Open access peer-reviewed chapter

AM Fungi as a Potential Biofertilizer for Abiotic Stress Management

Written By

Malik A. Aziz, Shayesta Islam, Gousia Gani, Zaffar M. Dar, Amajad Masood and Syed H. Baligah

Submitted: 11 July 2022 Reviewed: 11 October 2022 Published: 22 March 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.108537

From the Edited Volume

Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Agriculture - New Insights

Edited by Rodrigo Nogueira de Sousa

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Climate change and agricultural practices like unrestricted utilization of insecticides especially fertilizer and pesticides have amplified the effects of inanimate stress on the productivity of crops and degraded the environment. The need of the hour is to adopt eco-friendly crop management techniques, including the usage of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). AMFs are frequently referred to as bio-fertilizers. Mycorrhiza improves the movement and absorption of nutrients from soils, thereby limiting the demand for artificial fertilizers and avoiding the accretion of nutrients in soil. Reduced fertilizer use reduces the effects of fertilizer runoff and leaching on water quality and serves as a cost-effective method for farmers. Inanimate stressors (such as salt, drought, heat, cold, and mineral shortage) have emerged as the most serious dangers to global agricultural productivity. These stresses induce ion toxicity nutritional imbalance, hormonal inequalities which in turn influence plant growth and development, maturity, productivity etc. Some beneficial microorganisms, such as mycorrhizal fungi, live in mutualistic association with the roots of host plant in the rhizospheric region. Mycorrhiza significantly improves host plant resilience to a variety of animate and inanimate stresses. This chapter emphasizes the relevance of mycorrhizal fungi in stress reduction and their beneficial impacts on plants’ production, growth and enlargement.


  • arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
  • plant growth
  • abiotic stresses
  • drought
  • salinity
  • temperature

1. Introduction

Agriculture production is declining globally, owing primarily to animate and inanimate pressures. Inanimate stressors inhibit plant enlargement, expansion of plants various levels like biochemical and molecular, resulting in massive drop in crop production [1]. Fungi and bacteria make up the large component of rhizospheric associated microflora and play an critical part in growth and development of plants. Mycorrhizal fungi live in mutualistic association with host plant roots, complementing and increasing plant growth, rate of production, and resistance; however, recent research indicates that mycorrhizal fungi also create induced systemic tolerance (IST) to animate and inanimate stimuli. Mycorrhizae improves absorption of nutrients and movement from soil, limiting the requirement for chemical fertilizers and preventing nitrate and phosphate increases in agricultural soils. Reduced fertilizer use decreases water contamination from fertilizer runoff and leaching, which benefits farmers’ economies. Abiotic stressors have emerged as major risks to global agriculture output. These stresses, either alone or in conjunction, regulate critical metabolic activities of plants by producing physiological disturbances. The Fungi (mycorrhizae) in symbiotic connection with plant roots enhances contact area of roots, allowing efficient absorption of mineral and water from huge soil volumes. This obligatory mycorrhizal connection improves nutrition and water accessibility while also protecting the plant from a number of inanimate challenges [2]. Some activities employed by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), under particular circumstances including the synthesis of metabolic substances viz. amino acids, vitamins, photohormones, and solubilization and mineralization processes describe the growth promotion caused by this association [3]. AMF has also been shown to impact the manifestation of many reactive oxygen species (ROS) safeguarding enzymes produced due to various stresses [4]. Besides giving nutritional and structural advantages to plants, the other advantages provided include secondary metabolite production/accumulation for osmotic regulation, enhanced cycling of nitrogen, rate of photosynthesis, and tolerance to animate and inanimate stresses. Numerous investigations have found that AMF have the capacity to enhance tolerance against various animate as well as inanimate stresses like heavy metals, drought, and salinity, and pathogen attack [5].


2. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

Arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF), are beneficial organisms and play an important part in plant nutrition and performance. The interaction of AMF symbiosis with positively charged bivalent (Ca2+, Fe2+) and trivalent cations (Al3+) improves immobile absorption and insoluble phosphate ions in soil [6]. The ability of AMF to evolve exterior hyphae networks that can increase external area approximately 40 fold and expose soil volume for absorption of nutrients by generating enzymes or releasing organic compounds is the primary function in this mutualism [7]. AMF can produce phosphatises to disintegrate phosphate from organic phosphorus containing compounds, increasing productivity in hard environments (deficiency of phosphorous). Extra radical hyphae are thought to be important in terms of ammonium absorption, mobilization of fixed microelements viz. Cu and Zn, and other cations from the soil like potassium, Magnesium, iron and calcium. Reports reveal that AMF promotes plant nutrition, when used as biofertilizer and hampers plant hormone balance, which regulates plant development (bioregulators) and lessens the influence of external pressures that is bio protector. This boosts biomass and yield while causing changes in several quality indicators [8]. AM fungi develop intimate association with host plants through intracellular structures called arbuscules in cortical cells of roots thus referring as symbiotic biotrophs. AMF are soil inhibiting fungi with the potential to boost nutrient absorption in plants and resilience to a variety of inanimate stressors [9]. Furthermore these depend on metabolic products of host produced during photosynthesis for completion of their life cycle, hence referred as obligate biotrophs. AMF provides growth benefits to plants through two ways viz., by improving water and mineral nutrient absorption from the surrounding soil and by protecting them from fungal infections [10]. As a result, AMF are beneficial endosymbionts that contribute to plant productivity and ecological function. They are critical for sustainable agricultural production [11].


3. Mechanism of mycorrhizal association

Arbuscular Mycorrhizae fungi completely rely on host plants for their nutrition hence referred to as obligate biotrophs. The various stages involved in symbiosis are

Stage 1: This is a very vital stage of the colonization process in which fungi scout for host plant.

Stage 2: The second stage involves the invasion of host roots by fungi for colonization and development.

Few chemical substances known as bioactive agents are produced by special cells or tissues that persuade different organisms to function. Similarly, substances such as strigolactones produced by the roots enable fungi to recognize their host as well as induce enlargement and expansion. The fungi respond to these stimuli by releasing a series of factors referred to as Myc (Mycorrhizal Factors) which also have a critical part in the interaction between AM fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria. This association is facilitated further through the production of seven genes (SYM genes) [12]. After spore germination, few hyphae branches approach the root of host and enter into the cortical cell wall and finally invade the internal cortical cells resulting in the formation of a greatly branched structure called arbuscular, which acts as an platform for nutritional exchange [13]. The Myc impulses are recognized by Myc Factor Receptor(s) of host which leads to the release of cytosolic calcium in root cells. Another membrane-based protein (SYMPK) is stimulated, which encodes for a receptor-like kinase having the ability to identify fungal signals. SYMPK has the potential to convert these impulses from the cytoplasm to the nucleus by phosphorylation of unrevealed substances through its kinase domain [14]. The localization of all downstream elements present in the cytoplasm stimulates the fast impulse transmission between the cells and nuclei, this continuous to and fro moment of Ca2+ concentration is possible due to alternate action of Ca2+ channels and transporters. The calcium to and fro moments are coded by a Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase (CCaMK). CCaMK phosphorylates the product of one of the SYM genes (CYCLOPS). This ultimately results in the control of other genes and consequently root colonization [13]. The mutualistic interaction of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and the roots of higher plants is of broad nature. Various studies have revealed that AM symbiosis is a principle component to overcome various stresses and in enhancing tolerance against various stresses by bringing modifications in phonology of host.


4. Role of AMF as a bio-fertilizer

Biofertilizer is a combination of naturally existing substances utilized to enhance nutrient status of soil. These fertilizers are of remarkable significance to soil microflora and fauna as well as the efficient growth of plants [15]. Nearly from two decades, research investigations have focused on their multiple benefits to soil microflora and fauna and productivity. As a result, it is extensively assumed that AMF will be investigated as a substitute for inorganic fertilizers in the coming years, because mycorrhizal treatment can cause an efficient reduction in the quantity of chemical fertilizer input used, primarily phosphorus [16]. Constant use of inorganic fertilizers, herbicides, and fungicides has generated several difficulties for soil, plant, and human health, owing to their negative impact on food quality, soil micro biota, and air and water environment [17]. For excellent agricultural production, AMF is believed to have the tendency to decrease the need of chemical fertilizers by 50%, however it alters with the type of species and existing stress conditions. AM escalates the absorption efficiency of host plant roots 10 fold [18] and the effectiveness of immobile nutrients by 60 fold owing to penetration in to the nutrient depleted areas of soil. It has been reported that maize plants growing in loamy sand texture soil under water stress absorbed more phosphorus when inoculated with Glomus etunicatum compared to non-mycorrhizal plants [19]. Moreover Mycorrhiza has the potential alter the concentration of organic matter thereby plays a tremendous role in storage of carbon in soil [20] and changes the kinetic characteristics of roots resulting in nutrient uptake, thus it is clear indication the mycorrhiza has great role in enhancing productivity and cycling of nutrients [21, 22].

4.1 AMF and mineral nutrition

AMF colonization is widely thought to promote plant nutrient absorption. It is well known fact that inoculation with AMF can result in adequate escalation in accumulation of various macro- and micronutrients, leading to increase in production of photosynthates and thus enhanced biomass accumulation [23]. AMF have the capacity to escalate the absorption of inorganic substances, notably phosphate, in practically all plants [24]. AMF are also particularly productive at assisting plants in absorbing nutrients from mineral deficient soils. Apart from macronutrients, the association of AMF has been described to inflate the phyto-availability of microelements viz. Zinc and Copper [21, 22]. AMF increases the surface absorbency of the roots of host plant. Inflation in photosynthetic activity and other foliage activities are clearly related to an increase in the occurrence of AMF inoculation, which is clearly related to absorption of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, which approaches towards roots and increase tuber enlargement. AMF has been found to balance the absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus, thereby aiding plant enlargement at both high and low concentrations of P under diverse irrigation regimes.

The enhancement of growth in plants by fungi is more remarkable in tropical soils than temperate areas because of inherently low fertility in tropical areas. The phosphatic fertilizers added to the soil are fixed and became unavailable for plants, under low pH phosphorus gets fixed with Fe and Al and under high pH it gets fixed with Ca [25]. AM fungi has the ability to improve P- nutrition in plants through the enlargement of hyphae far off the root system, which permits investigation of fixed minerals [26]. The most significant function of AM is to improve Uptake of P in plants from low P concentrated areas owing to the greater surface area of hyphae and uptake mechanism. The mycorrhizal associated plants show rapid movement of P from roots to above ground parts because of steep gradient between the two. The steepness is due to rapid conversion of inorganic P in the above-ground parts compared to roots. AM also acts on phytate minerals (source of organic P) through the production of acid phosphatize to liberate the H2PO4 ions [27].

4.2 AMF and plant yield

Useful root zone microflora besides improving the nutrient content of crop, improve crop standard as well. For example, reports have revealed that colonization of strawberry with AMF escalated the concentration of secondary metabolites, leading to better antioxidant activity [28]. AMF has the potential to enhance nutritional standard by influencing the synthesis of carotenoids and other volatile chemicals. Further research [29] found that Glomus versiforme had higher levels of sugars, organic acids, vitamin C, flavonoids, and minerals, resulting in higher standard of citrus fruits. Mycorrhizal symbiosis increases anthocyanins, chlorophyll, cartenoids, total soluble phenolics, tocopherols, and a variety of mineral nutrients. Rouphael et al. [30] revealed that AMF might mitigate inanimate pressue by regulating soil pH and so preserving its horticultural value (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

A diagrammatic illustration of mycorrhizal roles in regulating numerous ecosystem processes and promoting plant development under abiotic stress conditions.


5. AMF and abiotic stresses

5.1 Drought

Drought is the dearth of sufficient levels of water in the root zone for normal functioning of plant. It is also referred as water deprivation or water stress. Drought stress effects in plants emerge due to deficiency of water in the rhizospheric region, a high transpiration rate, or the rapid formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the subsequent onset of oxidative stress [31]. Drought stresses have a negative impact on expansion on plants owing to alteration in enzymatic activity, Ion and mineral absorption [32]. Symbiotic associations are thought to govern a number of physio-biochemical processes in plants, including greater osmotic adjustment, stomatal regulation through modulating ABA metabolism, increased proline buildup, and higher glutathione levels. Under drought conditions, the symbiotic connection of numerous plants with AMF may eventually boost biomass, LAI, length of roots and efficiency [33]. Li et al. [34], reported that in C3 plants viz. Leymus chinensis and C4 plants viz. Hemarthria altissima the growth and photosynthesis was enhance by AMF mediation through up-regulation of antioxidant system. Abiotic stressors like salt and drought generate significant decline in agricultural return. Furthermore, mineral depletion, water stress, salt stress and increase in pH, the existence of trace elements, and elevated temperatures are major issues in numerous regions of the world, especially in dry regions [35]. This mutualistic interaction has been reported to participate in a variety of biochemical and physiological activities, including (1) direct absorption and transfer of water and minerals by mycorrhizal fungi, (2) enhanced osmotic regulation, (3) improved gas exchange and Efficiency of water utilization, and (4) strong defense in opposition to oxidative destruction [36]. In contrast to non-mycorrhizal plants, mycorrhizal fungus can also change water control in plant growth by altering hormonal equilibrium signaling or by stimulating osmolytes in mycorrhizal plants (increased vigor or volume of products of photosynthesis and dissolvable sugars in the foliage symplasm). In drought conditions, AM inoculation of plants improved size and density of root hairs. These plants also have higher concentrations of methyl jasmonate, IAA, calmodulin, and nitric oxide in their roots, resulting in enhanced resistance to drought stress [37].

5.2 Salinity

Soil salinization is a well-known environmental phenomenon that poses a serious danger to international food safety. Salinity stress is common for suppressing plant growth by altering vegetative development and overall absorption rate, leading to lower quantity of yield. It also stimulates the extravagant production of reactive oxygen species. The resistance to salinity involves Na + and Cl- storage in cell vacuoles, which prevents Na + entry into the cell and its removal by transpiration. Efforts are being undertaken to investigate potential methods of increasing agricultural output on salt-affected soils. One such option is to apply AMF sparingly to reduce the negative effects of salinity on plants. Some research investigations have established the effectiveness of AMF in initiating growth and increasing production in plants subjected to salt stress [38]. EL-Nashar [39], demonstrated that MF increased enlargement rate. Foliage water potential, water utilization potential of Antirrhinum majus plant. Under saline conditions, mycorrhizal inoculation significantly increased rate of photosynthesis and other gas exchange properties, chlorophyll concentration, and water utilization potential in Ocimum basilicum L. [40]. Furthermore, Plants with AMF produce more jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, and other vital inorganic nutrients. Under salt stress conditions, for instance, total N, P, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ concentrations were more in AMF-treated Cucumis sativus plants than in untreated plants [41]. AMF inoculation can efficiently modulate critical growth regulator levels. Furthermore, AMF inoculation increased the build up of different organic acids, leading to enhanced osmoregulation mechanism in plant growth under salt stress. Salinity has an impact on crop morphology, physiological function, and yield, as well as a large amount of arable land. It has been discovered that tomato plant production is maximum at salinity concentration of 5 dSm−1, however Salinity has been shown to reduce foliage area and dry matter concentration. Furthermore, the foliage was shown to be more vulnerable to salinity stress than the fruits because they contained more proline and Na [42]. Salinity influences all stages of plant growth, including germination, seedling, vegetative phase, and maturity. Salinity disrupts plant ionic adjustment and osmotic pressure, as well as cell membrane selectivity [43]. Salinity disrupts plant ionic homeostasis by amplifying ROS (reactive oxygen species), that negatively influences nutrient absorption, cell membranes, and different ultra structures, resulting in ionic and osmotic stress [44].

5.3 Heavy metals

AMF is commonly thought to reinforce plant development in heavy metal-contaminated soil owing to their ability to build up defense system of host plants and growth and development promotion. These trace elements accrete in all crops viz., (food crops, fruits, vegetables) and soils, giving rise to a variety of health risks. Under aluminum stress, the interaction of AMF with whet improved nutrition absorption [45]. Plants planted in soil augmented with Cd and Zn showed remarkable inhibition of under and above ground growth, chlorosis, and even mortality [46]. The significant effect of AMF on plant development and growth under acute stressful circumstances is usually due to the tendency of fungi to augment morphological and physiological processes that enhance plant biomass and, as a result, absorption of critical immobile elements like Cu, Zn, and P, resulting in decrease in harmful effects of metals on the host plants [47]. Decrease in concentration of metals by dilution in plant tissues and chelation in the root zone is believed to cause enhanced growth. AMF blend with Cd and Zn in the cell walls of mantle hyphae and cortical cells, limiting their absorption and leading in increased growth, yield, and nutritional status. AMF were highly effective in decreasing Cd detoxifying levels in rice [48]. Numerous processes occur as a result of the AMF, including metal compound immobilization/restriction, polyphosphate granule formation in the soil, adsorption to fungal cell wall chitin, and heavy metal chelation within the fungus.

5.4 Temperature

Plant community reactions to rising soil temperatures may be based on AMF interactions for long-term yield and production [49]. Heat stress has a remarkable affect on plant growth and development through different processes viz. (1) drop in plant vigor and seed germination inhibition, (2) retarded growth potential, (3) diminishing biomass (4) wilting and burning of foliage and reproductive parts, (5) abscission and senescence of foliage, (6) fruit destruction and change in color, (7) yield loss and cell death, and (8) increased oxidative stress. AMF-inoculated plants typically develop faster under heat stress than non-AMF-inoculated plants. Maya and Matsubara [50] demonstrated the symbiosis of AMF Glomus fasciculatum with plant expansion and enlargement, resulting in favorable alterations in growth under high temperature situations.

AMF can help plants tolerate cold stress. Furthermore, according to the majority of reports, diverse plants inoculated with AMF at low temperatures show good growth than non-AMF-inoculated plants [51]. AMF helps crops fight cold stress and subsequently improves plant development. Furthermore, AMF can regulate moisture content in the host plant, leading to escalation in plant secondary metabolites, so strengthening the plant defense system, and enhanced protein concentration, thereby assisting plants in combating cold stress situations [52]. During cold stress, for example, AMF injected plants demonstrated higher water saving ability as well as usage efficiency [53]. The symbiotic AMF connection boosts the water-plant relationship while increasing gas exchange potential and osmotic balance. AMF improves chlorophyll production, resulting in a remarkable increase in the concentrations of different metabolites in plants exposed to cold stress conditions [54]. Low temperatures have a deleterious impact on plant metabolism. It can cause substantial harm to plant tissue, including yellowing of leaves, membrane damage, cell death, and changes in enzyme action and cytoplasm viscosity in vegetable plants. Chilling stress reduces photosynthetic efficiency and increases electrolyte leakage in watermelon seedlings [55] (Figure 2) (Table 1).

Figure 2.

Temperature stress in plants is alleviated by AMF inoculation.

Fungal species and recorded responseHost species involved
Pavithra and Yapa [56] reported that under Drought conditions AMF has enhanced proline content in foliage, leaf area index, rate of growth, photosynthesis, weight of seedsGlycine max L.
Zhang et al. [57] revealed that Funneliformis mosseae, Paraglomus occultum under drought stress conditions resulted in increase in size of hyphae, water potential of foliagePoncirus trifoliate
Sara et al. [58] reported that AMF under drought stress situations provided relief to plants and enhanced turgor pressure and absorption of mineralsOlea europaea
Pal and Pandey [59] reported various fungal species viz., Glomus mosseae, Glomus fasciculatum, Gigaspora decipiens led to escalation of plant growth, pigments and total chlorophyll under drought stressTriticum aestivum L.
Pedranzani et al. [60] reported that Rhizophagus irregularis improved conductance of stomata, lipid peroxidation and liberation of hydrogen peroxide in above and underground parts under drought stressDigitaria eriantha
Rani [61] reported that Glomus mosseae under drought stress conditions escalated osmotic potential, activity of enzymes and ascorbic acidTriticum aestivum
Goicoechea et al. [62] reported under drought stress conditions Rhizophagus intraradices increased micronutrient content in grains and biomassTriticum durum
Yooyongwech et al. [63] reported that Glomus spp. has the tendency to adjust the osmotic potential of plants under drought by soluble carbohydrates and prolineIpomoea Batatas
Mirshad and Pathur [64] reported that Glomus spp. under drought promoted absorption of nutrients, phenolics, biomass in plantsSaccharm arundinaceum Retz.
Zhao et al. [65] revealed that Rhizophagus intraradices, strain BGCBJ09 improved absorption of essential elements in above ground parts of plant, enhanced dry weight in plants and water use efficiencyZea mays
Ruiz-Lozano et al. [66] reported that Rhizophagus irregularis, Glomus intraradices improved biomass and efficiency of PS2 under droughtLettuce and tomato
Amiri et al. [67] showed enhanced nutrient level, biomass and proteins associated with glomalin under drought by Rhizophagus intraradices, Funneliformis mosseaePelargonium graveolens
Boyer et al. [68] reported increase in survival rate under drought stressFragaria ananassa
Yang et al. [69] reported enhanced photosynthetic action, dry biomass under drought stress by Funneliformis mosseae and Rhizophagus intraradicesRobinia pseudoacacia L.
Grümberg et al. [70] reported that Glomus spp. escalated macronutrient content and water content in plants under droughtG. max
Asrar et al. [71] reported that Glomus deserticola has improved dimensions of plants like diameter, foliage per plant, chlorophyll and proline under droughtAntirrhinum majus
Tsoata et al. [72] reported that Glomus intraradices, Gigaspora gregaria enhanced the sugar and mineral concentration and decrease in proline content under droughtVigna subterranean
Bayani et al. [73] reported that Glomus intraradices increased Root volume, P content, and activity of phosphatase enzyme under drought stressHordeum vulgare
Cabral et al. [74] reported under heat stress Rhizophagus irregularis, Funneliformis mosseae, Claroideoglomus claroideum resulted in increased root grain number, resource allocation, and nutrient compositionTriticum aestivum L.
Mathur et al. [75] reported that Rhizophagus intraradices, Funneliformis mosseae, F. geosporum increased plant height, chlorophyll a, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, and photosynthetic rate under high temperatureZea mays
Calvo-Polanco et al. [76] reported improvement in water conduction as well as aquaporin quantity and phosphorylation status under high temperature by Rhizophagus irregularisSolanum lycopersicum
Lin et al. [77] reported nodule formation in roots, increased concentration of N and P under metal contamination by Glomus mosseaeSesbania rostrata
Abdelhameed and Rabab [78] revealed that Glomus clarum, G. monosporum, Gigaspora nigra have enhanced antioxidant activity and malondialdehyde content in Cd contaminated soilTrigonella foenum –graecum L.
Garg and Singh [79] reported increase in under -ground biomass, nutrient content, proline content in Cd and Zn contaminated soil by Rhizophagus irregularisCajanus cajan L.
Hajiboland et al. [80] reported improvement in ion absorption, dry matter, chlorophyll concentration and other growth paramaters under saline stress by Glomus intraradices.Solanum lycopersicum L.
Hashem et al. [41] reported that Glomus etunicatum, Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae has escalated biomass, pigment production in photosynthetic, and antioxidant enzymeCucumis sativus L.
Khalloufi et al. [81] reported increment in foliage area, number of leaves and concentration of growth hormones by Rhizophagus irregularis under salt stressSolanum lycopersicum L.
Porcel et al. [82] has revealed that Claroideoglomus etunicatum resulted in improvement in PSII photochemistry quantum yield, net photosynthetic rate, and stomatal conductance under salt stress.Oryza sativa L.
Hajiboland et al. [83] reported increment in above and under-ground dry mass, stomatal conductance, soluble sugars, free amino acids, and Na + and K+ absorption by Claroideoglomus etunicatum under salt stressAeluropus littoralis
Giri et al. [2] reported under salt stress Glomus fasciculate has escalated root and shoot biomass, as well as P, Zn, and Cu concentrations.Acacia nilotica
Jixiang et al. [84] reported under saline stress Glomus mosseae increased colonization rate, seedling weight, water content, and P and N concentration.Leymus chinensis

Table 1.

Brief overview of various fungal species and their recorded responses.


6. Conclusion

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi have cosmopolitan distribution in soil environment and live in mutualistic association with the roots of angiosperms and other plants. The mutualistic association between fungi and plant roots assist in absorption of macronutrients viz., P, N as well as trace elements viz. Zn, Fe, Cu. The various ways to achieve these functions effectively are increment in absorption area of plants, liberation of biochemical substances. These have significant role in cycling of nutrients by mobilizing the fixed elements as well as serving as sink for various elements. Furthermore, they have ability to decrease various biotic and abiotic stresses like drought, saline, water, temperature and resistance to diseases. These increase the availability of less accessible elements to plants. The significance of fungi in agricultural production and forestry is due to its contribution in growth and nutrition of plants. The utilization of AM as fertilizers is not deleterious to plants as chemical fertilizers. These microbe-mediated supplements are utilized to escalate the nutritional status of plants. The merit is they are eco-friendly and do not cause any detrimental effect to the environment besides increasing yield and providing protection against diseases.


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Written By

Malik A. Aziz, Shayesta Islam, Gousia Gani, Zaffar M. Dar, Amajad Masood and Syed H. Baligah

Submitted: 11 July 2022 Reviewed: 11 October 2022 Published: 22 March 2023