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Introductory Chapter: Trends in Assistive Technology

Written By

Alejandro Rafael Garcia Ramirez

Published: 10 May 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.111413

From the Edited Volume

Trends in Assistive Technologies

Edited by Alejandro Rafael Garcia-Ramirez

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1. Introduction

People may present at any age some type of disability, lack or deficiency of one or more abilities that affects their performance in carrying out tasks appropriate to their level of development, such as walking, speaking, hearing, seeing, among others. Disability is a term used to refer to any physical, sensory, cognitive, or intellectual impairment that significantly affects a person’s ability to perform daily activities or participate in society on an equal basis with others [1]. It is a broad and complex concept that comprises a wide range of conditions and limitations, temporary and permanent, and can result from various factors, like genetics, illness, injury, and environmental factors. The definition of disability may vary depending on the context, cultural beliefs, and legal frameworks in different societies [1].

Disabled individuals are prevalent within most extended families, and it is common for non-disabled individuals to provide support and care for their disabled loved ones. As a result, throughout human history, societies have grappled with the ethical and political dilemma of how to effectively incorporate and assist individuals with disabilities. The distress of people with some kind of disability depends more on the environment in which they are inserted than necessarily on the problem they have. The World Report on Disability, jointly produced by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank, suggests that more than one billion people worldwide suffer from disabilities and reports that people with disabilities generally have poorer health, lower educational attainment, fewer economic opportunities, and higher poverty rates than people without disabilities [2]. This can be attributed in large part to the insufficient availability of services and the numerous obstacles that individuals with disabilities encounter daily. In this scenario, assistive technology (AT) emerges.

Assistive technologies (AT) are devices, tools, and services that help individuals with disabilities to perform everyday tasks and participate fully in society. The goal of AT is to provide support and facilitate independence, while also improving the quality of life for those who use it [3]. As technology continues to advance, so do the possibilities for assistive technologies. In recent years, we have seen a rapid increase in the development and use of new AT devices and services that have the potential to transform the way we assist and support individuals with disabilities. This chapter introduces the new trends in assistive technologies, their benefits, and the challenges that come with them.

1.1 Definition of assistive technology

Assistive technology refers to devices, software, or equipment designed to support people with disabilities, enabling them to participate in various activities and improve their overall quality of life [3]. AT solutions can range from a simple white cane to a complex computerized system controlled by gaze or bioelectric signals. Included in the range of items that can enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities are adapted toys and clothing, computers with special software and hardware that meet accessibility requirements, alternative communication devices, special keys, and triggers, assisted listening devices, visual aids, prosthetic materials, and countless other products.

1.2 Purpose of assistive technologies

The primary aim of assistive technologies is to empower individuals with disabilities to achieve independence, autonomy, and participation in society. AT seeks to enable individuals to overcome the various barriers that they may encounter in their daily lives, such as mobility limitations, sensory impairments, lack of information, or challenges in processing information. Assistive technologies can aid people with disabilities in multiple ways, including improving communication abilities, facilitating access to education and information, performing daily tasks, and participating in the labor force. Furthermore, they can help individuals achieve greater social inclusion, develop their skills, and improve their overall quality of life. Assistive technologies can also generate broader societal benefits, such as promoting diversity and inclusion, reducing healthcare expenditures, and enhancing productivity and economic outcomes [4].

1.3 Relevance of assistive technologies

Assistive technologies are incredibly important for people with disabilities because they provide a means of overcoming barriers and promoting independence, autonomy, and participation. Assistive technologies make it possible for people with disabilities to access and interact with various environments, such as workplaces, schools, public spaces, and the Internet. This sort of technologies enables people with disabilities to perform tasks and activities independently, such as mobility aids that help people to move around and prosthetic limbs that allow people to engage in activities such as sports and recreation [3].

Assistive technologies have the potential to enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities by assisting their engagement in social activities, accessing education and information, and completing daily living tasks. Inclusion is crucial, and assistive technologies can promote diversity and inclusion by enabling individuals with disabilities to fully participate in society and be recognized for their unique skills and perspectives. They can also lessen the economic impact of disability by supporting individuals to enter the workforce, increasing their earning potential, and decreasing their dependence on social welfare programs. All in all, assistive technologies are essential for protecting the rights and well-being of people with disabilities and advancing the goal of building a more equitable and inclusive society [4].


2. New trends in assistive technologies

In this section are described emerging trends in the field of assistive technologies (AT) that have the potential to revolutionary transform the lives of people with disabilities.

2.1 Artificial intelligence

AI has the potential to transform the field of assistive technology by empowering individuals with disabilities to live more independently and actively participate in society. Examples of AI-powered assistive technology is the integration of voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri, which enable individuals with disabilities to manage their home environment, make phone calls, send messages, and access information, among other functionalities [5]. Another example is the Oura Ring that has sensors to capture biological signals and provides reports on the user’s health [6]. Personalized assistive technology is also a field of application for AI, where AI-powered prosthetics can learn and adapt to an individual’s movements and preferences [7].

The potential of AI-powered assistive technologies is vast, and as technology continues to progress, we can expect to witness more innovative uses of AI in assistive technology. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, held in June 2019, recognized that AI “has the potential to enhance inclusion, participation, and independence for people with disabilities” [8]. Numerous organizations are exploring the uses of AI in assistive technologies as a means of improving accessibility. Among them are AI-based visual aids, smarter glasses, cognitive hearing aids, new opportunities for education, and equal opportunities for employment.

2.2 Wearable devices

The use of wearables, such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other body-worn devices, has been on the rise in recent years as assistive technology for individuals with disabilities or other specific requirements. These devices offer numerous advantages, including health monitoring capabilities that can track vital signs like heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels, which can be especially beneficial for those with chronic conditions or disabilities [6, 9]. Wearables can also aid communication for people with hearing or speech impairments by pairing with a smartphone app that converts speech to text or vice versa, allowing for more effortless communication [10]. Additionally, wearables can facilitate navigation for people with visual impairments, where smart glasses come equipped with built-in cameras and software that can recognize objects and provide audio feedback to help users navigate their surroundings [11].

Furthermore, wearables can enhance safety for people with disabilities, where some smartwatches offer emergency features that enable users to call for help or share their location in case of an emergency [12].

Wearables possess immense potential to deliver significant benefits for individuals with disabilities or other specific needs. As technology continues to progress, we can anticipate more groundbreaking applications of wearables as assistive technology devices.

2.3 Robotics

Robotics has emerged as a promising technology for assisting people with disabilities in performing daily tasks, achieving greater independence, and improving their quality of life. Robotic assistive technologies can be customized to meet individual needs and can provide support for a wide ranging of disabilities, including mobility impairments, sensory impairments, and cognitive impairments [13].

Robotics can be used to create prosthetic limbs that are controlled by the user’s myoelectric signals, enabling greater mobility and independence [7]. Exoskeletons are wearable robotic devices that can help people with mobility impairments walk or stand. They are particularly useful for people with spinal cord injuries or other conditions that affect their ability to move [14]. Robots can be used to assist with a range of everyday tasks, such as cooking, cleaning, and personal care. These robots can help people with disabilities or older adults live independently in their own homes [15].

2.4 Internet of things (IoT)

The field of assistive technology stands to be revolutionized by the potential of the Internet of things (IoT), which allows devices to communicate with each other and gather data in real time. IoT refers to a connected network of devices that can exchange information and perform tasks without human intervention. For instance, IoT sensors can detect falls and automatically alert caregivers or emergency services as necessary [16].

Assistive technology can take advantage of IoT to create customized environments for people with disabilities, such as smart homes. Furthermore, IoT can help monitor health indicators, like heart rate and blood pressure, allowing healthcare professionals and caregivers to provide more personalized and targeted care to individuals with disabilities [17].

Another example of the use of IoT in assistive technology is the development of smart prosthetics. These prosthetics can be connected to the Internet and other devices, enabling users to control them through their smartphones and receive feedback on their movements and other data [18].

IoT can also be used to create more efficient and effective transportation systems for individuals with disabilities. Connected vehicles can be equipped with sensors and other technologies to provide real-time traffic updates, monitor road conditions, and optimize routes to ensure that individuals with disabilities can travel safely and efficiently.

In conclusion, the application of IoT in assistive technology can enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities by offering customized and adaptable solutions that cater to their specific requirements.


3. Challenges

Although assistive technology can offer numerous benefits for individuals with disabilities, there exist various challenges and concerns that need to be addressed when designing, implementing, and utilizing assistive technology. One of the primary challenges is ensuring that assistive technology is accessible by people with diverse types of disabilities, considering factors such as vision, hearing, motor skills, and cognitive abilities to maximize its usability by as many people as possible [19].

Additionally, the cost of assistive technology can be a barrier for individuals with disabilities, and it is essential to consider ways to increase affordability and accessibility, such as through government subsidies or insurance coverage. Moreover, assistive technology typically requires customization to meet the specific needs of each user, which can be time-consuming and costly, and may necessitate specialized knowledge and skills [3].

Much assistive technologies require training to be used effectively. It is important to provide adequate support to ensure that users can use the technology effectively and safely [4]. Maintaining and repairing assistive technology is also essential to ensure its proper functioning, and it is essential to have efficient systems in place to provide timely maintenance and repair services. In addition, privacy and security are significant concerns when using assistive technology that collects and stores sensitive personal data. Developers must consider privacy and security issues and implement appropriate measures to safeguard user data. Moreover, ethical considerations need to be addressed when designing and utilizing assistive technology, including ensuring that it respects the autonomy and dignity of the individual user [20].


4. Conclusion

Assistive technology has the potential to transform the lives of people with disabilities. Tendencies in assistive technology provide more personalized, adaptable, and accessible solutions that can enhance their independence, mobility, and quality of life.

The capability for growth and future developments of assistive technologies is significant, as these technologies continue to evolve and become more sophisticated. As technology becomes more advanced, there is a growing potential for greater personalization in assistive technology solutions. This could involve the use of sensors, artificial intelligence, and other technologies to develop more customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each individual user.

Accessibility is a key in the expansion of assistive technologies, and there is an increasing recognition of the need to ensure that these technologies will be accessible to as many people as possible. This may involve developing more affordable solutions, as well as solutions adaptable and customizable to meet the needs of diverse users.

As assistive technologies become more advanced, there is potential for greater integration with mainstream technology, allowing individuals with disabilities to use the same technologies as everyone else. This could involve the development of assistive technologies that can be used with devices such as smartphones and tablets, as well as greater compatibility with existing technologies. For example, assistive technologies could be used to improve accessibility in public spaces or to enhance learning and education for individuals with disabilities using mobile devices.

Collaboration between technology companies, disability organizations, and individuals with disabilities is essential for the development of effective and user-friendly assistive technologies. By working together, these stakeholders can identify areas of need and develop solutions that are truly responsive to the needs of individuals with disabilities.

Overall, the potential for growth and future developments in assistive technologies is remarkable, and there is great potential for these technologies to enhance the lives of people with disabilities in many ways.



Thanks to the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina (FAPESC), the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), and the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, from the National Institutes of Health, who support several studies in this field.


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Written By

Alejandro Rafael Garcia Ramirez

Published: 10 May 2023