Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Teaching of Natural Sciences Concepts to English Second Language Speakers in Primary Schools in South Africa

Written By

Nomaroma Kumanda, Shakespear Chiphambo and Nomxolisi Mtsi

Submitted: 11 February 2022 Reviewed: 14 March 2022 Published: 21 September 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.104495

From the Edited Volume

Pedagogy - Challenges, Recent Advances, New Perspectives, and Applications

Edited by Hülya Şenol

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There are several challenges in teaching of concepts of Natural Sciences as a subject to isiXhosa speakers in primary schools in South Africa. This chapter explores the challenges of teaching Sciences Natural in English to isiXhosa speakers in the selected primary schools. The Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory was utilised. A qualitative research methodology was employed supported by the case study design. A purposeful sampling technique was utilised to select five different primary schools. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analysed thematically. This study revealed that Natural Sciences teachers use code switching for students to understand the scientific concepts that seem difficult to comprehend in English as a foreign language. Natural Sciences teachers indicated that policy makers do not involve them when planning the curriculum. The study recommends: (i) the curriculum to make a provision for teachers to start their lessons with what students are familiar with, (ii) Natural Sciences teachers to be familiar with the theories of language development for them to link the language with learning and teaching of Natural Sciences concepts through professional development programmes and workshops, and (iii) the Department of Education to ensure that it adopts the mother tongue policy for teaching Natural Sciences.


  • Natural Sciences
  • teaching
  • concepts
  • English
  • second language

1. Introduction

Provision of basic information is not sufficient for expressive cognition and learning in Teaching Natural Sciences (NS) concepts. There is some old methodology of scientific ways of educating learners about scientific conceptions in which deficits occur in the teaching process [1]. Provision of students with meaningful additional elected experiences developed in a way that allows them to continue working on their ideas in a way that is more scientific and accurate is encouraged [2]. Apart from language, students’ sociocultural background also affects their understanding of science concepts [2]. The science teacher should, therefore, understand issues of language and students’ background in the effective teaching of science concepts. To ensure that there is effective learning and teaching of science, it is the teacher’s role to find ways to address language problems that may hinder students’ conceptualisation science concepts. Teaching Natural Sciences concepts to students that are not familiar with foreign language is a challenge because of the students’ environment. The language of instruction exerts significant challenges and demands extraordinary experience from students involved in learning science concepts [3].

Internationally, the teaching of science concepts in European schools such as Netherlands, France and Belgium meant to stimulate students’ interest in science at a young age [4]. In the United States of America, [5] observes that English second-language students experience serious challenges in learning science concepts as science has a complex language that is difficult even for native English speakers to learn. Watters and Diezmann [6] call for the use of video instruction in teaching science terminology to students. Their argument is that before teaching a new science topic, the teacher should attempt to introduce new and unfamiliar terms, which students are using in the lesson. Video instruction becomes a very powerful tool as it exposes students to sounds and images, which stimulates students’ emotional and intellectual curiosity.

In Malaysia, there are theoretical constructs that give insights into the implementation of science and mathematics teaching policy in primary schools [7]. Moreover, the aforesaid authors mentioned that the Malaysian government introduced learning language to teach knowledge and calculation at all levels of education but implemented in stages [7]. Learning through instructional language has weaknesses, which might affect the performance of the students. For example, adoption of second language speakers in English as a language of learning is a challenging factor.

A learning centre in Ghana considers education in the science field as a core component of the school curriculum. The Natural Sciences syllabus and Science education aims at equipping students through the compulsory development of talents and attitudes that provide a solid foundation for extra lessons in science. To achieve this aim, teachers need to use effective teaching methods in their teaching, as effective teaching makes a great difference [8]. Anastácio et al. [9] examined the application of the language of instruction policy in Science learning and teaching, and investigated the coping strategies of lower primary teachers in their use of their traditional language in concepts of science in teaching. The study revealed that home language is crucial during science learning and teaching. Learning is simplified in South Africa by using investigations and practical activity to clarify science topics as they go from the tangible to the abstract. As a result, it is crucial that the tangible foundations on which abstract conceptions are formed are sound [10].

Observing concrete objects and progressing to other process abilities such as classifying, envisioning, interpreting, and extrapolating give such foundations in scientific research. These skills are best acquired through practical activities, while concept building occurs through observation. This necessitates going beyond the textbook and making the most of the classroom setting by using demonstrations, hands-on activities and group work to increase student participation [10]. In the Eastern Cape province of South Africa, the exploration of subject creative arts was explored in the instruction of experienced learning-integrated strategies [11]. Views of experimental points together with the cognitive approach allowing students to study NS concepts were also revealed in the study. The present researchers are of the opinion that there are diverse factors contributing to students’ poor performance in Natural Sciences, for example, language of instruction, low literacy levels and systemic issues. Hence, the diverse factors need to be considered since they are crucial in the conceptual understanding of Natural Sciences.

According to [12], as children in South African schools reach the middle phase, they are exposed to a difficult science curriculum that needs higher-order thinking skills. Derewianka [13] elaborates on the lack of scientific language indicated by this study, arguing that students, regardless of their native language, require clear supervision because every day, spoken and academic written modes are distinct. Teachers have difficult problems when teaching and helping pupils who are learning a new language in such scenarios [14]. The present researchers, as experienced teachers in the field, argue that some of the teachers more dominantly use English than students’ home language. Teachers must, however, treat both languages equally. This study looked at how Natural Sciences ideas were taught to English second-language speakers in a few elementary schools in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province. Ünsal et al. [1516] present the findings of a classroom research project in a bilingual science classroom where the teacher and students do not speak the same minority language, and the continuity between ordinary language and the language of science is construed. They investigate how bilingual children comprehend linkages between every day and scientific language in a classroom where all pupils spoke a different language and the teacher spoke a different language, both of which were minority languages in their language schools. A language approach emphasises the need of looking beyond the traditional conception of named languages as various codes of speech and writing, particularly the physical and multimodal components of communication [1718]. They have both studied the importance of taking advantage of the affordances of language as a pedagogical resource to improve topic teaching and learning in science classrooms using English-medium instruction (EMI).

Professors must evaluate students’ context and limits before making changes to their school programmes [19]. They agreed that instructors need to be trained in educational platforms that integrate technology and that the government must support legislation that formalises virtual education by providing schools with the necessary tools and resources to satisfy their demands. The findings of [20] reveal that science instruction is influenced by “contextual factors such as classroom environment, learner commitment, learners’ language competency, and resource availability.” And other elements, mostly contextual, influence the efficacy of science teaching in the South African environment. Gumede [21] created a teaching and learning environment that allows learners to acquire skills and knowledge in a way that improves their lives by focusing on knowledge from real-life issues that are part of learners’ everyday lives in their communities [22].


2. Research questions

The research questions guiding the study were as follows:

  • How are Natural Sciences concepts taught to English second Language students in primary schools?

  • What instructional strategies are utilised in the learning and teaching of Natural Sciences concepts?


3. Theoretical framework

The link between the intended and implemented curriculum lies at the heart of this study’s theoretical approach. A suitable theoretical approach for better conceptualisation of the study is drawn from [23] eco-systemic theory. A better understanding of the science field environment of learning in a way that promotes positive learning regarding additional language is clearly highlighted in this theoretical model. Reyna [24] reflects on the concepts that are key in providing a perception that learning and teaching relate more in the process of making transformation possible in the knowledge field. Differentiation that relates to systems that are unique pertaining to teacher experiences when we point more in delivery and preparation of lessons for learning exist. Bronfenbrenner’s ecosystem, as an approach, was utilised for better identification of the external processes, which influences teachers’ experiences.


4. Methodology

A qualitative research methodology was employed guided by the case study research design. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews which involved the five purposefully selected Natural Sciences teachers. The data collected were analysed using thematic analysis where the responses were grouped and coded and then, themes were derived. All ethical measures were taken into consideration including informed consent, freedom to withdraw, confidentiality and anonymity, privacy and empowerment, and care and fairness. To identify and eliminate any potential risk to the participants, a protocol was followed. To conduct the research, an application for ethical clearance was acquired. To ensure data credibility of the study, the member checking technique was employed by allowing the participants to determine whether their ideas and opinions were presented accurately.


5. Discussion of the findings

This section presents data gathered using individual interviews with NS teachers. Data are presented using themes and sub-themes drawn from narratives to answer the research questions and gain a deeper understanding of teaching NS concepts and verify reviews using open-ended instrument responses. The main theme on strategies employed by teachers in teaching NS concepts generated other sub-themes, which included instructional strategies by teachers, assessment strategies commonly used by teachers, qualified NS teachers and availability of NS teachers.

Table 1 represents the division of themes into sub-themes, the related issues and the findings.

Theme and sub-themesRelated issuesFindings
Strategies employed by teachers in teaching NS concepts: instructional strategies employed by teachers (code switching)Teachers use both isiXhosa and English when they are teaching.
Teachers acknowledged that learners were struggling with the English language.
Teachers were quietly aware about LoLT.
Code switching encouraged and motivated students to learn.
Teachers presented scientific instruction in isolation without considering the meaning of science concepts. Teachers confirmed the challenges that made the teachers end up code switching all the time.
Assessment strategies commonly used by teachersAssessment cannot be divorced from the teaching and learning process.
Strategies used are homework, group work, assignments, projects and tests.
English language contributes to the challenges in science learning. Students cannot follow scientific instruction.
Qualified NS teachersTeachers are qualified as professional teachers for any learning area or subject not specifically as NS teachers.The challenge of code switching from language of learning and teaching to home language (isiXhosa).
Available training of NS teachersProblem experienced was lack of training.
Teachers learnt on their own most of the time.
Official teaching for teachers is essential.
Confirmed that as much as teachers encourage students to learn scientific subjects, students explain things more easily when using their home language (isiXhosa).

Table 1.

Theme and sub-themes, related issues and findings.

5.1 Instructional strategies employed by teachers

The case of code switching ensures that students have an alternative to using mother tongue, which becomes a medium of communication. Code switching is a strategy employed by teachers, in this case NS teachers as confirmed during teacher focus group interviews:

Teachers do their best they even break meanings into their level of understanding (T3).

This seems in the responses supportive with the declarations such as:

I switch between languages (use more than one language) to help the students to learn the NS concepts in English and understand the content of the subject, and group discussions (T4).

The practice is that many teachers employ code switching to make learning of NS concepts easier. However, the issue of the code-switching strategies utilised in this case is that for effective learning, special emphasis must be paid to employing language that is appropriate for isiXhosa students. Students are at risk of misinterpreting scientific interpretations, such as when terminology in colloquial English has different meanings than in academic English. According to Swedish research by [15], students in chemistry education interpreted the word solution to mean and solution to a problem rather than chemical solution. Lin and Wu [17] emphasise the need for connecting everyday language to scientific language and themes, as well as encouraging students to vary between discourse styles. This supports [25] research in Nigeria, which found that using code switching in a multilingual mathematics classroom does not result in a learning deficit, but rather is a valuable method in classroom interaction and an efficient manner of conveying knowledge to pupils. This means that learners are effectively taught bilingually. Teachers must be confident in this situation, as it needs the educator to be fluent in the student's native language. Lack of assistance during assessment shows the need for teaching strategies for teachers to code switch to accommodate non-English speakers.

5.2 Assessment strategies commonly used by teachers

The researchers’ intention was to investigate the assessment strategies used by teachers on teaching NS concepts. All the NS teachers were quite clear about what the concepts involve. When requested to give their understanding of assessment strategies, teachers mentioned how they use assessment to encourage students to perform to the best of their abilities, using different assessment strategies:

So when we do our prep, even when we draw up activities, we make sure that we use simple English to accommodate our students because we know that they may not get the answers even if they know because of the language (T1).

As much as we lack the material, we make sure that we use books that have the pictures so that even if the students did not have an idea they may see the picture (T3).

And we do a lot of revision, we’re just doing revision to prepare them even if they don’t understand the meanings. Most of the time we use to we give them another opportunity to improve their mark (T4).

From the comments, it was evident that assessment is how teachers learn about their students’ performance and the quality of their learning. Assessment occurs during the learning and teaching process to support, assist and diagnose the learner’s strengths and weaknesses. According to [18], monolingual language evaluation techniques punish those who may have a larger linguistic repertoire overall but have not learned the competence of limiting their language use to only the aspects specified for the assessment’s dominant identified language. According to [26], one strategy to encourage learners to ‘practice’ authenticity is to employ authentic resources in the tasks they are given, where they can authenticate their language use by relying on their own language communication skills. To incorporate an English approach in language education and, as a result, increase learners’ awareness, traditional materials such as course books or grammar books should be supplemented with a variety of real outside-of-classroom resources that highlight the various manifestations of English.

5.3 Qualified NS teachers

The teachers referred to their own teaching experience as important when asked about their qualification on teaching NS.

During the allocation of duties, I was allocated to teach NS without looking at any qualification (T3).

It is a personal issue to answer on how or when I qualified to teach NS (T5).

All the teacher respondents displayed discomfort when asked about their qualifications; specifically regarding the NS subject, they only indicated their teaching experience and training years. In addition, they supervised the Intermediate and Senior phase (INTERSEN), whereas grade seven is the last class in primary school. Only by developing professional standards that specify an ‘effective’ teacher’s learning path throughout their career can teaching quality be improved. This is comparable to what [16] discovered in newly qualified primary school teachers who had issues with time allocation for teaching sciences. Except for one instructor with the least number of years in the teaching profession, this is corroborated by the number of years in the teaching profession. Thus, the challenge is the number of years in teaching NSTECH as an integrated subject to English First Additional Language grade four learners [21]. Teachers will need to help students build their ability to open a new area for using English creatively, based on their particular linguacultural background and experiences [27].

5.4 Available training of NS teachers

In the response with the five participants on the interest of training for better quality in science learning and teaching, the majority refused and the minority agreed that training will assist the learning and teaching skills. A teacher’s level of education and training may encourage the content of approach to learning and teaching of NS. One-on-one interviews were used to collect the effect of NS performance on workshop attendance. Responses by participants revealed that:

He is an acting deputy principal and teaching NS subject, confirming that workshops play an important role whereas they were scarce. In that note he also suggests that availability of workshops can make their work easier for teachers. In addition, he emphasized that the way of using learning material depends on workshops so that they may use them accordingly (T4).

Resources are essential in line with the availability of workshops in order to make things easier so that learning and teaching takes place (T1).

There are factors that contribute towards NS performance through improving workshop attendance as indicated by teacher responses.

Some of the teacher participants showed a negative attitude when asked if there was availability of trainings or workshops that could help with NS teaching:

I did not attend any NS workshop as the only thing I used to attend is a moderation where the subject advisors just moderate the work we already have without doing the ‘how to teach’ workshop (T3).

It was also commonly alleged that teachers involve creativity in terms of learning and teaching of NS concepts. On the focus of the study, which is the teaching of NS concepts to English second-language learners, teachers and students show some different views on strategies employed by teachers in teaching and learning.

The evidence showed that teachers had limitations in the training process, which made it challenging to develop and transmit information that would facilitate joint learning and teachers’ training. Those factors have affected the efficiency of the teaching process and career development. Knowing teachers’ challenges and how to solve them will provide information that will help to equip future teacher trainees to cope with similar challenges. Blomgren [28] indicates that training programmes should give teachers the necessary knowledge and skills to find and evaluate appropriate, specific language, discipline, subject and educational level. Contreras et al. [19] conducted a study regarding the value of teachers’ training on platforms and technological tools used for linguistic purposes. They recommend that the universities that train English teachers should consider including Content and Language Integrated-Learning methodology as one of the topics in their curriculum of English foreign language teacher training programmes.

5.5 Learner-centred strategies utilised in the learning and teaching of NS concepts

Sub-research questions for the study sought to establish the learner-centred strategies utilised in the learning and teaching of NS concepts. Findings from interviews revealed the strategy of using students at the centre when teaching is an innovative idea. According to CAPS, the involvement of students in a lesson is important for optimising learning. Students should play an important role by engaging in the main idea instead of having a teacher assist them during the learning process. In South Africa, according to the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement, 2014, students should be taught how to read independently and avoid inculcating knowledge without knowing the meaning of the text. This prepares the students to be diligent readers without anyone supervising them. This is to further the goal of the South African curriculum to enable the students to learn and do classroom activities and focus on education as emphasised by CAPS. A different teaching approach put forward by [20] claims that inquiry-based science allows teachers to be more creative while also enhancing pupils’ ability to understand science concepts and procedures. In addition, teachers assume that students now have a much better understanding of the topic if they engage in code switching.


6. Conclusion

In conclusion, both teachers and students encounter challenges when it comes to the language of instruction which is not their mother tongue. Ultimately, the language of instruction continues to be a learning barrier in the teaching and learning of science subjects.


7. Recommendations

  • Based on the findings of this study, the researchers propose the following recommendations to improve the teaching of NS concepts to English second-language students:

    • The curriculum must make a provision for teachers to start their lessons with content that students are familiar with;

    • Natural Sciences teachers must be familiar with the theories of language development for them to link the language with learning and teaching of Natural Sciences concepts through professional development programmes and workshops.

    • The Department of Education must make sure that it adopts the mother tongue policy for teaching Natural Sciences.


8. Limitations

The limitation of the study is concerned with the sample, which was based on the school component which involved teachers and students. Other components of the Department, which include the district curriculum component such as subject specialists, were from the school perspective, which excluded science subject specialist information.


Conflict of interest

None of the authors has conflict of interest


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Written By

Nomaroma Kumanda, Shakespear Chiphambo and Nomxolisi Mtsi

Submitted: 11 February 2022 Reviewed: 14 March 2022 Published: 21 September 2022