Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Methods of the Perturbation Theory for Fundamental Solutions to the Generalization of the Fractional Laplaciane

Written By

Mykola Ivanovich Yaremenko

Reviewed: 06 December 2022 Published: 15 November 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109366

From the Edited Volume

Numerical Simulation - Advanced Techniques for Science and Engineering

Edited by Ali Soofastaei

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We study the regularity properties of the solutions to the fractional Laplacian equation with perturbations. The Harnack inequality of a weak solution u∈WspRl to the fractional Laplacian problem is established, and the oscillation of the solution to the fractional Laplacian is estimated. We show that let 1≤p<∞ and s∈01, and let u∈Wsp be a weak solution to Lu=0inΩ, with the condition u=finRl\\Ω, where function f belongs to the Sobolev space WspRl. Then, the function u∈Wsp is locally Holder continuous and oscillation of the function satisfies the estimation oscBx0ru≤Cδspp−1upBx0ρp+ +Cδspp−1maxu0p−11⋅−x0l+spRl\\Bx0ρ1p−1 holds for δ∈01 and for all r,ρ such that 0<r<ρ. Also, let u∈WspRl be a weak solution to the boundary problem for the fractional Laplacian −Δps−b⋅∇u=0inΩ, and on the boundary u=finRl\\Ω, where 1≤p<∞ and s∈01, and let u be nonnegative in a ball function with the center x0 with the radius ρ, then the following estimation supBx0ru≤CinfBx0ru+Crρspp−1max−u0p−11⋅−x0l+spRl\\Bx0ρ1p−1 holds for r,ρ such that 0<r<ρ.


  • Holder continuous
  • partial differential equation
  • perturbation method
  • analysis
  • calculus
  • mathematics
  • function
  • functional analysis
  • Harnack inequality
  • Sobolev space
  • singular integrals
  • differentiability class
  • semigroup
  • interpolation theorem
  • fractional Laplacian
  • partial differential equation
  • Holder inequality
  • Laplace operator
  • general solution
  • regularity
  • nonlocal model

1. Introduction

The fractional Laplacian is an integrodifferential operator, which can be defined by a formula


where cl,s=4sΓs+l2πl2Γs is a constant dependent on the dimension of the space l>2. [1, 2, 3].

Let Ω be a bounded domain, we consider the integrodifferential problem


where function f belongs to a certain functional class, for instance, to the Sobolev space WspRl.

Similarly, we can consider the problem


where the Δsp sits for the fractional p-Laplace operator. The weak solutions to these problems coincide with the class of the minimizers to the functionals


which is defined over suitable Sobolev space.

Let us assume uWspRl is a positive weak solution to (3) then inequality


holds for any compact set KΩ and a positive constant C depends only on K,τ,t,s,p.

The fractional Laplace operator is intrinsically connected with the fractional Sobolev spaces WspRl or, more specifically, WspRl can be defined by using the fundamental solution of the fractional Laplace operator. So, for any s01 and any p1, the set Wsp of all functions u such that


is called the fractional Sobolev space, which can be equipped with its natural norm


Employing the perturbation theory, we can consider the fractional Laplace operator Δsp with the perturbation b, in the form


where bx=cx2sx. Since the vector b at x=0 and at x= indicates a stronger singular attitude than permitted by the definition of the Kato classes, this vector does not belong to any Kato class, and the standard upper estimation of its heat kernel etΛxy via the heat kernel of the correspondent Laplacian operator is not valid in this case. However, the weighted estimations are still holding.

The integral inequality


holds for any uC0Rl,l>2, p2, and the constant in the right part depends only on the dimension of the Euclidian space and on the convexity of the functional space. This estimation can be generalized to abstract spaces with convex norms. If in (9) we take p=2, then (9) becomes a well-established Hardy-Relich inequality with a sharp constant in the form


which can be proven by the methods developed in [4, 5].

Applying arguments of the perturbation theory, the operator ΛΔsp+b can be considered a perturbation of the fractional Laplace operator Δsp and utilizing the Duhamel formula the upper and lower bounds can be easily proven. There is a limiting constant k˜>0 such that the contraction semigroup exptΛxy exists.

Let us consider the following example:


under the integral condition of perturbation


where C<4 and M<. So, b can be a function such that


If the matrix aij is diagonal, then the differential operator is Δ+b, and b=l22βxx2 and for some 0<β<4.

Let us consider the elliptic equation


where the matrix a is aij=δij+bxixjx2, b=1+l11χ,χ<1,l3. We calculate matrices


and we have for the multiplication of the gradients of the matrices


then we have


so, if β=41+χl22 then aa1aPKβA with the constant cβ=0, for β<4 it is necessary χ2l20..

Let us assume that ux=1=1. As the solutions, we can consider two functions: the first is u1 - tautological constant and the second is u=xχ. If parameter χ=l2s then β=41+χl22 and β4 for p>s in the ball K10 function u=xχLpK10 on another hand must hold the following estimation


where semigroup exptΛp is generated by a linear operator Λp=A+bl1xx2. That means xχLpll2K10 but it is impossible because xχLlocpll2K10 so the function xχ cannot be a solution and there is only one trivial solution. If β>4, then the equation ad2u=0 always has two bounded solutions. Parallel with this equation, we can consider a Cauchy problem for a parabolic equation with the same differential operator. Let us assume that the linear operator Λpab defines over DAp generates holomorph semigroup in LpRldlx-space. Let ba1bPKβA, we denote bn=χnb, where χn is an indicator of xRl:ba1bxn and limnexptΛpbn=exptΛpb uniformly at t01. If β<1,p22β then there is C0 - contraction semigroup, which is generated by the operator A+b and the estimates


then we estimate the operator norm by the exponential function


hold for 1β<4,p<s22β, operator sum A+b cannot be defined correctly, however, semigroup exists and can be defined as a limit exptΛpblimnexptΛpbn,t0 in this case it is a definition of the semigroup [6].

Let us remark that for any smooth enough function fx,xRl, we can write the equations


where the function K̂tx=Clbt1bt2+x2l+1b2 is the fundamental solution to the associated extension problem. More precisely, the results, which concern the fractional Laplace problems, can be applied to the extension problem in the following form. A function u:0×RlR is a solution to the initial problem


or in expanded form


Below, we are going to construct the semigroup of contraction, which generator coincides with the realization Λ of the operator Δsb in LpRl,1p<,l>2, where the vector bx=cx2sx is singular; and prove the Harnack inequality for a weak solution to the boundary problem Δpsbu=0, outside boundary u=f, and presuming uWspRl is nonnegative in a ball with the center in point x0 with a radius ρ for all r,ρ such that 0<r<ρ.

Let us denote


then we can formulate the next theorem.

Theorem 1. Let 1p< and s01, and let uWsp be a weak solution to (2), where its fundamental solution satisfies condition (15).

Then, the function uWsp is locally Holder continuous and oscillation of the function satisfies the estimation


holds for δ01 and for all r,ρ such that 0<r<ρ.

There exist extensive literature dedicated to the partial differential fractional Laplacian operator, general questions can be found in [4, 7, 8, 9], a wide review is presented in [4], an interesting approach to nonlinear heat equations in modulation spaces and Navier-Stokes equations can be found in [10]; some aspects of weights inequalities are described in [2, 11]; fractional Laplacian is considered in [2, 12], the list of selected works consists of 29 works [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]. In the recent works [1, 2], authors proved sharp two-sided estimations on the heat kernel of the fractional Laplacian with the perturbation of drift having critical-order singularity, also authors show that the operator with the heat kernel of the fractional Laplacian can be expressed as a Feller generator so that the probability measures uniquely determined by the Feller semigroup admits description as weak solutions to the corresponding SDE.


2. The semigroup generated by ΛΔsb, bx=cx2sx in Lp,1p<

Let us introduce the following mollifiers:




with the domain defined as


for small positive numbers ε>0.

Since the following inequality


holds for all complex numbers such that


the operator norm bες+Δs1LpLp is bounded by


So, the Liouville-Neumann series for resolvents converge in Lp and the inequality


holds for Reς>cε. Thus, according to the Hille-Kato perturbation theorem, the operator Λε, ε>0 generates a holomorphic semigroup.

The next step is to show that there is the strong Lp limit


which defines a contraction continuous semigroup in Lp.

First, let us establish that a discretization of the set etΛεε satisfies the Cauchy condition for at least one Lebesgue space. Let us compose the integral identity


so that we obtain




we have the following limit


uniformly at T01.

Thus, the discretization of set etΛεε is a Cauchy sequence in L01L2, and applying the contraction of etΛε, we estimate


besides, we have the equality


and applying group property, we have a continuous semigroup of contraction for t0. So, the continuous semigroup of the contraction is constructed in L2.

Lemma 1. Let the set of functions fax converges in measure to function f then following estimation



Now, let us take p1, then, from the lemma follows estimation


for any uC0. Next, by continuity we extend the semigroup from C0 over Lp so the contraction semigroup can be defined as Lp- closure of etΛ, thus, there is a Lp- strong limit


which defined continuous semigroup of the contraction in Lp.

Thus, the contraction semigroup etΛ,t0 in Lp can be defined as a strong limit of holomorphic semigroups etΛε. Under accepted assumptions, for all 1pq, the semigroup etΛ satisfies natural conditions on its growth


This estimation can be deduced from the next inequality


that holds for all T>0.


3. The Harnack inequality

For any measurable set ERl and any integrable function f, we denote the mean value


where mesE is the Lebesgue measure of the set ERl.

Let us assume that ΩRl is a bounded open set. We are going to consider the Harnack inequality for a weak solution to the following differential problem with the bounded condition


where ΛΔsb acts on Lp,1p< under the condition that its kernel satisfies the following inequality


for almost all x,yRl,xy1 and some μ,λ such that 0<μλ<.

The general information can be found in [3, 18]. By the standard method, the following statements (1–3) can be proven.

Statement 1. Assuming that uWsp is a weak solution to (14) and nonnegative in a ball with the center in point x0 with radius ρ. Then, the following inequality


holds for 0<r<ρ.

Statement 2. Assuming that uWsp is a weak solution to (14) and nonnegative in a ball with the center in point x0 with radius ρ. Then, for all r,ρ such that 0<r<ρ, the following inequality


holds for any δ01.

Statement 3. Assuming that uWsp is a weak solution to (14) and nonnegative in a ball with the center in point x0 with radius ρ. Then, for all r,ρ such that 0<r<ρ, the following inequality


holds for δ01.

Now, we can prove the next theorem.

Theorem 2. Let uWspRl be a weak solution to the problem


where 1p< and s01. Assuming uWspRl is nonnegative in a ball with the center in point x0 with the radius ρ, then


for r,ρ such that 0<r<ρ.

Proof. From statement 3, we can write the estimation


and using statement 1, we have the following inequality


So, we obtain the estimation


Choosing 12<η<η˜<1 applying the standard argument and the Young inequality, we obtain


now, iterating this argument and applying statement 2, we have proven Theorem 2.

Using Theorem 2, we write


for all iN, thus Theorem 2 is a consequence of Theorem 1.


4. Conclusion

This chapter is dedicated to studying of the fundamental solutions to the generalization of the fractional Laplaciane by the methods of the theory of perturbation. We establish the regularity properties of the solutions to the fractional Laplacian equation with perturbations of different types. The Harnack inequality of a weak solution in the Sobolev space to the fractional Laplacian problem is studied, and the oscillation of the solution to the fractional Laplacian is estimated.


Mathematics subject classification

46B70, 43A15, 43A22, 44A05, 44A10, 44A45


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Written By

Mykola Ivanovich Yaremenko

Reviewed: 06 December 2022 Published: 15 November 2023