Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Abnormal Iron Metabolism and Its Effect on Dentistry

Written By

Chinmayee Dahihandekar and Sweta Kale Pisulkar

Submitted: 11 November 2021 Reviewed: 14 March 2022 Published: 05 July 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.104502

From the Edited Volume

Iron Metabolism - A Double-Edged Sword

Edited by Marwa Zakaria and Tamer Hassan

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Iron is a necessary micro-nutrient for proper functioning of the erythropoietic, oxidative and cellular metabolism. The iron balance in the body adversely affects the normal physiologic functioning of the body and structures in the oral cavity. Various abnormalities develop owing to improper iron metabolism in the body which reflects in the oral cavity. The toxicity of iron has to be well understood to immediately identify the hazardous effects which arise owing to it and to manage it. It has been very well mentioned in the chapter. The manifestations of defects of iron metabolism in the oral cavity should be carefully studied to improve the prognosis of the treatment of the same. Disorders related to iron metabolism should be managed for improvement in the quality of life of the patient.


  • iron metabolism
  • anaemia
  • iron toxicity
  • manifestations in oral cavity

1. Introduction

For optimal erythropoietic function, oxidative metabolism and cellular immunity, iron is required. Cellular iron overload induces toxicity and cell death by producing free radicals and oxidising lipids, both of which are required for cellular metabolism and aerobic respiration. Due to the lack of active iron excretory mechanisms, dietary iron absorption (12 mg/day) is tightly regulated and closely balanced against iron loss. Dietary iron is found in two forms: haem (10%) and nonhaem (ionic, 90%), and both are absorbed in the apical surface of duodenal enterocytes through different mechanisms. Iron is exported via Ferroportin 1 (the only one). Absorbed iron crosses the enterocyte’s basolateral membrane into the circulation (possible iron exporter), where it binds to transferrin and is transported to utilisation and storage sites transferrin-bound iron enters target cells via receptor-mediated endocytosis, mostly erythroid cells but also immune and hepatic cells. Senescent erythrocytes are phagocytosed by reticuloendothelial system macrophages; haem is metabolised by haem oxygenase, and the freed iron is stored as ferritin. Later, iron from macrophages will be exported and transferred to transferrin. The erythropoiesis demands (20e30 mg/day) need this internal iron cycle. When transferrin becomes saturated in iron-overload scenarios, excess iron is transported to the liver, the other principal storage organ for iron, creating a risk of free radical generation and tissue damage [1].

The fact that iron’s redox pair (Fe(II)/Fe(III) may have potentials varying from −300 to 700 mV, depending on the nature of the ligands and the surrounding environment, contributes to its use. Iron is abundant on the planet’s surface; however, it is relatively inaccessible. This is an important aspect of iron metabolism. At neutral pH and in an oxidising environment, iron exists in the three valence state, which is seen in many common microbial environments. As a result, it is extremely difficult to dissolve. The presence of iron storage and transport proteins such as ferritin (FTN), lactoflavin (LFT) and lactoflavin (LFT) limits the amount of iron available to a microorganism residing in an animal host (LFT). Despite the fact that extremely low iron concentrations of 1 mmol (5) are usually sufficient for optimal growth yields, bacteria frequently find themselves in iron-deficient environments and must waste a significant amount of energy to acquire this metal. It is also worth mentioning that bacteria can become iron-overloaded, necessitating careful monitoring of iron intake [1, 2].

Increased iron demands, insufficient external supply and increased blood loss can contribute to iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anaemia. An overabundance of hepcidin hinders iron absorption and recycling in chronic inflammation, leading to hypoferremia and iron-restricted erythropoiesis (functional iron deficiency), and finally, anaemia of chronic illness (ACD), which can advance to ACD with real ID (ACD + ID). Hereditary haemochromatosis (HH type I, caused by mutations in the HFE gene) and hereditary haemochromatosis (HH type II, caused by mutations in the hemojuvelin and hepcidin genes) can both be caused by low hepcidin expression. Changes in the transferrin receptor 2 generate HH type III, whereas mutations in the ferroportin gene induce HH type IV. All of these illnesses show signs of iron excess. In iron overload scenarios, non-transferrin bound iron develops when transferrin becomes saturated. A part of this iron (labile plasma iron) is very reactive, leading to the generation of free radicals. Free radicals induce the parenchymal cell damage associated with iron overload disorders [3].

The teeth, gingiva, oral tissues and muscles are all affected by these major metabolic anomalies of iron metabolism. These processes influencing the oral cavity must be well understood in order to block future advancement and create a comprehensive rehabilitation approach for such persons, taking into consideration the numerous consequences of improper iron metabolism [4].


2. Iron metabolism

2.1 Iron uptake

Owing to certain specific mechanisms (as explained inFigure 1): (1) transport mechanisms were not required for iron absorption until relatively late in evolution when the environment became oxidising and iron became insoluble, and (2) a range of sources can function as iron providers, bacterial iron assimilation happens via a variety of routes. Many bacteria, in addition, have numerous iron absorption mechanisms. This allows them to acquire iron from a variety of settings and sources. Bacteria can get iron from a number of sources, but regardless of where it comes from, it must be delivered to the cytoplasm through numerous microbial surface layers. An outside membrane, a peptidoglycan layer, and an innermost intracellular membrane are the minimum layers for Gram-negative bacteria. The periplasm, or gap between the outer and inner membranes, is where the peptidoglycan cell wall is found. Gram-positive cells, on the other hand, may only have an exterior peptidoglycan cell wall that is thick and strongly cross-linked. On the basis of the iron source and the manner in which iron is mobilised, a wide range of iron transport systems may be differentiated, although they all follow a similar pattern. Passage across the outer membrane for iron complexed to a carrier requires the presence of an outer membrane receptor protein with a syntactic domain identical to that of the iron complexed to a carrier and is iron-controlled. A receptor protein is specialised for and binds to a certain iron-carrier complex, and it is occasionally generated in large quantities only when that iron complex is accessible [5].

Figure 1.

Gram-negative bacteria’s generalised high-affinity iron transport mechanism.) The three fundamental components are shown: (a) an outer membrane receptor protein; (b) a TonB system for activating the receptor protein; and (c) a cytoplasmic membrane-based periplasmic binding protein-dependent ABC transporter. OM stands for outer membrane; PG is for peptidoglycan; and CM stands for cytoplasmic membrane.

Second, the cytoplasmic membrane proteins TonB, ExbB and ExbD are required for iron entry into the periplasm, whether it is complexed or free. Members of the ABC super transporter family are also engaged in cytoplasmic membrane transport. The transport components, in this case, include a peripheral cytoplasmic membrane, ATPase with two copies and a distinct ATP-binding site motif, as well as two hydrophobic cytoplasmic membrane proteins. In summary, an outer membrane receptor protein, a TonB system and an ABC transporter are required for iron entrance into the cytoplasm of Gram-negative bacteria. The proton-motive force and ATP, respectively, are required for passage across the outer and cytoplasmic membranes. TonB systems have broad specificity, whereas ABC transporters recognise several iron complexes if they are physically related. Outer membrane receptor proteins bind just one particular iron complex, whereas TonB systems have broad specificity [6].

The synthesis and secretion of tiny (600–1000 Da) iron-chelating molecules known as siderophores is a significant method by which bacteria acquire iron. Siderophores are made up of ordinary amino acids, nonprotein amino acids, hydroxy acids, and their production does not need ribosomes despite the presence of amide bonds. Instead, a thiotemplate technique is used, which is quite similar to the one used to make some peptide antibiotics. The mechanism of iron release from siderophores is unknown. Free siderophores, or modified forms, are discharged into the medium when ferrisiderophores enter the cytoplasm. Enzymatic reduction of iron is considered to be the release mechanism since siderophores: (1) bind Fe(II) less readily than Fe(III); and (2) the cytoplasm is a reducing environment [7].

Microbes that can live in oxygen-depleted habitats, such as swamps, intestines and marshes, or acidic environments, where reduced iron is stable and soluble, benefit from the ferrous iron transfer. Fe(II) may enter the periplasm through holes in the outer membrane, and bacteria can transport it through the inner membrane through a number of mechanisms. Some of these cytoplasmic membrane transporters have a broad transition metal selectivity but just a weak affinity for ferrous iron. There are, however, systems that exclusively work with Fe(II) as a substrate. The feo operon encodes one such mechanism that is important in certain bacteria (feoABC) [8]. Members of the OFeT (oxidase-dependent iron transporter) family, which were initially discovered in lower eukaryotes, are another widely dispersed group of Fe(II) transporter proteins. Finally, certain aerotolerant bacteria, such as the Gram-positive Streptococcus mutans, acquire iron by converting surface-bound Fe(III) to Fe via a reductase that is exposed on the cell surface (II). The iron is subsequently delivered to the cytoplasm by a ferrous ion transporter. The ABC type of ferric iron acquisition mechanism is found in a variety of Gram-negative taxa, including Serratia, where it was identified and named Sfu type transport. Fe(III) is accepted by a periplasmic binding protein, which then delivers it to the transporter’s cytoplasmic components, which internalise the iron. Uptake systems with outer-membrane components can also work in tandem with ferric iron transporters [9].

The bulk of iron in animals is found intracellularly in the form of heme (Hm). Hm, in turn, is a prosthetic group of proteins that includes haemoglobin (Hb), myoglobin and Hm-containing proteins like cytochromes. Iron assimilation routes that detect free Hm are similar to those that identify iron–siderophore complexes; they need (1) a TonB-dependent outer-membrane receptor protein; and (2) an ABC transporter for cytoplasmic membrane crossing [10]. Hm can be removed from Hb by a variety of genera. TonB-dependent Hb-binding proteins are found in the outer membranes of Neisseria and Haemophilus spp. Surprisingly, both of these taxa contain additional TonB-dependent receptors that let them get iron from Hb–Hp complexes. These Hb–Hp receptors might be made up of two distinct proteins. Serratia marcescens has a unique mechanism for the first steps in getting iron from Hm or Hb. This bacterium secretes a tiny protein (HasA) that acts as a hemophore via an ABC transporter (Hbp). Only Haemophilus strains have been shown to use Hm in conjunction with hemopexin. The mechanism is not fully understood, but it appears that three genes are necessary, one of which appears to encode a big secreted Hbp (HxuA). HxuA binds hemopexin, removes it, and transports it to an outer-membrane receptor [11].

Iron trafficking exemplifies the cycle economy. During erythrocyte phagocytosis, the majority of iron (20–25 mg/day) is recycled by macrophages; only 1–2 mg of iron is absorbed daily in the stomach, compensating for a loss of the same amount (Figure 2) [13]. The duodenum is the location of controlled non-heme iron uptake; nonheme iron is imported from the lumen via the apical divalent metal transporter 1 after duodenal cytochrome B reductase converts ferric to ferrous iron (DCYTBH) (DMT1). There are no known mechanisms by which heme iron absorbs more than non-heme iron. Non-utilised iron in enterocytes is either retained in ferritin (and lost by mucosal shedding) or exported to plasma through basolateral membrane ferroportin (and lost with mucosal shedding) [14].

Figure 2.

On the luminal side of the enterocyte, the metal transporter DMT1 takes up ferrous iron that has been reduced by DCYTB. After ferrous iron is oxidised to ferric iron by hephaestin, iron not utilised inside the cell is either stored in ferritin (FT) or exported to circulating transferrin (TF) by ferroportin (FPN) (HEPH). Local hypoxia stabilises hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-2, which promotes the expression of the apical (DMT1) and basolateral (FPN) transporters. Heme is transformed to iron by heme oxygenase once it enters the cell by an unknown process [12].

Iron availability influences the expression of genes that code for proteins required for high-affinity iron absorption. Fur is a crucial regulatory protein found in most Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria with low GC content DNA. Fur is an Apo-repressor, a short histidine-rich polypeptide that binds DNA in the presence of its corepressor Fe(II). Fur’s negative regulation of genes does not fully explain iron’s regulatory actions. Although Fur represses most iron-regulated genes under iron-rich environments, some are positively controlled by Fur, and others are only activated by iron in the absence of Fur (Figure 3) [15].

Figure 3.

Main iron metabolism routes in animals (based on Munoz et al.2). Key: 1, ferrireductase; 2, divalent metal transporter (DMT1); 3, haem protein carrier 1 (HPC1); 4, haem oxygenase; 5, haem exporter; 6, ferroportin (Ireg-1); 7, hephaestin/caeruloplasmin; 8, transferrin receptor-1 (TfR1); 9, transferrin receptor-1 (TfR1) complex; 10, natural resistance macrophage protein-1 (Nramp-1); 11, mitoferrin; 12, mitochondrial haem exporter (Abcb6); 13, others: bacteria, lactoferrin, haemoglobinehaptoglobin, haemehaemopexin, and so on; 14, caeruloplasmin; 15, transferrin receptor-2 (TfR2).

2.2 Iron distribution

Transferrin binds to iron in the bloodstream and distributes it to storage and use sites. Only 30–40% of transferrin’s iron-binding capacity is used in ordinary physiological circumstances; hence, transferrin-bound iron is only w4 mg, yet it is the most significant dynamic iron pool. Transferrin-bound iron penetrates target cells, predominantly erythroid cells, but also immune and hepatic cells, via a highly specialised method of receptor-mediated endocytosis (Figure 1). Patches of cell-surface membrane bearing receptor–ligand complexes invaginate to create clathrin-coated endosomes as distinct transferrin binds to transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) at the plasma membrane (siderosomes) [16]. A ferrireductase reduces Fe3+ to Fe2+, which is subsequently transferred to the cytoplasm by DMT1, while TfR1 is recycled to the cell membrane and transferrin is lost. Mitoferrin, a mitochondrial iron importer, is important in providing iron to ferrochelatase for insertion into protoporphyrin IX and to produce haem (the penultimate step of mitochondrial haem production) within the erythroblast (Figure 1). There are some indications that iron might be transported straight from the siderosomes to the mitochondria in growing erythroid cells. Finally, haem exporters transport haem from mitochondria to cytosol and eliminate excess haem from erythroid cells (Figure 1) [16].

2.3 Iron storage

As senescent erythrocytes are phagocytosed by RES macrophages, haemoglobin iron turnover is high. Haem is metabolised by haem oxygenase within the phagocytic vesicles, and the liberated Fe2+ is transported to the cytoplasm by NRAMP1 (natural resistance-associated macrophage protein-1), a transport protein related to DMT1 (Figure 1). Macrophages may also acquire iron from bacteria and apoptotic cells, as well as from plasma via the actions of DMT1 and TfR1 (Figure 1) [17]. Iron may be stored in the cells in two ways: ferritin in the cytosol and haemosiderin in the lysosomes when ferritin is broken down. Haemosiderin is found in just a small percentage of normal human iron reserves, primarily in macrophages, but it rises substantially when the body is overloaded with iron. Iron storage in macrophages is also safe since it does not cause oxidative damage. Ferroportin 1, the same iron-export protein found in the duodenal enterocyte, and caeruloplasmin2 are largely responsible for iron export from macrophages to transferrin (Figure 1) [18]. Macrophage iron recycling provides the majority of the iron necessary for the daily synthesis of 300 billion red blood cells (20–30 mg). While a result, internal iron turnover is required to satisfy the bone marrow needs for erythropoiesis, as daily absorption (1–2 mg) only balances daily loss. 1–3 The liver is the other major iron storage organ, and the production of free radicals and lipid peroxidation products in iron-overload conditions can lead to hepatic tissue damage, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular cancer [19]. TfR1 and TfR2 mediate the liver’s absorption of transferrin-bound iron from plasma (Figure 1), however, it can also get iron from non-transferrin-bound iron (through a carrier-mediated mechanism similar to DMT1), ferritin, haemoglobine–haptoglobin complexes, and haeme–haemopexin complexes. Ferroportin 1 is thought to be the sole protein that mediates the export of iron from hepatocytes, which is then oxidised by caeruloplasmin and attached to transferrin2 (Figure 1). Heart failure is the primary cause of death in individuals with untreated hereditary haemochromatosis or transfusion-associated iron overload, thus iron storage in cardiomyocytes is of significant interest. Excess iron in cardiac cells can cause oxidative stress and impair myocardial function owing to DNA damage caused by hydrogen peroxide via the Fenton reaction [20].

2.4 Regulation of iron homoeostasis

Body iron reserves, hypoxia, inflammation and erythropoiesis rate all influence iron absorption by duodenal enterocytes. The crypt programming model and the hepcidin model are two regulatory models that have been presented as potential contributors to iron absorption control [21].

Enterocytes in the crypts of the duodenum take up iron from the plasma via TfR1 and TfR2, according to the crypt programming hypothesis. The interaction of cytosolic iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) 1 and 2 with iron-responsive elements is controlled by intracellular iron content (IREs). IRP1 binds to the IREs of TfR1, DMT1, and ferroportin 1 mRNA in the absence of iron, stabilising the transcript, allowing translation to occur and the proteins to be synthesised. As a result, increased IRP-binding activity indicates low body iron reserves, which leads to overexpression of these proteins in the duodenum, boosting dietary iron absorption. When IRPs attach to ferritin mRNA’s IREs, the transcript’s translation is interrupted and synthesis is halted. As a result, ferritin concentrations are inversely controlled, increasing in iron-rich states and decreasing in iron-deficient conditions [22].

The hepcidin model proposes that hepcidin is produced mainly by hepatocytes in response to the iron content of the blood. Then, hepcidin is secreted into the bloodstream and interacts with villous enterocytes to regulate the rate of iron absorption by controlling the expression of ferroportin 1 at their basolateral membranes. The binding of hepcidin to ferroportin 1 initially causes Janus kinase 2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of the cytosolic loop of the carrier protein, phosphorylated ferroportin 1 is then internalised, dephosphorylated, ubiquitinated and ultimately degraded in the late endosome/lysosome compartment. Ferroportin 1 molecules, present in macrophages and liver, also targets for hepcidin [23].

The sensing process most likely includes local iron-induced synthesis of bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) such as BMP6 within normal iron concentration limits. BMP6 interacts with hepatocyte cell surface BMP receptors (BMPRs) I and II, as well as the BMP coreceptor, haemojuvelin (HJV), triggering an intracellular signal by phosphorylation of small mothers against decapentaplegic (Smad) proteins. Before translocating to the nucleus and triggering hepcidin expression14, phosphorylated Smad1, Smad5 and Smad8 form a complex with the shared mediator Smad4 (Figure 2). The soluble form of HJV (sHJV), whose release (HJV shedding) is prevented by rising extracellular iron concentrations, is thought to compete with its membrane-anchored counterpart for BMPR binding, resulting in iron-sensitive hepcidin expression16 (Figure 2). Other mediators and modulators, including Smad6 and Smad7, may be stimulated by iron, and these mediators and modulators appear to dampen the signal for hepcidin activation (Figure 2) [24].

2.5 Effects of inflammation on iron homoeostasis and erythropoiesis

Cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, congestive heart failure, sepsis and chronic renal failure are all known to induce persistent inflammation. This anaemia might be caused by the underlying process activating the immune system, as well as immunological and inflammatory cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFa), interferon-gamma (IFNg), interleukins (IL) 1, 6, 8, and 10. Several pathophysiological processes (cytokines) may be implicated in anaemia of chronic disease (ACD) (Figure 3) [25]:

  1. Dyserythropoiesis, red blood cell destruction, and increased erythrophagocytosis cause a reduction in red blood cell half-life (TNFa).

  2. Inadequate EPO responses for the degree of anaemia in most, but not all, patients, such as those with juvenile chronic arthritis with systemic start (IL-1 and TNFa).

  3. Erythroid cell response to EPO is impaired (IFNg, IL-1, TNFa, hepcidin).

  4. Erythroid cell growth and differentiation are slowed (IFNg, IL-1, TNFa, and a1-antitrypsin).

  5. Pathological iron homoeostasis caused by increased DMT1 (IFNg) and TfR (IL-10) expression in macrophages, decreased ferroportin 1 expression in enterocytes (inhibition of iron absorption) and macrophages (inhibition of iron recirculation), and increased ferritin production ‘(TNFa, IL-1, IL-6, IL-10) (increased iron storage) Inflammatory cytokines like IL-6’ activate Janus kinases, which phosphorylate Stat3 and activate it, which upregulate hepcidin transcription. Stat3 translocation to the nucleus and binding to the Stat response element in the proximal promoter of the hepcidin gene leads to enhanced hepcidin release. This element appears to be controlled by Smad activation, which is necessary for complete promoter activity, via the adjacent BMP-responsive element. The SmadeStat complex, which puts the distal and proximal areas of the hepcidin promoter into physical contact, is hypothesised to interact with a distal BMP responsive element location. As a result, it appears that Smad signalling is critical for the appropriate staging of the inflammatory response. Stat3 activation has also been demonstrated to modulate hepcidin levels without producing inflammation (for example, people with glycogen storage disease type 1a who had hepatic adenomas overexpressed hepcidin due to Stat3 activation)46 (Figure 2). Stress mechanisms signalling through the cellular endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response have also been shown to stimulate hepcidin production. The hepatic acute-phase response to LPS, IL-6 and IL-1b has been related to the unfolded protein response, suggesting that hepcidin gene expression may be regulated by another layer of endogenous regulation during inflammation (Figure 2). Low blood iron and reduced transferrin saturation are produced by iron diversion to the RES (functional iron deficit, FID), iron-restricted erythropoiesis, and mild-to-moderate anaemia, despite normal or high serum ferritin levels [26].


3. Defects of iron metabolism

3.1 Iron deficiency

In the human body, there is a balance between iron absorption, iron transit and iron storage under physiological circumstances. ID and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) can be caused by a combination of three risk factors: higher iron needs, restricted external supply and increased blood loss [27]. There are two types of ID: absolute and functional. Iron reserves are reduced in absolute ID; in functional iron deficiency (FID), iron stores are full but cannot be mobilised as quickly as needed from the RES macrophages to the bone marrow. Diagnostic tests with values are given in Table 1.

Laboratory testsConventional units
Serum Iron50–150 ug/dl
Transferrin200–360 mg/dl
Transferrin Saturation20–50%
Ferritin (Ft)30–300 ng/ml
Soluble transferrin receptors0.76–1.76 mg/l
Ratio of sTfR to Serum Ft<1
Haemoglobin12–16 g/dl (women); 13–17 g/dl (men)
MCV80–100 fl
Red Cell Distribution11–15
MCH28–35 pg
Hypochromic red cells<5%
Reticulocyte haemoglobin content28–35 pg

Table 1.

Depicting tests required for determination of iron metabolism anaemia.

3.1.1 Iron deficiency anaemia

Patients with low Hb (13 g/dl for males and 12 g/dl for women), TSAT (20%) and ferritin (30 ng/ml) concentrations but no indications of inflammation should be evaluated to have IDA. Instead of ‘mean corpuscular volume (MCV)’, the MCH has emerged as the most significant marker for red cells for identifying ID in RBCs, which are circulating (Figure 1). MCV is a generally available and reliable measurement, although it is a late indication in individuals who are not bleeding actively [28]. When MCV is low, thalassaemia must be considered a differential diagnosis. When there is a concurrent folate deficiency or vitamin B12, reticulocytosis post-bleeding, early response to oral iron therapy, alcohol use, or moderate myelodysplasia, individuals may present with IDA but no microcytosis. Human serum contains a shortened, ‘soluble version of the transferrin receptor (sTfR)’, whose concentration is proportional to the total number of cell surface transferrin receptors [29]. Although the amount is not defined and depends on which reagent kit is used, normal median values are 1.2–3.0 mg/l. Even during chronic illness anaemia, increased sTfR values suggest ID. Elevated erythropoietic activity without ID, during reticulocytic crises, and in congenital dyserythropoietic anaemias are all examples of increased sTfR levels. Lower sTfR levels, on the other hand, might indicate a reduction in the number of erythroid progenitors. Despite the fact that sTfR levels in simple IDA are generally high or extremely high, they are not usually necessary for diagnosis [30].

3.1.2 Anaemia of chronic disease

The following should be present in patients with chronic disease anaemia (ACD), also known as anaemia of inflammation: Hb concentration of 13 g/dl for men and 12 g/dl for women; a low TSAT (20%) but normal or increased serum ferritin concentration (>100 ng/ml) or low serum ferritin concentration (30e100 ng/ml) Evidence of chronic inflammation (e.g. elevated CRP); and a s ACD, like FID, is common in people with inflammatory illness but no visible blood loss (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, renal failure or chronic hepatitis) [31].

3.2 Iron overload

Levels of Hepcidin are excessively lower-degree of overload of iron in idiopathic iron overload illness and primary haemochromatosis. This is due to mutations in the genes that code for ‘HFE (haemochromatosis type 1)’, ‘haemojuvelin (HJV; juvenile haemochromatosis 2a)’, and ‘transferrin receptor 2 (TfR2; haemochromatosis type 3)’; these mutations cause hepcidin synthesis to be dysregulated [32]. The only exceptions are mutations that disrupt hepcidin or ferroportin (juvenile haemochromatosis 2b) (haemochromatosis type 4). Low plasma hepcidin causes high ferroportin levels, allowing for greater iron absorption, hepatic iron overload and low iron levels in macrophages. In addition, non-transferrin bound iron emerges as transferrin gets saturated in iron-overload situations. A portion of this labile plasma iron is extremely reactive, resulting in the production of free radicals. Despite the fact that the HFE gene has at least 32 mutations, the most prevalent form of haemochromatosis type 1 is caused by the missense Cys282Tyr mutation. Haemochromatosis type 1 is a disease with a wide range of penetrance and heterogeneity, although the Cys282Tyr mutation is found in the great majority of people with the disorder. Because the Cys282Tyr mutant HFE protein is unable to bind b2 microglobulin, it does not reach the cell membrane, resulting in a misfolded, non-functional protein. Iron overload can be caused by mutations in the ferroportin gene (haemochromatosis type 4) that result in the loss of iron-export capacity, hyperferritinaemia with no increase in transferrin saturation, and macrophage iron overload, or a loss of hepcidin-binding activity, which has been linked to iron overload. Plasma hepcidin levels rise in cases of secondary iron overload-induced by persistent transfusion treatment (e.g. severe thalassemia, aplastic anaemia, etc.), prompting ferroportin breakdown. Increased amounts of diferric transferrin, which are elevated in iron overload, promote TfR2 expression at the hepatocyte membrane. When diferric transferrin binds to TfR2, HJV cleavage by furin is blocked, inhibiting the release of soluble HJV and resulting in enhanced cell-surface HJV-mediated response to BMPs and higher hepcidin levels. Iron absorption from the stomach is restricted, macrophage export is inhibited, and iron storage is increased when ferroportin levels are low [33].

3.3 Assessment of defective iron metabolism

3.3.1 Laboratory assessment of ID

Measurements indicating iron depletion in the body and measurements indicating iron-deficient red cell production are the two types of laboratory tests used to investigate ID (Table 1). The right mix of these blood tests will aid in determining the precise diagnosis of anaemia and ID status (Figure 1).

3.3.2 Assessment of iron overload

The first step in diagnosing iron overload is to suspect it (e.g. dark skin, fatigue, arthralgia, cardiomyopathy, hepatomegaly, endocrine disorder, etc). However, aberrant TSAT (>45 per cent) and/or elevated ferritin in serum (>200 ng/ml in women, >300 ng/ml in males) are commonly discovered. In practice, normal transferrin saturation can be used to rule out the possibility of iron overload. The sole exception is the occurrence of an inflammatory state, which might disguise an increase in TSAT, which is why CRP and transferrin saturation should be checked jointly. In non-iron-overload circumstances, such as significant cytolysis (eg. acute hepatitis), which raises plasma serum iron and/or hepatic failure, reduces plasma transferrin concentrations, elevated TSAT can be detected. Other causes of hyperferritinaemia should be checked out in the presence of elevated ferritin in serum but not increased TSAT (eg. cell necrosis, alcohol, inflammation, metabolic disorder, etc). The clinical context, as well as testing Hb (to rule out chronic inflammatory anaemia), transaminases, cancer and prothrombin index, can readily remove any difficulties in interpreting TSAT readings (to exclude hepatic disease) [34].

The second diagnostic step, particularly in Caucasian individuals, is to rule out HFE mutations in gene. Because further mutations in HFE are exceedingly rare, the HFE genotype is frequently regarded as ‘wild type’ in clinical practice, once the presence of the two most prevalent (Cys282Tyr and His63Gly) mutations has been ruled out. Nonetheless, the potential of a family problem should be addressed at all times: a dominant disorder is usually indicative of ferroportin disease [35].

Before beginning costly and time-consuming searches for mutations in additional genes, the third diagnostic step is to establish increased total body iron. The exact molecular diagnosis, which needs evidence of the nucleotide mutation at the DNA level, is the fourth stage. However, the efficacy of molecular diagnostics is frequently questioned because it is costly, time-demanding and, in certain situations, unable to produce a precise diagnosis [36].


4. Iron metabolism and the oral health

4.1 Iron deficiency anaemia

The most prevalent kind of anaemia is iron deficiency anaemia (IDA), which affects more women than males. Due to persistent blood loss associated with heavy menstrual flow, it is estimated that 20% of women of reproductive age in the United States are iron deficient. Furthermore, 2% of adult males are iron deficient due to persistent blood loss caused by gastrointestinal illnesses including peptic ulcer, diverticulosis, or cancer [37].

4.1.1 Symptoms

Atrophic glossitis (AG), extensive oral mucosal atrophy and pain or burning feeling of the oral mucosa are some of the oral symptoms and indicators. However, it is yet unknown if IDA patients may experience distinct oral signs and, if so, what percentage of IDA patients experience these oral manifestations. Burning sensation of the oral mucosa (76.0 per cent), lingual varicosity (56.0 per cent), dry mouth (49.3%), OLP (33.3 per cent), AG (26.7 per cent), RAU (25.3 per cent), numbness of the oral mucosa (21.3 per cent) and taste dysfunction (12.0 per cent) were the most commonly manifested oral manifestations. IDA patients had considerably greater rates of all oral symptoms, such as oral mucosa burning, lingual varicosity, dry mouth, oral mucosa numbness, and taste impairment than healthy controls.

4.1.2 Pathophysiology

Anaemia sufferers have low haemoglobin levels, which means they do not get enough oxygen to their mouth mucosa, causing it to atrophy. Iron deficiency can induce oral mucosa atrophy because iron is required for proper oral epithelial cell activity, and in an iron deficiency condition, oral epithelial cells turn over more quickly, resulting in an atrophic or immature mucosa. The health of the oral epithelium is linked to iron and vitamin B12.

In BMS patients, long-term dry mouth and iron or vitamin B12 deficiency may produce at least partial atrophy of the tongue epithelium, however, the change is so mild that clinical visual examination cannot detect it. As a result, spicy chemicals in saliva might readily permeate past the atrophic epithelium into the subepithelial connective tissue of the tongue mucosa, irritate free sensory nerve endings, and cause tongue burning and numbness. A minor sign of BMS was loss or malfunction of taste. Because the taste cells in taste buds can only sense dissolved compounds, the chemical components should be dissolved in saliva.

The majority of BMS patients were found to have xerostomia. In BMS patients, decreased saliva output leads to a loss or malfunction of taste. Oral candidiasis, vitamin B12 insufficiency, iron deficiency and medicine have all been linked to taste loss or malfunction. Femiano et al. have looked into the causes of taste disturbance in BMS patients. Of the 142 BMS patients, 61 had a documented history of drug use that interfered with taste perception, 35 had pathologies or a past history of drug use that were known to impact the gustatory system, and the other 46 had no related disease or regular drug use [38].

Varicosities are abnormally dilated, and convoluted veins are observed on the ventral surface of the tongue in elderly people due to a decrease in connective tissue tone that supports the veins. Furthermore, xerostomia is a prevalent issue that affects 25% of the elderly population. Xerostomia can be caused by a variety of developmental, iatrogenic, systemic and local causes. Older individuals, on the other hand, are more likely to develop xerostomia, as a result of pharmaceuticals, as they are more likely to use drugs that induce xerostomia to treat their systemic or psychotic diseases. The average age of 399 BMS patients in Wang Y et al’s research was 59.7 years. As a result, it is not unexpected that 92.5 per cent of 399 BMS patients had lingual varicosity and 75.7 per cent had dry mouth. Oral candidiasis is more common in persons with xerostomia because normal and adequate saliva can offer cleaning and antibacterial action. We believe that the candidiasis on the tongue surfaces of BMS patients is attributable, at least in part, to the high prevalence of dry mouth (75.7%).

4.1.3 Management Oral iron

In most therapeutic situations, oral iron supplementation is sufficient. In the absence of inflammation or severe continuous blood loss, oral iron, usually in the form of ferrous salts, can be used to treat anaemia if large dosages are tolerated. Although traditional knowledge holds that up to 200 mg of elemental iron per day is necessary to treat IDA, this is erroneous and lesser amounts can be effective as well.

Early research suggested that taking iron with vitamin C might help with iron absorption because more ferrous iron is kept in the solution. However, findings suggest that co-administration of these drugs might cause serious toxicity in the gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, while taking oral iron away from meals is often suggested to increase absorption, it also increases gastric intolerance, which reduces compliance. Furthermore, some antibiotics (primarily quinolones, doxycycline, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, or penicillamine), proton pump inhibitors, and anti-acid medication (aluminium, bicarbonate, zinc, or magnesium salts), levodopa, levothyroxine, cholestyramine, phytates (high-fibre diets), soy products, ibandronate, etc.

Non-absorbed iron salts, on the other hand, can produce a variety of highly reactive oxygen species, such as hypochlorous acid, superoxides and peroxides, which can cause digestive intolerance, resulting in nausea, flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhoea or constipation and black or tarry stools, as well as relapsed inflammatory bowel disease. As a result, smaller iron salt dosages (e.g. 50–100 mg elemental iron) should be advised. The Ganzoni method may be used to determine the total iron deficiency (TID): TID (mg) 14 weight (kg) 3 (ideal Hb e actual Hb) (g/dl) 3 0.24 + depot iron (500 mg). An individual, weighing 70 kg, with a haemoglobin level of 9 g/dl would have a body iron shortfall of around 1400 mg, according to this calculation. Parenteral iron

Parenteral iron is traditionally used to treat intolerance, contraindications, or an insufficient response to oral iron. However, in circumstances when there is a limited time until surgery, severe anaemia, especially if it is accompanied by considerable continuous bleeding or the use of erythropoiesis-stimulating drugs, parenteral iron is now an effective therapy. Because they provide various benefits over oral supplements, modern intravenous iron formulations have emerged as safe and effective options for anaemia therapy. In normal persons, intravenous iron delivery allows for a fivefold erythropoietic response to substantial blood loss anaemia,19 Hb begins to rise after a few days, the percentage of responsive patients increases, and iron reserves are replenished. Increasing iron reserves is beneficial, especially for patients using erythropoiesis-stimulating drugs. In clinical practice, iron gluconate, iron sucrose, high molecular weight iron dextran (HMWID), low molecular weight iron dextran (LMWID), ferric carboxymaltose, iron isomaltoside 1000 and Ferumoxytol are the most commonly used products.

4.1.4 Changing microflora in patients with ida and its corelation with infective endocarditis

The link between oral microbiota and IE (infectious endocarditis) has long been known. Infectious endocarditis is caused by opportunistic infections in normal oral flora entering the circulation through everyday mouth washing or invasive dental treatments. In vitro iron deficiency causes a dramatic change in the oral microbiota community, with higher proportions of taxa linked to infective endocarditis. Iron deficiency anaemia is utilised as an in vivo model to evaluate the association between insufficient iron availability, oral microbiota, and the risk of IE, as well as to perform population amplification research. In a research by Xi R et al., 24 patients with primary iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) from the haematology department of West China Hospital, Sichuan University, and 24 healthy controls were included from 2015.6 to 2016.6. The dental plaque microbiota of 24 IDA (iron-deficiency anaemia) patients and 24 healthy controls were compared using high-throughput sequencing. Internal diversity in the oral flora is reduced as a result of iron shortage. Corynebacterium, Neisseria, Cardiobacterium, Capnocytophaga and Aggregatibacter had considerably greater proportions in controls, whereas Lactococcus, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Pseudomonas and Moraxella had significantly larger proportions in the IDA group (P 0.05). Lactococcus, Enterococcus, Pseudomonas and Moraxella relative abundances were substantially inversely linked with serum ferritin concentrations (P 0.05). In vivo iron shortage altered the organisation of the oral microbiome population. When compared to healthy controls, people with IDA had lower total bacterial diversity and different taxonomic makeup. The IDA group had greater proportions of the genera Lactococcus, Enterococcus, Pseudomonas and Moraxella, whose abundance was likewise statistically and adversely linked with serum ferritin levels. Because the IDA group has a high rate of penicillin resistance, the typical use of preventive penicillin may be ineffective. The findings of a disproportionate oral microbiota suggest that more targeted antibiotic usage with various groups may be required before dangerous oral surgeries.

4.2 Iron overload

Hemochromatosis is the abnormal accumulation of iron in parenchymal organs, leading to organ toxicity. It is the most common inherited liver disease in whites and the most common autosomal recessive genetic disorder. Genetic haemochromatosis (GH), which is related to the HFE gene p.Cys282Tyr mutation, is the most common form of inherited iron overload disease in European population descendants.

4.2.1 Symptoms

The classic tetrad of manifestations resulting from hemochromatosis consists of: (1) cirrhosis, (2) diabetes mellitus, (3) hyperpigmentation of the skin and teeth, and (4) cardiac failure. Clinical consequences also include hepatocellular carcinoma, impotence and arthritis (Figures 4 and 5) [9].

Figure 4.

Tongue anomaly of iron deficiency anaemia.

Figure 5.

Balding of tongue seen due to iron deficiency anaemia.

Symptoms can vary from burning mouth syndrome to bald and inflamed tongue [9].

4.2.2 Pathophysiology

Periodontitis is linked to an inflammatory response triggered by changes in the subgingival biofilm. Inflammation causes iron sequestration inside macrophages in healthy people, depriving bacteria of iron. Iron bioavailability in biological fluids, particularly those of the oral cavity, is enhanced in GH patients with excessively high TSAT, resulting in an increased risk of severe periodontitis. The existence of iron deposits in oral tissues of haemochromatosis patients has also been documented in the literature (Figure 6). The majority of people with haemochromatosis are now asymptomatic, and the skin and mucosal colouration caused by iron deposits have improved dramatically. The occurrence of asymptomatic iron deposits in oral tissues, however, cannot be ruled out [10, 11].

Figure 6.

Staining of teeth seen due to iron deficiency anaemia.

Iron is connected with transferrin in plasma, which increases its bioavailability for cells. The ratio between the total number of iron-binding sites on patient plasma transferrin and the number of binding sites occupied by iron is known as transferrin saturation (TSAT). TSAT is normally seen in the range of 20% to 45 per cent. Hepcidin regulates systemic iron metabolism, and its expression level is tuned to TSAT to regulate plasma iron levels. Hepcidin insufficiency is a symptom of GH, which is caused by a change in the HFE-linked transduction signalling pathway. TSAT levels rise as a result of the iron outflow from macrophages and enterocytes. Non-transferrin-bound iron (NTBI), an aberrant biochemical type of iron, arises in the plasma when TSAT surpasses 45 per cent. The liver and heart are particularly vulnerable to NTBI, which explains why the typical type of GH causes hepatic cirrhosis and diabetes. However, in the absence of cirrhosis or diabetes, the majority of GH patients remain asymptomatic or have chronic tiredness, abnormal serum transaminase levels, rheumatism, and osteoporosis. Cells manufacture ferritin to store excess iron in order to avoid iron toxicity. As a result, the tissue iron reserves are reflected in plasma ferritin levels. The standard treatment is phlebotomy therapy, which is used to take out excess iron and then prevent it from being reconstituted. The gold standard for both initial treatment and maintenance therapy, according to the leading international standards, is serum ferritin levels of less than 50 g/L [13].

4.2.3 Management

Iron depletion would lessen or eliminate the risk of iron-mediated tissue harm, according to the earlier reasoning for blood removal in all patients with haemochromatosis. This may help to avoid or lessen the severity of some haemochromatosis problems after iron deficiency. Dyspnoea, pigmentation, weariness, arthralgia, or hepatomegaly may be reduced, and diabetes mellitus management and left ventricular diastolic function may be improved. The progression of hepatic cirrhosis, as well as the increased risk of primary liver cancer, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, are largely unaffected.

Standard therapy for most patients with haemochromatosis and iron overload is weekly blood removal to bring ferritin levels into the low reference range (20–50 ng/ml), followed by a life-long maintenance phlebotomy schedule to maintain ferritin levels at around 50 ng/ml, for preventing or treating iron overload. The number of units to be removed can be calculated using the following formula: 1 ng/ml ferritin corresponds to nearly 8 mg mobilisable iron in the absence of hepatic necrosis or another source of inflammation that causes hyperferritinaemia, and a 500 ml blood unit contains approximately 200 mg iron. To achieve iron depletion, a patient with serum ferritin of 1000 ng/ml will likely require the removal of 40 units of blood. Traditional phlebotomy or erythrocytapheresis can be used to remove blood. Traditional phlebotomy (250–500 mL once or twice weekly during the initial phase, depending on patient’s characteristics and level of iron overload, followed by 500 mL every 2–4 months for the rest of one’s life) is effective for iron depletion, but it necessitates normal erythropoiesis and frequent visits to a healthcare facility, and some patients report intolerance. Blood taken for therapeutic phlebotomy at blood donation facilities can be used to supplement the blood supply for transfusion, according to new US Food and Drug Administration rules (Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 640.120). (21 CFR 640.120). Isovolaemic, large-volume erythrocytapheresis, on the other hand, removes more blood erythrocytes each session than phlebotomy while leaving plasma proteins, coagulation factors, and platelets alone. As a result, therapeutic erythrocytapheresis is a quick and safe procedure that may be recommended in the early stages of treatment for individuals with significant iron excess. Although a single therapeutic erythrocytapheresis session is more expensive, the overall expenditures to cause iron depletion are comparable to or less expensive than therapeutic phlebotomy; yet, the treatment is only available in limited quantities (special apparatus and facilities, trained personnel, etc). Both treatments, however, have comparable side effects: transitory hypovolaemia; weariness (Hb levels should not go below 11 g/dl); enhanced iron absorption; citrate response (erythrocytapheresis alone); or iron insufficiency if proper monitoring is not performed. Iron chelation therapy, on the other hand, is seldom optimal for patients with haemochromatosis, unless they are unable to undertake phlebotomy therapy due to expense, probable toxicity and a lack of proof of benefits. Finally, while dietary restrictions (e.g. low meat consumption, abstinence from alcohol, restricted use of vitamin and mineral supplements, etc.) and medications to reduce iron absorption (e.g. proton pump inhibitors) appear to be reasonable options for patients with haemochromatosis, they have yet to be evaluated in prospective randomised clinical trials [14].

4.2.4 Iron chelation therapy

In patients with acquired iron overload (e.g. anaemia dependent on transfusion), iron-excess management and management of toxicity due to excess iron with chelation have been shown to lower iron burden and increase survival. Patients with serial serum ferritin levels more than 1000 ng/ml and a total infused red blood cell volume of 120 ml/kg of body weight or higher should be treated with chelation treatment, according to recent consensus recommendations. During chelation therapy, serum ferritin levels should be checked every three months to determine that the medication is effectively lowering iron levels. Deferasirox is cost-effective when compared to standard parenteral iron chelation therapy with deferoxamine, according to cost analyses conducted in the United Kingdom and the United States. This is primarily due to the quality-of-life benefits derived from the simpler and more convenient mode of oral administration. The first results from a phase I/II investigation of deferasirox in HFE-haemochromatosis show that a dosage of 5–10 mg/kg/day is sufficient to decrease iron burden, and a randomised trial comparing deferasirox to phlebotomy is now underway [32].


5. Iron metabolism and its effect on caries, microhardness of tooth and discoloration

Although research on iron salts compounds and iron ions support the cariostatic concept, it is difficult to make definitive statements about iron loss owing to a range of chemicals and additives. In the context of a cariogenic diet, however, it appears that specific drops in iron content have a static effect on caries. In light of the current data, it is likely reasonable to state that if a kid consumes carbohydrates that are utilised by cariogenic bacteria, the cariostatic impact might be calculated based on iron drop intake (especially the form of ferrous sulfate. Ferrous Sulphate affects the most as proven in the literature) [33].

In a case–control study by Schroth et al. which aimed to contrast ferritin and haemoglobin levels between preschoolers with S-ECC and caries-free controls, it was concluded that children with S-ECC (severe early childhood caries) appear to be at significantly greater odds of having low ferritin status compared with caries-free children. Children with S-ECC appear to have significantly lower haemoglobin levels and appear to be at significantly greater odds for iron deficiency when compared with caries-free controls.

In the realm of microhardness, the presence of iron in combination with sucrose has resulted in a decrease in the microhardness changes of cow and human enamel. Furthermore, in both in vitro and in vivo conditions, adding iron to acidic liquids reduces demineralization. There is still debate over the mechanism of action of such an ion and its different forms, and this is a fascinating study subject.

Consumption of iron-rich foods (eggs, vegetables, etc.) tends to promote the bacterial growth that produces colouration which is black in the teeth. It has been shown that children with black pigmentations have more calcium and phosphate in their saliva, which can boost the saliva’s buffering qualities and lead to a reduction in the occurrence and prevention rate of decay in the presence of pigmentation. However, the relationship between pigmentation, food, oral flora decay and has yet to be found. The combination of iron and sulphide ions produced by bacteria activity is mainly responsible for the iron drop’s colour. To justify no indication of colour change in all consumers, the colour change varies with varied iron drop consumption, which might be connected to the total quantity of iron accessible in each drop, the acidity and drops’ capacity to etch the surface of the tooth, any bacterial flora, individual’s diet and so on [39].


6. Conclusion

The study of microbial iron metabolism is gaining popularity. Initial research on the subject revealed the many ways in which bacteria get iron, began to unravel the crucial function of iron in bacterial metabolism and revealed the means and demand for precise iron absorption management. Iron’s role in bacterial pathogenesis has been well documented, and it is currently taken into account in all investigations of prokaryotic pathogens. Basic investigations using E. coli and its relatives have given way to studies of less known, and more difficult to grow, organisms, although still incomplete and giving unexpected discoveries, such as the discovery of glucosylated derivatives of enterobactin. Biogenesis research in magnetotactic bacteria has the potential to identify pathways that govern biomineralisation and give insight into organelle development. The potential biotechnology implications of dissimilatory iron reduction research are also intriguing. Because of the extensive and essential role played by environmental interactions between bacteria and iron, geologists, ecologists, environmental and chemical engineers, and physicists, among other professions, have entered the topic. There is a good chance that numerous exciting new discoveries will be made.


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Written By

Chinmayee Dahihandekar and Sweta Kale Pisulkar

Submitted: 11 November 2021 Reviewed: 14 March 2022 Published: 05 July 2022