Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Periodic Navier Stokes Equations for a 3D Incompressible Fluid with Liutex Vortex Identification Method

Written By

Terry E. Moschandreou and Keith C. Afas

Reviewed: 25 January 2023 Published: 17 March 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.110206

From the Edited Volume

Vortex Simulation and Identification

Edited by Chaoqun Liu

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The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations (NSEs) are on the list of Millennium Problems, to prove their existence and uniqueness of solutions. The NSEs can be formulated in a periodic 3D domain, where they are termed the Periodic Navier Stokes (PNS) Equations, and can be treated on a subspace spanning a 3-dimensional torus, or T3. Treating the PNS Equations in T3-space, this article demonstrates that a decaying of turbulence occurs in the 3D case for the z component of velocity when non-smooth initial conditions are considered for x, y components of velocity and that ‘vorticity’ sheets in the small scales of 3D turbulence dominate the flow to the extent that non-smooth temporal solutions exist for the z velocity for smooth initial data for the x, y components of velocity. Unlike the Navier-Stokes equations, which have no anti-symmetric vorticity tensor, there are new governing equations which have vorticity tensor and can be decomposed into a rotational part(Liutex), antisymmetric shear and compression and stretching. It is shown that under these recent findings, that there is a strong correlation between vorticity and vorticies for (PNS).


  • periodic
  • Navier-stokes
  • blow-up
  • turbulence
  • 3-torus
  • Weierstrass
  • elliptic
  • analysis

1. Introduction

This chapter gives a general model using specific periodic special functions, that is elliptic Weierstrass P functions. The definition of vorticity in [1], is that vorticity is a rotational part added to the sum of antisymmetric shear and compression and stretching. Satisfying a divergence free vector field and periodic boundary conditions respectively with a general spatio-temporal forcing term fxt which is smooth and periodic, then the existence of solutions which blowup in finite time can occur. On the other hand if u0 is not smooth, then there exist globally in time solutions on t0 with a possible blowup at t=. The control of turbulence is possible to maintain when the initial conditions and boundary conditions are posed properly for (PNS) [2, 3, 4]. This leads to the following two questions for (PNS),

  1. Is there a decaying of turbulence in the 3D case for the z component of velocity when non-smooth initial conditions are considered for x, y components of velocity?


  2. Are the vorticity sheets in the small scales of 3D turbulence dominating the flow to the extent that non-smooth temporal solutions exist for the z velocity for smooth initial data for the x, y components of velocity?

A positive answer exists for both of the above questions [4, 5]. In this chapter it is shown explicitly that for smooth forcing that is both spatial and temporal and Weierstrass P product functions in space for velocity ux and uy that the equivalent form of the Navier-Stokes equations derived in [6, 7, 8], has as one of the possible solutions for uz a separable product of spatial functions in the three space variables together multiplied by a general function of t which is a blowup at infinity. On the other hand if fxt is a smooth reciprocal function of a general Weierstrass P function defined on the 3-Torus, then when ux and uy in 3D Navier Stokes equations are both in the smooth reciprocal form of the Weierstrass P function then this implies that uz is not smooth in time. In [6, 7, 8] the z component of vorticity was chosen to be constant. Extending the vorticity definition, in particular in this chapter, ux,uy satisfy a non-constant spatial or time dependent vorticity for 3D vorticity ω. Finally new eqs. [1] are conjectured to possess smooth solutions appearing to not have finite time singularities using the correct definition of vorticity in this study. For (PNS) it is shown that there exists a vortex in each cell of the lattice associated with T3 using the decomposition of pure rotation(Liutex), antisymmetric shear and compression and stretching. Furthermore it is observed that a singular cusp bifurcation occurs along a principle main axis for the case of smooth and non-smooth initial inputs of velocity.


2. Mathematics preliminaries

Let sR, the homogenous Sobolev space is,


with associated norm,


The inhomogeneous Sobolev Space is,


with associated norm,


The particular inhomogeneous Sobolev space H12T3 is a scale invariant space for (PNS).

Theorem 1 (Preköpa-Leindler) Let 0<λ<1 and let f, g, and h be nonnegative integrable functions on Rn satisfying,


for all x,yRn. Then


Theorem 2 (Gagliardo-Nirenberg) Let 1q and j,k,j<k, and either,


If we set 1p=jn+θ1rkn+1θq, then there exists constant C independent of u such that


3. Equivalent form of 3D incompressible Navier stokes equations

The 3D incompressible unsteady Navier-Stokes Equations (NSEs) in Cartesian coordinates may be expressed [6, 7, 8] as the coupled system Eqs. (4)(9) below, for the velocity field u=uiei,ui=uxuyuz from the original NSE’s,




and where δ=A+1 with A being arbitrarily small when δ1. In [6] G there is defined without the tensor product term Q. Calculating the tensor product term Q in Eq. (14) see [6] and using Eq. (22) in [6] shows it’s volume integral to approach zero due to uz22 approaching zero. See Theorem 1 and 2, where the Preköpa-Leindler and Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality is used to show this when r=1 and λ=θ=12. In this paper it is shown that the problem in [6] can be extended to all three velocity components ui. The G.A. decomposition used there shows that there is a missing term (intended to be present) when multiplying Eq. 5 (there) by uz and adding to the product of b and the z momentum equation. This sum is precisely uz2 which is bounded by uz22 which is shown below to approach zero as the volume Ω approaches infinity. Also the pressure due to conservation of forces theorem is a regular function in t. As a result it is assumed that it can be written as P=P˜xyzPt0tt0 where Pt0tt0 approaches zero as tt0 and 1δρuz2xyP+b1ρuzPz=3Φt where r=xi+yj+zk. In Eq. (7) of [6], for the vector B=uzuzbb,Lu=B. Furthermore in Eq. (11) [6] there, the term Ω4 is the divergence of the vector B. Using Ostrogradsky’s formula in terms of the vorticity ω and velocity b,Ωuzbuzωrdx=Ωruzωbuzdx. Now for a specific pressure P on an R-sphere, ΩGδ1+Gδ2+Gδ4dx=3Φt, where Φt assumed to be bounded and contain the pressure terms in Eq. (7). The sphere is r=R. Since the 3-Torus is compact there are m closed sets covering it. The outer measure is used where the infimum is taken over all finite subcollections of closed spheres Ejj=1n covering a specific space associated with T3. This space is ST3 and is within ϵ measure of the 3-Torus and is obtained by minimally smoothening the vertices of LL3 and slightly puffing out it’s facets. Also inner measure is used where the supremum is taken over all finite subcollections N of closed spheres Fjj=1p inside ST3. Generally by Hölder’s inequality, since Gδ3 is positive for sufficiently sharp increases in radial pressure where uz does not blowup in finite time (but will be shown to be non-smooth), and for sufficiently small c>0,

=cΩr2ω1uzbdxcΩr2ω1uzbdxcΩr4dx14Ωw1uzb234cΩr4dx14[Ωω1uzb2dx1/232+Ωuzbω12dx1/232]cΩr4dx14[Ωω12u2uz2dx34+Ωuz2b2ω12dx34]cΩr4dx14[ω142u82uz16234+Ωuz2b2ω12dx34]15215cL7/41cω1432u832uz23+1cΩuz832b23ω1432dx340(dueto2norms  approaching  zero

Considering inscribed spheres in each puffed cell of the perturbed lattice ST3 and integrating over the union of all such spheres where each cell is of arbitrary small measure containing spheres results in a finite well defined integral bounded by a now finite supremum. The supremum on the left most side of above chain of inequalities may exist for certain Elliptic functions defined on the 3-Torus with limiting parameters as the present study aims to show. Then integration over T3 is well defined and we can replace ST3 by T3. Now ω1 is vorticity ω multiplied with uz and to begin with D1 is the inverse of the divergence operator integrated over an arbitrary cell of the 3-Torus lattice. Here the identity A×B=ABsinθn was used and in the previous two integrals over a periodic lattice, the first one approaches zero as R becomes arbitrarily large, where the 3-Torus being a compact manifold is bounded by an R-Ball with the norm of the gradient of uz approaching zero and the second integral consisting of b approaches zero for the finite but large volume 3-Torus. The Preköpa-Leindler and Gagliardo-Nirenberg Inequalities have been used for each


Here j=13uj=Ψw, where * is convolution and T3wdx=sR. If Ψ is the fundamental solution of the scalar Laplacian on the 3-Torus T3=S1×S1×S1 noting that ΔΨw=w then the integral of the Laplacian is in general non zero [9]. We must rely on the dimension of the Lattice to ensure the limit value is zero upon dividing by large enough Ω. Off of the associated compact set the velocity is zero or the velocity has compact support. The chain of inequalities at top of this page imply that, in general D1Gδ1+Gδ2+Gδ4=rΦt since the two vectors r and D1 can be in the same direction. A term Φt is also multiplied by r. A group G of transformations of urt is a symmetry group of NS if for all gG,u a NS solution implies gu is a NS solution. The group is Z. The Navier Stokes equations are invariant under the dilation group as shown after Eq. (4). Next there will be an application of the group transformations seen in Eqs. (5)(8):


where b=1δuxi+uyj+uzk, and i,j and k are the standard unit vectors. For Poisson’s Equation seen in Eq. (9) (see [6, 8]), the second derivative Pzz is set equal to the second derivative obtained in the Gδ1 expression as part of G,


where the last three terms on rhs of Eq. (9) can be shown to be equal to Pxx+Pyy. Along with Eqs. (4)(9), the continuity equation in Cartesian co-ordinates, is iui=0. Furthermore the right hand side of the one parameter group of transformations are next mapped to η variable terms,


and Eq. (4) becomes,




where v=v1v2v3 and FT=FT1i+FT2j. The body force F=Fiei, with FT=FT1y1y2y3sFT2y1y2y3s and Fz is the z–component of the force vector. P depends on η as P=1η2Q. Thus Pz=1η3Qy3. We solve for Pz and using Poisson’s equation Eq. (9), set second derivatives of P w.r.t. z equal to each other, and then set δ1 after multiplying a factor of δ1 out of the equation. This makes A=δ1, a (small) perturbation parameter. Considering the Kinematic Viscosity ν=μ/ρ, since it was shown that there exists a C such that uzt2=C2ν2uz22uz2 in earlier work ([6], page 392) then since it was also demonstrated uz22=Oϵη=ηΩ, due to increasing measure of Ω, it can be seen that uzt2=ν2ϵ2η2η2v32=ν2ϵ2v32=ζ2v32. This implies that the constant C is given as in [10]:


where d=3 and the infimum is taken over functions uW1,1Ω and uΩ is its average Ω1Ωudv. Calculation of above integration terms leads to the identification that CO1, giving η6 order when transforming with Eq. (10) in C2ν2uz22uz2. The final operators become independent of η and the equation is in the form,


where the four components are defined as:


It can be seen that the expressions in square brackets in Eqs. (14) and (15) are L3 & L4 in Eqs. (19) and (20), respectively. Finally, in subsequent sections the Weierstrass degenerate elliptic P function will be used. Letting the Weierstrass P function be denoted by zg2g3, the degenerate case can be denoted as Pmz=z3m2m3.

3.1 Decomposition of NSEs

For Eqs. (4)(9) the Dirichlet condition ux0=ξx such that ξ=0 describes the NSEs together with an incompressible initial condition. Considering periodic boundary conditions defined on 3-torus with associated Lattice is a periodic BVP for the NSEs. Solutions were found to be in the form,


where ux,uy and uz satisfy Eqs. (4)(9).

3.2 Liutex vector and respective governing equations

Theorem 1 in [6] is used in the above decomposition of (PNS) and is the basis theorem of this paper. By using the generalized divergence theorem for scalar products, the term uz2bt in Eq. (6) is extended to 3-components of velocity. (see Eq. (13) in [8] which only incorporated a 2-component velocity field). No finite time blowup was obtained for the simplified case there. Solutions are obtained symbolically with Maple 2021 software, and with the use of Poisson’s equation, Eqs. (4)(9), lead to,


with L1,L2 and L3 expressions given in Appendix 1. Solving symbolically for L=0 individually for the mixed partial derivatives in the expression 2v2y3s2v1y3s, using the following definition of κ in terms of v1,v2 and v3, [see Eq. (33) in [1]. The new equation there has a viscous term reduced to half and one only needs to calculate 3 elements.]






are nonlinear partial differential equations. The v1 and v2 velocities are chosen respectively as the following general spatial–temporal functions, which are assumed to fulfill compatibility conditions in [11, 12],




where A1 and positive. Note that the magnitude of Liutex (scalar form) is obtained in the plane perpendicular to the local axis, which is twice the angular speed of local fluid rotation,


where ωL is associated with the Liutex vector part of vorticity, r=y1i+y2j+y3k and where the Liutex magnitude difference is calculated as follows,


Substituting M1M2 expressions in Eqs. (23) and (24) and κ from Eq. (28) into Eq. (22) gives a new PDE,


3.3 Case 1

An example of a smooth force f0s at s=s0+α is considered with it’s accompanying solution of Eq. (29),


For small m1,


Setting v1 and v2, as


where as an example fa1s=fa2s=tanhss0, a tan hyperbolic linearization in s at s0. Here the relationship between f0 and each of vi is f0=ddsfai.P1 is the reciprocal of the degenerate Weierstrass P function with parameter m plotted for some m values listed in captions in Figure 1. The definition of degenerate function is,

Figure 1.

Plots of the reciprocal of the degenerate Weierstrass P functions in two dimensions y1y2 given relative to the canonical Weierstrass P functions yig2g3 as Pm=nyi=yi3n2n3. (a) Reciprocal of Weierstrass degenerate P function for g2 = 3m2, g3 = m3, m = 1. (b) Reciprocal of Weierstrass degenerate P function for g2 = 3m2, g3 = m3, m = 12. (c) Reciprocal of Weierstrass degenerate P function for g2 = 3m2, g3 = m3, m = 720. (d) Reciprocal of Weierstrass degenerate P function for g2 = 3m2, g3 = m3, m = 320.


3.4 Case 2

An example of a smooth force f0s at s=s0 is considered with it’s accompanying solution of Eq. (29),


Setting v1 and v2, as


where P is the degenerate Weierstrass P function with parameter m. Also for case 2, Φs=0 and the relationship between f0 and each of vi is f0=ddsfai. The general reducing solution in Section 4 will also be considered for the two cases Φs=0 and Φs0. It follows that Φs=0 iff v1=v2, from which it follows that Sv32n3Py3+y1y2PndS=0 and the slope of the time dependent linear solution of v3 is arbitrarily small.

For case 2, for spatially non-smooth v1 and v2, the solution of Eq. (29) is in the form v3=F4sF5y1y2y3 which satisfies,


The solution of Eq. (41) for F4s is,


where it is observed that it is smooth at s=s0 and the limit of F4 as s should be bounded. (In general f0s is assumed to be bounded and the same for both case 1 and 2.) The solution of Eq. (42) is given in Appendix 2.

For Case 1, associated with smooth v1 and v2 with f0 and f1 given by Eq. (34) and fai=tanhss0, the following solutions exist,


with solution,


If Φs=λ where λ>0, then,


and a non-smooth solution in time s is observed, that is a finite time blowup at s=s0 for this Φs starting with the first derivative of F4 and higher. Define Φs such that F4=B+c4λs+C13, where B is a constant. It can be verified that near s=s0Eq. (14) gives Φs=λ from the tensor product term. Furthermore the spatial solution is given by,


In Appendix 2, the general solution for F5 PDE associated with Case 1 is,


Using the continuity equation a specific form for the surface y3=Fy1y2 emerges. Substitution of F1,F2 and F5 (on the surface y3=Fy1y2 into the continuity equation gives a surface to be described below, Differentiating v3 wrt to y3 gives,


Taking the limit as m approaches 0 and consequently C and A approaching zero gives, where the continuity equation has been used to set v3y3=v1y1v2y2,


Solving algebraically for y3 gives two roots and setting the result to y12y22, a saddle surface form, gives an equation which can be solved for Gy1y2, giving,


G is solved for and is exactly,


Substituting Gy1y2 into the expression for F5 gives,


with plot in Figure 2a and b.

Figure 2.

Plots of oscillations at boundary of cell in star and unstarred variables. (a) Sinusoidal velocity at boundary of cell for v3. (b) Different perspective for sinusoidal velocity at boundary of cell for v3. (c) Sinusoidal velocity at boundary of cell for v3 in terms of yi coordinates, y1y2(y1y2)3(y1+y2)43×1035. (d) Sinusoidal velocity at boundary of cell for v3 in terms of xi coordinates, xy(10000x10000y)3(10000x+10000y)43×1035.

Recalling the transformations to η variables, we now return to star variables for the original PNS system. These are shown in Figure 2d in star variables. Note that the plot in Figure 1c, shows the range in y. In Eq. (8), the Gδ4 term consists of the expression which has implicitly been set to zero,


Substituting v3=c4F5ss01/3 into this equation results in approximately zero as m0 as Fz is unbounded at corners and v3 is zero at the corners. In Figure 3cκ for u=uxi+uyj+uzk is shown after transforming from unstarred variables to starred ones. One can note that cancelation of oscillations will occur in a finite Lattice for κ at the wall of adjacent cells since there the sinusoid is of equal height everywhere on [−1, 1]. Oscillations at infinity can occur as the Lattice dimension approaches infinity. A cusp-like bifurcation in vorticity field occurs indicating that there is a singularity upon using the correct definition of vorticity. This is shown in Figure 3d. Following the same recipe as above for case 1 v1,v2 smooth with v3 oscillating at wall and a blowup in acceleration in time, case 2 has a new term now for v1+v2 in the continuity equation. Using this new right hand side expression it follows after some calculations that a spatially singular F5 is given as,

Figure 3.

a. Plot of spatial blowup at center of cell for case 2, b. pressure function for case 1 and 2, c. Liutex magnitude difference κ defined on the saddle surface z=x2y2, for temporally non-smooth uz case 1 and d. the existence of a vortex is found. (a) Spatial blowup at center of cell for no-finite time blowup. Excluding the origin along main principle axis cusp bifurcations are observed. (b) Pressure function in a given cell comprising of linear and nonlinear parts for both cases 1 and 2 for uz. (c) Liutex magnitude difference κ. (defined on the saddle surface z=x2y2, for temporal non-smooth uz). (d) Top view of the real vector field for ω=(η,ξ,R+ε) in terms of pure rotation, shearing and stretching. Here there is a cusp-like bifurcation along main principle axis in vorticity field. It was also evident that about y = x plane the field was parabolic. A non zero vorticity shows the existence of a vortex.


with plot of vorticity in Figure 3a. Finally the solutions for v1,v2 and v3 in case 1 can be verified to satisfy the continuity equation if and only if m0 for any η arbitrarily small and positive and for case 2 the solutions for v1,v2 and v3 can be verified to satisfy to arbitrary small precision the continuity equation if and only if m0 and η is arbitrarily small and positive. Both of these hold on a saddle surface. Summarizing, for non smooth inputs v1 and v2=v1,Φs=0 and f0s0 (a general function of s) gives v3 a no finite time blowup in s, on the other hand for smooth inputs v1,v2=v1 and f0s=1,Φs0 (see Appendix 4) gives a finite time blowup in s for the derivative of v3 wrt to s. Solving for pressure for case 1 and then for case 2 velocities separately and thereby equating the second derivatives of pressure for each expression with respect to y3 gives a new PDE for pressure. The plot is shown in Figure 3b. Here it can be seen that there is a max point and on the crests of the distribution function, the pressure is linear in y1 and y2. On the curved portions there will be finite time blowup starting with the first derivative wrt to s as Φs0. The form of the solution for pressure P associated with the non-blowup is P=RsAy1+By2+C.


4. General solution with no restrictions on forcing and spatial velocities

Here there are no assumptions made on forcing and spatial velocities as being separable in space and time (Figure 4). PNS is made of the following component parts Ci and is given by Eq. (47) (the same as Eq. (58) in Appendix 3- written in terms of special terms Φ1 here).

Figure 4.

Top view of imaginary vector field-perpendicular along y = −x.


where Φ1 is given as,


It is immediate that Eq. (47) gives as solution the same form as in the main section of this paper, that is the solution of Eq. (45) multiplied by F5y1y2y3. The expression for Φ1 is determined by solving for Fv32+v32bs in Eq. (4) when δ1. Simplifying Eq. (47) using Eq. (51) and using the definition of the Liutex part of vorticity in Eqs. (27) and (28) and solving algebraically for N=v1sv2s in Eq. (48) the problem is simplified to,


This PDE is separable as v3=F7y1y2y3F4s, where,


We have used the following equalities,


where N is defined by,


5. Discussion and conclusion

Comparing solutions for Eqs. (42)(46) it is evident that the former one has as solution for uz a time component that is smooth(except at infinity) opposite to that of the smooth force and spatially non-smooth y1 and y2 velocities whereas in the latter equations uz has a finite time blowup(with the first derivative and higher) for f0,f1 and y1 and y2 smooth velocity function inputs. (see Eq. (45)) [4]. Eq. (47) is the full non-separable reduced PDE. Oscillations of arbitrary height can occur at spatial infinity. For (PNS) it is shown that there exists a vortex in each cell of the lattice associated with T3 using the decomposition of pure rotation(Liutex), antisymmetric shear and compression and stretching. A cusp bifurcation for vorticity shows the birth and destruction of vorticies. Here it is known that streaklines can be used to give an idea of where the vorticity in a flow resides. The question of no-finite time blowup for the new eqs. [1] replacing the Navier Stokes equations is left for future study.


A. Appendix 1

Eq. (1) including forcing terms and the three associated velocities v1,v2 and v3,


where Φ is given by Eq. (19).


B. Appendix 2

Solving Eq. (52) by assuming,


gives a product of two factors of equations, one of which has solution on an arbitrary surface y3=Fy1y2 and the other on an ϵ ball containing this arbitrary surface.

Substituting Eq. (57) into Eq. (52) and solving algebraically for the second derivative of v3 wrt to y3 and the result was set equal to v32. The resulting equation is checked to see if it has a Weierstrass P function as solution, and it does by solving for it using the pdsolve command. In applying the Geometric Algebra method used in [6] which this work is based on, it was checked that the term uz2 approaches zero and is an element of the Schwartz class for any constant C and in particular for arbitrarily large values of y3. It was assumed that v3 is in the form v3=F4sGy1y2Uy3s.Alsov3=Uy3sFsss03Gy1y2 solves the problem in question. Note the modular form Uy3s=22/3Gy1y26P1/222/3y3Gy1y22/322/3+F1s,0,0


C. Appendix 3

The following equation is similar to Eq. (29) with the exception that it is expressed more generally in terms of v1 and v2,


D. Appendix 4

The second term in Eq. (14) involving the tensor product expression for the solution of v3 given in terms of F5 is independent of s Φs=H2y1y2y3, and is given as,


The surface integral in Eq. (14) involving the pressure terms Q is either zero or non-zero depending on if Φs=0 which occurs when v1=v2 or Φs0 which occurs when v1=v2. In general we have the term K1Φs=λ1, where λ10. The term K1Φs is associated with taking the gradient of the extended expression D1Gδ1+Gδ2+Gδ3+Gδ4=r.


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Written By

Terry E. Moschandreou and Keith C. Afas

Reviewed: 25 January 2023 Published: 17 March 2023