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Analytical Expressions of Infinite Fourier Sine and Cosine Transform-Based Ramanujan Integrals RS,C(m, n) in Terms of Hypergeometric Series 2F3(⋅)

Written By

Showkat Ahmad Dar and M. Kamarujjama

Reviewed: 01 October 2022 Published: 13 September 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.108401

From the Edited Volume

Time Frequency Analysis of Some Generalized Fourier Transforms

Edited by Mohammad Younus Bhat

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In this chapter, we obtain analytical expressions of infinite Fourier sine and cosine transform-based Ramanujan integrals, RS,Cmn=∫0∞xm−1+exp2πxsincosπnxdx, in an infinite series of hypergeometric functions 2F3⋅, using the hypergeometric technique. Also, we have given some generalizations of the Ramanujan’s integrals RS,Cmn in the form of integrals denoted by IS,C∗υbcλy,JS,Cυbcλy,KS,Cυbcλy and IS,Cυbλy. These generalized definite integrals are expressed in terms of ordinary hypergeometric functions 2F3⋅, with suitable convergence conditions. Moreover, as applications of Ramanujan’s integrals RS,Cmn, some closed form of infinite summation formulas involving hypergeometric functions 1F2, 2F3⋅, and 0F1 are derived.


  • generalized hypergeometric function
  • infinite Fourier sine and cosine transforms
  • Ramanujan’s integrals
  • Fox-Wright psi hypergeometric function
  • hypergeometric series

1. Introduction

Naturally, we call a function”special” when the function, just as the logarithm, the exponential and trigonometric functions (the elementary transcendental functions), belongs to the toolbox of the applied mathematician, the physicist, or the engineer. This branch of mathematics has a good history with great names such as Gauss, Euler, Fourier, Legendre, and Bessel. This chapter includes definitions, namely infinite Fourier sine and cosine transforms, Pochhammer’s symbol and related results, generalized Gauss hypergeometric function and its special cases, Fox-Wright hypergeometric function and its convergence conditions, Hypergeometric form of elementary functions, Gauss-Legendre multiplication formula and infinite series decomposition identity. In the literature [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], the analytical expressions of the Fourier sine and cosine transforms of xυ1\expbx±1 are available in terms of Riemann’s zeta function, the Psi function (Digamma function), hyperbolic function and Beta function. The analytical solution of the following infinite Fourier sine and cosine transforms based Ramanujan integrals ([7], p. 85, eq. (49) last line):


are not given for all positive rational values of n and non-negative integral values of m.


2. Definitions and preliminaries

2.1 Fourier sine and cosine transforms

The infinite Fourier sine and cosine transforms of gx over the interval 0 are defined by


For example, if y>0, 0<Reυ<2 for Fourier sine transform of xυ and y>0, 0<Reυ<1 for Fourier cosine transform of xυ, then the infinite Fourier sine and cosine transforms of xυ ([3], p. 68) are given by


Further, if b>0, 1<s<1 for Fourier sine transform and b>0, 0<s<1 for Fourier cosine transform, then the infinite Fourier sine and cosine transform of xs1 are given by [3, 5, 8].


Moreover, if μ>2 for Fourier sine transform and μ>1 for Fourier cosine transform, then we can prove the following integral by using Maclaurin’s expansion of expaxξ and term by term integrating with the help of the result (4)


where 0<ξ<1, a>0 and y>0. The conditions μ>2 and μ>1 stated in the integrals (5) follows from the theory of analytic continuation [5, 8]. We have also verified the conditions μ>2 and μ>1, using Wolfram Mathematica software.

2.2 Generalized gauss hypergeometric function

A natural generalization of the Gauss hypergeometric function 2F1z is the generalized hypergeometric function pFqz with p numerator parameters α1,,αp and q denominator parameters β1,,βq defined by [9].


where αjCj=1p, βjC\Z0j=1q and p,qN0. Then the hypergeometric pFqz function in (6) converges absolutely for z< when pq and for z<1 when p=q+1. Furthermore, if we set,


it is known that when p=q+1 the function pFqz is absolutely convergent for z=1 if ω>0, conditionally convergent for z=1 (z1) if 1<ω<0 and divergent for z=1 if ω1.

2.3 Hypergeometric form of elementary functions

The important special cases of pFqz include (for example) the binomial series 1F0z given by [9].


where z<1, aC.

Elementary trigonometric functions ([10], p. 44, eq. (9) and eq. (10)) are given by


Lommel function ([10], p. 44, eq. (13)) is given by


where μ±υC\1357.

Struve function ([10], p. 44, eq. (16)) is given by


Modified Struve function ([10], p. 45, eq. (17)) is given by


2.4 Pochhammer’s symbol

Here λυλυC denotes the Pochhammer’s symbol (or the shifted factorial, since 1n=n!) is defined, in general, by [10].


Algebraic property of Pochhammer symbol:


2.5 Gauss-Legendre multiplication formula

For every positive integer m ([10], p. 22, eq. (26)), we have


From the above result (16) with λ=mz, it can be proved that


where z0,1m,2m,.;mN.

The eq. (17) is known as Gauss-Legendre multiplication formula for Gamma function.

2.6 Legendre’s duplication formula

When we put m=2 in the eq. (17), we get


which is known as Legendre’s duplication formula.

2.7 Infinite series decomposition identity

An infinite series decomposition identity ([11], p. 193, eq. (8)) is given by


where N is an arbitrary positive integer. Put N=4 in the above eq. (19), we get


provided that all involved infinite series are absolutely convergent.

2.8 Fox-Wright psi function of one variable

A natural generalization of the hypergeometric function pFqz is the Fox-Wright psi function of one variable with p pairs of numerator parameters α1A1,,αpAp and q pairs of denominator parameters β1B1,,βqBq, defined by [12, 13].


where ρ=1,zC; parameters αi,βjC; coefficients Ai,BjR=+ in case of series (22) (or Ai,BjR+=0+ in case of contour integral (23)), Ai0i=12p,Bj0j=12q. In eq. (22), the parameters αi,βj and coefficients Ai,Bj are adjusted in such a way that the product of Gamma functions in numerator and denominator should be well defined.





Then we have the following convergence conditions of (22) or (23).

Case (1): When contour L is a left loop beginning and ending at , then pΨq given by (22) or (23) holds the following convergence conditions.

  1. When Δ>1,0<z<, z0.

  2. When Δ=1, 0<z<δ.

  3. When Δ=1,z=δ, and μ>12.

Case (2): When contour L is a right loop beginning and ending at +, then pΨq given by (22) or (23) holds the following convergence conditions.

  1. When Δ<1, 0<z<,z0.

  2. When Δ=1, z>δ.

  3. When Δ=1,z=δ, and μ>12.

Case (3): When contour L is starting from γi and ending at γ+i where γR=+, then pΨq is also convergent under the following conditions.

  1. When σ>0, argz<π2σ, 0<z<,z0.

  2. When σ=0, argz=0, 0<z<,z0 such that γΔ+μ>12+γ.

  3. When γ=0, σ=0,argz=0, 0<z<,z0, such that μ>12.

In the available literature [7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] on Ramanujan’s Mathematics, the analytical expression of Ramanujan’s integrals RS,Cmn are not given. Therefore, the main object of this chapter is to evaluate the representation of RS,Cmn in an ordinary hypergeometric function 2F3. Also, our contribution to Ramanujan’s Mathematics is determined by the result in [19, 20]. Here in this chapter, we generalize Ramanujan’s integrals RS,Cmn in the following forms:


where Θkk=0 is a fixed sequence of the arbitrary real or complex numbers. Moreover, we also show how the main general theorem given below applies to obtaining new interesting results by suitable adjustments in parameters and variables.


3. Ramanujan’s integrals

The analytical solution of the following integral of Ramanujan ([7], p. 85, eq. (49) last line):


is not given for all positive rational values of n and non-negative integral values of m.

For particular values of m and n in Ramanujan’s integral RCmn, the following three integrals are given by ([7], p. 86, eq. (50)):


The following theorem is proved by Ramanujan ([7], p. 76, 77, eq. (10 and 10′)).

Theorem 1.3.1. Let n be real and positive. Then if








For particular values of n, some values of Ramanujan’s integral ([7], p. 85 (eq. 48)) are given below


By calculation of (7) and (9), we get the following infinite fourier sine transform of 1+exp2πx


For special values of n=1,2,12 in the above eq. (16) and using Φ1,Φ2 and Φ12, we get after simplification the following three results:


4. Main general theorems on infinite Fourier sine and cosine transform

In this section, we give some generalizations of the infinite Fourier sine and cosine transform-based Ramanujan integrals RS,C in the form of infinite series of hypergeometric functions 2F3. Moreover, we denote these generalizations by IS,C, JS,C, KS,C and IS,C [21, 22].

Theorem 1.4.1. SupposeΘkk=0is a fixed sequence of arbitrary real or complex numbers and satisfy the conditionsυ>1,c>0,y>0;λ>0,b>0orλ<0b<0.

then we have


Now replacing by 4+j, after simplification we get


Our result (30)or (31) or (32) is convergent in view of the convergence condition of pFq series, when pq, and z<.

Proof: The result (29) is obtained by the application of the integral (49) [with substitutions μ=υ1,a=λb+ck,ξ=12] in the R.H.S. of eq. (28). Also, we calculate the results (30) to (32) by using the infinite series decomposition identity (20) and (21) and algebraic properties of Pochhammer’s symbols.

4.1 Analytical expressions of infinite Fourier sine and cosine transforms

Theorem 1.4.2. Analytical expressions of the infinite Fourier sine and cosine transforms ofxυ1exrΨsholds true forυ>1;c>0,y>0;λ>0,b>0orλ<0b<0then we have


Here the parameters αi,βjC and coefficients Ai,BjR=+;Ai0i=12r,Bj0j=12s and rΨs is the Fox-Wright psi function of one variable subject to suitable convergence conditions derived from conditions discussed in case (1) or case (2) or case (3) of the function pΨq given by (22) and (23). When N is positive integer then ΔNλ denotes the array of N parameters given by λN,λ+1N,,λ+N1N. When N and j are independent variables then the notation ΔNj+1 denotes the set of N parameters given by j+1N,j+2N,,j+NN. When j is dependent variable that is j=0,1,2,3,,N1, then the asterisk in ΔNj+1 represents the fact that the (denominator) parameters NN is always omitted (due to the need of factorial in denominator in the power series form of hypergeometric function) so that the set ΔNj+1 obviously contains only N1 parameters ([10], Chap. 3, p. 214).

Proof: Let us consider Θk=Γα1+kA1Γαr+kArΓβ1+kB1Γβs+kBsk=0,1,2,3 in the eqs. (28)and (30), then after evaluation we get integral expressions (33) involving the Fox-Wright Psi function in the form of infinite series of an ordinary 2F3 hypergeometric function (34).

Theorem 1.4.3. Analytical expressions of the infinite Fourier sine and cosine transforms ofxυ1exrFsholds true forυ>1;c>0,y>0;λ>0,b>0(orλ<0,b<0) then we have


where the parameters αi,βjCi=12r,j=12s and rs+1.

Proof: If A1==Ar=B1==Bs=1 in (33) and (34), then we get the above integral expressions involving generalized hypergeometric function in the form of infinite series of an ordinary 2F3 hypergeometric function (36).

Corollary 1.4.4. An infinite Fourier sine and cosine transforms ofxυ11+expbxλholds true forυ>1;λ>0,b>0andy>0then we have


Proof: If we consider Θk=λk and c=b in (28), which yields


Upon the use of binomial expansion (52) in the above eq. (41), then we get after evaluation (37). The results (38) to (40) are derived from (29) to (32) by putting Θk=λk and c=b.

Corollary 1.4.5. Analytical expressions of the Ramanujan’s integralsRS,Cmnholds true for non-negative integermand positive rational numbern[21,22].


Proof: The results (42) to (44) are obtained from (37), (38), (39) and (40) by putting υ=m+1,b=2π, λ=1 and y=.


5. Closed form infinite summation formulas

We have derived some closed forms of infinite summation formulas involving hypergeometric functions 0F1, 1F2, and 2F3 [21, 22].


Proof: When m=0 with n=1,2,12 in the eqs. (42) to (44) and comparing with the eqs. (17), (18), and (19), we get the results (46), (47) and (48) respectively. In view of the hypergeometric functions (70), (71) and (72), we can express the above results (46) to (48) in terms of cosine, sine and Lommel functions. Our results (46) to (48) are convergent in view of the convergence condition of pFq series, when pq, and for all z<.

Similarly, we derive (49) to (51) by putting m=1,n=12; m=1,n=2 and m=2,n=2 in the eqs. (42) and (44) and finally comparing with (3), (4) and (5). When m=0 with n=1,2,4,6,12,25 in the eqs. (42) and (44) and comparing with (10) to (15), we get the rest of results (52) to (57) respectively. In view of the hypergeometric functions (53), (54) and (55), we can express the above results (52) to (57) in terms of cosine, sine and Lommel functions. Our results (49) to (57) are convergent in view of the convergence condition of pFq series, when pq, and for all z<.


6. Concluding remarks

We have derived analytical expressions of the infinite Fourier sine and cosine transforms related to Ramanujan’s integrals as an infinite sum of ordinary hypergeometric functions 2F3, with suitable convergence conditions. Moreover, as applications of Ramanujan’s integrals RSmn, some closed form infinite summation formulas associated with hypergeometric functions 1F2, 2F3 and 0F1 are evaluated. It is hoped that other such integrals can also be evaluated in a similar way. We conclude by remarking that various new results and applications can be obtained from our general theorem by appropriate choice of the parameters υ,λ,b,c,y and fixed sequence Θkk=0 in ICυbcλy.



One of the authors (S.A. Dar) acknowledges financial support from the University Grants Commission of India for the award of a Dr. D.S. Kothari Post Doctoral Fellowship(DSKPDF) (Grant number F.4-2/2006 (BSR)/MA/20-21/0061).


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Written By

Showkat Ahmad Dar and M. Kamarujjama

Reviewed: 01 October 2022 Published: 13 September 2023