Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Impact on Forest and Vegetation Due to Human Interventions

Written By

Ramesh Prasad Bhatt

Submitted: 29 April 2022 Reviewed: 05 June 2022 Published: 24 October 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.105707

From the Edited Volume

Vegetation Dynamics, Changing Ecosystems and Human Responsibility

Edited by Levente Hufnagel and Mohamed A. El-Esawi

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Forest and vegetation play an important role in balancing ecosystem patterns, providing food security, and blessing the environment for living beings, so the status of global forests and biodiversity, their impact and change overtime with climatic effects and challenges is important. This study’s methods include a review of global forest cover and status; distribution, and assessment; biodiversity, forest carbon assessment; causes of forest loss; and the impacts and implications of CO2 emissions. Forests encompass 31% of the world’s forests, are home to 2 million to 1 trillion species, and provide habitat for 80% of amphibian species, 75% of bird species, 68% of mammalian species, and so on. Deforestation is the major cause of forest loss, with a decrease of 4.7 million ha. From 2010 to 2020, only in the Asia Pacific region and from 2000 to 2010, 13 million ha of world forests were lost. All flora, fauna, and microbes are slowly degrading and disappearing due to human activities such as deforestation, intensive use, inappropriate forest management, agriculture, encroachment of forest land, slash burn practices, forest fires, urbanization, overharvesting, environmental deterioration, etc. Because the globe has emitted over 1.5 trillion tonnes of CO2 since 1751, the persistence of biodiversity in human-modified habitats is crucial for conservation and the provision of ecosystem services.


  • forest and vegetation
  • forest cover
  • biodiversity
  • impacts
  • interventions

1. Introduction

Humans have changed forests, browbeaten species, fragmented wildlife’s, altered habitats, imported exotic pests and rivals, and domesticated favored species. All have had an impact on genetic diversity (both within and across species) through their effect on evolutionary developments such as destruction, assortment, implication, gene flow, and transformation. Several literatures illustrate the main impacts of human intervention causing deforestation, fragmentation, grazing, forest clearance for the development, intensive use, desertification, inappropriate forest management, agriculture, encroachment of forest land, slash burn practices, forest fire, urbanization, overharvesting, environmental deterioration, and so on.

Deforestation is one of the most significant drivers of rising greenhouse gas emissions because forests also remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Limiting global warming to 1.5°C is out of reach without immediate and significant reductions in emissions across all sectors [1]. Southeast Asia has lost regional forest cover at a rate of 1% per year over the last 15 years [2]. Deforestation has a greater impact on tropical forests than ever before, accounting for 60% of forest loss in Latin America and Southeast Asia [3]. According to the research, logging has a disproportionate impact on deforestation processes in Southeast Asia, whereas deforestation in arid and populated regions of East Africa and South Asia appears to be driven mostly by demand for fuelwood [4].

Several studies explain that potential drivers of deforestation are international trade in Brazil [5], deforestation in Amazonia due to the comparative advantages of agriculture in South America [6], agricultural products, leading to agricultural land expansion and in turn promoting deforestation [7], weak governance in developing countries with forests often leads to higher rates of deforestation [8], and about 80% of current global deforestation is supposedly due to agricultural production [9]. Thus, agriculture, grazing, the use of firewood and charcoal, and forest fires are the primary causes of deforestation. The main reasons for deforestation are poverty and rapid population growth [10].

Fragmentation occurs due to the continuous development of cities and related infrastructure. Ledig et al. [11, 12, 13], forest fragmentation is a broad issue that affects global forest biodiversity, ecosystem function, and ecosystem services [14], forest fragmentation can affect the forest ecosystem’s long-term health and vitality, leading to species extinction [15], increases in agriculture, logging, and urban growth during the past decades caused unprecedented losses of tropical forest [16]. Europe had the most fragmentation caused by humans, while South America had the least. Humans have fragmented or eliminated about half of the temperate broadleaf and mixed forest biomes, as well as roughly one-quarter of the tropical rainforest biome [17].

Grazing is responsible for the loss of forest and vegetation in many parts of the world where conventional forest management practices are used. Forest grazing is also common in Bhutan and the Himalayan coniferous forests [18]. Forest vegetation depletion is particularly severe in northern Ethiopia’s highlands [19, 20]; practically all the available area is under cultivation or used for pasture and reported severe deforestation due to forest clearances [21]. The Swiss Alps have a long history of forest grazing [22]. Wood pastures are a distinguishing feature of the traditional European rural landscape [23]. Other significant factors of forest loss and degradation in the Siwaliks and midhills include overgrazing, which is a major driver in Nepal’s Siwaliks and high highlands [24].

Agricultural growth is responsible for approximately 80% of worldwide deforestation, with infrastructure improvements such as roads and dams, as well as mining and urbanization, accounting for the remaining sources of deforestation [25]. Forest removal, as well as accompanying grazing and mining activities, has increased erosion and landslides in the Dolomites, the Maritime Alps, and the south-central Italian Alps [26]. According to the mining businesses, individual miners remove significant sections of forest in Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela [27, 28]. Forests and woods cover 22% of Africa’s total land area. Firewood is the most important forest product, as well as the primary source of energy for the majority of African families. East Africa’s annual rate of deforestation increased from 0.7% between 1981 and 1990 to 1% between 1990 and 2000 [29, 30].

Drylands represent around 38% of the Earth’s land area, including much of North and southern Africa, western North America, Australia, the Middle East, and Central Asia. Approximately 2.7 billion people live in drylands. Because of scant and irregular rainfall as well as inadequate soil fertility, drylands are especially vulnerable to land degradation. Plowing, grazing, or deforestation, as well as poor land management and agricultural growth, all contribute to this. As a result, India, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, and Mexico have been identified as being particularly vulnerable to degradation [31].

Forest fires contribute to global greenhouse gas emissions and have the potential to harm human health. Fires are a natural aspect of the dynamics in boreal forests, while they are mostly man-made in the humid tropics. Due to a lack of trustworthy data, global trends in fire-related forest loss remain ambiguous [32]. The Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) 2020 [33] has reported a regional total of “tree cover area burned.” This was calculated by crossing a 500-m resolution burned area map [34] and a global 30-m tree cover map from the year 2000 by Hansen et al. [35].

Inadequate forest management is one of the factors contributing to the detrimental human effect on urban and suburban forests [36]. Another issue associated with the decline of forest vegetation and its consequences for human health and biodiversity is environmental degradation. Environmental degradation is due to industrial and urban emissions as well as the presence of pollutants in the atmosphere (sulfur dioxide, ozone, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5) and soil contaminants (heavy metals and acid deposition) [11]. Together with SO2, NH3 and NOx contribute to soil acidification, habitat alteration, and biodiversity loss. Ground-level O3 harms forests by slowing their growth [37].

Protecting, restoring, and encouraging the protection and sustainable use of terrestrial and other ecosystems are all required for the survival of various sorts of life on land. Thus, Goal 15 focuses on sustainable forest management, minimizing and reversing land and natural habitat degradation, combating desertification effectively, and ending biodiversity loss. All of these projects seek to ensure that the benefits of land-based ecosystems, such as sustainable livelihoods, are available to future generations.


2. Material and methods

2.1 Review of literature

The important literature concerning the loss of forest and biodiversity was reviewed from different dimensions. Forest assessment biodiversity related information is made by the global forest assessment reports, books, research articles, and proceedings. Climate change is a significant threat to forests, as is the link between forests and climate change, which was assessed by UNEP, the World Bank, and other published works. Other man-made implications were assessed through assessment studies, research, and publications, including difficulties in preserving ecological integrity. The assessment finds gaps in the enabling conditions that necessitate additional research and action.

2.2 Use of ArcGIS, global forest maps and database

Although global deforestation rates average 13 million hectares per year, around 30 percent of the world’s land surface is currently forested [38]. The UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has set a target of 10% protected area coverage. The MODIS05 VCF dataset identified forest zones that did not exist in the original GFM. Plantations, shrub lands, and agricultural areas are examples of non-natural regions that could be included on the GLC 2000 map.

2.3 Assessment of geographical distribution

The world’s forests are critical for biodiversity conservation as well as climate mitigation. The use of remotely sensed data to create new forest status and forest change spatial layers has revolutionized forest monitoring around the world. The review of simulated biodiversity values uses remote sensing data on tree cover to create worldwide maps of the importance of forest biodiversity.

Many vulnerable species rely on intact forest landscapes, including “primary” forests. For more than 40 years, remote sensing has been recognized as an essential tool for understanding land cover and land use. The phrase “urban/suburban forest” is used to refer to a type of urban or suburban forest in Europe as well as one of the following categories: location; forest type (woodland), the documented, or at least indicated, problem (pressure and threat to nature), and the quality of the information source.

2.4 Assessment of forest cover and biodiversity

The USGS Land Cover Institute provided tree cover data for 2010–2017 [39]. The FAO utilizes a 10% MCC criteria to evaluate if an area has been deforested [40].

According to Hansen et al., a number of 25% can be used to calculate global deforestation [41]. As Whittaker outlined, three commonly used criteria for measuring species-level biodiversity, including measurements such as species diversity, endemism, and genetic variety, were considered to assess the consequences [42]. Because of this heterogeneity, comparably sized areas of tree cover mapped via remote sensing can vary dramatically in biological value. Remote sensing represents an important tool for looking at ecosystem diversity, forest cover, and various structural aspects of individual ecosystems. Many different forms of remote sensing sources are reviewed and assessed to provide a means to make assessments across several different spatial scales and changes in ecosystem patterns over time.


3. Results and discussion

3.1 Global Forest assessment

Forests are the most important ecosystems on the planet because they include a diverse range of plant species and are home to a diverse range of animal species, including microorganism. Forests cover over 31% of the total surface area on the planet or 4.06 billion hectares (40 million square kilometers). With around 1015 million hectares of forest cover, Europe is the second-smallest continent by area. With 842 million hectares of forest cover, South America comes in forest area in second category. With 593 ha of forest, Asia, the world’s largest continent, has the second-smallest forest area. More than half of the world’s forest cover is accounted for by five countries: Russia, Brazil, Canada, the United States, and China. When it comes to our world’s forests, deforestation and degradation of forest significant issues: by 2030, nearly 47% of the world’s forests will be deforested or degraded. More than half of the world’s forest cover is accounted for by five countries: Russia, Brazil, Canada, the United States, and China. However, due to their huge size, forests cover just a small percentage of the land areas in most of these countries. Suriname, Guyana, the Federated States of Micronesia, and Gabon have the largest proportion of forest cover, with forest covering at least 90% of their land areas. More than two-thirds of the world’s total forest acreage is shared by 10 countries [43].

Russia, the world’s largest country, has by far the most forest cover. With 815 million hectares, the country possesses more than one-fifth of the world’s forest acreage (20.1 percent), making it the most wooded country on the planet. Russia’s forest cover accounts for around 45% of its entire land area and 5.5% of the global land area. Only Canada, the United States, China, and Brazil have a larger overall land area than Russia. It also accounts for around 81% of Europe’s total forest area and is the sole reason that the continent has the largest forest area among the seven continents. Russia has four categories of forest: recreational, reserve, field, and waterproof. The Russian forestry industry provides approximately $200 billion each year. The 10 countries with the most forest cover are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Forest cover in the world (%).

Forests are important resources for climate regulation. Every square kilometer of land in Amazonia emits 20 billion tons of water into the sky every day. That is 3 billion tons greater than the amount of water that pours out of the Amazon, the world’s most plentiful river [44]. The most serious dangers to forests around the world are deforestation and forest degradation. Deforestation occurs when forests are converted to non-forest uses such as agriculture and road development. Forest ecosystems are said to be degraded when they lose their ability to provide vital goods and services to humans and the environment. More than half of the world’s tropical forests have been destroyed since the 1960s, with more than 1 hectare destroyed or severely degraded every second. Cattle, insects, illnesses, forest fires, and other human-related activities affect an estimated 3.7 million hectares of Europe’s woods [45].

3.1.1 Deforestation

Tropical deforestation is caused by a complex interplay of natural forces (social, ecological, economic, environmental, and biophysical). The particular mix of drivers differs by region of the world, country, and locality. Population growth, density, and spatial dispersion are rarely the primary causes of deforestation. Taxation, subsidies, corruption, property rights, and other institutional elements are usually linked to economic forces. Cultural and sociopolitical variables, such as a lack of public support for forest protection and sustainable use, are also important [46]. Many areas continue to experience high rates of forest loss and degradation. Tools that can offer an integrated assessment of human impacts on forest biodiversity are needed. The modeling toolkit method proposed by Sturvetant et al. could be useful in these situations [47].

Deforestation and forest degradation are both harmful to forest health, but there is a distinction to be made. Brazil has around 497 million hectares of forest, accounting for about 12.2% of the world’s total forest area. Around 92% of Brazil’s forest is categorized as primary, which means it is carbon-dense and diversified. Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has hit the highest annual level in a decade. However, Brazil has set a goal of slowing the pace of deforestation to 3900 sq. km annually by 2020.

In the Amazon, forest degradation is a widespread occurrence that often affects a significantly larger area than clear-cut deforestation. Each year between 2007 and 2016, an average of 11,000 km2 of forest was degraded. In the same time period, this is twice the annual average for deforested lands. While deforestation progressed at a reasonably consistent rate during the study period, degradation fluctuated greatly over time, particularly from 2009 to 2016. The total degraded area per year fluctuated from a low of 2700 km2 in 2014 and a high of 23,700 km2 in 2016 [48].

The Asia-Pacific Region’s total forest area in 1990 was 733.4 million ha, 726.3 million ha in 2000, 737.8 million ha in 2005, and 740.4 million ha in 2010, accounting for approximately 18.3% of the global forest area. Deforestation in the Asia-Pacific Region has decreased from an annual loss of more than 0.7 million hectares of forest from 1990 to 2000 to an annual increase of 0.5 million hectares from 2005 to 2010. There has been a considerable decrease in the net annual gain in forest area since 2005, from about 2.3 million hectares between 2000 and 2005 to approximately 0.5 million hectares between 2005 and 2010, Figure 2, [49].

Figure 2.

Forest area change.

According to FRA 2020, the rate of net forest loss decreased from 7.8 million ha per year in the 1990–2000 decade to 5.2 million ha per year in the 2000–2010 decade and 4.7 million ha per year in the 2010–2020 decade. In 2015, a statistical profile of the world’s forest assessment revealed 3999 individuals and 234 nations and territories have a total forest area of 2 million hectares, with an annual change rate of 0.13%. Since 1990, the ration has dropped by 31.6%, from 4128 million hectares in 1990 to 3999 million hectares in 2015 [50]. According to the FAO, forests span approximately 3.9 billion hectares (or 9.6 billion acres), or approximately 30% of the world’s land surface. Between 2000 and 2010, the FAO estimates that around 13 million hectares of forest were converted to other uses or lost due to natural causes.

3.1.2 Biodiversity in human-modified landscapes

The persistence of biodiversity in human-modified environments is critical for conservation and the maintenance of ecosystem services. Studies of biodiversity in settings where humans live, work, and extract resources could aid in the development of sound policies. However, research should cover relevant areas, and study topic biases should not result in gaps in the evidence base. Biodiversity is an important resource on the earth, but the world is in a declining stage of biodiversity. All flora, fauna, and microbes are slowly degrading and disappearing due to human activities. Global terrestrial forests account for 75% of terrestrial gross primary output and 80% of Earth’s total plant biomass, encompassing 4.03 billion hectares or 30% of the planet’s total land area [51].

3.1.3 Assessment of carbon and human alteration

The long-term or permanent transfer of forest to other land uses is referred to as deforestation. Deforestation and forest degradation constitute roughly one-fifth of total greenhouse gas emissions globally. Deforestation can have far-reaching consequences for society and the environment, from the local to the global. Forest users and managers are concerned about deforestation because it threatens their livelihoods [52]. Forest managers can help to reduce deforestation by improving knowledge of the importance of forests in landscapes. Deforestation can also harm the production, biodiversity, and health of neighboring forests. Forests are both a source of carbon emissions and a carbon sink due to forest fires, the carbon imbalance of old trees, and other non-cleaning forest processes. Forest investment and management of existing forests to address environmental issues are potential carbon-reduction strategies [53, 54, 55].

Forests play an important role in the Earth’s carbon cycle, storing and releasing this vital element in a dynamic cycle of growth, decay, disturbance, and rejuvenation. Forests have helped to mitigate climate change by absorbing roughly one-quarter of the carbon released by human activities such as fossil fuel combustion. The carbon balance of the Earth is the ratio of CO2 emissions to CO2 uptake by oceans and terrestrial systems. Photosynthesis absorbs carbon from the atmosphere and deposits it in forests. Carbon sequestration refers to the process of carbon absorption and deposition. Since 1970, the net carbon balance has risen from 280 parts per million to more than 390 parts per million [56].

Terrestrial ecosystems are important players in the global carbon cycle. Annually, an estimated 125 Gt of carbon is exchanged between vegetation, soils, and the atmosphere. Forests account for over 80% of this exchange; research suggests that deforestation in the 1980s may have accounted for a quarter of all human carbon emissions. Carbon is stored in both live and dead biomass, including standing timber, branches, foliage, and roots, as well as litter and woody debris. Any activity that changes the amount of biomass in vegetation and soil has the ability to either absorb carbon from the atmosphere or release carbon into it. CO2 emissions were totaled. Globally, there are approximately 3870 million acres of forest, with over 95% of it being natural. While forest areas in rich countries have stabilized, deforestation in underdeveloped countries has continued. The 2001 edition of The State of the World’s Forests highlights two recent causes of forest destruction [57].

The CO2 levels in the atmosphere have risen from 400 parts per million (ppm) for the first time in 55 years of measurements to over 410.79 ppm in the latest CO2 reading [58]. Human activities have emitted almost 400 petagrams of carbon (C) into the atmosphere. Human activities, such as the combustion of fossil fuels and land usage, contribute to the atmospheric CO2 content. Plants and soils retain about 2000 PgC, with forests and forest soils containing 60% of this amount. Changes in human activities could aid in the preservation of forest carbon stores and promote more CO2 uptake and storage [59].

3.2 Forest biodiversity

The range of living organisms that occupy forests, as well as the ecological responsibilities they play in an ecosystem, is referred to as forest biological diversity. It includes not just trees, but also the numerous plants, animals, microorganisms, and species that live within them. Forest biological diversity can be considered at several levels, including ecosystem, landscape, species, population, and genetic. According to the state of the world’s forests 2020, the majority of the Earth’s terrestrial biodiversity is found in forests. Forests provide habitat for 80% of amphibian species, 75% of bird species, and 68% of mammalian species. A number of fish and shellfish species use mangroves as breeding grounds and nurseries. They help to collect sediments that would otherwise harm seagrass meadows and coral reefs.

It listed 2.12 million species in the world in 2020. Figure 3 shows that the number of described species in the world is 105 million insects, over 11,000 birds, over 11,000 reptiles, and over 6000 mammals [60].

Figure 3.

Numbers of described species in the world.

The overall variability of life on Earth is characterized as global biodiversity. The current number of species on Earth is estimated to be between 2 million and 1 trillion [61]. Biodiversity has increased and decreased over time for (supposedly) abiotic reasons such as climate change. Biodiversity loss involves both the global extinction of many species and the local decline or loss of species in a specific environment. The latter phenomena can be either temporary or permanent, depending on whether the environmental deterioration that causes the loss is reversible via ecological restoration or ecological resilience or is effectively permanent [62, 63].

3.3 Impacts and changes due to human intervention

Ecological succession is the relatively predictable shift in forest types over time, typically decades. Environmental factors such as soil type, water regimes, vegetation history, climate, and invasive species all have an impact on succession. All of these characteristics are influenced by humans, yet the relationship between them and humans might be ambiguous.

Forest lands are increasingly under development pressure, which may result in parcelization and fragmentation. When the forest canopy is dissected for houses, lawns, roadways, and other infrastructure, this is referred to as fragmentation. The annual net loss of forest area decreased from 7.8 million hectares in the 1990s to 4.7 million hectares from 2010 to 2020 [64]. The presence of more humans in the landscape raises the chance of exotic invasive species spreading. Invasive characteristics in native species can sometimes be promoted. Human impacts on forests have altered key biological traits, allowing species such as deer, Pennsylvania sedge, and ironwood to become invasive at times.

These native species have, in turn, weakened ecological dynamics even further. Although the effects of climate change have been clearly documented, the effects on forests have been more difficult to determine. Predictions of future forest effects are much less trustworthy. Changes in carbon dioxide levels, land use, natural cycles, and other factors all have an impact on climate change. Temperature, precipitation, and extreme events are all showing the consequences.

The best way for forest owners to prepare their woods for change and work with change is to actively manage to lessen environmental stress. Forest management, including timber harvesting, has been shown to increase commodities and services. Management leads to a more resilient and healthier forest.

The increase and contraction of forest cover are erratic. Deserts, farms, and urban areas flow all over the world, and although some countries are rapidly removing trees from their ecosystems, others are increasing their forest cover. Since 1990, the world’s forested land area has shrunk by 2 million square miles (3.1 million square kilometers), with the majority of the losses occurring in South America and Sub-Saharan Africa. Human activities have put a significant burden on the Amazon Rainforest, one of the world’s most important carbon sinks, in recent decades. Brazil’s expanding road network has been critical to economic success, but the landscape has frequently suffered as the country’s GDP per capita rises [65].

Deforestation disrupts ecosystems that are essential to both animals and humans. Every year, we take down more than 15 billion trees. Humans have transformed 420 million hectares of wooded land into different uses since 1990. Over one billion acres of forest have been removed to make space for strip mining, cattle grazing, and industrial sprawl. Animal feces from factory farms pollute the air, water, and land, hastening climate change. More greenhouse gas emissions from industrial agriculture remain in the atmosphere when forests are cut down. Forests operate as a “carbon sink,” collecting CO2 and converting it into the oxygen we breathe [66].

During Australia’s “Black Summer” season, which began on January 1, 2019, more than 24 million hectares (59 million acres) were burned. Fires raged through forests in Victoria, Queensland, and New South Wales for 8 months. More than 510,000 hectares were burned in one incident (1.26 million acres). The total area burned during the Black Summer is believed to be 24 million hectares (59 million acres), nearly the size of the whole United Kingdom [67].

The main causes of deforestation are forest fire, livestock grazing, commercial agriculture, growing animal feed, excessive use of palm oil, illegal logging, mining extraction, paper production, urbanization, and desertification of land. People who live near woods bear the brunt of deforestation’s consequences. Forests are home to millions of wild animal and plant species. When humans destroy trees for short-term economic gain, we endanger our species’ long-term survival. Thus, each nation must first protect the natural forests and biodiversity, cope with development in an environmentally friendly manner, mitigate long-term impacts onsite, promote plantation, protect natural habitats, and control environmental pollution.


4. Conclusion

Forest lands are increasingly being pressured for development, which may result in parcelization and fragmentation. Fragmentation occurs when the forest canopy is cut up for houses, lawns, roadways, and other infrastructure. The increased presence of people increases the likelihood of exotic invasive species spreading. Since 1990, the world’s forested acreage has shrunk by 2 million square miles (3.1 million square kilometers). Forests act as “carbon sinks,” absorbing CO2 and turning it into the oxygen we breathe. More than one billion acres of forest have been cleared to make way for strip mining, cattle grazing, and industrial sprawl.

One of the major contributors to increased greenhouse gas emissions is deforestation. Deforestation is responsible for 60% of forest loss in Latin America and Southeast Asia. Poverty and rapid population expansion are the primary causes of deforestation. Agricultural output is said to be responsible for over 80% of current world deforestation. Forest fragmentation can have a long-term impact on the health and vitality of the forest ecosystem. Human-caused fragmentation was greatest in Europe, whereas it was least in South America. Forest removal, as well as accompanying grazing and mining activities, has exacerbated erosion and landslides in the Dolomites, the Maritime Alps, and the south-central Italian Alps.

Drylands cover around 38% of the Earth’s land surface. Much of northern and southern Africa, western North America, Australia, the Middle East, and Central Asia are among them. Land degradation has been noted as a specific threat in India, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, and Mexico. Inadequate forest management is one of the elements contributing to the negative human impact on urban and suburban forests. Pollutants in the atmosphere, as well as emissions from industry and cities (sulfur dioxide, ozone, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5), all contribute to environmental degradation.

Biodiversity is a valuable resource on the planet, but the globe is experiencing a decline in biodiversity. Biodiversity research in areas where humans live, work, and extract resources may contribute to the formulation of sensible policy. However, research should cover important topics, and study topic biases should not result in evidence gaps. Extinction and speciation have an impact on global biodiversity. Mammal species, for example, have a mean life span of 1 million years. Biodiversity has increased and decreased over time for (supposedly) abiotic reasons.

The primary causes of global deforestation are logging, shifting agriculture, agricultural expansion, and urbanization. To reverse deforestation and biodiversity loss, we must alter our food systems. Agribusinesses must follow through on their commitments to deforestation-free commodity chains. People who live near woodlands bear the brunt of the repercussions of deforestation. Millions of wild animals and plant species live in forests. When humans damage trees for short-term economic benefit, we threaten the long-term existence of our species. Each country must first safeguard its natural forests and wildlife.


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Written By

Ramesh Prasad Bhatt

Submitted: 29 April 2022 Reviewed: 05 June 2022 Published: 24 October 2022