Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Solving and Algorithm for Least-Norm General Solution to Constrained Sylvester Matrix Equation

Written By

Abdur Rehman and Ivan I. Kyrchei

Reviewed: 02 January 2023 Published: 08 February 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109749

From the Edited Volume

Inverse Problems - Recent Advances and Applications

Edited by Ivan I. Kyrchei

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Keeping in view that a lot of physical systems with inverse problems can be written by matrix equations, the least-norm of the solution to a general Sylvester matrix equation with restrictions A1X1=C1,X1B1=C2,A2X2=C3,X2B2=C4,A3X1B3+A4X2B4=Cc, is researched in this chapter. A novel expression of the general solution to this system is established and necessary and sufficient conditions for its existence are constituted. The novelty of the proposed results is not only obtaining a formal representation of the solution in terms of generalized inverses but the construction of an algorithm to find its explicit expression as well. To conduct an algorithm and numerical example, it is used the determinantal representations of the Moore–Penrose inverse previously obtained by one of the authors.


  • linear matrix equation
  • generalized Sylvester matrix equation
  • Moore-Penrose inverse

1. Introduction

Standardly, we state C and R, respectively, for the complex and real numbers. Let Cm×n denote the set of all m×n matrices over C, and Crm×n stay for a subset of m×n complex matrices with rank r. The rank of A is denoted by both symbols rA and rankA. The (complex) conjugate transpose matrix of ACm×n is written by A and a matrix ACn×n is said to be Hermitian if A=A. An identity matrix with feasible shape is denoted by I.

Definition 1.1. The Moore–Penrose (MP-) inverse of ACm×n, denoted by A, is defined to be the unique solution X to the following four Penrose equations


Matrices satisfying the eqs. (1) and (2) are known as reflexive inverses, denoted by A+.

In addition, LA=IAA and RA=IAA represent a pair of orthogonal projectors onto the kernels of A and A, respectively.

Mathematical models of physical systems with inverse problems especially those has a finite number of model parameters can be written by matrix equations. In particular, the Sylvester-type matrix equations have far-reaching applications in singular system control [1], system design [2], robust control [3], feedback [4], perturbation theory [5], linear descriptor systems [6], neural networks [7] and theory of orbits [8], etc.

Some recent work on generalized Sylvester matrix equations and their systems can be observed in [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]. In 2014, Bao [22] examined the least-norm and extremal ranks of the least square solution to the quaternion matrix equations


Wang et al. [23] examined the expression of the general solution to the system


and as an application, the P-symmetric and P-skew-symmetric solution to


has been established. Li et al. [24] established a novel expression of the general solution of the system (6) and they computed the least-norm of general solution to (6). In 2009, Wang et al. [25] constituted the expression of the general solution to


and as an application, they explored the PQ-symmetric solution to the system


Some latest findings on the least-norm of matrix equations and PQ-symmetric matrices can be consulted in [26, 27, 28, 29, 30]. Furthermore, our main system (7) is a special case of the following system


which has been investigated by Zhang in 2014.

Motivated by the latest interest of least-norm of matrix equations, we construct a novel expression of the general solution to the system (7) and apply this to investigate the least-norm of the general solution to the system (7) in this chapter. Observing that systems (5) and (6) are particular cases of our system (7), solving system (7) will encourage the least-norm to a wide class of problems.

We commence with the following lemmas which have crucial function in the construction of the chief outcomes of the following sections.

Lemma 1.2. [31]. Let A,B, and C be given matrices over C with agreeable dimensions. Then.

  1. rA+rRAB=rB+rRBA=rAB.

  2. rA+rCLA=rC+rALC=rAC.

  3. rB+rC+rRBALC=rABC0.

Lemma 1.3. [32]. Let A, B, and C be known matrices over C with right sizes. Then

  1. A=AAA=AAA.

  2. LA=LA2=LA,RA=RA2=RA.


Lemma 1.4. [33]. Let Φ,Ω be matrices over C and




where Φ1+, Ω1+ are any fixed reflexive inverses, LΦ1 and RΩ1 stand for the projectors LΦ1=IΦ1+Φ1, RΩ1=IΩ1Ω1+ induced by Φ1, Ω1, respectively.

Remark 1.5. Since the Moore-Penrose inverse is a reflexive inverse, this lemma can be used for the MP-inverse without any changes. It has taken place in ([32], Lemma 2.4).

Lemma 1.6. [34]. Suppose that


is consistent linear matrix equation. Then.

  1. The general solution of the homogeneous equation


    can be expressed by


    where X1X3 and Y1Y3 are general solution to the system


    By computing the value of unknowns in above and using them in X and Y, we have


    where S1=Ip0,S2=0Is,T1=Iq0, T2=0It,G=B1B2, and H=C1C2; the matrices U,V1,V2,W1andW2 are free to vary over C.

  2. Assume that Eq. (9) is solvable, then its general solution can be expressed as


    where X0 and Y0 are any pair of particular solutions to (9).

    It can also be written as


Lemma 1.7. [35]. Let A1,B1,C1,C2 be given matrices over C with agreeable sizes and X1 to be determined. Then the system


is consistent if and only if


Under these conditions, the general solution to (10) can be established as


where U1 is a free matrix over C with accordant dimension.

Lemma 1.8. [36]. Let A, B, and C be known matrices over C with agreeable dimensions, and X be unknown. Then the matrix equation


is consistent if and only if AACBB=C. In this case, its general solution can be expressed as


where V,W are arbitrary matrices over C with appropriate dimensions.

In [37], it is proved that (13) is the least squares solution to (12), and its minimum norm least squares solution is XLS=ACB.

Lemma 1.9. [25]. Let Ai,Bi,Ci, i=14, and Cc be given matrices over C with agreeable dimensions, and X1,X2 to be determined. Denote


Then the following conditions are tantamount:

  1. System (7) is resolvable.

  2. The conditions in (11) are met and


  3. The equalities in (11) and (14) are satisfied and


In these conditions, the general solution to the system (7) can be written as


where U1,V1,W1andZ1 are free matrices over C with agreeable dimensions.

Since the general solutions of considered systems are expressed in terms of generalized inverses, another goal of the paper is to give determinantal representations of the least-norm of the general solution to the system (7) based on determinantal representations of generalized inverses.

Due to the important role of generalized inverses in many application fields, considerable effort has been exerted toward the numerical algorithms for fast and accurate calculation of matrix generalized inverse. In general, most existing methods for their obtaining are iterative algorithms for approximating generalized inverses of complex matrices (some recent papers, see, e.g. [38, 39, 40]). There are only several direct methods for finding MP-inverse for an arbitrary complex matrix ACm×n. The most famous is method based on singular value decomposition (SVD), i.e. if A=UΣV, then A=VΣU. The computational cost of this method is dominated by the cost of computing the SVD, which is several times higher than matrix–matrix multiplication. Another approach is constructing determinantal representations of the MP-inverse A. A well-known determinantal representation of an ordinary inverse is the adjugate matrix with the cofactors in entries. It has an important theoretical significance and brings forth Cramer’s rule for systems of linear equations. The same is desirable to have for the generalized inverses. Due to looking for their more applicable explicit expressions, there are various determinantal representations of generalized inverses (for the MP-inverse, see, e.g. [41, 42]). Because of the complexity of the previously obtained expressions of determinantal representations of the MP-inverse, they have little applicability.

In this chapter, we will use the determinantal representations of the MP-inverse recently obtained in [43].

Lemma 1.10. [43, Theorem 2.2] If ACm×n with rankA=r, then the Moore-Penrose inverse A=aijCn×m possess the following determinantal representations


Here Aαα denote a principal minor of A whose rows and columns are indexed by αα1αk1m,


Also, a.j and ai. denote the jth column and the ith row of A, and Ai.b and A.jc stand for the matrices obtained from A by replacing its ith row with the row vector bC1×n and its jth column with the column vector cCm, respectively.

The formulas (17) give very simple and elegant determinantal representations of the MP-inverse. So, for any ACrm×n, we have sum of all principal minors of r order of the matrices AA or AA in denominators and sum of principal minors of r order of the matrices AA.ia.j or that contain the ith column or the jth row, respectively, in numerators into (17).

Note that for an arbitrary full-rank matrix A, Lemma 1.10 gives a new way of finding an inverse matrix.

Corollary 1.11. If ACm×n with rankA=minmn, then the inverse A1=aij1Cn×m possess the following determinantal representations:


These new determinantal representations of the Moore-Penrose inverse have been obtained by the developed novel limit-rank method in the case of quaternion matrices [44] as well. This method was successfully applied for constructing determinantal representations of other generalized inverses in both cases for complex and quaternion matrices (see e.g. [45, 46, 47]). It also yields Cramer’s rules of various matrix equations [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54].

The remainder of our chapter is directed as follows. In Section 2, we provide a new expression of the general solution to our system (7) and discuss its least-norm. The algorithm and numerical example of finding the anti-Hermitian solution to (7) are presented in Section 3. (7). Finally, in Section 4, the conclusions are drawn.


2. A new expression of the general solution to the system

Now we demonstrate the principal theorem of this section (7).

Theorem 2.1. Assume that S1=Ip10,S2=0Ip2, T1=Iq10, T2=Iq20, G=AC,H=BD, H1=LA1LA,H2=LA1S1LG,H3=RHT1RB1,H4=LA2LC,H5=LA2S2LG,H6=RHT2RB2 and the system (7) is solvable, then the general solution to our system can be formed as


where U,V1,V2,W1,andW2 are free matrices over C with allowable dimensions.

Proof. Our proof contains three parts. At the first step, we show that the matrices X1 and X2 have the forms of


where ϕ0 and ψ0 are any pair of particular solution to the system (7), V1, V2, W1, W2, and U are free matrices of able shapes over C, are solutions to the system (7). In the second step, we display that any couple of solutions μ0 and ν0 to the system (7) can be established as (20) and (21), respectively. In the end, we confirm that


are a couple of particular solutions to the system (7).

Now we prove that a couple of matrices X1 and X2 having the shape of (20) and (21), respectively, are solutions to the system (7). Observe that


It is evident that X1 having the form (20) is a solution of A1X1=C1, and X1B1=C2 and X2 having the form (21) is a solution to A2X2=C3,X2B2=C4. Now we are left to show that A3X1B3+A4X2B4=Cc is satisfied by X1 and X2 given in (20) and (21). By Lemma 1.4, we have




Observe that ALA=0 and by using (22) and (23), we arrive that


Conversely, assume that μ0 and ν0 are any couple of solutions to our system (7). By Lemma 1.7, we have


Observe that




On the same lines, we can get


It is manifest that μ0 and ν0 defined in (24)(25) are also solution pair of




Hence by Lemma 1.6, μ0 and ν0 can be written as


where X01 and X02 are a couple of special solutions to (26) and U,V1,V2,W1 and W2 are free matrices with agreeable dimensions. Using (27) and (28) in (24) and (25), respectively, we get


where X10=A1C1+LA1C2B1+LA1X01RB1 and X20=A2C3+LA2C4B2+LA2X02RB2. It is evident that X10 and X20 are a couple of solutions to the system (7). It is clear that μ0 and ν0 can be represented by (20) and (21), respectively. Lastly, by putting U1,V1,W1, and Z1 equal to zero in (15) and (16), we conclude that μ and ν are special solutions to the system (7). Hence the expressions (18) and (19) represent the general solution to the system (7) and the theorem is completed.

Remark 2.2. Due to Lemma 1.3 and taking into account LA2LM=LMLA2, we have the following simplification of the solution pair to the system (7) that is identical for (15)(16) and (18)(19) when U,U1,V1,V2,Z1,W1, and W2 disappear,


Comment 2.3. We have established a novel expression of the general solution to the system (7) in Theorem 2.1 which is different from one created in [25]. With the help of this novel expression, we can explore the least-norm of the general solution which can not be studied with the help of the expression given in [25], which is one of the advantage of our new expression.

Now we discuss some special cases of our system.

If B1,B2,C2 and C4 disappear in Theorem 2.1, then we gain the following conclusion.

Corollary 2.4. Denote S1=Ip10,S2=0Ip2, T1=Iq10, T2=Iq20, G=AC,H=B3B4, H1=LA1LA,H2=LA1S1LG,H3=RHT1,H4=LA2LC,H5=LA2S2LG,H6=RHT2 and the system (6) is solvable, then the general solution to (6) can be formed as


where A,C,N,M,S are the same as in Lemma 1.6, E=CcA3A1C1B3A4A2C3B4, V,Y1,Y2,Z1, and Z2 are free matrices over C obeying agreeable dimensions.

Comment 2.5. The above consequence is a chief result of [32].

If A2,B2,C3,A4,B4 and C4 vanish in our system (7), then we get the following outcome.

Corollary 2.6. Suppose that A1,B1,C1,C2,A3,B3 and Cc are given. Then the general solution to system (5) is established by


where W1 and W2 are arbitrary matrices over C with appropriate sizes.

We experience the least-norm to the system (7) in this section. By the definition and [55], we can get the following result easily.

Lemma 2.7. Let ACm×n,BCn×m. Then we have.

(1) A+B2=A2+B2+2RetrBA.

(2) RetrAB=RetrBA.

Theorem 2.8. Assume that system (7) is solvable, then the least-norm of the solution pair X1 and X2 to system (7) can be extracted as follows:


Proof. By Theorem 2.1 and Remark 2.2, the general solution to (7) can be formed as


where U,V1,V2,W1, and W2 are free matrices over C having executable dimensions. By Lemma 2.7, the norm of X1 can be established as




Now we want to show that J=0. Applying Lemmas 1.3, 1.4 and 2.7, we have


By using (33)(35) in (32) produces J=0. Since X1 is arbitrary, we get (29) from (31). In the same way, we can prove that (30) hold. □

A special case of our system (7) is given below.

If B1,B2,C2, and C4 become zero matrices in Theorem 2.8, then again we get the principal result of [20].

Corollary 2.9. Assume that system (6) is solvable, then the least-norm of the solution pair X1 and X2 to system (6) can be furnished as


If A2,B2,C3,A4,B4 and C4 vanish in our system, then we get the next consequence.

Corollary 2.10. Suppose that A1,B1,C1,C2,A3,B3 and Cc are given. Then the least-norm of the least square solution to system (5) is launched by


Comment 2.11. Corollary 2.10 is the key result of [22].


3. Algorithm with example

In this section, we construct the algorithm for finding the least-norm of the solution to (7) that is inducted by Theorem 2.8.

Algorithm 1.

  1. By Lemma 1.10 find the matrices Ai, Bi for i=1,,4, and RAi=IAiAi, LAi=IAiAi, RBi=IBiBi, and LBi=IBiBi for i=1,2.

  2. By Lemma 1.9 calculate the matrices A,B,C,D,M,S, and E, and by Lemma 1.10 find their MP-inverses and orthogonal projectors when it is needed.

  3. Verify the consistence equalities (11) and (14). If these equalities are hold, then we find solutions by the next steps.

  4. Finally, by (29) and (30), compute the least-norm of the solution pair X1 and X2.

The following example will be considered by using Algorithm 1. Note that our goal is both to confirm correctness of main results from Theorems 2.1 and 2.8, and to demonstrate the technique of applying the determinantal representations of the MP-inverse from Lemma 1.10 by using a not too complicated and understandable example.

Example 1. Given the matrices:


Let us find a solution to the system (7) with the given above matrices by Algorithm 1.

  1. Thanks to Lemma 1.10, we calculate the Moore-Penrose inverses. So,




  2. Confirm that (11) and (14) are true for given matrices.

  3. Finally, by (29) and (30), we find that the least-norm of the solution pair X1 and X2 to the system (7) is following


Note that Maple 2021 was used to perform the numerical experiment.


4. Conclusion

We have constructed a novel expression of the general solution to system (7) over C and used this result to explore the least-norm of the general solution to this system when it is solvable. Some particular cases of our system are also discussed. Our results carry the principal results of [22, 32]. To give an algorithm finding the explicit numerical expression of the least-norm of the general solution, it is used the determinantal representations of the MP-inverse recently obtained by one of the authors. The novelty of the conducted research is obtaining necessary and sufficient conditions to exist a solution, its formal representation of by closed formula in terms of generalized inverses, and the construction of an algorithm to find its explicit expression. A numerical example is also given to interpret the results established in this paper.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have not conflicts of interest.


Data Availability

The data used to support the findings of this study are included within the article titled “Solving and Algorithm for Least-Norm General Solution to Constrained Sylvester Matrix Equation”. The prior studies (and datasets) are cited at relevant places within the text.



2000 AMS subject classifications: 15A09, 15A15, 15A24.


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Written By

Abdur Rehman and Ivan I. Kyrchei

Reviewed: 02 January 2023 Published: 08 February 2023