Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Contamination of Honey: A Human Health Perspective

Written By

Biswajit Patra and Surya Narayan Pradhan

Submitted: 20 November 2022 Reviewed: 20 December 2022 Published: 28 February 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109613

From the Edited Volume

Health Risks of Food Additives - Recent Developments and Trends in Food Sector

Edited by Muhammad Sajid Arshad and Waseem Khalid

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Honey is utilized not only as a nutritive product but also in health depicted traditional medicine and also substitute treatment for clinical settings ranging from wound curing to tumor treatment. This review emphasizes the capability of honey and its importance in medicinal aspects. Conventionally, honey is used in the treatment of blindness eye problem, respiratory asthma, throat contaminations, tuberculosis, dehydration, hitches, tiredness, shakiness, constipation, eczema, hepatitis, worm plague, piles, ulcers, wounds and used as healthful supplement. The components of honey have been conveyed to exercise antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antiproliferative, and antimetastatic properties. Agricultural pesticides effect with antibiotics is a challenging problem in modern collected honey that needs to be addressed. Honey consumed as medicine and their contamination may transfer serious health risks. Honey are polluted by pesticides, heavy metals, and radioactive materials. Pesticide deposits create genetic mutations of healthy cells. Assimilation of honey without significant its source and defensive effect might be challenging. Pure honey should be labeled to discover its composition, origin and strong activities that is unrestricted from pollutants. It also not functional to injuries or used for therapeutic determinations. This paper reviews the health impact and extent of honey contamination. Also discussed the different nanoparticles associated with honey and their characterization.


  • contamination
  • heavy metal
  • therapeutic agent
  • health
  • honey

1. Introduction

Honey is the only insect-derived natural product, and it has nutritional, cosmetic, therapeutic, and industrial values. Honey is reviewed as a balanced diet and equally popular for male and female in all ages [1, 2]. Evidence from Stone Age paintings shows treatment of disease with bee product such as honey originated from 8000 years ago. Many research papers have been available about pure and contaminated honey. They characterized the biochemical investigation and commercial utilization. Purified honey was utilized for many disease including eye blindness, throat infections, asthma, tuberculosis, hiccups, thirst, dizziness, fatigue, constipation, hepatitis, worm infestation, eczema, piles, healing of ulcers, and sores in herbal medicine [3]. Pure honey also consists of flavonoids, polyphenols, reducing compounds, alkaloids, glycosides, cardiac glycosides, anthraquinone, and volatile compounds. Many sugars are formed during the honey ripening and maturation times. Gluconic acid, a product of glucose oxidation, is the main organic acid that is present in honey; in addition, small amounts of acetic, formic, and citric have been found [4, 5, 6]. Honey also contains important amino acids, with essential and all nonessential acids excluding for glutamine and asparagine. Proline was described as the principal amino acid in honey, followed by additional amino acids [7]. Several vital trace compounds are noticed in honey, like rubidium (RB), silicon (Si), vanadium (V), lithium (Li), strontium (Sr) and zirconium (Zr). Now a days honey were contaminated by many heavy metals like Pb, Cd, and As act as harmful effect on human health [8]. The volatile compounds of honey are generally low but include aldehydes, alcohols, hydrocarbons, ketones, acid esters, benzene and its derivatives, pyran, terpene and its derivatives, norisoprenoids, as well as sulfur, furan, and cyclic compounds [9, 10, 11]. The most flavonoid and phenolic components in pure honey consist of syringic acid, gallic acid, ellagic acid, cinnamic acid, benzoic acid, chlorogenic acid, isorhamnetin, caffeic acid, ferulic acids, chrysin, naringenin, myricetin, apigenin, coumaric acid, quercetin, hesperetin, kaempferol, galangin, luteolin, and catechin [12, 13].


2. Bioactivities of honey

The capability of pure honey for antioxidant activities is related to the intensity of honey. So, the darker honey has complex rate of antioxidant. It exposed that the phenolic components are the key factor for antioxidant effect of honey. However, the phenolic content is related to radical absorbance effect of pure honey [14]. According to scientific literature, honey applied alone or in combination with conventional therapy might be a new antioxidant in the control of commonly associated with oxidative stress [15]. Many investigations indicated that the antibacterial activity of honey is minimum inhibitory concentration; therefore, honey has the minimum concentration necessary for complete inhibitory growth [16]. Honey increases poly-ADP-ribose- polymerase and caspase 3 activation cleavage in cancer cell lines which contain more phenolic constituent [17]. Furthermore, it makes apoptosis by modulating the appearance of pro- and anti-apoptotic protein in cancer diseases. Venous injection of manuka honey acts as apoptotic activities on cancer cells through the caspase 9 which activates the protein and caspase-3. Manuka honey apoptosis involves in the activation of DNA disintegration and damage of Bcl-2 appearance [18, 19]. The apoptotic activities of honey make it a potential natural ingredient as anticancer agent in several chemotherapeutics. Presently it is utilized as apoptosis inducer agents. Mixed honey and its containments have been designated as parameter of proteins synthesis including tyrosine kinase, ornithine decarboxylase, and COX [20]. Diverse types of mixed herbal honey, contamination free honey are discovered to induce tumor necrosis aspects interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), alpha and IL-6 manufacture [21]. Pure honey induces the generation of many antibodies. Many evidence suggest the use of honey in the control and treatment of acute wounds and for mild to moderate superficial and partial thickness burns [22]. Concerning the limitations related with antioxidants utilization, additional interferences targeted at declining ROS level generation also used as an assistant to predictable diabetes treatment. In various clinical trials of Type 2 and Type 1 mellitus diabetes, the request of honey was related with intensely subordinate glycaemic index with sucrose type 1 or glucose in type 2 diabetes and standard [23, 24]. Polyphenol ingredients of honey quench biological ROS that lead to neurotoxicity, aging, and the pathological deposition of misfolded proteins, including amyloid beta [25]. Raw honey and honey polyphenol reduce the microglia-induced neuroinflammation that is induced through immunogenic neurotoxins or ischemia damage [26]. Several researches propose that the modifications of specific neural circuitry underlies the memory improving and neuropharmacological effects of honey.


3. Honey contamination

Insecticides are universal used in controller of bee sicknesses and pests. In maximum prompt administration and their effect is uncontrolled and functional without accepted protocols [27]. The utilization of insecticide and pesticides to defend crops is used to rise horticulture as well as agricultural efficiency. Though, unrestrained claim can cause the infection of honey bee ecosystem, different animal types, and human [28]. Various contaminants are excluded due to their well published health hazards like oncogenic effect on human health. Several noxious constituents used to regulate varroosis and ascospheriosis like celazole, acaricides amitraz, coumaphos, bromopropylate, taufluvalinate and flumethrin [29]. The use of these elements confidential apiaries transmits risk of straight infection of honey and other accumulate artifact. The maximum residues of pesticides are from varroacides that accumulate in beeswax, pollen, and bee bread and their residue levels increase from honey to pollen to beeswax [30]. The maximum limits of pesticide residues in honey are not included in the Codex Alimentarius. In Indian forest regions, a research was supported to explore the amount of insecticide residue in honey twisted in the several regions of Himachal [31]. It was initiate that pesticides and its derivatives were the maximum detected frequently followed by dichlor-DDT and its isomer [32]. In Turkey, 24 organochlorine pesticide residues in 109 different honey samples collected from stores and open markets in Konya, Turkey, were analyzed by gas chromatography-electron capture detection [1, 32, 33]. However, in another study, a number of 15 organophosphorus insecticides were investigated in 275 honey samples in 33 different cities of Turkey [34]. In east France, a field inspection was introduced in French beehives in order to display the healthiness of honey bee clusters. Honeycomb samples were collected together when a year over. A total number of 125 honey bee colonies were collected in yearend [35]. Deposits of 15 of the investigated composites (17 pesticides and acaricides and 2 fungus species) were create in samples i.e. coumaphos, taufluvalinate, endosulfan and deposited residues were the most commonly occurring residues. Honeycomb infection was the effect of equally in-hive acaricides actions and ecological contamination [36, 37]. In Poland, different fungicides which included vinclozolin, iprodione, methyl thiophanate, captan, and difenoconazole were applied in cherry trees; the residue level of these fungicides were recovered from honey and pollen [38].


4. Health effect of insecticides

Universal overview of insecticides into fluid of nectar and pollen have straight significances for honey bee healthiness and eventually lead to insecticide infection of honey-containing sustenance. The consequence of insecticides on human wellbeing are injurious based on the harmfulness of the biochemical and the measurement magnitude of revelation [39]. Farmers, labours and their relatives have the extreme exposure to agronomic insecticides. Kids are most vulnerable and complex to insecticides due to their micro size and under growth. Significantly, the chemical substances have the capability to bioaccumulate and biomagnified and also bioconcentrate in the body over time [40, 41]. Consequence of revelation to insecticides ranges from insignificant skin impatience to birth imperfections, cancerous tumor initiation, genetic deviations, blood clotting and nerve sicknesses, endocrine interruption, and coma or bereavement. Many insecticides, with chlordane, Aldrin, DDT, endrin, dihedron, heptachlor, mirex, toxaphene and hexachlorobenzene, are painstaking determined organic contaminants [42, 43, 44]. In China, five antibiotics compounds, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, doxycycline, chlortetracycline, and chloramphenicol, were successfully separated and determined in honey samples [45]. The usage of antibiotics in bee box is illegitimate in many EU republics. But, there are no established methods for antibiotics contamination from honey conferring to European Communal guidelines, which means that pure honey encompassing antibiotics deposits are not allowable to be retailed [46]. In Switzerland, a training involving 76 samples showed that 14 samples confined chloramphenicol residues. In United Kingdom, a research designed to evaluate oxytetracycline residue stages in honey after treatment of honeybee colonies with binary procedures of application in fluid sucrose and in pulverized icing honey [47, 48, 49]. Some samples of honey were removed up to 12 weeks later treatment. Microbiological effects are one of the major health problems in human beings. Certain drugs like nitrofurans and nitroimidazoles can cause cancer in human being. Similarly, some drugs can produce reproductive and teratogenic effects at very low doses (Table 1) [58].

Honey contaminantsSourceReferences
Heavy metalsLead, cadmium, mercury[50]
Radioactive isotopesArsenic[51, 52]
Organic pollutantsDDT, aldrin, mirex, toxaphene, industrial chemicals[53, 54]
PesticidesBacteria, fungus, herbicides[55, 56, 57]
Pathogenic bacteria and acaricidesOrganic acids, essential oils[54]
antibioticsTetracyclines, streptomycin, sulfonamides, Chloramphenicol[42]
Chemical repellentsParadichlorobenzene[37, 38, 39]

Table 1.

Different types of ecological contaminants and beekeeping contaminants in honey.


5. Microorganisms with honey

Pollen may be the original source of microbes in the intestines of honeybees. Because of several explanations, maximum microorganisms and other bacterias cannot produce or replicate in honey. Honey has antibacterial activities that avoid the evolution of many microbes [50]. In accumulation, honey has a small liquid movement, avoiding the duplication and the existence of microorganisms. Though, insufficient pathogens have been start in pure honey [53]. Essentially, microorganisms cannot imitate in honey and presence of more facts of vegetative microorganisms might be due to current infection. Recent research showed that numerous microorganisms inoculated into aseptically composed honey [50]. Honey contamination with spores of Clostridium has been documented in many countries. Many spores of Clostridium botulinum type F were detected in different containers of honey products. In Finland, spores of C. botulinum were detected in 8 (7%) of the 114 Finnish and in 12 (16%) of the 76 imported honey samples [55, 56, 57]. Honey consumption was associated with 15% of the reported cases of infant botulism to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [59, 60]. Recently, a scientific committee of the European Union has examined the hazard of C. botulinum in honey.


6. Honey toxic effect

Honey twisted from ornamental medicated flowers of many plants have a key source of honey inebriation and numerous indications like vertigo, sweating, weakness, nausea, hypotension, vomiting, arrhythmia, shock, and coma might be reported [55]. Mostly, many constituents are poisonous to people but are not noxious to bees. Provoked mixed honey produces ethanol which is toxic (Table 2) [56].

Azalea ponticaAlkaloids[33, 34, 35]
Andromeda flowersGrayanotoxins[27, 28]
Kalmia latifoliaSpoon wood[41, 42]
MelicopeternataWharangi bush[50, 51, 52]
Daturaflower[53, 54, 55]

Table 2.

Toxic honey contamination from poisonous nectar of different plant species.


7. Particulate matter in honey

Air pollution due to environmentally persistent chemicals, particulate matter, and other air contaminants are a serious global problem correlated with respiratory diseases and lung cancer [57]. Honey bees and their hives can be used as bioindicators of agrochemical pesticides due to the sensitivity of an individual bee, the resilience of the colony unit, and the number of bee-related testable matrices [61]. Test grouping or sampling bees with their colonies can recognize areas where insecticides may be destructively impacting pollinator healthiness, and also generating toxic effects for human inhabitants. Honeybee based monitoring can also control additional challenging with ecological or human health or blood contamination. It was used for the ecological chemical assessment of the Canadian people [61, 62, 63, 64]. Climate change, specifically variations in temperature and precipitation, threatens to affect many animal species, ranging from humans to honey bees. Compared to solitary insects, honey bees are less vulnerable to temperature variations [65, 66]. They are able to closely regulate temperature in the hive to maintain growing conditions during temperate weather and ensure colony survival during winter.


8. Honey bees virus transmission

Varroa species is the chief ectoparasite of the honey bees (Apis mellifera) of western regions. Both its dependent life process and its application as a path for viral pathogens. It may create chief injury to honey bee associations [62, 67]. The distorted wing disease is the maximum shared virus conveyed by this ectoparasite and the bug is associated to amplified viral frequency and viral masses in pest-ridden associations. In any host pathogen or host parasite relationship, the mode of transmission determines the dynamics and virulence of the pathogen [65, 68, 69]. Concerning vector borne viruses, the intensification in virulence may because of the straight inoculation of the pathogen by the vector producing worldwide contamination of the host. The straight inoculation might consent the pathogen to avoid multitude defense walls and simplify interaction to duplication positions, consequential in developed loads and in the appearance of unfavorable indications [66, 70].


9. High pressure processing of honey

High-pressure processing (HPP) is an emerging, nonthermal (5–20°C) food processing technology that uses elevated hydrostatic pressures (400–600 MPa) for short periods to inactivate spoilage and pathogenic vegetative microorganisms and certain enzymes [71]. Hyperbaric storage (HS) is a pressure-based methodology that uses hydrostatic pressure as a hurdle to slow down/inhibit microbial proliferation in foods, as occurs during refrigeration [72, 73, 74, 75]. Hence, although many studies are conducted on endospore inactivation under high pressure conditions using Bacillus subtilis as a model organism in different types of food matrices. To assess both germinated (vegetative cells and spores that lost thermal resistance) and non-germinated spores (dormant cells) after each processing condition, an aliquot of honey was heated at 80°C for 20 min to inactivate vegetative cells [76, 77, 78].


10. Pollution contaminant bees and honey

Atmospheric elements well recognized as tracers of vehicular traffic i.e. Sb, Sn, Fe, Cu, Mn, biomass burning i.e. Rb, K, Li, Cs, and soil resuspension Si, Ti, Al, Ca, in bees and beehive product i.e. honey, wax, pollen, propolis [79]. Understanding the complexity of environmental and food production systems is crucial in biomonitoring studies. These elements are usually contained in particulate matter released by these different sources and, over the years, have been effectively used to trace the impact of their emissions in different study areas [80]. The biomass burning emissions are one of the largest sources of fine particles in the troposphere.

11. Honey mediated nanoparticles synthesis

Synthesis of nanoparticles can be categorized into topdown or bottom-up approach. Top-down approach involves a process of breaking down of large structures to create small structures. Physical techniques such as lithography, sputtering deposition, laser ablation nanoparticles are focused [81]. Different green synthesis of nanoparticles has resultant products. New expansions in nanobiotechnology emphasis on ecologically sociable, price effective synthesizing procedures [82, 83]. Plant mediated synthesis of nanoparticles is an eco-friendly and harmless approach of fusion of nanoparticles using organic sources. These green synthesis has unlocked a novel epoch of harmless nanobiotechnology. Ordinary honey recognized as the ecosphere’s oldest nutrition source. This is an exceptional nutrition with more dynamism and nourishing effect. It is formed by A. mellifera (royal honey bee) from herbal nectar, exudations, and evacuations. Accepted honey was useful for therapeutic determinations subsequently earliest epochs [80, 81]. Many indication of the usage of honey as a medicine dates back to 2200–1999 BC someplace a Sumerian dose regulated honey as a pain killer and an liniment. These reported research findings comprise dissimilar methods like practice of bacteriological classifications, herbal classifications, and genetic approaches [84, 85]. Microorganisms were utilized to produce numerous nanomaterials including silver, gold, silver oxide, cadmium sulphide and titanium dioxide. Although yeasts were used to synthesis titanium dioxide, cadmium sulphide and silver [5]. Moreover, actinomycetes species like Rhodococcus were utilized to synthesis gold nanomaterials. Current researches revealed the enormous experimental protocols to synthesis with algae, mostly in synthesizing gold, silver, iron oxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles. Au-Co3O4 nanomaterials were synthesized by a virus mediated protocol [14, 17]. Furthermore, bulbs, seed extracts, leaf extracts, latex and root extracts of plants were used to synthesize silver, palladium and gold nanoparticles [79, 80, 81, 82]. Biotechnological organic materials like starch, honey and ascorbic acid were utilized to synthesizing silver, gold, carbon, palladium and platinum nanomaterials (Figure 1 and Table 3).

Figure 1.

Methods of nanoparticle synthesis.

Microbial and bioresourcesTypes of nanoparticlesSize (nm)References
BacteriaAu, Ag, A2O, TiO2, CdS5–40[79]
FungiAg, TiO2, CdS2–20[80]
AlgaeAg, Au, ZnO, Fe2O47–35[81]
M13 VirusAu-Co3O42–5 (nanowires)[86]
Leaf extractsAg, Au10–30[76]
Seed extractsPd, Ag6–12[87]
Root extractsAu, Ag20[14, 17]
Starch and Ascorbic acidAu, Ag18.5–24.3[3, 4, 5]
HoneyPd, Pt, C5–34[1, 2]

Table 3.

Various methods of nanoparticles synthesis and their biological sources and special features with honey.

12. Physical and Biological characterization of honey

Natural pure honey is a sticky and gelatinous solution, depending on its water content. It also has the ability to absorb and hold moisture from the environment [3]. The color of liquid honey varies from clear and colorless to dark amber or black.

13. Honey composition with nanoparticles

Pure honey is an unique and strongest nutrition sources since ancient time. It consists of 81–86% carbohydrate (fructose and glucose), 14–18% H2O, 0.1–0.5% proteins, 0.3% ash, and slight numbers of enzymes, vitamins and amino acids, as well as additional ingredients like phenolic antioxidants [83]. Glucose (29.55–32.4%) and fructose (33.57–39.3%) as the significant starches available in honey represents 86–94% of entire sugars and are gladly fascinated in the intestinal tract. Other starch materials contain disaccharides like sucrose, maltose, turanose, isomaltose, melibiose, nigerose, panose, melezitose and maltotriose. Few oligosaccharides are also available [88]. Pure honey contains 5–7% fructooligosaccharides, which assist as probiotic mediators. Natural honey variabilities contain flavonoids content (pinocembrin, apigenin, quercetin, kaempferol, chrysin, hesperetin and galangin), phenolic composites i.e. caffeic, ferulic acids, p-coumaric, ellagic, bioactive compounds like tocopherols, ascorbic acid, catalase (CAT), reduced glutathione (GSH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), as antioxidant. Maltose and Dextrin are formed from elongated carbohydrate chains by the movement of enzyme amylase [79, 80, 81]. Every insignificant ingredients is recognized to have characteristic nutritious or therapeutic activities and the exceptional blend accounts for the diverse and dissimilar applications of pure honey [81].

The morphology and size of silver nanomaterials were dependent on the basis of concentration of honey utilized and the pH of honey product samples, where element size reduced with cumulative pH. Furthermore, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images with EDS exposed an converse correlation among magnitude of the silver nanoparticles (NPs) and honey concentration. The magnitude of the silver nanoparticles was in the range of 11.95–16.06 nm, when 10 g of honey was applied, while the size more reduced to 10.62–1.75 nm range with amplified honey concentration up to 40 g [82]. The sunlight facilitated protocol to synthesize Ag nanomaterials using honey as mutually a stabilization and reducing agent was testified. Proteins in pure honey seemed to be the capping agent which stabilized the nanoparticles while fructose acted as the reducing agent. TEM analysis and X-ray diffraction (XRD) peak analysis showed a high crystalline assembly [14].

Pd nanoparticles with the range of 5–40 nm were synthesized using honey as both reducing and stabilizing agents. Thus, honey coated Pd nanoparticles possess potential applications in different fields including nanobiotechnology, organic catalytic transformation, and sensors. Plant parts synthesized carbon dots (Cdots) revealed advanced constancy with supplementary compensations including high-fluorescent quantum yield, photostability and nontoxicity. Furthermore, these Cdots were used as a beam for the exposure of Fe3+ and were functional for cell imaging and fluorescent staining [89]. Researchers recommend various possible applications of Cdots in bioimaging and biosensing. Their range of synthesized material was 2.2 nm sized Pt nanomaterials at 100°C in fluid honey solvent. Additionally, 4–14 nm dimension Pt nanowires designed with extensive thermal action by self-assembly. Classification and analysis of the consequential nanoparticles by morphological, spectroscopic, and structural difference recommends that honey frolicked an significant role in the reduction of Pt nanomaterials [80]. FT-IR peaks recommended that the protein contents were bound to Pt nanomaterials through the carboxylate groups. These nanomaterials were constant in liquid medium for more than 90 days and exposed catalytic activities for the secretion of anti-pyrilquinoneimine dye from aniline and 4-amino-antipyrine in an aqueous acid medium [81]. Palladium nanomaterials express catalytic effect and can be used in sensor related applications (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Graphical representation of contaminated honey and nanoparticle associated honey with different characterization techniques.

14. Discussion

Pure honey with bees are experimented from the inside portion of the hive. Scavengers are greatest abundant on the external frames of the hive while harbor bees are commonly start on brood frames. Scavengers can also be appraised at the hive entry when they reappearance from foraging voyages [90]. Deposited pollen is tried from the hive edges while pollen deceptions can be used to accumulate new pollen transported to the hive by vigorous scavengers. Bee calm honey, wax and nectar can be characterized from the hive edges as well [91]. These honey products can be analyzed by means of different methods liable on the samples. At the time of scavenging, honey bees are bare to pathogens and contaminants. Here all the test samples can be detected and quantified by different instrumental protocols. Though specific bees are exposed to ecological stressors. The honey bee colonies as a whole is extra strong and can gather poisons components or respond to them without trouble [89]. This permits for long lasting monitoring of the colonies to record and analysis contaminants in a topographical region and also investigate ecotoxicology inclines over time and space. In this discussion, we review proposed uses of honey bees for environmental monitoring, bioactivities of honey products [92, 93, 94, 95]. We also focus on heavy metals, air pollutants, insecticides, health impact of pesticides, honey toxicity and plant pathogen that can be noticed in honey and their hive materials including bees, stored pollen and wax. In humans, contaminants can be linked to respiratory diseases and cancer, among other ailments. Trace metals such as Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr) and Lead (Pb) are highly noxious. In humans, heavy metals cause acute and chronic poisoning and are linked to malignancies, particularly of the upper gastrointestinal tract [96, 97]. Foraging bees pick up heavy metals from contaminated water, air particulates, and vegetation which adhere to the hairs on their bodies. After they arrival to their colonies, these toxic metals can be found in deposited pollen, frequently raised to as bee bread, honey, propolis, beeswax and the gum like solid composed from specific plants [86]. In cultivated honey bees, raised heavy metals can harmfully influence plasma making, steering capabilities, and health proportion. The one exemption was Manganese (Mn), which had the maximum concentrations in bees as well as honey. Pure honey samples collected from tribal and residential areas had Pb isotopic ratios that were comparable to the shape seen in other ecological substitutions including oysters and lichens harvested from unpopulated areas on the coastal areas honey [80, 81]. Monitoring heavy metals in the environment on a regular basis could offer insight into the degree and source of pollution with broad implications for protecting human and ecosystem health.

15. Conclusion

Bacteriological and infectious toxins which contain antibiotics, insecticides, herbicides, and heavy metal associated particles have been conveyed in several honey samples worldwide. Consequently, its absorption deprived of significant its basis and protection might carry health hazards [83]. Classification of contaminated honey must be maintained by repeated characterization and analysis that approves its safety and origin. Health regulatory authorities in every developed and underdeveloped nations have to announce secure regulations and rules that govern the pure honey cultivation, proper handling with caring of bees, and investigation to determine its health safety [5]. This studies exposed that the therapeutic effect as well as composite nanoparticles association of honey may be helpful for nanoresearchers, scientists, honey grower, honey industry etc. [14]. This review also give to practitioner with extraordinary indication and suggestions for subsidiary use of honey products in the homeopathic as well as health field. Although many reports suggested the effectiveness of pure honey in remedial determinations and additional trainings are required to cover every pattern of asthma as well as lungs infection disease [17]. Raw honey with tulsi or basil plant that was not subjected for further investigation and without sterilization should not be used in infants. Additionally, honey should not be functional to injuries and cuts without purification to be indisputable that it is harmless. It also exposed for study to uniqueness of any contamination that undoubtedly marks its healing activities [3, 5]. These approvals must be considered when supplementary honey, pollen, bee venom, royal jelly and wax also used as lungs infection remedies, coughs, blood fat level, heartbeat regulator, prevent and repair dead cells, vomiting, leprosy and beauty products.


The authors are thankful to honey cultivators and bee keepers for their support during data collection.


This paper received no funding.

Competing interest

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

Consent statement

Not applicable.


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Written By

Biswajit Patra and Surya Narayan Pradhan

Submitted: 20 November 2022 Reviewed: 20 December 2022 Published: 28 February 2023