Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Bioactive Components of Root Vegetables

Written By

Rashida Bashir, Samra Tabassum, Ayoub Rashid, Shafiqur Rehman, Ahmad Adnan and Rabia Ghaffar

Submitted: 18 May 2022 Reviewed: 20 June 2022 Published: 16 July 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.105961

From the Edited Volume

Advances in Root Vegetables Research

Edited by Prashant Kaushik

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Health and nutrition values force the lifestyle to embrace functional food which accommodates health-promoting nutrients. Root vegetables are an excellent source of health-promoting phytoconstituents, including phenolic acids, flavonoids, essential oils, proteins, and bioactive pigments. These bioactive compounds impart broad-spectrum pharmacological activities, including anti-hepatotoxicity, anti-hyperlipidemia, anti-inflammatory, anti-hypertension, anti-depressant, and anti-hypoglycemia. In this context, quantification via a compatible extraction technique is essential. However, these bioactive compounds are sensitive to heat processing, growth conditions, pre-extraction treatments, and extraction techniques. The recovery of bioactive compounds and their health benefits can be further enhanced by suitable processing, storage, and proper supplementation. The present review aims to comprehensively discuss the bioactive compounds of root vegetables along with factors influencing these compounds and the involvement of root vegetables in oxidative stress reduction, as reported in the literature (2001–2022).


  • bioactive compounds
  • phenolic acids
  • flavonoids
  • essential oils
  • proteins and bioactive pigments
  • anti-hepatotoxicity
  • anti-hyperlipidemia
  • anti-inflammatory
  • anti-hypertension
  • anti-depressant
  • anti-hypoglycemia
  • ant-carcinogenic activities

1. Introduction

Vegetable-rich diets are highly recommended owing to their health-promoting functions. Whereas, vegetables with modified roots (edible roots) possess bioactive compounds with diverse biological activities, most prominently antioxidant properties [1]. Analysis has indicated a significant association between vegetable consumption with haemorrhagic and ischaemic stroke protection. This association is a major reason behind the increased consumption of vegetables in the past few years [2]. However, worldwide dietary intake of fruits and vegetables is still low, which may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. According to a survey, 2.635 million deaths per year are linked to the insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables. It is important to mention that 600 g per day per individual consumption of fruits and vegetables can result in a 1.8% reduction of the worldwide disease burden [3]. Root vegetables such as carrot, sweet potato, turnip, radish, rutabaga, beetroot, etc. (Figure 1) tend to possess bioactive compounds at varying extents as different factors can influence the accumulation and recovery of these bioactive compounds. The present review summarizes the contents of major natural products and bioactive compounds of commonly consumed root vegetables, along with the factors influencing these bioactive compounds and their role in oxidative stress management. Electronic databases are used for data collection. Authentic databases such as Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Pubmed, and Scopus were preferred for reviewing appropriate and quality publications (2001–2022).

Figure 1.

A: Turnip (Brassica rapa), B: Rutabaga (Brassica nupus), C: Carrots (Daucas carota), D: Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), E: Taro (Colocasia esculenta), F: Beetroot (Beta vulgaris), G: Cassava (Manihot esculenta), H: Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa), I: Radish (Raphanus sativus), J: Purple yam (Dioscorea alata), K: Mustard root (Brassica juncea).


2. Phenolic compounds

Phenolic compounds constitute a major class of biologically active plant metabolites (see Table 1, bioactive phenolic compounds) involving phenols with one or more hydroxyl groups. These phenolic compounds are divided into two main subclasses, phenolic acids, and polyphenolic compounds. Phenolic acids involve hydroxycinnamic acid and hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives [24]. Polyphenolic compounds constitute a diverse subclass, further divided into different groups such as flavonoids, stilbenes, coumarins, and lignans, depending upon the number of phenolic rings and structural diversity [25]. Root vegetables serve as a major source of phenolic compounds, and the phenolic content of some root vegetables is reported to be higher than non-root vegetables [26]. Among root vegetables, radish has a high phenolic content of 1315.83 μg gallic acid equivalent/g of extract, even higher than potatoes and kohlrabi [26]. The phenolic compounds tend to vary in different parts of the plants [27]. Carrots peels are reported to have more phenolic acids than vascular tissues. 5′-Caffeoylquinic acid is a major compound in different carrot varieties with the highest content value in peels (15.04 mg/100 g FW), followed by cis-5′-chlorogenic isomer (3.51 mg/100 g FW) of Caffeoylquinic acid [9]. Another study has reported higher phenolic content in rutabaga sprouts (reaching up to 125.7 mg GAE/g DW) as compared to seeds (6.9 mg GAE/g DW) and roots (5.1 mg GA/g DW) [28]. Phenolic accumulation also differs depending upon the varieties, as a study has indicated higher phenolic content in black radish (13.7 mg GAE/g DW) compared to white and red varieties [29]. Higher phenolic content of plants correlates with antioxidant activity, such as parsnip, a carrot-related root vegetable rich with phenolic glycosides that positively correlate with antioxidant activity [15]. Beetroot with high phenolic content of 56.65 mg GAE/100 ml of juice, encapsulated as soybean proteins reaching up to 150 mg GAE/100 ml [11]. Turnip is reported to contain flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic derivatives. HPLC analysis of turnip tops has identified flavonoid glycosides and total phenolic content reaching up to mg 191.39 mg/100 g fresh weight [30]. Because turnip is usually consumed in processed form, phenolic compounds are negatively impacted upon applying heating procedures for processing. Franciso et al. [31] have studied the impact of different heat treatments on the turnip. Flavonoid content decreased to 4.58 μmol/g dry weight upon conventional boil initially at 13.85 μmol/g DW in raw samples. Likewise, high-pressure cooking also deteriorated flavonoids (5.00 μmol/g DW). A post-processed vegetable, Taro has high flavonoid content such as luteolin (44.5%), apigenin (52.7%), and chrysoeriol glycosides (2.63%) in dry land growth conditions [32]. On the other hand, sweet potato contains phenolic acid derivatives, including isomers of caffeoylquinic acid and dicaffeoylquinic acid, whose content is also reduced by applying processing techniques. Boiling is the least favored technique for preserving phenolic compounds in sweet potatoes [18]. Cassava roots are widely consumed in African countries. Milled flour of dried cassava is used in many delicacies; however, drying impacts the phenolic composition of cassava. A study has indicated that roasting reduces the phenolic content (51.35 mg/g in roasted flour) as compared to sun drying (64.82 mg/g in sun-dried flour) [22]. However, other than processing techniques, extraction methods and parameters greatly impact the recovery of phenolic compounds from a vegetable source. A study has compared different techniques for black carrot extraction, reporting optimized microwave-assisted extraction (power = 348.06, time = 9.86 min, solvent: solid ratio = 19.3 g/mL, solvent = 19.8% ethanol) to be best suited for phenolic recovery with the content value of 264.9 mg GAE/100 ml while conventional extraction to be least suited with approximately 2.5 times less phenolic yield than former technique [33].

VegetableBioactive compoundBioactivitiesRef.
RadishQuercetin, ferulic acid, caffeic acidAntioxidation[4, 5]
TurnipIsorhamnetin-3,7-di-O-glucoside, kaempferol-3-O-(feruloyl)sophoroside-7-O-glycoside, sinapic acidAntioxidation[5, 6]
Rutabaga3-caffeoylquinic acid, 5-caffeoylquinic acid, 5-feruloylquinic acid, 4-p-coumaroylquinic acidAntioxidant[7, 8]
Carrot5′-caffeoylquinic acid, cis-5′-caffeoylquinic acidAntioxidation, anti-inflammatory[9, 10]
BeetrootGallic acid, naringenin, myricertin, catecholAntioxidation, anti-inflammatory, anti-hypertensive[11, 12, 13, 14]
ParsnipQucercetin 3,7-O-diglucoside, quercetin 3-O-rutinoside, 5-O-caffeoylshikimic acidAntioxidation[15]
TaroCatechin, 1-O-feruloyl-D-glucoside, 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acidAntimetastatic[16, 17]
Sweet potato5-caffeoylquinic acid, 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid, 3,4- dicaffeoylquinic acidAntioxidant, hypoglycemic[18, 19]
yamSinnapic acid, ferulic acidAntimicrobial[20, 21]
CassavaQuercetin, gallic acid, ellagic acid, scopoletin, isovanillinAntioxidant[22, 23]

Table 1.

Major Bioactive phenolic compounds and bioactivties of some common root vegetables.

Vegetables stored at room temperature lose sensory and composition quality due to the action of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase enzymes. A study has recommended “refrigerate storing” to prolong the shelf life of vegetables [34]. Peels of vegetables are often discarded during food processing; however, incorporation of peels in food can be beneficial, as a study carried out on rutabaga has indicated higher phenolic content in peels (18.14 mg/GAE/g) as compared to a pulp (11.57 mg GAE/g) using ultrasound-assisted extraction [8].


3. Glucosinolates

Glucosinolates are sulfur and nitrogen-containing compounds predominantly occurring in brassica vegetables (see Table 2). Depending on their structure, these compounds are further divided into three subclasses, aliphatic, aromatic, and indole glucosinolates [43]. Glucosinolates, well-known cancer-preventing bioactive compounds, and isothiocyanates (Figure 2) provide characteristic flavors to brassica vegetables [44]. Turnip is an excellent source of glucosinolates with 100–130 mg /100 g FW total glucosinolate content [45]. When compared with other Chinese leafy vegetables (cabbage, pakchoi, cai-Tai, choy-sum) of the brassica family, the turnip has shown the highest glucosinolate content, with gluconapin being the highest accumulated glucosinolate (65.84 mg/100 g FW) [45]. UPLC/MS analysis has indicated progoitrin as another high accumulated glucosinolate in turnip [38]. Rutabaga is a hybrid plant of cabbage and turnip with a considerable amount of glucosinolates (7.34 μmol/g DW), with progoitrin as major glucosinolate; however, total glucosinolate content is reduced upon cooking(6.86 μmol/g DW) [46]. Boiling and high-pressure cooking can reduce glucosinolate content by three times [31].

RadishWhiteGlucorasphatin, glucoraphenin, glucobrassicanapinDetoxification enzyme induction[35, 36, 37]
BlackGlucoraphenin, glucosisymbrin, glucosisaustricin
TurnipProgoitrin, glucoalyssin, gluconasturtiin,4-hydroxyglucobrassicin, glyconapinBone formation[38]
RutabagaProgoitrin, sinigrin, glucoerrucinAntimicrobial[39, 40]
Mustard roots2-propenyl glucosinolate (Sinigrin), 2-hydroxy-2-phenylethyl glucosinolate (glucobarbarin),Nematicidal[41, 42]

Table 2.

Glucosinolates of root vegetables of the Brassicaceae family.

Figure 2.

Glucosinolate conversion into isothiocayanate by the action of myrosinase.

Glucosinolate content of radish varies depending upon the radish cultivar; however, glucoraphanin is a major constituent of the glucosinolate profile of all radish cultivars. Red radish has reported glucosinolate content of 163.91 mg sinigrin equivalent/100 g FW [47]. 4-methylthio-3-butenyl glucosinolate is prominent in white radish, which is converted into 4-methylthio-3-butenyl isothiocyanate by the action of myrosinase enzyme. The resulting metabolite is responsible for the specific pungent flavor of radish. 4-methylthio-3-butenyl glucosinolate comprises 90% of the total glucosinolate profile in Japanese varieties [48]. Spanish black radish also has identified radish-specified glucosinolates, which induce detoxification enzymes in HepG2 cell lines. However, the glucoraphanin (4-methylthio-3-butenyl glucosinolate), a major glucosinolate of radish, is not preserved in black radish-based dietary supplements [35, 36]. Tissue damage during cutting, chewing, cooking, and fermentation leads to glucosinolate degradation into isothiocyanates, thiocyanates, and cyanides. The major degradation product of radish glucosinolates other than erucin is 5-(methylthio)-4-pentenenitrile [49]. Mustard is also reported in the literature for high glucosinolates levels and isothiocyanate byproducts. A study on mustard seeds has indicated higher levels of aliphatic glucosidase in all mustard varieties, with total glucosidase content ranging from 51.96 to 64.36 umol/g FW in root mustard [50]. Glucosinolates are highly sensitive to extraction techniques and pre-extraction treatments. A study conducted on brassica vegetables has indicated cold methanolic extraction with conventional wet tissue freeing is suitable for glucosinolate recovery compared to hot methanolic extraction. Also, freeze-drying was found to be avoidable for short time storage [51].


4. Color imparting bioactive compounds

4.1 Anthocyanins

Root vegetables possess natural-colored pigments that give them their characteristic colors (see Table 3). Anthocyanins are water-soluble pigments generated from glycosylation of the anthocyanidin class of flavonoids. Till now, 670 such compounds have been isolated and identified from colored plants and flowers [52]. These pigments cover a wide spectrum of colors, from red to purple, depending on their structure [63]. Red radish contains anthocyanins that have similar properties as synthetic Red No. 40 and is stable to be used commercially [64]. The extraction and post-extraction concentration procedure affects the recovery of these natural colorants. Hydroethanolic and acidified water extraction system with membrane pertraction concentration is suitable for high anthocyanin recovery and led to 62.58 mg/100 ml anthocyanin recovery from red radish [65]. Hydrogen-rich water is reported to influence anthocyanin accumulation in the Yanghua cultivar of radish [66]. A study has indicated radish growth under UV-A light with hydrogen-rich water, and calcium chloride treatment promotes the accumulation of anthocyanins (reaching a relative anthocyanin content value of 42.06, which was at 9.72 in control plants) [67]. Purple yam is a rich source of anthocyanins with antimicrobial activity [21]. HPLC-DAD analysis has quantified 31 mg/100 g DW anthocyanin content in fresh yams. Cyanidin and peonidin glycosides acylated with hydroxycinnamic acids are leading anthocyanins of purple yam; however, processing of yams by blanching leads to a total anthocyanin loss of 60% [20]. Purple radish has also identified the presence of acylated cyaniding sophoroside glycosides and diglycosides [52]. Within the biological system, anthocyanins are generated under the influence of light in the presence of chalcone synthase enzymes. Light-responsive genes are expressed in turnip at different levels in anthocyanin biosynthesis [68]. Among other sweet potato varieties, purple-fleshed sweet potatoes have indicated high amounts of peonidin anthocyanins (1039 mg//100 g DW), which is almost three times higher than cyanidin-based anthocyanins [53]. Purple Carrots are found to be a good source of anthocyanin, with content value reaching up to 33,876 mg/kg DM; however, air or freeze-drying of fresh carrots leads to anthocyanins loss [56]. A study on black carrots also has identified a considerable amount of anthocyanins [69].

RadishPelargonidin-3-caffeoyl-duglycoside-5-glucoside, Pelargonidin-3-feruloyl-duglycoside-5-glucoside, Pelargonidin-3-p-coumaroyl-duglycoside-5-glucosideRed[47]
Cyanidin 3- caffeoyl sophoroside-5-glucoside, cyanidin 3- feruloyl sophoroside-5-diglucoside, cyanidin 3-(glucosyl-p coumaroyl)sinapolysophoroside-5-Malonylglucoside etc.Purple[52]
Sweet potatoCyanidin 3-caffeoyl-p-hydroxybenzoyl sophoroside-5-glucoside, peonidin 3-caffeoyl-p-hydroxybenzoyl sophoroside-5-glucosidePurple[53]
TurnipPeonidin O-hexoside, Rosindin-O-hexoside, Delphinidin-O-malonylhexoside, cyaniding-3-O-glucoside, malvidin-3,5-diglucosidePurple[54]
CarrotCyanidin 3-xylosyl-galactoside, cyaniding 3-xylosyl-feruloylglucosylgalactoside, cyaniding 3-xylosyl-p-coumaroylglucosylgalactosideBlack[55]
Ferulic acid cyanidin 3-xylosyl-glucosylgalactoside, p-coumaric acid cyanidin 3-xylosyl-glusosylgalactose, cyanidin 3-xylosylglucosyl-galactosidePurple[56]
Carrotβ-Carotene, α-carotene, luteinOrange[57]
Lycopene, β-carotene, α-carotene, luteinRed[57]
Sweet potatoβ-CaroteneOrange[58]
Cassavaβ-Carotene, 9-Z- β-carotene, 13-Z- β-caroteneCream colour[58]
RadishLutein, β-caroteneWhite[59]
Lutein, β-carotene, neoxanthin, zeaxanthinPurple[60]
BeetrootBetanin, isobetanin, 2,17′-bidecarboxy-neobetanin, miraxanthin II, vulgxanthin IDeep red[61]
Vulgaxanthin I, indicaxanthin, miraxanthinYellow[62]

Table 3.

Bioactive color pigments of root vegetables.

4.2 Carotenoids

Carotenoids represent a class of natural products with lipid-soluble vibrant color pigments. These pigments are responsible for the yellow to red spectrum of colors in plants and other organisms [70]. Unlike flavonoid-based anthocyanins, carotenoids are tetraterpenoid molecules containing eight isoprenoid units that generate a C40 carbon skeleton [71]. In green tissues, carotenoids are located in chloroplasts, while in colored vegetables, accumulation occurs in chromoplasts imparting different colors to the plant [72]. Among root vegetables, carrot is the most prominent source of carotenoids. Carotene content varies depending upon the carrot cultivars. It is reported to be in the range of 58.15–102.02 mg/kg FW) with β-carotene constituting the major portion of total carotenoid content [73]. Studies have indicated the immense impact of light on carotenoids [74]. In carrots, the biosynthetic pathway of carotenoids is influenced by light, as it can induce repression of gene expression of β-carotene and α-carotene biosynthesis [75]. Parsnip, on the other hand, despite being a carrot-like root vegetable, only has minor amounts of carotenoids [76]. β-Carotene is also dominant in sweet potato varieties with orange flesh. The carbon chain of the majority of carotenoids contains trans double bonds. In sweet potatoes, 127 μg/g of total β-carotene contains 123 μg/g of all-E-β-carotene [58]. Turnip leaves are also reported to possess carotenoids with content values reaching up to 250 μg/g [77]; however, a study on white radish leaves has shown higher carotenoid content (486.95 μg/g DW) as compared to turnip leaves. Moreover, despite being a white-fleshed variety, a minute amount of carotenoids is also identified in radish roots [59].

4.3 Betalains

Betalain pigments are betalamic acid derivatives divided into two subclasses: betacyanin (red-violet pigments) and betaxanthin (yellow pigments), depending upon cyclo DOPA and amine condensation on betalamic acid, respectively [61]. Black radish peel extracts appears yellowish and is reported to contain 22.5 mg/100 g DW of betaxanthin while only 7.7 mg/100 g DW of betacyanin pigments [78]. Beetroot is the richest vegetable source of betalains (17.24 mg/g DW), most prominently betacyanins responsible for its bright red color. A study has indicated approximately three times higher betacyanin content than betaxanthins in peels and other root sections of beetroot [61]. Beetroot peels are also betalain rich. An optimized study on betalain extraction from beetroot peels has identified 1.5% citric acid, 50% ethanol, and 52.52°C temperature and 49.9 min extraction time to be best suited for betalain recovery with the content value of 1.20 mg/g DW [79].


5. Vitamins

Vitamins are necessary for normal growth, and their deficiency can cause health Complications (see Table 4). Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a natural antioxidant that helps prevent different diseases by reducing oxidative stress [93]. Radish is a major source of vitamin C with 38.83 10–2 g/kg of vitamin C as compared to turnips and carrots; however slight change in vitamin C accumulation is seen in plants grown in high CO2 conditions [86]. The ascorbic acid content of sweet potato is comparable to radish. Different cultivars, including white, orange, and purple sweet potato, have indicated vitamin C content ranging from 17 to 37 mg/100 g DW [94]. Turnip greens and turnip tops are good sources of vitamin C; however, the heat processing leads to a significant loss of vitamin C. Steaming can result in approximately 60% vitamin C loss, while boiling and high-pressure cooking can completely diminish vitamin C content from a turnip [31]. Other than heat treatment, the vitamin C content is also sensitive to long-term storage. A study on carrot cultivars reported 88–132 mg/kg vitamin C content in fresh carrots, which decreased by 58% (on average) upon 30 days of storage [95]. Vitamin E refers to a group of lipid-soluble antioxidants that play an essential role in cell signal regulation and proliferation [96]. Among different types of vitamin K, α and γ tocopherol are the most prominent types [89]. Carrots serve as an excellent source of vitamin E; however, orange and purple carrots varieties have higher vitamin E content than white carrots [90]. Green leafy plant sections contain higher vitamin E content than roots, as determined in radish leaves containing up to 48.5 μg/g DW of vitamin E with α-tocopherol as major vitamin E. At the same time, roots only contain up to 0.17 μg/g DW with γ-tocopherol in the highest quantity; however, vitamin C and E are also sensitive to post-harvest storage. Vitamin K is also found in root vegetables but is predominant in green leafy portions. Phylloquinone, commonly known as vitamin K1, is the predominant form of vitamin K and is reported in considerable amounts in radish leaves [89]. As discussed in the previous section, carrots are rich in carotenoids, among which α-carotene and β-carotene are major pro-vitamin A compounds that are converted into vitamin A (retinol) in a biological system. According to the US National academy of science, 24 μg of pro-vitamin, A carotenoid is equivalent to 1 μg of vitamin A (retinol) [80, 81].

Vitamin/provitaminsPlant sourceRecommended intake/dayDeficiencyRefs.
Vitamin A/ Provitamin A (β-carotene)Carrot700 μgNight blindness, xerophthalmia[80, 81, 82]
Vitamin B (folates)Beetroot400 μg dietary folate equivalentAnemia[83, 84, 85]
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)Turnip, Radish75–90 mgSkin-related complications, low wound healing[86, 87, 88]
Vitamin E (tocopherols)Radish, carrot0.67–15 mg Tocopherol equivalentWeak immune system[89, 90, 91, 92]

Table 4.

Major root vegetable sources of vitamins and health conditions related to deficiency.


6. Other bioactive compounds

Phytosterols are plant-based steroid molecules with cardioprotective and anti-tumor activities. Seeds are a rich source of bioactive phytosterols, such as radish seeds with good phytosterol profiles mainly consisting of brassicasterol, campesterol, and sitosterol [97]; however, considerable quantities of phytosterols are also reported in edible roots. A study has shown 366.16 mg/100 g phytosterol content in carrots with campesterol and sitosterol as major constituents [98]. Radish sprouts also have shown campesterol (947 μg/g) and β-sitosterol (899 μg/g) in considerable amounts [99]. Sweet potato contains anticancer phytosterol, daucosterol linolenate, daucosterol linoleate, and daucosterol palmitate that regulate gut microbiota [100]. Saponins compounds such as steroidal saponins are reported to possess anti-proliferative activities. Yams are an excellent source of saponins with a content range of 37.36–129.97 mg/g. While individual steroidal saponins include dioscin, gracilllin, protodioscin, and protoracillin [101]. Dioscin, a steroidal saponin, has been extracted from wild yams and has shown a promoting effect on GATA 3 expression, a tumor suppressor in breast cancer [102]. Diosgenin is also a major steroidal saponin in yam with high antioxidant activity [103]. Other than steroidal saponins, root vegetables have reported triterpenoid saponins with antioxidant activity. Beetroot is a rich source of triterpenoid saponins. Triterpenoid aglycones of saponins include oleanolic acid, hederagenin, akebonoic acid, and glycogenin, which were linked with hexose, uronic, deoxyhexose, and pentose sugar to generate terpenoid saponins [104]. Other than beetroot, sweet potatoes also have reported triterpene saponin with antioxidant properties. Sandrosaponin is a major triterpene saponin of sweet potatoes with a content value of 161.20 mg/100 g, constituting approximately 81% of the total saponins of sweet potatoes [105]. Volatile fractions of plants contain useful alcohols, terpenes, and hydrocarbons, among which terpenes are the most important due to their significant role in providing aroma and the flavor to vegetables. The accumulation of terpenes in root vegetables varies depending upon the color variation. Orange carrots have a high accumulation of β-caryophyllene, α-humulene, and bornyl acetate, while the yellow variety contains β-bisabolene and γ-bisabolene in higher amounts [106]. Likewise, hydrodistillation of radish has also identified phytol as a major terpene with the highest abundance (69.7% of total compounds identified) in the white variety, followed by neophytadiene (1.5%) in the black variety and β-damascone (1.4%) in the red variety [49].


7. Vegetable supplementation against oxidative stress

Oxidative stress can lead to many health complications such as cancer, inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and aging [107]. As vegetables’ secondary metabolites act as natural antioxidants, dietary supplementation of vegetable products can help reduce oxidative stress. The following section addresses the effect of vegetable supplementation on oxidative stress. A study on Wister rats under cadmium-induced oxidative stress has indicated that five days of intake of carrot juice as drinking water before stress induction can lower cadmium concentration in both liver and kidney along with the oxidative stress as determined by a lower concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) (see Table 5) in pretreated rats [108]. Similar results, i.e., malondialdehyde reduction, were seen with beetroot juice and radish supplementation, proving the positive effect of raw consumed root vegetables on oxidative stress management [110, 112]. A study has shown betanin, a major beetroot compound, as an efficient antioxidant against oxidative stress in rats with acute kidney damage [115]. In hepatotoxic conditions, the oxidative stress on the cells increases; however, black radish extract treatment to human hepatocyte carcinoma (HepG2) cells and rats with liver injury has indicated a dose-dependent increase in hepatic proteins expressions along with radical scavenging by 3-(E)-(methylthio)methylene-2-pyrrolidinethione, a compound isolated from black radish and lipid accumulation prevention which collectively produce a hepatoprotective effect [116]. Commercially available purple sweet potato pigments are also suitable for lowering oxidative stress resulting from hepatic injury in mice [117]. Antioxidants such as vitamin E and anthocyanins of purple carrots act as oxidative damage protectors in rat organs, and when provided in a combination, MDA level drops significantly [118]. A study has indicated 2, 4-di-tert-butylphenol as a prominent antioxidant of sweet potato, lowing oxidative stress in neuronal cell damage in mice [119]. Leave supplementation also effectively reduces oxidative stress in a dose-dependent manner. A study on rats (fed on a cholesterol-rich diet) has indicated an improvement in cholesterol profile along with lower MDA levels upon turnip leaves supplementation, compared to positive control [120]. A similar kind of study on cholesterol-fed hamsters has also shown a reduction in oxidative stress upon supplementing sweet potato leaves [121]. Yams extract has also shown a reduced hyperhomocysteinemic-induced oxidative stress in rats [114].

SupplementSubjectStudy designMDA levelRefs.
Carrot juiceWister ratsPretreatment with carrot juice for five days followed by two days cadmium treatment59.11*,40.26a μg/g[108]
HumanDaily intake of 16 fl oz. carrot juice 3 months42*,18a μM in plasma samples[109]
Beetroot juiceWister ratsSupplementation of 3 ml of juice and carcinogen for aberrant crypt foci induction for 30 days118.07*,100.41a nmol/g kidney tissue[110]
HumanDaily intake of 250 ml of beetroot juice for 30 days before exercise10.69*, 5.75a nmol/ml in plasma samples[111]
Radish extractBalb/c mice10 days treatment with 40 mg/g body weight (BW) zearalenone for oxidative stress induction and 5 mg /kg b.w of radish extract.4.51*, 0.73a nmol/mg liver tissue[112]
Sweet potato jellyWister rats14 days treatment (diabetic rats) with jelly containing 400 g of purple sweet potato.8.95*–2.39a nmol/ml[113]
Yam powderSpraque-Dawley rats12 weeks treatment with 5 g/kg of BW/day of yam extract to methionine induced hyperhomocysteinemic rats.1.2*,b–0.6a,b μM serum[114]

Table 5.

Carrot, beetroot and radish supplementation effect on oxidative stress as determined by malondialdehyde (MDA) level.

Values with supplementation.

Values without supplementation.

Approximate value.


8. Concluding remarks and future perspectives

This chapter has comprehensively and effectively addressed the bioactive compounds in commonly consumed root vegetables. Root vegetables are rich in phenolic compounds, glucosinolates, bioactive pigments, and vitamins, as well as saponins, phytosterols, and volatile aromatic components. The content value of these compounds varied in different root vegetables to a great extent; however, glucosinolates were majorly confined to brassica vegetables. Likewise, anthocyanins and carotenoids were dominant in purple and orange to red-fleshed root vegetables, respectively, and betalains were hardly reported in any vegetable other than beetroot. Moreover, saponins, phytosterols, and terpenes are also reported in considerable amounts. The accumulation of these bioactive compounds was found to be dependent on plant varieties and plant parts, and growth conditions. Also, the post-harvest treatments (heat processing, storage, extraction techniques and parameters, pre-extraction drying) greatly influenced the bioactive compound’s recovery. Notably, phenolic compounds, glucosinolate, and vitamin C were highly deteriorated upon heating, while carotenoids were found to be extremely light sensitive. As oxidative stress is related to many health complications, root vegetable supplementation against oxidative stress was reported in this chapter as well. Root vegetables were found to be suitable against oxidative stress in hepatic injury, kidney damage, neuronal cell damage, hyperlipidemic, hyperhomocysteinemic, diabetic, and pre-cancerous conditions due to their antioxidation properties. In the light of all the stated information in the present review, fresh root vegetables can serve as an essential part of the routine diet with only a gentle heat processing if necessary. However, factors affecting the bioactive compounds of root vegetables need to be further studied to improve their accumulation, recovery, and stability to attain more nutraceutical benefits.



A special thanks to INTECHOPEN LIMITED, for funding this book chapter entitles “Bioactive Components of Root Vegetables” as well as their Author Services Manager for time-to-time discussion and solutions.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


TPCtotal phenolic content
TFCtotal flavonoid content
TTCtotal tannin content
TCCtotal carotenoid content
DWdry weight
FWfresh weight
GAEgallic acid equivalent
HPLC-DADhigh performance liquid chromatography-diode-array detection


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Written By

Rashida Bashir, Samra Tabassum, Ayoub Rashid, Shafiqur Rehman, Ahmad Adnan and Rabia Ghaffar

Submitted: 18 May 2022 Reviewed: 20 June 2022 Published: 16 July 2022