Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Key Outcomes of 5D Relativity

Written By

Detlef Hoyer

Reviewed: 27 January 2023 Published: 05 June 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.110241

From the Edited Volume

Recent Topics and Innovations in Quantum Field Theory

Edited by Zbigniew Piotr Szadkowski

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Interstellar travel needs enormous amounts of energy to accelerate payload, structure, and propellant to high speeds. For a travel to a distant star all three have to be huge. Chemical propellant needs more than 90% of the whole start weight, even from an orbit around the Moon. Most of the energy is necessary to increase kinetic energy. Because kinetic energy depends on inertial mass, a reduction of effective energy could reduce the amount of energy needed. As inertial mass and gravitational mass are the same following the equivalence principle of General Relativity and gravity depends on the gravitational constant, a local variation of the gravitational constant might result in variation of the effective mass. A varying scaling between mass/energy and spacetime could also cause a new force as known form the Pioneer anomaly. Kaluza-Klein Theory is General Relativity extended to 5 dimensions (5D). The gravitational constant is substituted by a scalar field making it variable. This scalar field is predicted to change under strong dynamic electromagnetic fields. Deriving the equation of motion from this 5D-metric predicts a fifth force.


  • 5D relativity
  • 5D electromagnetism
  • scalar field
  • fifth force
  • interstellar travel

1. Introduction

The basic idea of classical Kaluza-Theory [1] is briefly presented. Many following introductory and basic passages and also figures are taken from a conference paper published with the ASCEND 2021 conference [2]. The focus here is on the didactic presentation of the results in the form of 10 key statements, which are listed and explained in different sections. This 5D Relativity theory is named “induced matter theory,” because no extra 5D stress-energy-momentum tensor is necessary, but the known 4D stress-energy-momentum tensor is generated or “induced” by curvature of an empty 5D space. The key results are as follows:

  1. the 4 off-diagonal elements of the new fifth column g5α represent the 4-vector potential A of moving charges

  2. the 5th diagonal element takes the role of the gravity constant

  3. there is an inhomogeneous wave equation for the scalar field with excitation by electromagnetic fields

  4. in the vicinity of a charge the gravitational constant becomes larger

  5. the electric field lines of a charge are caused by pressure only, because the positive field energy of the electric field and the negative field energy of the scalar field cancel each other out

  6. a charged black hole in 5D has only one event horizon in contrast to the Reissner-Nordström-solution, which in 4D has two event horizons and a repulsive gravitational field between them

  7. there is a static soliton solution consisting of a cloud of radiation particles of the scalar field (radions, dilatons, scalarons, axions) with kinetic mass around the mass center

  8. a dependence of the elements on the 5th coordinate can generate mass, pressure, momentum, and energy

  9. there is an inhomogeneous wave equation for the scalar field with excitation by variation of the ten 4D gravitiy-potentials with the 5th dimension

  10. there is a new rectilinear component of the Lorentz force that causes acceleration that could look like a reduction in inertia.


2. Classical electrodynamics retrospected

Maxwell’s eqs. (3D plus time) specify sources and curls for electric field E and magnetic field B by which the whole fields are determined according to Helmholtz’s theorem [3]. As basic mathematical laws they do not reveal which quantity is a cause and which is a consequence. This way the 3rd Maxwell equation


only declares two simultaneously occurring effects always as equal (non-causal). The cause for all electric and magnetic fields are always charges and currents (charges at rest and charges in motion) [4]. The coupling of the fields E and B by Maxwell’s equations means that both appear as a dual entity. So both are parts of one electromagnetic field with six components (3 electric and 3 magnetic) and instead of electricity and magnetism we speak about electromagnetism.

2.1 Electric and magnetic field derived from four scalar potentials

From Maxwell’s equations follows that both fields can be derived from potentials. Maxwell’s 2nd equation states that there are no sources and only curls for magnetic fields; thus, the magnetic field B can be written as rotation of another vector field A(r, t) which depends on position and time:


The vector potential A can be used in the 3rd Maxwell equation (Eq. (1)) and we get:


Because the term in the brackets has a curl of zero, it can be written as a gradient of a scalar potential φ:


Thus, it is possible to calculate B and E also from A and φ. The electromagnetic potentials introduced in classical theory—formally as helping quantities—appear in other theories as real necessary fields with physical meaning (e.g., Schrödinger-equation, QED, Proca-equation [3]).

2.2 Electromagnetic field tensor: a dual entity derived from 4-dimensional rotation of four vector potential

In special Relativity (4D) the electromagnetic potentials A and φ are combined to a 4-vector, setting A0 or A4 to φ. The Faraday tensor or field tensor is defined by the 16 components [5]:


These are the partial derivatives of 4-dimensional (4D) rotation of Ai. They also occur in 3D rotation and in the gradient, that way the Faraday-tensor contains directly electric and magnetic field components. In Cartesian coorinates they represent Eqs. (1) and (2):


which were derived from 2nd and 3rd Maxwell’s equation. The tensor Fik is the 4D rotation of four vectors Ai. It can be written this way with use of the electromagnetic field quantities:


This tensor is a physical quantity, which unifies electric and magnetic field components into one dual entity: the electromagnetic field tensor F.

2.3 Stress-energy-momentum tensor

The Maxwell stress tensor σ (3D) is used in classical electromagnetism to represent the interaction between electromagnetic forces and mechanical momentum ([6], p. 72, 931). Starting with the Lorentz force law F=qE+v×B the force per unit volume is f=ρE+j×B. Replacing sources ρ and curls j with Maxwell’s equations by functions of the fields E and B, eliminating the curls by vector calculus identities [7] and writing the result in a more compact way one gets:


Which is explicitly in cartesian coordinates


This stress tensor can be used to derive the Lorentz force per unit volume by the divergence of the stress tensor as


With potentials instead of fields (Eq. (6)) and using the definition of the field tensor Fμλ (Eq. (5)) one gets the relativistic electromagnetic stress–energy-momentum tensor Tμν (4D):


which is explicitly in matrix form (in SI units):


where S=1μ0E×B is the Poynting vector, σij=ε0EiEj+1μ0BiBj12ε0E2+1μ0B2δij is the Maxwell stress tensor, and the speed of light is c=1μ0ε0. Eq. (10)—the Lorentz force per unit volume - can be rewritten as:


3. Electromagnetism from 5D

Kaluza found that the relativistic electromagnetic stress–energy-momentum tensor T from Eqs. (11) and (12) is mathematically structural equal to a part of a 5D curvature tensor. To see this, the electromagnetic vector potential A, which had initially 3 spatial components Ax,Ay,Az and was extended by a fourth (time) component At, now is extended again by a fifth component Al to a 5-vector


The component along the -axis shall have constant length and may be slanted giving a picture (Figure 1) like the hairs of a horses coat or fur, in a pelt or like the tufts of a carpet:

Figure 1.

4-brane (x,y,z,t) with upright 5th component (axes of a pyramid).

Φ is the component orthogonal to all spacetime components, which are also perpendicular to each other, so the sum


is the length of A. To show the capabilities of the Ricci curvature tensor in 5D we take the Minkowski metric and add the 5-vector A as fifth row and column.


With Al=1 and At=φ=qr the fifth diagonal element becomes


and setting Ax=Ay=Az=0 (no magnetic field) we get with r=x2+y2+z2:


Applying the 5D Einstein tensor GAB=RAB12gABR multiplied by two we get (Maple-instruction: 2*Einstein[]):


With: er=xî+yĵ+zk̂x2+y2+z2,E=qrer=qxî+yĵ+zk̂x2+y2+z23/2.

an identification of the electric field components in (19) is possible:


and it becomes obvious, that the first 4 rows and columns represent the electromagnetic energy-stress-momentum tensor Tik of (11) and (12).

Key result (i): This was only a demonstration which shows that the 5th row and 5th column are related to the electromagnetic 4-vector. Next has to be taken into account, that energy causes a gravitational field.


4. Field of a charged mass at rest in 5D

In the previous section was shown how the 5D Einstein tensor produces the electromagnetic energy-stress-momentum tensor Tμν. Because the 5D Einstein tensor already includes the electromagnetic energy-stress-momentum tensor, there is no need for anything besides the Ricci curvature tensor and solutions shall fulfill (symbols with a tilde mark 5D quantities) the 5D equation R˜AB=0 which infers R˜=0 and G˜AB=0.

We start with a 5D line element (with capital S as mark for a 5D quantity) in a form which can be found in ([8], p. 128):


To be a solution of RAB=0 the functions A, B, and E have to be:


Inserting the solution into the the line element gives:


In matrix form this is:


Calculating the Ricci curvature with computer algebra software one gets:


The 5D-Monopole metric g˜AB of Eq. (24) thus is a solution of equation R˜AB=0.

4.1 Projection of 5D solutions onto 4D space

We start with a common fully covariant 5D line element and use a latin letters to mark 5D components ([8], p. 118)


To get the 4D line element and 4D metric tensor from 5D, the part along the fifth coordinate is split into an orthogonal part and a tangent part in relation to the 4D hyper-surface. A unit vector along the fifth coordinate is (because γ55=γ512+γ522+γ532+γ542+Φ2):


This will enable us to split the 5D metric into a part parallel to ΨA and a 4D part orthogonal to it. We define a projector:


where by definition of Ψ follows


This has only 4 rows and 4 columns:


so the 5D line element becomes the sum of a 4D line element and an extra part:


Let us introduce a 4-vector and a scalar field


With these we get


This line element rewritten in matrix form is ([8], p. 135):


With the assumption that the g˜AB are functions only of xμ and do not depend on x5, meaning


we get the following expression


Key result (ii): here the scalar field plays the role of the gravity constant via 12Φ2.

For the components with A=5 or B=5 two more equations can be derived: a Maxwell-like equation, where the source depends on the scalar field


and a wave-like equation for the scalar field itself—Key result (iii).


5. Projection of a 5D-monopole onto 4D

To get the 4D-metric of the 5D-Monpole solution one has to perform the projection of Eq. (29). Because only the first 4 rows need a projection and components γ52, γ53 and γ54 are zero, the only projection which has to be done is the one with γ51:


We have γ11=BEEA2, γ51=EA and γ55=E, so


The 4D line element is then


or as matrix


Now that the 4D metric for the 5D-Monopole is known, one can calculate the 4D-Einstein tensor:


which after (38) is equal to 12Φ2Temαβ+Tscαβ with 12Φ2=g.

As stated, the scalar field plays the role of the gravity constant g=121+q22mr.

Key result (iv): with smaller radius r the gravity constant g increases and the electromagnetic energy generates a stronger gravity field in the vicinity of the charge than from pure 4D theory.

Key result (v): Because G00 is the energy component and is zero, this means scalar and electric energy cancel out and there are only pressure terms left to generate force and field lines.

5.1 Comparison with Reissner-Nordström metric

The 4D line element of the Reissner-Nordström metric is known as


which is as matrix


Both are solution of


The electromagnetic stress-energy-momentum tensor as matrix:


Key result (vi): The Reissner-Nordström solution has a negative inverse r term 2mr and a positive inverse r2 term q2r2 which can result in 2 event horizons. The 4D projection of the 5D Monopole can have only one event horizon.

Both differ only in the near field. The expansion of g00 of the 4D projection of the 5D Monopole shows a vanishing difference to g00 of the Reissner-Nordström solution with increasing r:


6. Neutral soliton solution with a static scalar field

Setting the electromagnetic 4-potential components g5α=0 results in an electrically neutral solution. Only g55 is nonzero and varies with distance r. With a function


the line-element of the solution is


which is in matrix form


Calculating the Ricci tensor for this metric results in


and requests the condition:


Since ab in general, the metric (52) is bivalent in the sense that it has gravitational and scalar contributions to the energy. Calculating the total energy of a soliton gives (a + b/2) M [7] where M is the mass seen from infinity.

Key result (vii): since there are no electromagnetic sources in the metric (56) and all of its associated matter outside of the central source comes from the last term, the logical consequence is that the cloud of radiation around a soliton is not photons but scalerons, or quanta of the scalar field (radions, dilatons, axions).

6.1 Neutral soliton solution with a dynamic scalar field

There is also a dynamic (isotropic) solution of a soliton, where the scalar field quanta vanish to infinity whith an analog of a Hubble-constant leading to a Black Hole without a scalar field:


7. Induced matter

In the preceding section, there was no explicit dependence on . Now, we allow all potentials gAB to depend on and again work with electric neutral matter (see matrix form in Eq. (36) with condition Eq. (37)):


Next, we can split the 5D Ricci tensor in its 4D analog and terms belonging to the 5th dimension, which can be taken as terms of a stress-energy-momentum tensor. Derivations of the 5th dimension with respect to are denoted with a star:


Key result (viii): the dependence of the elements on the coordinate can generate mass, pressure, momentum and energy (tensor Tαβ).

The fifth diagonal element of the 5D-Ricci tensor is also required to be zero:


Key result (ix): and yields a wave equation for the gravitational constant.


8. Geodesic motion in 5D and extension of Lorentz force

In the preceding section, a new energy-momentum-tensor Tscαβ occurred. Its divergence should yield in force density (force per unit inertial mass). For that reason, the equation of motion is interesting. Using the Lagrangian approach minimizing the distance between two points in 5D, the equation of geodesic motion becomes ([7], p. 154):


The first two terms describe geodesic motion in 4D, so we split the equation and define a force density:


The new force density is nonzero if the 4D metric depends on the fifth coordinate gαβ∂ℓ and there is motion in the fifth dimension dds. A force Fμ can be split into a normal component Nμ in relation to the 4D velocity and a tangent or parallel component Pμ in relation to the 4D velocity, thus Fμ=Nμ+Pμ giving force densities:


Key result (x): the force P parallel to 4D velocity u is new and occurs only if there is fifth dimension dependency ([7], p. 157). In the preceding section, we had condition (37) wherefore there a fifth force does not occur.


9. Conclusions

From five dimensional metrics with unrestricted dependence from all five coordinates resolving the equation RAB=0 many inductively gained physical laws can be deduced: Newton’s gravity law, Coulomb law, Faraday induction law, Ampère’s circuital law, Maxwell Equations, Einstein’s Gravity law, Einstein-Maxwell equation. Because of further degrees of freedom a scalar wave equation for the gravity constant is gained, yielding in an additional energy and an additional force. For 4D assemblies a reduction of inertia is predicted. The gravity constant corresponds to a scalar field which is part of the 5D metric as the 15th potential.

This 15th component of the metric varies in the vincinity of a charge and seems to behave like the potentials of the electromagnetic 4-vector-potential which is able detach from the sources, giving reason to the assumption that changes of the gravity constant could emerge into the surrounding spacetime.

Aiming at the reduction of inertia and an accelerating fifth force, for interstellar travel or asteroid deflection missions a change from analytical to numerical calculation methods will be necessary.

Recent experiments investigate the possible effects of a fifth force with neutron beam scattering on silicon crystals [9]. Neutrons have internally two negative charges and a double positive charge in the smallest space and in the near field the scalar potential causes the greatest deviations.



The author would like to thank the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) for kindly allowing parts of this chapter to be adapted from a conference paper published in the ASCEND 2021 conference. Since most of the content presented is introductory and basic, many passages and figures are taken from that paper. The focus here is on the didactic presentation of the results in the form of 10 key statements.


Aelectromagnetic vector potential
component of electromagnetic 4-vector
Bmagnetic field
βrapidity vc
cvelocity of light, displacement of a field source
dsline element, 4D
dSline element, 5D
dttime step multiplied with c (velocity of light)
Eelectric field
εsign + or – (factor + 1 or − 1)
ε0dielectric constant
fforce density (force per unit inertial mass)
Fforce, electromagnetic Field tensor, Farady tensor
Fμνcomponent of the Farady tensor
φelectric potential
Φcomponent along the 5th coordinate
gmetric tensor, 4D
gμνcomponent of 4D metric tensor
gABcomponent of 5D metric tensor
γgravity constant, index for 4D, Lorentz factor 1/1−β2, 5D metric tensor
ΓkliChristoffel symbol of the second kind
î,ĵ,k̂Cartesian unit basis vector (Maple notation)
jcurrent density
fifth coordinate (besides x, y, z, ct)
μ0magnetic permeability
rradial distance
Rcurvature scalar
RμνRicci curvature tensor, 4D
RABRicci curvature tensor, 5D
RμνκσRiemann curvature tensor
ρcharge density
SPoyting vector
σMaxwell stress tensor
Tμνelectromagnetic stress energy tensor
x,y,zCartesian component indexes (of a force)
xicovariant coordinates
xicontravariant coordinates


  1. 1. Kaluza T. Zum Unitätsproblem der Physik, Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaft. Berlin: Phys.-Math. Klasse; 1921. p. 966
  2. 2. Hoyer D. Fast interstellar space travel by reduced mass via 5D Electromagnetism. [Internet]. ASCEND 2021. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; 2021. DOI: 10.2514/6.2021-4002
  3. 3. Lehner G. Elektromagnetische Feldtheorie für Ingenieure und Physiker. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 1990
  4. 4. Jefimenko O. Causality, Electromagnetic Induction and Gravitation. Star City: Electric Scientific Company; 1992. p. 16
  5. 5. Jackson JD. Klassische Elektrodynamik. 2. Auflage ed. Berlin New York: de Gruyter; 1983
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  7. 7. Spiegel MR. Ch. VII. In: Vectoranalysis. Düsseldorf: McGraw-Hill; 1977. p. 17
  8. 8. Wesson P, Overduin J. Space-Time-Matter. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.; 2019
  9. 9. Heacock B. Pendellösung interferometry probes the neutron charge radius, lattice dynamics, and fifth forces. Science. 2021;373:1239

Written By

Detlef Hoyer

Reviewed: 27 January 2023 Published: 05 June 2023