Open access peer-reviewed chapter

The Paradigm of Complex Probability and Quantum Mechanics: The Infinite Potential Well Problem – The Momentum Wavefunction and the Wavefunction Entropies

Written By

Abdo Abou Jaoudé

Submitted: 18 July 2022 Reviewed: 01 September 2022 Published: 15 November 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.107665

From the Edited Volume

Applied Probability Theory - New Perspectives, Recent Advances and Trends

Edited by Abdo Abou Jaoudé

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The mathematical probability concept was set forth by Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov in 1933 by laying down a five-axioms system. This scheme can be improved to embody the set of imaginary numbers after adding three new axioms. Accordingly, any stochastic phenomenon can be performed in the set C of complex probabilities which is the summation of the set R of real probabilities and the set M of imaginary probabilities. Our objective now is to encompass complementary imaginary dimensions to the stochastic phenomenon taking place in the “real” laboratory in R and as a consequence to calculate in the sets R, M, and C all the corresponding probabilities. Hence, the probability is permanently equal to one in the entire set C = R+M independently of all the probabilities of the input stochastic variable distribution in R, and subsequently, the output of the random phenomenon in R can be determined perfectly in C. This is due to the fact that the probability in C is calculated after the elimination and subtraction of the chaotic factor from the degree of our knowledge of the nondeterministic phenomenon. My innovative Complex Probability Paradigm (CPP) will be applied to the established theory of quantum mechanics in order to express it completely deterministically in the universe C=R+M.


  • degree of our knowledge
  • chaotic factor
  • complex random vector
  • probability norm
  • complex probability set C
  • momentum wavefunction
  • imaginary entropy
  • complex entropy

1. Introduction

1.1 The momentum wavefunction and CPP

1.1.1 The momentum wavefunction probability distribution and CPP

The probability density for finding a particle with a given momentum is derived from the wavefunction as fp=ϕp2. As with position, the wavefunction momentum probability density function (PDF) for finding the particle at a given momentum depends upon its state, and is given by [1, 2]:


Where =h2π is the reduced Planck constant and sincx=sinxx is the cardinal sine sinc function.

Therefore, the wavefunction momentum cumulative probability distribution function (CDF) which is equal to PrP in R is:


And the real complementary probability to PrP in R which is PmP/i is:


Consequently, the imaginary complementary probability to PrP in M which is PmP is:


Furthermore, the complex random number or vector in C=R+M which is ZP is:


Additionally, the degree of our knowledge which is DOKP is:


Moreover, the chaotic factor which is ChfP is:


In addition, the magnitude of the chaotic factor which is MChfP is:


Finally, the real probability in the complex probability universe C=R+M which is PcP is:


And, PcP can be computed using CPP as follows:


And, PcP can be computed using always CPP as follows also:


Hence, the prediction of all the wavefunction momentum probabilities of the random infinite potential well problem in the universe C=R+M is permanently certain and perfectly deterministic.

1.1.2 The new model simulations

The following figures (Figures 137) illustrate all the calculations done above.

Figure 1.

The graph of the PDF of the wavefunction momentum probability distribution as a function of the random variable P for n = 1.

Figure 2.

The graphs of all the CPP parameters as functions of the random variable P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 1.

Figure 3.

The graphs of DOK and Chf and the deterministic probability Pc in terms of P and of each other for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 1.

Figure 4.

The graphs of Pr and Pm/i and Pc in terms of P and of each other for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 1.

Figure 5.

The graphs of the probabilities Pr and Pm and Z in terms of P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 1.

Figure 6.

The graph of the PDF of the wavefunction momentum probability distribution as a function of the random variable P for n = 2.

Figure 7.

The graphs of all the CPP parameters as functions of the random variable P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 2.

Figure 8.

The graphs of DOK and Chf and the deterministic probability Pc in terms of P and of each other for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 2.

Figure 9.

The graphs of Pr and Pm/i and Pc in terms of P and of each other for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 2.

Figure 10.

The graphs of the probabilities Pr and Pm and Z in terms of P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 2.

Figure 11.

The graph of the PDF of the wavefunction momentum probability distribution as a function of the random variable P for n = 3.

Figure 12.

The graphs of all the CPP parameters as functions of the random variable P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 3.

Figure 13.

The graphs of DOK and Chf and the deterministic probability Pc in terms of P and of each other for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 3.

Figure 14.

The graphs of Pr and Pm/i and Pc in terms of P and of each other for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 3.

Figure 15.

The graphs of the probabilities Pr and Pm and Z in terms of P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 3.

Figure 16.

The graph of the PDF of the wavefunction momentum probability distribution as a function of the random variable P for n = 4.

Figure 17.

The graphs of all the CPP parameters as functions of the random variable P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 4.

Figure 18.

The graphs of DOK and Chf and the deterministic probability Pc in terms of P and of each other for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 4.

Figure 19.

The graphs of Pr and Pm/i and Pc in terms of P and of each other for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 4.

Figure 20.

The graphs of the probabilities Pr and Pm and Z in terms of P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 4.

Figure 21.

The graph of the PDF of the wavefunction momentum probability distribution as a function of the random variable P for n = 5.

Figure 22.

The graphs of all the CPP parameters as functions of the random variable P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 5.

Figure 23.

The graphs of DOK and Chf and the deterministic probability Pc in terms of P and of each other for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 5.

Figure 24.

The graphs of Pr and Pm/i and Pc in terms of P and of each other for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 5.

Figure 25.

The graphs of the probabilities Pr and Pm and Z in terms of P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 5.

Figure 26.

The graph of the PDF of the wavefunction momentum probability distribution as a function of the random variable P for n = 6.

Figure 27.

The graphs of all the CPP parameters as functions of the random variable P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 6.

Figure 28.

The graphs of DOK and Chf and the deterministic probability Pc in terms of P and of each other for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 6.

Figure 29.

The graphs of Pr and Pm/i and Pc in terms of P and of each other for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 6.

Figure 30.

The graphs of the probabilities Pr and Pm and Z in terms of P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 6.

Figure 31.

The graph of the PDF of the wavefunction momentum probability distribution as a function of the random variable P for n = 7.

Figure 32.

The graphs of all the CPP parameters as functions of the random variable P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 7.

Figure 33.

The graphs of DOK and Chf and the deterministic probability Pc in terms of P and of each other for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 7.

Figure 34.

The graphs of Pr and Pm/i and Pc in terms of P and of each other for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 7.

Figure 35.

The graphs of the probabilities Pr and Pm and Z in terms of P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for n = 7.

Figure 36.

The graph of the PDF of the wavefunction momentum probability distribution as a function of the random variable P for n = 12.

Figure 37.

The graph of the PDF of the wavefunction momentum probability distribution as a function of the random variable P for n = 100. Simulations interpretation

In Figures 1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36, and37 we can see the graphs of the probability density functions (PDF) of the wavefunction momentum probability distribution for this problem as functions of the random variable P for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 100.

In Figures 2,7,12,17,22,27, and32 we can see also the graphs and the simulations of all the CPP parameters (Chf, MChf, DOK, Pr, Pm/i, Pc) as functions of the random variable P for the wavefunction momentum probability distribution of the infinite potential well problem for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Hence, we can visualize all the new paradigm functions for this problem.

In the cubes (Figures 3,8,13,18,23,28, and 33), the simulation of DOK and Chf as functions of each other and the random variable P for the infinite potential well problem wavefunction momentum probability distribution can be seen. The thick line in cyan is the projection of the plane Pc2(P) = DOK(P) – Chf(P) = 1 = Pc(P) on the plane P = Lb = lower bound of P. This thick line starts at the point (DOK = 1, Chf = 0) when P = Lb, reaches the point (DOK = 0.5, Chf = −0.5) when P = 0, and returns at the end to (DOK = 1, Chf = 0) when P = Ub = upper bound of P. The other curves are the graphs of DOK(P) (red) and Chf(P) (green, blue, pink) in different simulation planes. Notice that they all have a minimum at the point (DOK = 0.5, Chf = −0.5, P = 0). The last simulation point corresponds to (DOK = 1, Chf = 0, P = Ub).

In the cubes (Figures 4,9,14,19,24,29, and 34), we can notice the simulation of the real probability Pr(P) in R and its complementary real probability Pm(P)/i in R also in terms of the random variable P for the infinite potential well problem wavefunction momentum probability distribution. The thick line in cyan is the projection of the plane Pc2(P) = Pr(P) + Pm(P)/i = 1 = Pc(P) on the plane P = Lb = lower bound of P. This thick line starts at the point (Pr = 0, Pm/i = 1) and ends at the point (Pr = 1, Pm/i = 0). The red curve represents Pr(P) in the plane Pr(P) = Pm(P)/i in light gray. This curve starts at the point (Pr = 0, Pm/i = 1, P = Lb = lower bound of P), reaches the point (Pr = 0.5, Pm/i = 0.5, P = 0), and gets at the end to (Pr = 1, Pm/i = 0, P = Ub = upper bound of P). The blue curve represents Pm(P)/i in the plane in cyan Pr(P) + Pm(P)/i = 1 = Pc(P). Notice the importance of the point which is the intersection of the red and blue curves at P = 0 and when Pr(P) = Pm(P)/i = 0.5.

In the cubes (Figures 5,10,15,20,25,30, and 35), we can notice the simulation of the complex probability Z(P) in C=R+M as a function of the real probability Pr(P) = Re(Z) in R and of its complementary imaginary probability Pm(P) = i × Im(Z) in M, and this in terms of the random variable P for the infinite potential well problem wavefunction momentum probability distribution. The red curve represents Pr(P) in the plane Pm(P) = 0 and the blue curve represents Pm(P) in the plane Pr(P) = 0. The green curve represents the complex probability Z(P) = Pr(P) + Pm(P) = Re(Z) + i × Im(Z) in the plane Pr(P) = iPm(P) + 1 or Z(P) plane in cyan. The curve of Z(P) starts at the point (Pr = 0, Pm = i, P = Lb = lower bound of P) and ends at the point (Pr = 1, Pm = 0, P = Ub = upper bound of P). The thick line in cyan is Pr(P = Lb) = iPm(P = Lb) + 1 and it is the projection of the Z(P) curve on the complex probability plane whose equation is P = Lb. This projected thick line starts at the point (Pr = 0, Pm = i, P = Lb) and ends at the point (Pr = 1, Pm = 0, P = Lb). Notice the importance of the point corresponding to P = 0 and Z = 0.5 + 0.5i when Pr = 0.5 and Pm = 0.5i.

1.1.3 The characteristics of the momentum probability distribution

In quantum mechanics, the average, or expectation value of the momentum of a particle is given by: p=+pϕp2dp=+pLπ+pL/2sinc212pL/dp.

For the steady state particle in a box, it can be shown that the average momentum is always p=0 regardless of the state of the particle. In the probability set and universe R, we have:


The variance in the momentum is a measure of the uncertainty in momentum of the particle, so in the probability set and universe R, we have:


In the probability set and universe M, we have:


In the probability set and the universe C=R+M, we have from CPP:


The following tables (Tables 14) compute the momentum distribution characteristics for L=200, h=1, and n=1,2,8,10000.

Momentum distribution characteristicsL=200, h=1, n=1
pC=pR+pM0 + i(0)

Table 1.

The momentum distribution characteristics for L=200, h=1, and n=1.

Momentum distribution characteristicsL=200, h=1, n=2
pC=pR+pM0 + i(0)

Table 2.

The momentum distribution characteristics for L=200, h=1, and n=2.

Momentum distribution characteristicsL=200, h=1, n=8
pC=pR+pM0 + i(0)

Table 3.

The momentum distribution characteristics for L=200, h=1, and n=8.

Momentum distribution characteristicsL=200, h=1, n=10,000
pC=pR+pM0 + i(0)

Table 4.

The momentum distribution characteristics for L=200, h=1, and n=10,000.

For n1 (large n) we get: Varp,R=L2+.


2. Heisenberg uncertainty principle in R, M, and C

The uncertainties in the probability set and universe R in position and momentum (ΔxR and ΔpR) are defined as being equal to the square root of their respective variances in R, so that:


This product increases with increasing n, having a minimum value for n=1. The value of this product for n=1 is about equal to 0.568 which obeys the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that:


The uncertainties in the probability set and universe M in position and momentum (ΔxM and ΔpM) are defined as being equal to the square root of their respective variances in M, so that:


n1:ΔxM×ΔpM2, in accordance with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

The uncertainties in the probability set and universe C = R+M in position and momentum (ΔxC and ΔpC) are defined as being equal to the square root of their respective variances in C, so that:


n1:ΔxC×ΔpC2, in accordance with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

Consequently, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is verified in the universe R, in the universe M, and the complex universe C.


3. The Wavefunction Entropies in R,M,and C

Another measure of uncertainty in position is the information entropy of the probability distribution Hx which is the entropy in R and is equal to:


where x0 is an arbitrary reference length [1, 2]. Take x0=1:


x:xcL2xxc+L2,we have:dHxR0, that means that HxR is a nondecreasing series with x and converging to Ln2Le and that also in R, chaos and disorder are increasing with x.

The negative real entropy corresponding to HxR in R is NegHxR and is the following:


x:xcL2xxc+L2,we have:dNegHxR0, which means that NegHxR is a nonincreasing series with x and converging to Ln2Le. Therefore, if HxR measures in R the amount of disorder, of uncertainty, of chaos, of ignorance, of unpredictability, and of information gain in a random system then since NegHxR=HxR, that means the opposite of HxR, NegHxR measures in R the amount of order, of certainty, of predictability, and of information loss in a stochastic system.

The complementary real entropy to HxR in R is H¯xR and is the following:


In the complementary real probability set to R, we denote the corresponding real entropy by H¯xR.

The meaning of H¯xR is the following: it is the real entropy in the real set R and which is related to the complementary real probability Pm/i=1Pr.

x:xcL2xxc+L2,we have:dH¯xR0, that means that H¯xR is a nondecreasing series with x and converging to 1 and that also means that in the complementary real probability set to R, chaos and disorder are increasing with x.

In the complementary imaginary probability set M to the set R, we denote the corresponding imaginary entropy by HxM. The meaning of HxM is the following: it is the imaginary entropy in the imaginary set M and which is related to the complementary imaginary probability Pm=i1Pr. The complementary entropy to HxR in M is HxM and is computed as follows:


From the properties of logarithms, we have: θLnx=Lnxθ then iLni=Lnii.

Moreover, Leonhard Euler’s formula for complex numbers gives: e=cosθ+isinθ.

Take θ=π/2+2eiπ/2+2=cosπ/2+2+isinπ/2+2=0+i1=i, then:

ii=eiπ/2+2i=ei2π/2+2=eπ/2+2 since i2=1, therefore:

iLni=Lnii=Lneπ/2+2=π/2+2 since Lne=1 and where k belongs to the set of integer numbers Z.

Consequently, HxM=iLniL+iH¯xR=π/2+2L+iH¯xR

That means that HxM is a complex number where:

the real part is: ReHxM=π/2+2L, and the imaginary part is: ImHxM=H¯xR.

For k=1 then ReHxM=3π/2L=4.71238898L=942.4777961forL=200.

For k=0 then ReHxM=π/2L=1.570796327L=314.1592654forL=200.

For k=1 then ReHxM=5π/2L=7.853981634L=1570.796327forL=200,


Finally, the entropy HxC in C = R+M is the following:


x:xcL2xxc+L2,we have:dHxC=0, that means that HxC is a constant series with x and is always equal to 0. That means also and most importantly, for the wavefunction position distribution and in the probability set and universe C=R+M, we have complete order, no chaos, no ignorance, no uncertainty, no disorder, no randomness, no information loss or gain but a conservation of information, and no unpredictability since all measurements are completely and perfectly deterministic (Pcx=1 and HxC=0).

Similarly, we can determine another measure of uncertainty in momentum which is the information entropy of the probability distribution Hp and which is [1, 2]:


Where γ is Euler’s constant and is equal to: 0.577215664901532…

For p0=1 we can compute all the defined entropies in R, M, and C and which are [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]:


That means also and most importantly, for the wavefunction momentum distribution and in the probability set and universe C=R+M, we have complete order, no chaos, no ignorance, no uncertainty, no disorder, no randomness, no information loss or gain but a conservation of information, and no unpredictability since all measurements are completely and perfectly deterministic (Pcp=1 and HpC=0).

The quantum mechanical entropic uncertainty principle states that for x0p0= then:

HxR+HpRnLn2.144729886nats, (base e in Ln gives the “natural units” nat).

For x0p0=, the sum of the position and momentum entropies yields:

HxR+HpR=Ln8πe12γ3.069740098nats, (base e in Ln gives the “natural units” nat).

which satisfies the quantum entropic uncertainty principle.

The following figures (Figures 3851) illustrate all the computations done above.

Figure 38.

The graphs of HxR,H¯xR,HxC,NegHxR as functions of X for n=1.

Figure 39.

The graph of HxM=ReHxM+iImHxM in red as functions of X for n=1 and for k=1,0,1 in the planes in yellow, in cyan, and in light gray, respectively.

Figure 40.

The graphs of HxR,H¯xR,HxC,NegHxR as functions of X for n=2.

Figure 41.

The graph of HxM=ReHxM+iImHxM in red as functions of X for n=2 and for k=1,0,1 in the planes in yellow, in cyan, and in light gray, respectively.

Figure 42.

The graphs of HxR,H¯xR,HxC,NegHxR as functions of X for n=3.

Figure 43.

The graph of HxM=ReHxM+iImHxM in red as functions of X for n=3 and for k=1,0,1 in the planes in yellow, in cyan, and in light gray, respectively.

Figure 44.

The graphs of HxR,H¯xR,HxC,NegHxR as functions of X for n=4.

Figure 45.

The graph of HxM=ReHxM+iImHxM in red as functions of X for n=4 and for k=1,0,1 in the planes in yellow, in cyan, and in light gray, respectively.

Figure 46.

The graphs of HxR,H¯xR,HxC,NegHxR as functions of X for n=5.

Figure 47.

The graph of HxM=ReHxM+iImHxM in red as functions of X for n=5 and for k=1,0,1 in the planes in yellow, in cyan, and in light gray, respectively.

Figure 48.

The graphs of HxR,H¯xR,HxC,NegHxR as functions of X for n=20.

Figure 49.

The graph of HxM=ReHxM+iImHxM in red as functions of X for n=20 and for k=1,0,1 in the planes in yellow, in cyan, and in light gray, respectively.

Figure 50.

The graphs of HxR,H¯xR,HxC,NegHxR as functions of X for n=100.

Figure 51.

The graph of HxM=ReHxM+iImHxM in red as functions of X for n=100 and for k=1,0,1 in the planes in yellow, in cyan, and in light gray, respectively.


4. Conclusion and perspectives

In the current research work, the original extended model of eight axioms (EKA) of A. N. Kolmogorov was connected and applied to the infinite potential well problem in quantum mechanics theory. Thus, a tight link between quantum mechanics and the novel paradigm (CPP) was achieved. Consequently, the model of “Complex Probability” was more developed beyond the scope of my 19 previous research works on this topic.

Additionally, as it was proved and verified in the novel model, before the beginning of the random phenomenon simulation and at its end we have the chaotic factor (Chf and MChf) is zero and the degree of our knowledge (DOK) is one since the stochastic fluctuations and effects have either not started yet or they have terminated and finished their task on the probabilistic phenomenon. During the execution of the nondeterministic phenomenon and experiment we also have: 0.5 ≤ DOK < 1, −0.5 ≤ Chf < 0, and 0 < MChf ≤ 0.5. We can see that during this entire process we have incessantly and continually Pc2 = DOKChf = DOK + MChf = 1 = Pc, that means that the simulation which behaved randomly and stochastically in the real set and universe R is now certain and deterministic in the complex probability set and universe C=R+M, and this after adding to the random experiment executed in the real universe R the contributions of the imaginary set and universe M and hence after eliminating and subtracting the chaotic factor from the degree of our knowledge. Furthermore, the real, imaginary, complex, and deterministic probabilities and that correspond to each value of the momentum random variable P have been determined in the three probabilities sets and universes which are R, M, and C by Pr, Pm, Z and Pc respectively. Consequently, at each value of P, the novel quantum mechanics and CPP parameters Pr, Pm, Pm/i, DOK, Chf, MChf, Pc, and Z are surely and perfectly predicted in the complex probabilities set and universe C with Pc maintained equal to one permanently and repeatedly.

In addition, referring to all these obtained graphs and executed simulations throughout the whole research work, we are able to quantify and visualize both the system chaos and stochastic effects and influences (expressed and materialized by Chf and MChf) and the certain knowledge (expressed and materialized by DOK and Pc) of the new paradigm. This is without any doubt very fruitful, wonderful, and fascinating and proves and reveals once again the advantages of extending A. N. Kolmogorov’s five axioms of probability and hence the novelty and benefits of my inventive and original model in the fields of prognostics, applied mathematics, and quantum mechanics that can be called verily: “The Complex Probability Paradigm”.

As prospective research, we aim to develop the novel prognostic paradigm conceived and implement it in a large set of nondeterministic phenomena in quantum mechanics.


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  25. 25. Abou Jaoude A. The Analysis of Selected Algorithms for the Statistical Paradigm. Vol. 2. The Republic of Moldova: Generis Publishing; 2021
  26. 26. Abou Jaoude A. Forecasting in Mathematics - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications. London. United Kingdom: IntechOpen; 2021
  27. 27. Abou Jaoude A. The Monte Carlo Methods - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications. London. United Kingdom: IntechOpen; 2022
  28. 28. Abou Jaoude A. Ph.D. Thesis in Applied Mathematics: Numerical Methods and Algorithms for Applied Mathematicians. Spain: Bircham International University; 2004. Available from:
  29. 29. Abou Jaoude A. Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science: Computer Simulation of Monté Carlo Methods and Random Phenomena. Spain: Bircham International University; 2005. Available from:
  30. 30. Abou Jaoude A. Ph.D. Thesis in Applied Statistics and Probability: Analysis and Algorithms for the Statistical and Stochastic Paradigm. Spain: Bircham International University; 2007. Available from:

Written By

Abdo Abou Jaoudé

Submitted: 18 July 2022 Reviewed: 01 September 2022 Published: 15 November 2022