Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Identification of RNA Oligonucleotide and Protein Interactions Using Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency and Random Forest

Written By

Eugene Uwiragiye and Kristen L. Rhinehardt

Reviewed: 31 October 2022 Published: 18 January 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.108819

From the Edited Volume

Oligonucleotides - Overview and Applications

Edited by Arghya Sett

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The interaction between protein and Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) plays crucial roles in many biological aspects such as gene expression, posttranscriptional regulation, and protein synthesis. However, the experimental screening of protein-RNA binding affinity is laborious and time-consuming, there is a pressing desire of accurate and reliable computational approaches. In this study, we proposed a novel method to predict that interaction based on both sequences of protein and RNA. The Random Forest was trained and tested on a combination of benchmark datasets and the term frequency–inverse document frequency method combined with XgBoost algorithm was used to extract useful information from sequences. The performance of our method was very impressive, and the accuracy was as high as 94%, the Area Under the Curve of 0.98 and the Matthew Correlation Coefficient (MCC) of 0.90. All these high metrics, especially the MCC, show that our method is robust enough to keep its performance on unseen datasets.


  • protein
  • RNA
  • interaction
  • random forest
  • machine learning

1. Introduction

The protein-RNA pairs are highly involved in various regulatory processes. Finding the binding sites of the RNA-binding Proteins (RBP) is therefore an important research goal. Studies have shown that RBPs bind to RNA molecules by recognizing both sequences (sequence motifs) and secondary structure contexts (structure motifs) [1, 2, 3, 4]. Some of them have been based on sequence-derived features such as amino acid composition, dipeptide composition, composition-transition-distribution of seven physicochemical properties, evolutionary information in terms of position-specific scoring matrices and functional domain composition [5, 6, 7]. Although progress has been made in the implementation of predictive methods for RBPs, insufficient attention has been paid to the development of predictive methods for RNA-protein interactions (RPI). The history is brief, and there are not many existing computational tools because of the scarcity of available data [8].

The machine learning (ML) methods, which have become standard tools in many fields of science and engineering, are computationally efficient methods that employs computer science, artificial intelligence, computational statistics, and information theory to fit high-dimensional models to large amounts of data. The ML methods read in data points which are generated within some application domain and each data point is characterized by two properties, such as features (predictor variables) and labels (predicted variables). The machine learning algorithms aims at learning to predict the label of a data point based solely on the features of this data point or identify the pattern those data points if they are neither classified nor labeled. The ML algorithms applied to labeled data points is called supervised learning in contrast to unsupervised learning which does not require knowing the label value of any data point. The dataset we used in this research was tagged with known labels (binding pairs are labeled as positive while non-binding pairs are labeled as negative). While the principle behind supervised ML sounds trivial, the challenge of modern ML applications is the data points non-linearity and complexity. This research focuses on three supervised learning algorithms: Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Multinomial Naïve Bayesian.

The logistic regression is a binary classification method that can be applied to data points with feature vector XRn and binary labels y. These binary labels take on values from a label space that contains two different label values (most cases y = {0,1}). The linear operator hx=wTx, with wRn, can take an arbitrary real random number and can predict the label y when compared to a given threshold. The data point with feature x would be classified as y = 1 if the hx0 and y=0if thehx<0. The multinomial naïve Bayesian is a simple but important probabilistic model which is defined by a function h from the feature space X to the label space Y (h:XY) such that the predicted value hx,xX, agrees enough with the true value yY. The random forest is a flowchart-like description of a function from the feature space to label space that maps the features to their respective labels. While a random forest can be applied to an arbitrary feature space, we will discuss it for a specific space later in this paper.

In 2011, Pancaldi and Bähler [8, 9, 10] predicted the RNA-binding proteins and messanger-RNA using two conventional machine learning classifiers: support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF), while Bellucci et al. developed an algorithm called catRAPID to facilitate the predictions of 592 RPIs from the Protein Database Bank (PDB). They used the physicochemical properties of sequences as features and found three most predictive features: secondary structure propensities, hydrogen bonding, and van der Waals [8, 11]. The two benchmark datasets, called RPI369 and RPI2241, were constructed from PRIDB (a database of protein-RNA interfaces) [8, 12, 13] and achieved remarkable prediction accuracies on these two datasets using Conjoint Triad Feature (CTF) and normalized 4-gram frequencies. In 2013, the CatRAPID Omics was generated as an improved CatRAPID that used the information on protein and RNA domains involved in macromolecular recognition [8, 14, 15]. Zhao Hui-Zhan et al. [8, 16] proposed a deep learning model to predict RPIs using bi-gram from Position Specific Scoring Matrix (PSSM) approaches to extract features from proteins, and k-mers approach combined with a stacked auto-encoder for RNAs feature extraction.

In 2015, Suresh et al. [8, 17] integrated sequence information and predicted structure together to produce an accurate prediction of non-coding RNA-protein pairs on a newly constructed dataset, called RPI1807. When tested on the RPI369 and RPI2241 datasets mentioned above, some improvements were achieved on prediction accuracies. In 2017, Liu et al. proposed a semi-supervised method called LPI-NRLMF [18, 19] to predict lncRNA-protein interactions by neighborhood regularized logistic matrix factorization. One year later, Zhao et al. came up with IRWNRLPI method [20], integrating random walk and neighborhood regularized logistic matrix factorization for lncRNA-protein interactions prediction and LPI-BNPRA method using the bipartite network projection recommended algorithm to identify lncRNA-protein interactions. The last four semi-supervised methods and the BNPMDA method proposed by Chen et al. [21] in late 2018, performed well only on interactive pairs with a high predictive accuracy but weakly for non-interactive pairs. In 2018, Hu et al. proposed HLPI Ensemble method [22] for identifying lncRNA-protein interactions in human only, which integrated three common machine learning algorithms, SVM, RF and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB).

All the machine learning methods discussed above, use handcrafted features from proteins. In this study we proposed a new method, called TF-IDF borrowed from natural language processing, to extract features from RPI pairs. The TF-IDF standing for Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency takes as input a sequence of strings and transform it into a vector of numerical values.


2. Material and methodology

According to Hongchu Wang and Pengfei Wu in 2017 [8] there are 1973 RPI complexes available in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), which contains over 15,000 protein chains and more than 3000 RNA chains. However, according to research using high-throughput sequencing techniques (such as RNA-Seq), at least 30,000 lncRNAs were identified by 2013. In this study we combined the three different datasets; The RPI2241 dataset, containing 2241 RNA–protein pairs was extracted from PRIDB [13] and reconstructed by Wang in 2013, the RPI488, a non-redundant lncRPI dataset based on structural complexes which consists of 488 lncRNA-protein pairs, including 245 non-interacting pairs and 243 interacting pairs from Pan et al. [23, 24] and the RPI12737 dataset containing 12,737 experimentally validated RNA–protein pairs that extracted from NPInter v2.0 database [25]. This dataset contains the same number of non-interacting RNA–protein pairs (negative examples) as the number of interacting RNA–protein pairs. After the dataset combination, we cleaned the data by removing all pairs containing a non-amino acid character for proteins or a non-nucleotide for RNA. The difference between lengths of sequences could increase the sparsity of the TF-IDF data frame and affect the performance of our predictive model. The exploratory data analysis gave more details on the dataset (see Table 1). The first quartile of proteins lengths was 252 while the third quartile was 614, which means that the lengths of 50% of our combined dataset lie between 252 and 614. After all considerations, we decided to use this 50% of the dataset, containing 10,715 clean pairs, to train and test the predictive model.

DatasetPositive pairsNegative pairs#RNA#Protein

Table 1.

Description of different dataset used in random forest training.

The number with star means that the negative pairs were not reported. All non-reported pairs are considered as negative.

2.1 Transformation of the sequence into text format

The biological sequences are sequences of successive letters without space with different lengths which are relevant to their biochemical structure and for their biological function. The bioinformaticians use the alignment process to arrange the primary structure of a protein to identify regions of similarity that may be a consequence of functional, structural, or evolutionary relationships between the sequences. This approach leaves a lot of holes in a sequence when a region from sequence of interest is not similar to the region of the other sequence. The alignment of multiple sequences is not as simple as it may seem at the first glance and the position feature of amino acids is threatened. Therefore, we propose a method which conserves the position feature of amino acids in the sequence by translating sequences into terms to apply the same representation technique for text data. T232he window with a subrange in the sequence that gives the best metrics was used and slipped through the given sequence with a fixed step, and each nucleotide (amino acid) segment was stored as a term. The shortest size of the sliding window that gave better metrics values was the size 3. As in the example below, the illustration of sequence transformation using a sliding window with size from one to four (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Illustration of a sequence to text format using a sliding window of different sizes.

2.2 TF-IDF for feature engineering

The natural language processing has various types of approaches to transform the sequence of words into numerical values, such as the bag of words, words embedding, the term frequency inverse document frequency (TF-IDF), and so on. The TF-IDF measures the frequency of a term in a sequence which highly depends on the length of the sequence. The purpose of this method is to vectorize sequences [26, 27, 28, 29, 30]. To solve the sequence issue with the complicated alignment, TF-IDF method uses the combination of all possible terms in the dataset to have vectors of the same length with two extreme cases where TF value will be zero if the term does not appear in the dataset and 1 if all terms in the sequence are the same. The Term Frequency (TF) is used to measure how many times a term is present in a sequence and The Inverse Document Frequency assigns lower weight to frequent terms and assigns greater weight for the terms that are infrequent [31, 32, 33]. The TFIDF is the most widely used term weighting scheme. Yang and Huang [34] used it for calculating term weight according to the location and length of the keyword and Tian Xia and Yanmei Chai [35] implemented it by calculating distribution based on local term weighting and global term weighting to improve the efficiency of IR and TC systems and many researchers used the TF-IDF for feature engineering [36, 37, 38] to solve classification problems in reasonable time, efforts, and resources.

Assuming S a set of sequences: S = {s: s is a sequence} and T a set of terms: T = {t: t is a term.

TF would be a function defined as follow:

TF:TSTF01:t:sTFTFts=Number of apprearence oftNumber of terms insE1

Where t is a given term in a sequence s. The IDF function or normalization function which calculates the importance of a sequence in the dataset will be defined as follow:


Where ST is the set of all sequences containing the term t and N is the number of all sequences in the dataset and st=ST. Thereafter, the TF-IDF is the multiplicative value of TF(t,s) and IDF(st)


WhereNts is the number appearances of term t in a sequence s and Nt is the number of sequences containing the term t (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

The term frequency-inverse document frequency flowchart.

2.3 Feature selection

The TF-IDF method vectorises the RNA and RBP sequences and transforms them into a 2D data frame with 10,715 rows and 7461 columns. I this situation, the dimensionality reduction is required. The XgBoost method, an optimized implementation of gradient boosted decision trees in python libraries, was used to estimate the importance of TF-values. That estimation consists in comparison of all attributes to each other, to rank them based on their contribution to the general classification. Extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) is a new method that It can take weak feature classifiers and into one strong classifier [39] due to its gradient boosting algorithm, efficiency, flexibility, and portability [40, 41]. The XGBoost was used in the literature to discover and retain the features that highly impact the prediction [42, 43, 44, 45, 46] and was ten time less computationally expensive compared to other popular techniques [42].

2.4 Dataset balancing

In the 10,715 samples we have, 6333 were labeled as positive samples (interacting pairs) while other 4382 were labeled as negative samples. The 1951 samples of difference between two classes are not enormous. However, most machine learning algorithms do not work very well with such imbalanced datasets [31, 47, 48]. This why we tried to train our model on unbalanced dataset and balance it thereafter. There are several techniques to balance datasets [32] but we chose to use two of them: Random Over-sampling by using the bootstrapping method to increase the size of the minority class, and Under sampling that applies a nearest-neighbors algorithm [48] and “edit” the dataset by removing samples which do not agree “enough” with their neighborhood.


3. Predictive model: random Forest

The prediction of RPIs was done after training and testing the Random Forest among other classifiers. The RF is a supervised machine learning algorithm that is constructed from decision tree algorithms developed by Tin Kam Ho in 1995 [33, 34] and used to solve classification and regression problems. The random forest establishes the result according to the mean predictions of all the decision trees. A decision tree consists of decision nodes, leaf nodes, and a root node. The algorithm behind the decision tree divides the training set into branches, which further split into new branches branches until a leaf node is attained (a leaf node cannot be splitted into other branches). This sequence of branches uses the Classification And Regression Tree (CART) methodology combined to the resampling with replacement [25]. The random forest has multiple parameters that can be optimized by most of them were kept by default. Among the parameters the criterion Gini and the minimum of sample required to split fixed at two trees and hundred branches were chosen for better results.

3.1 Classification trees (Forest)

A decision tree is a way of representing knowledge obtained in the inductive learning process. The space is split using a set of conditions, and the resulting structure is the tree. Assuming we have n pairs and TF-values vectors Xii=1nwith outcomes yi, our dataset can be presented as follow:


Each TF-value vector is Xk=Xk1Xk2Xkd and d is the number of TF-values from RNA and RBP altogether.

The decision tree is defined as binary process where a decision is made based on whether the TF-value Xi is inferior to a threshold t or not. This threshold depends on the node at which the decision is made. The top node contains all examples Xnyn, and these examples are subdivided into children nodes according to the possibility of classification at that node. The subdivision of examples continues until every node at the bottom has examples which are in one class only.

3.2 The Gini criterion

The Random Forest as a python implementation of the scikit-learn library, this is made by the parameter ‘criterion ‘. This parameter is the function used to measure the quality of a split and it allows users to choose between ‘Gini ‘, or ‘entropy ‘. We preferred the Gini criterion because computationally, entropy is more complex since it makes use of logarithms and consequently, the calculation of the Gini Index will be faster. The Gini criterion is used to measure the diversity at each tree node when the TF-value and optimal threshold are chosen. Assuming the set of all examples is S and the set of examples at the node j is Sj, then S is a partition of children node sets, i.e.:

S=1lSjwherelis the number of children nodes

Each sample Sj is portioned into two classes C1 = interacting pair and C2 = non-interacting pair. The proportion of a sample Sj in the set of all examples and the proportion of Sj with a class Ci are respectively defined as follow:


The Gini criterion is the variation g(Sj) in the set Sj defined as follow:


The variation g(Sj) reaches the maximum when the set Sj is equally divided in the class Ci and the minimum when the set Sj is just made by one of the two classes. The variation the full subdivision Sj (known as Gini Index) is defined as the weighted sum of their respective proportions in the set of all examples.

Gini Index=PS1(gS1+PS2(gS2+PSl(gSlE7

3.3 The random vector

A random vector is defined as an array X of random variables defined on the same probability space. In this study the array is the TF-values vectors

X=X1X2.XdwhereXiarecolumn vectorsE8

The random y = {y1, y2,…yd} with yi⋲ {0,1} is the classification of examples where 1 represent a protein-RNA interaction (RPI) while 0 represent a non-interaction. The model vector (X,y) is defined on the same probability space as the random vector X.

The goal of this predictive model is to build a classifier which predict the random vector y (classes) from random vector X (TF-values) based on the examples in the dataset from paragraph 3.1. This classifier is based on a family of classification trees and the ensemble of those trees is called Random Forest.

3.4 Ten-fold cross-validation method

The cross-validation is a resampling procedure used to evaluate machine learning models on a limited data sample. The procedure has a single parameter called k that refers to the number of groups that a given dataset is to be split into, and it is called k-fold cross-validation (k = 10 for this study). The 80% was used for the 10-fold cross validation, randomly shuffled and split into 10 groups. Among the 10 groups, only one group was kept as validation data to test the model and the remaining 9 sub-samples were used as training data. Importantly, each observation in the validation set is assigned to an individual group and stays in that group for the duration of the procedure. This means that each sample is given the opportunity to be used in the hold out set 1 time and used to train the model 9 times. The 10 results were then averaged to produce a single estimate by summarizing the mean of the model scores. The metrics we used to evaluate the model performance are Accuracy, Specificity, Sensitivity and MCC (Matthews Correlation Coefficient)


Where TP, FP, TN, and FN stand for True Positive, False Positive, True Negative and False Negative respectively.

3.5 Independent test

The remaining 20% of the dataset was used to test the classifier performance to the unseen data. This test dataset was completely independent of the data sample used in 10-fold cross validation. The goal was to train the Random Forest with parameters having the best performance on new data.


4. Results and discussion

We have applied the sliding window approach to transform RNA and protein sequences into text format using different window’s sizes starting from size 2. We constated that there was not much difference between the model performance when using a sliding window size of 3,4 or 5 and the performance started decreasing at window size of 6. Therefore, we chose the window’s size 3 because it gives the best results in less time. After we applied the TF-IDF to the dataset we got a data frame of 10,715 rows and 7461 attributes. The Random Forest applied to this dataset gave a good performance with a scope of improvement because all 7461 features do not have the same importance in the prediction. We applied the XgBoost algorithm to select the best features. The best threshold showed that 232 features contribute to the prediction at 0.2% at least. The performances of different classifiers are summarized in Table 2.

Classifiers10-Fold cross validationIndependent test

Table 2.

Comparative summary of three different predictive models.

RF = Random Forest; LR = Logistic Regression; MNB = Multinomial Naïve Bayesian.

The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of the three classifiers confirms our preference of the Random Forest to other classifiers. The Area under the curve is 0.98, 0.95 and 0.93 for Random Forest, Logistic Regression and Multinomial Naïve Bayesian respectively (Figure 3). Sometimes, one algorithm can overperform other algorithms for one metric measure and loses for other metrics. But in this study, the Random Forest overperformed other two classifiers in all metrics and more importantly for Matthew Correlation Coefficient (MCC) because it is an ensemble-based algorithm using the resampling with replacement method to reduce variance. This method makes that the Random Forest takes a lot of time to be trained but it is worth it because: a tree-based learning algorithm, on large datasets, allows to quantitative and qualitative input variables, can be immune to redundant variables or variables with high correlation which may lead to overfitting in other learning algorithms and has few parameters to tune (Figures 4 and 5).

Figure 3.

Illustration of classification trees with three nodes. The thresholds ti depends on each note and are learned during the training process.

Figure 4.

A systematics review of imbalanced data challenges and dimensionality reduction.

Figure 5.

Representation of ROC of the AUC for three classifiers showing that the random Forest curve is higher than other classifiers.


5. Conclusions

The Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency borrowed from natural language processing was combined with the sliding window to transform the RNA and protein sequences into a data frame of numerical values and 232 most contributing TF-values were selected using the XgBoost feature importance. Based on these features, we trained the Random Forest classier on 10,132 samples and tested it on 2534 remaining samples. The results in the Table 2 show that the Random Forest overperformed all other predictive models that we trained on this dataset for comparison such as Logistic Regression and Multinomial Naïve Bayesian. The highest AUC for the Random Forest, combined with the high specificity and sensitivity, provides an indication of its ability to correctly predict all classes in large datasets. The Random Forest is computationally expensive, but there is a significant performance difference compared to other classifiers which is worth the training time.



This study was supported by Visualization and Computation Advancing Research (ViCAR) Center and funded by National Science Fund (NSF).


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Written By

Eugene Uwiragiye and Kristen L. Rhinehardt

Reviewed: 31 October 2022 Published: 18 January 2023