Open access peer-reviewed chapter


Written By

Flora Thanadar Ajmiree

Submitted: 12 December 2022 Reviewed: 14 December 2022 Published: 20 February 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109512

From the Edited Volume

Molecular Histopathology and Cytopathology

Edited by Adem Kara, Volkan Gelen and Hülya Kara

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Due to our environmental change, neoplasia is much more common worldwide. And nowadays some well-developed modalities of cancer diagnosis are available. That is why we have to learn about neoplasia. Neoplasia is defined as a genetic disorientation of cell growth that is triggered by acquired or less commonly inherited mutations affecting a single cell and its clonal progeny. Nonlethal genetic damage lies at the heart of carcinogenesis. Genetic damage may be acquired or inherited. Mainly four types of cellular genes are involved in molecular carcinogenesis: 1. Growth-promoting proto-oncogenes, 2. Growth-inhibiting tumor suppressor genes, 3. Genes that regulate apoptosis, and 4. Genes involved in DNA repair. Carcinogenesis is a multistep process. Each cancer must result from accumulation of multiple mutations. Besides this carcinogens like chemicals, microbial and radiation can cause genetic damage or mutations that initiate cancer. Initiation of carcinogenesis is started with mutations and promotion of tumor growth is in involved cell. Due to the advanced tumor diagnosis, it helps in early tumor detection. We can identify a malignant cell by cell criteria. This property helps us to treat cancer early and help us to cure it. Therefore, nowadays tumor pathology or neoplasia is a topic of the time.


  • neoplasia
  • definition
  • classifications
  • epidemiology of cancer
  • molecular basis of cancer
  • Warburg effect
  • invasion and metastasis
  • chemical and radiation carcinogenesis
  • microbial carcinogenesis
  • lab diagnosis
  • tumor marker
  • paraneoplastic syndrome
  • tumor staging

1. Introduction

Neoplasia → new growth

Oncology → study of tumors or neoplasm.

(‘Oncos’ means Tumor)

Definition → Neoplasia is defined as a genetic disorientation of cell growth that is triggered by acquired or less commonly inherited mutations affecting a single cell or its clonal progeny [1].

These mutations give the neoplastic cells a survival and growth advantage, resulting in excessive proliferation that is independent of physiological growth signals and control.

1.1 Salient features of neoplasia

  • Origin: Neoplasms arise from cells that normally maintain a proliferative capacity.

  • Genetic disorder: Cancer is due to permanent genetic changes in the cell, known as mutations. These mutations may occur in genes that regulate cell growth, apoptosis, or DNA repair.

  • Heritable: The genetic alterations are passed down to the daughter tumor cells.

  • Monoclonal: All the neoplastic cells within an individual tumor originate from a single cell or clone of cells that have undergone a genetic change. Thus, tumors are said to be monoclonal.

  • Carcinogenic stimulus: The stimulus responsible for the uncontrolled cell proliferation may not be identified or is not known.

  • Autonomy: In neoplasia, there is excessive and unregulated proliferation of cells that do not obey the normal regulatory control. The cell proliferation is independent of physiologic growth stimuli. But tumors are dependent on the host for their nutrition and blood supply.

  • Irreversible: Neoplasm is irreversible and persists even after the inciting stimulus is withdrawn or gone.

  • Differentiation: It refers to the extent to which the tumor cells resemble the cell of origin.

  • A tumor may show varying degrees of differentiation ranging from relatively mature structures that mimic normal tissues (well-differentiated) to cells, so primitive that the the cell of origin cannot be identified (poorly differentiated).

  • Oncology: Study of neoplasms [1].

1.2 Six P’s of neoplasm

  • Purposeless.

  • Progressive.

  • Proliferation unregulated.

  • Preys on host.

  • Persists even after withdrawal of stimulus (autonomous).

  • Permanent genetic change in the cell.

1.3 Components of neoplasms

Tumors (both benign and malignant) consist of two basic components:


  1. Parenchyma: It is made up of neoplastic cells. The nomenclature and biological behavior of tumors are based primarily on the parenchymal component of tumor.

  2. Stroma: It is the supporting, nonneoplastic tissue derived from the host.

    • Components: Connective tissue, blood vessels, and inflammatory cells (e.g., macrophages and lymphocytes).

    • Inflammatory reaction: Stroma may show inflammatory reactions in and around the tumors. It may be due to ulceration and secondary infection in the tumors, especially on the surface of the body.

      This type of inflammatory reaction may be acute, chronic, or rarely granulomatous reaction. Some tumors show inflammatory reactions even in the absence of ulceration. It is due to cell-mediated immunologic response of the host against the tumor in an attempt to destroy the tumor. For example, lymphocytes in the stroma are seen in seminoma testis and medullary carcinoma of the breast.

  3. Importance of stroma: It is required for growth, survival, and replication of tumor (through blood supply) cells [1].

  4. Tumor consistency depends on amount of stroma:

    • Soft and fleshy: These tumors have scanty stroma.

    • Desmoplasia: Parenchymal tumor cells may stimulate the formation of an abundant collagenous stroma.

    • referred to as desmoplasia. For example, some carcinomas in female breasts have stony hard consistency (or scirrhous) [1].


2. Classification

Tumors are classified as benign and malignant, depending on the biological behavior of a tumor.

  1. Benign tumors: They have relatively innocent microscopic and gross characteristics

    • Remain localized without invasion or metastasis.

    • Well-differentiated: Their cells closely resemble their tissue of origin.

    • Prognosis: It is very good, can be cured by surgical removal in most patients and the patient generally survives [1].

  2. Malignant tumors: Cancer is the general term used for malignant tumors. The term “cancer” is derived from the Latin word for crab, because similar to a crab, malignant tumors adhere to any part that they seize on, in an obstinate manner.

    • Invasion: Malignant tumors invade or infiltrate into the adjacent tissues or structures.

    • Metastasis: Cancers spread to distant sites metastasize), where the malignant cells reside, grow, and again invade.

    • Exception: Basal cell carcinoma of the skin, which is histologically malignant (i.e., it invades aggressively), rarely metastasizes to distant sites. Glioma is a malignant tumor of CNS.

    • Prognosis: Most malignant tumors cause death [1].

2.1 Benign tumors

  • Remain localized at their site of origin.

  • Generally amenable to surgical removal.

  • Suffix → Oma follows the name of the cell type from which tumor arises.

  • In complaints of benign mesenchymal tumors.

  • Tumors from fibrous tissue → Fibroma

  • Tumors from cartilaginous tissue → Chondroma

  • Benign epithelial tumors with complex nomenclature.

  • Depending on cell of origin.

  • From glandular stromal origin-Adenomas, for example, tumors from renal tubular cell

  • May not be from glandular stromal origin, for example, tumor from adrenal cortex.

  • Depending on macroscopic appearance

  • Visible projection above mucosal surface of gastrointestinal tract-polyp

  • If there is glandular component present in a polyp it is called –Adenomatous polyp

  • Depending on microscopic pattern:

  • Microscopic finger-like projection from epithelial surface –Papillomas

  • Large cystic masses in ovary—Cystadenoma

  • If papillary stromal projection in the cyst is called –Papillary cystadenomas [1].

2.2 Malignant tumors

According cancers derived from Latin word for crab.

  • Can invade and destroy adjacent structures and spread to distant sites → metastasize.

  • Sometimes cancers are identified in accordance to their tissue or organ of origin where the organ or tissue of origin is added to descriptors.

  • For example Bronchogenic squamous cell carcinoma and renal cell adenocarcinoma.

  • In 2% of cases, cell of origin is not known > undifferentiated malignant tumor > mixed tumor.

  • Tumors of more than one line of differentiation

  • Derived from one germ layer. (Most fall in this group), for example, Mixed tumor of salivary gland.

  • Derived from more than one germ layer. e.g. Teratoma contains epithelium, bone, muscle, fat, and nerve (Tables 1 and 2) [1].

Tissue of originBenignMalignant
Composed of one parenchymal cell type
Tumors of mesenchymal
Connective tissue and derivativesFibroma lipoma chondroma osteomaFibrosarcoma liposarcoma chondrosarcoma osteogenic sarcoma
Vessels and surface coverings
Blood vesselsHemangionmaAngiosarcoma
Lymph vesselsLymphangiomaLymphangiosarcoma
MesotheliumBenign fibrous tumorMesothelioma
Brain coveringsMeningiomaInvasive meningioma
Blood cells and related cells
Hematopoietic cellsLeukemias
Lymphoid tissueLymphomas
Tumors of epithelial origin
Stratified squamousSquamous cell papillomaSquamous cell carcinoma
Basal cells of skin or adnexaBasal cell carcinoma
Epithelial lining of glands or ductsAdenoma papilloma cystadenomaAdenocarcinoma papillary carcinomas cystadenoma
Respiratory passagesBronchial adenomaBronchogenic carcinoma
Renal epitheliumRenal tubular adenomaRenal cell carcinoma
Liver cellsHepatic adenomaHepatocellular carcinoma
URinary tract epithelium (transitional)Transitional cell papillomaTransitional cell carcinoma
Placental epitheliumHydatidiform moleChoriocatcinoma
Tumors of melanocytesNevusMalignant melanoma
More than one neoplastic cell type tumors, usually derived from one germ cell layer
Salivary glandsPleomorphic adenoma (mixed tumor of salivary origin)Malignant mixed tumor of salivary gland origin
Renal anlageWilms tumor
More than one neoplastic cell type derived from more than one germ cell layer—teralogenous
Totipotent cells in gonads or in embryonic restsMature teratoma, dermoid cystImmature teratoma, teratocarcinoma

Table 1.

Nomenclature of tumors.

Differentiation/anaplasiaWell differentiated; structure sometimes typical of tissue of originSome lack of differentiation (anaplasia);structure often atypical
Rate of growthUsually progressive and slow; may come to a standstill or regress; mitotic figures rare and normalErratic, may be slow to rapid; mitotic figures may be numerous and abnormal
Local invasionUsually cohesive, expansile, well-demarcated masses that do not invade or infiltrate surrounding normal tissuesLocally invasive, infiltrating surrounding tissue; sometimes may be misleadingly cohesive and expansile
MetastasisAbsentFrequent; more likely with large undifferentiated primary tumors

Table 2.

Comparisons between benign and malignant tumors.


3. Epidemiology of cancer

  1. Global impact of cancer.

  2. Environmental factors.

  3. Age.

  4. Acquired predisposing conditions.

  5. Genetic predisposing and interactions between environmental and inherited factors.

3.1 Global impact of cancer

2018 → 9.5 million deaths were caused by cancer worldwide, one in six deaths.

No of cancer causeNo of cancer related deaths
Increase to 21.4 millionIncrease to 13.2 million

M/C cancer in men → prostate, lung, colon, rectum.

M/C cancer in women → breast, lung, colon/rectum.

Environmental factors although both genetic and environmental factors contribute, Environmental influences are the dominant risk factors for most cancers. Incidence of cancer increases with age due to according of somatic mutations and decrease in immune competence in older individual [2, 3, 4, 5].

3.2 Age

Age was an important implication of the risk of cancer.

Most carcinomas occur in adults older than 55 years of age.

Mean age range for cancer in women – 40 to 79 years and in men – 60 to 79 years.

3.3 Infectious agents

  • 15% cancers worldwide are caused directly/indirectly by infectious agents.

  • Risk is three times higher in developing countries.

    E.g. Role of HPV → Cervical Carcinoma, Head and neck carcinoma.

3.4 Smoking

  • Implicated in cancers of the mouth, larynx, Pharynx, esophagus, Pancreas, bladder, and lung cancers (90%).

3.5 Alcohol consumption

  • Increased risk of carcinoma of oropharynx (excluding lip); larynx and esophagus.

  • Increases risk of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.

    (2) + (3) ace synergistically.

3.6 Diet

  • Diet Plays important role in cancers of prostate breast and colorectal cancer.

3.7 Obesity

  • Associated with increased cancer risk 14% cancer death in men and 20% cancer death in women. [Risk Associated with obesity]

3.8 Reproductive history

  • Lifelong exposure of estrogen increase risk (unopposed by progesterone) of carcinoma of tissue exposed to the hormones. For example-carcinoma of breast and endometrium.

3.9 Environmental carcinogens

For example, U-V- rays from sun, well water (Arsenic) medications (Methotrexate) work place (Asbestos) Home (Grilled meat; High-fat diet, alcohol) (Table 3) [2, 3, 4, 5].

Pathologic conditionAssociated neoplasm(s)Etiologic agent
Asbestosis, silicosisMesothelioma, lung carcinomaAsbestos fibers, silica particles
Inflammatory bowel diseaseColorectal carcinoma
Lichen sclerosisVulvar squamous cell carcinoma
PancreatitisPancreatic carcinomaAlcoholism, germline mutations (e.g., in the trypsinogen gene)
Chronic cholecystitisGallbladder cancerBile acids, bacteria, gallbladder stones
Reflux esophagitis, Barrett esophagusEsophageal carcinomaGastric acid
Sjogren syndrome, Hashimoto thyroiditisMALT lymphoma
Opisthorchis, cholangitisCholangiocarcinoma, colon carcinomaLiver flukes (Opisthorchis viverrinl)
Gastritis/ulcersGastric adenocarcinoma, MALT lymphomaHelicobacter pylori
HepatitisHepatocellular carcinomaHepatitis B and/or C virus
OsteomyelitisCarcinoma in draining sinusesBacterial infection
Chronic cervicitisCervical carcinomaHuman papillomavirus
Chronic cystitisBladder carcinomaSchistosomiasis

Table 3.

Chronic inflammatory states and cancer.

3.10 Precancerous conditions

  • Certain non-neoplastic disorders have association with cancer, termed precancerous conditions.

    They are important to recognize because some precursor lesions can be detected by screening procedures, thereby reducing the risk of developing cancer.


  • Skin: Solar actinic keratosis, Marjolin ulcer, Dysplastic nevi, Leukoplakia, Radio dermatitis.

  • Oral cavity: Leukoplakia of the oral cavity.

  • Female genital tract: Cervical dysplasia, leukoplakia of vulva, endometrial hyperplasia.

  • Breast: Intra ductal hyperplasia.

  • Esophagus: Barrett’s esophagus.

  • Stomach: Chronic atrophic gastritis, pernicious anemia.

  • Colon: Familial adenomatous polyposis colon.

  • Penis: Leukoplakia of penis.

  • Lungs: Squamous metaplasia [2, 3, 4, 5].


4. Molecular basis of cancer

All cancers display eight fundamental changes in cell physiology, which are considered the hallmarks of cancer.

These changes are:

  1. Self-sufficiency in growth signals: Tumors have the capacity to proliferate without external stimuli, usually as a consequence of oncogene activation.

  2. Insensitivity to growth-inhibitory signals: Tumors may not respond to molecules that are inhibitory to the proliferation of normal cells such as cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKIs).

  3. Altered cellular metabolism: Tumor cells undergo a metabolic switch to aerobic glycolysis, which enables the synthesis of the macromolecules and organelles that are needed for rapid cell growth – called the Warburg effect.

  4. Evasion of apoptosis: Tumors are resistant to programmed cell death.

  5. Limitless replicative potential (immortality): Tumors have unrestricted proliferative capacity to avoid cellular senescence.

  6. Sustained angiogenesis: Tumor cells are not able to grow without vascular supply to bring nutrients, oxygen and remove waste products. So, tumors must induce angiogenesis.

  7. Ability to invade and metastasize: Tumor metastases are the cause of the vast majority of cancer deaths [6].

  8. Ability to evade the host immune response – cancer cells exhibit a number of alterations (in the innate and adaptive immune system) that allow them to evade the immune response.

    • Protooncogenes: Proto oncogenes have multiple roles but all participate at some level in signaling pathways that drive proliferation.

      • Normal cellular genes, whose products promote cell proliferation.

      • Unmutated version.

      • Proto-oncogenes may encode growth factors, growth factor receptors, signal transducers, transcription factors, or cell cycle components (Table 4).

    • Oncogenes:

      • Genes that promote autonomous cell growth in cancer cells are called oncogenes.

      • Mutant versions of proto-oncogenes.

      • Encode proteins called oncoproteins.

      • Have the ability to promote cell growth in the absence of normal growth promoting signal (Table 5) [7, 8, 9, 10].

    • Tumor suppressor gene:

      • Genes negatively regulate proliferation. Apply brakes or arrest cell cycle to cell proliferation.

      • Abnormalities in these genes lead to failure of growth inhibition.

      • Effect on the regulation of the cell cycle on promote apoptosis, and sometimes do both.

      • Mutation in tumor suppressor gene causes unregulated cell growth.

      • First tumor-suppressor protein discovered was the Retinoblastoma protein (pRb) in retinoblastoma (Table 6) [11, 12, 13, 14].

CategoryProlo-onicogeneMode of activation in tumorAssociated human tumor
Growth factors
PDGFB chainPDGFBOverexpressionAstrocytoma
Fibroblast growth factorsHST1OverexpressionOsteosarcoma stomach cancer bladder
FGF3AmplificationCancer breast cancer melanoma
HGFHGFOverexpressionHepatocellular carcionmas, thyroid cancer
Growth factor receptors
EGF-receptor familyERBB1 (EGFR)Mutation amplificationAdenocarinoma of lung
ERBB2 (EGFR)Breast carcinoma
FMS-like tyrosin kinase 3FLT3Point mutationLeukemia
Receptor for neurotrophic factorsRETPoint mutationMultiple endocrine neoplasia 2A and B, familial medullary thyroid carcinomas
PDGF receptorPDGFRBOverexpression, translocationGliomas, leukemias
Receptor for KIT ligandKITPoint mutationGastrointeslinal stromal tumors, seminomas, leukemias
ALK receptorALKTranslocation, fusion gene formation point mutaionAdenocarcinoma of lunk, certain lymphomas neuroblastoma
Proteins involved in signal transduction
GTP-binding (G) prodeinsKRASPoint mutationColon, lung, and pancreatic tumors
HRASPoint mutationBladder and kidney tumors
NRASPoint mutationMelanomas, hematologic malignancies, Uveal melanoma
GNAQPoint mutationPituitary adenoma, other endocrine tumors
GNASPoint mutation
Nonreceptor tyrosin kinaseABLTranslocation point mutationChronic myelogenous leukemia
Acute lymphoblastic, leukemia
RAS signal transtiuctionBRAFPoint mutation, TranslocationMelanomas, leukemias, colon carcinoma, other
Notch signal transductionNOTCH1Point mutation, translocation gene reanangementLeukemias, lymphomas, breast carcinoma
JAK/STAT signal transductionJAK2TranslocationMyeloproliferative disorders acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Nuclear Regulatory proteins
Transcriptional activatorsMYCTranslocationBurkitt lymphoma
Cell cycle regulators
CyclinsCCND1 (Cyclin D1)TranslocationMantle cell lymphoma, multiple myeloma
AmplificationBreast and esophageal cancers
Cyclin-dependent kinaseCDK4Amplification or point mutationGlioblastoma, melanoma, sarcoma

Table 4.

Selected oncogenes, their mode of activation, and associated human tumors.

Cell cycle componentMain function
Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases
CDK4; D cyclinsForm a complex that phosporylates RB, allowing the cell to progress througe the G, regtriction point
Cell cycle inhibitors
CIP/KIP family: p21, p27 (CDKN1A-D)Block the cell cycle by binding to cyclin-CDK complexes
p21 Is induced by the tumor suppressor p53
p27 responds to growth suppressors such as TGF-B
INK4/ARF familly (CDKN2A-C)p16/ink4A and promotes the inhibitory effects of RB
p14ARF increases p53 levels by inhibiting MDM2 activity
Cell cycle checkpoint components
RBTumor suppressive “pocket” protein that binds E2F transcription factors in its hypophosphorylated state, preventing G,/S transition; also interacts with several transcription factors that regulate differentiation
p53Tumor suppressor altered in the majority of cancers; causes cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Acts mainly through p21 to cause cell cycle arrest. Causes apoptosis by inducing the transcription of pro-apoptotic genes such as BAX. Levels of p53 are negatively regulated by MDM2 through a feedback loop. p53 is required for the G1/S checkpoint and is a main component of the G2/M checkpoint.

Table 5.

Cell cycle components and inhibitors that are frequently mutated in cancer.

GeneProteinFunctionFamilial syndromesSporadic cancers
Inhibitors of mitogenic signaling pathways
APCAdenomatous polyposis coli proteinInhibitor of WNT signatingFamilial colonic polyps and carcinomasCarcinomas of stomach, colon, pancreas; melanoma
NF1Neurofibromin-1Inhibitor of RAS/MAPK signalingNeurofibromatosis type 1 (neurofibromas and malignant peripheral nerveNeuroblastoma, juvenile myeloid leukemia sheath tumors)
NF2MerlinCytosketetal stability, hippo pathway signalingNeurolibromatosis type 2 (acoustic schwannoma and meningioma)Schwannoma, meningioma
PTCHPatchedInhibitor of Hedgehog signalingGorlin syndrome (basal cell carcinoma, medulioblastoma, several benign tumors)Basal cell carcinoma, medulioblastoma
PTENPhosphatase and tensin homologueInhibitor of pi3k/AKT signalingCowden syndrome (variety of benign skin, g1, and CNS growths; breast, endometrial, and thyroid carcinoma)Diverse cancers, particularly carcinomas and lymphoid tumors
SMAD2, SMAD4SMAD2, SMAD4Component of the TGFB signaling pathway, repressors of MYC and CDK4 expression, inducers of CDK inhibitor expressionJuvenile polyposisFrequenthy mutated (along with other components of the TGFB signaling pathway) in colonic and pancreatic carcinoma
Inhibltors of cell cycle progression
RBRetinoblastoma (RB) proteinInhibitor of G1/S transition during cell cycle progressionFamilial retinoblastoma syndrome (retinoblastoma, osteosarcoma, other sarcomas)retinoblastoma; osteosarcoma carcinomas of breast, colon, lung
CDKN2Ap16/INK43 and p14/ARFp16; Negative regulator of cyclin-dependent kinases; p14, indirect activator of p53Familial melanomaPancreatic, breast, and esophageal carcinoma, melanoma, certain leukemias
Inhibitors of pro-growth’ programs of metabolism and angiogenesis
VHLVon hippel lindsu (VHL) proteinInhibitor of hypoxia-induced transcription factors (e.g, HF1a)Von Hippel lindau syndrome (cerebellar hemangioblastoma, retinal angioma, renal cell carcinoma)Renal cell carcinoma
STK11Liver Kinase B1 (LKB1) or STK11Activator of AMPK family of kinases; suppresses cell growth when cell nutrient and energy levels are lowPeutz-Jeghers syndrome (G1polyps, G1 cancers, pancreatic carcinoma and other carcinomas)Diverse carcinomas (5%-20% of cases, depending on type)
SDHB, SDHDSuccinate dehydrogenase complex subunits B and DTCA cycle, oxidative phosphorylationFamilial paraganglioma, familial pheochromocytomaParaganglioma
Inhibitors of genomic Stability
CDH1E-cadherincell adhesion, inhibition of cell mobityFamilial gastric cancerGastric carcinoma, lobular breast carcinoma
Enablers of genomic stability
TP53p53 proteinCell cycle arrest and apoptosis in response to DNA damageLI-Fraumeni syndrome (diverse cancers)Most human cancers
DNA repair factors
BRCA1, BRCA2Breast cancer-1 and breast cancer-2 (BRCA1 and BRCA2)Repair of double-stranded breaks in DNAFamilial breast and ovarian carcinoma; carcinomas of male breast; chronic lymphocytic leukemia (BRCA2)Rare
MSH2, MLH1,MSH6MSH1, MLH1, MSH6DNA mismatch repairHereditaty nonpolyposis colon carcinomaColonic and endometrial carcinoma
Uniknown mechanlams
WT1Wilms tumor-1 (WT1)Transcription factorFamilial Wilms tumorWilms tumor, certain leukemias
MEN1MeninTranscription factorMultiple endocrine neoplasia-1 (MEN1; pituitary, parathyroid, and pancreatic endocrine tumors)Pituitary, parathyroid, and pancreatic endocrine tumors

Table 6.

Selected tumor suppressor genes and associated familal syndromes and cencer. Sorted by Cancer Hallmarks.


5. Altered cellular metabolism in canter cells (Warburg effect)

Cancer cells have different needs than their normal counterpart. Their proliferative rate generally exceeds that of normal cells. Cancer cells must quickly synthesize the structural components (e.g., protein, lipid, etc.) that are required for rapid cell growth (that is to sustain their mitotic activity).

With adequate oxygen supply, cancer cells undergo a metabolic switch to aerobic glycolysis. They develop a distinctive form of cellular metabolism characterized by increased amount of glucose uptake and increased conversion of glucose to lactose (fermentation) via the glycolytic pathway. This aerobic glycolysis is called the Warburg effect. It was described in 1930 by Otto Warburg and is not cancer-specific but observed in growing cells and it becomes “fixed” in cancer cells. It is seen because tumor cells have M2 isoform of pyruvate kinase enzyme.

Aerobic glycolysis provides metabolic intermediates that are needed for the synthesis of cellular components in rapidly dividing tumor cells. This cannot be met with normal mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.

Clinical utility: The “glucose-hunger” of tumors is made for visualization of tumors in positron emission tomography (PET) scanning. In PET scanning, patients are injected with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (a8-FDG- a non-metabolizable derivative of glucose) which is preferentially taken up into tumor cells (and also actively dividing normal cells, for example., bone marrow cells). Most tumors are PET-positive, and markedly positive are the rapidly growing tumors [15].


6. Invasion and metastasis

6.1 Locally malignant tumor

Definition: The malignant tumors that are locally invasive but show little or no tendency to metastasize are called locally malignant tumors.

  • Examples:

    1. Basal cell carcinoma of skin.

    2. Glioma/glial cell carcinoma of central nervous system.

    3. Giant cell tumor of bone.

    4. Ameloblastoma.

    5. Craniopharyngioma.

  • Local Invasion:

    1. Benign tumor:

      • Grow as cohesive expansile masses.

      • Remain localized to their site of origin.

      • Do not have the capacity to infiltrate, invade, or metastasize to distant sites.

      • Sometimes they develop a fibrous capsule.

    2. Malignant Tumor:

      • Invasive and can be expected to penetrate the wall.

      • Such invasiveness makes their surgical resection difficult.

    Mechanism of tumor invasion:

    It involves following steps:

    1. Detachment (“loosening up”) of the tumor cells from each other

      • Tumor cells remain attached to each other by several adhesion molecules, such as cadherins.

      • In several carcinomas, including adenocarcinoma.

    2. Degradation of extracellular matrix

      By elaborating protease enzymes-matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), cathepsin D, and urokinase plasminogen activator.

    3. Attachment to novel extracellular matrix components: Tumor cells bind to laminin and fibronectin via cell surface receptors.

    4. Migration of tumor cells:

      • It is the final step of invasion, propelling tumor cells through the degraded basement membranes and zones of matrix proteolysis.

      • Stimulated and directed by tumor cell-derived cytokines, such as autocrine motility factors [16, 17].

6.2 Metastasis

Definition: Metastasis is defined by the spread of a tumor to sites that are physically discontinuous with the primary tumor. Or, tumor implant away from primary site to a distant place, without any communication with primary site, is known as metastasis.

  • Benign tumor: do not metastasize.

  • Malignant tumor: few exceptions, all cancers can metastasize.

  • The most common sites of cancer metastasis are the lungs, liver, bones, and brain.

  • Although most cancers have the ability to spread in many different parts of the body.

  • Exception: Locally invasive cancer. Approximately 30% of newly diagnosed solid tumors (excluding skin cancers other than melanomas) present with metastases.

  • Metastatic spread strongly reduces the possibility of cure.

6.3 Pathways of spread

  1. Direct seeding of body cavities or surfaces,

  2. Lymphatic spread, and

  3. Hematogenous spread.

6.4 Direct seeding of body cavities or surfaces

Most often involved is the peritoneal cavity, but any other cavity—pleural, pericardial, subarachnoid, and joint space—may be affected.

  • Example: In the female, gastric carcinoma may metastasize through peritoneal cavity to one or both ovaries producing secondary tumors termed krukenberg tumors.

  • Sometimes mucus-secreting appendiceal carcinomas or ovarian carcinomas fill the peritoneal cavity with a gelatinous neoplastic mass referred to as pseudomyxoma peritonei.

6.5 Lymphatic spread

  • Transport through lymphatics is the most common pathway for the initial dissemination of carcinomas but sarcomas may also use this route.

  • Examples: a. Carcinomas of the upper outer quadrant of the breast usually spread first to axillary lymph nodes and those of the inner quadrants to the nodes along the internal mammary arteries then the infra-clavicular and supraclavicular may become involved.

  • Bronchogenic carcinoma first metastasizes first to the hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes.

6.6 Hematogenous spread

Hematogenous spread is typical of large masses but is also seen with carcinomas.

  • Because ultimately there are numerous interconnections between the vascular and the lymphatic systems.

  • Arteries are less (due to thicker wall) easily penetrated than veins.

Sentinel lymph node:

Definition: A “sentinel lymph node” is the first regional lymph node that reaches lymph flow from a primary tumor.

  • Sentinel node mapping can be done by injection of radio-labeled tracers or colored dyes.

  • Biopsy of sentinel nodes is often used to assess the presence or absence of metastatic lesions in the lymph nodes.

  • Examples: In breast cancer, determining the involvement of axillary lymph nodes is important for assessing the future course of the disease and for selecting suitable therapeutic strategies.

  • Skip metastasis:

  • Usually cancers metastasize along the natural lymphatic drainage of that tissue.

  • However local lymph node may be bypassed, which is known as skip metastasis.

  • Cause:

    1. Lymphangitis.

    2. Radiation.

    3. Surgical intervention.

    4. Developmental anomalies.

6.7 Mechanism of metastasis of malignant tumor

  • Metastasis is a multistep process that allows tumor cells to move from one site to another.

  • These steps include:

    1. Detachment of invasive cells from the main tumor mass.

    2. Invasion of the basement membrane and the connective tissue.

    3. Intravasation (i.e., entry of tumor cells into the vessel).

    4. Dissemination of tumor cells in the intravascular fluid (blood or lymph).

    5. Anchorage (i.e., attachment of tumor cells to endothelial cells at a distant site).

    6. Extravasation (i.e., emigration of tumor cells through the vessel wall).

    7. Proliferation at the distant site [16, 17].

6.8 Autophagy and evasion of immune surveillance

6.8.1 Autophagy

Autophagy (“self- eating”) is the process in which lysosomal enzymes digest the own components of the cell during stress. It is a survival mechanism that occurs during a state of severe nutrient deficiency. By this mechanism, the starved cell can live by eating its own contents (e.g., organelles, proteins, and membranes) and by recycling these contents to provide nutrients and energy.

If this adaptive mechanism fails, the cells die.

Autophagy in cancer: Role of autophagy in the development and progression of cancer is complex and represents a double-edged sword. Several autophagy genes (e.g., Beclin-1 and some Atg genes) that promote autophagy, act as tumor suppressors and are deleted or mutated in many cancers. Tumor cells may accumulate mutations that deranges the pathways that induce autophagy and allows the cancer cells to grow without triggering autophagy. Tumor cells may corrupt the autophagy process to provide nutrients for continued growth and survival. On the other hand, autophagy can protect cancer cells if they are deprived of nutrients or oxygen because of therapy or insufficient blood supply [18, 19].

6.8.2 Several mechanisms may be operative by which tumor cells escape or evade the immune system:

  • Selective outgrowth of antigen-negative variants: During tumor progression, strongly immunogenic subclones may be eliminated.

  • Loss or reduced expression of MHC molecules: Tumor cells may fail to express normal levels of HLA class I molecules, thereby escaping attack by cytotoxic T cells. Such cells, however, may trigger NK cells.

  • Lack of co-stimulation: Sensitization of T cells requires two signals, one by a foreign peptide presented by MHC molecules and the other by co-stimulatory molecules. Although tumor cells may express peptide antigens with class I molecules, they often do not express co-stimulatory molecules.

  • Immunosuppression: Many oncogenic agents (e.g., chemicals and ionizing radiation) suppress host immune responses.

  • Antigen masking: The cell surface antigens of tumors may be hidden, or masked, from the immune system by glycocalyx molecules, such as sialic acid-containing mucopolysaccharides.

  • Apoptosis of cytotoxic T cells: Some melanomas and hepatocellular carcinomas express FasL which kills T lymphocytes that come in contact with tumor cells (Figure 1) [20].

Figure 1.

Major types of carcinogenic agents.


7. Chemical and radiation carcinogenesis

7.1 Chemical carcinogenesis

Sir Percival Pott (London surgeon) first related scrotum skin cancer in the chimney sweeps to a specific chronic chemical exposure to soot. Based on this, a rule was made that chimney sweep members must bathe daily and this public health measure controlled scrotal skin cancer. Japanese investigators (Yamagiva and Ichikawa) experimentally produced skin cancers in rabbits by using coal tar. Subsequently, hundreds of chemical carcinogens were discovered (Table 7).

Direct-acting carcinogens
Alkylating agents
Dimethyl sulfate
Anticancer drugs (cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil, nitrosoureas, and other)
Acylating agents
Dimethylcarbamyl chloride
Procarcinogens that require metabolic activation
Polycyclic and heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Benz[a] anthracene
Benzo[a] pyrene
Aromatic amines, amides, azo dyes
2-Naphthylamine (B-naphthylamine)
Dimethylaminoazobenzene (Butter yellow)
Natural plant and microblal products
Aflatoxin B,
Betel nuts
Nitrosamine and amldes
Vinyl chloride, nickel, chromium
Insecticides, funglcides
Polychlorinated blphenyls

Table 7.

Major chemical carcinogens.

7.2 Direct-acting agents

Direct-acting chemical agents do not require metabolic conversion to become carcinogenic, but most of them are weak carcinogens. Some of the drugs (e.g., alkylating agents) are used to cure, control, or delay recurrence of some cancer (e.g., leukemia, lymphoma) and may produce a second form of cancer (e.g., acute myeloid leukemia) later.

7.3 Alkylating agents

  • Source: many cancer chemotherapeutic drugs (e.g. Cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, and busulfan) are alkylating agents.

  • Mechanism of action: alkylating agents contain electron-deficient atoms that react with electron-rich atoms in DNA. These drugs not only destroy cancer cells by damaging DNA but also injure normal cells.

  • Cancers produced: Solid and hematological malignancies (Table 8 and Figure 2) [21, 22].

Agents or groups of agentsHuman cancers for which reasonable evidence is availableTypical use or occurrence
Arsenic and arsenic compoundsLung carcinoma, skin carcinomaBy-product of metal smelting; component of alloys, electrical and semiconductor devices, medications and herbicides, fungicides, and animal dips
AsbestosLung, esophageal, gastric, and colon carcinoma; mesotheliomaFormerly used for many applications because of fire, heat, and friction resistance; still found in existing construction as well as fire-resistant textiles, friction materials (i.e., brake linings), underlayment and roofing papers, and floor tiles
BenzeneAcute myeloid leukemiaPrincipal component of light oil; despite known risk, many applications exist in printing and lithography, paint, rubber, dry cleaning, adhesives and coatings, and detergents; formerly widely used as solvent and fumigant
Beryllium and beryllium compoundsLung carcinomaMissile fuel and space vehicles; hardener for lightweight metal alloys, particularly in aerospace applications and nuclear reactors
Cadmlum and cadmium compoundsProstate carcinomaUses include yellow pigments and phosphors; found in solders; used in batteries and as alloy and in metal platings and coatings
Chromium compoundsLung carcinomaComponent of metal alloys, paints, pigments, and preservatives
Nickel compoundsLung and oropharyngeal carcinomaNickel plating; component of ferrous alloys, ceramics, and batteries; by-product of stainless-steel arc welding
Radon and its decay productsLung carcinomaFrom decay of minerals containing uranium; potentially serious hazard in quarries and underground mines
Vinyl chlorideHapatic angiosarcomaRefrigerant; monomer for vinyl polymers; adhesive for plastics; formerly inert aerosol propellant in pressurized containers

Table 8.

Occupational cancers.

Figure 2.

Multistep theory of chemical carcinogenesis.

7.4 Radiation carcinogenesis

Radiation is a well-known carcinogen.

Latency: Extremely long latent period is common and It has a cumulative effect. Radiation has also additive or synergistic effects with other potential carcinogenic agents.

Types of radiation: They are divided into two types, namely:

  1. Ultraviolet (UV) rays of sunlight, and

  2. Ionizing electromagnetic and particulate radiation.

Ultraviolet rays:-.

They are derived from the sunlight.

Tumors caused: Skin cancer, namely.

  1. Squamous cell carcinoma,

  2. Basal cell carcinoma, and

  3. Malignant melanoma.

They are more common on parts of the body regularly exposed to sunlight and ultraviolet light (UVL).

Risk factors.

The amount of damage incurred depends on:

  • Type of UV rays.

    • Intensity of exposure.

    • Protective mantle of melanin.

    • Melanin absorbs UV radiation and has a protective effect.

    • Skin cancers are more common in fair-skinned people and those living in a geographic location receiving a greater amount of sunlight (e.g., Queensland, Australia, close to the equator).

# Pathogenesis.

  • UV radiation leads to formation of pyrimidine dimers in DNA, which is a type of DNA damage that is responsible for carcinogenicity.

  • DNA damage that is responsible for carcinogenicity.

  • DNA damage is repaired by the nucleotide excision repair pathway.

  • With excessive sun exposure, the DNA damage exceeds the capacity of the nucleotide excision repair pathway and genomic injury becomes mutagenic and carcinogenic.

  • Xeroderma pigmentosum: It is a rare hereditary autosomal recessive disorder characterized by congenital deficiency of nucleotide excision repair DNA. These individuals develop skin cancers (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma) due to impairment in the excision of UV-damaged DNA [21, 22].

Ionizing radiation:

Electromagnetic (x-rays, γ-rays) and particulate (α particles, β particles, protons, neutrons) radiations are all carcinogenic.

Cancers produced:

  1. Medical or occupational exposure, for example., leukemia and skin cancers.

  2. Nuclear plant accidents: Risk of lung cancers.

  3. Atomic bomb explosion: Survivors of atomic bomb explosion (dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) -› increased incidence of leukemia -> mainly acute and chronic myelogenous leukemia after about seven years.

  4. Subsequently, increased mortality due to solid tumors (e.g., breast, colon, thyroid, and lung).

Therapeutic radiation:

  1. Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid follows irradiation of head and neck and

  2. Angiosarcoma of liver due to radioactive thorium dioxide used to visualize the arterial tree.

Mechanism: Hydroxyl free radical injury to DNA.

Tissues that are relatively resistant to radiation-induced neoplasia: Skin, bone, and the gastrointestinal tract.

UV rays cause skin cancer:

  1. Squamous cell carcinoma.

  2. Basal cell carcinoma.

  3. Malignant melanoma.

Lymphoid tissue: most sensitive to radiation.

Bone: least sensitive to radiation.

UV radiation: induces formation of pyridine dimers in DNA leading to mutations.

Acute leukemia: most frequent malignant tumor caused by radiation.

Total body radiation: lymphopenia is the first hematological feature.

Xeroderma pigmentosum is caused due to abnormalities in nucleotide excision repair.

Ionizing radiation: Damages DNA.

Ionizing radiation causes genetic damage which cannot be repaired by nucleotide excision repair.

Neoplasm associated with therapeutic radiation.

  1. Papillary carcinoma of thyroid.

  2. Angiosarcoma of liver [21, 22].


8. Microbial carcinogenesis

Viruses that cause tumors are called as oncogenic viruses.

Many viruses have been proven to be oncogenic in animals, but only a few have been associated with human cancer.

Classification (Flowchart): They are mainly classified depending on the genetic material into:

  1. Oncogenic RNA viruses, and

  2. Oncogenic DNA viruses.

Mechanism: It is similar to that of HBV and HCV-induced hepatocellular carcinoma (Table 9).

Type of virusLesions
Oncogenic RNAViruses
• Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type-1Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma
• Hepatitis C virusHepatocellular carcinoma
Oncogenic DNAViruses
1. Human papilloma virus
A. Low-oncogenic risk HPV-benignlesions of squamous epithelium
• HPV types 1, 2, 4 and 7Benign squamous papilloma (wart)
• HPV-6 and HPV-11Condylomata acuminata (genital warts) of the vulva, penis and perianal region
Laryngeal papillomas
B. High-oncogenic risk HPV-malignant tumors
• HPV types 16 and 18Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix and anogenital region
Oropharyngeal cancers (tonsil)
2. Epstein-Barr virusBurkitt lymphoma (requires cofactor-malaria)
Nasopharyngeal cancer
3. Hepatitis B virusHepatocellular carcinoma
4. Human herpes virus-8Kaposi’s sarcoma
Pleural effusion lymphoma, multicentric Castleman disease
5. Merkel cell polyomavirusMerkel cell carcinoma

Table 9.

Various viruses implicated in human tumors and associated lesions.


Helicobacter pylori:

Diseases caused by H. pylori are (1) peptic ulcers, (2) gastric adenocarcinomas, and (3) gastric lymphomas, gastric adenocarcinomas.

  • Chronic inflammation: H. pylori causes chronic inflammation (chronic gastritis) - > followed by gastric atrophy - > intestinal metaplasia -> dysplasia - > cancer,

  • Genes: H. pylori causing gastric adenocarcinoma contains cytotoxin-associated A (CagA) gene that can penetrate into gastric epithelial cells - > initiation of signals - > unregulated growth factor stimulation.

Gastric lymphoma:

H. pylori produces lymphoma of B-cell origin, which are called as lymphomas of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue or maltomas. H. pylori is associated with translocation in MALT lymphomas.


Fungi may cause cancer by producing toxic substances (mycotoxins). Aflatoxin B, produced by Aspergillus flavus is a potent carcinogen responsible for hepatocellular carcinoma.


Two parasites that can cause tumors are:

  1. Schistosoma is strongly implicated in carcinoma of urinary bladder (usually of squamous cell type). The ova of the parasite can be found in the affected tissue.

  2. Clonorchis sinensis (Chinese liver fluke) lodges in the bile ducts -> produces an inflammatory reaction, epithelial hyperplasia, and sometimes adenocarcinoma of the bile ducts (Cholangiocarcinoma).


Hormones in the body may act as cofactors in carcinogenesis.


  • Endometrial carcinoma: It may develop in females with estrogen-secreting granulosa cell tumor of ovary or those receiving exogenous estrogen.

  • Adenocarcinoma of vagina: Increased frequency of adenocarcinoma of vagina is observed in daughters of mothers who received estrogen during pregnancy. Abnormal vascularity of tumor: Estrogens can make existing tumors abnormally vascular (e.g., adenomas and focal nodular hyperplasia).

  • Androgenic and anabolic steroids: They may cause hepatocellular tumors.

  • Hormone-dependent tumors.

  • Prostatic carcinoma usually responds to administration of estrogens or castration.

  • Breast carcinomas regress following oophorectomy.

  • Microbial carcinogens: Viruses > bacteria > parasites [23, 24, 25, 26].


9. Laboratory diagnosis of cancer

Confirmation of lesion as neoplastic usually requires cytological and/or histopathological examination of the suspected organ or tissue. Different laboratory methods available for the diagnosis of malignant tumors are:

9.1 Morphological methods

9.1.1 Histopathological examination

Histopathological diagnosis is based on the microscopic features of neoplasm and by this method of examination, accurate diagnosis can be made in majority of cases.

Clinical data: It should be provided for accurate pathologic diagnosis, for example:

  • Radiation causes changes in the skin, which mimic changes seen in cancer.

  • Sections taken from the site of a healing fracture can mimic an osteosarcoma.

  • Adequate and representative area of the specimen should be sent.

Proper fixation [27, 28, 29].

9.1.2 Frozen section

In this method, tissue is hardened rapidly by freezing (hence termed frozen section) and sections are cut by special instrument called freezing microtome or cryostat (microtome in a refrigerated chamber). Its uses are:

  • Rapid diagnosis: Frozen section is used for quick histologic diagnosis (within minutes) and is useful for determining the nature of a tumor (benign or malignant) lesion, especially when the patient is still on the operation table. It will help to determine whether a lesion is a neoplasm and, if so, whether it is benign or malignant.

  • Evaluation of the margins of an excised cancer to know whether excision of the neoplasm is complete. If resection margins are inadequate, additional tissue can be removed immediately, without the need for a subsequent operation.

  • Demonstration of fat mainly in nonneoplastic lesions.

  • To know the lymph node (sentinel) status in carcinoma, knowing the extent of regional tumor metastases may be useful in deciding the further surgery.

  • To determine whether additional workup is necessary for a particular tissue specimen while it is still fresh. For example, if the metastatic tumor found in a lymph node is recognized as a poorly differentiated carcinoma, special fixation and electron microscopy may be needed for proper diagnosis.

Various techniques for tissue sampling a Weddle biopsy: It is called a cutting-needle or core.

  • Needle oriel biopsy. Using cutting needle, a core of this seems wide and 2 cm long is obtained for histologic examinations or special studies that permit evaluation of architectural structure. Tissue obtained is small and interpretation may be difficult.

  • Endoscopy biopsy: It is performed through endoscopy. Usually performed for lesions in gastrointestinal, respiratory, urinary, and genital tracts.

  • Incision biopsy: In this, the representative tissue sample is obtained by incising the lesions. Incisional biopsy (along with fine-needle aspiration) is often the method of choice for inoperable lesions, too large for excision, or when excision causes functional or cosmetic impairment.

  • Excision biopsy: In this, entire abnormal lesion is surgically removed. It provides generous amounts of tissue for diagnosis and may be surgical therapy for some tumors (e.g., small- to medium-sized breast cancers).

Pitfalls in biopsy interpretation: These include inadequate tissue sampling and artifacts due to procedure itself (e.g. thermal damage caused by an electrocautery or laser) [27, 28, 29].

9.1.3 Cytological examination

It is performed on many tissues and is usually done for identifying neoplastic cells.

Methods of obtaining cells.

Exfoliative cytology: It is the study of spontaneously exfoliated (shed) cells from the lining of an organ into a body cavity.

Fine-needle aspiration cytology.

It involves aspiration of cells and attendant fluid with a small-bore needle. The smears are prepared and stained, followed by microscopic examination of cells. It is a widely-used simple and quick procedure.

Liquid-based cytology (thin prep): This is a special technique for preparation of samples that provides uniform monolayered dispersion of cells on smears.

Cytological characteristics of cancer cells:

Cancer cells have decreased cohesiveness and show cellular features of anaplasia. Cytological, differentiation can be made between normal, dysplastic, carcinoma in situ, and malignant cells.

Disadvantages of cytological examination:

Diagnosis is based on the features of individual cells or a clump of cells, without the supporting evidence of loss of orientation.

The invasion that is diagnostic of malignant tumor under histology cannot be assessed by cytology [27, 28, 29].

9.1.4 Histochemistry and cytochemistry

These are stains, which identify the chemical nature of cell contents or their products. H&E staining cannot demonstrate certain specific substances/constituents of cells. This requires some special stains. Common histochemical and cytochemical stains useful in diagnosis of tumors are listed in


It is an immunological method of identifying the antigenic component in the cell or one of its components by using specific antibodies. It is widely used in the diagnosis or management of malignant neoplasms.

Uses of Immunohistochemistry:-

# To categorize undifferentiated cancers:

Many malignant tumors of diverse origins resemble each other and are difficult to distinguish on routine hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) sections.

Example: Few anaplastic carcinomas, lymphomas, melanomas, and sarcomas may look almost similar. They should be accurately diagnosed because of their different modes of treatment and prognosis.

  • In poorly differentiated carcinoma, intermediate filaments (e.g., cytokeratins) show positivity.

  • Malignant melanomas when unpigmented (amelanotic melanoma) appear similar to other poorly differentiated carcinomas. They express HMB-45 and S-100 protein, but negative for cytokeratins.

  • Desmin is found in neoplasms of muscle cell origin.

  • To determine the origin of poorly differentiated metastatic tumors: It may be determined by using tissue-specific or organ-specific antigens.

For prognosis or to select the mode of treatment:

  • Identification of hormone (estrogen/progesterone) receptors in breast cancer cells is of prognostic and therapeutic value. These cancers respond well to antiestrogen therapy and have a better prognosis.

  • Breast cancers with BRBB2 protein (HER2/neu) positivity have a poor prognosis [27, 28, 29].

9.1.5 Immunohistochemical markers

Apart from the various immunochemical markers mentioned above, other markers useful are as follows:

  • Neuroendocrine tumors show positivity for cytokeratins like carcinomas, but they can be identified by their contents, namely:

  • Chromogranins (proteins found in neurosecretory granules).

  • Neuron-specific enolase (NSE).

  • Synaptophysin.

  • Soft tissue sarcomas: They show intermediate filament positivity.

  • Vimenttin used to identify mesenchyme.

  • Desmin is positive in smooth or striated muscle fibers.

  • Muscle-specific actin marker for muscle tissue.

  • Neurofilament proteins: Marker for tumors of neurons, neuroblastoma, and ganglioneuroma.

  • Neuron-specific enolase in neuroblastoma.

  • Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), also intermediate filament expressed in glial cell neoplasms.

  • Malignant lymphomas: Generally positive for leukocyte common antigen (LCA, CD45). Markers for lymphomas and leukemias are called cluster designations (CDs) and are useful to differentiate T and B lymphocytes, monocytes, granulocytes and the mature and immature variants of these cells.

  • Vascular tumors derived from endothelial cells include benign hemangiomas and malignant angiosarcomas, and are positive for factor VIII-related antigens or certain lectins.

  • Proliferating cells: Cells in cell cycle show positivity for Ki-67 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) [27, 28, 29].

9.1.6 Electron microscopy

It helps in the diagnosis of poorly differentiated/undifferentiated cancers, which cannot identify the origin by light microscopy, for example, carcinomas show desmosomes and specialized junctional complexes, structures that are not seen in sarcomas or lymphomas [27, 28, 29].

9.1.7 Flow cytometry

It quantitatively measures various individual cell characteristics, such as membrane antigens and the DNA content of tumor cells. Flow cytometry is useful for identification and classification of tumors of T and B lymphocytes (leukemias and lymphomas) and mononuclear-phagocytic cells.

Circulating tumor cells.

Detection, quantification, and characterization of rare solid tumor cells (e.g., carcinoma and melanoma) circulating in the blood are emerging as a diagnostic modality, although presently in the research stage. Few latest devices detect three-dimensional flow cells coated with antibodies specific for tumor cells of interest (e.g., carcinoma cells) in the blood.

It will be useful for early diagnosis, assessing the risk of metastasis, and assessing the response of tumor cells to therapy.

Tumor makers:

Tumor markers are products of malignant tumors that can be detected in the cells themselves or in blood and body fluids.


  • Detection of cancer, for example, PSA is the most common and useful tumor marker used to screen prostatic adenocarcinoma. High levels of PSA are found in the blood of prostatic carcinoma patients but it also may be elevated in benign prostatic hyperplasia.

  • Determine the effectiveness of therapy.

  • Detection of recurrence.

9.2 Molecular profiling of tumors

9.2.1 Traditional cancer typing

Traditionally cancer is diagnosed and classified according to the morphological (histopathology/ cytopathology) appearance of the cells and their surrounding tissue. It has limitations such as (i) relies on a subjective review of the tissue, which is dependent on the knowledge and experience of a pathologist, and, therefore, may not be reproducible, (ii) limited ability to determine the individual recurrence risk of cancer, (iii) insufficient to reflect the complicated underlying molecular events that drive the neoplastic process, and (iv) histopathology reports lack or offer very little information regarding the potential drug treatment regime to which cancer will respond. Traditional pathology reports help to determine treatment that leads to better outcomes. However, tumors with identical pathology may have different origins and respond differently to a treatment.

# Newer cancer diagnostics:-

  1. DNA microarray

  2. DNA sequencing [27, 28, 29]


10. Tumor markers

Tumor markers are products of malignant tumors tar fun be detected in the cells themselves or in blood and body fluids.


  1. Detection of cancer, for example PSA is the most common and useful tumor marker used to screen prostatic adenocarcinoma. High levels of PA are found in the blood of prostatic carcinoma patients but it also may be elevated in benign prostatic hyperplasia.

  2. Determine the effectiveness of therapy.

  3. Detection of recurrence.

Types of markers (Table): These may be tumor-associated hormones, oncofetal antigens, specific proteins, mucin and glycoproteins, enzymes, and molecular markers.

Molecular diagnosis:

Molecular diagnosis can be done by different techniques such as FISH technique and PCR (polymerase chain reaction) analysis.

10.1 Diagnosis of cancer

  • Monoclonal (malignant) versus polyclonal (benign): To differentiate benign (polyclonal) proliferations of T-or B-cells from malignant (monoclonal) proliferations.

  • Chromosomal alterations: Many hematopoietic neoplasms (leukemias and lymphomas) and few solid tumors (e.g. Ewings Sarcoma) are characterized by particular translocations that can be detected by FISH technique or by PCR analysis [27, 28, 29].

10.2 Prognosis of cancer

Certain genetic alterations are of prognostic value. They can be detected by routine cytogenetics and also by FISH or PCR assays. Example of poor prognostic feature is amplification of tie N-MIC gene and deletions of IP in neuroblastoma and amplification of HER-2/Neu in breast cancer.

10.3 Detection of minimal residual disease

Prognosis of cancer can detect minimal residual disease or the onset of relapse in patients who are treated for leukemia or lymphoma, for example, detection of BCR-ABL transcripts in treated patients with CML.

10.4 Detection of hereditary predisposition to cancer

Germline mutations in many tumor suppressor genes are associated with increased risk for specific cancers. This will help in prophylactic surgery and counseling of relatives at risk, for example, BRCAI, BRCA2, and the RET protooncogene.

For therapeutic decision, It is useful in target therapy [27, 28, 29] (Table 10).

Clnical sydromesMajor forms of underlying cancerCausal mechanism
Cushing syndromeSmall-cell carcinoma of lung pancreatic carcinoma neural tumorsACTH or ACTH-like substance
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretionSmall-cell carcinoma of lung intracranial neoplasmsAntidiuretic hormone or atrial natriuretic hormones
HypercalcemiaSquamous cell carcinoma of lung breast carcinoma renal carcinoma adult T-cell leukemia/lymphomaParathyroid hormoine-related protein (PTHRP), TGF-a, TNF, IL-1
HypoglycemiaOvarian carcionama fibrosarcoma other mesenchymal sarcomasInsulin or insufin-like substance
PolycythemiaRenal carcinoma cerebellar hemangioma hapatocellular carcinomaEryhropoietin
Nerve and muscle syndromes
MyastheniaBronchogenic carcinoma thymic neoplasmsImmunologic
Disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systemBreast carcinoma
Dermatologic disorders
Acanthosis nignicansGastric carcinoma lung carcinoma utierine carcinomaImmunologic; secretion of epidermal growth factor
DermatomyositisBronchogenic carcinoma breast carcinomaImmunologic
Osseous, articular, and soft tissue changes
Hypertophic osteoarthropathy and clubbing of the fingersBronchogenic carcinoma Thymic neoplasmsUnknown
Vascular and hematologic changes
Venous thrombosis (Trousseau phenomenon)Pancreatic carcinoma bronchogenic carcinoma Other cancersTumor products (mucins that acticate clotting)
Disseminated thrombotic endocarditisAcute promyelocytic leukemia prostatic carcinomaTumor products that acticate clotting
Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditisAdvanced cancersHypercoagulability
Red call aplasiaThymic neoplasmsUnknown
Nephrotic syndromeVarious cancersTumor antigens, immune complexes

Table 10.

Paraneoplastic syndiomes.

10.5 Molecular profiling of tumors

10.5.1 Traditional cancer typing

Traditionally cancer is diagnosed and classified according to the morphological (histopathology/cytopathology) appearance of the cells and their surrounding tissue. It has limitations such as (1) it relies on a subjective review of the tissue, which is dependent on the knowledge and experience of a pathologist, and, therefore, may not be reproducible, (2) Limited ability to determine the individual recurrence risk of cancer, (3) Insufficient to reflect the complicated underlying molecular events that drive the neoplastic process and (4) Histopathology reports lack or offer very little information regarding the potential drug treatment regime to which cancer will respond. Traditional pathology reports help to determine treatment that leads to better outcomes. However, tumors with identical pathology may have different origins and respond differently to treatment.

10.5.2 Clinical aspects of neoplasia

Both benign and malignant tumors may produce clinical features through their various effects on host.

Local effects:-.

These are due to encroachment on adjacent structures.

  • Compression (e.g. adenoma in the ampulla of Vater causing obstruction of biliary tract).

  • Mechanical obstruction: It may be caused by both benign and malignant tumors. Example: Tumors may cause obstruction or intussusception in the GI tract.

  • “Endocrine insufficiency: It is caused due to destruction of an endocrine gland either due to primary or metastatic cancer.

  • Ulceration, bleeding, and secondary infections: It may develop in benign or malignant tumors in the skin or mucosa of the GI tract, for example.

  • Melena (blood in the stool) in neoplasms of the gut.

  • Hematuria in neoplasms of the urinary tract.

“Rupture” or infarction of tumor.

Functional effects:-.

These include:

  • Hormonal effects: It may be observed both in benign and malignant tumors of endocrine glands, for example, B-cell adenoma of the pancreas may produce insulin -› to cause fatal hypoglycemia.

  • Paraneoplastic syndromes: Non endocrine tumors may secrete hormones or hormone-like substances and produce paraneoplastic syndromes (explained below).

  • Fever: It is most commonly associated with Hodgkin disease, renal cell carcinoma, and osteogenic sarcoma. Fever may be due to release of pyogenes by tumor cells or IL-1 produced by inflammatory cells in the stroma of the tumor [30, 31, 32].

10.5.3 Tumor lysis syndrome

  • It is a group of metabolic complications that can occur after treatment for leukemias such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and chronic lymphocytic leukemias (CLL), lymphomas such as Burkitt lymphoma, and uncommonly in solid tumors.

  • It is caused by breakdown products of tumor cells following chemotherapy or glucocorticoids or hormonal agent (tamoxifen).

  • The killed tumor cells release intracellular ions and large amounts of metabolic byproducts into systemic circulation.

  • Metabolic abnormalities include:

  • Hyperuricemia: Due to increased turnover of nucleic acids. It can cause uric acid precipitation in the kidney resulting in renal failure.

  • Hyperkalemia: Due to release of the most abundant intracellular cation potassium.

  • Hyperphosphatemia: Due to release of intracellular phosphate.

  • Hypocalcemia: Due to complexing of calcium with elevated phosphate.

  • Lactic acidosis [30, 31, 32].

  • Cancer cachexia (wasting):-

  • It is defined as progressive weight loss accompanied by severe weakness, anorexia, and anemia developing in patients with cancer.

  • Mechanism: It is poorly understood and may be due to TNF and other cytokines, like IL-1, interferon-y, and leukemia inhibitory factor. They may be produced by macrophages in the tumor or by the tumor cells themselves [30, 31, 32].

11. Tumor staging and granding

11.1 TNM staging systems

It is the cancer staging system that is widely used and varies for each specific form of cancer. Its general principles are:

  • T refers to the size of the primary tumor.

  • It is suffixed by a number that indicates the size of the tumor or local anatomical extent. The number varies according to the organ involved in the tumor. With increasing size, the primary lesion is characterized as TI to T4.

  • T0 is used to denote an in situ lesion.

  • Refers to lymph node status.

  • It is suffixed by a number to indicate the number of regional lymph nodes or groups of lymph nodes showing metastases.

  • N0 would mean no nodal involvement.

  • M refers to the presence and anatomical extent of distant metastases.

  • M0 signifies no distant metastases, whereas

  • M1 indicates the presence of metastases.

TNM staging system is widely used.

TNM staging.

  • T = size of primary tumor.

  • N = lymph node status.

  • M = metastatic status [30, 31, 32].

    Grading of tumor depends on the degree of differentiation.

    Prognosis of tumor depends on:

    1. Histological type.

    2. Grade.

    3. Stage.

11.2 Prognosis

The prognosis of malignant tumors varies and is determined partly by the characteristics of the tumor cells (e.g. grower pale invasiveness) and partly by the effectiveness of therapy [30, 31, 32].

12. Paraneoplastic syndromes

Malignant tumors invade local tissue, produce metastasis, and can produce a variety of products that can stimulate hormonal, hematologic, dermatologic, and neurologic responses.

Definition: Paraneoplastic syndromes are symptom complexes in cancer patients that are not directly related to mass effects or invasion or metastasis or by the secretion of hormones indigenous to the tissue of origin.

Frequency: Though they occur in 10–15% of patients, it is important because:

  1. Maybe the first manifestation of an occult neoplasm.

  2. Maybe mistaken for metastatic disease leading to inappropriate treatment.

  3. May present clinical problems, which may be fatal.

  4. Certain tumor products causing paraneoplastic syndromes may be useful in monitoring recurrence in patients who had surgical resections or are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Some paraneoplastic syndromes, their mechanism, and the common cancers causing them are listed in Table 11 [30, 31, 32].

Tumor markersTumor types
Human chorionic gonadotropinTrophoblastic tumors, nonseminomatous testicular tumors
CalcitoninMedullary carcinoma of thyroid
Catecholamine and metabolitesPheochromocytoma and related tumors
Ectopic hormonesSee table 7-11
Oncofetal antigens
a-FetoproteinLiver cell cancer, nonseminomatous germ cell tumors of testis
Carcinoembryonic antigenCarcinomas of the colon, pancreas, lung, stomach, and heart
Prostatic acid phosphataseProstate cancer
Neuron-specific enolaseSmall-cell cancer of lung, neuroblastoma
Specific proteins
ImmunoglobulinsMultiple myeloma and other gammopathies
Prostate-specific antigen and prostate-specific membrane antigenProstate cancer
Mucins and other glycoproteins
CA-125Ovarian cancer
CA-19-9Colon cancer, pancreatic cancer
CA-15-3Breast cancer
Cell-free DNA markers
TP53, APC RAS mutants in stool and sarumColon cancer
TP53, RAS mutants in stool and serumpancreatic cancer
TP53, RAS mutants in sputum and sermuLung cancer
TP53 mutants in urineBladder cancer

Table 11.

Selected tumor markers.

13. Conclusion

With all the advances in genomic analyzes and targeted therapies, it can be safely predicted that we are on the cusp of a golden age of tumor diagnosis and treatment.

Those of you now in medical school can safely assume that expectations of rapid advances in cancer diagnosis and therapy will be fulfilled while you are still in practice.


  1. 1. Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology. 10th ed. Jeremy Bowes, ELSEVIER, (A Division of Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd.); 2021
  2. 2. de Martel C, Ferlay J, Franceschi S, et al. Global burden of cancers attributable to infections in 2008: A review and synthetic analysis. The Lancet Oncology. 2012;13:607-615. [A recent analysis that estimates that approximately 16% of cancers (2 million cases per year) are attributable to infectious agents]
  3. 3. Faulds MH, Dahlman-Wright K. Metabolic diseases and cancer risk. Current Opinion in Oncology. 2012;24:58-61. [A review focused on evidence linking metabolic disorders such obesity and diabetes to increased cancer risk]
  4. 4. Liang J, Shang Y. Estrogen and cancer. Annual Review of Physiology. 2013;75:225-240. [A summary of epidemiologic evidence connecting hyperestrogen-ism to cancer and of current understanding of the oncogenic mechanisms of estrogen signaling]
  5. 5. Roberts DL, Dive C, Renehan AG. Biological mechanisms linking obesity and cancer risk: New perspectives. Annual Re Medicine. 2010;61:301-316 [Discussion of possible biological processes that increase cancer risk in the obese]
  6. 6. Hanahan D, Weinberg RA. Hallmarks of cancer: The next generation. Cell. 2011;144:646-674. [An update of a classic paper describing the key features common to all cancers]
  7. 7. Cilloni D, Saglio G. Molecular pathways: BCR-ABL. Clinical Cancer Research. 2012;18:930-937. [A discussion of the functional consequences and clinical significance of aberrant tyrosine kinase activity in chronic myeloid leukemia mediated by the constitutive enzyme activity of BCR-ABL]
  8. 8. Dang CV. MYC on the path to cancer. Cell. 2012;149:22-35. [A review of the widespread oncogenic role. of the transcription factor MYC in cancer!]
  9. 9. Pao W, Chmielecki J. Rational, biologically based treatment of EGFR-mutant non-small-cell lung cancer. Natural Red Cancer. 2010;10:760-774. [A review summarizing recent work aimed at treating and ultimately curing lung cancers associated with activating mutations in the receptor tyrosine kinase EGFR]
  10. 10. Pylayeva-Gupta Y, Grabocka E, Bar-Sagi D. RAS oncogenes: Weaving a tumorigenic web. Natural Review Cancer. 2011;11:761-774. [A description of how RAS oncogenes activate multiple downstrean signaling pathonys to drive cellular transformation and oncogenesis]
  11. 11. Goh AM, Coffill CR, Lane DP. The role of mutant p53 in human cancer. Pathology. 2011;223:116-126. [Discussion of emerging oncogenic roles of mutant p53 proteins]
  12. 12. Manning AL, Dyson NJ. RB: Mitotic implications of a tumour suppres sor. Natural Review Cancer. 2012;12:220-226. [In addition to the well established roles of RB in control of cell cycle progression and proliferation, this review describes other emerging tumor suppressive functions, such as maintenance of genomic stability]
  13. 13. Roy R, Chun J, Powell SN. BRCA1 and BRCA2: Different roles in a common pathway of genome protection. Natural Review Cancer. 2012;12:68-78. [A discussion of the concerted roles of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 tumor suppressor proteins in protecting the genore from double-strand DNA damage during DNA replication]
  14. 14. Song MS, Salmena L, Pandolfi PP. The functions and regulation of the PTEN tumour suppressor. Natural Review in Molecular Cell Biology. 2012;13:283-296. [A detailed discussion of the tumor suppressive role of the the lipid phos phatase PTEN]
  15. 15. Ward PS, Thompson CB. Metabolic reprogramming: A cancer halt mark even warburg did not anticipate. Cancer Cell. 2012;21:297-308. [A review making the case that altered cancer metabolism is a fundamental hallmark of cancer cells]
  16. 16. Spano D, Heck C, De Antonellis P, et al. Molecular networks that regulate cancer metastasis. Seminars in Cancer Biology. 2012;22:234-249. [A review that addresses some of the genetic events and critical factors that contributes to acquisition of the metastatic phenotype during oncogenesis]
  17. 17. Tiwari N, Gheldof A, Tatari M, et al. EMT as the ultimate survival mechanism of cancer cells. Seminars in Cancer Biology. 2012;22:194-207. [A far-ranging discussion of the possible roles of epithelinl-mesenchymal transition in metastasis and other cancer hallmarks]
  18. 18. Lozy F, Karantza V. Autophagy and cancer cell metabolism. Seminars in Cancer Biology. 2012;23:395-401. [A discussion of how cellular metabolism and autophagy may contribute to the ability of cancer cells to adapt to environmental stressors and survive radiation and chemotherapy
  19. 19. Mah LY, Ryan KM. Autophagy and cancer. Cold Springer Harbor Perspective Biology. 2012;4:a008821. [LA review of the possible interplay between autoph agy and various aspects of tumor suppression, including cellular responses to nutrient and hypoxic stress, control of programmed cell death, and tumor-associated immune responses]
  20. 20. Brahmer JR, Tykodi SS, Chow LQ, et al. Safety and activity of anti-PD-Li antibody in patients with advanced cancer. New England Journal of Medicine. 2012;366:2455-2465. [Two back-to-back landmark papers describing the anti-cancer activity of antibodies that interfere with the activity of PD-1, a signaling receptor that inhibits T cell function]
  21. 21. Berger MF, Hodis E, Heffernan TP, et al. Melanoma genome sequene ing reveals frequent PREX2 mutations. Nature. 2012;485:502-506. [A study that describes and quantifies the mutational impact of sun-exposure on melanoma genomes]
  22. 22. Pleasance ED, Stephens PJ, O’Meara S, et al. A small-cell lung cancer genome with complex signatures of tobacco exposure. Nature. 2010;463:184-190. [A study that describes and quantifies the mutational impact of carcinogens in tobacco smoke on lung cancer genomes]
  23. 23. Cabibbo G, Maida M, Genco C, et al. Causes of and prevention strate gies for hepatocellular carcinoma. Seminars in Oncology. 2012;39:374-383. [A discussion of the various environmental factors implicated in hepato cellular carcinoma, including hepatitis viruses]
  24. 24. Magrath I. Epidemiology: Clues to the pathogenesis of Burkitt lyn phoma. British Journal of Haematology. 2012;156:744-756. [A discussion of the roles of Epstein-Barr virus and malaria in genesis of this agressive B cell malignancy]
  25. 25. Moody CA, Laimins LA. Human papillomavirus oncoproteins: Path - ways to transformation. Nat Re. Cancer. 2010;10:550-560. [A review focused on the oncogenic activities of HPV E6 and E7 proteins]
  26. 26. Peleteiro B, La Vecchia C, Lunet N. The role of helicobacter pylori infection in the web of gastric cancer causation. Cancer Prevention. 2012;21:118-125. [A review that proposes a conceptual framework for understanding the role of H. pylori infection in gastric cancer]
  27. 27. Alix-Panabieres C, Schwarzenbach H, Lantel K. Circulating tumor cells and circulating tumor DNA. Annual Review Medicine. 2012;63:199-215. [A review discussing the detection, characterization, and diagnostic implications of rare circulating tumor cells and free nucleic acids derived from tumors]
  28. 28. Kohlmann A, Grossmann V, Haferlach T. Integration of next-genera-tion sequencing into clinical practice: Are we there yet? Seminars in Oncology. 2012;39:26-36. [A discussion of how and when deep sequencing may impact cancer diagnosis, therapy selection, and monitoring of response to therapy]
  29. 29. Pao W, Lafrate AJ, Su Z. Genetically informed lung cancer medicine. Pathology. 2011;223:230-240. [A review of the rapid adoption and application of genomic analysis to the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer]
  30. 30. Azar L, Khasnis A. Paraneoplastic rheumatologic syndromes. Current Opinion in Rheumatology. 2013;25:44-49. [A review focused on paraneoplastic sunovitis, bone disease, myositis, and vasculitis]
  31. 31. Graus F, Dalmau I. Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes. Current Opinion in Neurology. 2012;25:795-801. [A review describing parancoplastic neurological syndromes and the impact of antibodies against surface antigens in their management]
  32. 32. Lucia S, Esposito M, Rossi Fanelli F, et al. Cancer cachexia: From molecular mechanisms to patient’s care. Critical Review Oncogology. 2012;17:315-321. [A review of cancer cachexia mechanisms and their implications for development of effective therapies]

Written By

Flora Thanadar Ajmiree

Submitted: 12 December 2022 Reviewed: 14 December 2022 Published: 20 February 2023