Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Swimming Exercise-Induced Improvements in Cardiorespiratory Fitness (CRF) are Caused by Nitric Oxide Functional Adaptations in the Oxygen Transport System

Written By

Jia-Ping Wu

Submitted: 18 June 2022 Reviewed: 02 December 2022 Published: 24 December 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109306

From the Edited Volume

Cardiorespiratory Fitness - New Topics

Edited by Hasan Sözen

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Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is associated with referring to enhance oxygen transport capacity to respiratory systems and increasing oxygen transport circulatory to skeletal muscle to produce energy. The aim of this report on the health-related CRF in the oxygen transport system-mediated physiological nitric oxide (NO) functional adaptations. Therefore, we want to know that swimming exercise-induced improvements in CRF resulted in increased oxygen transport capacity during physical activity of the respiratory systems. Therefore, the oxygen circulatory transport system is related to NO signaling and has been associated with various pathophysiologic functions and neuronal activity. Besides mediating normal functions, NO is implicated in inflammation and hypertension disease states. Swimming exercise is a good way to increase the rate of metabolism. Swimming exercise improves heart rate and oxygen circulatory, and increases the rate of metabolism and burning of heat. In this context, this review summarizes the roles of NO in improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness.


  • cardiorespiratory fitness
  • nitric oxide
  • oxygen circulatory transport
  • swimming exercise
  • hypertension diseases states

1. Introduction

Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is a measure of health in certain youth and elderly persons. Thus, CRF can be tracked and assessed time in youth and compared across populations. Although cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is not recommended pharmacological treatment for a broad range of diseases such as congenital heart disease, asthma, and cystic fibrosis, it is widely accepted as an intervention in exercise training and nutritional supplementation to maintain skeletal muscle mass and strength [1]. Estimating CRF is an important marker of health outcomes in youth and the elderly. CRF plays an essential role in referring to the capacity of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to skeletal muscle energy needed during water aerobics exercises [2]. Interestingly, a number of retrospective and prospective studies on a cohort of community-living older individuals have suggested that only 40% of the U.S. population is currently believed to have healthy CRF. CRF is one of the five health-related components of physical fitness. It differs from other components of physical fitness, including body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility [3]. The assessment of CRF is an important part of the prevention and rehabilitation program. CRF is characterized by the body’s ability to perform moderate- to vigorous-intensity activity using large muscle groups for prolonged periods of time [4]. Both CRF and exercise have been associated with a wide range of health outcomes achievement in youth quality of life.

With all the exercise training we face during pre-activity screening these days and pertinent data, it is essential to remember that unwanted or potentially harmful events may occur during the exercise test. Above all, if we can develop a more cost-effective CRF measurement process, we will have a better chance of delaying aging. These instructions on the exercise test should be provided to patients for at least 24 hours to ensure that their respiratory, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal systems work together [5]. The ability to sustain this level of exertion depends on adherence to instructions as well as maximizing patient safety and comfort. Additionally, the measurement of CRF can be used as a reference for developing regular new modes for an exercise program by providing information on how to initiate the exercise training program. One of the said modes recommends an increase in intensity and duration to improve overall fitness. The following measurement of CRF can provide professionals with valuable information on the motivation for periodically screening all youth patients’ regular exercise programs [6]; it can be characterized as a program setting-response relationship. Increases in CRF are associated with a number of health benefits. Higher levels of CRF are often associated with a significant increase in physical activity [7]. The measurement of CRF is typically expressed in absolute or relative terms. The absolute maximal volume of oxygen consumed per unit time (VO2max, L/min, or ml/min) is expressed as a measure of energy expenditure for both non-weight-bearing and weight-bearing exercises. VO2max is accepted as the criterion measure of CRF. Absolute VO2max is most often described as directly relative to body mass or an individual’s body size; it is typically greater in young people compared to old people. Relative VO2max (ml/kg × min) is often used to estimate energy expenditure of weight-bearing exercises such as walking, running, and stair climbing when VO2max is expressed as simply a linear function of body mass. As is well-known, health is definitely important in human life and work. In fact, having excessive wealth without good health is of no use for 99% of us, and a few of us will die due to poor health.


2. Aerobic swimming exercise

Adaptation of exercise plans should follow individual goals, taking aerobic exercise became restricted to swimming, walking, running, cycling, skating, riding, and all challenges. A high degree of accuracy in exercise suggestions for the elderly was achieved by applying the aerobic swimming exercise model. Therefore, there is no need to tell that good health is important for periodic assessment to ascertain how quickly the condition is improving or worsening [8]. Do you warm up before undergoing swimming training? The aerobic swimming exercise protocol consisted of warm-up exercise, real exercise, and relaxation. Based on the basic information all of them finished their own exercise intervention for elder humans, and get personalized exercise prescriptions for each rate such as frequency, intensity, time, and volume. How good is swimming as an aerobic exercise? Switching up cardiopulmonary fitness exercises is another great way to improve your cardiorespiratory fitness exercises [9]. All those activities will still give you the aerobic cardiorespiratory fitness training that you need to develop for aerobic swimming exercise [10]. If you are training to run a marathon, do not be afraid to swap out running a few days a week for biking, rowing, or even swimming. They will utilize different muscles, helping to increase your all-around endurance capacity (Table 1).

Physiological principlesLow grip strengthGait speedLow muscle mass
Exercise trainingIncreaseIncreaseIncrease
RunningNo effectIncreaseIncrease
SwimmingNo effectNo effectIncrease
WalkingNo effectIncreaseIncrease
Tai ChiIncreaseIncreaseIncrease
Resistance exerciseIncreaseIncreaseIncrease

Table 1.

Any type of CRF testing is substantial overlap between the conditions, particularly with regard to physical aspects: low grip strength, gait speed, and low muscle mass.


3. Acute pulmonary respiratory embolism

Cold-induced asthma is usually defined as a respiratory disorder characterized by sneezing, sore throat, coughing, etc. caused by how much air moves in and out as you breathe. Catching a cold is not uncommon in a human being’s life, but as far as the treatment is concerned, it may vary from culture to culture, from individual, and from setting to setting [11]. Asthma, a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways, affects 3–5% of the population in the United States and can be fatal. Acute pulmonary respiratory embolism is characterized by episodic airway narrowing and increased airway reactivity to a variety of stimuli and spontaneous reversibility. The inflammatory response involves a respiratory infection or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). An imbalance in proinflammatory produces multiple mediators about signs and symptoms and any other health problems. Acute pulmonary respiratory embolism may be a fundamental part of the pathogenesis of asthma [12]. Acute pulmonary respiratory embolism estimates the narrowing of your bronchial tubes by checking how much air you can exhale after a deep breath and how fast can breathe out. The histologic findings in asthma are airway cellular infiltration, epithelial disruption, mucosal edema, and mucus plugging. When your airways are acute pulmonary respiratory embolism, you may have higher than normal nitric oxide (NO) levels. This test has been widely available. Acute pulmonary respiratory embolism provokes the inflammatory response may be exposure to vigorous physical activity or taking several breaths of cold air [13].

Even in people with no history of asthma, respiratory infection is occasionally associated with increased airway reactivity for several weeks to months after the resolution of the infection; some of these persons develop chronic asthma [14]. The symptoms are persistent wheezing, chronic episodic dyspnea, and chronic cough. Patients may present with only one or a combination of the foregoing symptoms [15]. Aerobic swimming exercise should be maintained, and a clear swimming exercise plan should be in place for using the information to intervene early in exacerbations and to alter long-term swimming exercise therapy for optimal control of symptoms [16]. Having acute pulmonary respiratory embolism does not mean you have to be less active. Getting aerobic swimming exercises can prevent asthma attacks and control symptoms during activity tied for additional symptomatic control as needed [17]. Regular swimming exercises can strengthen your heart and lungs, which helps relieve asthma symptoms. If you swim exercise in cold temperatures to warm the air you breathe. These exercises may reduce the amount of medication you need to keep your asthma symptoms under control [18]. Aerobic swimming exercise preparations may have additional beneficial effects on some patients, but the narrow therapeutic and modest efficacy of these preparations limit their value [19]. Acute severe asthma or status asthmaticus is an attack of severe bronchospasm that is unresponsive to routine therapy [20]. In most cases, however, patients have a history of progressive dyspnea over hours to days, with increasing bronchodilator use. The arterial blood gas analysis in patients with mild asthma attacks or early in course of a severe asthma attack shows hypoxemia (a widened alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient) and hyperventilation (a creased Pct CO2) [21]. With O2 increasing after swimming exercises and the severity of respiratory muscle fitness, the Pa CO2 returns to normal and ultimately begins to balance. A rising Pa O2 in a patient with asthma is a healthy sign [22].


4. Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF)

WHO defines health positively as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity [23]. In other words, a person may be healthy as a human being is the extent of an individual’s continuing physical strong, emotional, and mental. The cardiorespiratory fitness and social ability associated with heart failure and resistance to infection are able to cope with physical hardships to cope with his physical environment. The cardiac cycle strongly correlates with heart failure, physical inactivity, and low fitness. If this mental state still is considered unhealthy, as measured by behavior, is deemed unsound. There is a wide variable area between CRF health and heart disease [24]. Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) could be defined theoretically in terms of certain measured values, for example, the sensitivity of blood pressure, acuity of vision, body temperature, height, weight, a person having normal breath, etc. [25]. Cardiac arrest cycle diseases can be defined at the simplest heart disease level as any deviation from normal form and function may either be associated with illness or be latent (Figure 1). Some CRF experts prefer to divide the spectrum of fitness health and heart disease into normal, cardiac hypertrophy, and heart failure. During cardiorespiratory fitness improvements, a person may have a disease for many years without even being aware of its presence. Despite the fact of a person’s disease and low CRF levels are often used interchangeably, low CRF level is not equated with disease. Although heart disease, this person is not ill. For example, a person with diabetes who has received adequate insulin treatment is not ill. Regrettably, many low CRF diseases escape detection and possible cure because they remain symptomless for long years before they produce discomfort or impair function (Figure 1). Heart failure occurs when an abnormality of cardiac function fails to provide adequate blood flow to meet the metabolic needs of the body’s tissues and organs [26]. Heart failure can result from a large number of heterogeneous disorders (Figure 1). One of the most common causes is idiopathic cardiomyopathy, which, strictly defined, is a primary myocardial disease of unknown etiology. However, in the low CRF clinical setting, cardiomyopathy may be used to refer to myocardial dysfunction that is the result of a known cardiac systemic disease [27]. These cardiomyopathies may be related to a number of disorders. They are most often the result of ischemic heart disease. Ventricular dysfunction can also result from excessive pressure overloads, long-standing hypertension, aortic stenosis, and volume overloads (Figure 2). Cardiac systemic diseases that result in infiltration and replacement of normal myocardial tissue, such as amyloidosis and hemochromatosis can result in both abnormal ventricular filling as well as emptying. Diseases of the pericardium, such as chronic pericarditis or pericardial tamponade, can impair cardiac function without directly affecting the myocardial tissue. Long-standing tachyarrhythmias have been associated with myocardial dysfunction, especially in children. In addition, an individual with underlying myocardial or valvular disease will often develop heart failure with the acute onset of an arrhythmia. Finally, there are multiple metabolic abnormalities (thiamine deficiency, thyrotoxicosis), drugs (alcohol, doxorubicin), and toxic chemicals (lead, cobalt) that can impair cardiac performance. The history and physical examination are an integral part of the diagnosis of heart failure and in the determination of its underlying or precipitating use [28].

Figure 1.

Cardiac arrest cycle.

Figure 2.

The ability of yin and yang to sustain cardiorespiratory fitness level of exertion is dependent on the integration of the respiratory, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal systems.

The cardiac cycle is a series of pressure changes that take place within the heart. Cardiac hypertrophy is a related change in cardiac morphology, including a decrease in myocyte number, an increase in myocyte size, a decrease in matrix connective tissue, an increase in left ventricular wall thickness, a decrease in conduction fiber density, and a decrease in sinus node cell number.

One of the cardinal manifestations of left ventricular heart failure is dyspnea, which is related to elevation in pulmonary venous pressure resulting in acute pulmonary respiratory embolism. In patients with chronic heart failure, shortness of breath initially occurs with exertion but may progress to occur at acute pulmonary respiratory embolism. Cardiac dyspnea is often worsened by the recumbent position when increased venous return further elevates pulmonary respiratory embolism [29]. If heart failure is predominantly systolic with low cardiac output, the patient may complain primarily of pulmonary respiratory embolism due to diminished blood flow to the exercising muscles. In some exercise training, heart failure is slow to progress and the patient may unknowingly restrict his or her activities [30]. Thus, the history should not only include an assessment of the patient’s symptoms but also the level of functional capacity. Many patients will complain of peripheral pulmonary respiratory embolism. Many aerobic swimming exercise findings of heart failure are related to the neurohormonal changes that help compensate for the reduced cardiac output and acute pulmonary respiratory embolism [31]. An increased CRF may be present as a result of decreased sympathetic tone. If left ventricular fining pressures are elevated, breath broken may be heard during auscultation of the lung fields. Acute pulmonary respiratory embolism may reveal left ventricular enlargement. A third heart sound is consistent with systolic dysfunction and can be generated from the left or right ventricle [32]. A fourth heart sound suggests a noncompliant ventricle but is not specific for heart failure. The murmurs of both mitral and tricuspid regurgitation are common in patients with congestive heart failure and may become accentuated during an acute decompensation. As acute pulmonary respiratory embolism earlier, lung edema is related to elevation in venous pressure and/or increased sodium and water retention. In low CRF patients, the edema may predominantly be in the lung region. The electrocardiogram in patients with congestive heart failure is not specific, but it may provide insight into the etiology of the cardiac dysfunction, such as prior myocardial infarction, left ventricular hypertrophy, or significant arrhythmias [33]. The chest radiograph may show chamber enlargement and signs of pulmonary congestion. Treatment of heart failure will rest on the improvement of vascular congestion on the chest radiograph, but these changes maybe 24–48 hours behind clinical improvement. Certain CRF levels may be altered in patients with heart failure [34]. The serum sodium concentration may be low, owing to increased water retention with activation of the renin-angiotensin system. Renal function may be impaired secondary to intrinsic kidney disease and/or reduced perfusion secondary to renal artery vasoconstriction and low cardiac output. Hepatic congestion is common with right-sided heart failure and may result in elevated liver enzyme levels (Figure 2). Because many of the signs and symptoms of heart failure may also occur with pulmonary disease, differentiating between these two disease processes may be difficult [35]. Initial therapy will often be directed at both potential pulmonary and cardiac causes until further testing can be performed. In addition, pulmonary edema may be secondary to noncardiac causes, such as severe infection, drug toxicity, or neurologic jury. This syndrome termed adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), can be differentiated from cardiogenic pulmonary edema by the presence of a low or normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure [36].


5. Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in elderly people

Cardiorespiratory fitness in men and women decreases at a nonlinear rate with age. However, CRF in adults is influenced by lifestyle. Low CRF is associated with the risk of diseases that accelerates after 45 years of age and the ability of older persons to function independently. The association of aging is a lifestyle with CRF decline. The assessment of CRF can assist in identifying how to maintain a low BMI and in diagnosing whether or not an individual has been physically active. Not smoking is associated with higher CRF across the adult lifespan and prognosis of comorbid conditions [37]. CRF declines as age increases in the elderly. The measurement of CRF following the initiation of an exercise training program can motivate patients to continue with a regular exercise program and may encourage them to develop other modes of exercise to improve their overall fitness. CRF may be underestimated for heavier individuals (>75.4 kg) and overestimated for lighter individuals (<67.7 kg). An individualized CRF exercise prescription can maintain the CRF level and delay the aging process. CRF refers to the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to skeletal muscle mitochondria to generate the energy required for physical activity [38]. Tai Chi can prevent cardiovascular disease and improve the cardiopulmonary function of adults with obesity aged 50 years and older. Figure 2 shows a long-term follow-up study. Once an individual has been properly screened and it has been determined that it is safe for him or her to undergo the CRF test, the exercise professional should ensure that the following pretest instructions are given to him or her (Figure 2).

The aim of the present chapter is to review the patient’s completed consent and screening forms. We found the current evidence of the importance of CRF and swimming exercise therapy for the prevention and treatment of heart failure. We find CRF assessment costly, labor-intensive, and not widely available. In this paper, we review the low-grade inflammation combined with metabolic aberrations that determine CRF, the tools are promoting available to assess CRF, constituting a pathway toward the manifestation of heart failure. The modifiable and nonmodifiable factors influencing CRF, promoting vascular dysfunction and myocardial remodeling, the autonomic imbalance have been associated with CRF with markers of health in otherwise healthy elderly people subclinical cardiac dysfunction in obese individuals, and the temporal trends in CRF both in the United States and internationally. We find that BMI is used to classify an individual’s CRF level to allow for meaningful comparisons between/among individuals with different body weights. In this chapter, a new study based on a back-propagation (BP) neural network, is investigated to predict the individualized CRF exercise prescriptions for the elderly by correlating variables (Figure 3). The VO2max’s expected improvement was set at 10%. The raw data are split into two parts, 90% for training the machine and the remaining 10% for testing the performance. The CRF exercise professional should be familiar with the emergency response plan. Assure a room temperature between 68 and 72°F (20 and 22°C) and a humidity of less than 60% with adequate ventilation. The testing environment can play a very important role in test validity and reliability [39]. Traditional exercise prescriptions are general and lack individualization. The definition of “long” varies according to the type of exertion—minutes for high-intensity anaerobic exercise, hours or days for low-intensity aerobic exercise [40]. It is important for the exercise professional to understand what the appropriate response to exercise is, so he or she can correctly interpret what an inappropriate BP response to exercise is.

Figure 3.

The aim is to develop a new self-reported questionnaire to estimate CRF. Patient-reported outcome measures estimate CRF more cost-efficiently, but current questionnaires lack accuracy. The knowledge required to complete the assessment, interpret the results, and write an appropriate exercise prescription are an important responsibility of the exercise professional.


6. NO functional adaptations in the oxygen transport system

Muscle cells carry out an increased rate of aerobic respiration to release more energy. This means the cells require more oxygen and glucose. The heart pumps faster to send more blood, containing oxygen and glucose to the cells. You also increase your breathing rate to get more oxygen into your body. The results show that the post-VO2max was significantly different from the pre-VO2max and improved by 10.1% [41]. The NO signaling pathway is an endogenously generated regulator of vascular via cGMP leading to smooth muscle relaxation which is the primary mechanism of NO-mediated physiology. The discovery of a signaling pathway driven by the effect of CRF level on cerebral oxygenation during exercise and cognitive tasks [42]. Indeed, it is now established the small-molecule species NO has an important physiological function, and the NO signaling pathway occurs in an integrated fashion [43]. Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is defined as the peak oxygen uptake. The production of NO and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) can improve performance with vascular remodeling [44]. However, the probability of transitioning to more severe frailty states was much higher than the opposite way and will often lead to a spiral decline of increasing frailty and a higher risk of worsening disability, falls, hospital admissions, and death [45]. Overall, we have presented comprehensive NO functional adaptations in line with critical signaling pathways that drive the maturation of the heart during cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF).


7. Conclusion

Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) improvements have gained popularity over the past years. In recent years, an increasing exercise number of randomized control CRF evaluated the beneficial effects of the cardiac cycle on balance function. Some reports have reported the beneficial effects of swimming exercise on CRF in the elderly, while others’ exercises have not, probably due to differences. To resolve the disparity in this book chapter review, we conducted a systematic literature review and NO functional adaptations in the oxygen transport system to elucidate the effects of swimming exercise on CRF in the elderly (Figure 4).

Figure 4.

A systematic literature review for cardiorespiratory fitness.

It aims to evaluate whether aerobic swimming exercise increases NO pulmonary vasodilator efficacy for acute pulmonary respiratory embolism by high-level cardiorespiratory fitness.


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Written By

Jia-Ping Wu

Submitted: 18 June 2022 Reviewed: 02 December 2022 Published: 24 December 2022