Open access peer-reviewed chapter

PID Control for Nonlinear Processes

Written By

Taieb Adel, Kanzari Bilel and Chaari Abdelkader

Reviewed: 27 July 2022 Published: 17 May 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.106820

From the Edited Volume

PID Control for Linear and Nonlinear Industrial Processes

Edited by Mohammad Shamsuzzoha and G. Lloyds Raja

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This chapter presents a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy system controller that can be trained by the particle swarm optimization-cuckoo search (PSOCS) technique to control nonlinear multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems. Instead of the standard methods that are widely used in the literature, the PSOCS is used to adjust all of the PID parameters by the minimization of a given objective function. A nonlinear MIMO system has been selected to be controlled by this controller. The simulation results show the notable control accuracy and generalization ability of this MIMO controller. Finally, a comparative study with a PSO algorithm and CS algorithm shows the superiority of the PSOCS over these two optimization methods in terms of guaranteeing the desired performance.


  • PID controller
  • Takagi-Sugeno
  • nonlinear system
  • MIMO system
  • particle swarm optimization-cuckoo search

1. Introduction

The proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control technique is used in this chapter to achieve the control objective of making the output signals follow the desired trajectory or arrive at the required places accurately and fast. However, there are a number of characteristics in big system models that prevent the direct application of PID control approaches. The largest (and unknown) model order, hazy connections between subsystems, wide parameter fluctuation, and complex organizational structure stand out among these characteristics. There has been a lot of research done on the stability problem with fuzzy control systems. However, there are frequently ambiguities in many real-world systems, which are a source of instability. Thus, the robust fuzzy stabilization problem for uncertain nonlinear systems has received considerable interest [1, 2]. We can use fuzzy logic theory to break down the effort of modeling and control design into a collection of simpler local tasks by using qualitative, linguistic information about a complex nonlinear system. Additionally, it offers a method for combining these local activities to produce the overall model and control design. On the other hand, improvements in the theory of linear systems have led to the development of numerous potent design tools. As a result, the analysis and controller synthesis of the nonlinear system may be done using the productive linear system theory based on the linear Takagi Sugeo (TS) fuzzy model [3]. Although the local design structure is used to build the fuzzy controller, the global design conditions should be used to calculate the feedback gains. To ensure global stability and control performance, the global design conditions are required.

PID control with feedback signals accessible at the site of each controlled device is typically the most advantageous for the nonlinear problem due to the ease of the practical implementation of the controllers [4, 5]. The difficulty of precisely and automatically tweaking the gains of PID controller poses a significant obstacle to the efficient application of this method. Because, it is a computationally expensive combinational optimization issue, and because it may be difficult, time-consuming, and process-specific to extract the right set of static benefits for every subsystem. In order to overcome these drawbacks, several optimization algorithms are used, for example, genetic algorithm (GA), equilibrium optimizer algorithm (EOA) [6], particle swarm optimization (PSO), arithmetic optimizer (AO) [7], and cuckoo search (CS).

For the best tuning of the PID gains in each control region and to accelerate the convergence of the algorithms in this work, the particle swarm optimization-cuckoo search (PSOCS) technique, a mix of the PSO and the cs algorithm, is utilized in this chapter. PSOCS, a unique population-based metaheuristic, has become an effective tool for engineering optimization because it makes use of the swarm intelligence produced by the collaboration and competition among the particles in a swarm. Additionally, it has proven to be effective in resolving issues with nonlinearity, non-differentiability, and high dimensionality [8].


2. Identifying a MIMO system

2.1 Representation of MISO systems

Consider a MIMO system with n inputs and n outputs. After decomposition, each MISO system will be described by:


with the regression vector given by:


here k denotes the discrete time sample, n is an integer relative to the order of the system, and dij is the pure delay. MISO systems are independently identified, for simplicity of notation the index i will be ignored. The output of the system is written as:


where α is a constant. A fuzzy TS model makes an attempt to approximate the unknown function f.. By using the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) algorithm, a set of fuzzy regions, in this case characterized by Gaussian membership functions, are created in the data space, and the ensuing portions describe how the system behaves in these areas. The MISO system’s governing body will now be


where Ωl is the antecedent fuzzy set of the lth rule, Al=Al1Al2Aln and Bl=Bl1Bl2Bln are the vectors of the two polynomials Al and Bl, and r is the number of rules.

Rule (4) can then be written as:


with p=2n2+1

The output of the TS model is then evaluated by:


By asking:


with Φjxciσi is the validation function of the Gaussian function having as parameters the centers ci and the variances σi.


The formula (6) becomes


A Gaussian function’s center and variance (sigmai) in this situation, as well as the linear parameters of the consequents, are determined in the first stage of the identification of MISO systems, which is often done offline. The second stage, which is online, applies the recursive least squares technique to update the local models’ parameters.

2.2 Offline fuzzy model identification

The data set, denoted Z, is constructed by concatenating the regression matrix X and the regressing vector Y:


where N is the number of observations.

The data set Z will be divided into Nc subfuzzy sets by using the fuzzy classification. Several algorithms, including the C-means, Gatha-Geva, and Gustafson Kessel (GK) algorithms, execute this process. We shall employ these algorithms in the following [9].

Data group membership values will be described by a fuzzy partition matrix U=μikNc×N with μik01 represents the degree to which observation xk belongs to group i. Each group is characterized by a center ci, where C=c1CNc is the vector of the centers. And a covariance matrix F=F1FNc describes the variance of the data in the group Fi.

The Gaussian-type membership functions chosen in the context of this chapter are given by:


The parameters of the consequents θi=AiBiCi are estimated separately by the recursive least squares algorithm by minimizing the following objective function:


with ξ=X1 is the regression matrix augmented by adding a unit column vector and Qi is a matrix containing the values of the validity functions Φi of the ith local linear model of each data group:


The least squares estimate of the consequent parameters, (θi=ai1aimbi1bimci) is given by:


2.3 Online fuzzy model identification

The parameters of any real system’s model change over time in accordance with the conditions of the experiment and thus necessitate their adaptation. The recursive least squares with normalization and projection adaption algorithm is as follows [10]:


Obtaining the estimated parameter vector θ̂ from the system parameter vector θ is given by the following least squares algorithm:



  • e¯1k=y¯kϕ¯Tk1θk1

  • pk=pk1pk1ϕ¯kϕ¯T̂kpk1λk+ϕ¯Tk1pk1ϕ¯k1

  • λk=λ0λk1+1λ0, with λ0=0.95,p0=εI,0<ε<

  • y¯k=ykηk1, ϕ¯k=ϕk1ηk1, ηk=max1,ϕk, ηk is a normalization signal.


3. PID controller

3.1 Continous PID controller

The structure of the control law of a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller results from the sum of three actions:

  • Proportional action (P) is as follows:


where εt=yctyt represents the error signal with yct the set point and yt the output of the system to be controlled.

  • Integral action (I):


where Ti denotes the integration constant.

  • Derivative action (D) is as follows:


where Td denotes the derivative constant.

Hence, the command signal is as follows:


The transfer function of a theoretical PID regulator will be given by:


In practice, it is not possible to achieve a perfect derived action. We often use a filtered version:


He then just wrote the transfer function of a filtered PID as follows:


3.2 Discrete version of the PID controller

To obtain the discrete version, we replace:

  • the integral by a discrete sum:


where Te represents the sampling period and k is an integer.

  • The derivative by a difference:


The control law corresponding to the discrete PID regulator also results from the sum of three terms:


This method of discretization is known by the method of upper rectangles. The correspondence between the Laplace transform and the z transform of the integral and derivative terms is given by:

  • For the integral term:


  • For the derived term:


This results in the transfer function of a discrete PID controller:


3.3 Different forms of a numerical PID

3.3.1 Parallel form

The transfer function of the digital PID regulator with derivative filtering in parallel form is given by:


with Ki=KpTeTi, Kd=KpNfTdNfTe+Td and ι=TdNfTe+Td

Note 1: if there is no filter on the derivative, that is to say that Nf, then we will have


3.3.2 Mixed form

The transfer function of the digital PID regulator with derivative filtering in mixed form is given by:


with kp=Kp, ki=TeTi and dd=NfTdNfTe+Td

3.3.3 Series form

The transfer function of the digital PID regulator with filtering of the derivative in series form is written in the following form:




Note 2: the continuous equivalent does not always exist!

The existing condition requires that:


Note 3: In this chapter, we will use the transfer function of the digital PID regulator with filtering of the derivative in series form.

3.3.4 RST structure

The standard form of RST controller is presented as follows (Figure 1):

Figure 1.

Standard form of RST.

In this chapter, we consider only two branches R and S, as shown in the diagram below, that is to say:


The transfer function in a closed loop is given by:






From the after scheme (Figure 2), the equation of regulator is written by:

Figure 2.

RST structure.


Hence, the control law of the system can be written in this form:


4. Method of determining the parameters of PID

How to proceed to the synthesis of a digital PID controller under form RST is as follows :

  • Performance specifications;

  • A method of calculation of the parameters r0, r1, r2, and s1;

  • Obtaining parameters of PID controller.

4.1 Pole placement

With the help of this technique, it is feasible to swiftly acquire results that are satisfactory for the temporal criteria related to the step response of the corrected system. It involves using a PID controller to create a system whose corrected Hbf possesses the following features:

  • A damping coefficient m for the dominant mode;

  • A maximum steady-state error (for the step response);

  • An overshoot D1 and a peak time Tp.

For the choice of the sampling period Te, we consider that the studied systems have a behavior close to that of a second order so:


with w0 represents the undamped pulsation. For the choice of pulsation and damping coefficient, it is important to satisfy the following conditions :


Because, the two settings w0 and m directly affect the behavior of the system, rise time tm, settling time ts, and the maximal overshoot D1. The sampling period is smaller than m is small.

Given the desired characteristic polynomial system:


where p1 and p2 depend on the imposed specifications (rise time, overshoot, and damping), where:


where equation Diophantine is written as:


such as Az1, Bz1, and Pz1 are the known polynomials, and Sz1 and Rz1 are the wanted polynomials. We recall that:


whence (34) becomes


By identification, we can write


where p1 and p2 are the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial Pz1:


We can write equations in a matrix form, we then have MQ=P with:


The matrix M is called Sylvester matrix. To arrive at the values of the parameters RST controller, first the inversibility of the matrix M must be ensured. If this last holds, then:


The structure of the corrector is the standard structure discretized by approximating above rectangles, and to find the values of PID parameters we will take the following expression:


4.2 PID controller based on PSOCS

4.2.1 PSO

This approach was introduced in 1995 [11]. The swarm Xp,p=1,2,,Np which has Np particles is considered in the standard PSO. In D-dimensional space, the pth particle Xp=xp1,,xpD is a potential solution to the researched problem. The velocity of the pth particle is Vp=vp1,,vpD. For the pth particle, the best position in the pth step is expressed as pbestpt=pbestp1t,,pbestpDt. Meanwhile, the best position of the entire swarm is defined as Gbestt=Gbest1t,,GbestDt. Thus, at the t+1th step, the new position of the pth particle is calculated as follows:


where xpjt and vpjt represent the position and velocity of the pth particle with respect to the jth dimension, ω is the inertia weight factor, c1 and c2 are two positive constants called acceleration coefficients, and rand1 and rand2 are two uniformly distributed random values in the range 01.

4.2.2 Cuckoo search and Lévy flights Key step of Cuckoo search

A type of metaheuristic algorithm inspired by nature, CS, is motivated by the aggressive reproduction tactics of particular cuckoo species. The last rule involves adding some additional random solutions to the algorithm [12]. Three idealised rules are delineated. The friction pa of the np host nests to create new nests can be used to estimate it.

The fundamental processes of the CS can be ascertained by studying the cuckoo breeding behaviour, which is described in [13] and was condensed in [14]. The objective function fx, x=x1,,xD in the D-dimensional space is how the optimization problem is defined. We normalised the CS variables with PSO in order to elucidate on the PSOCS algorithm’s constructional aspects. The given search space contains Np host nests xp,p=1,,Np. Each nest xp represents a potential answer to the optimization problem that needs to be solved. The representations are the same as the particle xp in PSO. Finding the new population of nests xpt+1 is one of the CS’s crucial phases. Furthermore, Lévy flying is used to obtain the new nests:


where α is the step size, represents the entry-wise multiplication operation, and λ is a Lévy flight parameter. Lévy flights

A type of random walk with a step length that has the Lévy distribution is called an Lévy flight. It is added to the CS algorithm to obtain an intermittent scale-free search pattern akin to Lévy’s flight. It is shown in [15] that Lévy flights can maximize the effectiveness of resource searches in the ambiguous setting. A definition of the Lévy distribution is as follows:


where ν>0 is a minimum step and γ is a scale parameter. In Mantegna’s algorithm, the step length s can be calculated by:


where u and V are drawn from normal distribution.That is,


where τz is the Gamma function τz=0tz1etdt. In the case when z=np is an integer, τnp=np1!

4.2.3 Particle Swarm Optimization-Cuckoo search algorithm with Lévy flights

Although the entry-wise product employed in PSO is comparable, the random walk via Lévy flight is more effective at navigating the search space since its step length is significantly greater over time. The Lévy flight can exhibit self-similarity and fractal behavior in flight patterns because a power-law distribution is frequently associated with some scale-free properties [16]. Naturally, the Lévy flight is thought to replace the random searching approach of the conventional PSO algorithm in order to improve PSO’s performance. Thus, PSOCS is the name given to the modified PSO algorithm.

The searching ability of PSO is influenced by random variables rand1 and rand2, when we set the parameters ω, c1, and c2 as fixed values [17]. We introduced the Lévy flight for the change of random step length. Thus the formed PSO-CS algorithm is detailed as follows:

  • Step 1. The priori values of parameters are initialized, such as population size of swarm Np, minimum and maximum weights (ωmin, ωmax), and acceleration coefficients (c1, c2).

  • Step 2. The lower and upper bounds for each particle and the particles’ velocities are specified in different neighborhood.

  • Step 3. The first generation of particles is randomly initialized within the specified space, X1=x11,,x1D.

whilet<Maxgeneratio or other stop criterion.

  • Step 4. The fitness function of each particle fXp=fp is evaluated. The best position Pbestpt and the best position of the whole swarm Gbestt are found (similar to PSO):


  • Step 5. A friction pa of the worst performing particle is chosen in terms of the fitness function. The selected particles should be abandoned, and then the replacement of randomly generated ones is undertaken within the specified search space (similar to CS).

  • Step 6. The inertia weight ω is updated as:


The velocity vp and position Xp of each particle are updated according to Eqs. (42) and (43). Parameters rand1 and rand2vary with Lévy flight pattern following (45) to (47),which is different from the former PSO (hybrid of PSO and CS):


  • Step 7. The iteration step increases (t=t+1). As with other metaheuristic algorithms, the terminating generation or the fitness function’s maximum value serves as the termination criterion. If the termination criterion is not met, go to Step 4. Else return Xbest as the final solution to the optimization problem. End while

  • Step 8. List the optimization results. Meanwhile plot each value of the best fitness function in the optimization processing.

The problem’s dimension determines the size of the swarm Np. Similar to the conventional PSO and CS algorithms, the hybrid algorithm’s parameters depend on the task at hand [17]. They are frequently established following study and improved through repeated calculations. A Monte Carlo method, which is employed in the research of classical particle swarm optimization [18], can be incorporated to acquire a set for fixed parameters for the proposed method’s performance analysis and parameter selection.

Besides, τz=0tz1etdt is realized by Gamma function τ=γz using MATLAB. The inertia weight changes from ωmin to ωmax.

The friction pa controls the launching of a random long-distance exploration strategy, reflecting the probability whether the nest will be abandoned or be updated [19]. The higher the value of this parameter, the closer the search process is to the random search.


5. PID-PSOCS algorithm

The PID-PSOCS algorithm is an algorithm for determining the parameters of the PID regulator which satisfies the stability conditions and is capable of guaranteeing good performance (overshoot, rise time, stabilization time, and static error). This is due to the minimization of an objective function. This function depends on all system performance indexes (static error quality, allowed overshoot, rise time, and settling time). This objective function to be minimized used in the PID-PSOCS algorithm is described by:


Within the initial search space (Rmin,Rmax), the controller parameters (r0,r1,r2,s1) will be optimized using the optimization algorithms. The graphic below shows the regulator block diagram for a nonlinear system using a PID controller and the PSOCS optimization algorithm (Figure 3):

Figure 3.

Block diagram of a PID-PSOCS algorithm.

The PID-PSOCS algorithm is summarized by the following steps

Algorithm 1 : Proposed AFMPC-PSOCS

Phase 1. Construction of the fuzzy model using the GK algorithm.

Phase 2. Optimization of the PID regulator parameters

 1. Step 1. Set parameters Np, c1, c2. Initialize the position and velocity of each particle.

  Repeat for h1=1,2,...

 2. Step 2. For t=1tmax do

  For each particle do:

 3. Step 3. Calculate the control law uik.

 4. Step 4. Determine the parameters r0, r1, r2 and s1

 5. Step 5. Calculate the value of the fitness function from (52).

 6. Step 6. Update the value of Pbest and Gbest.

 7. Step 7. Update the position and velocity of each particle from Eqs. (??).

  End for

  End for

 8. Until, the stability conditions are satisfied, then stop. Otherwise, h1=h1+1 and return to step 2.

 9. Step 8. Find the vector of optimum parameters Gbest=r0r1r2s1


6. Application of the proposed PID method

This section presents an example of simulation on a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) nonlinear multivariate system to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. We take as an example the system proposed by [20]:


with k1=ΔHk0ρCp, k2=ρcCpcρCpυ and k3=haρcCpc The output variables are the measured product concentration Ca and the reactor temperature T. The input variables are the system flow rate q and the coolant flow rate qc. The nominal system parameters are listed in Table 1. We applied the PID-PSOCS algorithm to optimize the PID controller parameters for the Ca and T outputs.

Measured product concentrationCa0,1 molL1
Reactor temperatureT438,51 K
Coolant flowqc103,41 min1
Process flowq100 L min1
Focus feedingCAf1 molL1
temperature supplyTf350 K
Coolant temperatureTcf350 K
Volume of CSTRsv100 L
heat transferq7×105cal min1K
Constant rate of reactionCAf02 ×1010min1
Activation energyTf104K
Heat of reactionTcf2×105calmol1
Liquid densitiesρc,ρ1 ×103gL1
Specific heatsha1 calg1K1

Table 1.

CSTR system parameters.

The PID-PSOCS algorithm’s performance was compared to that of the PID-PSO algorithm and the PID-CS algorithm. In fact, we collected 1000 points to use in the GK algorithm’s identification of the model, which uses input variables like Cak1Cak2qck1qck2qk1 and Tk1Tk2qk1qk2qck1 and four fuzzy rules.

Under the same circumstances, a comparison investigation was conducted. The three algorithms PID-PSOCS, PID-CS, and PID-PSO have the following adjustment parameters: tmax=150, Np=10, wmax=0.9, wmin=0.4, c1=1.5, and c2=2.5. The three algorithms’ optimal parameters for the two outputs (Ca and T) are provided in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.


Table 2.

Different values of PID parameters for Ca output.


Table 3.

Different values of PID parameters for T output.

Tables 4 and 5 provide a full breakdown of the performance indices for the two algorithms in terms of rise time tm, stabilization time ts, and overshoot D(%). The PID-PSOCS algorithm outperformed the PIDPSO and PID-CS algorithms, according to the Tables 4 and 5.

tm (s)833
ts (s)9,165

Table 4.

Performance of different methods for Ca output.

tm (s)867

Table 5.

Performance of different methods for T output.

Figures 4 and 5 shows the evolution of the two system outputs Ca and T at their reference setpoints. The PID-PSOCS algorithm superimposed the other two algorithms in terms of the other performance indices namely tm, ts, and D%.

Figure 4.

Concentration evolution.

Figure 5.

Temperature evolution.


7. Conclusions

The proposed solution addresses the PID control of MIMO nonlinear systems issue. Each MISO nonlinear system is given a fuzzy PID control. An approximation of the alleged unknown nonlinearity, coupling between inputs, unmodeled dynamics, and disturbances is provided by the TS fuzzy model. The latter makes it possible to convert a nonlinear problem to a linear one. This approximation allows the decoupling to be released and the nonlinearity problem to be solved via the control synthesis. A numerical example shows the robustness and adaptability of the proposed method to a large class of MISO nonlinear systems.


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Written By

Taieb Adel, Kanzari Bilel and Chaari Abdelkader

Reviewed: 27 July 2022 Published: 17 May 2023