Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Terrain Corrections in Gravity and Gradiometry

Written By

Sajjad Sajjadi and Zdenek Martinec

Reviewed: 09 January 2023 Published: 05 March 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109894

From the Edited Volume

Satellite Altimetry - Theory, Applications and Recent Advances

Edited by Tomislav Bašić

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Before the computation of short-wavelength and long-wavelength components of the geoid undulations from terrestrial data and the two latest satellite missions, i.e. gravity (GRACE mission) and gradiometry (GOCE mission) measurements, the terrain corrections must be determined. Since the corrections enter the first of the three steps of the Remove-Compute-Restore (RCR) procedure for applying Stokes’s integral, this study focuses on determining these corrections. Formulation of the effects introduced and the effects are computed over high elevated topography in Ireland using Helmert’s second condensation method. Finally, the effects of topography on geoid height determinations are presented.


  • gravity
  • gradiometry
  • terrain correction
  • Remove-Compute-Restore procedure (RCR)
  • topographical effects

1. Introduction

The geoid is defined as an equipotential surface along which the Earth’s gravity potential (W) is constant and equal to a reference value W0. This datum is chosen such that the geoid coincides with a mean level of the oceans and can be mathematically extended over the continents. As a result of the unequal distribution of masses in the Earth’s interior, the geoid is irregularly shaped. It describes the figure of the Earth by a physical quantity, the gravity potential, in contrast to the idealized geometrical figure of a reference ellipsoid. The separations between the two surfaces are called the geoid undulation N, or geoidal heights.

The local gravity potential, Wlocal, value is derived from gravimetric Ngrav, and geometric Ngeo geoid undulations. The geometric geoid undulations are obtained from GNSS and leveling data. In contrast, the gravimetric geoid undulations are computed based upon their long-wavelength components from a Global Geopotential Model (GGM), and their short-wavelength components using the terrestrial data through the so-called Remove-Compute-Restore (RCR) approach from gravity measurements.1

1.1 The Remove-Compute-Restore procedure (RCR)

The RCR procedure is a method that fulfils Stokes’ requirements2 for computing the geoid from:

  • Terrestrial gravity measurements or,

  • Satellites gradiometry3 measurements (e.g. GRACE, GOCE).

A gravimeter measures magnitude of gravity,


whereas the gradiometer measures the components of the gradient of gravity. We will focus on the rr component of the gradiometric tensor,


1.1.1 Removing the gravitational effect of the residual topographical masses

Subtracting the gravitational effect of the residual topographical masses, δV, from the actual anomalous gravitational potential T creates potential Th that is harmonic outside the geoid,


The gravity attraction of the residual topographical masses is then


at the point of the gravity measurements, and


at point of gradiometric measurements.

To make a potential harmonic in a space above the geoid, these effects have to be calculated and removed from the observations:


1.1.2 Computation of the residual geoid (co-geoid)

The first step of the computation is continuing Δgh and ΔVrrh from the surface or satellite elevation to the geoid. This is usually performed by a harmonic downward continuation (DWC) method [1].

Assuming that the data have been continued down to the geoid, the two basic requirements are met and the computation of the geoidal heights can now be carried out. However, the computation gives the height Nh of the equipotential surface of Th that is called co-geoid.


where ψ is the spherical solid angle between the computation point and an integration point and Sψ is the Stokes’s function ([2], p. 104) integrated over the full solid angle Ω0


Likewise, the heights of the co-geoid can be determined from gradiometric data as


where the kernel Krrψ is the Green’s function as given by Martinec [3]


1.1.3 Adding the contribution of the topography to the solution

Finally, the heights of the geoid will be obtained by adding the difference δN shown in Figure 1 which is called the primary indirect effect on geoid.

Figure 1.

co-geoid and geoidal heights.

To find the expression for δN, we start with geoidal height N is derived from Bruns’ formula


where γQ is the normal gravity on a reference ellipsoid. Substituting for T from Eq. (60) we obtain Eq. (3)


Applying Bruns’ formula to the undulation of the co-geoid, Nh=Th/γQ, the geoidal height N is




and δV must be taken at a point on the geoid Pg.

GRACE and GOCE are the two latest satellite missions for precise, long-wavelength geoid determination from gravity and gradiometry measurements, respectively. Prior processing GRACE and GOCE data, the terrain corrections have to be determined.

The RCR procedure for gravity and gravimetry is summarized in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Summary of the RCR procedure for gravity and gradiometry.

It shows the motivation for correcting the data by the effects of the topographical masses. These are the direct topographical effects δA computed at surface or satellite altitude, the direct topographical effect on gradiometry δE computed at satellite altitude and the indirect topographical effect on geoid δN computed on the geoid.

In the intervening period of the theory of physical geodesy, a wide range of methods have been developed, e.g. Airy-isostatic reduction method [4], Residual Terrain Model (RTM) scheme [5], Helmert’s first and second method of condensation [4, 6, 7, 8]. The choice of each method is area-dependent, and the correlation between the spatial resolution of DEMs, and the elevation of computation points or data surrounding the computation points show the most suitable spatial resolution of DEMs that provide intended geodetic accuracies. This is investigated numerically over high elevated topography in Ireland using Helmert’s second condensation method.

The next section is devoted to express them mathematically and prepare them for numerical realization.


2. Topographical effects

The term terrain effect is used to express the gravitational effects of topographical masses on gravity anomalies, deflection of the vertical and other observed quantity. It can be classified according to a location of anomalous masses. Topographical effects are the direct influence of the visible topography in mountainous areas; isostatical effects account for a hypothesized isostatic compensation, whilst the residual terrain model (RTM) effects account for short-wavelength topographic irregularities referring topographic elevations to a smooth mean elevation surface, which may be defined, for instance, by spherical harmonic expansion of topographic heights.

2.1 Topographical masses and the Bouguer plate

2.1.1 Topographical masses

The topographical masses are the masses outside the geoid and below the topographical surface. The gravitational potential Vt generated by the topographical masses is


where G is the Newton’s gravitational constant, G=6.671011m3.kg1.s2, ϱrΩ is the mass density inside the Earth’s interior located at PrΩ,Lrψr is the distance between P and P and ψ is the angular distance between the geocentric directions Ω=ϑφ and Ω=ϑφ, see Figure 3, i.e. ψΩΩ is the spherical solid angle between P and P,

Figure 3.

Spherical coordinates of the computation point PrΩ, an integration point PrΩ, the distance L and solid angle ψ between P and P.


The argument notation in Lrψr is used to emphasize the fact that L depends on radial distances r and r, and the angular distance ψ.


To abbreviate notations, we introduced the symbol L1˜rψr for an indefinite radial integral of the Newton kernel,


Assuming that the density of the topographical masses does not vary in radial direction, that is ϱrΩ=ϱΩ, and substituting Eq. (19) in Eq. (16), the Newton’s volume integral for the gravitational potential Vt becomes


2.1.2 Bouguer plate

The Bouguer plate, used as an approximate model in gravity and gravity anomaly computations accounts for the bulk of topographical effects.

In Cartesian geometry Figure 4a, the topography around the gravity station P is approximated by an infinite plate of thickness HP and the masses between the geoid and the Earth’s surface have a constant density ϱ equal to mean topographical density ϱ0=2670kg.m3.

Figure 4.

The Bouguer plate in Cartesian and spherical geometry. (a) Infinite Bouguer plate. (b) Spherical Bouguer layer.

In spherical geometry Figure 4b, the Bouguer plate is regarded as a spherical layer of thickness HP and density ϱ0. The gravitational potential of the spherical Bouguer layer is


For evaluating this integral, the geoid is approximated by a sphere of radius R


For R we consider the mean radius of the Earth, R = 6371 km. The integral Eq. (21) can be evaluated analytically, e.g. Wichiencharoen [9],


2.1.3 Terrain roughness

Since the actual Earth’s surface deviates from the Bouguer sphere, there are deficiencies and abundances of topographical masses with respect to the mass of the Bouguer plate Figure 5. These contribute to the topographical potential Vt through the term VR as


Figure 5.

Roughness of the terrain.

The terrain roughness term VR is expressed by the Newton integral


2.2 Compensated masses and the Helmert condensation layer

2.2.1 Compensation of the gravitational effects of topographical masses

The equipotential surfaces of Vt undulate by several hundreds of meters with respect to a level ellipsoid. The fact that the known undulations of the geoid are much smaller than those induced by potential Vt indicates that there must exist a compensation mechanism which reduces the gravitational effect of topographical masses [10].

As the masses are compensated in some way [2], we can introduce the gravitational potential of compensated masses Vc as an approximation of the topographical potential Vt. The difference between Vt and Vc is called the residual topographical potential δV:


Two extremely idealized isostatic compensation models (see Figure 6) were proposed to approximate the effect of topographical abundances from surface gravity observations.

Figure 6.

topography and compensation layers of Pratt-Hayford and Airy-Heiskanen models ([2], Fig 3.16).

The Pratt-Hayford model was outlined by J.H Pratt in 1854 and put into a mathematical form by J.F Hayford. According to Pratt, the mountains have risen from the underground somewhat like a fermenting dough [2, sect.3]. The topographical masses are compensated by varying density distribution within the layer of a constant thickness D = 100 km under the geoid and a density ϱcΩ.

The Airy-heiskanen model, proposed by G.B Airy in 1855 and formulated for geodetic purposes by W.A Heiskanen, assumes that the mountains are floating on a fluid lava of higher known density ϱ1 (somewhat like an iceberg floating on water), so that the higher the mountain, the deeper it sinks [2, sect.3]. The topographical masses are compensated by varying thickness tΩ of a compensation layer which surface is situated at T=30 km deep. The density of the compensation layer is considered constant and equal to the density difference ϱc=ϱ1ϱ0>0.

2.2.2 Helmert condensation layer

In the limiting case, the topographical masses may be compensated by a thin mass layer located on the geoid (somewhat like a glass sphere made over very thin but very robust glass [2]). As shown Figure 7, the topographical masses are condensed as a surface mass layer on the geoid. This kind of compensation is called Helmert 2nd condensation [11] approximating the actual potential of the topographical masses Vt by the potential of a single layer Vc described by Newton’s surface integral as

Figure 7.

Helmert condensation layer of density σ.


where σΩ is a surface density of Helmert’s condensation layer, and L1 is the reciprocal distance 1/L. Analogously to Eq. (24), we can rewrite Eq. (27) as




The symbol Vσ,BrΩ denotes the gravitational potential of a spherical layer with density σΩ and radius R,


that may be evaluated analytically by


The condensation density σΩ can be chosen in a variety of ways. For this study, it will be chosen as in Martinec and Vaníček and Martinec [10] such that the principle of conservation of topographical masses [9] is respected. Assuming that


and substituting Eqs.(23) and (31) into (32), we find




Thus, Eq. (29) will be written


2.3 Indirect topographical effect

2.3.1 Indirect topographical effect on potential

The primary indirect topographical effect is the residual potential δV=VtVc evaluated at a point PgRΩ on the geoid. Considering Eq. (24) for the topographical potential Vt, Eq. (28) for the condensation potential Vc and replacing r by R, we may split δV into two terms as


where the Bouguer term and the terrain roughness term are respectively given by


The subtraction of Eqs. (23) and (31) at rR leads to


and the subtraction of Eqs. (25) and (35) gives


Therefore, substituting Eqs. (39) and (40) in Eq. (36), we obtain the expression of the primary topographical indirect effect on potential:


The unit of this effect is m2.s2.

2.3.2 Indirect topographical effect on the geoid

To correct the geoidal heights N by this effect, δV is divided by the normal gravity γQ (see Eq. (15)),


which is the primary indirect effect on the geoid. Where the normal gravity can be taken as the mean value of the gravity of the Earth γQ=9.81m.s2. The unit of δN is meters.

2.3.3 The secondary indirect topographical effect (SITE) on gravity

This effect is expressed by means of the Primary Indirect Topographical Effect (PITE) on gravity, δVPg, at a point on the geoid multiplied by 2/R,


The unit of this effect is mGal.

Notice that the radial derivative of the Newton surface and volume integrals, which is required for computing δAΩ, is


and using the derivation of uα=αuuα1 in Eq. (18),


where substituting the expression (45) in (44), the analytical expression is given by,


2.4 Direct topographical effect (DTE)

2.4.1 Direct topographical effect on surface gravity

Differentiating the residual topographical potential δV with respect to r and evaluating the result at the point on the topography PtrtΩΩ, we obtain the gravitational attraction caused by the direct topographical effect on surface gravity:


Substituting for δV from Eq. (26), we can write




are the radial components of the gravitational attraction induced by the topographical and compensated masses a the point on the Earth’s surface, respectively. Considering Eq. (24) for At and Eq. (28) for Ac, the attraction change δA may be split into two terms


where δAB represents the Bouguer term and δAR the terrain roughness term.

Let us start with the determination of the Bouguer term




Subsituting the radial derivative of Eq. (23) at rrtΩ for AB


similarly, the radial derivative of Eq. (31) at r>R for Aσ,B


Using Eqs. (33)(34) for σΩ, we obtain δABrΩ=0. Consequently, the direct topographical effect δA only consists of the terrain roughness contribution δAR that is




Substituting the radial derivations of Eq. (25) for AR and Eq. (35) for Aσ,R into Eq. (55), we obtain the expression of the direct topographical effect on surface gravity as


2.4.2 Direct topographical effect on satellite gravity

Differentiating δV with respect to r and evaluating the result at the point of measurement on satellite r=rsatΩΩ, we obtain the change of the gravitational attraction caused by the direct topographical effect on satellite gravity


Analogically to the direct topographical effect on surface gravity Eq. (57), where the radius of the computation point is r=rtΩ, the direct topographical effect on satellite gravity will be:


where rsatΩ, is:


and Hsat is the flying altitude of the satellite4 which performs the gravity measurements. For instance, the value of HsatΩ for the satellite GRACE is HsatΩ=400 km.

2.4.3 Direct topographical effect on gradiometry

Differentiating δV twice with respect to r and evaluating the result at the point of measurement on satellite r=rsatΩΩ, we obtain the rr component of the gradient of gravity caused by the direct topographical effect on gradiometry and Eq. (5) becomes


Substituting for the residual topographical potential δV from Eq. (26), we can write




are the rr components of the gradiometric tensor induced by the topographical and compensated masses a the point at satellite altitude, respectively. Considering Eq. (24) for Vrrt and Eq. (28) for Vrrc,δE may be split into two terms


where δEB represents the Bouguer term and δER the terrain roughness term.

Let us start with the determination of the Bouguer term




Taking the radial second derivative of Eq. (23) at rrtΩ for VrrB


the radial second derivative of Eq. (31) at r>R for Vrrσ,B


and using Eqs. (33)(34) for σΩ, we obtain δEBrΩ=0. Consequently, as for the direct topographical effect on gravity δA, the direct topographical effect on gradiometry δE only consists of the terrain roughness contribution δER that is




Therefore, differentiating VR (Eq. (25)) and Vσ,R (Eq. (35)) twice with respect to r for AR and Aσ,R, respectively, we obtain the expression for the direct topographical effect on gradiometry


Here Hsat is the flying altitude of the satellite which takes the gradiometry measurements. For instance, the satellite GOCE with HsatΩ=250 km.

2.5 Computations of the topographical effects

2.5.1 The integral Newton kernels for numerical computation

The distance Lrψr, defined Eq. (18), can be written with the form X, where X is the rational function


Thus, we can write the Newton kernel L1˜rψr Eq. (19) with the form


To solve this integral, we use the following equations Gradshteyn and Ryzhik [12]


for a>0 and where C is a constant value.

Replacing Eq. (75) and “our” notations in Eq. (74), we obtain the analytical expression:


Hence, the analytical expression La1˜rψr from the list of integrals of Gradshteyn and Ryzhik [12]


where C1rψ a “constant” which may depend only on the variables r and ψ. The computation of δN uses the expression of La1˜rψr.

2.5.2 First radial derivative of the Newton kernel

The radial derivative of the Newton kernel gives


By Eq. (18), since


we readily get


By substituting the expression (79) in (78), and integrating the equation, we obtain the analytical expression


The computation of δA uses the expression of La1˜rψr/r.

2.5.3 Second radial derivative of the Newton kernel

Expression of 2La1/r2˜ emphasizes the second radial derivative of the Newton kernel, which has to be derived two times.




To obtain the second derivative of L1rψr, we derive over r, its first derivative, Eq. (79), using the property


We finally obtain:


Including Eq. (84) in Eq. (81), the second derivative of L1˜rψr gives the followed integral:


After deriving a second time the reciprocal distance L1 and integrating this equation, we obtain the analytical expression




The computation of δE uses the expression of 2La1˜rψr/r2.


3. Numerical studies

The determination of topographical effects from DEMs is a very time-consuming process, particularly when computations are required for large areas, such as a country or a continent. With a fine grid resolution, for instance, 50 m Quadratic Grid Resolutions (QGR) a unified spatial data structure, computations are beyond what a multi-processor computer can accomplish within a reasonable time-frame for an area such as Ireland. Numerical investigations have resulted that increasing the spatial resolution of DEM by a factor of two increases CPU computational time by a factor of fourteen.

Although the computational time is a factor to be taken into account, it is less important since it is the spatial resolution of DEM which is critical for improving accuracy required when a precise geoid is determined.

The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), which relies on linearization and series expansions of the non-linear terrain effect integrals, provides a reduction in computational time by several orders of magnitude, compared to space domain integration methods [13]. In the FFT, the higher-order terms of the radially integrated Newton kernel expressed by the Taylor series expansion are neglected. In addition, the reciprocal distance 1/L is approximated by the planar distance 1/0 i.e. 0=LRψR [14], Eq. (15)], which is a sufficiently good only if 0>HΩ. This condition is violated for computing topographical effects in rough terrain.

3.1 The study area

Topographical effects in high elevated topography in Ireland are computed from 50 m QGR, Ireland with a relatively flat terrain surrounded by the ocean. The study area is 1×0.7 limited between longitudes 5.8 and 6.8 and latitudes 52.7 and 53.3. A map of topographic heights of the study areas is presented in Figure 8a, and the distribution of topography in meters, counted in the percentage of the number of points in 50 m QGR is demonstrated in histograms Figure 8b.

Figure 8.

Topographic heights over Co-Wicklow Ireland Figure 8a and distribution of elevations in meter, counted in percentage of the number of points from 50 m2 DEM. (a) Topography - County Wicklow Ireland. (b) Distribution of topography.

3.2 The bound of integration area

The gravitational potential of Topographic Masses of finite thicknesses behaves like the potential of a thin layer when it is observed from a larger distance. This is explained by the behavior of integration kernels generating the potential of the gravitational potential VtrΩ and VcrΩ. Figure 9 illustrates the behavior of the two kernels for the determination of PITE and DTE relative to maximum elevation in Ireland, which is the Carrauntoohil elevation of 1039 m [15]. In the determination of the primary indirect topographical effect, when the angular distance Ψ between the computation point and integration point increases, the integration kernel,

Figure 9.

The behavior of Kt and Kc in the dependence of varying the angular distance ψ in the determination of PITE and DTE in Ireland. The elevation of computation and integration point are fixed to 1039 m and 1 m respectively.


generating the potential of Helmert’s condensation layer VcrΩ approaches the integration kernel


generating the gravitational potential VtRΩ. Thus, the differences between two kernels KpitetKpitec=δKpite decrease (see Figure 9-PITE kernel). In determination of DTE Eq. (57) a similar decrease occurs for the difference between two kernels KdtetKdtec=δKdte, when the integration kernel


generating the potential of Helmert’s condensation layer VcrΩ approaches the integration kernel


generating the gravitational potential VtrΩ of the TMs (see Figure 9-DTE). This also means that the magnitudes of δKpite or δKdte are largest in the immediate neighborhood of the computation point.

The choice of varying angular distance and fixing the elevation of integration point to 1039 m and computation point to 1 m or vice versa, enables us to determine the most attainable differences (maximum or minimum) between the kernels in question.

Furthermore, a numerical examination of δKpite and δKdte, controlled by varying topographic height HΩ at a fixed angular distance ψ=0.0001, in the immediate neighborhood of the computation point shows that the larger the height of the integration point, the larger the difference between these kernels, and therefore the topographical effects are stronger (see Figure 10).

Figure 10.

Magnitudes of δKpite and δKdte in an immediate neighborhood ψ=0.0001 of the computation point with HΩ=1 and varying height of integration point.

Eqs. (36) and (57) assume the compensation is strictly local, which means δAΩ consists of the terrain roughness contribution only. The longitudinal profiles (see Figure 11) show that the Bouguer components of PITE have a larger contribution to topographical effects than the terrain roughness components. Since DTE does not contain a Bouguer component, the correlation between DTE and DEM is in general smaller than that for PITE.

Figure 11.

Correlation between topographical effects and elevation of topography from 50m2 QGRs.

3.3 Direct topographical effect on gravity

3.3.1 On the Earth’s surface - residual effect δAsurf

The computation of the residual direct topographical effect on gravity on the Earth’s surface δAsurf uses Eq. (57). Table 1 shows the minimum, mean, maximum and root mean square (rms) of δAsurf in mGal.5

Topographic Heights (m)058.600920.000±200.000
δAsurf (mGal)−17.40.0065.7±0.7
δAsurft (mGal)−27.5−0.62.6±1.5

Table 1.

Direct topographical effect δA on gravity.

Due to the low elevation of topography in the test area (maximum 920 m), δAsurf is small. Numerical investigation with different grid resolutions shows that the flatter and lower the terrain, the smaller the reduction of the surface gravity observations in the remove step of the RCR procedure is. And a sparse griding reduces values of δA, so using as finer griding as possible is recommended.

Since the residual effect δA is rather small, we compared it with the total effect to estimate the efficiency of reduction by the Helmert condensation using the following expression


where r=rtΩ (see Table 1). The total direct topographical effect on gravity Asurft which is the case when the Helmert condensation is not employed, is larger in amplitude than the residual effect δAsurf, and mostly negative. The values of Asurft are prevailingly distributed around 0 mGal in flat areas and are highly correlated with the topography.

3.3.2 At satellite altitudes—residual effect δAsat

The computation of the residual direct topographical effect on satellite gravity δAsat uses Eq. (59) for rsat=rGRACE=R+400km..

The residual effect on gravity δAsat computed at satellite altitude is of the order of 105 mGal, that is significantly smaller in comparison with δAsurf which is of the order of 10’s to 100’s of mGals (see Table 2). The total direct topographical effect on satellite gravity Asatt also uses Eq. (92) for r=rGRACE. Comparing the residual effect δAsat with the total effect Asatt, we see that the total effect Asatt has a long-wavelength feature. This shows that the gravitational signal of the topography is attenuated when going to satellite altitudes in such a way that short wavelengths of the gravitation are attenuated faster than long wavelengths. The fact that the total effect Asatt is of the order of 10’s of mGals and the residual effect δAsat almost vanishes shows that the compensation of the masses by the Helmert condensation is an efficient way to process satellite gravity data. However, this is not the case for surface gravity data. Note that a coarser griding does not affect the results of Asatt.

δAsat (104 mGal)−3.1−0.002138.9±6.7
δAsatt (mGal)−0.87−0.74−0.51±0.8

Table 2.

Direct topographical effect δA on satellite gravity.

3.4 Direct topographical effect on gradiometry—residual effect δE

The computation for the direct topographical effect on gradiometry δE uses Eq. (71) for rsat=rGOCE=R+250km. Table 3 shows the minimum, mean, maximum and rms values of δE in Eötvös.6 The values of δE given in Table 3 are of the order of 0.1 mE°. The coarser topographical griding does not affect the results of the topographical effect δE on gradiometry. Even though δE has tiny values, these are still slightly correlated with the topography. As the measuring accuracy of the second derivatives by the GOCE gradiometer is 10 mE°, the effect of δE should still be taken into account in the RCR procedure, especially in mountainous area.


Table 3.

Direct topographical effect δE on gradiometry.

The total direct topographical effect Vrrt on gradiometry is computed by


where r=rGOCE. Table 3 shows that the values of Vrrt are two orders in magnitude larger than δE. The fact that the total effect Vrrt is much larger in amplitude than the residual effect δE shows that the compensation of the masses by the Helmert condensation is again an efficient way to process satellite gravity gradient data as well as the satellite gravity data. The distribution of the total effect Vrrt between the maximum and minimum values is much more homogeneous compared to the distribution of the residual effect δE with most values around 0E°.

3.5 Topographical effect on geoid heights

3.5.1 The effect of PITE on geoid heights

The primary indirect topographical effects on the geoid height determination are computed by Eq. (42),


Figure 12b illustrates the effect of PITE in a high elevated topography at 50 m grid resolution.

Figure 12.

Illustration of DTE and PITE on geoid undulation for High elevated topography in Ireland at 50 meter grid resolutions. (a) Effects of DTE on geoid undulation. (b) Effects of PITE on geoid undulation.

3.5.2 The effect of DTE on geoid heights

The direct topographical effects on geoid heights, δD, are computed by applying Stokes’ integral to DTE as a known function fΩ distributed in the near-zone spherical cap Cψ0


where δD,ψ0 is a higher-degree (presented as superscript ) correction to the geoid height, Cψ0 is a spherical cap of radius ψ0 (for this study ψ0=1° is chosen) and Sψ is the spheroidal Stokes function, [16]. The effect of DTE on geoid heights is also presented in Figure 12a.


4. Conclusions

The RCR procedure for gravity and gravimetry is summarized in Figure 2. It shows the motivation for correcting the data by the effects of the topographical masses. These are the direct or indirect topographical effects computed at surface or satellite altitude. This study summarized the field corrections for the determinations of geoids by terrestrial data or the latest satellite missions. The integral of newton presented in Sec:2.1.1 in the form of the gravitational potential of topography Eq. (16), proves necessary to the expression of topographical effects. It made it possible to understand the observations made either V/r or second derivatives 2V/r2. Furthermore, make it possible to fulfil the conditions necessary to determine a model of geoids whose centimetre precision is required.

Presentation of the RCR method allowed us to understand the interest in determining the effects of topographic masses in order to correct gravimetric and gradiometric measurements and to be able to apply the calculations to determine a geoid model.

In order to express the effects, we need to know the topographic masses defined by their height and density. We have seen that Newton’s integral for determining the geoid allows expressing the effects. The topography effects on the satellite measurements are calculated in a way similar to the effects on ground measurements.

The effects of topographic masses have much less impact on gravity measurements at the satellite level than on ground measurements.

Computing topographical effects for large areas is a very time-consuming process. Increasing the resolution of sampled DEM by a factor of 2 (e.g. from 100 m to 50 m quadrangle) increases the number of data by a factor of 4, and it increases the computational time by a factor of approximately 14. Thus, it is suggested to restrict the integration area to a small area of radius ψ0 around the computation point.

A sparse grid size, particularly in rugged areas, is not sufficient to express the irregularities of the terrain and thus does not reveal properly the contribution to geoidal height due to terrain height variations.

With a tiny grid step size, the magnitude of the Bouguer component becomes comparable with that of the terrain roughness component, which reduces the correlation between DTE and PITE. Since DTE does not contain a Bouguer component, the correlation between DTE and DEM is generally smaller than that for PITE.

Numerical investigation shows that the Bouguer components of PITE have a larger contribution to topographical effects than the terrain roughness components.

Numerical examination of Kernel’s, controlled by varying topographic height at a fixed angular distance, in the immediate neighborhood of the computation point, shows that the larger the height of the integration point, the more significant the difference between these kernels, and therefore, the topographical effects are more substantial.

Comparing the results with different grid sizes shows (not shown here) an improvement in computation accuracy. Contrary to our expectations, it is not the case for calculations at satellite altitudes, so griding can be reduced, and a more refined grid does not change a long-wavelength feature of Vrrt.



The authors would like to thank Dr. Pat Gill (TUS) and Dr. Nic Wilson (UCC) for their comments that have helped to improve the manuscript.


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  • Gravimetry is the method of measuring gravity and the instrument used is called a gravimeter. In the past, gravity data were exclusively provided by terrestrial surveys. Later, transportable relative gravimeters were designed for the use on ship and airborne, however, the data accuracy was very variable and geographically unevenly distributed. Recently, satellites gravimetry has emerged providing the global coverage of repeated measurements. The unit of gravity is the Galileo, 1 mGal=10−5m.s−2.
  • No masses outside the geoid, and the measurements are referred to the geoid.
  • Gravity gradiometry is the study of variations in the acceleration due to gravity. It is the measurement of the rate of change of gravitational acceleration called gravity gradient is the spatial. The unit of gradient is the Eötvös, 1E°=10−9m/s2/m.
  • Note that the same formula applies to air-borne gravity measurements, replacing the radius of computation by r=R+Hplane where Hplane is the flying altitude of the plane performing gravity measurement.
  • Unit of gravity: 1 mGal=10−5m.s−2.
  • unit of gradiometry: 1E∘=10−9m/s2/m.

Written By

Sajjad Sajjadi and Zdenek Martinec

Reviewed: 09 January 2023 Published: 05 March 2023