Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Analysis of Solution Diversity in Topic Models for Smart City Applications

Written By

Toshio Uchiyama and Tsukasa Hokimoto

Reviewed: 21 June 2022 Published: 26 July 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.106009

From the Edited Volume

Sustainable Smart Cities - A Vision for Tomorrow

Edited by Amjad Almusaed and Asaad Almssad

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Topic models are known to be useful tools for modeling and analyzing high-dimensional count data such as documents. In a smart city, it is important to collect and analyze citizens’ voices to discover their concerns and issues. Topic modeling is effective for the above analysis because it can extract topics from a collection of documents. However, when estimating parameters (solutions) in topic models, various solutions are reached due to differences in algorithms and initial values. In order to select a solution suitable for the purpose from among the various solutions, it is necessary to know what kind of solutions exist. This chapter introduces methods for analyzing diverse solutions and obtaining an overall picture of the solutions.


  • topic model
  • diversity of solution
  • normalized mutual information
  • typification of solutions
  • topic distribution
  • word distribution
  • information-theoretic clustering

1. Introduction

Probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA: probabilistic latent semantic analysis) [1] and latent Dirichlet analysis (LDA: latent Dirichlet allocation) [2] are known as topic models to analyze count data such as documents (text data). In a smart city, it is important to collect and analyze citizens’ voices to discover their concerns and issues. Topic modeling is effective for the above analysis because it can extract topics from a collection of documents. However, when estimating parameters (solutions) in topic models, various solutions are reached due to differences in algorithms and initial values. There could exist a lot of local optimal solutions that are distinct but are equally optimized in the objective function (Figure 1). Since each of these solutions presents an interpretation of data, they are meaningful and worth using. In order to select a solution suitable for the purpose from among the various solutions, it is necessary to know what kind of solutions exist. This chapter introduces methods for analyzing diverse solutions and obtaining an overall picture of the solutions.

Figure 1.

An objective function for topic model J and local optimal solutions.

The solution, which is the set of parameters estimated in topic models, has a topic distribution θ and a word distribution ϕ. A topic distribution θ is tied to each document, and it represents the mixture ratio of topics in the document. The word distribution ϕ represents the probability of occurrence of each word in a topic. The methods presented here analyze diverse solutions using topic and word distributions, respectively.

The method [3, 4] using topic distribution θ defines the normalized mutual information (NMI) [5] that can be calculated for two solutions as the similarity between them, and assign coordinate values to them by multidimensional scaling (MDS) [6]. The coordinate values can be used to visualize the distribution of solutions in low-dimensional space.

Word distribution ϕ directly represents topic characteristics and is easy for humans to understand, making their analysis valuable. Specifically, clustering and network representation of similar relations are used to obtain groups of word distributions that are similar to each other. Each solution is then typified based on the frequency distribution of the groups. As a result, several typical solutions and word distributions that could be taken were successfully represented in a human-understandable form [7].

The related studies are shown below. As for analyzing multiple solutions, there are studies on clustering. In these studies, the Rand index or NMI is used to define the distance or similarity between solutions. Then, a non-redundant alternative solution for a given solution is found [8], several non-redundant are searched [9], and solutions are visualized by dendrogram [10]. This chapter focuses on topic model which includes hard clustering as a special case. The article [11] is a study of visualizing the solution of a topic model, but for a single solution. Few studies analyze and visualize multiple solutions in topic models.

The experiments deal mainly with text data of news articles and show the distribution of the solutions and the typical topics in the topic model. We expect that the proposed methods will contribute to the discovery of problems in smart cities.


2. Topic models and estimation of its solution

Topic models could be described by a generative probability model as shown in Figure 2. Shaded circles represent observed variables and white circles represent unobserved variables. The square plates represent repetitions, and the number in the lower right corner indicates the number of repetitions. Items inside the plate are conditionally independent given the variable outside the plate. In fact, the observed variables are “words” and the observed data, which is the accumulation of these words, is a document.

Figure 2.

Graphical model for topic model.

Assume that there are topics kk=1K, document ii=1N, and M types of words in the total of documents. Also, assume that each topic k has a word distribution ϕk=ϕ1kϕmkϕMk and the document has a topic distribution θi=θ1iθkiθKi. For each document i, the following is repeated ti times. A topic z is assigned based on the topic distribution θi, and a specific word w is generated based on the word distribution ϕz. All words generated for document i are aggregated by type and made into an observed value vector xi=w1i,,wMi, where wmi denotes the frequency of m-th word. Hence, l1-norm of i-th observed value vector mxmi equals ti. All observed value vectors are denoted by X=x1xN, which is the vector representation of all documents. α and β are hyperparameters for the prior probability distributions of the topic distribution θ and the word distribution ϕ respectively, and a uniform Dirichlet distribution is assumed here.

Given the probability Pmi that word m is generated in document i, PkiPmk=θkiϕmk if the k-th topic is assigned, so Pmi=k=1Kθkiϕmk considering all topics. The number of words m in document i equals xmi, and all word generations are independent. Therefore, the simultaneous probability for all document generations can be represented by a multinomial distribution


where Ai is the number of combination for document i. Taking the logarithm of Eq. (1) yields


The first term is a constant for the observed value vectors X, and the second term is the objective function to be maximized, when inferring parameters. A set of parameters θϕ of this function is a solution to be inferred. In the experiment, we use the equivalent perplexity:


There are various algorithms for estimating the model parameters, including collapsed Gibbs sampling (CGS) [12], variational Bayesian estimation (VB) [2], collapsed variational Bayesian estimation (CVB) [13], maximum likelihood estimation (ML) [1], maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimation [14]. From these, we use MAP estimation, CGS as a sampling approximation method, and CVB0 [15], which uses zero-order approximation of CVB, as a variational approximation method to estimate diverse solutions.

The update formulas used in the iterations in MAP estimation of θ,ϕ are


where ηmk is the number of occurrence about the word of type m at topic k and ηki is the number of assignment of topic k to data i. These can be calculated by


The updates at each iteration in CGS estimation can be written as


using the sampled topic set. When sampling for the j-th word wij in data i, the probability that the topic is k when the type of this word is m follows


where \ij denotes that the information about the word wij under focus is excluded, and Z\ij denotes the topic set excluding the topic zij of the word wij.

In CVB0 estimation, for the j-th word wij in data i, the burden rate that the topic is k when the type of this word is m follows


The expectations of ηmk and ηki are respectively estimated by Eηmk=i,jwij=mρijk and Eηki=jρijk. Estimation of ϕmk and θki are obtained by


Estimation in CVB0 proceeds by alternating between estimating ϕmk and θki and updating the burden rate ρijk in Eq. (8) [15].

Initial value setting using information-theoretic clustering is applicable in MAP estimation. It was shown that weighted information-theoretic clustering is a special case of topic models (see Appendix A), and it was confirmed that using the clustering results for initial value setting yields a better solution than using random initial value setting [16]. Specifically, the method is to smooth the word distribution obtained from clustering by adding a small value and use it as the initial word distribution ϕ.


3. An analysis method using topic distribution

This section presents the method [3, 4] to assign coordinate values to solutions using the topic distribution θ. This allows visualization of solutions.

The Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) is known as external criterion for evaluation of clustering [5], but can be applied to solutions in topic models as follows.

There are two solution, A and B for the same set of documents. A has J topics Ajj=1J and B has K topics Bkk=1K. The topic distribution of document ii=1N for A and B are denoted by θji and θki, respectively. Then, the degree of simultaneous sampling of topic Aj and topic Bk can be expressed as tiθjiθki, where ti is the number of words included in document i. Integrating the degree of simultaneous sampling across the entire document set yields


which represents the overlap between Aj and Bk. Hence, we obtain a confusion matrix (Table 1) with DgAjBk as an element. The total degree, say T, equals the number of words in the total of documents i=1Nti, since jθji=kθki=1i.


Table 1.

Confusion matrix.

NameNumber of documents (N)Number of word types (M)

Table 2.

Characteristics of data sets used in experiments.

Table 1 is a frequency distribution. Dividing this by the total frequency yields a two-dimensional probability distribution. The simultaneous probability is given by


Using the simultaneous probabilities PAjBk, the NMI between two solutions (discrete random variables) A and B is defined as [5]


where IAB is the mutual information and H is the entropy. Specifically


Since a symmetrical relationship NMIAB=NMIBA is satisfied from above, NMI can be thought of as a similarity related to information and also as an inner product between solutions.

Let θll=1L be a set of solutions about topic models. Forming the inner product matrix BL×L whose elements are the inner products calculated as NMI between them, then the matrix B enables us to assign coordinate values to the solutions by multidimensional scaling (MDS) [6].

Let yl, Y=y1yL be the coordinate value (vector) of l-th solution in Euclidean space, and the matrix expression of them, respectively. B as the inner product matrix can be expressed by


Since B is symmetric and positive semidefinite from the definition of NMI, there exists an orthogonal matrix Φ such that


where Λ is a diagonal matrix whose elements are eigenvalues of B. Hence,


and we obtain


The vectors Y can be used to visualize the solutions in low-dimensional space. The eigenvalue decomposition in (Eq. (17)) is for the origin viewpoint and not the center of gravity, so when applying principal component analysis (PCA), it should again be applied to the vectors Y.


4. An analysis method using word distribution

This section introduces the method [7] for representing typical solutions and the topics contained therein, as well as possible topics that can be extracted, by means of the word distribution ϕ that are easy for human to understand. Considering all word distributions in diverse solutions, the number of combinations of word distributions is enormous. It is inefficient to treat “quite similar” and “different but similar” relationship equally in order to get a complete picture of word distributions. Therefore, we represent the former relationships by grouping them together under the same representative word distribution and the latter relationships by analysis based on similarity relations among representative word distributions. These are described in detail below.

Information-theoretic clustering [16, 17] based on similarity of probability distributions is used to estimate representative word distributions from word distributions ϕ1ϕiϕN included in solutions. The objective function to be minimized in this clustering is expressed as


where DKL denotes Kullback-Leibler divergence, Cf is the estimated cluster of word distributions that are quite similar to each other, and Qf is the estimated representative word distribution, which is literally representative of the word distributions that could be extracted in topic modeling. The number of clusters Kf should be large enough so that they consist of word distributions that are quite similar to each other.

Representative word distributions with similar relationships are then connected to form similarity network of representative word distributions. Whether representative word distributions ϕi and ϕj are similar or not is determined by Jensen Shannon (JS) divergence given as


In this network, there are groups of representative word distributions that are similar to each other in areas of high edge density. These groups are extracted by the clustering algorithm based on maximizing modularity [18].

Since word distributions belong to one of the groups via the representative word distribution, solutions can be typified by the frequency distribution of the group to which the included word distribution belongs. As a result, several typical solutions can be found by the analysis using word distributions.


5. Experiments

We used three text data sets: NYtimes [19], 20News [20], Nips [19]. Stop-words included in 20News and documents with fewer than 40 words were removed. The characteristics of data sets actually used are shown in Table 2.

Each data set was separated into a training set for 90% of its documents and a test set for 10%. The test set were used to evaluate parameter estimation. The parameters θ,ϕ, which are the solutions estimated for the training set, were analyzed. The methods used are (1) MAP estimation (MapRnd), (2) MAP estimation using information-theoretic clustering results for initial value setting (MapCL), (3) collapsed Gibbs sampling (CGS), and (4) collapsed variational Bayesian estimation (CVB0). Of these, random initial values were given to the parameters in all cases except (2), where a small value was added to each element of the word distribution of the cluster obtained by weighted information-theoretic clustering to make the initial word distributions ϕ and a uniform distribution was set as the initial topic distribution θ [16].

The number of topics was set to K=10, and the hyperparameters were set to α=1.01 and β=1.1 for MAP estimation and α=0.01 and β=0.1 for the other methods, adjusting for differences in the update equations [15]. For each method, parameter estimation was performed for 200 different random number series.

5.1 Experimental results

We evaluated a total of 800 solutions θϕ, estimated and acquired through the four methods, by perplexity calculated using the test set (Table 3). With the acquired ϕ as known, the topic distribution θtest was estimated using half of the words in each document in the test set, and the perplexity was calculated from the word and topic distributions ϕ,θtest using the other half of the words. Since the objective is to evaluate the goodness of solution, the estimation of the topic distribution in the test set is the same for all methods, and MAP estimation was used in this case. Table 3 shows that MapCL, which uses clustering results as initial values, is superior to MapRnd, and that Cvb0 performs better than the other methods except MapCL. The fact that Cvb0 shows better results is consistent with the results in [15].


Table 3.

Perplexities archived in the four methods.

We assigned coordinate values to the solutions by the analysis using topic distributions and applied principal component analysis PCA to visualize them in Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Visualizations based on principal component analysis of solutions for NYtimes (top), 20News (bottom left), and Nips (bottom right).

In Figure 3, we see that MapCL is biased toward the range of large (20News) and small (Nips) values of the first principal component. This indicates that the solutions are method-dependent. These diagrams are useful to get an overall picture of the distribution of solutions, and by choosing solutions far from each other (e.g., top left, top right, center, bottom left, bottom right), a non-redundant solution set is obtained. However, how they differ is difficult for humans to understand. Therefore, it is important to analyze using word distributions that are easy for humans to understand.

For the analysis using word distributions, 100 representative word distributions were first obtained by information-theoretic clustering (see Eq. (19)) from a total of 8000 word distributions, 10 in each solution. The frequency distributions of JS divergence between word distributions and JS divergence between representative word distributions are shown in Figure 4 (left). Since the two frequency distributions are well matched, and the representative word distributions preserve the relationships among the word distributions, Kf=100 would be sufficient for the number of clusters.

Figure 4.

Frequency distribution of JS divergence between word distributions for all solutions (left) and inside solutions (right).

Figure 4 (right) shows the frequency distribution of the JS divergence between word distributions inside each solution and between representative word distributions corresponding to the word distributions. The word distributions in the solution of topic models are estimated to be different from each other in the sense of optimizing the objective function (Eq. (2)). Therefore, the JS divergence between word distributions inside the solution has a larger value. Considering this figure, we determined that word distributions are similar to each other if the JS divergence between them is equal to 0.1 or less.

We then connected representative word distributions with similar relationships for the NYtimes data set and represented them as a similarity network of representative word distributions in Figure 5. From this network, the clustering algorithm based on maximizing modularity [18] was used to extract groups (g1 to g15) with representative word distributions that were in regions of high edge density. There were 10 large groups with four or more vertices, the same as the number of topics K. In Figure 5, the vertices are colored to distinguish the groups and only the network information representing the adjacencies is meaningful, not the positions (coordinate values) of the vertices.

Figure 5.

Similarity network of representative word distributions for NYtimes.

Table 4 shows the high-frequency words in the representative word distributions for each large group (g1 to g10) in NYtimes. For the adjacent and ambiguous groups (g6 to g10) in Figure 5, two representative word distributions were chosen to represent the variation within the group, and the characteristic words representing the differences are shown in bold. The words “school student” appear in g6, g7, and g8, suggesting that there are a variety of topics related to these words. We see that the word “drug” is listed with “doctor” in g6, but with “case” in g7.

gnfnHigh-frequency words
g1f41team game season player play games point run coach win won right hit left
g2f40company percent million companies market stock business billion money
g3f22com web computer site information www mail online .internet internet
g4f55.bush president campaign .george_bush .al_gore election political vote
g5f36official government .united_states .u_s military war attack palestinian leader
g6f2drug patient doctor cell research problem scientist percent health study
f70school student drug patient percent program doctor women study problem
g7f16school case student drug law court official patient children lawyer found
f51school student family children case home told police death law lawyer official
g8f76school student children family women home friend father mother parent
f61show book film movie look music friend women play family character love
g9f20home family room building friend night house children town .new_york
f37car building water room home air hour area miles town house feet place
g10f6water food room cup minutes small building hour restaurant add large home
f72food cup minutes add water oil restaurant wine tablespoon fat sugar chicken

Table 4.

High-frequency words in the representative word distribution for each group in NYtimes.

The representative word distributions within these groups are somewhat different, and it is not easy to select the appropriate one. Therefore, the proposed method of representing relationships in a human-understandable form may be useful for users. If we were to name the groups according to the high-frequency words, they would be, in order, sports (g1), markets (g2), IT (g3), presidential election (g4), international conflicts (g5), health care (g6), school (g7), entertainment (g8), housing (g9), and food (g10).

We typified solutions by the frequency distribution of the group to which the word distribution in the solution belongs. We call the types of frequency distributions patterns, and the top five most frequently occurring patterns are listed in Table 5. As the tables show, these patterns consist of combinations of the large groups (g1 to g10). For patterns 1 and 2, we selected solutions that are typical in the sense that we often find combinations of representative word distributions associated with the word distributions in the solution, and listed in Table 6 the high-frequency words in the word distributions belonging to these solutions. In the tables, the names of the groups to which the word distributions belong are indicated.

Pattern 12101111111125
Pattern 2111111111181
Pattern 3211111110167
Pattern 4211110111166
Pattern 5110111121146

Table 5.

High-frequently occurring patterns. “Number” indicates the number of solutions belonging to the pattern.

Group nameHigh-frequency words
Sportsseason team game run games hit player inning play baseball right
Sportsteam game season player play point games coach win won yard
Marketscompany percent million companies market business stock billion
Presidential election.bush president campaign .george_bush .al_gore election political
International conflictsofficial government .united_states attack .u_s military war leader
Health caredrug patient doctor percent problem cell research study health
Schoolschool student case law court lawyer children police official family
Entertainmentshow book film movie music look play women friend character
Housingcar building home room water hour house area air town miles
Foodcup food minutes add oil tablespoon wine sugar pepper water
Group nameHigh-frequency words
Sportsteam game season player play games point run coach win football
Marketspercent company million companies market stock business billion
ITcom web computer information site www mail online .internet
Presidential election.bush campaign president .george_bush .al_gore election political
International conflictsofficial government .united_states attack .u_s military war leader
Health caredrug patient doctor health research study scientist cell problem
Schoolschool student law case court lawyer official children police family
Entertainmentshow film book movie look women play music friend character
Housingcar building home room water hour house town miles area air
Foodcup food minutes add oil wine tablespoon sugar pepper

Table 6.

High-frequency words in typical solutions for pattern 1 (top) and pattern 2 (bottom).

As Table 6 (top) shows, the pattern 1 has no topics on IT and instead has two topics on sports. The pattern 3 has no topics related to housing in g9 (see Table 5). If we were to have the right set of topics for a smart city, we should choose a solution from the pattern 2 (see Table 6 (bottom)), which includes the all groups, rather than focusing on sports.

Figure 6 shows similarity networks of representative word distributions for the 20News and Nips data sets. As these figures show, for both data sets, the number of large groups was 10, the same as the number of topics.

Figure 6.

Similarity networks of representative word distributions for 20News (top) and Nips (bottom).

The 20News and Nips solutions were typified based on the frequency distribution of the groups, and the top five most frequently occurring patterns are shown in Table 7. As the tables show, these patterns also consist of combinations of the large groups (g1 to g10). Since large groups play a role in many solutions, a solution with one word distribution for all large groups would be the solution of interest. However, such a solution is not necessarily the most common solution, nor is it necessarily the optimal solution. For reference, Table 8 shows examples of such solutions. The 20News example belongs to the most common pattern (pattern 1) and could be a candidate for a good solution. In the 20News data set, documents are labeled with the newsgroup to which they belong [20]. Using the label information, we can find the high-frequency words of the documents belonging to each newsgroup (see Table 9). Note that topic modeling does not use label information. Comparing the topics in Table 8 (top) with those in Table 9, many of them are associated. For example, g1 is associated with n11, g3 with n8–9, g4 with n15, g5 with n14, and g9 with n2. This association with the actual newsgroups would supports that the solution in Table 8 (top) is appropriate. The Nips example belongs to the fourth most common pattern, and a solution to the other patterns would be appropriate.

Pattern 11111111111215
Pattern 2211111101144
Pattern 3121111101139
Pattern 4121101111129
Pattern 5111111201127
Pattern 11121211001119
Pattern 2112111101181
Pattern 3111121110167
Pattern 4111111111164
Pattern 5112111110156

Table 7.

High-frequently occurring patterns in 20News (top) and Nips (bottom).

GroupHigh-frequency words
g1game team writes year games article hockey play good players season ca time win
g2god people jesus writes article christian bible church christ time good life christians
g3writes car article good apr bike dod ve time ca cars back engine ll make front thing
g4space nasa writes earth article gov launch system time orbit science shuttle moon
g5writes article people health medical disease time cramer patients cancer study doctor
g6people writes article government gun president make fbi time mr state law fire guns
g7people israel armenian jews turkish writes armenians article war israeli jewish arab
g8key encryption chip writes government information clipper keys system article
g9file image window program ftp windows files graphics version server jpeg display
g10dos windows drive writes card scsi system article mb pc problem mac disk bit work
GroupHigh-frequency words
g1circuit signal analog chip system output current neural input neuron voltage filter
g2speech word recognition system model context network hmm training sequence set
g3function learning algorithm point vector result error bound case equation set
g4image object images recognition feature map features representation set vector point
g5neuron cell model input pattern network activity synaptic visual stimulus firing
g6model data distribution parameter gaussian algorithm function method mean
g7network unit input weight neural output learning training hidden layer error net
g8set training data error algorithm classifier performance learning classification test
g9model control system motion direction position movement motor eye learning field
g10learning action function algorithm problem reinforcement policy system optimal

Table 8.

High-frequency words in solutions having one word distribution for all large groups for 20News (top) and Nips (bottom).

NewsgroupHigh-frequency words
(n1) alt.atheismgod writes people article atheism religion time evidence jesus
(n2) comp.graphicsimage graphics jpeg file bit images software data files ftp format
(n3) file dos writes article files ms os problem win program
(n4) scsi card mb ide system controller bus pc writes disk dos
(n5) comp.sys.mac.hardwaremac apple writes drive system problem article mb monitor mhz
(n6) file server windows program dos motif sun display
(n7) misc.forsalesale shipping offer mail price drive condition dos st email
(n8) rec.autoscar writes article cars good engine apr ve people time ford speed
(n9) rec.motorcycleswrites bike article dod ca apr ve ride good time bmw back riding
(n10) year article game team baseball good games time hit players
(n11) team hockey writes play ca games article season year nhl
(n12) sci.cryptkey encryption government chip writes clipper people article keys
(n13) sci.electronicswrites article power good ve work ground time circuit ca make
(n14) sci.medwrites article people medical health disease time cancer patients
(n15) sci.spacespace writes nasa article earth launch orbit shuttle time system
(n16) soc.religion.christiangod people jesus church christ writes christian christians bible
(n17) talk.politics.gunsgun people writes article guns fbi government fire time weapons
(n18) talk.politics.mideastpeople israel armenian writes turkish jews article armenians israeli
(n19) talk.politics.miscpeople writes article president government mr stephanopoulos
(n20) talk.religion.miscgod writes people jesus article bible christian good christ life time

Table 9.

High-frequency words in the 20News data set.

In order to select an appropriate solution, it is crucial to determine that the solution is consistent with the objective. Selecting a pattern that matches the objective would be the first step in finding a solution. After that, the solution can be obtained by refining the word distributions that the solution should have by selecting representative word distributions for each group, while confirming the objective.

Since determining the degree of consistency is a relative issue, it is essential to know the overall picture of the solutions and possible word distributions in them.

Figure 7 shows a visualization of the solutions using the patterns assigned by the analysis based on word distribution and the coordinate values assigned by the analysis based on topic distribution. Figure 7 (left) is more useful than Figure 7 (right) (equivalent to Figure 3 (top)) in finding a solution, as it provides additional information on the patterns needed in the first step.

Figure 7.

Visualization based on principal component analysis of solutions in NYtimes. Patterns 1–5 (left), for all (right).

The solutions for patterns 1–5 in Figure 7 (left) are grouped together in each pattern. It means that the solutions with the same pattern are also similar to each other in topic distribution. It is interesting to confirm that word and topic distributions are related.

As the experimental results show, analysis using word distribution will play a major role in the search for a solution. This is because the results can be presented in a way that is understandable to humans and can be compared to the objective. Analysis using topic distribution will play the role of a “map” that provides another point of view when a decision is not clear. A map that provides a view of all the solutions should be useful.


6. Conclusion

It has been reported that information-theoretic clustering outperforms spherical clustering when targeting text data [17]. Topic modeling is an extension of information-theoretic clustering (see Appendix A), which is why we apply this technique to document analysis. The solutions obtained through modeling are diverse. In past studies, however, diversity has not been adequately considered. This chapter introduced methods for analyzing diverse solutions and obtaining an overall picture of the solutions. Also, we showed effectiveness of the methods through experiments.

In this study, we found that there are many solutions that are different from each other in topic models. It is difficult to obtain an appropriate solution by chance. Furthermore, problems in the world, not to mention smart cities, are complex and change rapidly, so there is a high risk of missing important topics. The proposed analysis methods should be useful in the search for solutions. There are various extensions of topic models, such as dynamic topic models [21], but even there, a diversity of solutions may exist. The approach presented in this chapter may also be used for analyses using such models.



This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 18 K11442.


We present the objective function of weighted information-theoretic clustering (ITC) [16, 17] and show that it is a special case of the objective function of topic models.

Assume that there are cluster Ckk=1K and observed value vector xii=1N, and that there are M types of words in the total of observed value vectors. Also, assume that each cluster k has a word distribution ϕk=ϕ1kϕmkϕMk and vector xi belong to one of the clusters. Clusters in clustering is regarded as the same concept as topics. The objective function of ITC JSW and that of weighted ITC JS'W are given by


where pi=xi/xi1 and ti=xi1 denote the word distribution and l1-norm of the i-th vector xi, respectively. Comparing both objective functions, JSW is weighted by ti equal to the number of words in the i-th data (document). This is because it treats the occurrence of words equally, as in topic models, whereas normal clustering treats each document equally.

The interior of Eq. (22) can be transformed as


where the second term is independent of the clustering result. Thus, the function to be minimized can be expressed as


Meanwhile, the function to be maximized in topic models is


which is the second term in Eq. (2). Applying the hard clustering constraint:


we obtain


Since minimization of Eq. (24) is equivalent to maximization of Eq. (27), topic modeling includes weighted ITC as a special case and is an extension of it.

For weighted ITC, the learning algorithm needs to be changed from ITC [17]. Basically, it should treat documents differently based on the number of words they contain. There are two ways to achieve this: one is to select documents with a probability proportional to the number of words they contain, and the other is to increase the learning rate of competitive learning in proportion to the number of words in the documents selected at learning time. In this experiment, we employed the latter [16].


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Written By

Toshio Uchiyama and Tsukasa Hokimoto

Reviewed: 21 June 2022 Published: 26 July 2022