Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Developing a Universal Identification Model: Integrating AI and IoT Tools with DNAFIDs to Recognize COVID-19 Patients

Written By

Yogesh Pal, Vullikanti Vivek Kumar, Deepak Garg and Neeraj Kumar Verma

Submitted: 28 July 2022 Reviewed: 16 November 2022 Published: 24 January 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109031

From the Edited Volume

Forensic and Legal Medicine - State of the Art, Practical Applications and New Perspectives

Edited by Roberto Scendoni and Francesco De Micco

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DNA fingerprinting identification systems based on artificial intelligence infuse almost every facet of life. Its impact on various aspects of human health can be seen today. It has also found its importance in the identification of global COVID-19 infections, whether suspected or proven, in patients. Because of the IoT and the application of sophisticated filtering techniques to big data, it’s conceivable. The technology of DNA profiling, which creates detailed profiles of individual characteristics, is a necessity. This can be incredibly helpful in the acquisition process in certain circumstances when paired with other data. Many candidates’ medical and physiological factors are included in the Human Clinical Profile (HCP), as are social profile-related services. The government spends significant tax dollars vetting the physical and medical characteristics of various candidates for clinical care and purposes related to public health response. We propose a technique that may help analyze the physical traits of candidates preemptively and conduct forensic investigation for human identification, which may help reduce the cost of check-ups and other medical processes. This technique combines DNA profiling with artificial intelligence tools to pre-screen candidates for COVID-19 patients who require physical and remote monitoring. Further experiments done in a targeted manner are justification for the hypothesis.


  • IoT
  • AI
  • COVID-19
  • HCP

1. Introduction

Compared to entirely distinct virus outbreaks or the vast majority of diverse ancient tragedies, pandemics like COVID-19 are current issues of a completely different sort. These diseases wreak havoc on communities around the world that lack immunity to them as a result, and their spread may be far faster and frequently more deadly than that of any comparable condition outbreak. It is imperative for our country to create a human database based on the medical and DNA fingerprinting ID models, which helps multi-purpose as per the requirements. India’s Aadhaar Card-Unique Identification Authority of India is required to create a twelve-digit unique number for each resident of the country in order to continuously provide benefits to hundreds of people through the use of various government insurance policies like Direct Benefit Transfer, Aadhaar with Aarogya Setu App-Enabled Biometric Group Action, and Registration Tool Methodology to be used through Central Authority Agencies. According to the following figure, discussions around Aadhaar have been contentious for a some now and are likely to continue for some time. This chapter’s goal is not to get involved in that debate, but rather to highlight the urgent need for emergency protection in social programmes against “Aadhaar-related problems.” Numerous such annoyances exist, frequently causing millions of people inconvenience or worse, especially those from underprivileged communities. A number of them have been listed in a number of surveys, papers, articles, statements, audits, petitions, tweets, and videos, but the warnings have largely gone unheeded. Even fervent Aadhaar proponents should give these concerns more attention (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Aadhaar challenges.

In this chapter, we will pay particular attention to and harness India’s identification models, such as the Aadhar Card, Voter ID, Passport, etc., and surpass their limitations by synchronizing IoT for practical uses through DNAFIDs in order to stop the spread of COVID19 [1, 2]. AI technology that can recognize polymers can be used to identify patients as being ill.

Many international locations perform rhetorical DNA-databases to know proprietors of crime associated stains [3]. Victimization compound to hint persons administrative body unit of measurement suspected of committing a criminal offense has been a basic boost in policing. Once compound identification is used accurately, it’ll assist to convict humans administrative body have dedicated serious crimes or discharge person’s administrative body unit of measurement harmless [4]. Compound data is also a pc data containing data of compound profiles. Generally there unit of measurement two distinctive sources of these compound profiles: crime scene compound samples and individuals’ compound samples. The employment of compound databases in crook investigations desires associate individual’s identification to be discovered completely if there’s a healthy between their compound profile and a criminal offense scene compound profile. The rhetorical compound data also can assist crook investigators to line up hyperlinks between a singular suspect of a selected crime and fully completely different unresolved crimes, or can grant assist to become tuned in to plausible suspects whereas clearing fully completely different suspects inside the first degrees of associate Investigation [5]. The political and economic investments inside the implementation of rhetorical deoxyribonucleic acid databases and so the moral troubles associated to their use and growth justify inquiries into their overall performance and ancient utility. The primary characteristic of the rhetorical deoxyribonucleic acid data is to provide fits between persons, crime scene stains, that desires a delicate, enter of character profiles, and crime scene stains [5]. Our ride through these two instances indicates that rhetorical deoxyribonucleic acid statistics base accustomed be integral to become tuned in to the killers. There’s associate degree current would like for higher public and coverage dialog as deoxyribonucleic acid databases amplify round the world. Some safeguards unit of measurement disbursed at the country wide or regional level, however there is associate degree absence of international requirements and a desire for larger social engagement and dialog [2]. Extensive data and deoxyribonucleic acid identification of criminals and assortment them will assist to pace up crime detection [6]. Larger deoxyribonucleic acid databases decrease crime rates, within the main in classes the place rhetorical proof is probable to be collected at the scene—e.g., murder, rape, assault, and automobile law-breaking. The prospect of beautiful a suspect in new crimes falls as databases grow, all told chance attributable to resolution effects. Back-of-the-envelope estimates of the marginal worth of stopping every crime endorse that deoxyribonucleic acid databases unit of measurement tons additional worth effective than altogether completely different frequent regulation group action instrumentality [5]. Forensic deoxyribonucleic acid databases have the manageable to forestall and see crime The introduction and growth of rhetorical deoxyribonucleic acid databases would possibly contain plausible threats to the protection of a vary of human rights. At the identical time, such databases have social edges. Supported statistics accumulated via associate degree on-line kind utilized to 628 humans in land, this paper targets to analysis the citizens’ temperament to relinquish voluntarily a pattern for identification and inclusion inside the National rhetorical deoxyribonucleic acid data and so the views underpinning such a decision. Nearly one-quarter of the respondents would signify ‘no’, and this terrible response improved appreciably with age and education. The dominant temperament to be the inclusion of the person or girl genetic profile suggests associate degree acknowledgement of the inquiring realizable of rhetorical deoxyribonucleic acid applied sciences and a relegation of civil liberties and human rights to the background, as a result of the perceived blessings of defensive each society and so the character from crime. This reason is typically expressed by methodology of the thought that everybody residents have to be compelled to be compelled to form a contribution to the growth of the National rhetorical deoxyribonucleic acid data for motives that change from the larger define assumption that donating a pattern for identification would be useful in struggle crime to the larger concrete recommendation that everybody folks (criminals and non-criminals) have to be compelled to be compelled to be inside the data. The issues with the risks of exceptive the donation of a pattern for procedure and inclusion inside the National rhetorical deoxyribonucleic acid data unit of measurement further generally than not associated to lack of manage and inadequate or unsure pointers with reference to safeguarding individuals’ facts and oversight the get right of entry to and makes use of genetic info. By activity associate degree empirically-grounded grasp of the attitudes involving temperament to relinquish voluntary a pattern for identification and inclusion throughout a National rhetorical deoxyribonucleic acid data, this resolve on the point of boot considers the citizens’ perceived blessings and dangers of operative rhetorical deoxyribonucleic acid databases. These collective views is also useful for the formation of worldwide frequent moral requirements for the advance and governance of deoxyribonucleic acid databases throughout a framework throughout that the citizens’ views unit of measurement taken into thought. DNA data coverage needs to search out a smart stability between these two positions, based entirely on the arrival of {a moral an moral} and ethical spectrum involving each consultants inside the neighborhood of forensics and regulation group action [7] and so the general public [8], especially, social businesses that unit of measurement a great deal of less concerned in biology [9]. DNA data for all residents than authorities concerned inside the fitness zone and in neighborhood and broad protection and regulation group action ([10], p. 601); older and immature contributors (more than sixty five or between fifteen and twenty four years, respectively) area unit these administrative body most often united with the transferring of records from deoxyribonucleic acid profile databases to native and State Security Agencies ([11], p. 143); and cognizance of the employment of deoxyribonucleic acid identification inside the identification of people accelerated markedly with employment.

In the case of Covid-19, AI functions just like the employment of facial cognizance to tune humans not sporting masks publically, or AI-based fever detection systems, as nicely as a result of the method of statistics gathered on digital systems and cell networks to music people’s latest movements, have contributed to the lawgiver group action of restraining measures inside the course of the confinement aimed toward containing the happening, for one durations. Chinese net search Brobdingnagian Baidu has developed a tool the utilization of infrared and facial cognizance technological ability that scans and takes footage of larger than 2 hundred humans per minute at the Qinghai train depot in capital of Red China. In Moscow, authorities unit of measurement the usage of automatic facial cognizance technological ability to scan investigation digital footage in academic degree try and choose out current arrivals from China, positioned at lower place quarantine for worry of Covid-19 infection. The assessment resolve regarding explored this digital or IoT-based applied sciences that unit of measurement obtaining used for containment of pandemic unfold of COVID-19 round the globe. IoT intervention to fight the pandemic unfolds of COVID-19 and to grant fitness offerings at some purpose of this vulnerable quantity. AI (AI) is collaborating in several roles to limit the human interaction and involvement to battle con to the COVID-19 pandemic. Services like disorder investigation, early warnings and alerts, digital tending facilitate, prognosis and prognosis, facts verification over social media, dominant social distancing and activity the lock-down, remedy and cures, method and inspecting COVID-19 take a look at samples, investigation and observation folks even once a personal is carrying a face-mask and so the likes unit of measurement obtained from the AI-based technologies. Native use of IVR as if Aaroyga Setu in land has been in addition placed tremendous for tending facilitate, coverage and knowledge series on COVID-19.

1.1 However computing will assist combat COVID-19

Artificial brain is contributory to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Comes associated to material medical, scientific and consultation room care, or quality analysis to attenuate contagion has determined an essential ally in statistics science to make development and supply results. The pandemic brought on through COVID-19 is that the initial world public fitness disaster of the twenty 1st century. And today, a number of AI-powered initiatives based entirely on records science, computer learning or ‘big data’, area unit being used across an enormous vary of fields to predict, offer associate degree proof for and management the one among a kind eventualities caused by suggests that of the fitness crisis. As regards coding system of AI to analysis, work appears to be progressing at a modest pace.


2. DNAFIDs (DNA fingerprinting identification system) database: functions and uses

In 1989, the first instance of a parentage dispute resolved by victimization in India used compound procedure technology. Since then, compound science has been employed to establish person identity, from crook instances to natural rhetorical identification, as well as to decrease the incidence of paternity and maternity disputes [12].

The innovative development in forensic science of DNA fingerprinting aids in identifying people and is a crucial tool for molecular research that promotes human breeding. By analyzing distinctive DNA patterns, the DNA fingerprinting model was essential in identifying specific persons among millions of others. A technique called DNA fingerprinting finds several minisatellites in a genome at once to create a pattern that is specific to a certain person. In this research project, we analyzed DNA fingerprinting-based identification and developed a DNA fingerprinting-based identification model together with a DNA database management system for 360-degree interlinking, meaning that all services and advancement will be advanced by DNAFIDs and database.

Y. Pal, S. Kumar, M. Singh et al. [2] To improve all administrations and innovations, for instance, DNAFIDs and data sets will be utilized. The UML class model approval process through FSM has been addressed by Yogesh Pal [1]. This is demonstrated by a production of the progress table examined for Interlinking of DNA Models with Aadhaar Real-Time Records for Enhanced Authentication.


3. IoT and AI-based smart healthcare: applications

DNA Profiling, artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of things (IoT) are interconnected research areas that have a significant influence on the creation of improved personalized healthcare systems. Research into smart healthcare is extensive [12], there is a vast body of literature in the field of smart health care that covers IoT, IoMT, medical signals, AI, edge, and cloud computing at varying rates and utilizing various methodologies. To the best of our knowledge, there has not been a comprehensive review of contemporary edge and cloud computing, IoT, IoMT, medical signal utilization and fusion, privacy, and security in the field of smart health care. The goal of this survey was to provide a formal classification, a detailed comparative context, and privacy and security in smart health care for IoT, IoMT, edge and cloud computing. The study examined the utilization of IoT, IoMT, and medical signals as well as the combination of sensors, edge computing [13]. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the medical industry has a long history of advancement. Diverse research teams have also been motivated to keep investigating AI in-depth as a result of several persistent issues and obstacles in the medical industry. AI technology has become increasingly frequently used in the medical industry as a result of the development of cutting-edge technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, big data, and 5G mobile networks. Additionally, the comprehensive integration of AI and IoT technology enables the steady enhancement of medical diagnosis and treatment capacities in order to deliver services to the public more successfully.


4. Proposed model: Integrating AI and IoT tools with DNAFIDS to recognize COVID-19 patients

An RDBMS was used to build the DNA fingerprinting database system. Based on the current widely used open source programme SQL Server, the database is implemented. Entity relationship model is shown in Figure 2. (ERD). First, we determined the 10 entities and 4 relationships that Chen’s ERD notation used to express the ERD. Using the ERD as a foundation, a table-like model is built. In Figure 2, the “PCR” and “CE” entities are divided into two tables, respectively: “PCR” and “PCR well” and “CE” and “CE well”. The wells in the plate are described and precisely located using these tables, which also provide extra information. The source of the sample connects all the parties, and they are all linked together by fundamental details like primers, panels, and detection tools.

Figure 2.

E-R diagram for DNA fingerprinting database system.

Basic data, testing data, and fingerprint data are all included in the DNA fingerprint database. Bar code numbers or IDs are used to link these databases together. The DNA Fingerprinting Database System holds fingerprint data and fingerprint picture information in separate files in order to address the issue of fingerprint data compatibility with various human primers. The fingerprint data file is linked to the fingerprint image’s storage path information, and after that, the fingerprint data file path information is saved in the fingerprint data’s basic information table. The fingerprint data file only has to be updated with new data when loading and updating fingerprint data and fingerprint images. The issue of slow operations, such as those caused by queries that access a database, is avoided by this method. With the use of the Adhaar Card database, DFD of AI & IoT, DNAFIDs, and other technical support, we examine the theoretical foundations of the suggested model (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

DFD: Integrating AI and IoT tools with DNAFIDS to recognize COVID-19 patients.

From the aforementioned DFD and ER diagram, it can be inferred that DFD is an effective modeling technique for a variety of research topics, allowing one to show both the static and dynamic behavior of the system. The work mentioned above is based on the validation method used by DFD for Integrating AI and IoT Tools with DNAFIDS to Recognize COVID-19 Patients. Additionally, this DFD created a DNAFIDs model that illustrates the entire process of DNA profiling [2]. A variety of test cases taken from the FSM are used to validate the proposed model for DNA profiling/DNAFIDs.


5. Conclusion

The modular architecture efficiently demonstrated the benefits of combining AI and IoT tools with DNAFIDS to identify COVID-19 patients. DNA biometrics for more uniqueness in USID to add an additional layer of security With the aid of API, contemporary security technologies, and internet accessibility, the integrated technique aids in communicating a state of concern to the government. There will be no need to use several IDs.


Conflict of interest

All authors declared that they do not have any conflict of interest.


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Written By

Yogesh Pal, Vullikanti Vivek Kumar, Deepak Garg and Neeraj Kumar Verma

Submitted: 28 July 2022 Reviewed: 16 November 2022 Published: 24 January 2023