Open access peer-reviewed chapter

The Duped Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) as Actor for Genocide and Causes of Conflict

Written By

Agenagn Kebede

Submitted: 22 December 2022 Reviewed: 27 January 2023 Published: 13 March 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.110261

From the Edited Volume

Global Peace and Security

Edited by Norman Chivasa

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The Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) was established in 1975 and came to power in 1991. With its establishment, this political group prepared a manifesto in 1976 for how to stay in power until the accomplishment of its mission. In this manifesto, the TPLF outlined strategies to marginalize and cleanse the Amhara ethnicity, citing the Amharas’ strong positions in Ethiopian unity as a threat to the TPLF’s long journey in Ethiopian politics until the Tigray Sovereign State is established. In connection with this, the author revealed how the TPLF acted as a stooge in the genocide against the Amhara ethnic group and was responsible for the root causes of conflict throughout Ethiopia.


  • Amhara
  • conflict
  • dupe
  • ethnicity
  • genocide
  • Tigray peoples liberation front

1. Introduction

Around 1960, in the name of freedom and equality, various political organizations were established. However, because of their unwise political practices, they were easily shackled by colonial interests. Without understanding the then-Ethiopian political order, political forces such as the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party (EPRP), and others drugged Ethiopian political culture into hell. Those who were secessionists, those who did not have the desire to be isolated, and those who were conspired by foreign enemies were raised together to overthrow Emperor Haile Selassie I’s (1930–1974) regime. The king, who could not defend the politics of unwise elites and cowards, came down from power (Figure 1) [1, 2].

Figure 1.

Emperor Haile Selassie I.

Unexpectedly, well organized, but the left-wing military force from the king regime held the political power. Following this, diplomats, ministers, and military leaders were assassinated. Ethiopia had lost knowledge and skills for the coming generations. The military force, which was called Derg, killed individuals who thought positively of their country. Ethiopia was covered in bloodshed. All thought that after the king, a better government would continue. So it was, but it was not. After the fall of Haile Selassie I, there was no competent force to govern the country. The entire country and its people have drunk political drinks they do not understand, and they have denied understanding the country’s politics. Military officials were fed up with imposing socialism and Marxism on the poor and illiterate. For more than 14 years, the military ruled the country by wearing a fez of power but without a constitution (Figure 2) [1, 3].

Figure 2.

The image shows the military regime of Derg with its socialist leader, colonel Mengistu Hailemariam (this image is taken from alamy).

Albeit after 1990, things changed. In every corner of the country, armed groups had fought for the sake of freedom, as they (the rebel groups) said. In 1991, Derg avoided from power. The rebel group TPLF came to power (Figure 3) [2].

Figure 3.

Members of TPLF (this image is taken from Africa news).

This rebel group was militarily strong and came from the Tigray ethnic minority. To stay in power until the great Tigray sovereign state in the Horn of Africa became a reality, this group killed and tormented Amharas in visible and hidden ways, as Amharas have had a strong position in Ethiopia’s sovereign existence. It adopted anti-Ethiopian and anti-Amharan ethnic ideologies. The suffering of the Amhara continued for 27 years. This mafia, in particular, astounded white leaders by drafting the constitution, which appeared to be constitutional but resulted in the massacre of Amhara. Amhara had been the target of genocide, and the TPLF was the primary catalyst of conflict and genocide [2].


2. Discussion

TPLF was the utmost terrorist in the description. It was heathen. It did not give value to religion, morality, and culture, which are bedrock for progressive and favorable socio-political structure of a given country. Ethiopia, my wretched country, was governed by this moral nihilist. Look at my country! Nowadays, brotherhood killing is common. Conflict, which is caused by ethnic issues, has been seen here and there. Everybody is in an identity conundrum. Faith is encircled by religious fundamentalists. These things have occurred in a country as a result of the TPLF opening Pandora’s Box [4].

TPLF created a state of fragility, regionalism, and clans; however, it diverted Ethiopians’ thinking and acting as the primary actors of unity and development for more than 27 years. This political organization was formed by Tigrayan minorities with the goal of remaining in power by marginalizing Ethiopians. In the end, they achieved their goals through the “Minor Agenda,” distorted education policy, and the ridiculous, untheoretical, and historical political doctrine of “developmental democracy” (coined by Meles Zenawi). I can name this ideology as “Melesizim.”). What a mental torture that was! (Figure 4) [3].

Figure 4.

This image shows that the red-colored countries are going to fail. Ethiopia is one of them. TPLF will take a primal charge (this image is taken from Borkena).

Hearing about the TPLF is more interesting than Hitler! Its genocide against the Amhara people is far greater than Nazi Germany’s genocide against Jews. We will never find a terrorist group in East Africa that has done everything anti-human in the world. All injustices in education, law, history, and ideologies that result in poverty, inequalities, ill health, lack of access to services, premature death, unequal life chances, moral harm, psychological harm, and physical harm for Amhara were built by the TPLF (Figure 5) [5, 6].

Figure 5.

This image depicts how the TPLF narrated new history with a new map in the education curriculum to tell the tribal story against the Amahara ethnic group.

Millions of Amharas were marginalized and exterminated without reason. During the TPLF’s administration, the Amhara nation was among the highest in terms of overall mortality rate, infant mortality rate, and maternal mortality rate. The Amhara was also ranked first in terms of stunted child growth [7]. As per the 2017 World Bank report, absolute poverty, which stands at 24% at the national level, was moderately higher among the Amhara at 26.1%. The development of road infrastructure seems to have skipped the Amhara region, which is now one of the worst-connected regions in the country. The Amhara region is one of the most remote and economically disadvantaged regions in the country, with the lowest road density. In the region, there has been a slow expansion of healthcare coverage. Now a day, the region is among the highest in terms of overall mortality rate, infant mortality rate, and maternal mortality rate [5, 6, 8, 9, 10].

The Amhara nation has lost more than 2 million people since 1997. Later in 1997, every notable ethnic group showed an increase of an average of 2.6%, whereas the Amhara showed only a 1.9% annual growth. When Tedros Adhanom was the leading officer of the health sector, more than a million Amhara women were injected to be infertile. Right now, it is common to observe Amhara women who cannot deliver birth. Furthermore, during the TPLF administration, Amhara received the worst health coverage in the country. It did not access the health services that the country provided for other nations. Accordingly, it had been common to see infant and maternal mortality in the areas in which Amhara live. Amhara was purposefully architected as an illiterate nation during the TPLF’s administration. In the Amhara region, there is an ever-widening gap between the number of schools available for various levels of education. This nation had a low standard of education. As far as this goes, as the 2017 World Bank report shows, absolute poverty, which stands at 24% at the national level, was moderately higher among the Amhara at 26.1%. Amhara is the owner of plenty of natural resources and tourist areas, but it has been unbeneficial in its resources. On the reverse of this, the resources were looted by TPLF. Amhara was getting mal living with few resources and lowest infrastructures [5, 6, 8].

In Benishangul-Gumez, Raya, Welkait-Tsegede, Gondar, Bahir-Dar, Woldia, Metekel, Gurafarda, Chilga, Kemise, Arbagugu, Bedno, Jima, Harar, and Nazrit Amharas had targeted for genocide. There, children, women, youths, and elders of Amhara were killed in the mob. In the recent past, the TPLF and its organized youths committed genocide against the Amhara nation in Mayikadra, the province of the Amhara regional state [10, 11, 12].

For instance, Amhara has been the target of genocide in Benishangul-Gumez for 20 and plus years. More than 10,000 Amharas have been slaughtered in this area since 1991, when the TPLF came to power. I think the toll is expected to rise. Gumez represents an uncivilized society and an easy tool to use as a killer machine. TPLF invested more for politics in Gumez. The elites of Tegaru, the Tigray politicians, and scholars of Tigray have tortured the Gumez mind. They taught Gumezes about Amhara. They portrayed a fabricated history. They said Amhara was an imperialist, killer, and barbarous society. Gumez was duped into believing that killing Amhara and eating Amhara flesh were holy acts. Because of this, Gumezes are eating, firing, shooting, and stabbing Amhara’s body. In addition to that, in October 2020, more than 2000 Amhara were slaughtered in Mayikadra (Figure 6) [8].

Figure 6.

Funeral service delivered at the Church of Abune Argawi for the victim of genocide (this image is taken from Amhara Association of America (AAA)).

Correspondingly, more than thousands of Kunama, Andrta, Agew, Erob, Afar, Somali, Gedio, and Oromo were the victims of ethnic cleansing and genocide for no justification. Further, Human Rights Watch and humanitarian institutions have witnessed that more than a million Amharas have been the target of genocide in Oromia regional state of Ethiopia. This genocide was facilitated by the TPLF and implemented by Oromo fundamentalists and the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) (Figure 7) [12, 13].

Figure 7.

Ex-TPLF members and current prosperity party officials with Amahara’s dead bodies.

In addition to this, the TPLF was in charge of the seesawing politics and economy of Ethiopia and East Africa. It was TPLF that defaced East Africa’s economy. It was the TPLF that provided logistical support for terrorists in East Africa. TPLF was a menace to East Africa’s security. The rebellion and the government of South Sudan were not assuredly coming around a table for negotiation because of the TPLF’s intrigue. After hearing all of the TPLF’s false accusations about Eritrea, Europe, and the US imposed an economic embargo on the country for 10 years. More than anything, this group betrayed the country that it administered for 27 years by carrying out an atrocious attack on the Ethiopian Defense Force, which provided security for this group and the Tigray Society (in which the terrorist group originated) (Figure 8) [4, 10].

Figure 8.

The image that memorized the betrayed northern command force of Ethiopia.

Whence some were daring to support this scapegoat. Shame on them! Except for a man who had a variety of mental illnesses and emotional breakdowns that he suffered from, no one would give a hand for TPLF. TPLF was an amoral, ethnic-based, and anti-human dictator! It had been observed that a few foreign elites tried to interfere in Ethiopian politics with their anti-Ethiopian and anti-African thinking. Why did they not abandon Ethiopian politics for Ethiopian? Dealing with this, here was my question: What if the terrorists committed genocide in Europe? What if the terrorists attacked British military forces? They never give out rewards for terrorists! In fact, they will eliminate those fanatics from the earth [3, 4].


3. Conclusion remarks

The world community and international media must be aware that the TPLF was a key player in the destruction of Ethiopia and East Africa. TPLF was known for his gainsay. However, its work and words were dissimilar, and as a result, you were duped. You unknowingly helped and supported the TPLF. As a result of your assistance, TPLF became a competent slayer. Owing to TPLF, the matter at hand had become knotty. Everybody was worn out and treated as a plaything except the Tigray clan.

Please, live for truth and humanity! First, check facts, then hear the bogus information of TPLF’s paid journalists and agents. It is not rational to cry when TPLF kicked into hell after you preferred silence for 27 years of TPLF’s anti-humanities and anti-democracy manipulation.


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  3. 3. Andargachew T. The Ethiopian Revolution (1974-1984) [Thesis]. London: School of Economics; 1990
  4. 4. Kebede A. Shorthand about the Evil Deeds of TPLF and Disapproval on the Reluctance. South Sudan: Nyamilepedia; 2020
  5. 5. APU. Genocide on Amhara Nation. USA: APU; 2016
  6. 6. APU. Genocide on Amhara Nation. USA: APU; 2017
  7. 7. Nuru Ethiopia. Report on Health Care. Ethiopia: Nuru Ethiopia; 2020
  8. 8. Amhara Association of America. Amhara Massacre in Mai-Kadra: A Report on the Deadliest Civilian Massacre under the Context of the War in Northern Ethiopia. USA: Amhara Association of America; 2021
  9. 9. Sara K. Ethnic Cleansing in Ethiopia. USA: Harvard Political Review; 2021
  10. 10. Shlom M. The United Genocide by the Insurgent in Ethiopia TPLF. Ethiopia: Borkena; 2022
  11. 11. International, A. At Least 100 Dead in Latest Surge Violence against Ethnic Minorities. United Kingdom: International, A; 2020
  12. 12. International, A. Ethiopia: Over 50 Ethnic Amhara Killed in Attack Group Village by Armed. London: Simon and Schuster; 2020
  13. 13. Watch HR. Ethiopia Civilians in Western Oromia Left Unprotected. Ethiopia: Human Rights Commission of Ethiopia; 2022

Written By

Agenagn Kebede

Submitted: 22 December 2022 Reviewed: 27 January 2023 Published: 13 March 2023