Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Equivalent Circuit Model of Magnetostrictive/Piezoelectric Laminated Composite

Written By

María Sol Ruiz and Adrián César Razzitte

Submitted: 23 July 2022 Reviewed: 02 September 2022 Published: 06 October 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.107749

From the Edited Volume

Novel Applications of Piezoelectric and Thermoelectric Materials

Edited by Rafael Vargas-Bernal and Roberto Palma Guerrero

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An equivalent circuital model of magnetostrictive/piezoelectric laminated composite has been developed in order to predict its behavior in presence of dynamic electromagnetic fields. From magnetostrictive and piezoelectric constitutive equations, and using an equation of motion, magnetic-mechanical-electric equations are: obtained by building a symmetric adhoc equivalent circuit about the magnetoelectric (ME) coupling. The coefficients of the direct and converse effects are simulated. The circuit is further used to predict the voltage coefficients of laminated composite. The multilayer material is found to have significantly higher ME coefficients near resonance frequency. The ME coefficients and the voltage coefficients change significantly with the configuration of the multilayer, more specifically when the laminate operates in longitudinal-transverse (L-T) and transverse-transverse (T–T) modes.


  • magnetoelectric effect
  • magnetoelectric voltage coefficient
  • magnetostrictive
  • piezoelectric
  • laminated composite

1. Introduction

The Magnetoelectric (ME) effect arises in multiferroic materials that are electrically and magnetically polarizable due to coupling between electrical polarization and magnetization. These materials are interesting for technological applications, such as magnetic field sensors, transducers, resonators, and devices that provide opportunities in the area of renewable and sustainable energy through energy harvesting [1, 2].

Although the coupling can have nonlinear components, the ME effect is usually described mathematically by the linear ME coupling coefficient, which is the dominant coupling term [3]. The ME effect is characterized by an electric polarization induced by an applied magnetic field or a magnetization induced by an applied electric field called direct magnetoelectric effect (DME) and converse magnetoelectric effect (CME), respectively. The coefficients of the direct (αDME) and converse (αCME) effects can be expressed as:


being E electric field intensity, B magnetic flux density, P electric polarization, and H magnetic field intensity.

Maxwell’s equations of classical electromagnetism state that, in free space, E and B are not independent but are intimately linked to each other1. Similarly, a theoretical method for the solid state that simultaneously describes relationships PH and BE (i.e. it describes the DME and CME behaviors) is developed below.

Multilayered composites can have even higher magnetoelectric coefficients than the particulate composites [4] and are therefore considered as viable alternatives [5].


2. Modes of operation and vibrational modes

The system to be modeled consists of bonded ferrite-ferroelectric layers of rectangular geometry. The dimensions are considered to be such that the width w and thickness t are very small relative to the length; that is, the system is considered as one-dimensional (1D). The thicknesses of the magnetostrictive and piezoelectric layers are designated as tm and tp, respectively. It is assumed that the interface (boundary between layers) is continuous.

In the modeling of ME laminate, different modes of operation or configurations need to be considered; in addition, to properly defining the coordinate systems (local and global) to be used. For historical reasons, the modes of operation find different lexicons. To prevent confusion, the notation adopted in this work is detailed below. Four basic modes of operation are distinguished and defined, according to the directions of sensed2 magnetic field (H) and electric field (E). When the magnetic and electric field directions coincide with the longitudinal direction of the laminate, the mode is defined as “L-L”. Similarly, the modes “L-T,” “T-L,” and “T–T” designate longitudinal magnetic field - transverse electric field, transverse magnetic field - longitudinal electric field, and transverse magnetic field - transverse electric field, respectively. The basic modes of operation are outlined in a summary in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Modes of operation of laminated magnetoelectric material.

When a magnetic field is applied to an ME laminate, more than one magnetostrictive vibrational mode is excited. However, the problem can be simplified, without losing correlation with reality, by considering a material with dimensions such that its width and thickness are very small compared to its length. In such case, the longitudinal axis direction of the laminate can be considered as the reference direction. Thus, in this chapter, the main direction of vibration is the longitudinal direction of the laminate3 (this justifies the selection of a one-dimensional 1D model).

Once the direction of vibration of the laminate is designated, it is then possible to carry out a consistent analysis of the system. When the material is excited with a magnetic field perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the laminate, the fundamental mode of vibration will be the transverse mode and when it is excited with a magnetic field parallel to the longitudinal direction of the laminate, the fundamental mode of vibration will be the longitudinal mode (in both cases, as was mentioned, other modes of vibration can be considered as negligible).


3. Constitutive equations of the piezoelectric and magnetostrictive phases

If the system is considered in T–T mode of operation, the direction of polarization in the piezoelectric layer and the direction of magnetic field are along the thickness of the laminate (direction that is made to coincide with the cartesian coordinate axis z). The displacement u=ux coincides with the longitudinal direction of the laminate (direction of the coordinate axis x). Figure 2a shows the directions of vectors D (electric displacement or electric flux density), B (magnetic flux density), S (mechanical strain), T (mechanical stress), along with the global coordinates x,y,z.

Figure 2.

(a) Schematic illustration of the laminated bilayer ME in T–T mode and local coordinates for the (b) piezoelectric and (c) piezomagnetic layer.

The ME effect of composite materials is due to the combined action of multiple intrinsic characteristics of the materials involved. In materials composed of two phases, two sets of constitutive equations are: required to describe the ME product property. Constitutive equations, in their most general form of the tensor type, are reduced to linear equations (both piezoelectric and piezomagnetic). The equations are: established from an electro/magneto-static point of view (i.e.,, for small excitation signals), and the simplifications are mainly a result of the crystal symmetry of the materials [7]. In the treatment of piezoelectric and piezomagnetic constitutive equations, the subscripts were established taking into account the reference axes used to define piezoelectric coefficients. To comply with this definition, the local coordinates shown in Figure 2b are defined in the piezoelectric layer and the local coordinates shown in Figure 2c are defined in the piezomagnetic layer (i.e., for the magnetic material has established a direction of magnetization4 in the direction of the axis 3).

3.1 Constitutive equations of the piezoelectric laminate

The constitutive equations of the piezoelectric material for the strain S1p and the electric displacement D3, are:


Being E3 the electric field in the piezoelectric layer along the z direction, T1p the stress in the piezoelectric layer along the x direction, s11E the elastic compliance at constant E, d31,p the piezoelectric constant, and ε33T the dielectric permittivity at constant stress. The subscript p refers to the piezoelectric phase.

3.2 Constitutive equations of the magnetostrictive laminate

The constitutive equations of the magnetostrictive material for the strain S1m and the magnetic flux density B3, are:


Being H3 the magnetic field intensity in the magnetostrictive layer along the z-direction, T1m the stress in the piezomagnetic layer along the x direction, s11H the elastic compliance to constant H, d31,mthe piezomagnetic constant, and μ33T the magnetic permeability at constant stress. The subscript m refers to the magnetostrictive phase.

There is a widely used notation in the design of laminated sensors in which the fundamental vibration mode is designated by two numbers: the first number indicates the direction of the excitation field and the second number indicates the direction of the longitudinal axis (both defined through local coordinates). Taking into account the Figure 2, the fundamental vibration mode of the magnetostrictive phase can be called “31-mode” and the fundamental vibration mode of the piezoelectric phase can be called “31-mode”. That is, the phases of the composite material will be modeled as magnetostrictive and piezoelectric transducers, both in mode 31. Note the correspondence that exists (for each phase) between its fundamental mode of vibration and the subscripts of its “piezo-” parameters in the constitutive equations5.


4. Equation of motion: general solution and boundary conditions

In order to design laminates operating under dynamic conditions, the coupling between the composite layers is considered through an equation of motion. Considering that the applied external field (electric or magnetic) is sinusoidal, the vibrational movement of the laminate will also be sinusoidal (harmonic oscillator).

The differential equation of motion for any element of mass can be obtained using Newton’s second law, written as:


Where uxt is the displacement function of the medium and rm and rp are the relative relations of thickness of the magnetostrictive and piezoelectric layers, respectively, that is: rm=tm/t and rp=tp/t, and it is evident that rm+rp=1. Furthermore, ρ¯=rpρp+rmρmis the average mass density, with ρp and ρm as the mass densities of the piezoelectric and magnetostrictive components, respectively.

In the 1D model, mechanical movements are considered only in the longitudinal direction of the laminate (x-axis). In the direction perpendicular to it, the component layers are considered as free bodies and for the model, there are no strains or stresses between the layers of the composite.

The magnetostrictive and piezoelectric mass elements share the same displacement component u and the same strain component, that is:


From Eq. (3) and (5), the mechanical stresses in the phases can be expressed as:


Substituting in Eq. (7) the derivatives of Eq. (10) and (11) and considering that E3/x=H3/x=0 (since both E3 and H3 do not vary along the length of the material), the equation of motion is written as:


where ν¯ is the speed of sound in the composite material:


Eq. (12) is the classical wave equation of motion. Your resolution makes it simplified to:


Which has the form of the equation of motion of a simple harmonic oscillator but with the spatial variable instead of temporal. In addition, the so-called dispersion relation k=ω/ν¯ holds, where k is the wave number and ω is the angular frequency.

The general solution of Eq. (14) is:


To solve the integration constants A and B, the boundary conditions expressed in terms of displacement speeds u̇are established: considering that the ends of the material are free of external stresses, let u̇1 be the displacement speed at x=0 and u̇2 the displacement speed in x=, then:


The resolution leads to the expression:


And, according to Eq. (9) and (18), the strains at the faces of the laminate are:


5. Potential: current coupling

Substituting Eq. (10) in Eq. (4), is obtained:


By definition of electric potential and taking into account the geometry of the system, it can be expressed that the piezoelectric vibrator is satisfied: Vp=tpE3. Furthermore, if defined:


Then the electrical displacement can be written as:


The electric charge at the surface of the piezoelectric is obtained integrating over the surface, according to:


From Eq. (18), the expressions for u and u0 are obtained according to:




Taking into account the properties of harmonic phasor (the analysis is in the field of angular frequency, not temporal), the electric current in the piezoelectric vibrator Ip can be expressed as:


Defining the static capacitance in the piezoelectric layer C0 and the electro-mechanical coupling factor φp as:


And substituting Eq. (29) and (30) in Eq. (28), the expression of coupling for piezoelectric material is:


Similarly, from the constitutive equations of the magnetostrictive material, replacing Eq. (11) in (6), is obtained:


where is defined:


According to Faraday’s law of induction, on the solenoid Vm can be expressed as:


where Φ=B3wtm is the magnetic flux. And under concepts of harmonic phasors, the differential of the magnetic flux can be expressed as:


Substituting Eq. (32) in Eq. (35):


Considering a solenoid with N turns of total length and through which an electric current Im circulates, the generated magnetic field in the solenoid can be expressed as:


And taking into account that the relationship between deformation and displacement velocities can be expressed by the relation [8]:




Defining the static inductance in the magnetostrictive layer L0 and the magneto-mechanical coupling factor φm as:


The expression of coupling for magnetostrictive material is:


6. Magneto-mechano-electric coupling

Based on the constitutive equations of both components (Section 3) and the equation of motion (via strain–stress coupling between layers; Section 4), an equivalent circuit model for laminated ME is developed. The mechanical forces are relative to the stresses. If the forces at the ends of the laminate are called F1 at x=0 and F2 at x=, it is satisfied that:


Substituting Eq. (10), (11), (19), and (20) in Eq. (43) and (44) and taking into account Eq. (18), the expressions are: obtained:


Furthermore, with the equations obtained in Section 5, the force expressions can be simplified to:


If mechanical impedances are defined as:


Then the mechanical forces are rewritten as:


The ME equivalent circuit corresponding to the magneto-mechano-electric expressions obtained is represented in Figure 3. In this circuit, the forces F1 and F2 act as “mechanical voltage” and the displacements u̇1 and u̇2 as “mechanical currents”. Thus, an applied magnetic field produces a“mechanical voltage” via the magneto-mechanical coupling factor φm and due to the electro-mechanical coupling factor φp, generates an electrical potential difference across the piezoelectric layer. In the circuit model of Figure 4, a transformer with ratio 1:φp is used to represent the electro-mechanical coupling. Similarly, an applied electric field due to the magneto-mechanical coupling factor φm, generates a magnetization in the magnetostrictive layer. In the circuit model of Figure 4, a transformer with ratio 1:φm is used to represent the magneto-mechanical coupling. Note that, the equivalent circuit model considers both electro-mechanical coupling and magneto-mechanical coupling.

Figure 3.

Magneto-mechano-electric equivalent circuit.

Figure 4.

Magneto-mechano-electric equivalent circuit under condition of free edges.

Under free-free boundary conditions, that is, null forces at x=0 and x= (F1=F2=0), the input and output terminals are grounded, and the circuit is simplified to the one shown in Figure 5 and then simplified to that shown in Figure 3.

Figure 5.

Magneto-mechano-electric equivalent circuit under free edge condition simplified.

The mechanical impedance is: Zmech=Z1+Z2/2. Therefore, from Eq. (49) and (50), is obtained:


As the equivalent ME circuit obtained (Figure 3) contains symmetrical parts (magnetic and electrical), is possible to discuss both direct and converse effects. To analyze these effects, “open-circuit” and “short-circuit” conditions are: imposed:

Converse ME effect: Under open circuit condition Ip=Im=0, the following relationship is derived:


Taking into account that: Vm=NjωwtmB3 in the solenoid and Vp=tpE3 in the piezoelectric vibrator, and according to Eq. (2), the converse ME coefficient is expressed as:


By indicating αCME with the subscript T–T, it has been possible to omit the subscripts of B and E.

Direct ME effect: Under short-circuit condition Vp=Vm=0, the following relationship is derived:


Taking into account Eq. (28) and (37), and according to Eq. (1), the direct ME coefficient is obtained as:


By indicating αDME with the subscript T–T, it has been possible to omit the subscripts of P and H.

Thus, expressions of CME and DME coefficients with physical parameters of the phases that constitute the composite material are obtained. They are mathematical expressions that no longer involve circuit parameters but physical parameters of the ferrite and ferroelectric. Eq. (55) and (57) show the expression of the CME and DME coefficients as a function of frequency, however for frequencies much lower than the resonance frequency of the material (ωωr), it can be approximated that cotk22k and as a result the CME and DME coefficients become independent of the frequency and the length of the laminate.


7. ME laminate under resonance frequency

When the alternating field of excitation (electric or magnetic) has a frequency near to the resonance frequency of the material, Eq. (55) and (57) give an infinite value of ME coefficients, which is physically impossible. To predict the ME behavior near to its resonance frequency, it is necessary to consider the effect of mechanical dissipation in the energy conversion process. The mechanical impedance in the resonant state can be approximated as a series RLC circuit shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6.

RLC equivalent circuit under resonance frequency.

For such a model, the circuit impedance is obtained simplify Eq. (53) by using the Taylor series expansion [9]:


where Rmech, Lmech, and Cmech are the effective mechanical resistance, inductance and capacitance, respectively, which have the expressions:


being Z0=ρ¯ν¯wt; ωr=πν¯ the average resonance frequency of the composite material (note that it holds: ωr2=Lmech1Cmech1) and Qmech the mechanical factor (numerically equal to the inverse of the tangent of mechanical losses). As the mechanical losses in the composite material are the result of the mechanical losses in the magnetic phase (1/Qm) and piezoelectric phase (1/Qp), it can be expressed:


Therefore considering mechanical dissipation, the expressions for the CME and DME coefficients are obtained according to:


From Eq. (63) and (64), it can be seen that the CME and DME coefficients have complex expressions relative to frequency.


8. Simulation of the ME laminate in T: T mode

The behavior of a composite material with lead-free barium titanate (BTO) as ferroelectric component and nickel ferrite (NFO) as ferrimagnetic component is simulated. Table 1 lists the values used in the model for polycrystalline and polarized phases [10, 11, 12, 13]. Arbitrarily, a material geometry of length =20 mm has been selected. With Eq. (63) and (64), the resonance profiles of αCME and αDME were obtained as a function of frequency. The programming codes were developed in the Matlab® software.


Table 1.

Physical parameters of barium titanate (BTO) and nickel ferrite (NFO).

Figures 7 and 8 show the results of modules of αCME and αDME at frequencies from 20 kHz to 90 kHz, with rm as a parameter. From these profiles, it is observed that the αCME and αDME reach their maximum value when they operate near the resonance frequency. In addition, these results show that the ME coupling is strongly dependent on the thickness ratio between piezomagnetic and piezoelectric components, which is poorly reported with experimental data due to the difficulty in preparing the material.

Figure 7.

αCME at frequencies from 20 kHz to 90 kHz, for ME laminate in T–T mode.

Figure 8.

αDME at frequencies from 20 kHz to 90 kHz, for ME laminate in T–T mode.

Figure 9 shows the maxima of αCME and αDME as a function of the magnetostrictive phase content in the composite material. The cases for rm=0 (without magnetostrictive layer) and rm=1 (without piezoelectric layer) have been omitted since under these conditions there is no magneto-elasto-electric coupling and αCME=αDME=0. It is observed that, in absolute values, the DME coefficient increases with the content of the piezomagnetic component, while the CME coefficient decreases.

Figure 9.

Maximum of αCME and αDME versus rm for ME laminate in T–T mode.

In addition, it is observed (Figure 9) that αCME and αDME become similar for composite materials with rm0.5. This means that for the cases in which the structures have a similar phase content, the energy transition capacity in both effects is similar (the mechanical stress action is mutual).

The resonance frequency of the CME effect can be obtained when the module of αCME reaches its maximum value, so deriving Eq. (63) with respect to the angular frequency ω, the expression is obtained:


Similarly, the resonance frequency of the DME effect can be obtained when the module of αDME reaches its maximum value, so deriving Eq. (64) with respect to the angular frequency ω, the expression is obtained:


It can be noted that both the CME and DME resonance frequencies are independent of the total thickness of the compound t, they only depend on the thickness ratio between the phases.

Figure 10 shows the resonance frequencies (calculated using the relationship ω=2πf). It is observed that the resonance frequencies (both CME and DME) increase with the ferrite content. In other words, the maxima in the profiles of Figures 7 and 8 change at higher frequencies with the magnetostrictive phase content. According to Eq. (65) and (66), the value of ωresDME is always greater than ωresCME due to the term d31,ps11E28rpε33¯πρ¯ν¯ωr. This provides a mathematical interpretation for the profiles obtained in Figure 10, where it is observed that the DME resonance frequencies are always greater than the CME resonance frequencies, for any value of rm. As seen in Figure 10, the difference between CME and DME resonance frequencies become smaller with the magnetostrictive phase content. That is, ωresDMEωresCME for high values of rm. This allows to infer that the difference in resonance frequencies is mainly caused by the piezoelectric phase.

Figure 10.

CME and DME resonance frequencies (fresCME and fresDME) as a function of magnetostrictive phase content, for ME laminate in T–T mode.

Another important parameter to characterize the ME effect is the so-called voltage coefficient, defined as:


In the piezoelectric phase is satisfied: P3=ε0χeE3, being ε0 the dielectric permittivity of free space and χe the dielectric susceptibility of the material (defined as χe=ε33Tε01). Considering that Vp=tpE3 (Section 5) and that ε33Tε0ε33T then:


According to the definition of the DME coefficient (Eq. (1)), the voltage coefficient can be written as:


Note that, unlike αDME, the voltage coefficient depends on the thickness tof the material. Figure 11 shows the results obtained from the voltage coefficients at the resonance frequency (maximum voltage coefficients) as a function of the piezomagnetic phase content (considering a total thickness of t=2 mm in Eq. (69)). To express αV in units of V/Oe (cgs system), the values in SI units were multiplied by the 103/4πV/Oekgm3/C2s. It is observed that there is an optimum value of magnetic phase content that corresponds to a maximum value of αV. More specifically, a maximum of αV80mV/Oe is observed for rm=0.3 and at a frequency f116kHz.

Figure 11.

αV versus rm, at resonance frequency, for ME composite in T–T mode.

It is interesting to note that the trend of αV and αDME with the values of rm do not coincide with each other. The maximum of αDME is obtained when rm=0.9 (Figure 9), while the maximum in αV is observed with rm=0.3 (Figure 11). In the field of application, such as transducer devices, most of the time the physical quantity that is measured is the electric potential, so the voltage coefficient could be considered a more significant parameter.


9. Simulation of the ME laminate in L-T mode

If the analysis is extended to an L-T configuration (Figure 1), the model must now imply a structure, where the polarization direction of the piezoelectric phase is transverse to the longitudinal direction of the material and the applied magnetic field is longitudinal. Figure 12a shows the directions of vectors D (electric displacement), B (magnetic flux density), S (mechanical strain), T (mechanical stress), along with the global coordinates x,y,z. The local coordinates shown in Figure 12b are defined in the piezoelectric layer and the local coordinates shown in Figure 12c are defined in the piezomagnetic layer.

Figure 12.

(a) Schematic illustration of the laminated bilayer ME in L-T mode and local coordinates for the (b) piezoelectric and (c) piezomagnetic layer.

In L-T mode, the constitutive equations of the piezoelectric material are Eq. (3) and (4) and the constitutive equations of the piezomagnetic material for the strain S3m and the magnetic flux density B3 are:


Being H3 the magnetic field intensity in the magnetostrictive layer along the z-direction, T3m the stress in the piezomagnetic layer along the x direction, s33H the elastic compliance to constant H, d33,mthe piezomagnetic constant, and μ33T the magnetic permeability at constant stress.

Note that in the magnetostrictive layer, the local coordinate “3” (which always designates the direction of magnetization) coincides with the direction of movement, therefore all the subscripts are “3” in the constitutive equations of the magnetostrictive material. In this case, the phases operate as a magnetostrictive transducer in mode 33 and as a piezoelectric transducer in mode 31.

Considering mechanical dissipation, the expressions for the CME and DME coefficients near their resonance frequency became:


And the expression for the voltage coefficient in the ME laminate in L-T mode is calculated by means of Eq. (69).

Using Matlab® software to develop the programming codes for the simulation in L-T mode, the results obtained are shown in Figures 1317. The approximation s11H3s33H was considered in the magnetostrictive layer [8].

Figure 13.

αCME at frequencies from 20 kHz to 90 kHz, for ME laminate in L-T mode.

Figure 14.

αDME at frequencies from 20 kHz to 90 kHz, for ME laminate in L-T mode.

Figure 15.

Maximum of αCME and αDME versus rm, for ME laminate in L-T mode.

Figure 16.

CME and DME resonance frequencies (fresCME and fresDME) as a function of magnetostrictive phase content, for ME laminate in L-T mode.

Figure 17.

αV versus magnetic phase content, in fresDME, for ME laminate in L-T mode.

From the results obtained, it is highlighted that the range of resonance frequencies, both of CME and DME, present a shift towards higher frequencies for the laminate with L-T configuration: the range of resonance frequencies in L-T mode is f120226kHz (Figure 16), while for a T–T configuration it is f108135kHz (Figure 10).

Regarding the ME response analyzed through the voltage coefficient, for the L-T mode a maximum value of αV880mV/Oe is found corresponding to an optimal piezomagnetic phase content of rm=0.2 at a frequency f135kHz (Figure 17).

For a better comparison between the results obtained in the L-T and T–T modes, Figure 18 shows the voltage coefficients αV (near to resonance frequencies) with the magnetic phase content rm. It is observed that the responses of the material operating in L-T mode are greater for any magnetic phase content, with respect to the responses in T–T mode. This behavior may be due, at least in part, to energy issues of the ferrite phase. Due to the geometry of the material, the energy component of shape anisotropy presents a lower demagnetization factor in the L-T case, where the magnetization is parallel to the length of the material (axis of greatest dimension). This agrees with the trend of the magnetic hysteresis cycles of pure ferrites in bulk, where with measurements in parallel configuration the magnetic responses are greater than those obtained in perpendicular configuration.

Figure 18.

Maximum αV versus rm of the ME laminates, in L-T and T–T modes.

The results obtained by applying the circuit model to the barium titanate – nickel ferrite system (Sections 8 and 9) have similar trends to profiles reported by other researchers in analogous systems [14, 15, 16]. Additionally, the model was applied in a PZT–Terfenol system [9], observing similar trends to previously published results [17, 18, 19]. These similarities in trends allow us to infer that the designed circuit model is useful for modeling the behavior of ME laminated composites. It should be noted that the values of the CME and DME coefficients obtained in the simulation are expected to be somewhat higher than the real values, due to for example the fact that interface effects have not been considered in the model.


10. Conclusions

From the development of magneto-mechano-electric equations, in this chapter it was possible to simulate the direct and converse ME effects of composite laminates by developing an equivalent circuit model, thus predicting the behavior of materials in the presence of a dynamic electromagnetic field.

It is found that the ME material has significantly higher CME and DME coefficients near the resonance frequency. The resonance frequency depends on mode of operation and the phase thicknesses.

For the T–T and L-T modes, the coefficients of the direct and converse effects become similar for materials in which the structures have similar phase content (rm0.5) suggesting that both effects share the same energy transmission capacity and are relative to the thickness ratio.

We found that the resonant frequency range of CME and DME exhibits a shift towards higher frequencies for the laminate with L-T configuration (f120226kHz) compared to T–T configuration (f108135kHz).

From the results obtained, it is observed that for the barium titanate – nickel ferrite system, the variation of T–T to an L-T mode generates notably higher values of αV coefficients, in addition to a shift towards higher values of resonance frequency. The maximum voltage coefficient for the T–T mode has a maximum value of αV80mV/Oe with an optimal piezomagnetic phase content of rm=0.3 at f116kHz. In the L-T mode, the voltage coefficient reaches a maximum value of αV880mV/Oe with an optimal piezomagnetic phase content of rm=0.2 at f135kHz.

The results obtained allow us to infer that, at least in the frequency region studied, the tuning of these frequencies is an important step in the design of these materials for use as transducer devices.


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  • The use of the existing connection between electricity and magnetism is what has generated the enormous impact known in the field of technology.
  • It refers to “sensed” H since the lexicon is adopted from the field of application of magnetic sensors; in this notation, the first letter refers to the direction of the magnetic field and the second letter refers to the direction of the electric field.
  • It is chosen to assign the main vibration direction of the laminate as the reference direction, following the definitions for piezoelectric vibration modes [6].
  • Although strictly speaking, magnetization in ferrites is a magnetic polarization phenomenon, and polarization in piezoelectrics is an electrical polarization phenomenon, here “magnetization” is used for the magnetostrictive layer and “polarization” for the piezoelectric layer.
  • The term “piezo-” refers to the piezoelectric or piezomagnetic coefficients, which are precisely electro-mechanical and magneto-mechanical parameters, respectively.

Written By

María Sol Ruiz and Adrián César Razzitte

Submitted: 23 July 2022 Reviewed: 02 September 2022 Published: 06 October 2022