Open access peer-reviewed chapter

The Rising Threat of Invasive Alien Plant Species in Agriculture

Written By

Melekote Nagabhushan Arun, Rapolu Mahender Kumar, Banugu Sreedevi, Guntupalli Padmavathi, Pallakonda Revathi, Neha Pathak, Dayyala Srinivas and Boya Venkatanna

Submitted: 15 July 2022 Reviewed: 25 July 2022 Published: 11 September 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.106742

From the Edited Volume

Resource Management in Agroecosystems

Edited by Gabrijel Ondrasek and Ling Zhang

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A species is considered to be invasive if it establishes, persists, and spreads widely inside a natural ecosystem, stunting the growth of native plants and giving them room to overtake crops and native plants. Non-native plant species that have been brought into a new geographic area and have a negative effect on the ecosystems supporting horticulture and agriculture are known as invasive plant species. Invasive/noxious weeds, which are widely distributed in many types of ecosystems, significantly reduce crop production. Compared to native species, invading plant species have a higher potential to move their niche more rapidly and are more likely to adapt to new environments. The timing, speed, and longevity of seed germination have indeed been discovered to change as a result of climate change, which has consequences for plant invasions. More than native plant species, invasive plant species gain from atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment, greenhouse gas emissions, and global warming. A loss of native biodiversity due to invasive species includes species extinction, changes in hydrology, and altered ecosystem function.


  • invasive alien plant
  • global warming
  • climate change
  • weed shift
  • crop weed competition

1. Introduction

The invasive species is significant on a global importance. A non-native plant or other organism is considered an invasive species if it completely takes over an ecosystem and damages both its structure and function. Invasive species displace or harm local wildlife and plants, frequently posing major challenges to the area’s biodiversity and creating unfavorable environmental conditions. There are no geographical limitations to the type or spread of invasive species. The greatest direct economic losses in crop production are caused by invasive weeds. One of the major direct causes of environmental change on a worldwide scale with a large ecological impact is biological invasion. The potential impact of invasive alien plant species on global agriculture, which continues to affect food security globally, could be significant [1]. The economic cost of plant invasion to agriculture is growing due to the increasing number of new introductions which create a tremendous impact on crop production. The invasive alien plants /weeds have many similar biological attributes/traits relating to high reproduction and stress tolerance. The traits include germination of seeds, rapid seedling growth, vegetative and sexual reproduction at early stage aggressive spread by runners or rhizomes, diverse dispersal mechanisms and the ability to tolerate a wide range of environmental condition.

Warming of the earth surface is inevitable due to influence of greenhouse gas emission and instinctive climate variability. The average temperature of the earth has increased considerably by 1.53o C from 1900 to 2020 which has impacted the growing seasons of crops leading to reductions in crop yields [2]. Ramification of crop productivity is considerably noticeable on crop productivity. Potential growth and distribution of invasive plant species are accelerated by climate changes like rise in temperature, atmospheric carbon-dioxide level, nitrous oxide, methane gas emission, extreme weather conditions and change in rainfall pattern. Invasive plants reduce agricultural productivity by way of considerable mechanisms: competition for light, water, nutrient, allelopathy effects and decrease the crop yields and inhibition of seed germination [3].

Invasive and climate change are two of the primary factors which alter ecological systems. Temperature, precipitation, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and measurements of organismal response in field conditions are manipulations of factors anticipated to vary with climate change. Therefore, the objective of the book chapter is to discuss the effect of climate change on invasive weed floral composition, distribution and effect on crop production.


2. Influence of invasive alien plants on N and P Pool in soil and plant

The success of invasion is mainly the result of the status of soil or growing environment of invasive alien plants (Figure 1). NH4+ concentration in soil evaded by Chromolena odorata was 1.43 times higher than native soil [4] and the NH4+ concentration of the soil invaded by Ageratina adenophora was 1.56–2.10 times that of soil with native plant species. The differences in soil properties and functioning point towards the contribution of root exudes and higher productivity of litter and their associated spatial variability [5]. Invasive alien plants have advantages over native plants which include higher photosynthetic rate, speeder growth rate, larger reproductive output, larger biomass, lower carbon-to-nutrient ratio in tissue, stronger capacity for nutrient absorption and higher plasticity levels [6]. The invasive species exhibit more strategic advantage for nutrient use over native plants [7] and hence lead to a greater enhancement in the N and P mineralization rates of the soil [8].

Figure 1.

Influence of nutrient fluctuation caused by N and P on the invasiveness of alien plants.

Invasive alien weeds such as Bidens pilosa, Microstegium vemineum and Mikania micrantha absorb nitrate over ammonium which causes competition with native crops in nitrate rich soils [9]. African native weed Andropogon gayanus was found to directly alter soil structure in tropical Australia which was attributed to the weed accelerating the ammonia process and increasing soil ammonium availability to four timed that of native plant soil, with more than six times higher uptake rate of ammonium than native species. The availability of N, P and N/P ratio profoundly impacted interspecific competition between invaded habitat and native weeds. Hence nutrient deposition promoted the invasiveness of alien plants in the ecosystem [10].


3. Climate change and weed invasion

Climate is known as the main environmental driver of species distribution, and there have been extensive studies on the distribution areas of invasive plants in determining invasive spreading [11]. Movement of weed species from native range to new areas naturally makes non-native species invasive with negative impact on native species of arable ecosystem. Climate change provides the opportunity for weeds to invade new ecosystems. Climate changes enhances the adaptability of the introduced plants to the new host range and increasing the risk of invasion in native and managed ecosystem since they are suited to new environments and successful in resource utilization in elevated CO2 concentration. Interactions between climate change and management practices may turn invasive species with high potential to spread widely causing impact on productivity. Weeds can be highly response to increased CO2 concentration [12]. Invasive and climate change are two of the primary factors which alter ecological systems.

Manipulation of factors likely to change with climate is temperature, precipitation, nitrous oxide levels and carbon dioxide and measurement of organismal response under field conditions integrate the biotic and abiotic factors individuals. Invasive species are most commonly defined as a non-native plant or other organism that dominates the encountered ecosystem and impairs its function and structure. Invasive species displace or damage native fauna and flora often posing serious threats to local biodiversity and causing adverse environment stress. Invasive alien species are one of the major threats to global and local diversity. The threats caused by invasive plant species in agricultural ecosystem include hybridization and species completion. Global warming may result in the expansion in the habitat range of invasive species and the contraction or displacement of the habitat range of indigenous species [13].

Plant invasion is a serious threat to global biodiversity and hence deleterious to ecology and nature biodiversity. Invasive plants metamorphose the landscape ecology in a highly complex manner leading to ecological explosion. Global terrestrial crops are invaded by various invasive weed species [14]. Alien species that endanger ecosystems, habitats, or species, as well as agricultural production, are considered invasive species. Recent advances in genetics and molecular biology have paved the way for impacts on ecology and global biodiversity. The histories of invasion and agriculture are internally linked with many crops being invasive species. Agricultural biotechnology which is the insertion of genes into crops has generated concern over the risk of producing new invasive species or exacerbating current weed problems. The modern intensive agriculture paved the way for invasive weeds to spread across the globe. Land use changes which is conversion of forests/grasslands into agroecosystem habitat fragmentation as well as increase the level of organic pollutants resulting in the increase level of CO2/climate change. Global climate changes are directly linked to biological invasions resulting in biodiversity loss (Figure 2). Global change stressors like climate change variability and changes in land use are major drivers of ecosystem alterations. Climate is the principal determinant of vegetation distribution from regional to global levels. The global climate is changing; along with measuring temperature and CO2 level changes are considered major drivers of climate change [15].

Figure 2.

Paradigm of global inter connected ecological and invasive plant issues.

Climate conditions exert a significant influence in the spread, population dynamics, life cycle duration, infestation pressure and the overall occurrence of invasive species. Invasive weeds will be influenced by climate change. The direct and indirect consequence of increasing CO2 or climate change which differentially affects the growth of invasive weeds and crops will alter crop weed competitive interactions. Climate change has a big impact on invasive weed species’ distribution, population dynamics, life cycles, pressure from infestations, and overall occurrence [16]. Parthenium hysterophorus L. is an invasive weed species worldwide. It is considered as one of the worst weeds in the world due to high fecundity that is ability to produce lot of seeds (20,000 seeds/plants, rapid germination, fast growth rate and threat to crops. The seeds can germinate in a wide range of temperature and cause 40–97 percent yield reduction in crops [17].

3.1 Consequences due to invasive weeds

Biological invasion has become one of the major causes of economic and environmental damage in most of the countries across the world and its impact have been predicted to increase ever further under future climatic conditions. The Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) emphasized biological invasion as one of the drivers of biodiversity decline. Invasive potential of species enables weeds to be successful invaders and colonizers of the novel environments whether introduced deliberately or accidently. Developing regions are fast witnessing the change across all countries. Losses caused by invasive weeds are thrashing of biodiversity from native ecosystems [18], alteration in ecosystem, decline in abundance and richness of native flora and alteration in community structure. The risk of introduction of alien invasive weeds has enhanced due to global climate change. It is estimated 20–30 percent of all introduced species worldwide cause a problem. The impact of climate change on invasive weeds indicated that weeds on the whole have a large growth in the increase in atmosphere CO2 concentration relation to plant species and rising CO2 can be sustainable for invasive noxious species within plant communities [19]. Global efforts are very important to control the invasive weed species. Differences between native and exotic plant species in their mode of resource utilization may cause a change in soil structure, its profile, decomposition, nutrient content of soil and moisture availability. Invasive weed species is a serious hindrance to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. The impact of climate change on invasive weeds and indicated that the invasive, noxious weeds on the whole have a larger growth in the projected increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration in relation to other plant species [20]. Ecological integrity and biodiversity of agriculture ecosystems have been seriously threatened by expansion of invasive weed species across globe. Climate change induced transformations in the invasive weed flora of arable ecosystems. Thermophilic weeds and late emerging invasive weeds have become more abundant in cropping system. Prominent invasive weed species like Lantana camara, Mikania micrantha, Chromolaena odorata, Eupatorium adenophorum, Cytisus scoparius, Mimosa invisa, Parthenium, hysterophorus among terrestrial exotics and Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotis among aquatic have posed greater threat to the native crop flora [21].

3.2 Invasive alien species/weeds and their distribution

Invasive alien weed species shift is an important aftermath of global climate change in ecosystem that affects weed management strategies and agricultural productivity (Table 1). Climate change is viewed as a cause in accelerating the rate of invasion by alien species in addition to the globalization of anthropogenic activities. Rottboellia cochinchinensis is an aggressive invasive species native to Asia. The species is known worldwide for invading crops and disturbed habitats in tropical and subtropical regions. The species spread from South America to Asia in 1961 through the seeds accidentally mixed with rice seeds and found to contain in 27 countries [22]. Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv, is one of the ten worst weeds a perennial grass native to South East Asia is a wide spread invader to warmer regions [23, 24]. Persicaria glabra is an invasive weed plant native to North America and Eurasia belonging to the family Polygonaceae and spread to subtropical region of Asia, South America, Africa, Australia and Pacific Islands [25]. Rubus fruticosus L. (Family: Rosaceae) which is invasive weed is expected to retreat to subtropical and temperature regions and to higher altitude because sensitive to higher temperature and drought conditions [26]. Nassella neesiana (Trin and Rupr) Barkworth (Family: Poaceae) spread to new regions as it is highly invasive and drought resistant [27]. Ulex europaens L. (Family: Fabaceae) spread to high rainfall areas and cooler regions since the weed is drought sensitive. It is a weed in fifteen countries of the world from temperate to tropical areas and from coastal areas to mountains along a wide latitudinal and altitudinal gradient [28]. Prosophis glandulosa Torr. which belong to family Mimosaceae invade to warmer dry parts/lower rainfall areas because the weed is drought tolerant [29]. Nassella trichtonia (Nees) Hack. ex Arechav. weed belongs to family Poaceae spread to subtropical and temperate region and to higher altitude due to sensitive to temperature. It has diminished the agricultural carrying capacity of crops in south-eastern Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, and emerging populations have now been identified in Europe and the United States [30]. The changes in the distributions of globally noxious alien species (Aegratina adenophora, Ageratum conyzoides, C. odorata, L. camara, M. micrantha, and P. hysterophorus) in Bhutan, to provide evidence that even a mountain environment is under the threat of invasion given the change in climatic conditions which is a native of Central and South America [31]. Ageratina adenophora (Sprengel) R. King and H. Robinson (Asteraceae), is one of the most noxious invasive weeds in many parts of Asia, Oceania, and Africa. It has had serious ecological impacts on native biodiversity and caused enormous economic [32]. Tagetes minuta is a fast-growing annual weed that grows in moist and dry areas, from sea level to reasonable altitudes in the tropics and subtropics, and in soil pH ranging from 4.3 to 6.6. Echium plantagineum, an annual weed of the family Boraginaceae, is native to the western Mediterranean regions of Portugal, Spain and northern Africa, but is an introduced weed in the arid and temperate zones of Australia. E. plantagineum weed is a prolific seeder, producing up to 10,000 seeds per plant [33]. P. hysterophorus is a noxious weed in America, Asia, Africa and Australia and has now become one of the world’s seven most devastating and hazardous weeds. Parthenium. hysterophorus alien weed is believed to have been introduced into India as contaminants in PL 480 wheat. Parthenium. hysterophorus, one of the most troublesome weeds in India and has also significantly expanded to Nepal. In Africa, there are about 35 invasive alien species were identified. Foremost among these are P. hysterophorus L., E. crassipes (Mart.) Solms, Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC., L. camara L., Argemone ochroleuca Sweet, Xanthium strumarium L., A. conyzoides L., Datura stramonium L., Nicotiana glauca Graham, Senna didymobotrya (Fresen.) Irwin & Barneby and Senna occidentalis (L.) which has spread from tropical and subtropical regions of South America. A. ochroleuca is flowering plants in the family Papaveraceae commonly known as prickly poppies and native to the West Indies and Central America; now a cosmopolitan tropical and subtropical weed. S. didymobotrya is a species of flowering plant in the Fabaceae (Leguminosae) which is native to Africa and found across the continents in several types of habitat [34]. M. micrantha has the largest distribution area (increase by 61–120%), while adenophora expand by 7–33%, A. philoxeroides by 12–74%, and Ambrosia artemisiifolia by 8–27%, respectively across globe. A. adenophora, Alternanthera philoxeroides, A. artemisiifolia and M. micrantha were invasive alien species to South East Asia native of Brazil. Invasive weed species, L. camara, A. adenophora, P. hysterophorus and A. conyzoides have reached 2900 m, which is higher than its reported elevation range (300–2800 m) across globe [35]. The distribution of invasive weed plants A. adenophora, A. philoxeroides, A. artemisiifolia and M. micrantha spreads towards the northern/southern ranges and higher elevation region worldwide due to susceptible to high temperature. Invasive weed species in family Poaceae (27 species), Asteraceae (23 species), Brassicaceae (18 species), Laminaceae (15 species), Fabaceae (11 species) and Caryophyllaceae (9 species) were recorded in the upper reaches of India [36].

Scientific NameFamilyOriginDistributionPropagation
Acanthospermum hispidumAsteraceaeBrazil (South America)Widespread in the tropics.Seed
Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) King & RobinsonAsteraceaeMexico (Central America)Tropical and Subtropical regionSeed
Ageratum conyzoidesAsteraceaeTropical AmericaTropical and Subtropical regionSeed
Alternanthera paronychioides A. St.HilAmaranthaceaeColombia (Tropical America)Asia and AfricaSeed
Alternanthera philoxeroidesAmaranthaceaeSouth AmericaChina, Australia, ThailandVegetative
Alternanthera pungensAmaranthaceaeTropical AmericaTropical Africa, Asia, and AustraliaSeeds, Vegetative
Alternanthera tenellaAmaranthaceaeTropical AmericaTropical Africa and AsiaSeed
Ambrosia artimisiifoliaAsteraceaeNorth and Central AmericaEurope, Africa and AsiaSeed
Ambrosiat trifidaAsteraceaeNorth AmericaTemperate Europe and AsiaSeed
Ammania bacciferaLythraceaeTropical AfricaTropical Asia, Africa and AmericaSeed
Argemone MexicanaPapaveraceaeTropical and South AmericaTropical and Subtropical regionSeed
Asteracantha lonfifoliaAcanthaceaeTropical AsiaTropical Africa and AmericaSeed
Bidens pilosaAsteraceaeTropical AmericaTropical of regions Africa and AsiaSeed
Blumea eriantha DC.AsteraceaeTropical AmericaAsia and AfricaSeed
Blumea lacera (Burm. f.) DC.AsteraceaeTropical AmericaAsia, tropical Africa and AustraliaSeed
Capsella bursaBrassicaceaeMediterranean RegionWide temperate regionSeed
Cassia rotundifolia Pers.CaesalpiniaceaeTropical South AmericaTropical and Subtropical Africa AsiaSeed
Celosia argenteaAmaranthaceaeTropical AfricaTropical and Sub tropical AsiaSeed
Centella asiaticaApiaceaeTropical AsiaWidespread in the tropical regionsSeed, Vegetative
Chenopodium albumAmaranthaceaeEuropeTemperate and Subtropical regionSeed
Chloris barbata Sw.PoaceaeTropical AmericaTropical and Sub tropical AsiaSeed
Chromolaena odorataAsteraceaeTropical AmericaHumid tropical Asia and AfricaSeed
Cirsium arvenseAsteraceaeSouth eastern EuropeSubtropical and temperate regionSeed, Vegetative
Cleome gynandra L.CleomaceaeTropical AmericaTropical and Subtropical worldwideSeed
Cleome rutidosperma DC.CleomaceaeTropical AmericaTropical Africa Asia and AustraliaSeed
Cleome viscosa L.CleomaceaeTropical AmericaTropical and Subtropical regionSeed
Commelina benghalensisCommelinaceaeTropical AsiaTropical Africa and Subtropical AsiaSeed, Vegetative
Cuscuta chinensisCuscutaceaeMediterraneanDistributed worldwideSeed
Cuscuta reflexaCuscutaceaeTropical AsiaDistributed worldwideSeed
CyanotisaxillarisCommelinaceaeIndian sub-continentSouth East Asia and AustraliaSeed, Vegetative
Cyperus difformisCyperaceaeTropical AmericaDistributed worldwideSeed
Cyperus iriaCyperaceaeTropical AmericaDistributed worldwideSeed
Cytisus scoporiusFabaceaeCentral and Southern EuropeTemperate and sub-tropical regionSeed
Dactylactenum aegyptiumPoaceaeTropical AfricaTropical, Subtropical and warm temperateSeed
Datura innoxiaSolanaceaeTropical AmericaTropical and Subtropical Asia & AfricaSeed
Datura metelSolanaceaeTropical AmericaTropics and Subtropics worldwideSeed
Digera muricata (L.) Mart.AmaranthaceaeSouthwest AsiaTropical Africa and MalesiaSeed
Digitaria sanguinalisPoaceaeEurasiaTemperate warm region of worldSeed
Dinebra retroflexa (Vahl) Panz.PoaceaeTropical AmericaThrough tropical and South AfricaSeed
Echinochloa colonaPoaceaeTropical South AmericaWorldwide Tropics and SubtropicsSeed
Echinochloa crusgalliPoaceaeTropical South AmericaWorldwide Tropics and SubtropicsSeed
Eclipta prostrataAsteraceaeTropical AmericaTropical, Subtropical and warm temperateSeed
Eichhornia crassipesPontederiaceaeTropical AmericaDistributed worldwideVegetative
Eleusine indicaPoaceaeEurasiaDistributed worldwideSeed
Elytrigia repensPoaceaeEuropeDistributed to temperate regionSeed
Equisetum arvenseEquisetaceaeEuropeDistributed Europe and AsiaSeeds and Rhizomes
Euphorbia cyathophora MurrayEuphorbiaceaeSouth AmericaSubtropical areas worldwideSeed
Euphorbia hirtaEuphorbiaceaeTropical AmericaWidespread Tropical and SubtropicalSeed
Evolvulus nummularius (L.)ConvolvulaceaeSouth AmericaTropical and Subtropical regionsSeed
Fimbristyllus dichotomaCyperaceaeTropical AmericaDistributed worldwideSeed
Flaveria trinervia (Spreng.) C. Mohr.AsteraceaeTropical Central AmericaTropical regionsSeed
Glechoma hederaceaLaminaceaeEuropeNorth America, Australia and New ZealandVegetative and Seed
Gnaphalium pensylvanicum Willd.AsteraceaeTropical AmericaDistributed worldwideSeed
Gnaphalium polycaulon Pers.AsteraceaeTropical AmericaSouth America, Tropical Asia and AfricaSeed
Gomphrena serrata L.AmaranthaceaeTropical AmericaDistributed worldwideSeed
Impatiens capensisBalsiminaceaeNorth AmericaTemperate regionSeed
Imperata cylindricaPoaceaeTropical AmericaTropical and Warm Temperate regionSeeds
Ipomoea carneaConvolvulaceaeSouth AmericaTropical and Subtropical region.Seed
Kyllinga nemorallisCyperaceaeSouth East AsiaDistributed worldwideSeedsand Rhizomes
Lagascea mollis Cav.AsteraceaeTropical Central AmericaTropical and Subtropical regionsSeed
Lantana camaraVerbenaceaeTropical AmericaTropical and Subtropical regionsSeed
Leersia oryzoidesPoaceaeCentral AmericaTropical and Subtropical regionsSeed
Leontodon taraxacumAsteraceaeEuropeDistributed worldwide temperate regionSeed
Leptochloa chinensis (L.)PoaceaeTropical AsiaAfrica, Central and South AmericaSeed and Vegetative
Leptochloa uninervia (J. Presl) Hitchc. & ChasePoaceaeCentral AmericaDistributed worldwideSeed and Vegetative
Ludwigia adscendens (L.) HaraOnagraceaeTropical AmericaSouth East Asia and MalesiaSeed
Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) RavenOnagraceaeTropical AfricaThroughout the Tropical worldSeed
Ludwigia perennisOnagraceaeTropical AfricaThroughout the Tropical worldSeed
Marselia quadrifoliaMarsileaceaeSouthern and Central EuropeNorth America and AsiaRhizomes
Merremia aegyptia (L.) Urban.ConvolvulaceaeTropical AmericaWorldwide Tropical and SubtropicalSeed
Mikania micrantha KunthAsteraceaeTropical AmericaTropical area Africa and AsiaSeed
Mimosa pudicaMimosaceaeSouth and Central AmericaTropical regions of the WorldSeed
Mimosa invisaMimosaceaeSouth and Central AmericaTropical regions of the WorldSeed
Mirabilis jalapa L.NyctaginaceaePeruWarmer parts across WorldSeed
Monochoria vaginalis (Burm.f.) C. Presl.PontederiaceaeTropical AmericaTropical and Subtropical wet areasSeed
Nastridium indicumTropaeolaceaeSouth AmericaDistributed worldwideSeed
Nicotiana plumbaginifolia VivSolanaceaeTropical AmericaTropical regions of the WorldSeed
Panicum repensPoaceaeAfricaTropics and SubtropicsSeed and rhizomes
Parthenium hysterophorusAsteraceaeTropical and North AmericaThroughout the WorldSeed
Papspalum dilatumPoaceaeSouth AmericaHumid Tropics and SubtropicsSeed
Paspalaum distichumPoaceaeTropical and Subtropical AmericaTropical and Subtropical regionSeed
Paspalum hydrophyllumPoaceaeSouth AmericaTropical Asia, Africa and AustraliaSeed
Passiflora foetida L.PassifloraceaeTropical and South AmericaTropical region of Asia and AfricaSeed
Pennisetum purpureumPoaceaeTropical AmericaTropical and Subtropical regionSeed
Phyla nodifloraVerbenaceaeSouth AmericaTropical and Subtropical regionSeed
Phyllanthus tenellusEuphorbiaceaeMascarene IslandsAfrica, Southern Europe and AsiaSeed
Physalis angulata L.SolanaceaeTropical AmericaAsia and AfricaSeed
Pistia stratiotes L.AraceaeTropical AmericaTropical and Subtropical regionVegetative
Plantigo lanceolataPlantaginaceaeEurasiaSouth Asia, Australia and North AmericaSeed
Portulaca oleraceaPortulacaceaeTropical Central AmericaTropical and Subtropical regionSeeds
Portulaca quadrifidaPortulacaceaeTropical South AmericaAfrica and Tropical AsiaSeed
Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.MimosaceaeMexicoTropical and Subtropical regionSeed
Rotala densifloraLythraceaeTropical AsiaTropical Africa America and Australiaspores
Ruellia tuberosa L.AcanthaceaeTropical AmericaSouth East Asia and Tropical AfricaSeed
Salvinia molestaSalviniaceaeSouth Eastern BrazilWide spread across tropical worldVegetative
Sida acuta Burm.f.MalvaceaeTropical AmericaPacific and South East AsiaSeed
Solanum seaforthianum AndreSolanaceaeBrazilWorldwide distributionSeed
Solanum viarum DunalSolanaceaeTropical AmericaTropical and Subtropical regionSeed
Sonchus oleraceus L.AsteraceaeMediterraneanTropical and Subtropical regionSeed
Sonchus asper HillAsteraceaeMediterraneanTropical and Subtropical regionSeed
Stylosanthes hamata (L.) Taub.PapilionaceaeTropical AmericaTropical Africa and AsiaSeed
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) VahlVerbenaceaeTropical AmericaSubtropical Asia Africa and OceaniaSeed
Stachytarpheta urticaefolia(Salisb.)SimsVerbenaceaeTropical AmericaTropical Africa, Asia and Pacific regionSeed
Stellaria mediaCaryophyllaceaeEuropeThroughout the worldSeed
Synadenium grantii Hook. F.EuphorbiaceaeTropical AfricaTropical region of America and AsiaSeed
Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn.AsteraceaeWest IndiesWarmer region of the worldSeed
Taraxacum officinaleAsteraceaeEuropeTemperate region of the worldSeed
Tribulus terrestrisZygophyllaceaeTropical AmericaWarm Temperate region of Eurasia, AfricaSeed
Tridax procumbensAsteraceaeTropical Central AmericaWarm Temperate and Tropical regionSeed
Turnera subulata J.E. SmithTurneraceaeTropical AmericaTropical region of Asia and AfricaSeed
Turnera ulmifolia L.TurneraceaeTropical AmericaAfrica, South East Asia and Tropical IslandSeed
Typha angustataTyphaceaeTropical AmericaAsia, North Africa and South EuropeSeed
Ulex europaeus L.PapilionaceaeWestern EuropeTropical Africa and Asia and Australia, NZSeed
Urena lobata L.MalvaceaeTropical AfricaTropical Africa and South East AsiaSeed
Waltheria indica L.SterculiaceaeTropical AmericaTropical region of worldSeed
Xanthium strumariumAsteraceaeTropical AmericaAfrica and Temperate and South East AsiaSeed
Youngia japonica (L.) DC.AsteraceaeTropical AsiaWorldwideSeed

Table 1.

Invasive alien weed species world wide.

3.3 Effect on crops by invasive alien weed species

Wide adaptability and faster growth of invaded weeds lead to dominance of weed in crop habitat Invasive weeds are responsible for 34% of agricultural losses [37] with the magnitude of impact varying between countries or location as 10% yield loss has been attributed to weeds in less developed countries and 25% in the least developed countries [38]. Rottboellia cochinchinensis is rated among the worst weeds in the world and is considered a serious problem in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), maize, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and upland rice (Oryza saliva L.) in tropical regions of the world [39]. In tropical region it is a major weed problem in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) and soybean. Invasive weed Asphodelus fistulosus a native of North America, South Europe and West Asia has been found in onion crop. The weed could make the land infertile if it is not controlled in a timely manner. Imperata cylindrical (L.) P. Beauv is one of the top invasive worst weed in the world and causes severe damage to the date palm and sugarcane fields of Iran [40].

Rice crop is infested with different invaded weed flora consisting of aquatic, semi-aquatic and terrestrial weeds (Figure 3). The invaded weed species Alternanthera philoxeroides, Cyperus rotundus, Echinocloa crusgalli, Echinochloa stagnina, Eicchornia crassipes, Eragrostis stagnina, Commelina diffusa, Ludwigia liniflolia, Ageratum houstonianum, Alternanthera phiexeroides, Borrera articularis, Cynodon dactylon, Aeschynomene indica, Polygonum glabrum Willd, Melochia corchorifolia, Paspalam scrobiculatum, and Eleocharis acutangula causes yield losses to the tune of 28–89 percent in transplanted and direct seeded lowland rice and 48–100 percent in upland ecosystem [41]. Solidago gigantia Aiton. had pronounced alleloapathic effect on germination and initial growth of carrot, barley and coriander. Reduction in emergence percent, shoot length and fresh weight of carrot and barley was also observed [42]. Ageratum conyzoides, A. houstonianum and Erigeron karvinskianus are primarily invading agroecosystem. Avena fatua, Phalaris minor and Lolium temulentum are the grassy weeds, which have now become a threat in wheat crop and affected yield [43].

Figure 3.

Invasive weed species in paddy lands.

Invaded weed species P. minor Retz, Chenopodium album L., A. fatua L., Cichorium intybus, Celosia argentia and Medicago denticulata affect the yields in wheat [44]. Echinochloa colona, Trianthema portulacastrum, Euphorbia geniculata, Commelina communis and Physalis minima invaded weed species affected soybean crop [45]. Convolvulus arvensis L., Chicorium intybus and Lathyrus aphaca invaded weed species affected chickpea crop. Cynotis axillaris, Melochia conchorifolia L., Blainvillea acmella (L.) Philipson (Asteraceae) and Cyperus iria native of Tropical America affected maize crop across globe [46]. Tagetes minuta is widely distributed across the tropics and subtropics and computing light, nutrients, and water with many economically important crops such as maize, rice, and beans. Parthenium hysterophorus, Lantana camara, A. adenophora and A. conyzoides are widely distributed and more rapidly proliferating alien plant weed species after crop yield [47]. Eighteen invasive weed species namely, A. conyzoides, Cassia alata, Catharanthus pusillus, Celosia argentea, C. album, Eichhornia crassipes, Impatiens balsamina, Ipomoea eriocarpa, Ipomoea quamoclit, L. camara, Leucaena latisiliqua, Leucaena leucocephala, Melilotus alba, Mirabilis jalapa, Passifora foetida, Pennisetum purpureum, Portulaca oleracea and Prosopis julifora have been introduced from South America affecting crops like rice, wheat, sorghum, oilseed and pulse crops in India [48]. Echinochloa crus-galli, Setaria viridis and Digitaria sanguinalis populations were high and Sorghum halepens, Bidens pilosa, Acalypha wilkesiana, Galinsoga parviflora, Amaranthus retroflexus, Solanum physalifolium, C. album, Polygonum lapathifolium, Xanthium italicum Datura stramonium and Sicyos angulatus affected maize, wheat, sunflower, sorghum, sugarbeet and soyabean crops [49]. Invasive weed species Trifolium repens, Eryngium billardieri, Lemna minor and Sorgum halepense are the major invasive weeds in hilly tracts of India affecting the yield of paddy, mustard, wheat and oats crops [50]. Typha augustata which belongs to the family Typhaceae is found across wetland ecosystem throughout the world affecting the yield of rice crop [51].

3.4 Measures to control invasive weed

Understanding invasive weed species ecology, morphology, reproductive biology, physiology, and biochemistry is essential for effective management and prevention management and control through a full range of factors regulating their density, growth and competitive ability. The weed management strategies could be adapted to minimize prevalence of the invasive species for reducing to minimize the undesired effects and optimizing land use by combining prevention and control practices [52]. Invasion by alien species in agroecosystem can be best controlled by measures like crop rotation, balanced fertilization, maintenance of cover crops, intercropping diversification, and alteration in soil physical chemical and biological properties.

Enforcement of strong legislation could prevent introduction of invasive alien weed species in the country for conserving the rich biodiversity and increase crop production. Prevention, early detection and eradication of invasive alien weed species is the most economical and effective means of management. It is important to ensure new weed species of vegetative reproductive weed parts are not introduced in new areas. Mechanical, physical, biological, and chemical (herbicide) have to be used for the control of invasive weed species across the world. Mechanical control usually refers to the mowing or mechanical cutting of an invasive plant infestation to limit seed production. Manual invasive plant control usually refers to hand-pulling or digging. Cultural control and competition including re-vegetating, irrigating or fertilizing to encourage the establishment of a healthy ground or crop cover to resist invasive plants. Biological control involves using living organisms to reduce seed production and vigor of an invasive plant species. Biological control agents are not available for many invasive plant species [53].


4. Conclusion

The twenty first century threat of invasive alien weed species is extensive and distributed globally. An invasion by alien weed species is a global problem and forms one of the major drivers of global change. Invasive weeds species are one of the major problems in crop production. The threat by invasive alien plant species has been with rapid growth of globalization. The species affect crop production and biodiversity. Apart from threat to biodiversity and ecological distribution invasive alien species have significant socio-economic impact. The weeds compete with crop plants for light, moisture, nutrients and space. The mechanism of plant weed invasions has been change in climatic condition, disturbance in natural ecosystem (soil, canopy cover, habitat fragmentation, fast growing potential of alien species and chemical interference by litter of alien weed species). The high seed production capacity spread, adaptation to wide climatic and soil condition are challenges to the management across worldwide for sustainable agricultural production.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Melekote Nagabhushan Arun, Rapolu Mahender Kumar, Banugu Sreedevi, Guntupalli Padmavathi, Pallakonda Revathi, Neha Pathak, Dayyala Srinivas and Boya Venkatanna

Submitted: 15 July 2022 Reviewed: 25 July 2022 Published: 11 September 2022