Open access peer-reviewed chapter

A Brief Look at the Calderón and Hilbert Operators

Written By

Guillermo J. Flores

Reviewed: 23 June 2022 Published: 27 July 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.106027

From the Edited Volume

Functional Calculus - Recent Advances and Development

Edited by Hammad Khalil

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The Calderón operator is the sum of the Hardy averaging operator and its adjoint, and plays an important role in the theory of real interpolation. On the other hand, the Hilbert operator arises from the continuous version of Hilbert’s inequality. Both operators appear in different contexts and have numerous applications within harmonic analysis. In this chapter we will briefly review the Calderón and Hilbert operators, showing some of the most relevant results within functional analysis and finally we will present recent results on these operators within Fourier analysis.


  • Calderón operator
  • Hilbert operator
  • Lebesgue spaces
  • Lipschitz spaces
  • BMO spaces
  • weighted inequalities
  • Calderón weights

1. Introduction

The Calderón and Hilbert operators are among the most relevant operators in harmonic analysis, arising from Hilbert’s double series theorem which is one of the simplest and most beautiful in the theory of double series of positive terms. It was proved by Hilbert, in the course of his investigations in the theory of integral equations, that the series m,nNamanam+an, where an0 for all nN, is convergent whenever nNan2 is convergent.

Other proofs of Hilbert’s double series theorem and generalizations in different directions were studied and published over time by influential mathematicians such as H. Weyl, F. Wiener, J. Schur, Fejér and F. Riesz, Pólya and Szegö, Francis and Littlewood, G.H. Hardy and M. Riesz, among others.

In [1, 2], G.H. Hardy observed that Hilbert’s theorem stated above is an immediate corollary of another theorem which has interest in itself. This theorem is as follows: If an0 for all nN and nNan2 is convergent, then nN1nj=1naj2 is also convergent.

The first extension of the just stated Hilbert’s and Hardy’s results in which we are interested is the following (see [3]): Let 1<p< and p=p/p1 (i.e. p is the conjugate of p). If n=1anp and n=1bnp are convergent, where an and bn are nonnegative numbers for all nN, then


The constants π/sinπ/p and pp=p/p1p are the best possible.

At the same time, the continuous versions of the previous inequalities are the following (see [3, 4]): Let 1<p< and p the conjugate of p. If 0fp and 0gp are finite, then




Once again, the constants involved are the best possible.

As usual in harmonic analysis, if E is a measurable subset of Rn, then LpE, 1p<, is the Lebesgue space of all measurable functions f such that fLpEp=E|fx|pdx is finite. Recall that LpELpE is a Banach space and in the case E=Rn, it is denoted p=LpE.

Now, consider the operators H and P defined by


which naturally arise from the inequalities presented above. Also consider


being the adjoint operator of P and satisfying


for all fLp([0,)), 1<p<, where C is a positive constant (see [4]). Therefore, P and Q are bounded operators from Lp([0,)) in itself, that is,


It is immediate that for nonnegative functions f,


Consequently H is a bounded operator on Lp([0,)), that is,


It is well known that P is called the Hardy averaging operator and H is called the Hilbert operator. Also, the Calderón operatorS is defined by S=P+Q, being then a bounded operator from Lp([0,)) in itself.

We end this section with some of the first and most important direct applications obtained from Hilbert’s and Hardy’s inequalities.

Theorem 1.1 Let E be the interval 01 and fL2E not null in E. Then


and the constant π is the best possible. The integrals Exnfxdx, n=0,1, are called the moments offinE and are important in many theories.

Theorem 1.2 (Carlema’s inequalities) Let an be a sequence of positive numbers and 1<p<. Then


The constants involved are the best possible.

The corresponding integral version for the second inequality of Carlema’s inequality is: If f is a positive function belonging to L1([0,)), then


where the constant e is the best possible.

Theorem 1.3 Let 1<p2 and p the conjugate of p. If Lfs=0ftestdt, i.e. Lf is the Laplace transform of f, then


Therefore L is a bounded operator from Lp([0,)) into Lp([0,)), 1<p2, and Lfp2π/p1/pfp.

The number of applications and results that arise from Hilbert’s and Hardy’s inequalities is by now very large and it would be impossible to give a detailed survey of all of them in a reasonable amount of text. We have simply made a very brief introduction about them in this section.


2. Calderón weights and Lp-weighted inequalities

A function ω defined on Rn is called a weight if it is locally integrable and positive almost everywhere. For a measurable set ERn, E denote its Lebesgue measure, ωE=Eω, and Ec the complement of E in Rn. Given a ball B, tB is the ball with the same center as B and with radius t times as long, and fB=1BBf. As usual, χE denotes the characteristic function of E and Bxr denotes a ball centered at x with radius r. Also, C denotes a positive constant.

Let ω be a weight in Rn and 1p<. A Lebesgue measurable function f belongs to Lpω if


We say that an oprator T is a bounded operator on Lpω if


Given 1<p<, it is said that ω is a Calderón weight of class Cp, that is ωCp, if the Calderón operator S is bounded on Lpω (see [5]) or, equivalently, if P and Q are both bounded on Lpω (see also [6]). It is well known that the class Cp for p>1 is given by the conditions


The Calderón operator plays an important role in the theory of real interpolation and such theory related to Calderón weights is developed in [5]. On the other hand, in [7], the authors considered a maximal operator N on 0 associated to the basis of open sets of the form 0b, given by


for measurable functions f. Then, for nonnegative functions f, we have


The classes of weights ω associated to the boundedness of N on Lpω are those that satisfy the Muckenhoupt-Ap condition, 1p<, only for the sets of the form 0b. These classes are denoted by Ap,0 and defined as follows:


Then, in [7] is proved that N and S are bounded operators on Lpω if and only if ωAp,0 for 1<p<. This result implies, in particular, that the classes of weights Cp and Ap,0 coincide for 1<p<.

Taking into account these results it is natural to wonder for the action of the Calderón and Hilbert operators over suitable spaces such as BMO or Lipschitz spaces. Also, another interesting question is: which are, in these cases, the Calderón weights in order to obtain weighted inequalities between these spaces?

These problems were treated for instance in the case of the fractional integral operator in [8, 9], which have been the main motivation for the article [10] and for the development of the following sections.


3. The n-dimensional Calderón and Hilbert operators

For 0α<n, f a Lebesgue measurable function and xRn, x0, the general n-dimensional Calderón and Hilbert operators are defined by


where Pαfx=1xnαyxfydy and Qαfx=y>xfyynαdy.

Again, it is immediate that for nonnegative functions f, the following pointwise inequalities hold


and consequently, all weighted-Lp inequalities obtained for S are true for H and reciprocally.

In spite of the punctual comparison (1), we will show in Section 4 that the results obtained for Sα and Hα are not analogous when the BMOγ and Lipschitz spaces are involved.

Both operators Sα and Hα appear in several different contexts and applications, see for instance [4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17].

Next, we introduce the spaces of functions and the classes of weights which appear in our main results.

Recall that a measurable function f defined on ERn is said to be essentially bounded provided there is some M0, called an essential upper bound for f, for which fxM for almost all xE. As usual, the class of all functions that are essentially bounded on E is denoted by LE and f is the infimum of the essential upper bounds for fLE. Then, LE is a Banach space.

Now, a Lebesgue measurable function f belongs to Lω if <.

Also recall that Lloc1Rn denotes the space of locally integrable functions f satisfying that fχB1 is finite for every ball BRn.

Definition 3.2. Let ω be a weight in Rn and 0γ<1/n. A locally integrable function f belongs to BMOγω if there exists a constant C such that for every ball BRn,


The seminorm of fBMOγω, fBMOγω, is the infimum of all such C.

Definition 3.4. Let ω be a weight in Rn and 0γ<1/n. A locally integrable function f belongs to BM0γω if there exists a constant C such that


for every ball BRn centered at the origin.

The norm of fBM0γω, denoted by fBM0γω, is the infimum of all such C. We will denote by BM0ω=BM00ω.

Observe that with these definitions the space BMO0ω is the weighted version of BMO introduced by Muckenhoupt and Wheeden in [18]. Also, the family of spaces BMOγω is contained in the family of weighted Lipschitz spaces Iωγ defined and studied in [8], and BMOγω for ω1 is the well known Lipschitz integral space. Furthermore, we note that Lω1BM0ωBMOω.

Given p>1, it is known that a weight ω satisfies the reverse Hölder inequality with exponent p, denoted by ωRHp, if


for all balls BRn and some constant C.

Definition 3.7. Given p>1, a weight ω belongs to RH0p if it satisfies (4) but only for balls centered at the origin.

Definition 3.8. A weight ω belongs to D0 if it satisfies the doubling condition ω2BB for every ball BRn centered at the origin and some constant C.

Definition 3.9. Let η1, a weight ω belongs to Dη if it satisfies the doubling condition


every ball BxrRn and some constant C.

It is immediate that DηD0 for all η, and Dη is increasing in η. It is well known that each weight in the Muckenhoupt class A is in RHpDη for some p and for some η, see for instance [19]. On the other hand, there exist weights belonging to Dη for some η, such that it is not in A, see [20].

Also, we observe the following property that we will use along this chapter. If ωDη there exists a constant C such that


for every ball BRn centered at the origin.

Definition 3.11. Let 0α<n and 1<p<. A weight ω belongs to H0αp if there exists a constant C such that


for every ball BRn centered at the origin.

A weight ω belongs to H0α if there exists a constant C such that


for every ball BRn centered at the origin.

The classes of weights H0αp and H0α satisfying (6) and (7) respectively but for all ball BRn, were introduced and studied in [8].


4. Weighted Lebesgue and BMOγ norm inequalities for Sα and Hα

Before beginning our study of the generalized Calderón operator, we notice that Sαf can be identically infinite for some functions f belonging to Lpωp or BM0γω. For example, for ω1 and α>0, if fx=xαχBc01x and n/α<p, then fLpωp but Sαf. For the case n/α=p, if gx=xαlogx1+1/p/2χBc02x, then gLpωp but Sαg. Also, if hx=χBc01x, then hBM0γω but Sαh for all 0α<n. However, in Lemma 4.7 we will show that if f belongs to LpωpBM0γω and Sαfx is finite for some x0, then Sαf is finite on Rn\0. This also happens for the generalized Hilbert operator since the comparison (1).

Therefore, throughout the following sections we shall consider Sα and Hα defined on functions f belonging to Lpωp or BM0γω such that Sαf and Hαf are finite for some x0.

Also, note that Sαf is finite on Rn\0 for all compactly supported functions fLω1, and the same holds for Hαf. These functions belongs to Lpωp and those such that zero is not in their support belongs to BM0γω.

The operator P is naturally bounded from BM0 into L and analogously, Q is naturally bounded from BM0 into BMO (see Proposition 3.5 in [13]). So, immediately the Calderón operator is bounded from BM0 into BMO. This natural boundedness is our motivation in order to consider the BM0γω spaces and obtain Theorems 1.5 and 1.7. Likewise, since Lω1BM0ω, we get Corollaries 4.1 and 4.2.

We now state the main results of this chapter.

Theorem 1.4 Suppose α>0, n/αp<n/α1+, η=1+1/n+1/pα/n and δ=α/n1/p. The operator Sα is bounded from Lpωp into BMOδω and ωpD0 if and only if ωRH0pDη.

Theorem 1.5 Suppose 0α<1, 0γ<1/nα/n, η=1+1/nα/nγ and δ=α/n+γ. The operator Sα is bounded from BM0γω into BMOδω and ωD0 if and only if ωDη.

Corollary 4.1.Letη=1+1/n. ThenSis bounded fromLω1intoBMOωandωD0if and only ifωDη.

Theorem 1.6 Suppose α>0, n/αp<n/α1+, η=1+1/n+1/pα/n and δ=α/n1/p. The operator Hα is bounded from Lpωp into BMOδω if and only if ωH0αpRH0pDη.

Theorem 1.7 Suppose 0α<1, 0γ<1/nα/n, η=1+1/nα/nγ and δ=α/n+γ. The operator Hα is bounded from BM0γω into BMOδω if and only if ωH0α+Dη.

Corollary 4.2.Letη=1+1/n. ThenHis bounded fromLω1intoBMOωif and only ifωH00Dη.

Remark 4.3. It is classic the study of the boundedness of operators between L and BMO spaces. In [10], the results obtained in Corollaries 4.1 and 4.2 are originals, even in the unweighted case for H. The unweighted case for S is contained in Proposition 3.5 of [13].

Remark 4.4. The limit case p= (p=1) of Theorem 1.4 is contained in Theorem 1.5 with γ=0, since the hypotheses on the weights coincide. This also is true to Theorems 1.6 and 1.7.

Let α,p and η be as in Theorems 1.4 and 1.6. It is not difficult to show that if ωpA1,0 then ωH0αpRH0pDη. Also, if ωx=xβ with β01+n/pα, then ωpA1,0 but ωH0αpRH0pDη. Furthermore, if ωx=xβ with β=1+n/pα, then ωRH0pDη but ωH0αp. Now, if in addition 0<α<1 and p>n/1α, we have that if ωpAp+1,0 then ωH0αpRH0pDη. In fact, the H0αp-condition is obtained directly from the Ap+1,0-condition, and by Hölder inequality we have that


for all balls Bx0rRn. Thus, the RH0p and Dη conditions follow from the last expression.

On the other hand, suppose that α,γ and η be as in Theorems 1.5 and 1.7. If ωA1,0 then ωH0α+Dη. Also, if ωx=xβ with β01α, then ωA1,0 but ωH0α+Dη. Finally, if ωx=xβ with β=1α, then ωDη but ωH0α+.

We shall denote by AxrR with 0<r<R the annulus centered at x with radii r and R, and by C and c positive constants not necessarily the same at each occurrence.

Before proceeding to the proofs of the main theorems we give some previous lemmas.

Suppose that 1<p< and ωRH0p, then it is easy to see that there exists C such that


for all fLpωpand for every ball BRn centered at the origin.

Lemma 4.6.iLet0<α<nand1<p<. IfωH0αpthen there existsCsuch that


for all fLpωp and for every ball BRn centered at the origin.

iiLet0α<1,0γ<1/nα/nandη=1+1/nα/nγ. IfωH0α+Dηthen there existsCsuch that


for all fBM0γω and for every ball BRn centered at the origin.

Proof: The part i is immediate from Hölder’s inequality and Definition 3.11. For ii, since the hypothesis on ω and (3.10), for B=B0r we have


Lemma 4.7.iLetα>0,1<p<andωRH0p. IffLpωpand there existsx0such thatSαfxis finite, thenSαfis finite onRn\0andSαfLloc1Rn. The claim also holds forHα.

iiLetωDη. IffBM0γωand there existsx0such thatSαfxis finite, thenSαfis finite onRn\0andSαfLloc1Rn. The claim also holds forHα.

Proof: Since (3.1) we will only consider the operator Sα. Suppose f is a nonnegative function in Lloc1Rn such that Sαfx0< for some x00. Then Qαfx< for xx0, and if 0<x<x0 then


Furthermore, since


where ν=r, then QαfLloc1Rn.

If α>0 it is immediate that PαfLloc1Rn. Therefore, i follows from (4.5). For ii it remains to show that PαfLloc1Rn in the case α=0. Let Bj=B02jr, j=0,1,, by (3.10) we have


Proof of Theorem 1.4: We begin showing the sufficient condition. Let B=Bx0r. If x0=0, let u=re1/2 and v=3re1/4, where e1=10. If x00, let u=x0+r/2x0/x0 and v=x0+3r/4x0/x0. Thus, we consider the following two regions


where u=u1un, v=v1vn and h=h1hn. In the case ui=0 for some i, we choose hi>0. Clearly, we have the estimates distUV=Cr,


Let f a nonnegative function in Lpωp such that suppfB0x0+r/2, where suppf is the closure of the set x:fx0. Then


Note that, for xU and zV we have 1xnα1znαCrx0+rnα+1. Then


Thus, taking fy=ωpyχB0x0+r/2y in (10) and since the boundedness of Sα and ωpD0, we have


Taking x0=0 in the last expression, we have that ωRH0p. Then, applying the Hölder’s inequality, we obtain that ω satisfies the desired condition Dη.

Now, let us show the necessary condition. Let fLpωp such that Sαfx is finite for some x0 and let ωRH0pDη. It is immediate that ωpD0. Thus SαfLloc1Rn by i of Lemma 4.7. First, we consider B=B0r, xB and x0. Let ν be such that ν=r, and let


Then, since Kνxy=0 for y>ν, we have


If yν then Kνxy0, so


Now we estimate each term in (12).

If yx then Kνxyynαxnα. So, by (8) we have


For the second term, since 0Kνxy1 and (8), we have


Then, by (12) and (13), we have proved


for every ball B centered at the origin.

We now consider B=Bx0r with r<x0/8. By (14) it is enough to consider only these balls B. Let xB and ν=x0+rx0/x0. In the same way as (11), we have


Now, we note that if yν then Kνxy0. Applying the mean value theorem and using νx, then


Thus, by (8) and ωDη, we have


Therefore, (14) and (16) complete the proof of the theorem.

Proof of Theorem 1.5: We begin showing the sufficient condition. Let B=Bx0r and let u, v, U and V as in (9) of the proof of Theorem 1.4. Then, we again have


for every nonnegative function f in BM0γω such that suppfB0x0+r/2. Now, if γ=0 we take fy=ωyχB0x0+r/2y in (17) and since fBM0γω1, the boundedness of Sα and ωD0, we have ωDη.

If γ>0, let fy=PωχB0x0+r/2y, then fBM0γωC and


Therefore, using this function f in (17), the boundedness of Sα, (18) and ωD0, we have ωDη.

Now, let us show the necessary condition. Let fBM0γω such that Sαfx is finite for some x0 and let ωDη. Thus SαfLloc1Rn by ii of Lemma 4.7. We begin considering B=B0r, xB and x0. Let ν be such that ν=r. In the same way as we did in (12), we have


where Kνxy=min1ynαxnαmin1ynανnα.

We estimate the first term of (19). Let Bj=B02jr, j=0,1,. Thus, since Kνxyynαxnα for yx and (5), we have


For the second term of (19), since 0Kνxy1, we have


Therefore, by (19)-(21) we have proved


for every ball B centered at the origin.

We now consider B=Bx0r with r<x0/8. By (22) it is enough to consider only these balls B. Let xB and ν=x0+rx0/x0. In the same way as we obtained (11) and (15) in the previous proof, we have


and KνxyCrynανnα+1. By ωDη, we have


Therefore, (22) and (23), complete the proof of the theorem.

Let x,νRn, ν0, then


Proof of Theorem 1.6: We begin showing the sufficient condition. Let B=Bx0r and let u, v, U and V as in (9) of the proof of Theorem 1.4. Note that if xU, zV then for all yRn,


Hence, if f is a nonnegative function in Lpωp such that suppfA0rm and taking x0=0 in (25), we have


for every ball B centered at the origin.

Thus, taking fm,jy=ynα+1/p1ωpyχAm,jy in (26) where Am,j=A0rmy:1/jωy<j, m,j=1,2,, using the boundedness of Hα and letting m, j we obtain that ωH0αp.

On the other hand, if f is a nonnegative function in Lpωp such that suppfB02x0+r, then by (25)


Thus, taking fjy=ωpyχAjy in (27) where Aj=B02x0+ry:1/jωy<j, j=1,2,, and using the boundedness of Hα, we have


Letting j and taking x0=0 in the last expression, we can obtain that ωRH0p. Then, applying Hölder’s inequality, we obtain ωDη.

Now, let us show the necessary condition. Let fLpωp such that Hαfx is finite for some x0 and let ω such that ωH0αpRH0pDη. Hence HαfLloc1Rn since i of Lemma 4.7. We begin considering B=B0r, xB and x0. Let ν be such that ν=r. We estimate the two terms of (24). By (8), we have


To analyze the second term of (24), we use the mean value theorem, then


Thus, by i of Lemma 4.6


Therefore, by (24)(29), we have proved


for every ball B centered at the origin.

We now consider B=Bx0r with r<x0/8. By (28) it is enough to consider only these balls B. Let xB and ν=x0+rx0/x0, then νx and xx0. Using yν and the mean value theorem


Then, by (8) and ωDη


Now, using the mean value theorem


Then, by i of Lemma 4.6


Therefore, by (24) with ν=x0+rx0/x0, (31) and (32), we have


for every ball B=Bx0r considered. This completes the proof of the theorem.

Proof of Theorem 1.7: We begin showing the sufficient condition. Let B=Bx0r and let u, v, U and V as in (9) of the proof of Theorem 1.4. Then, as in (26) of the proof of Theorem 4 (with x0=0), we again have


for every nonnegative function f in BM0γω such that suppfA0rm and for every ball B centered at the origin.

Thus, taking fy=yωyχA0rmy in (33), using that fBM0γω1, the boundedness of Hα and letting m, we have that ωH0α+.

On the other hand, as in (27) of the proof of Theorem 1.6 we again have


for every nonnegative function f in BM0γω such that suppfB02x0+r and for every ball B=Bx0r.

If γ=0, we take fy=ωyχB02x0+ry in (4.34) and since fBM0γω1 and the boundedness of Hα, we have ωDη.

If γ>0, let fy=PωχB02x0+ry then fBM0γωC and as in (4.18) of the proof of Theorem 1.5, we have


Therefore, using this function f in (34) and the boundedness of Hα, we have ωDη.

Now, let us show the necessary condition. Let fBM0γω such that Hαfx is finite for some x0 and let ωH0α+Dη. Hence HαfLloc1Rn by ii of Lemma 4.7. We begin considering B=B0r, xB and x0. Let ν be such that ν=r. We estimate the two terms of (24). Then,


For the second term of (24), using the mean value theorem


Then, by ii of Lemma 4.6


Therefore, by (24) and (35)(37), we have proved


for every ball B centered at the origin.

We now consider B=Bx0r with r<x0/8. By (33) it is enough to consider only these balls B. Let xB and ν=x0+rx0/x0, then νx and xx0. If yν, by the mean value theorem


Then, since ωDη, we have


On the other hand, using again the mean value theorem as in (36) and ii of Lemma 4.6, we get


Thus, by (24) and (39)(40), we have proved


for every ball B=Bx0r considered. This completes the proof of the theorem.


5. Conclusions

As a conclusion to this chapter, we have given necessary and sufficient conditions for the generalized Calderón and Hilbert operators to be bounded from weighted Lesbesgue spaces into suitable weighted BMO and Lipschitz spaces. Then, we have obtained results on the boundedness of these operators from L into BMO, even in the unweighted case for the Hilbert operator. The class of weights involved are close to the doubling and reverse Hölder conditions related to the Muckenhoupt’s classes.

The study of the weighted boundedness for integral operators on function spaces, like the one we develop in this chapter, is one of the main research fields in harmonic analysis. In particular, it has had a profound influence in partial differential equations, several complex variables, and number theory. Evidence of such success and importance is the pioneering work of leading mathematicians Bourgain, Zygmund, Calderón, Muckenhoupt, Wheeden, C. Fefferman, Stein, Ricci, Tao and so on.



I would like to deeply thank Dr. Hammad Khalil for considering me to write this chapter. Also, I would like to thank Professors E. Ferreyra and B. Viviani who published the article [7] and for many helpful discussions.


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Written By

Guillermo J. Flores

Reviewed: 23 June 2022 Published: 27 July 2022