Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Therapeutic Potential of Chocolate Coated Chinese Chestnut (A Nut Cum Fruit)

Written By

Sunita Mishra, Gunjan Gupta and M.A. Firdaus

Submitted: 12 July 2022 Reviewed: 10 November 2022 Published: 12 December 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.108976

From the Edited Volume

Nut Crops - New Insights

Edited by Muhammad Akram

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Castanea mollissima, usually known as Chinese chestnut tree, is a medium-tall tree with glossy, dark green leaves. The tree produces edible and delicious nuts called chestnuts or Chinese chestnuts. Since many years, China has loomed as one of the largest bowls of Chinese chestnut in the world. Although the consumption of chestnut has increased in India too in the states like Uttarakhand which shares border with China. Chestnuts are a rich source of health-promoting nutrients including vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, etc. They got dark browny shells and shiny spiral husk which is to be broken before eating. Castanea mollisima aids in the development of muscle and the prevention of dental issues like pyorrhea. The leafy portions of the nut are used to treat fevers, relieve persistent coughs and respiratory conditions, and protect blood vessels and capillaries from injury and swelling. In order to analyse the nutritional content, organoleptic qualities, and microbiological quality of Chinese chestnut after coating with dark chocolate, this study will examine the therapeutic potential of Chinese chestnut, making it an innovative and great choice to consume for people of all ages.


  • Chinese chestnut
  • nutritional value
  • organoleptic properties
  • microbiological quality
  • therapeutic potential

1. Introduction

Chestnuts are members of the Fagaceae family. The majority of chestnut trees are found in North America, South Europe, and Easter and Southwest Asia. Among all species of chestnut, the yearly production of the Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima Blume) is around 925,000 t, as compared to 108,000 t for the European chestnut (C. sativa Miller) and 55,800 t for the North American and South American chestnut (C. dentata Borkh) [1, 2, 3]. The Yan Mountain region in Northern China has the low temperatures and altitudes above 500 m that are ideal for Chinese chestnut production. Chestnuts are a great source of lot of nutritional content. According to Yang et al. [4], fresh Chinese chestnut fruits contain 52.0% water, 42.2% carbohydrates, 4.2% proteins, and 0.7% lipids, whereas Spanish chestnuts contain 42.2–59.8% starch, 9.5–22.2% total sugar, 4.8–6.9% crude protein, and 1.7–40% dry matter, depending on the cultivar and region [5]. According to the ancient encyclopedia, China Compendium of Materia Medica (Ben Cao Gang Mu) from the Ming Dynasty, Chinese chestnut fruits aid in enhancing kidney function (A.D. 1590). According to numerous health studies, chestnut fruits and possibly other extracts from chestnut trees offer a lot of potential as functional foods or food additives [1, 3]. The Chinese Chestnut (Figure 1), also scientifically called as C. mollissima (mollissima is Latin word for “soft”), is primarily grown in East Asia but is also indigenous to places like Taiwan and Korea. The abundant pubescence on the abaxial sides of its leaves and buds is how it got its name.

Figure 1.

Chinese chestnuts.

This study aims to evaluate the nutritional content, microbiological quality, and organoleptic qualities of dark chocolate-coated chestnut, making it a novel food option for consumers of all ages.

1.1 Pharmacological activities of Chinese chestnuts

Chestnut is essential and useful in the treatment of a number of ailments (Figure 2). Therefore the pharmacological activity is presented here based on the percentage of diseased states [9, 10].

Figure 2.

Pharmacological activities of Chinese chestnuts [6, 7, 8].

1.2 Effect of cooking on Chinese chestnuts

The nutritional content of six cultivars of Cannabis sativa was thoroughly measured, including starch, energy, fat & fibre [11], crude protein, amino acids, phenolic phytochemicals [12], minerals, sugars, antioxidant carotenoids and other vitamins [13] after cooking during four major stages of industrial processing (fresh, after storing for three months at ±0°C and maintaining the relative humidity at 90%, after industrial peeling through flame or fire at 800–1000°C, and after freezing in a tunnel with CO2 flow at −65°C [1, 3].

According to a study [13], the vitamin C content of fresh chestnuts ranged from 400 to 693 mg/kg dry weight for several European cultivars. The boiling and roasting processes resulted in significant reductions of 25–54% and 2–77%, respectively. A typical traditional way for preparing Chinese chestnuts is to either fry them shelled with other ingredients (tang chao li zi) or unshelled with sugar. In East Asia, a sort of chestnut kernel that has been processed industrially and packaged is currently very popular and is typically cooked by boiling.

Even though a fresh chestnut’s kernel does not smell strongly, after being thermally processed, it has a strong flavour. The flavour extract of boiled and roasted Chinese chestnuts, respectively, yielded a total of 30 to 33 components, including hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols, aldehydes, furans, pyranone, and acids [14]. Important aroma impact components from roasted Italian chestnuts include monoterpenes and derivatives of butane, pentane, hexane, and heptane [15].

1.3 Dark chocolate

One of the roasted and ground cocoa products is chocolate. It is manufactured in block, paste, or liquid form and added to products to improve the flavour of that product. It has a lot of calories and a healthy amount of fat. However, dark chocolate, one form of chocolate, is thought to be highly healthy to eat. Dark or black chocolates can be eaten as it is, or used in recipes, for which somewhat thicker-packed bars are sold in market. The seeds of the tropical tree Theobroma cacao are used to make raw or processed foods, including dark chocolate, which has been a popular food for centuries. Depending on how much cocoa butter is added to the components, it is typically bitter or semisweet. Some of the significant health advantages of eating dark chocolate are depicted in Figure 3. Many healthful components that are good for the body are found in dark chocolate. Vitamins A, B1, C, D, and E are all present in abundance in compounds found in chocolate. Additionally, chocolate contains the antioxidants phenol and flavonoids, as well as minerals like calcium, potassium, iron, omega 3 and 6, and high magnesium, which aid to somewhat lessen premenstrual symptoms and menstrual pain [16].

Figure 3.

Health benefits of dark chocolate.

1.4 Flaxseeds

Flaxseed, whose scientific name is Linum usitatissimum, which means “useful,” is also known as Alsi or Jawas in India and has a crunchy texture and nutty flavour. It has been grown for its fibre content, other nutritional benefits, and therapeutic applications. Figure 4 illustrates the advantages of flaxseeds for health. As the building block for other compounds that help in the prevention of inflammation, ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) can also help protect the blood vessels against inflammatory damages. Numerous studies have demonstrated that dietary flaxseeds can raise blood levels of ALA, even when they are added to baked goods like breads, muffins, or other recipes. Two more omega 3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosapentaenoic acid, have also been shown to increase in the blood when flaxseeds are consumed (DPA). Increased blood levels of EPA and DPA help in the inflammatory protection that arises in many degenerative illnesses [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23].

Figure 4.

Health benefits of flaxseeds.

1.5 Objective

  • To investigate the confection’s nutritional value.

  • To evaluate the confection’s microbiological quality.

  • To develop and standardise the Chinese chestnut product.

  • To examine the sensory acceptability of the product and its packaging.


2. Materials and methods

2.1 Sample preparation

Fresh Chinese Chestnuts were collected from the local market of Nainital, Uttarakhand, India. The chestnuts were first washed to eliminate any dust or fine particles. They were then sun dried for 3–4 days at 32°C. The ingredient’s shelf life was extended by drying as there was no water activity and no moisture present. The flaxseeds were purchased from the local store in the city of Bazpur, Uttarakhand, India. After dry roasted, they were later ground into powder. The chocolate compound bar was bought from the local market of Lucknow city of Uttar Pradesh, India. The chocolate compound was tempered at 42°C for further use in the process of product development. To eliminate variations in their composition and avoid quality differences, the procurement was completed in a single lot. In Figure 5, the stages of product development are shown.

Figure 5.

Preparation of mix.

2.2 Preparation of mix

The sun-dried Chinese chestnuts were roasted after being ground into a grainy powder. The flaxseeds were roasted and ground into powder in a same manner. Externally added sugar and any kind of preservatives were avoided. The dried and roasted chestnuts and flaxseeds were combined in a ratio of 80:20 with the roasted powders. Figure 6 summarises the schematic flow diagram of the formulation and preparation of the chocolate coated chestnut.

Figure 6.

Sample preparation.

2.3 Nutritional evaluation

The prepared confection was first ground and blended. The sample was then analysed using several AOAC approved methods (1997 & 2000) of analysis to determine the presence of different nutrients.

2.3.1 Moisture

By drying a sample in oven at 105°C until a constant weight was detected, the moisture content was examined using the following formula:

Moisture% = (initial weight-final weight x 100) /weight of the sample.

2.3.2 Protein

The total nitrogen content was ascertained using the Kjeldahl method. The nitrogen percentage was first determined, and then it was multiplied by a factor of 4.86, or 4.86 x N to determine the protein content percentage (nitrogen percentage).

2.3.3 Carbohydrate

The content of the readily available carbohydrate was calculated by differences i.e., by subtracting from 100 the total of the values for moisture, protein, ash and fat (per 100gm).

2.3.4 Fat

As a crude ether extract of the dry material, fat is extracted from the sample. Firstly, the dry sample weighs about 5–10 gm into a thimble and covered with cotton. The thimble is then put in a Soxhlet Apparatus and extracted for 15 to 16 hours with anhydrous ether. After filtering the ether extract into the weighted conical flask, it was cleaned 4–5 times. After the ether has been eliminated through evaporation, the remaining material is dried in an oven at 80 to 100°C, cooled in a desiccator, and then weighed.

Fat content (g/100gm of sample) = (weight of ether extract x 100) /Weight of sample (equivalent to fresh sample taken).

2.3.5 Ash

Ash content was determined gravimetrically of the sample residue after ignition in vacuum oven at 512°C to constant weight.

Ash content (g/100 gm sample) = (Weight. of the ash x 100) /Weight. of the sample taken.

2.3.6 XRD (X-ray diffraction)

A laboratory-based method known as X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) is typically used to analyse unit cell dimensions and identify crystalline materials [24]. It is frequently used in a variety of disciplines, including engineering, geology, material science, and environmental sciences, to quickly identify unidentified crystalline substances using Bruker D8-eco Advance XRD (usually within 20 minutes).

It follows Bragg’s Law: nλ = 2d sinθ formula.

It is necessary to use pure, finely ground, and homogenised samples to determine the bulk composition. This method can also be used for the identification of fine-grained minerals, quantitative determination of modal quantities of minerals in a sample, comprehensive characterisation of crystalline materials, and identification of unit cell dimensions.

2.3.7 Chocolate bloom

When chocolate blooms, it means that the chocolate was not stored properly. However, one can also eat the bloomed chocolates. The two types of blooms that were seen in this study were:

  1. Fat, which appears as grey-white blotches and streaks on chocolate when it is exposed to heat.

  2. Sugar makes chocolate feel scratchy and occurs when chocolate is stored in humid conditions.

2.4 Microbiological analysis

The dark-chocolate chestnut shells (DCC) which were stored at 7°C and 25 ± 2°C examined for the microbiological analysis. The reference sample (REF) was the marketed fruit and nut dark chocolate that was purchased from a nearby market. Samples were analysed for TPC (Total Plate Count), Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, as well as yeast and moulds. The growth media used for the micro- organisms identification were: Nutritive Agar (for Total Plate Count), MacConkey Agar (for E. coli), Czapek Agar (for yeasts and moulds) and Salmonella-Shigella Agar, Baird-parker Agar (for Staphylococcus aureus).

For each of the experiments mentioned, about 3 g of sample was powdered and homogenised in 30 ml of broth in a sterile flask before being incubated for 24 hours at 37°C. All the samples were aseptically removed and progressive dilution of 102 decimal were prepared and later plated on appropriate media. The plates were then incubated for a further 48 hours at 37°C, during which time the colonies were manually counted using a permanent marker pen. It was shown that there were variations between the two samples at a 90% significance level [25].

2.5 Organoleptic properties

The distribution of the samples was done as follows for this purpose:

  • T1 Drinking Chocolate Chestnut Shells

  • T2 Chestnut Shells from Hershey

  • T3 Chestnut Shells from Dark Chocolate

2.5.1 Preparation of the ‘Drinking Chestnut Chocolate Shells’

Ingredients included: 250gm of ground Chinese chestnut, 50gm of roasted and ground flaxseeds, 2 tablespoons of ghee to roast the ingredients and give the chocolate a glossy appearance, 50gm of drinking chocolate powder, and 150gm of chocolate compound. No sugar was added before, during, or after preparation. Figure 6 gives the step-by-step procedure for the preparation of this product. The final product was covered in glossy RED wrapping foils with the code T1 (SAMPLE-1) (Figures 7 and 8).

Figure 7.

Drinking chestnut chocolate shells.

Figure 8.

Wrapped chocolates: T1 – Red foil, T2 – Yellow foil, T3 – Blue foil.

2.5.2 Preparation of the ‘Hershey’s Chestnut Chocolate Shells’

The ingredients included: 250 gm of ground Chinese chestnut, 50 gm of roasted and ground flaxseeds, 2 tablespoons of ghee to roast the ingredients and give the chocolate a glossy appearance, 50 gm of Hershey Chocolate Syrup, and 150 gm of chocolate compound. No sugar was added before, during or after preparation. Figure 6 gives the step-by-step procedure for the preparation of this product. The final product was covered in glossy YELLOW wrapping foils with the code T2 (SAMPLE-2) (Figures 8 and 9).

Figure 9.

Hershey’s chestnut chocolate shells.

2.5.3 Preparation of the ‘Dark Chestnut Chocolate Shells’

The ingredients included: 250 gm of ground Chinese chestnut, 50 gm of roasted and ground flaxseeds, 2 tablespoons of ghee to roast the ingredients and give the chocolate a glossy appearance, 50 gm of Cocoa Powder, and 150 gm of Dark Chocolate compound. No sugar was added before, during or after preparation. Figure 6 gives the step-by-step procedure for the preparation of this product. The final product was covered in glossy BLUE wrapping foils with the code T3 (SAMPLE-3) (Figures 8 and 10).

Figure 10.

Dark chestnut chocolate shells.

2.5.4 Packaging

Food packaging, one of the most accurate methods, helps in food containment as well as protection against several physical, chemical, and biological hazards to the food. Today, it is our duty as responsible and educated consumers to determine whether the product we spend our money on is clean, appropriately packaged, and sealed before being used.

2.5.5 Tools

Cardboard secondary packaging boxes and colourful aluminium foils.

2.5.6 Procedure

The chocolates were wrapped using the primary packaging material which were colourful foils assigned according to their sample codes, such as T1 for red foil, T2 for yellow foil, and T3 for blue foil with proper hygiene (Figure 8). After that, it was placed in the secondary packaging material (cardboard boxes) and were weighed 100gm each per boxes. The sensory evaluation for this study was done in the Department of Food and Nutrition of BBAU Lucknow, by the efficiently trained faculty members and the technique used was Hedonic Scale [26].


3. Result and discussion

3.1 Nutritional composition

Table 1 shows the nutritional composition of dark chocolate-coated Chinese chestnut. Except for the moisture content, all compositions were measured using dry materials (Table 1). The prepared chocolate contained no extra ingredients when compared to commercial fruit and nut dark chocolate, which is made up of preservatives and other sweeteners. The dark chocolate-coated chinese chestnut is therefore highly fascinating and appears to be beneficial for human health, as proved by its overall high nutritional quality.

Carbohydrate53.55 gm
Energy449 Kcal
Protein8.3 gm
Total fat22.4 gm

Table 1.

Nutritional composition of the product.

By using a glancing angle X-ray diffractometer with monochromatic Cu-K as the radiation source (45 kV and 20 mA), the XRD pattern of the prepared sample was recorded (Figure 11). As shown in Figure 11, the XRD measurements were made in the range of 2θ from 5° to 90°.

Figure 11.

X-ray diffraction for dark chocolate coated Chinese chestnut.

The sample’s obtained diffraction pattern reveals its amorphous nature. Using Debye Scherrer’s formula, the sample’s crystallite size (Dhkl) was estimated-.


Here λ represents the X-ray wavelength, θhkl indicates the Bragg diffraction angle and βhkl represents the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the major peaks in XRD pattern in radians.

The sample’s crystallite size was determined to be 76.30 nm.

3.2 Chocolate bloom

The chocolate bloom was shown for both of its components—fat and sugar—at a temperature of 26°C, which is a good storage temperature. The blooming was also avoided by keeping the storage area dry.

3.3 Microbiological quality

The microbiological analysis of the dark chocolate coated Chinese chestnut and fruit & nut dark chocolate both were analysed under controlled circumstances at 7°C and 25 ± 2°C respectively. The table in Figure 12 provided the results. Yeasts and moulds were not present, and the TPC was lower than that of the fruit and nut dark chocolate used as the reference sample for the testing (Figure 12). Additionally, the sample did not include any colonies of the bacteria S. aureus, Salmonella, or E. coli. The lack of yeast, moulds, and TPC confirmed that the raw material was treated carefully at every stage, from collection till processing and analysis of the developed product.

Figure 12.

Microbiological evaluation of chocolate.

3.4 Organoleptic properties

Expert panel members conducted a sensory assessment of processed and packaged Chinese chestnut shells using a hedonic scale and marking on the following four criteria:

3.4.1 Body and texture

According to Figure 13, T3, which received the highest scores for body and texture, was the sample that the expert panellists found to be the most acceptable. Next, sample T1 and T2, respectively.

Figure 13.

Graphical representation of body and texture.

3.4.2 Colour and appearance

Figure 14 demonstrates that T3, which received the highest scores for colour and appearance, was the sample that the expert panel members found to be the most acceptable. Samples T2 and T1 are then, respectively.

Figure 14.

Graphical representation of colour and appearance.

3.4.3 Flavour and aroma

Figure 15 demonstrates that T3, which received the highest ratings for flavour and aroma, was the sample that the expert panellists found to be the most acceptable. Samples T1 and T2 combined were next.

Figure 15.

Graphical representation of flavour and aroma.

3.4.4 Overall acceptability

Figure 16 demonstrates that the sample that received the best rating for overall acceptability from the expert panel members was T3. Samples T1 and T2 are then, respectively.

Figure 16.

Graphical representation of overall acceptability. Overall calculation

By using the sensory evaluation scores provided by each panellist on the hedonic scale, an overall calculation was essentially made to determine the acceptability of the final product in all quality terms. The scoring of texture, aroma, colour, flavour, and taste were calculated in the table, letting us to perform statistical analysis and obtain standard deviation, average, and other calculations (Figure 17).

Figure 17.

Graphical representation of hedonic scale rating for overall acceptability of the confection for all the criterion.


4. Summary and conclusion

The dark chocolate coated Chinese chestnut known as dark chocolate Chinese chestnut shells has been prepared successfully and the result of its proximate analysis gives enough nutritional values to be considered as a novel and interesting product that should be introduced among the people. Comparing this study to earlier ones reveals that, in addition to roasting and boiling, etc., Chinese chestnuts can also be consumed in a variety of ways in India. According to microbiological studies, chocolate can help extend a product’s shelf life and can be kept for up to 5 months without the need of any additional preservatives when kept in the right storage circumstances. Chinese chestnut being rich in nutrition is safe to consume and recommended for arthritis and many more health conditions. Furthermore, flaxseed is a wonderful source of fibre and numerous other nutritive elements in addition to being a cure for conditions like cardiovascular disease. Both when combined together can useful and a healthy option for people [27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32]. As a result, the manufactured confection, Chocolate Chessy Balls, is a way to spread awareness of the nut and its health benefits among people. The purpose behind the development of this product was both to introduce consumers to an exotic nut and to inform them about the benefits of the Chinese Chestnut. Organoleptical indicator is an useful way to ensure quality by assessing the product’s appearance, flavour, and acceptability. All of the panellists approved the chocolates and not only expressed their appreciation for them but also made suggestions for additional recommendations to raise awareness of the miraculous nut native to country like China, Japan, Korea to the people of India’s states like Uttar Pradesh.


Authors’ contributions

Author1 done all the testing. Author2 analysed the data. Authors3 wrote the main manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.



This research received no external funding.


Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests among them regarding the publication of this paper.


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Written By

Sunita Mishra, Gunjan Gupta and M.A. Firdaus

Submitted: 12 July 2022 Reviewed: 10 November 2022 Published: 12 December 2022