Open access peer-reviewed chapter

BIM Academic Training Course to Enhance Construction Professional’s Skills

Written By

Alcínia Zita Sampaio

Submitted: 28 March 2022 Reviewed: 09 May 2022 Published: 09 June 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.105221

From the Edited Volume

Technical and Vocational Education and Training

Edited by Jian-Hong Ye and Man Jiang

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The implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology in the construction industry has been covering wide applicability with recognized benefits in designing, constructing and operating buildings. A recent short course organized in the University of Lisbon, actualized with the most relevant achievement based in master research, was offered to professionals of the industry, namely architects and civil engineers coming from diverse engineering areas, environment, construction, maintenance, consult and patrimonial enterprises and also from public organizations such as city councils. The proposed action covers the areas of construction (conflict analysis, planning and materials take-off), structures (interoperability, analyses and transfer of information between software) and the most recent Heritage Building Information Modeling (HBIM) topic. The course aims to contribute to the dissemination of the potential of BIM in the areas of designing, construction and refurbishing of historical buildings. The participants followed the course with great interest and satisfaction, formulating several questions directed to the particular activity of each of the attendees.


  • building information modeling
  • professional course
  • improving skills
  • contents and methodology
  • satisfaction evaluation

1. Introduction

The Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology is currently the main digital support to the elaboration of diverse construction activities. A BIM project is developed over a technological platform, in which all experts create, manipulate and add the information that is required and generated in the context of the work of each professional involved [1]. In this process, the methodology supports the development of different components of the project, allows adequate interoperability between specific systems related to various types of analysis or simulation, facilitates the tasks of budgeting, construction, maintenance and management and controls the procedure for a possible demolition [2].

The BIM concept began to be implemented in the construction industry at the present century as an immersive innovation in the sector supported in advanced technology. Its benefits were quickly recognized, reflected in the quality of the developed projects, based on effective process integration and clear collaboration between partners related to the different specialties intrinsic to construction [3]. BIM computational tools are a strong support for the improvement of different disciplines in a project, enabling their parametric modeling and easy access to all the information concentrated in the BIM model, created along the elaboration of a project.

In all areas of the construction activity, the construction owner, designers, builders and managers have verified the benefits of adopting BIM methodology. This fact has led to its growing acceptance, at a global level and in an exponential way, leading government entities to establish rules of action and mandatory implementation dates in public construction [4]. In addition, the school has the mission, essential in society, to train future engineers with the fundamental teachings related to different issues in the field of construction, and should also be focused on the technological innovations that can be applied in the sector. Naturally, construction-related companies follow this perspective, encouraging professionals to seek training actions that can add to professionals the BIM knowledge required in a globalized industrial world, increasingly competitive.

To stay up-to-day in business, companies are urged to recruit professionals that demand brand new knowledge and skillsets. BIM education learning regarding the concept, range of application and tools available is required in the activity. This necessity has led, recently, technical universities to introduce this innovative subject using emerging technologies in the graduate curricula and in complementary programmes aimed at construction professionals [5]. The great interest in teaching BIM within technical academies has been noted in the organization of specialization courses and workshops, aimed at professionals of the architecture and engineering sectors. The applicability range of BIM interferes with several disciplines, in Civil Engineering degree, from technical drawing and modeling issues to structural analyses and construction planning. So BIM topic must be understood by all teachers in order to ability each one to teach their specific sciences using some capacities of the available BIM tools. The main objective of the course is essentially to empower training and knowledge participants that are useful to them in their activity. The professionals feel the necessity to update their skills in BIM, and the present course contributes in a positive way to this training.

A short course, presented in March of 2022, includes the methodological concepts and a wide range of the applicability in all sectors inherent to the development of projects using BIM platforms. The text includes the contents of the course and its main objectives. The organizational structure of the course introduces the underlying fundaments of the methodology, such as parametric modeling and interoperability, and presents the scope of the applicability of BIM. The most recent research achievement in BIM applications was resumed and presented to the professional course participants.


2. BIM education

Currently, the attention of Civil Engineering education is oriented to BIM, and it is up to the school, as the main trainer of the future engineer, to introduce this theme, as a concept that should be transmitted, contributing to support all new subjects, included in the curriculum, on a BIM-based digital support. The requirement of BIM skills in the sector has imposed an educational maturity of alert in relation to its need in society, which has led to a progressive adaptation of the curricula taught [6].

The most recent demonstration of the benefit inherent to the use of the BIM methodology has been registered in the various sectors, motivating designers and managers to acquire knowledge related to the concept and scope of its applicability. Professionals from all sectors are interested in knowing the BIM concept and the scope of its applicability, and technical schools organize BIM training activities to help to add knowledge and competitiveness to industry professionals.

The schools have been contributing positively to the update of knowledge of professionals in the sector, through the organization of BIM training courses, in accordance with the interest and expectation expressed by the offices and public entities. Industry and the school are partners in finding the best strategy for establishing effective ways of teaching useful to the community. In Europe, BIM training has been essentially introduced into postgraduate studies as curricular modules, disciplines or specialization courses. In Ref. universities, in Spain, Switzerland, Portugal and Italy, the curricular research points to a relatively rapid assimilation in engineering training:

  • The Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos of the Polytechnic University of Madrid offers two curricular actions [7]: a discipline of specialization, within the framework of the Master’s degree in construction and management of facilities, with the aim of training professionals in the application of the BIM methodology, covering the entire life cycle of a building (project, execution and operation of the building) and the use of software required in modeling and information management; an advanced discipline of BIM methodology, in the master course of project management, with a more specific and detailed programmatic content (concept and applicability, BIM model management, collision detection, collaborative workflow, conservation and exploitation of infrastructures);

  • At the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, the study plan identifies the introduction of BIM at master’s level through a discipline of fundaments and application of BIM, covering the teaching of concepts (interoperability, IFC standard and LOD levels), the generation of parametric models and conflict detection analyses, the transfer of information between systems, the estimation of costs and construction monitoring;

  • At the Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon, at the level of the first cycle of teaching, the curriculum of the discipline of Technical Design includes a module concerning an introduction to BIM, where the procedure on parametric modeling is transmitted, using BIM-based tools;

  • The curriculum, of the Collegio di Ingegneria Civile, at Polytechnic University of Turin, offers in the second cycle of education, a master’s course in BIM applied to infrastructure, which includes aspects related to modeling and computer content, interoperability and formats, collision detection, structural dimensioning and real case analysis (bridges, tunnels, stations, schools and hospitals).

BIM is one of the most advanced methodologies applied in architecture and civil engineering in recent years; therefore, it becomes important to promote its integration into university education. The construction industry has been demanded from schools an offer aimed the construction professions, requiring different perspectives of training. Engineers and architects recognize that in a globalized world, to perform with quality and competence their activity, the use of BIM platforms is a priority. The adoption of BIM in the sector leads to the achievement of better products and the establishment of more competitive projects. Following this, several modules, workshops and short courses have been offered to the professionals:

  • Huang [8] introduced a modular BIM action in construction education, focused on a speedy adoption of BIM in the architecture, engineering and construction management programmes in the US technical academies.

  • A 3-day workshop course, Virtual Project training, is offered to professionals working in small and medium enterprises and large contractors with the objective to experience BIM in a real-life collaborative environment [9].

  • A BIM course, structured as a lecture-lab sessions combination, was implemented in the University of Texas at San Antonio, USA, where the students are asked to complete individual projects and present them a BIM model format [10].

  • As the students present different technological abilities and skills, this can introduce some difficulty in teaching BIM concept and tools management [11].

  • A 1-day live online training course BIM Implementation Training Course proposes to make easy the BIM strategy and the required technical processes concerning the application of BIM in all levels and sectors, allowing to increment the knowledge and skills of the professionals [12].

  • The Architectural Technology and Construction course, in Barcelona, provides students to acquire BIM skills related to the main activities in construction, namely maintenance, rehabilitation, deconstruction and urbanization [13].

  • The graduate programme in Architecture, in Italy, offers students adequate knowledge of architectural and construction history and innovative representation forms by using BIM-based tools [14].

  • Taylor et al. [15] defend the perspective that students must work on a project of challenging scope and complexity, using BIM-based tools, in order to better understand the process concerning the development of BIM projects.


3. Professional course

The professional course, BIM methodology: construction, structures and HBIM, presented in March 2022, included within the activities of the Department of the Civil Engineering, of the University of Lisbon, was the most recent event offered to professionals of the construction industry. The range of professionals who attended the course in number of 15, englobe architects and civil engineers coming from consulting enterprises and public organizations. The objective in attending the course was to improve their skills in order to increase individual competences in each particular domain of activity in construction. The programme in presented in Table 1.

Building Information Modeling (BIM)Concept, applicability and implementation; Parametric modeling, interoperability and centralization; BIM tool practice in generating model structures.
BIM in the constructionConflict analysis; Adding parameters to objects; Construction planning; Quantification of materials.
BIM in structural designInteroperability; Transfer and consistency check; Graphic documentation and information centralization.
Heritage Building Information Modeling (HBIM)Concept and collection of information; Digital capture of images (photogrammetry, scanner and drones); Generation of specific families of parametric objects; Documentation file (as-built); Practical case: heritage building reconversion.

Table 1.

Professional course BIM methodology: construction, structures and HBIM.

3.1 Introduction to BIM

The introduction of the main fundamentals of BIM concerns the concept, the range of applicability in a global perspective and the state of the art of its implementation (Figure 1). The central BIM notion is the generation of a centralized digital model formed with all construction-related information. The BIM model is frequently defined as a digital representation of the building or infrastructure, strongly supported by parametric modeling and standard format of data. The model assists the elaboration of collaborative projects that can be performed over the model, requiring the use of advanced technologies and a high level of interoperability.

Figure 1.

Slides of the professional course [author].

A practical lesson concerning the use of BIM-based tool introduces the concept of parametric modeling, essential to the understanding of the development of multitasking. In the modeling process, the first step is to define the base settings (work units, elevation levels and alignments), followed by the selection and adaptation of parametric objects, associated to physical properties [16]. As an example of how to handling with a BIM-based tools, a structural BIM model was created, beginning with columns and beams (Figure 2) and foundations (Figure 3). After, there were obtained several tables of take-off of materials and elements from the generated BIM model (Figure 4).

Figure 2.

Modeling columns and beams [author].

Figure 3.

Modeling foundations [author].

Figure 4.

Interface with selection of a new schedule and table of columns extracted from the model [author].

3.2 BIM in construction

An analysis of conflicts detection between distinct projects was also exposed to the audience. The BIM modeling tools allow the overlap of three disciplines (architecture, structures and mechanic) and support the definition of each component by direct analysis of conflicts, identified by the system with the presentation of inconsistency messages [17]. There are several software with conflict analysis-oriented capability, namely Tekla BIMsight, Navisworks and Solibri Model Checker tools. After running any of these systems, the modeler adjusts each conflict situation over the BIM model. In the study case shown in the course, the models of water system and structures were overlapped and an analysis of inconsistency was applied (Figure 5) [18].

Figure 5.

Analyses of conflicts between structures and mechanic models [18].

In addition, a foundation case was analyzed concerning conflicts between structural elements and piping components (Figure 6) [19]. Using Navisworks and Tekla BIMsight, a set of conflicts were listed and visualized. The conflicts detected were after adjusted accordingly, in the modeling system, in order to obtain correct situations (Figure 7) [18].

Figure 6.

Analyses of conflicts in the foundation level [19].

Figure 7.

Changes were performed in a BIM modeler software [18].

The course also illustrates how to generate a 4D BIM model, relating to the construction process of a buildings. First, the complete 3D BIM model of the structural project must be defined and after the constructive sequence planning (phases and periods of implementation or placement) and allocated human resources must be established in the form of a Gant map (Figure 8) [20].

Figure 8.

Structural BIM model and the Gant map of its construction [20].

The 4D model is then created in the Navisworks software, a BIM viewer. The BIM model, representing the structural project, is exported from the modeling system to the BIM viewer, performed in the native format of data, allowing a height level of interoperability. In addition, the construction-planning file (Gantt map) is transferred from the Ms. Project system to the Navisworks. Next, it is necessary to associate the elements of the imported model, forming groups (sets), according to the activities of the schedule (Figure 9) [21].

Figure 9.

Association of sets to activities [21].

Obtaining the correct and detailed 4D model, the simulation of the construction can be visualized (Figure 10).

  • Elements must be modeled by floors or zones that correspond to the actual construction process;

  • Consider the modeling of temporary elements to support the execution of the work (scaffolding, cranes, excavations and aid);

  • The elements shall contain information, in their name or parameters, which facilitates their subsequent selection and association (blocks A or B and floor 0 or floor 1).

Figure 10.

BIM 4D model generation and visual simulation [20].

The 4D model allows visual representation of the planned construction process. The Simulate tab of the Timeliner the Play option should be selected in order to initialize the construction simulation animation (Figure 11).

Figure 11.

Simulation of the construction process in Naviswork [20].

The simulation can be exported through the Animation command on the Output tab and allow to monetarize the real work in the site. It is also possibility to do a virtual navigation inside the model with the insertion of an avatar (Figure 12). A comparison of the evolution of construction can be represented (Figure 12): executed (gray), progressing (green), early (yellow) and backward (red). The ability of the BIM 4D model to be transportable to the construction site supports the control of the real construction.

Figure 12.

Virtual walking inside the construction and the representation of elements built and in progress [20].

3.3 BIM in structural design

Along the development of a project and later construction and use, several processes demanding the transfer of data between software are normally performed, and for that, a high level of interoperability is required. In a structural design, the transposition of models between BIM modeling and structural analysis tools is essential. Concerning the structural design, the interoperability capacity, the transfer and verification of consistencies and the centralization of information and graphic documentation were presented in the training [22].

The process of transposition of structural models between modeling and calculation systems (two-way flow) was analyzed in several situations involving ArchiCAD, Revit and AECOsim modeling tools and SAP [18, 23], Robot [24] and ETABS [25] structural dimensioning tools. The transposition of models between systems is supported in native format of data, when the software belong to the same manufacturer or by the recourse to the universal data transfer standard, the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) format.

The interoperability capability analysis, verified in each model transposition process, is evaluated over several case studies of distinct volume and use. The architectural component was also modeled in order to illustrate the vantages of engineers and architects collaborate over a single and centralized model (Figure 13).

Figure 13.

Architectural and structural BIM models of distinct buildings (a) [23], (b) [18], (c) [24], (d) [18], and (e) [25].

First, the BIM models were transferred from the modeler system to the analyses software and the geometric consistency was evaluated. Several inconsistencies were detected (Figure 14).

  • The stair elements were not recognized (remodeled as sloped slabs in the analyses system);

  • The foundations were not transposed (considered as supports);

  • The analytical axis of some linear finite elements and rigid connections required additional adjustments.

Figure 14.

Structural BIM models transferred to the analyses software (a) [25], and (b) [24].

However, the structural elements (columns, beams and slabs), grids and material, concrete C30/37 and A500 NR SD steel were correctly transposed (Figure 15).

Figure 15.

Structural elements transferred with accuracy (a) [18], and (b) [25].

After the structural analysis was performed for each case:

  • All loads and combinations were applied in each calculation system.

  • The results are obtained in the form of diagrams and 3D models, deformations and efforts, as well as calculation notes.

  • Calculation systems allow a high automation capacity of detail drawings, based on the reinforcement area of the given for each structural element.

Next, as required by the BIM centralization concept, the calculation result should be transferred to the initial BIM model. Also, the reinforcements were defined in the dimensioning software and after transferred to the initial structural model (Figure 16) [24]:

  • The model database should be updated and should be accessible to the different technicians involved;

  • However, the reverse transfer process has a much higher volume of inaccuracies.

Figure 16.

Inaccuracies detect with the reinforcements elements after transposition of models [24].

The limitation detected in the interoperability performance of the software is frequently the main reason to justify the resistance of the implementation of BIM in the design of structures. The main remarks concerning the level of interoperability between BIM-based modeling and calculation systems were assessed and transmitted to the assistance of the course:

  • There are advantages of using Revit/Robot integrated platforms.

  • The data flow modeling/calculation can be done with confidence, while the reverse flow is inefficient.

  • The advantages are essentially related to the easy initial modeling, with some ability to transfer information post-calculation.

  • It is appropriate to perform the detailing of reinforcements in the calculation system, as it allows a high capacity for the production of 3D designs and, subsequently, the inaccuracies are easily adjusted.

3.4 HBIM concept

A recent implementation perspective, the Historic or Heritage Building Information Modeling (HBIM) is directed towards properties of historical value or heritage relevance. Recent research related to HBIM addresses [26]:

  • The standardization of architectural configurations and creation parametric objects representative of applicable and reusable forms in the old construction;

  • The analysis of constructive techniques used in order to identify the materials used and the solutions applied;

  • The archive of registration documents, studies carried out or previous interventions and their availability for consultation by experts involved in the project.

It is required to understand geometric rules, in parametric terms, from the books of architectural patterns to the HBIM modeling process. Sets of specific parametric objects must be generated to allow the generation of old buildings with accuracy (Figure 17).

Figure 17.

Architectural configurations (a) [27], (b) [28] and creation of parametric objects (c) [29], and (d) [27].

The registered documentary information provides data concerning the characterization of the construction (historical epoch and traditional construction systems), the registration of refurbishing interventions and local inspection reports. In addition, the documentary collection, along with municipal archives, composed of drawings of plants, elevations and cut, referring to different dates and with yellows and reds, brings a complete description of the old building.

The stratigraphic analysis covers the study of the constructive steps, which are represented through different colors, leading to a clear visual perception. In an HBIM process, it is also frequently necessary to establish a station of laser devices, properly positioned, so that, later, the points obtained can be unified, in a single cloud of space points (Figure 18).

Figure 18.

Antique drawings of building (a) [30], stratigraphic representation (b) [31], and a drone (c) [author].

A practical case of reconversion of a building of heritage value was presented [32, 33]. A proposal for the adaptation of an old building, located in Lisbon, requiring the reorganization of internal compartmentalization, but preserving their architectural characteristics, illustrated an application of HBIM (Figure 19).

Figure 19.

Building of heritage value, old drawing and BIM model of the proposal [32].

Although the BIM base tools, of current use, are more dedicated to the new construction, adapted to the geometry of the current architecture, the growing interest in the rehabilitation sector has led to the incursion of the application of BIM in the support of the conservation of historic buildings. Old constructive solutions require adequacy libraries of parametric object, to enable the implementation of BIM, also in the recovery of heritage-value buildings.

Within HBIM, the creation of families of specific parametric objects is normally required for the rigorous representation of buildings of patrimonial value. In the context of study case, as a basis for modeling, it was required to collect the existing documentation in the Municipal Archive of Lisbon, to obtain photographs from outside and inside of the building and the registration of detailed sketches. In addition, to allow a correct geometry represented in the form of parametric objects, it was necessary to add the material type and adjust the physical and mechanical properties, in order to respect the ancestral techniques of construction. The work contributes to empower the HBIM library of parametric objects of old building components. Namely, concerning a new library of doors (Figure 20) and windows (Figure 21).

Figure 20.

New parametric objects representing doors [32].

Figure 21.

Image, sketch and sequence of the modeling process of a window [32].

3.5 Evaluation

The demonstration of the benefits inherent in the use of methodology for BIM in the construction industry, in the development of various activities based on the project, at a global level, motivates the great interest, which has recently verified by designers and managers to meet the BIM concept and the scope of its application. The course aims to contribute to the dissemination of the potential implementation of BIM methodology in sectors such as infrastructure, construction planning, conflict analysis, structural dimensioning or HBIM.

The course was oriented to various levels and sectors of the construction industry. The degree of satisfaction of the attendees is evaluated in Table 2. Some comments and recommendation were also expressed. The comments of the participants to the course were oriented to a general and specific appreciation:

  • The course exceeded expectations taking into account the time available, allowing an overview of BIM and its applicability.

  • Important insertion of practical component in training, allowing participants to learn the fundaments of BIM base tool use.

  • The structural design was presented in all stages of modeling and data transfer processes, showing the limitations and the best strategy to elaborate this type of projects.

  • The construction simulation capability was presented, showing the adequate way of creating construction planning and how to control the real work in the construction place.

Table 2.

Professional course BIM methodology: construction, structures and HBIM.

Other topics were suggested that could be included in future BIM short courses:

  • More practical component

  • BIM applied to underground works

  • Exploring BIM in management and coordination of projects

  • Training on other BIM-based software

  • Generation and use of BIM 5D/6D/7D and 8D models

Currently, there is an immediate market need for professional to be more up to speed with BIM and universities are developing BIM guidance, training and BIM certification schemes, and so collaboration in learning and even support between individuals are needed to achieve a common goal. To enhance better and fruitful contributions to the construction industry, a collaborative approach between industry and academia should be instigated. It was found that in order to fulfil the industry requirements, the academia capacities should be oriented in that perspective, contributing to the society, as it is the most important role of a University. Schools should become leaders of the necessary partnerships with industry.


4. Conclusions

A 1-day course, BIM methodology: construction, structures and HBIM, was offered, at the University of Lisbon, to professionals of the construction industry. The contents of the training action were established in order to cover a wide range of the applicability of BIM in the sector and with the most recent achievements. The participants demonstrated a global interest in all topics presented. The programmatic content of the BIM professional course was organized in order to attend the requests and interest of the construction industry.

The course was presented in a 1-day session. A practical component was included supporting an adequate base of understanding of the BIM multi-application, in order to meet the various interests of the participants. The participants were composed of professionals of different engineering sectors: civil, mechanical, electrical and informatics, as well as designers, architects and managers. The course initialized with an introduction to the innovative topic and covered a wide range of the applicability of BIM in the sector. Participants showed great interest in all the topics presented, often questioning the trainers, with a perspective of clarifying some doubts of their particular activity, depending on if the background is construction, structures or heritage.

The main purpose of the course was to transmit the main concepts, the strategies of working in each type of BIM application and the reference to the main benefits and limitations. All parts of the course, including practice, construction, structures and HBIM, were essentially illustrated with study cases selected in accordance with the audience. As so, the proposed programme covers diverse sectors of the construction industry, namely, conflict analysis in projects, construction planning, materials take-off, project of structures with the focus on the interoperability capacity of the available software and the activity related with HBIM domain.

The course main goal is to contribute to the dissemination of the potential of BIM in the areas of designing, construction and preservation or renovating of historical buildings. By analyzing the surveys collected, the course was recognized with a good overall classification, and all topics were well classified. Industry professionals feel the need to update themselves in the BIM context, and the course contributes in a positive way to this learning. The school and the industry collaborated in order to establish an interesting and useful programme.


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Written By

Alcínia Zita Sampaio

Submitted: 28 March 2022 Reviewed: 09 May 2022 Published: 09 June 2022