Open access peer-reviewed chapter

A Study on Approximation of a Conjugate Function Using Cesàro-Matrix Product Operator

Written By

Mohammed Hadish

Reviewed: 02 February 2022 Published: 04 January 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.103015

From the Edited Volume

Matrix Theory - Classics and Advances

Edited by Mykhaylo Andriychuk

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In this chapter, we present a study of the inaccuracy estimation of a function ζ∼ conjugate of a function ζ (2π-periodic) in weighted Lipschitz space WLpp≥1ξω, by Cesàro-Matrix (CδT) product means of its CFS1. This chapter is divided into seven section. The first section contains introduction of our chapter, the second section, we introduce some basic definitions and notations. In the third section lemmas and the fourth section contains our main theorems and proofs. In the fifth section, we introduce corollaries, the sixth section contains particular cases of our results and the last section contains exercise of our chapter.


  • weighted Lipschitz class
  • error approximation
  • Cesàro (Cδ) means
  • Matrix (T) means CδT product means
  • conjugate Fourier series
  • generalized Minkowski’s inequality

1. Introduction

The studies of estimations of conjugate of functions in different Lipschitz classes and Hölder classes using single summability operators, have been made by the researchers like [1, 2, 3, 4] etc. in past few decades. The studies of estimation of error of cojugate of functions in different Lipschitz classes and Hölder classes using different product operator, have been made by the researchers like [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] etc. in recent past.

In this problem, we andeavour consider more sophisticated class of function in contemplation of reach at the best estimation of function ζ conjugate of a function ζ 2πperiodic by trigonometric polynomial of degree more than λ. It can be paid attention the results procure thus far in the route of present work could not lay out the best approximation of the function also, in this work, we have used Cesàro-Matrix CδT of product operators which is developed here in order to work using more generalized operator. It is important to mention here that CδT is the more generalized product operator than the product operators Cesàro-Harmonic CδH, Cesàro-Nörlund CδNp, Cesàro-Riesz CδN¯p, Cesàro-generalized Nörlund CδNpq and Cesàro-Euler CδH and furthermore C1H, C1Np, C1Npq, C1Eq and C1E1 product operators are the special cases of CδT for δ=1.

Therefore, we establish two theorems so obtain best inaccuracy estimation of a function ζ, conjugate to a 2π-periodic function ζ in weighted WLpξω space of its CFS. Here we shall consider the two cases (i) p>1 and (ii) p=1 in order to get the Hölder’s inequality satisfied. Our theorems generalizes six previously known results. Thus, the results of [5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] becomes the special cases of our theorem. Some inportant corollaries are also obtained from our theorems.

Note 1 The CFS is not necessarily a FS.2

Example 1 The series


conjugate to the FS


is not a FS (Zygmund [13], p. 186).

From above example, we conclude that, a separate study of conjugate series in the present direction of work is quite essential.


2. Definitions and notations

2.1 Lipschitz class

Let C2π is a Banach space of all periodic functions with period 2π and continuous on the interval 0x2π under the supremum norm.

The best λ-order error approximation of a function ζC2π is defined by


where tλ is a trigonometric polynomial of degree λ (Bernstein [14]).

Let us define the Lp space of all 2π-periodic and integrable functions as


Now, .p is defined as


We define the following Lipschitz classes of function


for 0<α1;


for p1,0<α1;


for p1,0<α1&β0;


where ξω>0 and increasing with ω>0 and Lp space of all 2π-periodic and integrable functions. Under above assumptions for α01,p1,ω>0, we observed that


Remark 1 If ξωωis non-increasing; then ξπλ+1πλ+1ξ1λ+11λ+1 i.e., ξπλ+1πξ1λ+1.

2.2 Some important single summability



be an infinite series such that sk=m=0kvm. Let


If limλσλη=s then we say that the series (1) is Cη summable to s or summable by Cesàro mean of order η.If we take η=0 in (2), Cη summability reduces to an ordinary sum and if we take η=1, then Cη summability reduces to C1 summability or Cesàro summability of order 1.



If limλtλEq=s then we say that the series (1) is Eq summable to s or summable by Euler mean Eq (Hardy [15]). If q=0, Eq method reduces to an ordinary sum and if q=1, Eq means reduces to E1 means.

An infinite series (1) with the sequence sλ of its partial sums is said to be summable by harmonic method (Riesz [16] or simply summable N1λ+1 to sum s, where s is a finite number, if the sequence to sequence transformation


Let pλ be a sequence of constants, real or complex and let






then we say that the series (1) is Npλ summable to s or summable by Nörlund Npλ means.

Let pλ and qλ, be two sequences of constants, real or complex such that


Convolution of the two sequences pλ and qλ, is defined as


We write


then the generalized Nörlund means Np,q of the sequence sλ is denoted by the sequence tλpq. If tλpqs,asλ then, the series (1) is said to be summable to s by Np,q method and is denoted by sλsNp,q ([17]).

Let pλ be a sequence of real constants such that p0>0,pλ0 and Pλ=v=0λpv0, such that Pλ as λ.



then we say that sλ is summable by N¯pλ means and we write


where sλ is the sequence of λth partial sum of the series (1).

Let T=lλ,k be an infinite triangular matrix satisfying the conditions of regularity [18] i.e.,

k=0λlλ,k=1asλlλ,k=0fork>λk=0λlλ,kM,afinite constantE7

The sequence-to-sequence transformation


defines the sequence tλTζx of triangular matrix means of the sequence sλ generated by the sequence of coefficients lλ,k.

If tλTζxs as λ then the infinite series λ=0vλ or the sequence sλ is summable to s by triangular matrix (T-method) [13].

2.3 CδT product means

we define CδT means as


If tλCδTζxs as λ, then λ=0vλ is summable to s by CδT method.

Note 2 Since Cδ and T both are regular then CδT method is also regular.

Remark 2 The special cases of CδT means: CδT transform reduces to

  1. CδH transform if lλ,k=1λk+1logλ+1;

  2. CδNp transform if lλ,k=pλkPλ where Pλ=k=0λpk0;

  3. CδN¯p transform if lλ,k=pkPλ;

  4. CδEq transform when aλ,k=11+qλλkqλk;

  5. CδE1 when lλ,k=12λλk;

  6. CδNpq transform if lλ,k=pλkqkRλ where Rλ=k=0λpkqλk.

In above special case (ii), (iii), and (vi) pλ and qλ are two non-negative monotonic non-increasing sequences of real constants.

Remark 3 C1H, C1Np, C1Npq, C1Eq and C1E1 transforms are also the special cases of CδT for δ=1.

Example 2 we consider


The λth partial sum of the series (9) is given by


we take lλ,k=1787λλk786λk, then

tλT=lλ,0s0+lλ,1s1++lλ,λsλ=1787λλ0786λλ1786λ1.1573++λλ1573λ=1787λ787λ=1,λis even1,λisoddE10

in above example, we see the series is summable neither by Cesàro means nor Matrix means, but summable by Cesàro-Matrix.

Thus, CδT means is more powerfull and effective than single Cδ and T means.

Example 3 we consider another infinite series


The λth partial sum of the series (11) is given by


we take lλ,k=13λλk2λk, then


in above example, we see the series is summable neither by Cesàro means of order one nor Matrix means, but summable by Cesàro-Matrix.

2.4 Notations

ϱ=integral part of1ω

We use the following in our work.


Zygmund ([13]).

Note 3 Following conditions are used in the proof of the main results


Remark 4 Considering the matrix T=lλ,k as


we can observe that (7, 17) satisfied.

Remark 5 Function ζ¯ denotes a conjugate to a 2π-period and Lebesgue integrable function and this notation is used throughout the chapter.


3. Lemmas

For the proof of our theorems, following lemmas are required:

Lemma 3.1 If conditions (7, 17) hold for lλ,k, then


Proof. For 0<ωπλ+1, using (14, 15, 16)


Lemma 3.2 If conditions (7, 17) holds for lλ,k, then


Proof. For πλ+1ωπ, using (14), lr,rklr+1,r+1klr+1,rk and Lϱ+1,0=1.


Now we consider



Λ1r=0ϱr+δ1δ1δ+λδk=0rlr,rkeirkωr=0ϱr+δ1δ1δ+λδLr,0=r=0ϱr+δ1!δ1!r!×δ!λ!δ+λ!since,Lr,0=1=λ!δ+1δ+λδ!r=0ϱr+δ1!δr!=λ!δ+1δ+ϱδ+λ1+δ+δδ+12!++ϱ+δ1!ϱ!δ1!λ!δ+1δ+ϱδ+λϱ+1δδ+1δ+ϱ1ϱ!=ϱ!ϱ+1λδ+ϱδ+λ1×δδ+λ×ϱ+1ϱ!δδ+λ×ϱ+1δδ+λ×1ω+1=O1ωλ+11+ωfor allδ1.

Changing the order of summation and applying Abel’s transformation in Λ2, we have


Applying Abel’s transformation in Λ3, we have


Combining Λ1,Λ2 and Λ3 we have,


(Let 1+3ωkω for ω fixed kmin=3+π)

Now, from (19, 20) we get


4. Main theorems

Theorem 4.1 The error approximation of ζ in WLpξω, p>1, by CδT means of its CFS is given by


where 0β<1p and condition (17) holds and positive increasing function ξω satisfies the following conditions:

ξωωβ+1σis nondecreasing;E21
ξωωis nondecreasing;E23

where 1p<η<β+1p for η being an arbitrary number and p+q=pq. Conditions (22, 24) hold uniformly in x.

Conditions (22, 24) can be verified by using the fact that ψxωWLpξω and ψxωξω is bounded function.

Proof. The λth partial sums of the CFS is denoted by sλζx, and is given by


one can consult [13] for detailed work on FS and CFS.

Denoting CδT means of sλζ:x by tλCδTζ:x, we get

=0πψxωKλCδTωBythe notation13=0πλ+1ψxωKλCδTξ+πλ+1πψxωKλCδTω=I1+I2,sayE26

Applying (14), Lemma 3.1, Hölder’s inequality and second mean value theorem for integral, we have


in view of condition (22) and p1+q1=1 and Remark 1.

Again using Lemma 3.2, Hölder’s inequality and (14), we have


in view of (23, 24) the second mean value theorem for integrals, 0<η<β+1p, p+q=pq and Remark 1.

Collecting (26)-(28), we get


Now, using Lp-norm of a function, we get


Now, we establish the following theorem for the case p=1:

Theorem 4.2 The inaccuracy estimation of ζWL1ξω, by CδT product operatior of its CFS is given by


where 0β<1, provided (17) holds and increasing function ξω>0 satisfies conditions (21) to (24) of Theorem 4.1 for p=1, β<σ<1 and 1<η<β+1.

Proof. Following the proof of Theorem 4.1, for p=1, i.e., q=, we have


in view of conditions (21, 22) for p=1,


in view of (21, 22). Collecting (28) and (29), we get


finally from (31),


in view of Remark 1.


5. Corollaries

Corollary 5.1 The inaccuracy estimation of ζLipξωp class by CδT means of its CFS is given by


where, CδT is as defined in (8).

Proof. Considering β=0 in Theorem 4.1, we can obtain the proof.

Corollary 5.2 The inaccuracy estimation of ζLipαp space by CδT product means of its CFS is given by


where, CδT is as defined in (8).

Proof. If we consider β=0&ξω=ωα in Theorem 4.1, we can obtain the proof.

Corollary 5.3 The error estimate of ζ in Lipα0<α<1 class by CδT product means of its CFS is given by


where, CδT is as defined in (8).

Proof. If we take β=0&ξω=ωα&p in Theorem 4.1, we can obtain the proof.

For α=1, we can write an independent proof to obtain


Corollary 5.4 The error estimate of ζWLpξω class by CδH means


of the CFS is given by


provided CδT defined in (8) and ξω satisfies the conditions (21) to (24).

Corollary 5.5 The error estimate of ζWLpξω class by CδNp means


of the CFS is given by


provided CδT defined in (8) and ξω satisfies the conditions (21) to (24).

Corollary 5.6 The error estimate of ζWLpξω class by CδNpq means


of the CFS is given by


provided CδT defined in (8) and ξω satisfies the conditions (21) to (24).

Corollary 5.7 The error approximation of ζWLpξω class by CδN¯p means


of the CFS is given by


provided CδT defined in (8) and ξω satisfies the conditions (21) to (24).

Corollary 5.8 The error estimate of ζWLpξω class by CδEq means


of the CFS is given by


provided CδT defined in (8) and ξω satisfies the conditions (21) to (24).

Corollary 5.9 The error estimate of ζWLpξω class by CδE1 means


of the FS is given by


provided CδT defined in (8) and ξω satisfies the conditions (21) to (24).

Remark 6 The corollaries for 5.1 to 5.9 can also be obtained for the special cases C1H,C1Np, C1Npq, C1Np,C1EqandC1E1 all things considered Remark 3.


6. Particular cases

The following special cases of our theorems for δ=1 are.

6.1. If we take Remark 1iv and β=0,ξω=ωα,0<α1 in our theorem, then the Theorem 2 of [8] become a special case of our theorem.

6.2. If β=0,ξω=ωα,0<α1&p in our theorem, then the Theorem 3.3 of [9] become a special case of our result.

6.3. If we consider Remark 2iv then the main Theorem 2.2. of [5] become a special case of our result.

6.4. The Theorem 2 of [10] become a special case of our result.

6.5. If we consider Remark 2iv then the Theorem 3.1 of [11] become a special case of our result.

6.6. If we consider Remark 2ii then the main Theorem 1 of [12] become a special case of our result.


7. Exercise

Q. 7.1. Prove that the infinite series 14038j=14038j1 is neither summable by matrix means(T) nor Cesáro means of order one C1 but it summable by CδT means for δ=1.

Q. 7.2. Prove that a function f is 2π-periodic and Lebesgue integrable then the error approximation of f in Lipα class by CδT product means of its Fourier series is given by


where CδT is as defined in (8) and provided (17) holds.

{Hint: see [19]}.

Q. 7.3. Consider the matrix T=an,k as


check all conditions of T method as defined in (7) and also satisfies condition (17). [Hint: see [19]].

Q. 7.4. If the conditions of (7) and (17) holds for aλ,k, then prove that



My heart goes out to acknowledge my indebtedness to my reverend parents for their blessing, sacrifice, affection and giving me enthusiasm at every stage of my study. I am also grateful to all my family and friends specially Mrs. Anshu Rani, Dr. Pradeep Kumar and Niraj Pal for their timely help and giving me constant encouragements.

I also would like to thank the reviewers for their thoughtful and efforts towards improving my chapter.


AMS classification

40C10, 40G05, 40G10, 42A10, 42A24, 40C05, 41A10, 41A25, 42B05, 42A50


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  • CFS denotes Conjugate Fourier series and we use this abbreviation throughout the paper.
  • FS denotes Fourier series and we use this abbreviation throughout the paper.

Written By

Mohammed Hadish

Reviewed: 02 February 2022 Published: 04 January 2023