Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Perspective Chapter: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Co-Resident Attack Mitigation in The Cloud

Written By

Suxia Cui and Soamar Homsi

Reviewed: 21 June 2022 Published: 28 October 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.105991

From the Annual Volume

Artificial Intelligence Annual Volume 2022

Edited by Marco Antonio Aceves Fernandez and Carlos M. Travieso-Gonzalez

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Cloud computing brings convenience and cost efficiency to users, but multiplexing virtual machines (VMs) on a single physical machine (PM) results in various cybersecurity risks. For example, a co-resident attack could occur when malicious VMs use shared resources on the hosting PM to control or gain unauthorized access to other benign VMs. Most task schedulers do not contribute to both resource management and risk control. This article studies how to minimize the co-resident risks while optimizing the VM completion time through designing efficient VM allocation policies. A zero-trust threat model is defined with a set of co-resident risk mitigation parameters to support this argument and assume that all VMs are malicious. In order to reduce the chances of co-residency, deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is adopted to decide the VM allocation strategy. An effective cost function is developed to guide the reinforcement learning (RL) policy training. Compared with other traditional scheduling paradigms, the proposed system achieves plausible mitigation of co-resident attacks with a relatively small VM slowdown ratio.


  • cloud computing
  • risk mitigation
  • resource management
  • co-resident attack
  • reinforcement learning

1. Introduction

Cloud Computing, which has its origins in expanding the Internet, aims to provide remote and scalable computing and storage resources to its customers. Users from small businesses in a locally resource-limited environment can manipulate and store large datasets for real-time processing with cloud services. The cloud platform has gradually reshaped daily lives because it has been recognized as a convenient way to transmit and store data in the big data era. Organizations can choose from the public, private, or hybrid cloud that combines the public and private deployment model features. The term “XaaS” is coined for the service-oriented architecture, emphasizing that anything can be treated as a service under the cloud computing environment. Examples of cloud delivery services include infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS) [1]. Recently, function as a service (FaaS) further expanded the backend as a service (BaaS) offering. Under each delivery model, a cloud service provider (CSP) is responsible for allocating enough resources to maintain quality of service (QoS) to the users and protect their data from security risks.

Virtualization has been adopted by most cloud computing platforms to profit from the “pay as you go (PAYG)” model [2]. Virtualization is an idea generated from IBM’s mainframe platform in the early 1960s. After entering the twenty-first century, it was successfully utilized in cloud computing that can bring down the cost of maintaining a large-scale system. It converts a physical server into numerous VMs, rented out to several occupants [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. This VM-PM relationship is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

VMs and PMs in a data center via virtualization.

The apparent relationship between PMs running and power consumption places a high demand on a strategy for energy minimization in this configuration [8]. Security and data privacy are other concerns for cloud computing platforms. Attackers will seek to exploit any vulnerability to achieve various malicious goals on the victim’s network, software, and databases. The co-resident attack is one of the prevalent cybersecurity risks resulting from virtualization. Ideally, two neighboring VMs are isolated from each other when running their tasks. However, in reality, each co-located VM will depend on the same PM where hardware, like CPUs or memory elements, is shared by all the VMs. Therefore, a VM’s private information may be accessed by its neighboring VM by launching side-channel attacks [9, 10, 11, 12], as shown in Figure 2. Here, a hypervisor or virtual machine monitor (VMM) creates and runs VMs on a hosting PM. The arrows illustrate the route of side-channel attacks. A side-channel attack is a significant security challenge that prevents many organizations from adopting cloud computing technology. Although recently deep learning algorithms have proven to be effective in cloud resource management [13, 14, 15, 16], few paid attention to side-channel attack avoidance at the same time.

Figure 2.

Side-channel attacks in cloud computing.

To fill in this gap, we developed a novel deep reinforcement-learning (DRL) based dynamic VM allocation approach to optimize the trade-offs between the VM completion and the co-resident risks mitigation. The main contributions of this paper are as follows:

  • Threat model design: A time-sensitive zero trust threat model is developed for co-resident vulnerability analysis. The model enables the tracking of VM co-existent pairs on the same PM.

  • DRL adoption to co-resident risk mitigation: This article is the first to investigate the different states, actions, and rewards of DRL to fit it into cloud computing side-channel attacks. The rewards guide the VMM decision-making.

  • Simulation platform implementation: The proposed system accepts tasks dynamically at runtime and analyzes cloud co-resident risks at each timestep for optimized scheduling algorithms.


2. Related works: Secure cloud resource management

Resource management alone without security consideration in a cloud computing environment is already very challenging. Multi-tenant environments allow attackers to begin a co-resident infiltration and steal the victim’s information by side channels. The risks that attackers pose to VMs on the same hypervisor are growing security concerns and are being addressed differently. This section will discuss established current resource management approaches with and without security awareness. Three categories of methodologies are commonly used: Heuristic, game theory, and machine learning (ML).

The exploration of heuristics and meta-heuristics to solve nondeterministic polynomial time (NP) problems are growing amid the difficulties to solve them using traditional methods [17]. Gawali and Shinde [18] combined a modified analytic hierarchy process (MAHP), bandwidth aware divisible scheduling (BATS), and the longest expected processing time preemption (LEPT) to achieve improved performance. Qin et al. [20] took the idea of “ant colony optimization” from [19] and proposed a probabilistic algorithm that can simultaneously maximize the revenue of communications and minimize the power consumption of PMs. Similarly, Tawfeek et al. also adopted ant species’ nature and presented a random optimization search approach for allocating the incoming jobs to the virtual machines [21]. The proposed method outperformed the popular first come first serve method. Patel introduced a hybrid algorithm that used a modified honeybee behavior-inspired algorithm for priority-based tasks and an enhanced weighted round-robin algorithm for non-priority-based tasks [22] to balance the workload over the cloud dynamically. When using heuristic methods with the consideration of co-resident attacks, various policies were compared. Jia et al. [23] proposed a VM allocation method to optimize load balancing and reduce energy consumption and security risks by managing CPU utilization of the hosting PMs. Miao et al. offered two metrics to outline co-residency and conflict of the cloud [24]. Both placement and migration algorithms mediate differences between tenants to alleviate co-resident attacks in the cloud proactively. Han et al. formulated a set of security metrics and a quantitative model to assign new VMs to the server with the most VMs [25]. The research uncovered that the server’s configuration, over-subscription, and background traffic had a substantial impact on the ability to stop attackers from co-locating with the targets.

Yang et al. [26] explored a simplified algorithm for energy management in cloud computing. The paper centered around establishing a mathematical model to calculate computing nodes’ stability, configuring a game-theoretic cooperative model for the task of scheduling cloud computing, and examining the problem as a multi-stage sequential game. Patra et al. presented the task as a player and the VM as a strategy in [27]. A non-cooperative game scheduling and a task balance scheduling algorithm are compared to collect the node’s average task processing speed. Therefore, it was determined that the game-theoretic algorithm proposed could improve energy management in cloud computing. In [28], the cooperative behavior of multiple cloud servers was studied. An evolutionary mechanism was presented in the hierarchical cooperative game model for VMs deployment strategy to improve the efficiency in the public cloud environment. Jia et al. modeled several basic VM allocation policies using game theory to achieve a quantitative analysis, while also presenting the attack effectiveness, coverage, power consumption, workload balance, and cost under the VM allocation policies and solving the mathematical solution in CloudSim [23]. Their results found that to reduce the efficiency rates for the attacker, the cloud provider should apply a probabilistic VM allocation policy. Narwal et al. proposed a payoff matrix and a decision tree for any number of users [29, 30]. When a unique user was selected, the choices of investing in security were assessed until equilibrium was reached. Security games are a way of blocking the attacker’s ability to locate the VMs they are searching for. Han et al. proposed a policy pool with multiple VM allocation policies from which to select the policy that will be used with a certain probability [31].

Difficulties regarding energy efficiency in cloud computing can also be addressed using machine learning-based techniques [32]. Witanto et al. employed a neural network-based adaptive selector procedure to arrange the VMs on the physical servers in data centers [33]. Pahlevan et al. presented a hyper-heuristic algorithm to exploit both heuristic and ML-based VM allocation methods by selecting the best one during run-time [32]. Zhang et al. [34] suggested an auction-based resource allocation scheme to represent a machine learning classification or regression problem. They outlined machine learning classification and posed two resource allocation prediction algorithms rooted in linear and logistic regression. Liu et al. presented a reinforcement learning-based approach to allow complex scenarios to efficiently manage resources [35]. In order to do so, they used neural networks to grasp the goal of the research model, RL to enhance the model, and E-greedy methodology to expand the RL process. Their approach lowered job delay for hybrid scenarios. ML-based methods have been proposed to fight against co-resident attacks focusing on different factors, such as minimizing the time of a malicious VM co-location. Joseph et al. [36] used traditional ML algorithms, such as support vector machine (SVM), naïve bayes, and random forests to detect malware, following a self-healing methodology to power off the attacked VMs and restore them to healthy conditions. In reality, there is a concern with the amount of time it takes to implement a solution to mitigate VMs in the event of co-resident attacks. To the best of our knowledge, no current ML-based approach succeeded in mitigating co-resident attacks based on VM mitigation, while minimizing the VM downtime.


3. Threat model

There are many approaches to fight against co-resident attacks, including hardware modification, intrusion detection, secure VM allocation, and migration. Threat model building is crucial to guide proper defense. This section goes through the study of existing models and presents our proposed threat model with detailed variable selections.

3.1 Modeling co-resident attacks

Many optimization models were proposed to fight against co-resident attacks. Abazari et al. suggested a multi-objective optimization method to calculate alternative responses with the least amount of threat through graphics and proper attack countermeasures [37]. Liu et al. considered the three main factors which lead to the likelihood of malicious VMs co-locating with normal users [38]. Berrima et al. used a VM placement strategy to reduce the co-location attacks with complete resource optimization. Their approach presents a trade-off between security and VM startup delay [39]. Hasan et al. proposed a co-resident attacks mitigation and prevention (CAMP) model to separate malicious and benign VMs by comparing existing models over data security, data survivability, and user storage overhead [5]. Other works focused on a probabilistic co-residence coverage optimization model, while combining a data partition technique that involves arranging servers randomly [40, 41].

3.2 Proposed threat model with detailed design components

Our proposed approach takes the time-sensitive risk level from co-resident attacks into account and searches for the solution to the dynamic VM allocation problem through DRL. Research shows that the co-resident attack will have a total cycle of t3, consisting of three stages: probe, construct, and launch. Probe and construct generate a configuration interval. This is illustrated in Figure 3. To avoid the attacks, the defender must take action before the launching starts. In other words, before the configuration interval t2 is reached [42].

Figure 3.

The timeline of attacks [42].

Our co-resident risk model is developed in a similar scenario to [43]. The choice of variables is listed in Table 1.

NNo. of PMs
nNo. of resource slots in one PM
MNo. of VMs
XThe mapping between VMs and PMs
t1End of probing [42]
t2End of constructing/configuration interval [42]
tsviThe threat score of vi [0,1]
CoResvivjThe co-resident duration matrix between vi and vj
rcrvivjCo-resident risk indicator matrix
CoResFactorVM’s co-resident rewards factor

Table 1.

Variable definition.

The co-resident risk indicator can be obtained through the following equations:


The threat score, tsvi, reflects the potential risk to VMi. It is a floating number between 0 and 1, with 0 representing no risk and 1 representing the highest risk. As illustrated in Eq. (1), the risk is also proportional to the co-resident duration time recorded in a matrix, CoResvivj.

The VM’s co-resident rewards factor, CoResFactor, is the crucial parameter in guiding RL training. It can be determined by where the co-resident attack cycle status of the VM resides. For example, the time of a co-existing VM pair on the same PM for a period of less than t1 is considered to be safe. If there is a malicious VM, it means that it has not passed the probing stage yet. So, the risk of getting a co-resident attack is low. In this case, α0=0 is chosen. If the CoResvivj is between t1 and t2, the system needs to be aware that if a malicious VM exists in the pair; it reaches the constructing stage and moves closer to launching the attack. So, α1 needs to be non-zero. While the VM pair co-exists on the same PM for more than t2 time period, an attack could be launched. This is the situation to be avoided, so that α2 is assigned to a more aggressive number.

3.3 Assumptions

Two assumptions guide the proposed model:

  1. Co-resident risk is calculated among all the active VM pairs on the same PM, and each VM is randomly created with 1 to 15-time steps of the length.

  2. All the jobs are batch jobs, and all the VMs might be malicious. The goal is to mitigate co-resident risk by avoiding the VM pairs’ co-resident period from reaching t2.

The system will be simulated under the above assumptions. The overall co-resident risk level, the number of co-resident attacks, and the VM slowdown ratio is the proposed system’s evaluation metrics.


4. DRL-based VM scheduling system design and simulation

4.1 Mathematical background of RL and schematics

RL problems can be modeled as a Markov decision process (MDP) to find a policy by maximizing the accumulated rewards. An MDP has four tuples (S, A, Pa, Ra), where S is a set of states called state space, A is a set of actions called action space, Pa is the probability of state transition from s to s under action a, and Ra is the immediate reward right after action a. There are two major methods to solve the reinforcement learning iteration problem. One is called valuefunction, and the other is policygradient. Q-Learning is an example of valuefunction, which has a function: Q:S×AR. Before learning begins, Q is initialized to 0 or a base value. The core of the algorithm is a Bellman equation, which updates the Q value with new information:


Here, α and γ are the learning rate and discount factor, respectively. rt is the reward at the time step t. We adopt DeepRM [44] framework, which follows policygradient with a deep neural network added into this system to solve large-scale RL tasks. This portion of the deep RL can be illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Reinforcement learning with policy represented via DNN [44].

The nature of the policygradient is to maximize the expected cumulative discount reward Eπθt=0γtrt, which can be expressed as:


Here, γ01 is a discount factor for future rewards. rt is the reward at the time step t. The VMM picks actions based on a policyπ:πsa01, which is defined as the probability of action a taken in the state s. A manageable number of adjustable parameters, θ, are called the policy parameter. So, the policy can be represented as πθsa, and θ will be updated via gradient descent:


where β is the step size. The corresponding expected cumulative discounted reward Qπθsa can be estimated by the empirically computed cumulative discounted reward vt.

4.2 RL components design

Reinforcement learning is a unique type of machine learning paradigm, which has been successfully applied to task scheduling [45, 46, 47, 48, 49]. It contains several detailed components that need clarification. Here, we first define our state space, action space, and rewards before introducing the simulation system.

4.2.1 State space

RL is a model-free machine learning method; an agent learns from the trial-and-error process to interact with the environment. The state of the environment is defined as a vector of several components as shown in Table 2. They build the data structure of a VM which can be classified as:

  1. Computing resources factors;

  2. Security awareness factors (already introduced in Table 1).

Vector componentValuesData type
Computing Resources
Hosting PMs1Integer
VM ID1Integer
Ideal length of finishing1Float
Resources requested2Integer
Start time1Float
Finish time1Float

Table 2.

Data structure of a VM.

The current allocation of the cluster resources can be retrieved by the mapping between VMs and resource slots available on the PM, which can be expressed as a matrix X.

4.2.2 Action space

It is assumed that VMs will be assigned to the PM if requested resources are available at each time step. The action space is defined by {0, 1, ..., n}, where 0 means no action taken, and 1 through n means to allocate a new VM on the ns PM slot. After each action, the next state space is obtained by updating the recent mapping of X.

4.2.3 Rewards

A reward strategy is designed to guide the VM allocation agent toward our goal: Sufficiently utilize current resources to complete jobs on time and simultaneously minimize co-resident attacks. The reward function must be carefully designed to avoid contradiction. In the proposed system with a total of J active VMs, the rewards function consists of two terms:

  1. VMs’ completion factor, RVMD (VM delay rewards), is defined by the accumulated VMDelayed from currently running VMs in the system. Here, Tj is the duration of the jth VM, vj.

  2. VMs’ co-resident risk level, RRC (runtime co-resident rewards), is defined by the co-resident risk indicator matrix rcrvivj.

They can be calculated accordingly as:


The full rewards are calculated as a weighted sum of the two terms with weights ω1 and ω2. The overall rewards can be obtained by:


This rewards equation implies the objective of this novel VM allocation system is focused on:

  1. Efficiently allocating VMs to minimize the VM delay time as shown in Eq. (6);

  2. Aware of co-resident attacks through VM assignment correlations and take action to avoid the risk as shown in Eq. (7).

4.3 Simulation system design

4.3.1 System model

Similar to the DeepRM [44] framework, the proposed simulation system is illustrated in Figure 5. CPU and memory (MEM) are the two resources for limited constraint consideration. When the VM is assigned to the PM, a time step starts to count the duration of the VM. If there are other VMs simultaneously assigned to the same PM, the co-resident counter is also started to accumulate the time steps and recorded in CoResvivj. VM requests arrive according to a Bernoulli process. The backlog queue houses all the incoming VMs waiting for allocation.

Figure 5.

Resource, time steps, job slots, and backlog queue in [44].

4.3.2 Co-resident duration matrix

The time steps will be recorded in the co-resident duration matrix as shown below. This small-scale example limits each CPU and MEM resource to five slots. Here, five VMs VM1VM5 are illustrated with the life cycles marked with a start and end time steps as VM1:02,VM2:04,VM3:010,VM4:24,VM5:411. Their life cycle lengths can be represented as 2,4,10,2,7, respectively. The overlapped time steps shown in a co-resident duration matrix are:


The proposed zero-trust strategy means all the VMs could be malicious, so the threat scores for all VMs are set to 1 (tsvi=1). Thus, the co-resident risk indicator matrix is:


4.3.3 Configuration interval

In the simulated system, five-time steps are chosen to represent t1 and ten-time steps to represent the configuration interval t2. In Figure 5, time is represented in a vertical direction. In order to mitigate the co-resident attacks, the system is designed to train the agent to avoid two VMs sharing the same PM for more than t2 time interval. Based on the timeline of the attacks illustrated in Figure 3, different values will be assigned to the CoResFactor as shown in Eq. (2).

4.3.4 Risk mitigation strategies

When two VMs have overlapped time steps less than t1, there is a minor risk of co-resident attacks, so α0=0; when two VMs have resided on the same PM for more than t1 time steps, but less than t2, co-resident attack risks start to accumulate. Thus, the first risk mitigation function is set to be: α1=k×tt1, while k has been chosen from {0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2} to explore the efficiency of different choices. When two VMs have co-residence on the same PM for more than t2 time steps, there is enough construction time for attacks to take place, so a more aggressive factor in the form of k2 is added to the reward function. The proposed system applies the second risk mitigation function: α2=k×tt1+k2, where k2 has been tested in the pool of 0,1,2,3. A portion of the risk mitigation function design can be found in Figure 6, where all the k values are presented; only k2=0, k2=1, and k2=2 on top k=2 are shown on the graph.

Figure 6.

Risk mitigation function design.

4.3.5 Software

The system is programmed in Python with the flowchart illustrated in Figure 7. First, the arriving VMs are placed in a backlog queue. If the queue is not empty, the scheduling system operates to find the optimized solution to assign VMs to PMs. At each time step, the system will update the co-resident duration matrix which reflects the current risk level and will guide the choice of risk mitigation strategies.

Figure 7.

The flowchart of the proposed system.


5. Simulation results analysis

The co-resident simulation program is built upon the Python-based DeepRM [44] open-source platform. The neural network is constructed by a fully connected hidden layer with 20 neurons, and a total of 89,451 parameters. Poisson distribution with a new arriving rate of 0.7 is chosen to simulate the VMs’ dynamic arrival. All the results are obtained in 2500 iterations.

Our proposed system introduces co-resident risk mitigation to task scheduling by adding Eq. (7) to the total rewards calculation of Eq. (8). During the investigation, it was observed that the system performed differently, while manipulating the risk mitigation function parameters illustrated in Figure 6. The effectiveness of the proposed mitigation scheme can be analyzed by the RL rewards, VM slowdown ratio, and attack reduction.

5.1 Total rewards affected by risk mitigation factors

As illustrated in Eq. (8), total discounted rewards can be captured by taking both VM delay and co-resident risks into consideration. Since there is no preference between the two, ω1and ω2 in Eq. (8) are both set to 1. In the first experiment, k2 is set to 0, and k is chosen from 0, 1, and 2. The recorded total accumulated rewards in Figure 8 explain that a smaller k value leads to a larger reward (Note: the reward is negative). When k=0there is no risk mitigation. As k increases, more mitigation influence will be placed in the system, and the total discounted reward decreases.

Figure 8.

The total rewards accumulated from different k values.

DeepRM provides DRL and other heuristics VM allocation methods, such as tetris, random allocation, and small jobs first (SJF), for comparison. Although those methods do not have co-resident risk mitigation features, the total discounted rewards can illustrate how severe the cybersecurity risks they are experiencing. Two user cases are shown in Table 3. A negative number with a larger absolute value means a worse situation.

Case 1−644.94−426.81−501.40−320.17
Case 2−267.88−167.50−187.33−142.69

Table 3.

Total discounted rewards.

5.2 Slowdown ratio affected by risk mitigation factors

The metric to measure the efficiency of VM scheduling is to calculate the VMDelayed as defined in Table 2. In programming, the slowdown ratio is utilized. Each VM has its own expected life cycle shown as the “Ideal length of finishing” in Table 2. It also has a length marked by time step when generated. When the VM is assigned to a PM, the “Start time” is marked. At the time of finishing, a “Finish time” is recorded. The parameter Slowdown is calculated by Eq. (10). Ideally, if there is no delay in the execution, Slowdown=1, but in the actual application, many factors can cause the delay. Thus, Slowdown1.


With an increment of k value, more rewards are generated to mitigate the potential co-resident risks through the risk mitigation function. As a matter of fact, it sacrifices the VM completion time, so the slowdown ratio increases. Experiments show that “Random” allocation of VMs has the largest average slowdown ratio. If using “Random” slowdown ratio as a baseline, the percentage of slowdown ratio reduction from the baseline data is shown in Table 4.

MethodsTetrisSJFDRL (k=0)DRL (k=1)DRL (k=2)

Table 4.

VM slowdown ratio over random method.

5.3 Co-resident attacks reduction by risk mitigation factors

Considering the goal of mitigating co-resident attacks, a group of experiments is conducted to represent the effectiveness of different risk mitigation function parameters under RL scenario. Figure 9 illustrates the total counts of co-resident attacks if k and k2 are set as in Figure 6. If k=2 and k2=1, the count reduces dramatically compared with k=0 and k2=0, where there is no mitigation applied.

Figure 9.

The potential co-resident attacks by different k and k2 selection strategies.


6. Conclusions and future work

This chapter addresses the importance of cybersecurity awareness in cloud computing resource management. The proposed RL-based scheduling method takes both VM slowdown time and co-resident attack risks mitigation into consideration. The co-resident risk model under no-trust conditions is formed. As a result, the problem is narrowed down to minimizing the co-tenancy on the same PM among all the active VMs. Finally, a DRL-based task scheduling system is simulated with proposed risk mitigation factors.

This chapter proves that much can be explored in resource management and risk mitigation in cloud computing. It is evident that ML obtained much attention recently, and more applications are being developed in this direction. Although there is a concern about training costs under a deep learning algorithm, it outperforms other methods in adaptation to a more dynamic environment, which makes it outstanding. If designed properly, the computational burden can be shifted to off-line. The above experiment results are obtained by using MacBook Air with a 2.2GHz dual-core Intel i7 processor and 8GB memory. It takes 3 minutes per 2500 iterations to train the policies. While applying the pre-trained model to take actions during runtime testing, it will not take longer than 2 seconds for the longest allocation decision. The results show applying reinforcement learning to co-resident risk mitigation is plausible. Different mitigation strategies lead to different VM completion ratios and risk levels. The proposed strategies proved to be helpful in searching for VM allocation improvement with consideration of both VM completion constraints and co-resident risk awareness. In the future, a more in-depth investigation of the reward equation design will be conducted. A thorough search accompanied by mathematical models to discuss the convergence will be explored. An advanced cost function will be developed with resources and security constraints. Multi-agent reinforcement learning will be applied to extend the model of this research and the efficiency will be tested and compared.



This work was supported in part by the Air Force Research Laboratory and Department of Education MSEIP grant award no. P120A180114, Texas A & M Engineering Experiment Station Annual Research Conference Project (TEES TARC) Award 28-235980-00020, and the National Science Foundation grant award no. OAC 1827243. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of the Air Force Research Laboratory or the U.S. Government.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Suxia Cui and Soamar Homsi

Reviewed: 21 June 2022 Published: 28 October 2022