.


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Written By

Stefan Marschnig and Ursula Ehrhart

Submitted: 11 December 2022 Reviewed: 07 March 2023 Published: 25 April 2023