Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Natural Drugs for Diabetes: Needs of Developing Country

Written By

Namrata Dwivedi, Suhel Mehandi, Skand Kumar Mishra and I.P. Tripathi

Submitted: 24 January 2022 Reviewed: 15 March 2022 Published: 29 August 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.104513

From the Edited Volume

Medicinal Plants

Edited by Sanjeet Kumar

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Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic issue and genuine worldwide wellbeing annihilating issue. The plague ascends in the quantity of new pace of diabetes mellitus is perhaps the most disturbing statistic with respect to wellbeing association overall premise. Notwithstanding, customary information could be utilized to help present-day or ordinary diabetes medicines. Here, we distinguish therapeutic plants that have been utilized as medicines for diabetes dependent on Chitrakoot ethnobotanical information. According to individuals’ viewpoint, it is demandable and OK to incorporate homegrown concentrates as a component of the clinical intercession that the homegrown medication is viewed as normal and that the training might have been trailed by numerous ages. In this possibility, the utilization of therapeutic plant concentrates to treat a particular sickness was noticed for millennia. Therefore, Natural herbal phyto constitute a potentially important natural resource to provide inexpensive treatment of a disease commonly affecting the population of rural community as well as country. The plants used for diabetes treatment should be tested for pharmacological efficacy to help select the most useful for traditional medicines.


  • diabetes
  • natural
  • medicinal plant
  • pharmaceutical

1. Introduction

Diabetes mellitus is a disease and it is primarily, characterized by lower level of glucose homeostasis ensuing from defects in secretion of insulin, insulin works resulting in impaired metabolism of glucose and other energy-yielding fuels such as lipids and proteins. Present time we faced large increases in the number of people suffering from anti-diabetic potential of medicinal plants more than 115 diabetes. The World Health Organization (WHO) assessed that around 30 million individuals experienced diabetes in 1985 and the number expanded to in excess of 171 million out of 2000. It is evaluated that the number will addition to north of 366 million by 2030 and that immense augmentations will occur in non-modern countries, especially in those individuals developed some place in the scope of 45 and 64 years. Exploratory diabetes in animals has given noteworthy comprehension into the physiological and biochemical craziness of the diabetic state [1]. Different these aggravations have been depicted in hyperglycemic animals. Critical changes in construction and lipid digestion happen in diabetes. In these cases the primary changes are plainly oxidative in nature and are related with advancement of vascular illness in diabetes. In diabetes, expanded lipid peroxidation is likewise connected with hyperlipidemia. The liver, an insulin subordinate tissue that accepts a basic part in glucose and lipid homeostasis, is genuinely affected during diabetes. The liver and kidney partake in the take-up, oxidation and metabolic change of free unsaturated fats, association of cholesterol, phospholipids and greasy oils. During diabetes, a canny change in the obsession and piece of lipids occurs. Despite the staggering movement life that have been settled on in the arrangement and the leaders of diabetes, the contamination Type 2 DM and issues arises by sickness make hardships are extending unabated. Some time later in show contempt for the presence of known underground bug diabetic local medicine in the medication treatment from remedial plants is used with progress to treat this contamination. Various standard plant meds for diabetes are used all through the world [2]. In this manner, treatment with local fixes drugs influences getting β-cells and make balance out change in glucose levels. All things considered, there is not any more natural data on the specific strategies for action in the treatment of diabetes, yet by far most of the plants have been found to contain substances like glycosides, alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, etc. that are regularly involved as having threatening to diabetic effects. The investigation for substitute fixes (from the plant domain) for diabetes mellitus will continue with from one side of the planet to the other as the affliction presents numerous challenges not solely to the specialist yet furthermore to the researcher [3].


2. Background

History of medicine returns essentially to the presence of human advancement. The momentum recognized present day prescription or allopathy has bit by bit made throughout the span of the years by coherent and observational undertakings of specialists regardless, the essential of its improvement stays laid out in standard medicine and medicines. Imbalance in medical care conveyance, especially connected with reasonableness issue, and afterward even more especially in the non-industrial nations has turned into a question of extraordinary worry for world nation Traditional medication can be utilized as a contribution to “present day” drugs research, yet in addition as a wellspring of successful mediations by its own doing [4].


3. Health needs of developing world

The medical condition in the emerging nations however at first sight is by all accounts through their own effort requiring neighborhood remedy and surely from a thin likelihood that is along these lines, involves worldwide concern. The wellbeing inconveniences confronting the growing all around the world, on the off chance that left none acknowledge can push humankind on the opposite side the tipping point with critical phenomenal ramifications for all mankind, showing up and remissive none-neither creating nor created nations. Worldwide conflicts and illegal intimidation make two glaring instances of the unfortunate results [5].


4. Standardization, research and development: current status

The abuse of manufactured drugs with debasements, bringing about higher unfavorable medication response in further developed networks, has propelled humanity to back to nature for more secure cures. Local things are viewed as safeguarded by patients since they are considered to be ordinary. Most medications preceding being supply to buyers go through hard evidence based clinical testing; this is not exactly legitimate for herbs [6]. The inspiration driving WHO rules is to portray principal measures for the evaluation of significant worth, prosperity and suitability of the prescriptions [7].


5. Insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes

Most critical thing we should sees one of the central irregularities type 2 diabetes is insulin opposition. Insulin obstruction has been displayed to be available in prediabetes and at this time of the average history of diabetes, insulin spread is experiential to be expanded, or then again if nothing else, hyperinsulinemia, to make up for the insulin hindrance. Obviously, insulin opposition is a key pathophysiological part of type 2 diabetes and is determinedly associated with cardiovascular wagered factors and sped up atherosclerosis. Insulin is a key of diabetes it’s a watchman of glucose work as postal worker. Given the focal control of insulin protection from diabetes, most likely the best fair of treatment for subjects with type 2 diabetes is highlighted developing the insulin responsiveness in vivo. Caloric cutoff and redesignd genuine work are wonderful to additionally foster insulin responsiveness. Amazingly, upkeep of way of life intervention for patients is hazardous in the long run [8].


6. Mechanisms of botanical actions

Regardless the recorded utilization of botanicals to treat diabetes and its related signs, one of the essential issues for this area of study is the deficiency of unquestionable and obvious information on abundancy, and, surprisingly, more basically, a setback of information about distinct mechanism(s) of activity. These are tremendous imperatives, and in gigantic part these cutoff points explain why there is huge doubt concerning the feasibility of local fixes in Western prescription. Regardless, there is creating confirmation around here, and accepting a home grown is displayed to well influence a given part, that will give the thinking to further and more convincing assessments on a particular regular [9].

There is no evidence to date that any of these proposed impacts are dependably noted with any natural upgrade eventually available. Finally, another proposed pathway by which botanicals could work is by direct rule of insulin action in periphery tissues like skeletal muscle and fat tissue. In such way, there is evidence to help the home grown guideline of these cycles. Mechanism of insulin emanation.

Figure 1.

Mechanism of insulin secretion.


7. Medicinal plants relevant to type 2 diabetes

A restricted rundown of chosen botanicals that are accounted for to adjust starch digestion is given in Table 1. Figure 1 showed that the mechanism of insulin secretion. When glucose transport from GLUT 2 transporter [10]. A few botanicals showed against diabetic properties are given beneath.

Scientific name (common name)KingdomDivisionClassOrderFamilyGenusSpecies
Catharanthus roseus (Sadabahar)PlantaeTracheophytaMagnoliopsidaGentianalesApocynaceaeCatharanthusroseus
Tebernamontana divericata (Chandni)PlantaeTracheophytaMagnoliopsidaGentianalesApocynaceaeTabernamontanadivericata
Cascabela thevetia (Kaner)PlantaeTracheophytaMagnoliopsidaGentianalesApocynaceaeCascabelathevetia
Momordica charantia (Bitter Melon)PlantaeTracheophytaMagnoliopsidacucurbitalesCucurbitaceaeMomordicacharantia
Dalbergia sissoo (Shisham)PlantaeMagnoliophytaMagnoliopsidaFabalesFabaceaeDalbergiasissoo
Gymnema sylvestre (Gymnema)PlantaeTracheophytaMagnoliopsidaGentianalesApocynaceaeGymnemasylvestre
Pennisetum glaucum (Bajra)PlantaeMagnoliophytaMonocotyledonsCyperalesPoaceaePennisetumglaucum
Saraca asoca (Ashok)PlantaeMagnoliophytaMagnoliopsidaFabalesCaesalpinaceaeSaracaasoca
Ginseng (Panax spp.)PlantaeTracheophytaMagnoliopsidaApialesAraliaceaePanaxginseng
Cinnamomum cassia (Cinnamon)PlantaeTracheophytaMagnoliopsidaLauralesLauraceaeCinnamomumcassia
Allium sativum (Garlic)PlantaeTracheophytaLiliopsidaLilialesLiliaceaeAlliumsativum
Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo)PlantaeGinkgophytaGinkgoopsidaGinkgoalesGinkgoaceaeGinkgobiloba
Aloe vera (Aloe)PlantaeMagnoliophytaLiliopsidaGinkgoalesAloaceaeAloevera
Vitex negundo (Nirgundi)PlantaeAngiospermsEudicotsLamialesVerbenaceaeVitexnegundo
Lantana camara (Gandhaili)PlantaeAngiospermsEudicotsLamialesVerbenaceaeLantanacamara
Ocimum tenuiflorum (Rama tulsi)PlantaeAsteridsAsteridsLamialesLamiaceaeOcimumtenuiflorum
Mentha piperita (Pudina)PlantaeAngiospermsEudicotsLamialesLamiaceaeMenthapiperita
Acacia catachue (Kaththa)PlantaeMagnoliophytaMagnoliopsidaFabalesFabaceaeAcaciacatachue

Table 1.

List of plants having medicinal properties.

7.1 Catharanthus roseus (Sadabahar)

C. roseus is a significant therapeutic plant of family Apocynaceae. Otherwise called Madagascar periwinkle, it is a well known fancy plant found in nurseries and homes. It contains carbs, flavonoids, saponins, and in excess of 400 alkaloids which are utilized in drug, agrochemical, flavor and scent, food added substance and pesticides. Boss alkaloids present in the plants are vinblastin, vincrestine, vindesine, vindelin, tabersonine and so forth [11]. Vinblastin is a alkaloid extracted from leaf part of C. roseus used as a anticancerous drug.

7.2 Tebernamontana divericata (Chandni)

Tebernamontana divericata (Linn.) is an evergreen plant of family Apocynaceae. Various phytoconstituents like alkaloids, terpenoids, steroids, corrosive have been accounted for in the plant. Restoratively it is utilized to treat infection syphilis, gonorrhea, the runs and jungle fever. It has cell reinforcement, hostile to disease, against ulcer and pain relieving properties. It is likewise utilized as cerebrum, liver and spleen tonic. Alkaloid and terpenoids are the two classes of optional metabolites which are liable for physiochemical and pharmacological properties of living cells. Starting around 1974, 66 distinct alkaloids of T. divericata has been distinguished which have been organized in 11 fundamental classes-vincosan, corynanthean, vallesiachotaman, strychnan, Aspidospermatan, plumeran, eburan, ibogan tacaman bis-indole and incidental. Besides, different free revolutionary rummaging proteins, for example, superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidise, glutathione reductase and phenolic peroxidase have likewise been portrayed from side of the road plants in India.

7.3 Cascabela thevetia L. (Kaner)

C. thevetia is a little evergreen plant or bush or little tree. It is a decorative plant and local to tropical America and broadly developed in numerous jungles and sub jungles. All pieces of the plant are viewed as exceptionally poisonous and have cardiovascular glycosides. However in certain investigations they showed antimicrobial exercises. Family Cascabela displays the presence of constituents like terpenoids, cardenolides, polysaccharides, glycosides and alkaloids. Despite their harmfulness, the plant is researched to have numerous remedial uses, in various parts. In India, seed oil is applied remotely to treat skin contaminations.

7.4 Momordica charantia (bitter melon)

Unpleasant melon is a conventional plant of Asian beginning that has been a well known organic proposed for treatment of diabetes and diabetes-related inconveniences. The instrument of activity is accepted to be optional to different bioactives, one of which, polypeptide-p, is accounted for to have a design like insulin as found in creatures, and in that capacity, is proposed to have glucose-bringing down impacts. In particular, severe melon organic product contains.

7.5 Dalbergia sissoo (Shisham)

D. sissoo (Fabaceae) is a medium to enormous tree of around 25 meters high with dim yellow trunk. It is a significant lumber tree, broadly disseminated in India, Pakistan, Afganistan, Persia, Iraq, Kenya and Tanzania.

7.6 Gymnema sylvestre (Gymnema)

G. sylvestre, known as gurmar, is local to Africa, Middle East, and India, and it has verifiable use in the treatment of diabetes and is ordinarily utilized [12]. The gymnema leaf or its concentrate is represented to be the most typically used availability of the plant. Potential antidiabetic compounds fuse oleanane triterpenoid saponins, dammarane saponins called gymnemosides, and a polypeptide called gurmarin. There are wide examinations in animal models. Particularly, the effect of G. sylvestre remove on starch absorption has been prescribed to be assistant to additional creating glucose take-up in periphery tissues and growing insulin release and β cell number in the pancreas.

7.7 Pennisetum glaucum (Bajra or pearl millet)

P. glaucum (Bajra or pearl millet) as a staple food in India and Africa is filled in parched and semi bone-dry areas. In India it is developed more than 12 million hectares (11% of absolute cereal creation in the country). It is a rich wellspring of starches, proteins, nutrients and minirals5. As indicated by certain investigations, peripheral layer of millet grain contains high phenolic content, which are likewise present in undeveloped organisms and seed layer of grains6. Also, anti-carcinogenic properties of the spice have been reported. Higher fiber substance of bajra help in decreasing weight and stoppage. It has an exceptionally rich amylase movement, multiple times higher than wheat. Reports likewise uncover that pearl millet has the least glycemic file that could be valuable in overseeing beginning of diabetes. Items dependent on pearl millet can be produced for diabetic licenses. Presence of Omega-3 unsaturated fat in pearl millet makes it helpful in the anticipation of cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes, joint pain and particular sort of diseases.

7.8 Saraca asoca (Ashok)

Saraca asoca, is a significant conventional Indian therapeutic plant used to fix different ailments [13]. It is quite possibly the most amazing and sacrosanct trees and tracked down all over Indium. It is reported to contain glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, saponins. Different parts of the tree possess various phytochemicals which are known to cure a number of disorders. Leaves of S. asoca are known to contain carbohydrates, proteins, tannins and saponins and show antibacterial properties. Flowers are reported to treat diabetes, cancer, hemorrhagic dysentery, uterine disorders, bleeding piles. Bark and flowers are also known to exhibit antitumor activity. Dried bark of the plant is rich in tannin, sterol, catechol, organic calcium compounds, aluminum, strontium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, sodium and silica. It works as blood purifier, prevents skin allergies, improves skin complexion and prevents burning sensations.

7.9 Ginseng (Panax spp.)

Ginseng has been a very popular botanical that has been suggested to control diabetes. A review of controlled trials using ginseng extracts. The studies of ginseng (Panax spp.) for efficacy related to cardiovascular risk factors, including blood pressure, lipid profiles, and blood glucose. The overall analysis suggested that ginseng was noted to slightly decrease blood pressure compared with placebo (range: 0–4%), but they observed mixed results for an effect on lipids. Furthermore, they found several studies showing that ginseng lowers blood glucose, but overall they concluded that the results were inconsistent.

7.10 Cinnamomum cassia (Cinnamon)

Cinnamon has not only been used historically for the treatment of diabetes but is a supplement that is gaining in popularity, and many cinnamon products are currently available as dietary supplements. However, studies have suggested a positive effect in some settings. The intercession comprised of 1 g/day portion of cinnamon for 90 days and appeared to be successful to altogether bring down precursor glycemia, as evaluated with HbA1c, in the treatment bunch comparative with the benchmark group. Different examinations additionally recommended valuable consequences for glucose and lipids, though different examinations neglected to uncover an impact on glycemia or lipids. Different impacts of cinnamon on cardiovascular gamble factors, for example, antihypertensive impacts have been proposed in preclinical and little clinical preliminaries assessing subjects with metabolic condition.

7.11 Allium sativum (Garlic)

Garlic is one of the seriously charming natural cures utilized all things considered. The scope of helpful impacts of garlic is extremely wide and has been generally utilized as an antithrombotic, antihypertensive, cholesterol-bringing down, cell reinforcement, antimutagenic, and antimicrobial specialis. As would be normal for a home grown cure proposed to have such expansive impacts, there has been an enormous measure of examination interest into its activities. Specifically, various preclinical and clinical examinations report the hypotensive impact of garlic, which seems, by all accounts, to be more reliable in creature studies, rather than clinical investigations. The exact instrument of activity by which garlic brings down circulatory strain is not known. Similarly as with other home grown arrangements, the fluctuation in the clinical outcomes might originate from contrasts in garlic arrangements utilized for study or the particular substance of bioactives addressed in the readiness. Some bioactives have been accounted for to incorporate temperamental sulfur-containing compounds, polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, tannins, and others.

7.12 Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo)

Ginkgo, a popular herbal remedy for centuries in China, has also become popular in Europe and America. One of the proposed indications has been to improve circulation. The focus of several studies has been to evaluate ginkgo leaf extract and measure the modulation of calcium levels in the endothelium and vasodilation. Ginkgo was reported to have a hypotensive effect in preclinical studies. However, other studies have demonstrated that long term intake may not be useful. Clinical data have also suggested that ginkgo may lower blood pressure in healthy subjects over a treatment course of 3 months and within a single treatment for temporary stress-induced hypertension. However, controversy exists as other clinical studies have failed to confirm an effect.

7.13 Aloe vera (Aloe)

A. vera has also been used in the medicinal treatment of diabetes in India and the other country Arabian peninsula. The gel, which is found in of the leaves, may contain glucomannan, a fiber whose present these are water-soluble that reportedly has hypoglycemic and insulin-sensitizing actions. Some Preclinical studies have reported inconsistent results. However, small-scale clinical research trials suggested an improvement in fasting glucose levels with the extract. In effect of herbals on glycemia.

7.14 Vitex negundo (Nirgundi)

V. negundo deserve from Verbenaceae is a hardy plant and also known as Nirgundi. All parts of this plant possess a wide range of phytochemical secondary metabolites which impart an unprecedented variety of use to the plant. This plant is credited with innumerable medicinal activities like analgesic, antiseptic, alterant, thermogenic, depurative, rejuvenating, ophthalmic, anti-gonorrhoeic, antipyretic, useful in bronchitis, asthma and enlargement of spleen. Its root are tonic, febrifuge, anti-rheumatic, diuretic and are useful as a demulcent in dysentery, in cephalalgia, otalgia, calic, uropathy wound and ulcers.

7.15 Lantana camara (Gandhaili)

Lantana Camara is a poisonous weed otherwise called wild savvy and presently settled in numerous district of the world, including India. Leaves are bubbled and applied for swellings and torment in the body, alkaloidal divisions lower pulse, speed up profound breath and animate gastrointestinal developments, Plant extricates dry spell open minded plant so great Candidates for xeriscaping, Used in society medication for the therapy of malignant growths, chicken pox, measles, asthma, ulcers, swellings, dermatitis, cancers, hypertension, bilious fevers, catarrhal contaminations, lockjaw, stiffness and intestinal sickness. A few examinations exhibit that concentrates from the leaves can be utilized to battle antimicrobial, fungicidal, insecticidal and nematicidal issues. Its capability to fill in as biocide has likewise been represented in a few explores.

7.16 Ocimum tenuiflorum (Rama Tulsi)

Ocimum sanctum Linn, a little spice seen all through India, have been suggested for the therapy of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, loose bowels, skin infections, joint inflammation, excruciating eye sicknesses, persistent fever, bug nibble and so forth. Medicinal properties of Ocimum are known for 1000 years to various civilizations of the world. Eugenol is available in the leaves of Ocimum, which are utilized as a home grown prescriptions. Eugenol is utilized as a flavor in the food business, has an assortment of natural action and can fill in as a biomarker. Removed rejuvenating ointments have additionally been displayed to contain naturally dynamic constituents, have insecticidal, nematicidal and fungistatic movement due to presence of prevail medicinal oil comprises, for example, methyl chavicol and methyl cinnamate.

7.17 Mentha piperita (Pudina)

Mentha piperita L. is a characteristic crossover that has a few therapeutic properties otherwise called herbal Buena meaning great spice. Pudina is utilized as a tea, color, oil, or concentrate, and applied remotely as a rub or linimentIts development has monetary significance, because of its capacity to create and store natural ointment, whose primary constituent is menthol, utilized in oral cleanliness items, drugs, beauty care products, and food sources. Menthol likewise has high antifungal and antibacterial possibilities, along these lines becoming one of the most requested substances by the fragrances and forces industry.

7.18 Acacia catachue (Kaththa)

Acacia catechu belongs to family Febaceae which is also called pea family or legume family due to presence of single chambered legume in all species of this family. A. catechu willd is a small to moderate sized plant widely distributed throughout Asia. It contains polyphenolic components, and seeds of this plant are good source of protein. Catechin present in this plant plays a vital role as anti-oxidant. In vivo Catechins are extensively and rapidly metabolized and impart to its anti-oxidant property. It is very famous for its astringent and tanning effect.

Khersal, a crystalline form of cutch sometimes found deposited in cavities of the wood is used medicinally for the treatment of coughs and sore throat. Catechins also have been used for treating fever, diarrhea, leucorrhoea, piles and erysipelas. The bark is said to be effective against dysentery, diarrhea and in healing of wounds. The seeds have been reported to have an antibacterial action. In East Africa, the powdered bark, mixed with sulphate of copper and egg yolk, is applied to cancerous growths.


8. Conclusions

Many are presently accessible in business supplements and are advanced for general medical advantages or for anticipation and therapy of explicit infections. Accordingly, the public’s advantage in the likely advantage of organic enhancements on starch digestion is very high. There is lacking proof, in view of as of now accessible information, to effectively suggest the utilization of a specific plant item to treat either high blood glucose or other related hazard factors.. Notwithstanding, there are dynamic examinations in numerous areas for which organic arrangements are steady, and characterized clinical investigations are as yet progressing. We want to anticipate the aftereffects of these painstakingly led examinations. The benefit of a plant extricate is that assuming botanicals are demonstrated to be powerful to further develop digestion and additionally hazard factors on a clinical level, these cures, as a general rule, are usually accessible and thusly might actually help the overall population with respect to stoutness and diabetes. Sadly, albeit the majority of the well known botanicals have a long history in people medication, there is a scarcity of conclusive clinical information, especially as it connects with reliably further developing starch digestion.


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Written By

Namrata Dwivedi, Suhel Mehandi, Skand Kumar Mishra and I.P. Tripathi

Submitted: 24 January 2022 Reviewed: 15 March 2022 Published: 29 August 2022