Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Structural Properties and Convergence Approach for Chance-Constrained Optimization of Boundary-Value Elliptic Partial Differential Equation Systems

Written By

Kibru Teka, Abebe Geletu and Pu Li

Reviewed: 22 March 2022 Published: 15 March 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.104620

From the Edited Volume

Nonlinear Systems - Recent Developments and Advances

Edited by Bo Yang and Dušan Stipanović

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This work studies the structural properties and convergence approach of chance-constrained optimization of boundary-value elliptic partial differential equation systems (CCPDEs). The boundary conditions are random input functions deliberated from the boundary of the partial differential equation (PDE) system and in the infinite-dimensional reflexive and separable Banach space. The structural properties of the chance constraints studied in this paper are continuity, closedness, compactness, convexity, and smoothness of probabilistic uniform or pointwise state constrained functions and their parametric approximations. These are open issues even in the finite-dimensional Banach space. Thus, it needs finite-dimensional and smooth parametric approximation representations. We propose a convex approximation approach to nonconvex CCPDE problems. When the approximation parameter goes to zero from the right, the solutions of the relaxation and compression approximations converge asymptotically to the optimal solution of the original CCPDE. Due to the convexity of the problem, a global solution exists for the proposed approximations. Numerical results are provided to demonstrate the plausibility and applicability of the proposed approach.


  • chance-constrained optimization
  • structural properties
  • state-constrained boundary-value PDE
  • probabilistic state constraints

1. Introduction

Partial differential equations (PDEs) are widely used to describe the spatial variations of physical, biological, and social systems as well as processes in mechanical engineering, thermodynamic, chemical engineering, medicine, industrial manufacturing, etc. [1, 2]. Moreover, practical PDE models involve uncertainties arising from imprecise model parameters and the system’s operational environment. In real-life applications, external influences have a non-negligible impact and seriously affect system behaviors [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. For example, ambient temperature, wind, and pressure are uncertain external influences that seriously impact system performances.

External input uncertainties will cause output uncertainties in system state variables [4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. Such random inputs usually affect the boundary of the system and thus should be compensated by distributed boundary control. Hence, we consider in this study the randomness of the boundary condition of elliptic PDE systems and solve the chance-constrained optimization problems of such systems [12].

This study is an extension of the previous works in [13, 14] in which the randomness from the model parameters of a PDE system was considered but without considering boundary-valued control. In the present study, we consider the randomness from a nonhomogeneous boundary condition of a PDE system, which implies that the required state solution of the chance-constrained optimization of boundary-value elliptic partial differential equation (CCPDE) is a random field [15]. The control input is applied deterministically at the boundary function to compensate for the random disturbances. As a result, the study addresses the issue of chance-constrained optimization of a randomly boundary-valued PDE system.

Mathematically, in this work, we consider a random parameter ξΩ coupled with a spatial variable xD at the boundary condition of the PDE system. We assume that the uncertainty is under a given probabilistic measure Pr of the complete probability space ΩΣPr where Σ is a sigma-Algebra in the Borel set Ω. This study analyzes the properties of infinite-dimensional optimization problems in the reflexive and separable Bochner space with the elliptic PDE system as equality constraint and its probabilistic state constraints as inequality constraints. In general, for CCPDE problems, significant difficulties arise from chance constraints. Specifically, the main structural properties such as continuity, compactness, convexity, and differentiability of the probabilistic state-constraint functions are difficult to analyze. In addition, solving chance-constraints problems is generally not a trivial task.

Therefore, our investigation first focuses on the theoretical analysis of the main structural properties of the probability pointwise state-constrained functions in the CCPDE. The presence of uncertainties on the nonhomogeneous and nonlinear Dirichlet boundary conditions impacts the required state solutions. It is necessary to investigate the optimality conditions to the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the CCPDE problem. Subsequently, since such CCPDE problems are generally difficult to solve directly and also potentially nonsmooth [6, 16], this work proposes smoothing approximation methods to address this difficulty [2, 13].

The numerical computation for solving the CCPDE problem needs a finite-dimensional representation of the infinite-dimensional space through a discretization coupled with an appropriate sampling of the random variables by the multilevel Mont-Carlo method (ML-MCM). Since the resulting finite-dimensional chance-constrained optimization problem is generally nonsmooth, nonconvex, and difficult to solve directly, we use the recently proposed inner-outer approximation approach [6] for the solution of the CCPDE problem. Several structural properties of the inner-outer approximation-based CCPDE are also analyzed in this study. In the previous work, [13] the convexity of the outer approximation was investigated. In this study, we address the convexity issue of the inner approximations to guarantee the optimal global solution of the CCPDE.


2. Problem definition

We consider chance-constrained optimization of a boundary-value elliptic PDE system (CCPDE),

CCPDE:minuEJyuξEyydHg1D2+ρ2u2L2Dsubject to:E1

where DRn is a given bounded convex open spatial domain with Lipschitz boundary D and n2, ρ is a given regularization parameter, Dc is a given compact subset of the closure D¯ of D. . and represent the divergence and gradient operator w.r.t. x in the weak sense of Sobolev spaces, respectively. The state function yxuξ:D¯×U×ΩR is a random continuous function in Hg1D=ΓW1,2DΓx=gxxD with Hg1D being a closed subspace of the Sobolev space H1D=W1,2D for any ξΩ. ydH1D is a given function describing the desired profile of the state and is assumed twice differentiable w.r.t. xD.1 With <h,g>Hg1D and <h,g>H1D, we denote the related standard scalar product (see [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 17, 18] for more details on Sobolev spaces).

The triple ΩΣPr represents a complete probability space, with a set of all possible outcomes ΩRp, with σ-Algebra Σ2Ω and probability measure Pr:Σ01 and PrΩ=1. The parameter ξ represents uncorrelated input random vector variables distributed homogeneously acting on the system through the boundary D. Such disturbances are position-dependent random parameters and distributed inside or outside of the boundary of the spatial domain D. In general, such infinite-dimensional random parameters can be treated by a dimensional-reduction method using the Karhunen-Loeve (KL) expansion (see [19]) or a finite-dimensional representation using a discretization method [3, 4].

The input data gxuξ might vary randomly from one point of the boundary domain D to another point and thus their uncertainty should be described in terms of random fields, which can be dealt with a sampled covariance from multilevel Monte Carlo method (MLMCM) [2, 9, 20]. The expected value E is taken with respect to the probability space and the probability measure possesses the Radon-Nikodym derivative ϕ w.r.t. the Lebesgue measure μ, i.e., dPrξ=ϕξξ. Moreover, we suppress the measure μ and write simply dPrξ=ϕξ. The random variable ξ is assumed to have a continuous probability density function ϕξ with Ω being its sample space of the support set. For each uU, due to the random variable ξ, the solution y of the boundary values (2)(3) is a stochastic linear boundary value state function indicated by yuξx.

After the solution of the PDE system, Eq. (4) expressed by P.x=Pryxuξymaxxα,xD defines a single pointwise probability state constraint, for each xD, to be satisfied with a given reliability level α, where α01. It should be noted that chance constraints for the PDE system considered in this study can be expressed in the following two forms:

  1. Single chance constraints


  2. Joint chance constraint


The first one describes the chance constraints imposed on individual points in D (i.e., pointwise chance constraints), while the second one requires the satisfaction of the constraints at all points with a probability level. In this study, only the form of single pointwise constraints is considered. A joint CCPDE is mathematically complex and needs further studies.

The right-hand side of Eq. (2) is assumed to be a function in L2D. Due to (3), y depends on u and ξ, and therefore, we need to analyze the existence and uniqueness of a weak solution. In Section 3, we will prove these by verifying the continuous-bilinear and coercivity form in the Bochner space with the associated expectation of the norm E(H2D) based on the Lax-Milgram theorem.

Specifically in this study, (2) and (3) lead to a boundary value of an elliptic PDE system with nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition yD=gxuξ,ξΩ and uU. u is a control variable bounded by umin and umax by (5). Since the output y is constrained, we have to find an optimal control profile w.r.t. xD, in the admissible set Uadm by variational analysis.

Now, we define a separable and reflexive Bochner space by mapping WLΩWD from the Borel space to the Sobolev space WD

HΩWD=v:ΩWD:vis measurablevW=Ωv(,ξ)WD2ϕξ<+E8

From the PDE system defined in (2)(3), the related function spaces of individual inputs are defined as follows:


Since the spaces defined above are separable, the weak measurability for the random PDE system is equivalent to the strong measurability (see [[21], Section 3.5 Cor. 2]).

In addition, we define scalar products in L and H spaces, respectively,


for a,bL and a,bH, respectively. In addition, in (9),

B=v:ΩWD:vis measurable,L2Ω×H1/2DR,vB=ΩvH1/2D2ϕξ1/2=vL2Ω×D2+m=sΩDmvx1mvx22x1x2n+2+2ssdσϕξ1/2,vB2=vL2Ω×D)2+ΩDvx1vx22|x1x2s+12dσϕξ<,s=1/2,E13

is a norm of trace function in the boundary space H of the boundary value with a compact embedding from B where is the surface measure at the boundary of D [22]. Finally, the space of the model parametric coefficient K={v:LDR:vis measurable:vLD=maxsupnvn2<}. Thus, vH, it implied that vξHg1D and E[vξHg1D2]<+.

The probability density ϕ is assumed to be Lebesgue measurable and almost everywhere positive on Ω. Hence, the spaces L,G,and ℋ are a reflexive Bochner space, e.g., Hilbert spaces using the standard equivalence classes. Note also that G,H,K,B are dense subspaces of L in the topology of L.

The variable uL2D is a decision variable that belongs to the set of admissible decisions


where ua,ubL2D are given functions with uaub. Observe that equalities and inequalities of functions in the Lebesgue space L2D and corresponding Sobolev spaces are valid only almost everywhere on D. The term almost everywhere (a.e.) will be suppressed in this study assuming almost surely (a.s.) without any confusions arising. Note that Uadm is a nonempty, convex, closed, and bounded subset of L2D.

In the elliptic PDE system (2)(3), the random parameters in the boundary condition in B2 represent the effect of external and internal disturbances such as ambient temperature, pressure, and wind; also, there is a factor of imprecise model parameters, while those in the forcing term f are nonrandom input function. For the sake of simplicity of presentation, the coefficient and forcing term (κ,f) respectively are considered as nonrandom input functions in this study. Moreover, the forcing term is continuous w.r.t. xD a.s. and fxL.3.

As a result, pointwise probabilistic state constraint P.x=Pryminyymaxα, overall the spatial region xDa.s., is conservative (worse-case) if, its reliability level α=1, with no chance of constraints violation. The internal function yminyymax,xD cannot be computed deterministically. Hence, the expression in (4) defines a chance (probabilistic) constraint by stipulating the satisfaction of the inequality constraint on yH with a given probability value of a reliability level α0.95,1. Moreover, (4) represents a pointwise chance constraint, i.e., the constraint on the state variable is required to hold with the same reliability level α at each individual point of xD.

The required random state solution yxuξ is a function in the infinite-dimensional space H, so that, the infinite number of probabilistic constraints make sense whenever in the equivalence class y is w.r.t. x a continuous element, which is ensured by Sobolev embedding theorems in L2(Ω,H2DHg1D), excellent properties of the inhomogeneity term f, and the convexity of D. From the embedding theory of Sobolev space, one can use a more general setting in Hp=W1,p with p>d and sufficient regular D. Thus, the convexity of D can be relaxed. We give here only one opportunity, where it works. It is essential for our approximation approach (see, e.g., theorem 3.5 continuity of y, that space for y can be continuously embedded in the space of continuous functions).

For instance, at some critical spatial locations xDcD, the reliable level α0.95,1 can be chosen, as a result, this study focuses on the solution of CCPDE with pointwise constraints but considers reliable level independent of x for simplicity of representation, and it is not trivial to directly extend our inner and outer approximation concept in [6] to joint and uniform chance constraints for the infinite number of xD. Therefore, solving the CCPDE problem is not a trivial task since there is no simple equivalent deterministic representation. Also, there is no closed-loop analytic representation for the probabilistic state constraint in the equation expressed in (4). The structural properties of (4) are not yet analyzed properly, generally unknown, nondifferentiable, and nonconvex.


3. Existence of the solution of the PDE system

In this paper, we need to solve the weak variational form of the random PDE system with nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary value of the elliptic PDE system as we defined in equations expressed (2) and (3), the control is applied on the boundary of polygonal spatial domain D and the control uL2D,


For every test function vH, we can apply integration by part,


which is the weak form of the PDE system (15)(16) with fx in the Hilbert space L and solution y.H. The relevant functions of the inputs are in separable and reflexive Bochner space. Since fxL, κK, and gB, the spatial domain D is convex, the well-known shift statements (see, for instance, [[23], Th. 3.30]; i.e., higher regularity of f is shifted to higher regularity of y) imply that xyuxξCD¯. Since the continuity of xyuxξ is required only on the subset D, the convexity of D is not necessary whenever the critical spatial domain DcintD, intD is the interior of space D. However, to guarantee the well-posedness of the weak form, our investigation is based on the following standard assumptions.

Assumption 3.1. (A1.1) The domain D is convex, the set DcD¯ is compact and ycCDHg1D,ydHg1DH2D.

(A1.2) The coefficient κK is positive and bounded such that


where κmin,κmax are finite constants.

(A2.1) For each uL2D, the random forcing term ufu:L2DL is continuous.

(A2.2) For each uL2D, the random forcing term ufu:L2DL is continuously Fréchet differentiable.

(A3) The forcing term has a Taylor expansion form m fxu=ux+n=0fnx0/n!)xx0n, where uL2D and f0L.

(A4) For each uL2D, the random forcing term ugu:L2DL is continuous. For each uL2D, the random forcing term ugu:L2DL is continuously Fréchet differentiable. and g is linear w.r.t. u.

(A5) The random variables ξΤ=ξ1ξp are independently, identically distributed with a continuous joint multivariate probability density function ϕξ=Πi=1pϕiξi and the set Ω=Πi=1pΩi, where ΩiR,i=1,,p, such that


with u,akL2D, k=0,1,2,,n..

In the assumption A5, f and g are commonly given as a series, which is called finite-dimensional noise representation (20) (see [4, 5, 20]) for the boundary condition g. In fact, for numerical computations, it is essential to reduce the dimension of the uncertainties in g from KL dimension reduction method.

3.1 Solution of the random PDE with nonhomogeneous boundary control

From the equations expressed in (15) and (16), we have to show that the Lax-Milgram theorem of the continuous-bilinear and coercivity property for every test function in vH,


This implies for vH,


It implies the following integration functions of the expectation,


The Sobolev space plays several roles in the study of stochastic PDE system [7]. The space L2D=H0D equivalence class of real-valued Lebesgue measure and square integrable function defined on the spatial domain D. Let H1=H1D denote the vector subspace of H defined by H1=vH1:vxiH1 i=1,2,3,,n the equipped with the norm


Space H1D is Hilbert space, and it is known as the Sobolev space of order 1. Let DomainD denote the CD with a compact support. The closure of DomainD is norm topology of H1D, the required random solution is in Hg1D is subspace of H1D. The dual of Hg1 is H1, is the dual space of continuous linear function on Hg1, both of Sobolev space Hg1 and H1 are space of functional distributions in the sense of Schwartz and have nonunique representations, and the functional at boundary has a polynomial approximation in Eq. (20), with gkξ and yxkx for k=1,2,3.,n. Where the derivative of ykx is understood in the sense of distribution. Generally, the input random boundary conditions,


that defined by above expansion of orthonormal function the adjoint is in L2(Ω;H1/2D for the defined ξΩ. Since there is nonzero and nonlinear random function g0 at the Dirichlet boundary condition. The boundary g is approximated by Fourier transform, and one can define Sobolev space one can define Sobolev space Hs for all real numbers s, s<0 these are genuine distributions as characteristic function, for s=0, we have H0=L2D for s>0 these are the regular function spaces contained in H1, for example, y belongs to Hg1D see [21, 24]. There is the trace operator Γ:L2(Ω;Hg1D)L2(Ω;H1/2D,Γy=y=gforxD. The space HmHmk for k>0 and the injection is compact. The trace function loses its interior smoothness and may be a distribution on the boundary as yn belongs to H1/2D), n is a normal to the test function v, i.e., yvH1/2D). We shall define the inner product space (.,.) or .,. by the double integral function on the set D and Ω, there is the duality pairing between H1 and H1 at the trace operator. In each case of boundary-value condition of bilinear-continuity form ayv and coercive (elliptic) form, we can formulate the following equation:


that vanishes the right-hand side of second integral, and L and aik are the linear and differential operators, respectively [7]. The weak PDE system gives


Definition 3.2. The system of elliptic PDE in Eqs. (2) and (3) has a weak solution yL2(Ω;Hg1D), if there exists a measurable random variable y w.r.t. ξ defined in Ω such that Eayϑ=Elyv=E[fϑ+Egϑ for all ϑH=L2(Ω;Hg1D). The operator a satisfies the continuous bilinear and coercive form.

Definition 3.3. The system of elliptic PDE said to be stable in L2(Ω;Hg1D), if it has a weak solution yL2(Ω;Hg1D) and the forcing term fL expressed in Eq. (9) and the boundary input gL2(Ω,H1/2D. The solution y is continuous depending on the random parameter, i.e., Ey=Eyfg. The subspace of all function form L2(Ω,HlD whose generalized derivatives up to order l exist and belong to L2(Ω,HlD. The space HlD=Wl2D is called Sobolev space order l..

Theorem 3.4. Lax-Milgram Theorem: Let κ.LD be a functional, and there exists a constant κmin>0 and κmax>κx>κmin almost surly and the test function vH=L2(Ω×Hg1D),gL2Ω×H1/2D and fxH1D. The operators a and l defined in Eq. (25) hold continuous-bilinearity and coercivity. Thus, the variational problem defined in Eq. (1) and (2) has unique solution yL2(Ω,Hg1D) for all ξΩ.

Proof. The elliptic PDEs in Eqs. (15) and (16) have weak solution if there exists a test function vH, this boundary condition g moves to left-hand side


Where =n.ds is the surface measure at the boundary of D from integration by part,


Since y.vξx=0 for xD because the unit normal vector is perpendicular to the boundary D. Let


We need to show that continuous-bilinear and coercivity form. These two properties are sufficient for the existence and uniqueness of weak solution [7, 8]. The input random functions are in a reflexive and separable Bochner space. Thus, weak solution is the same as the classical solution, the weak measurability is also similar to the strong measurability seen in [24].


Hence, the operator a is continuous bilinear. The same case for lyv this is integral of duality product between a mapping in Hölder theorem


Therefore, both a and l are continuous bilinear form. To see coercivity, vV Fubini theorem implies that avv=ΩDκxv.vdxΦξκminΩDv.vdxΦξ because κmin is bounded from below a.s., and independent of random ξ, κminx is lower bounded as well. Thus, avvκminΩDvV2dxΦξkmin/CvV2 Where C=c2 by Poincare-Friedrichs inequality avvκmin/c2vH2κmin/c2v2V the same for l. The required numerical solution is obtained from stochastic finite difference method (SFDM) or finite element method (SFEM), for the indexed xD the numerical solution


The yxuξ have a linear property w.r.t. u,ξ jointly. This case the matrix A obtained from the discretization operator a is positive definite [22]. Therefore, the weak solution yL2Ω×H1gD exists and is unique. We will analyze the continuously dependent of the solution yL2Ω×H1gD on f,g,u and k,ξΩ.

Theorem 3.5. Suppose the coefficient operator κ=ijκijxiωxjω and κijxLD is nonrandom, is independent of ξ seen in [7] and deterministic coefficient function of κ. is indexed by xD. There exists a lower bound number κmin>0 such that κminκxκmax a.s. and ijκijxixjκminx2 for xD subset of Rn. Thus elliptic PDE system is L2 stable in the sense of distribution in Definition (3.2) and Definition (3.3). There exist c>0, c is independent of f, g for all fixed xD, and c is dependent only κ, such that


fH1D and gL2ΩH12D,Ef2=Ωf2Φξ=f2ΩΦξ=f2. This theorem is proved and extended in the work [25].

Remark: For dimension n3, the map of the solution is continuous embedding from L2Ω×H1DL2(Ω×H1DL2Ω×H1/2Dis fulfilled and the mapping is continuous and linear EyH1gDc{fH1D+EgH1/2D} for each ξ a.s., see the prove in [7].

Theorem 3.6. Let U and V be Hilbert spaces. Then, the linear mapping L:UV is an isomorphic mapping if and only if the associated form a:U×VR satisfies

  1. Continuity, there exists C>0 such that auvCuUvV for all uU

  2. Inf-sup condition, i.e., there exists c>0 such that supauvvVcuU,uU.

  3. For every vV, there exists uU with auv0 and if we assume continuity and inf- sup conditions above, then L:UvV:auv=0uUV is an isomorphism. Thus, the equation supauvvVcuU is equivalent to LuVcuU,uU. It follows the equivalent formulation infuUsupvVauvvVUUc>0.

Proof. We need to show that injective and surjective map L:UV. The equivalence of continuity of L:UV, Lu1=Lu1=Lu2=Lu2,u1,u2U


au1u2v=0 implies u1u2=0. For the surjective fLu,Lu from the image of the pre image u. There exists a unique u=L1f. Thus, cuUsupauvvV=sup(afvvV=f.□

3.2 Reduced optimization of PDE with random data

The problems of CCPDEs are not properly studied. Moreover, the pointwise or uniform probabilistic state-constrained function is a nonsmooth, nonconvex, intractable, and infinite-dimensional state constraints. The following assumptions are needed for reducing dimension and variability for analyzing the structural properties of CCPDE.

Assumption 3.7. Assume that the functionals

  1. The κxK of Eq. (9), the gx..B, the f.H, the H is the dual in Sobolev space of H defined by Eq. (9) and Dc is subset of convex set D have Lipschitz smooth boundary D.

  2. The control functional u.L is compact and convex, the L is subset of the admissible set Uadm.

  3. The objective functional E[J(y(u))] is mapping from L2ΩH2D)×L2ΩH1/2D)R is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous (wsls) and bounded below by ρ2uL2D2.

  4. The EJyu is a convex w.r.t. u.

  5. The f w.s.l.s w.r.t. xD and g are w.s.l.s and convex w.r.t uξ simultaneously.

The optimization problem of


subject to:


the random variable ξΩ have a log-concave density function ϕξ. If the objective function in Eq. (36) is convex, then the chance-constrained programming is a convex optimization problem and has a globally optimal solution.

Proof. The functional J is a convex function from the convexity property of norm. The expectation E is the integral of the convex function, is convex. Moreover, the solution of the PDE system y is a linear w.r.t xξ. The internal functional γ=yymax is a quasiconcave from proposition (3.4), then Pxu is a convex w.r.t. u. Suppose the constrained P=uU/Pux>α is a convex set [26]. Hence, the composition functional EJyu is the composition of convex and lower-continuous function. Therefore, EJyu is a convex function and the set B=L2(Ω,H1/2DPUadm, convex intersection of convex set is convex.□

The optimization problem of CCPDE reduced to the following programming form and the solution y is continuous dependent on the parameters f and g in theorem (3.5),


where the probability function in Eq. (37) expressed P.x=Prγ=yfxgξu.ymax0xD, the set P=uU/Pxu>α this optimization problem admits unique optimal solution. The random variable ξΩ has a log-concave density function ϕξ. If the objective function in Eq. (47) is a convex, then the chance-constrained programming is a convex optimization problem and has a global optimal solution.

3.3 The structural property of probabilistic constrained function

Most of the recent research works on the chance-constrained optimization problems do not include a probabilistic state constraints. In this study, we have deliberated a pointwise probabilistic state constraints, which are expressed in Eq. (41). The structural properties of the probabilistic state-constrained function are not properly analyzed. The continuity, differentiability, compactness, and convexity properties of the state constraints are important for guaranteeing the optimality criteria. The function of state constrained looks like,


The internal part of the probability function is


which is a continuous differentiable function from the equation expressed (33), it does not imply the continuity and differentiability of the probability function in Eq. (41). The following propositions guaranteed the structural properties for the probabilistic uniform constrained functions, and these are a strong form of a pointwise state constrained,


it holds the measure zero property


Proposition 3.8. Assume that γx.ξ are Borel measurable w.r.t ξΩ for all uU and for all xD and γx.ξ are weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous (wsls) or weakly sequentially upper semicontinuous (wsus) vice versa for xD and ξΩ. Then, Pux=Prγxuξ0 is wsls or wsus vice versa and γxuξ=yymax0,xD. The same case, for fixed xD the function Pu=uUadm:P.xα is wsls or wsus vice versa.

Proof. From a given assumption, P is well defined by Borel measurability of γxu. w.r.t. ξΩ in the second argument. Fix an arbitrary û and let unUadm, unû, arbitrary weakly convergent sequences in Uadm and any arbitrary fixed xD and let xnD, xnx̂. Denote by unl a subsequence such that liminfnPun=limlPunl. The variable of the decision u=ux linearly continuous dependent on xD..

Define the sets P=ξΩ:γxuξ0ξΩ and Pn=ξΩ:γxunξ0ξΩ,nnoN. Since, by γ being wsls in the first argument, we have


Consequently, γxunξ<0,ξΩ/P and all nn0,ξΩ.

Denoting by


the characteristic function of a set Uadm, this entails that hPnξ0 as n,ξΩ/P. By the Lebesgue dominance convergence theorem, Ωh[γxunξϕξ0 for all ξΩ/P.

On the other way E[hγxunξE[hγxuξ=1,ξP.



limlinfPϕξ=PrξP=PrξP:γx.ξ0=Pû. Thus, the function P is wsls from the equation in above liminfnPun=limlPunlPû. For wsusc property, related propositions also proved in work of [11, 16]. □

Proposition 3.9. Assume that D is compact subset of Rn, if γ is wsus then Pux is wsus at uU satisfying prγuξ=0=0, this is said to be measure zero property where γ=infγxuξ defined in proposition (3.8).

The prove is the similar to the proof of (3.8), has been proved in [16]. Let xD be fixed. We need to show the convexity property of probability function upuξ needs convex property with respect to uξ along the continuous probability density function ϕξ. From the solution of PDE system, we have a continuous y in Bochner space and yxξu=A1/kjHfx+kgu..x.ξxD,ξΩ. Thus, γx..=A1/k(jHfx+kgu..xuξymax0 and PrA1jHfx+kgu..x.ξkymax0α is a convex w.r.t. uξ jointly from the linearity of the internal function for any fixed xD. Therefore, it is a sufficient in the finite-dimensional optimization, continuity, and linearity of y guarantee for continuity and convexity of Pux [26, 27]. Our aim is to extend it to infinite-dimensional case.

Remark: Assume that γuxξ=A1/kjHfx+gx..ymax is a concave w.r.t.ξΩ, uU and xD, for each u there exists random vector ξΩ such that γ0,xD then, ξ has a density ϕξ distributed continuously and


where, γ=infγxuξ=infuA1/kjHfx+gu..xξymaxxD.

Proposition 3.10. Let U be Banach space and D be arbitrary index set. Let the n-dimensional random vector ξΩ have a log-concave density, i.e., density of its logarithm is possibly extended valued concave function. Assume that the function γxuξ=A1/kjHfx+gu..xξymax is quasi-concave for all x in D, then the set M=uU/Pux>α is a convex set.

Proof. From structural property of wslsc on the proposition (3.8) pick up γ=infuγxuξ and we defined PuxPrγxuξ0 for all u in Banach space Uadm=MU to fix arbitrary elements in U, u1,u2U and quasi concavity of γ such that ξ1 and ξ2 in Ω and u1ξ1,u2ξ2U×Ω and λ01 there exists indexed xD such that γλu1ξ1+1λu2ξ2min{(γu1ξ1,γu2ξ2} and the density ξ having log-concavity density shown in Prekopa ([11, 28] Theorem [4.2.1]) for the given log-concave distribution. The prξλP+1λqprξpλPrξq1λ) for p and q are convex subset of Ω. We need to show the convexity of set M in u1 and u2 in M and λ01 we define a map H:UR u in U observe that Hu1 and Hu2 are the convex set an immediate consequence of the quasi concave on γ. The sets λHu1+1λHu2Hλu1+1λu2. Thus, H is a concave set (γ is a quasi-concave). In other words, let ξ1Hu1 and ξ2Hu2, ξPλu1+1λu2=prξHλu1+1λu2pr[ξH(u1]λprξHu21λ=αλα1λ=α, for reliable level α. The ξ=λξ1+1λξ2Ω, γu1ξ2,γu2ξ20 obtaining from the quasi concavity of γ we have γλu1+1λu2ξ=γλu1ξ1+1λu2ξ2)minγu1ξ1γu2ξ20. Finally, the result is proved the convexity of chance-constrained, λu1+1λu2M. Hence, M is a convex set.□

Proposition 3.11. Let M=U be separable Banach space defined in proposition of the convexity (3.10) and M is a dual space of M, assume that the γx..0 is a weakly sequentially upper continuous (w.s.u.s) for each uM and xD. Then, it satisfies the following three conditions and the three statements are equivalent [11, 16].

  1. The γxu. is a Borel measurable function w.r.t. ξΩ uM and xD.

  2. The set M=uM:Puxα is weakly closed.

  3. The Pux is weakly sequentially upper continuous (wsus).

Proof. From the assumption, the function γxu.:RnR upper semicontinuous for each uU and each xD. Consequently, the sets ξΩ:γxuξ0xD are closed, which implies the Borel measurability w.r.t. ξ (i). The proposition (3.8) explains the continuity property with measure zero property in (42), justifies to talk about probability of events as in (i) and (iii). It is an immediate consequences of (ii). Hence, in order to (i) prove (ii) let Pu in R be arbitrary and consider weakly convergent sequences unu has a convergent subsequence unlM with unM for all n, it is from Arzela-Ascoli, every sequence of a given family of real-valued continuous functions defined on a closed and bounded interval has a uniformly convergent subsequence. We have to show that u in M we define Hu=ξΩ:γxuξ0 from unM, and Pξ/Hunα. Boundness of un by weak convergence implies that there is some closed ball B with sufficiently large radius such that u in B for all n. From separability of U, the weak topology B metrizable w.r.t. ξ for fixed x. Regarding the finite-dimensional case, it has been proved in work [16].

Lemma 3.12. All the assumptions of Proposition (3.11) are true, there are constants ε>0,σ>0, such that with d referring to the Hausdorff distance from the point on Uadm to the set in probabilistic set Pxuξ such that d(Uadm,uP:PuxσmaxloglogPxux0,αεα+ε.

For an infinite-dimensional problem of CCPDE, we have proved it in the previous work [14, 25]. This lemma has been verified for the finite-dimensional problem without the PDE system in [16]. It needs Arzela-Ascoli theorem, this CCPDE constrained function also holds bounded and continuous property [16, 21]. The Lax-Milgram theorem is sufficient for the bounded and continuous property from the continuous bilinear and coercivity form; see in the theorem (3.4).


4. Approximation for CCPDE by inner and outer functions

The approximation of the probability constrained function has been analyzed in the previous work [6, 14]. This proposed approach is a smooth parametric approximation for the nonsmooth and intractable probability function. This study will analyze some open issues related to the topological and structural properties of the CCPDE. Some of the issues are continuity, differentiability, closedness, compactness, and convexity of the inner and outer approximation functions in the infinite-dimensional Bochner space. They are significant for assuring the optimality criteria for the existence and uniqueness of the optimal control. Furthermore, the convergence approach and the numerical results are studied properly.

The smooth parametric inner and outer approximations are analyzed in the work [6]. This section briefly analyzes the parametric functions to define a smooth approximations to the optimal control of the boundary-value CCPDE. The optimal control of the CCPDEs is approximated by the family of the sequence of solutions of the inner-outer approximation problems, when the approximation parameter τk tends to zero as k goes to infinity. In case of convexity and norm convergence of the approximate solutions to a solution of CCPDE can be proved and to some extended the structural analysis of the proposed approach for guaranteeing the optimality criterion of CCPDE. For this purpose, we employ and extend our recent work [6, 13, 14, 25], where the inner-outer approximation methods, for finite-dimensional and smooth CCPDE, were proposed to solve the reduced CCPDE problem.

We consider the parametric Geletu-Hofmann function


to approximates a nonsmooth problem of the CCPDE in the work [13]. If we fix the parameters m1=0,m2=1/τ, the parametric function θτs is the same as the sigmoid function. Thus, we can approximate the probabilistic constraint by sigmoid function in terms of θτs. Unfortunately, the sigmoid function is not bound to the probabilistic constrained function from the below, and the computation is a too slowing in comparison with θτs. The advantage of theta is bound to the probabilistic function from above and below. Thus, the probabilistic constraint of CCPDE is bounded by the family of smooth functions of inner E[θτγuξtx] and outer 1E[θτγuξtx] approximations from the lower and upper bound, respectively. We have a piecewise continuous function,


Multiplied by the discontinuous function, with jump nonlinear function and an infinitely differentiable function Ehs, where s=γxuξ is defined above in Eq. (48). Then, the product is infinitely differentiable, and the difference of approximation on the parametric functions in the region 0<x<ε that is tiny for small positive number epsilon but the probabilistic constraint has measure zero property defined in Eq. (42). This makes the approximation functions a nice function property. The m1 and m2 are positive constants, the parametric family each property of θ function is written and proved in [6, 13] together with its continuity, differentiability, and convexity of its approximation functions. The following well-known identities are obtained


despite the appealing expected value Ehγuξx=Ωhγuξxϕξ representation of probability functions in (49), the missing smoothness of the unit jump function does not provide computational advantages. Nevertheless, the function h provides an insight for the construction of a smoothing approximation for the probability function p and the internal function θτγτ(01) of functions θ:01×RR+ possessing the following strict monotonicity and uniform limit properties.

Assumption 4.1. Suppose there is a parametric family of a functions θτs, which possess the following properties such as monotonic (strictly increasing) uniform limit properties

  1. There is a constant C with 1<C< such that C>θτs>hs,sR and τ01.

  2. The parametric θτs is strictly increasing in all sR and τ01.

  3. The parametric θτs is continuous and infinitely differentiable smooth function.

  4. The infimum infτ01θτs=hs,s.

  5. The limsupτ0+θτshs=0,τ01 and s00.

  6. The parametric θτks uniform convergence and limksupθτkss=0, for τk0 as k.

Thus, from the above boundedness property of jump function in above assumption we have,


It follows that, E1θτsEhsEθτs, from property of expectation. Hence, puxPr{y(uξx)ymax}αxDPr{ξΩ:γ(xuξ)0}=Ehss=γxuξ0α,xD. Now, based on the parametric function θ, the following functions are defined


Under the measure zero property and smoothness properties of γuξtx, the functions ψτutx and φτutx can be shown to be smoothing approximations of 1putx and putx, respectively (see Geletu et al. [6]). Moreover, the following convergence properties


and the Lebesgue dominance convergence properties analyze the almost indeed convergence properties of the inner and outer function sequence. The detail convergence approach of the outer approach to CCPDE has been studied in the work [6, 13]. However, the convergence analysis for the inner approximation to the optimal solution of CCPDE of the smooth function IAτ has not been properly analyzed in the previous work [13] because the study needs the convex approximations and subdifferentiability for probabilistic constraints as the convergence of stationary points of IAτ is very relevant for the existence of the optimal solution.

For several chance constraints piuα,i=1,2,,m, the regularity is given by uUpiuαi=12m=cluUpiu>αi=i=12m [29]. For continuously differentiable probability functions pi, a sufficient condition for the validity of the regularity assumption is the satisfaction of the Mangasarian-Fromowitz constraint qualification (MFCQ) at the active points, [16, 29] Proposition 3.7.

The respective feasible sets of inner and outer approximations are defined as follows:


As a consequence of the properties of the functions ψτux and φτux, we have the following relations among the feasible sets of CCPDE, IAτ, and OAτ. That is,


The tightness property of the relaxation of IA and compression of OA sequentially analyzed in the previous work [29], if 0<τ2τ1<1, then.


It leads limτ0+Sτ=τ01Sτ=P and limτ0+Mτ=Clτ01Mτ=P. Both Mτ and Sτ are closed sets as τ0+; see the property in proposition 5.1 and 5.2 in the next section.

The new monotonic properties of the objective function EJTu. with respect to τ are a continuous function on uUadm. If 0<τ1<τ2<1 with inf=,


It implies the following compact form conditions of nondegenerate fuzzy optimality,


The complementary property of the probability function 1puxψτux1α and φτuxpxα,forxD hold true. Now, using the parametric functions φτ and φτ, we define the following problems with the same objective function q in the equation given (38) as in CCPDE.


The feasible set of CCPDE defined in the above set P in Eq. (41) has a property that satisfies Mangasarian-Fromowitz constraint qualification (MFCQ). It is an important prerequisite for applying the necessary optimality criteria in nonlinear optimization. The MFCQ is a condition for the regularity of a permissible point. The MFCQ is in one of point x, and if this point is a local minimum, then the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions are met at this point. If the MFCQ is valid, it is easy to check whether a given point is optimal or not; see the work [13]. From Section 6 proposition (3.10), it follows that the convexity of inner approximation is convex conservative, ψ is concave function or all fixed x in D and ξΩ. The convexity of φ analyzed in the work [13]. The Slater condition is a sufficient condition for strong duality to hold for a convex optimization problem named after Slater; for further analysis, please see the work in [13].

The necessary optimality condition is not valid for expressing local optimal solution in this technique, but can be shown to hold true for generalized stationary points of Fritz–John types [27, 29]. This essentially requires the uniform convergence of partial gradients of inner and outer functions φiτuξ and 1ψiτuξ of φiτuξ=0 and 1ψiτuξ=0, for τk0+, as k on bounded subsets W of Uadm [29]. In addition, each strict local minimum of CCPDE is a cluster point of local minima of the inner approximation problems IAτ under the satisfaction of tightness or the outer approximation problems OAτ; see ([29], Proposition 3.3–3.7). The following sections are more about the structural properties of approximation functions such as closedness, convergence, and differentiability of IAτ and OAτ; those properties are not properly analyzed.


5. Closedness, convergence, and differentiability of IAτ and OAτ

5.1 Closedness property of M set of IAτ and S set of OAτ

The nice properties of the parametric function are given in assumption (4.1); closedness property is defined by the distance from a particular point on the P to set MorS (this distance is close to zero). It is called Hausdorff distance (point to set distance). The specific point of P is closed under the arbitrary sequence of the set Mn and Sn. This property is an essential property for the compactness of the specified M and S. In this case, compactness is boundedness, closedness, and any convergent sequence has a convergent subsequence with the same limit point. The boundness and subsequential convergence property have been clear from (4.1) and tightness property.

Let uUadm be separable Banach space and Uadm is dual space of Uadm, assume that the γx.. are the continuous differentiable functions as shown in proportions (3.8) and (3.9) for the continuity property of Pxu for any fixed xD. Then, it satisfies the compactness of set P, which is a feasible set of CCPDE and the conditions as shown (proposition 3.7 in the work [11]). The γxu. is a Borel measurable w.r.t. ξΩ, thus, P=uUadm:Puα is weakly closed in the proposition (3.11), it is from the property of the wssc of P. Now, the closedness property of M and S proved in the following proposition.

Proposition 5.1. Assume that the γu.x are Borel measurable for all uU and xD and γ.xξ are weakly sequentially semicontinuous (wss) for xD and ξΩ. Then φγxuξτ and ψγxuξτ are wssc and γxuξ=yymax0,xD.

Proof. This is extension of the proposition 3.1 and 3.2. The prove is directly related with proofs of those propositions. Observe first, that ρ is well defined by Borel measurability of γ in the second argument. This γ is wssc, then the parametric function θγτ is wssc. It satisfies the six properties of monotonicity, smoothness, boundedness, and uniform convergence property are expressed in Assumption 4.1. The inner function and outer functions are continuous.

Proposition 5.2. The function 1ψux of M of IAτ and φux of OAτ are continuous from the continuity property θτγ. The set M of IAτ and the set S of OAτ are closed if the following Hausdorff distance holds true, and there are constants ε>0,σ>0, such that with d referring to the Hausdorff distance duuUadmφuxασmaxlogαlogφux0,α1ε1. The same case for IA, there are constants ε>0,σ>0, such that with d referring to the Hausdorff distance duuUadm1ψuxασmaxlogαlog1ψ0,α1ε1.

Proof. The proof directly follows from the nice property of expectation in the given assumptions (4.1, i–vi). Moreover, the proposition (3.11), the inequality Ehγα is bounded by the two parametric functions φux, and 1ψux. This is a direct extension of the lemma (3.12), we have shown that, for arbitrary u1,u2Uadm and λ01 the inequality φλu1+1λu2λφu1+1λφu2 and 1ψλu1+1λu2λ1ψu1+1λ1ψu2 hold true from convexity property in (3.10), so ψu is a concave function. This means that logφ,log1ψ are the log-convex functions and, hence, the inequality μφuα and μψu1α is equivalent with P̂ulogα, where P̂ulogP is a log-convex function. The Proposition (3.11), P(u) is wsus, the expectation of P(u) is P̂, is wsls from continuity property in proposition (3.8) and (3.9). The function given in proportion (3.10) is a convex function. From Robison-Ursescu theorem ([16], Lemma 4), the continuous convex function is closed. Therefore, the probabilistic constrained function P(u) is closed.

We have proved that the sets M and S are defined in the following section, are the convex feasible sets. It has a closed and convex graph. Consider an arbitrary sequence untnût̂ with unM of IA and untn(û,t̂) with unS of OA. Then, unUadm and, hence,uUadm by closedness of Uadm see in Proposition (3.11).

Moreover, φ̂untn and ψ̂untn. Since φ̂ and ψ̂ are wsls, we derive that φ̂ûliminfnφ̂unliminfntn=t̂ and ψ̂ûliminfnψ̂unliminfntn=t̂. So, t̂Mû and t̂Sû implying that the graph of M is closed.

The same case for OA, we have that ψ̂u1t1 and ψ̂u2t2. Then, convexity of hatφ yields that ψ̂λu1+1λu2λt1+1λt2. In other words, λt1+1λt2Sλu1+1λu2, proving that the graph of S is also convex. Further analysis on the convexity of IA is in the following section.

For the properties of closedness of IA and OA in the infinite-dimensional space, we need further analysis of Robinson- Ursescu theorem; see [16]. It is depend on the Hausdorff distance between the point of the set and the set of probabilistic constrained function expressed in Eq. (41). Thus, closedness and boundedness are sufficient for compactness in the finite-dimensional case.

Lemma 5.3. Under the assumptions of Proposition 3.7, there are constants ε>0,σ>0, such that with d referring to the Hausdorff distance duMuUadmψux1τσmaxlogτlogψux0ταεα+ε for IA and duSuUadmφuxτσmaxlogτlogφux0ταεα+ε.

The prove of this lemma is analyzed in [16].

5.2 Convergence of the stationary points and differentiability of IAτ and OAτ

The continuity and continuous differentiability of the functions ψsτ,φsτ are directly from the continuity and continuous differentiability of the parametric function θτs. The expectation of a continuous function is also continuous. Additionally, the expectation of a continuously differentiable function is continuously differentiable.

The associated probability functions Pxuα,xD, in the chance constraints, are allowed to be lower semicontinuous or continuous in Proposition (3.8). Also, it cannot be differentiable. Hence, the characterization of optimality properties of CCPDE calls for generalized subdifferentiation such as Fréschet, Clarke, and Mordukhovich subderivative and implicit formula of gradient computations on the reflexive and separable Bochner space. It is analyzed in the previous submitted work in [25]. This concept is applicable to lower semicontinuous (lsc) functions. Furthermore, the epigraph of lsc function is closed everywhere. These subdifferentials assure the optimality criteria for the CCPDE. Also, the Pxuα,xD are Lipschitzian functions, assuring the explicit formula for the Clarke subgradient under special conditions.

For each uUadm, there is some neighborhood WUadm and some measurable function q:RnR+ such that, for continuously partially differentiable up to order b on uoUadm for ξΩ almost surely (a.s.),


for b=j=1nlji=1jmi. Suppose each property above holds true. Then, for the parametric function θ=H, the functions φγτ and ψγτ are continuously partially differentiable w.r.t. u up to order b on Uadm, for all τ01. The higher derivatives


for the case for outer approximation,


for j=1nlji=1jmi. Further analysis of convergence approach and uniform convergence gradient of the approximation functions are seen in [29, 30] of proposition 4.2. All the above properties ensure the application of Lebesgue’s dominating convergence theorem [29] for interchanging the integration and differentiation operations. Observe the chain rule yields powers E(JTu till order l=k in the upper estimation of the integrand. The differentiability up to order k of the lower and upper approximating functions EHτγ and EHτγ converges to the corresponding order derivative of pxutIa.s. It depends mainly on the existence of the corresponding derivatives of the internal function γ w.r.t.u and the finite expectation of these derivatives, uniformly on some neighborhood of W=Bur, whenever the family H is suitably chosen. Thus, it needs the newly generalized derivative in the neighborhood set of W, such as Fréchet and the weak derivatives (Clarke and Mordukhovich derivatives) for computing gradient, stationary points, and their conveniences; see in the previous work [25].

Assumptions on the properties P1toP5, together with additional properties in above γ, it is smooth function w.r.t. u. Because the random state solution T is smooth w.r.t u. The differential operator A computed from coercivity properties of a and l, A is invertible and Tu=A.

Assumption 5.4. Assume that uP, is a neighborhood of the set M and super-set S in Eq. (55). This set P is a connected neighborhood super set S of the OAτ and inside the interior set M of IAτ, the following conditions hold true for the approximation smooth functions.

  1. The support of the probability density function (pdf) suppϕ is compact.

  2. The pdf is continuous on some set P.

  3. The internal function γ and uγ=A are continuous on the set P×suppϕ. The functions γ and ϕξ vanish over P×Ω/suppϕ.

  4. The γ is continuous at Γu the boundary of S and M, and γ0 for any ξΓu in boundary of M and S.

Theorem 5.5. If the assumption (5.4) holds true for any family of the parametric function {θ(siuτ)}si=γi for any iI, the probabilistic function pu has a continuous differentiable or a continuous gradient in some open ball W around point uUadm and the gradient of inner and outer approximation functions respectively converges uniformly to the gradient of pu on W for any decreasing sequence τkkN01 for any iI such that


for a particular τ0+, all of the gradient of the functions is zero. Thus, as k,


This theorem has been proved in the previous submitted work [25]. Suppose each property above assumption (5.4) holds true. Then, for the appropriate parametric function θH the functions φγτ and ψγτ are continuously partial differentiable w.r.t. u up to order b on Uadm, for all τ01. The higher derivatives,


And the case for outer approximation


Further analysis of convergence approach and uniform convergence gradient of the approximation functions are seen in [29] of proposition 4.2.; thus, the equation given in (70) and (70) are equivalent.


6. Convexity property of inner and outer approximations

We notice that the coefficient parameter is either constant or depends on the xD, and the convexity issues depend on the following three cases.

Case 1 κ is constant dependent of x.

Then uξyuxξ:U×ΩR is linear by see Eq. (16), hence, jointly convex w.r.t. uξ, for each xD (see Theorem 5.4 of the continuous dependent of the solution on the random parameter.

Case 2 κ is a positive independent x but depends on random variable, and concave function.

Case 3 κ depends on x, positive and nonlinear; we have to use linear approximation of order 1 such as Taylor approximation of order one for k.

For the above two cases, κK, the elliptic PDE system defined in Eqs. (3)(4) becomes


For all three cases, the κ is independent or depends on x we can solve the PDE system by stochastic finite difference method (SFDM). It follows Aκ1=1κA1 and thus


It is equivalent to


The expression on the left-hand side of the last inequality is jointly convex w.r.t. uξ because of the linearity of f w.r.t. uξ, the concavity of κ and the nonnegativity of ymax. Since


is valid, in Proposition 4.2 [13] yields the following result with measure zero property. Hence, for any arbitrary random function gB, the internal part of the probabilistic function is a linear, it implies the quasi-concavity/quasi-convexity of γ. Hence, the probabilistic uniform-constrained function is a convex; see proposition (3.10). For any general case, the convexity of the proposed approach is proved in the following proposition.

Proposition 6.1. Let γxuξ=yymaxd0,ξΩ,uUadm with a measure zero property see in the proposition 4.2. and xD. If γxuξ is quasi convex or quasi concave, then the approximation functions ψiτuξ=1E(θ(γxuξ1α and φiτuξ=E(θτγxuξα are convex.

Proof. The outer approximation convexity is proved in [13, 29]. Let ms=es/τ is a quasi-convex function for all sR and τ01. Then, the sum and the constant multiple of quasi-convex functions are a quasi-convex. Also, based on this statement ls=1+m2τes/τ is a quasi-convex function. The reciprocal of ls which is


is said to be reciprocally quasi-concave [31]. It is from


ls1s=0,asτ0+. The second derivative with respect to s is negative at the stationary point τ0+. To check convexity property through the second-order derivative test


not valid for 0<m2m1/1+m1and2m2τes/τ>1. The function l is a strictly concave function for every τ01. Every concave function is a quasi-concave. Therefore, ls1=1+m2τes/τ1 is a concave function. Also, it holds the quasi-concavity property. It follows that θτs=1+m1τ.ls1 is a constant multiple of concave function and a concave function. The negative of concave function is a convex, it implies that θτs=1+m1τ.ls) is a convex function. Since, the integral of the convex function is convex, E(θτs=Ω1+m1τ.lsϕξ is a convex function. Furthermore, ψτs=1Eθτsα is a convex function, based on the convexity property, which stipulates that the sum of convex functions is convex. Therefore, the inner approximation is generally a convex function. □

Theorem 6.2. The properties of the functions Eθτs=1ψτsα and φτuξ=Eθτsα are convex in the proposition (6.1). The regularization parameter ρ0, the objective function EJy. is convex in Eq. (38), If P(u,x)is a continuous and convex function w.r.t. u, then the IAτ and the OAτ have the unique optimal solutions as τ0+. The optimal solutions of the approximations converge to the optimal solution of CCPDE.

This theorem has been proved in the work [13].


7. Numerical implementation and case study

This work considers the stationary boundary value elliptic PDEs, where the randomness comes from the boundary conditions of the PDE system. It analyzes the observed temperature variation and distribution processes widely used in biological applications, such as hyperthermia treatment of cancer tissue in human body organs. This work is an extension of the previous works Kibru et al. [13, 14]. The optimal heating of an enclosed, thermally well-insulated, spatial domain DcD to the desired temperature yd is given. The heat injection is elected through a distributed stationary heat source (yu=Tu) [20, 32].

The heat source is assumed to be highly affected by uncertainties, e.g., due to inaccuracies arising from heating devices and inlet heating processes. The boundary condition is supposed to be nonhomogeneous and nonlinear depending on random parameters so that the thermal conductivity is spatially constant, which is not precisely known or position-dependent xD. Furthermore, despite the specified overall desired temperature yd is deterministic. The required state solution is yxuξ is random, and it should be kept below a maximum allowed value ymax with a high-reliability level α0.95 in a given subset Dc of D. More practical applications are studied in the work [14, 33].

The numerical random state solution y is obtained from the stochastic finite difference method (SFDM [34]). We have discretized 10,000 points from the x1 and x2 axes with the mesh generation. After the solution yx=x1x2uξ obtained from the infinite-dimensional space D of the PDEs, the optimization problem is reduced to finite-dimensional reduced CCPDEred. The nonsmooth analysis is relevant for solving this nondifferentiable CCPDE where the random fluctuation comes from the system’s boundary. We have developed a smooth parametric approximation called IA and OA in equations.

The variables ξΩ are identical independently distributed (iid) as standard normal distributed random variables. The samples for the random variable are generated by using the multilevel Monte Carlo method (ML-MCM) sampling approach. Subsequently, the PDE system is solved through the SFDM using a MATLAB implementation at each step of the optimization algorithm. After discretization, the inner and outer approximation problems are solved using the MATLAB Optimization function fmincon.m, each decreasing values of τ=10k,k=1,,4.

In our previous work, we have considered practical applications on hyperthermia treatment (HT) and planning as a case study Kibru et al. [14]. The HT and planning are used as an accompanying strategy in modern clinical cancer therapy [20]. Hyperthermia treatment consists of the heating of tumor tissue in order to subdue or eradicate the growth of tumor cells from a given organ. The hyperthermia treatment procedure aims to heat the tumor tissue in the human body to a given temperature without causing damage to healthy surrounding sensitive tissue due to overheating.

The heating is usually done through multiple electromagnetic (EM) sources, where each EM source generates an electric field Gx of the heat capacity c and density ρ the phases and amplitude p. As a result, the electric fields facilitate a net power deposition on the tumor region given by [20] (e.g., Qx=σξ2Gx2, where Gx=j=1NpjGjx is a linear superposition of the individual fields and σx the electric conductivity. In general, the phases and the power Q, corresponding to each individual antenna, are not known in advance.

Figure 1 displays the surface of the state solution yxuξ and the adjoint operator P for the optimality criteria of the infinite-dimensional CCPDE problem where

Figure 1.

The solution of PDEs and adjoint P. (a) State y. (b) Adjoint P.


where S:UadmH is a control to state map,


is the optimal state of CCPDE, since CCPDE is a convex optimization problem w.r.t. u in the proposition expressed (3.10), and


are displayed Figure 1 in (a) and (b), respectively. Hence, the state and adjoint are depending on the random variable. So, they are the random state and adjoint functions. The solution of boundary value PDEs is displayed in (a) and (b) from SFDM in this Figure 1.

The controls obtained from IA and OA are displayed in Figures 2 and 3 with different values of τ=10k for k=1,,4. the optimal controls from the optimization approach of the IA and OA are displayed in (a) to (d) respectively.

Figure 2.

The control IAτ. (a) IA, tau=0.1 (b) IA, tau=0.01 (c) IA, tau=0.001 (d) IA, tau=0.0001.

Figure 3.

The control OAτ. (a) OA, tau=0.1 (b) OA, tau=0.01 (c) OA, tau=0.001 (d) OA, tau=0.0001.

The error between the IA and OA is displayed in (a–d) Figure 4, when τ is reduced, that mean τ0+ the error is near to zero. This shows that the controls of inner and outer approximation are equal at τ=0.001.

Figure 4.

The errors of IAτ, OAτ, Obj. (a) Error of IA and OA, tau=0.1; (b) Error of IA and OA, tau=0.01; (c) Error of IA and OA, tau=0.001; (d) Error of IA and OA, tau=0.0001; (e) Error of IA and OA, objective of OA and IA.

Finally, the Figure 4e shows the objective functions of JIAτ and JOAτ when τ0+, the IAOA,τ=104. The error is zero when tau is less than 0.001 in Figure 4a.

Example: To solve the following CCPDE, where ξ are iid μ=0 and σ=1:



This work is financially supported by KAAD and DFG.


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  • The space H1D is a Hilbert space with norm ∥⋅∥H1D. The Sobolev space H1D is the completion of C1D¯ w.r.t. ∥⋅∥H1D.
  • The boundary of the elliptic operator needs to be C1 smooth for ensuring x↦yuxξ∈H1/2∂D(see: [7]).
  • The density function ϕξ=∏i=1∞ϕiξi is infinite-dimensional probability density function, where ξi∈Ω is distributed homogeneously through the boundary of the spatial domain ∂D. It has a finite-dimensional representation from KL expansion [19].

Written By

Kibru Teka, Abebe Geletu and Pu Li

Reviewed: 22 March 2022 Published: 15 March 2023