Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution; Testing the EKC Hypothesis in Brazil

Written By

Benjamin Ampomah Asiedu

Submitted: 09 January 2022 Reviewed: 07 March 2022 Published: 30 November 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.104388

From the Edited Volume

The Toxicity of Environmental Pollutants

Edited by Daniel Junqueira Dorta and Danielle Palma de Oliveira

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The study looks at Economic growth and environmental pollution: an assessment of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Brazil from 1990 to 2018. The ADF-Fisher, PP-Fisher, Im Pesaran, and Chin unit root tests checked stationarity. The VAR model was used to check the influence of individual endogenous variables, and the Wald test was used to determine the variables’ combined impact. The researchers used the Pairwise Dumitrescu Hurlin panel causality (PDHPC) and Pairwise Granger causality tests to assess all of the hypotheses. At order one, the variables are integrated. The lag order used for further calculations is the Akaike Information Criterion. The Fisher cointegration test revealed the cointegration according to the individual cross-section result. According to the Pairwise Dumitrescu Hurlin panel causality (PDHPC) and Pairwise Granger causality tests, economic growth and carbon dioxide emissions are bidirectional. Both the PDHPC and the PGCT support the environmental Kuznets curve theory. Because the EKC hypothesis exists in Brazil, the study concluded that both pure and filthy productions coincide. When Brazil reaches a particular level of development, however, its population may seek a healthier environment, and governments in these countries may pass stricter environmental regulations to encourage cleaner industry. When followed, the procedures may help to improve environmental quality.


  • economic growth
  • carbon dioxide emissions
  • environmental Kuznets curve
  • panel data estimations
  • Dumitrescu Hurlin causality
  • Johansen-Fisher cointegration

1. Introduction

Brazil is one of the five significant emerging “BRICS” economies, and its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are the sixth-highest globally. In the run-up to the Paris climate change summit, Brazil boosted the ambition of its climate initiatives. CO2 poisons the brain and harms overall well-being. Increases in the gas’s concentration cause different reactions in different people. The mind may have become clouded or may have struggled to concentrate on a particular subject. A headache, a lack of focus, and exhaustion are signs of high carbon dioxide levels. Cognitive and decision-making abilities can also be affected. People exposed to CO2 levels of 2500 ppm in the workplace are unable to perform simple tasks such as proofreading or solving simple math problems [1, 2]. CO2 emissions can also cause slower productivity and increased absences at work or school. Acidosis occurs when someone is exposed to high levels of CO2 for an extended period. The rate of breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate all increase. Long-term exposure to CO2 emission is fatal [3].

On the other hand, the Environmental Kuznets Curve theorizes the relationship between environmental indices and per capita income [4, 5]. Pollution and degradation increase during the early stages of economic expansion. After per capita income reaches a specific level, which varies depending on the indicator, the trend reverses, and economic growth leads to environmental recovery [1, 6, 7, 8, 9]. This suggests that the indicator of environmental effect is a per capita income inverted u-shape function. A quadratic function of income logarithm is commonly used to define the indicators logarithm. The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) is named after Kuznet [2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13], who hypothesized that income disparity grows and declines as economies progress. The EKC concept emerged in the early 1990s as a result of Grossman and Krueger’s groundbreaking research into the possible implications of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1991 and the concept’s popularization through the 1992 World Bank Development (WBD) report [14, 15, 16]. If the EKC hypothesis is correct, rather than being a hindrance to mobility, as the environmentalist movement and related scientism have claimed in the past, i.e. [17, 18, 19], the economic expansion would improve the environment in the long run. This shift in thinking was represented in the world commission on environment and development’s [20] shining notion of sustainable economic development in our common future. Even though the Environmental Kuznets curve-EKC has been used in a wide range of situations, including endangered species and nitrogen fertilizers, and is even featured in beginning textbooks, academic debate continues [21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]. Although EKC is primarily an empirical phenomenon, statistically, several EKC model estimations are not robust. Although some local pollutant concentrations have fallen and some pollutant emissions have reduced in industrialized countries, there is still no consensus on the causes of these changes. Brazil’s rapid economic growth is unquestionably accompanied by poor environmental quality, particularly carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel consumption and other energy-related activities [19, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38]. The Economic research growth and environmental pollution: an examination of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Brazil was necessitated by the background mentioned above. The research is divided into five components. The first portion introduces the study, followed by a literature review in the second section, methodology in the third section, empirical data, interpretation, discussion in the fourth section, and conclusion and policy recommendations in the last section.


2. Literature review

2.1 Theory of environmental Kuznets curve EKC

Legitimate growth globally in the scale of the economy could end in a corresponding growth in environmental pollution and divers’ environmental implications if the technology/economy’s structure remained unchanged. This effect is known as the scale impact. The scale effect underpins the conventional belief that economic expansion and environmental damage are mutually exclusive aims [39, 40, 41, 42]. According to [43], at the highest level of growth, structural variation in information-intensive industries and services, combined with increased environmental awareness, regulation enforcement, advanced technology, and increased expenditures, lead to a leveling up off and continuous reduction of pollution. As a result, the approximate components of the environmental Kuznets curve are listed below: The first is about the increase in production volume. The second focuses on different industries that produce varying pollution levels, and the output mix frequently alters over time as the economy grows.

On the other hand, the composition effect is a term used to describe this [42, 44]. The six elements are as follows: Input mix variability entails the substitution of less environmentally damaging inputs with massively negative inputs. Again, technological progress comprises improvements in production efficiency (e.g., using fewer polluting inputs per unit of output) and process dynamism (e.g., reducing the quantity of CO2 emitted per unit of pollution input).

The methods effect is the result of combining the third and fourth elements. Variability in variables such as environmental regulation creativity policy/measures, which could be influenced by core economic variables highlighted, could affect these proximate elements. The composition effect, for example, could be affected by comparative advantage. Developing countries would likely focus on labor-intensive and natural-resource-intensive goods, whereas developed countries will concentrate on education and capital-intensive manufacturing activities. As a result of environmental legislation in developing countries, pollution activities may be redirected to emerging countries [45, 46]. In recent literature on Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), dual key theoretical arguments have been suggested to explain why, beyond a certain per-capita income level, the link between economic expansion and environmental pollution becomes a “virtuous” circle. When per capita income fluctuates, the theories are concerned with variations in relative demand levels.

According to the first argument, the demand structure for commodities and services changes endogenously. According to this theory, as per capita income rises, the most negligible environmental impact sectors become more critical. Demand for services increases at the expense of demand for manufacturing underpins this position. Nonetheless, much more empirical research is needed to support the premise that underpins this argument. Some service activities may have as much as or more environmental impact, either directly or indirectly, than those in the industrial sector. In any case, this logic would only reveal a reduction in environmental pressures per unit of GDP as income rises. It could not explain a drop in absolute terms unless the assumption is made that the industries that pollute the environment the most produce worse goods. In truth, this is a long shot [47, 48, 49]. In the week/relative meaning, a difference in demand structure can appear to contribute to a “delinking” of economic progress and to come to extend environmental pressures, but not in the solid or absolute sense [50]. Furthermore, the second study is based on people’s preferences and relative demand dynamism that arise as income rises. In this scenario, the differences in the intake of marketable products and services are essential, not the variation in the relative demand for various goods and services purchased in the market and, on the other hand, environmental damage.

2.1.1 Empirical literature review

From 1980 to 2010, [35] examined the relationship between economic growth and CO2 emissions in the context of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) for emerging countries. Using Driscoll-Kraay standard errors, the study discovered that the cubic functional form has an N-shape and an inverted N-shape relationship. As a result, their data do not support the EKC hypothesis, which states that CO2 cannot automatically solve economic growth. From 1981 through 2011, [51] investigated the environmental Kuznets curve theory in Vietnam. According to the ARDL technique, the environmental Kuznets curve does not exist in the sense that the relationship between GDP and CO2 is positive in the long and short run. Borhan et al. [52] conducted research in eight ASEAN nations between 1965 and 2010. The Hausen test validated the EKC theory. CO2 has a significant negative relationship with income. This is predicated on the assumptions that as pollution levels rise, so does income and that CO2 emissions can affect output directly by lowering labor and artificial capital productivity. According to the survey, ASEAN 8 countries have lost working days due to health difficulties, and industrial equipment has deteriorated due to filthy water and air. From 1980 to 2017, [43] conducted a study on Gulf Cooperation Council countries. The validity of the EKC hypothesis in GCC countries was supported by results from the STIRPAT model and the PML-ARDL approach. From 1970 through 2020, [53] used the ARDL model to examine the EKC hypotheses. The results of the ARDL model validated the EKC hypothesis. Despite this, Algeria’s high GDP per capita value has hit a tipping point, indicating that the country’s economic progress is increasing emissions. [54] conducted a study from 1990 to 2015 on foreign financing, economic growth, and pollution linkages in 32 OECD nations. The results show an inverted U-shape relationship between foreign direct investment and pollution. GMM and FE-IV results revealed an inverted U-shape and N-shape association. The N-shape can be explained as follows: GDP causes significant CO2 emissions growth in the first phase, but the effect becomes negative after a certain level of growth is reached. In the OECD countries, the IV-FE revealed an N-shape connection. From 1979 through 2009, [55] researched the environmental Kuznets curve in Algeria. The results of the ARDL technique revealed that the EKC hypothesis did not exist in Algeria. From 1980 to 2011, [56] looked at the factors that influenced CO2 emissions in OECD countries. The EKC hypothesis curve between urbanization and CO2 emission is advocated in the study. This indicates that increased urbanization harms environmental quality. [57] used the ARDL model to conduct a study in Turkey and discovered that the EKC curve exists for CO2 measures. According to the study, increasing GDP per capita reduces CO2 emissions. From 1980 to 2014, [58] used structural breakdowns tests to examine the influence of clean energy and non-renewable energy use, as well as real income, on CO2 emissions in the United States. The Environmental Kuznets Curve was not well supported in the United States. The study by [18] looked into the role of environmental regulation in confirming the pollution hypothesis in two Brazil member groups, namely the fourth and fifth enlargement countries. The environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis and the PHH were valid in Brazil’s nations. According to the study, EKC evidence is confirmed in the fifth enlargement countries, but it is not supported in the first to fourth expansion countries due to differences in environmental legislation adoption timelines. [42] looks at the history of the EKC as well as potential replacements. According to the method that combines the EKC and convergence methodologies, convergence is crucial for describing pollution emissions and concentration. Economic growth has a big impact on CO2, GHG emissions, and sulfur dioxide, but it has a smaller impact on non-industrial particle concentrations and non-industrial GHG emissions. The literature does not agree on the income level at which CO2 emissions begin to drop whenever an EKC is empirically empirical evidence is noticed. [59] reviewed the literature on the environmental Kuznets curve and concluded that the evidence for the EKC’s actuality is inconclusive. Only a few air quality indicators, though not conclusive, exhibit clear evidence of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Furthermore, some recent work has cast doubt on the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC’s) presence even for indicators that appear to match the pattern. In fact, because of the scarcity of long time series of environmental data, several studies have used a cross-country approach. Even though environmental contamination increases in developing countries while decreasing in developed countries, the method may be misleading. As a result, rather than representing the evolution of a single economy over time, the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) may only illustrate the juxtaposition of two (2) opposing patterns. In truth, single-country studies that looked at the environmental-income link over time found no evidence of an Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). [60] survey study offered empirical evidence for the Kuznets hypothesis and its possible interpretation in the environmental context. The survey found EKC for flow and local pollutants but a steadily increasing PIR for stock and global pollutant measures, as well as aggregate pollution measures. The survey shows, among other things, that time series analysis is better appropriate than cross-country analysis, based on estimating approaches. In [26] study, the inverted u-shape curve between per-capita income and pollution for NO2 emissions was discovered. CO2 and income have an n-shape relationship. Furthermore, it was determined that the intensity of a country’s trade did not affect its internal pollution levels. From 1965 until 2009, [61] conducted an EKC study in Algeria. The EKC hypothesis was supported by the ARDL results, which showed an inverted u-shape nexus between carbon dioxide emissions and GDP. In the long and short run, the results favored EKC in Algeria. [62] tested the EKC theory in 24 Asian countries from 1990 to 2011. In this investigation, the GMM method was used. The study found that estimations have the expected indications and are statistically significant in terms of the presence of an inverted u-shape relationship between emissions and income per capita, proving the existence of the EKC curve hypothesis. [63] evaluated the environmental Kuznets Curve theory, a panel of twenty OECD nations. Four estimates supported the EKC. In the OECD countries, country-specific findings receive varying levels of support for EKC. Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) was detected in nine countries, with five (5) documenting a classic inverted U-shape link. Three countries shared an N-shape nexus, whereas one country had an inverted N-shape nexus. The classic EKC hypothesis is useless for understanding the relationship between GDP and CO2 emissions, according to [64] empirical investigation. According to the study, there was no unanimity in the literature to provide an empirical foundation for the GED. The two competing viewpoints attempt to establish the existence of an EKC with an inverted U-shape. Empirically, an inverted N-shape global environmental Kuznets (GEKC) is demonstrated. In addition, according to [41, 56], wealthier households may produce higher car emissions due to increased vehicle ownership and driving. Because of their usage of top vintage and inadequate upkeep, poorer individuals may pollute more. The existence of a U-shape hydrocarbon emissions EKC relationship was demonstrated in this article using microdata from 1993 California automobiles. [65] investigated economic models for the EKC in a survey study. The environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis, which states that the link between environmental pollution and per capita income is inverted U-shaped, was confirmed by empirical evidence [66]. The study indicated that, as money rises, environmental quality improves at first but ultimately deteriorates. [67] investigate the relationship between carbon dioxide emissions, income, energy use, and foreign trade in Pakistan from 1972 to 2008. Using the Johansen approach, the study revealed a quadratic long-run link between CO2 emissions and income, confirming the existence of EKC in Pakistan. Using panel data analysis, [68] examined the environmental Kuznets curve and sustainability from 1990 to 2012. CO2 and income were shown to have an inverted U-shape relationship. The redesigned EKC revealed an inverted U-shape link between sustainability and human development. In a study conducted in Vietnam from 1981 to 2011, [69] discovered that EKC did not exist. Because the ARDL method suggested that capital increases CO2 emissions, this was the case. [70] investigated the potentials of renewable energy in Indonesia from 1971 to 2010, taking the environmental Kuznets curve into account. The ARDL method revealed an inverted u-shape EKC nexus between economic growth and environmental degradation. The approximate turning point was determined to be 7729 dollars per capita, which is beyond the study sample’s time period. [71] use new international data to evaluate the EKC theory of IWP-industrial water pollution. According to the study, while the sector share of output growth exhibits a Kuznets-type-trajectory-KTT, the other two indicators do not. When considered together, the findings suggest that the EKC hypothesis for industrial water contamination is incorrect; it rises rapidly until middle-income status is attained, then stays relatively stable. [72] looked at the Kuznets curve for the environment in 113 countries from 1971 to 2004. The authors’ assessment of the findings shows that the energy EKC hypothesis is not viable. The link is monotonously positive for the entire world. After 1989, there was a decrease in elasticity. The study discovered no evidence of EKC at the country level. The Environmental Kuznets Curve –EKC is depicted graphically in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Cubic and quadratic functions for the estimation of environment income nexus. The dashed lines indicates negative pollution levels.


3. Methodology

This section of the research focuses on data selection, variable selection, and the econometrics process employed throughout the study.

3.1 Data source and variables

Panel data on two endogenous variables form makes it possible to test the validity of EKC for CO2 in Brazil. Thus CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) and GDP per capita growth (annual %). Carbon dioxide by the combustion of fossil fuels and cement manufacture. Carbon dioxide is created by the consumption of solid, liquid, and gas fuels, as well as gas flaring—also, the annual percentage growth rate of GDP per capita based on constant local currency. The totals are calculated using constant 2020 U.S. dollars. Gross domestic product divided by midyear population equals GDP per capita. The sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy, adding any product taxes, subtracting any subsidies not included in the value of the items, is the GDP at the purchaser’s price. It is estimated without considering the depreciation of manufactured assets or natural resource depletion and degradation. The dataset for this study covered 1990 to 2018 due to data constraints—our study’s data source World Bank Development Indicators (WDI). The natural logarithms of the two endogenous variables are calculated.

3.1.1 Model specification

The study’s functional nexus form is depicted as:


Eq. 1 forms the basic conceptual foundation for examining the link between variables [73, 74].

According to Stern [42, 52] the standard environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis model is specified as:


Where E is the natural logarithm of carbon dioxide emissions, Y is the natural logarithm of GDP per capita, and t is the error term. I and t are nation indices and time, respectively. The use of logarithm necessitates a positive or negative prognosis for the experimental variable, which is appropriate.

The first two (2) terms on the right-hand side of the model are country and time impacts. While CO2 per capita may vary by the county at any particular income level, the sensitivity of all pollutants to income in almost all of Brazil at that level, according to country effects. The timing implications are viewed as time-varying omitted variables and random shocks that Brazil is experiencing.

3.1.2 Lag length selection

The initial step in cointegration is to choose an appropriate lag length criteria. As a result, we conducted a joint test of lag selection, which implies that we should take the two lags of each variable (based on AIC).

3.1.3 Vector auto-regression estimates

The word Autoregressive comes from the fact that the dependents variable’s lagged values show on the right-hand side, and the term vector comes from the fact that the model includes a vector of two or more variables. By treating every variable in the model as endogenous and a function of the actual values of all endogenous variables in the system, the VAR approach avoids the necessity for structural modeling. The VAR is frequently used to anticipate systems of interconnected time series and to analyze the dynamic influence of random disturbances on the system of variables. The VAR model is specified as:


In the model, the dependent variable is a function of its lagged values and other variables’ lagged values. Where k = the optimal lag length, a,b,c, = intercept, Lngdpt = βi,φjm,= short run dynamic coefficients of the model’s adjustment long run equilibrium,

μ1t μ2t, μ3t represent the impulses, innovation or shocks often called the stochastic error term.

3.1.4 Panel causality

In the classical sense, regression does not imply causal interaction. As a result, investigating the causal flow within the variables. This is correct, given the test’s predictive power. This study applies the widely utilized Granger causality test technique among the elements under investigation. When one variable, for example, X, Granger causes another, the implication is that variable X and its previous expression can forecast the outcome of variable Y, rather than only the historical variable of Y alone, as is generally thought in the literature. A bivariate relationship between (X, Y) can be expressed in a Granger-causality test.:


3.2 Data analysis techniques

The data analysis techniques adopted for the study follow the following simple steps. First, prior to examining the nature of the link between carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth, the study examined the sequences in which the two variables were integrated. The ADF unit root test by [75], PP-Fisher by [76] Im Pesaran, and Chin unit root test were used to check for stationarity. VAR model was used to check the individual endogenous variables’ impact and the Wald test determined the collective impact of the variables. The model will prove to be stable through the VAR stability checks. The study made use of Pairwise Dumitrescu Hurlin panel causality (PDHPC) and Pairwise Granger causality test to test all the hypotheses. The Akaike Information Criterion is the lag order utilized for further estimations. Our study will employ the Pairwise Dumitrescu Hurlin panel causality (PDHPC) and Pairwise Granger causality test in the fourth and final phase based on the parameters stability test findings performed in the third phase.


4. Empirical result, interpretation, and discussions

The information on the unit root test is presented in Table 1. The variables are non-stationary in their level form, according to Table 1, but they become stationary after the first difference I. (1). Because all variables are integrated at order one I, we may proceed with cointegration analysis (1). In Table 2, the lag order selection criteria are used to decide which criterion best fits the study—the icteric (*) number with the lowest value is chosen as the criterion for selecting the delays. One SC reported −24.55327* under lag, according to the table. With icteric (*) in lag two, four criteria were identified: LR-36.39728, FPE-1.55e-05*, AIC-2.560914*, and HC -2.507760*. Among the criteria, the AIC with the number − 2.560914 is the lowest number with icteric (*) under lag two. As a result, the Akaike Information Criterion is chosen as the lag order for future estimations.

VariablesAt levelAt First DifferenceConclusion
ADF-Fisher Chi-square
PP-Fisher Chi-square
Im, Pesaran and Shin W-stat

Table 1.

Unit root test.

I- denote intercept, I&T- represent intercept and trend (*) Significant at the 10%(**)Significant at the 5%(***)Significant at the 1%(No)Not significant. Lag length based on SIC. Probability based on MacKinnon (1996) one sided p-value.


Table 2.

Lag order selection criteria.

* Indicates lag order selected by the criterion, LR: sequential modified LR test statistics (each test at 5% level), FPE: Final prediction error, AIC: Akaike information criterion, SC: Schwarz information criterion, HQ: Hannan-Quinn information criterion.

Table 3 provides Vector Auto-regression estimates-VAR estimates. Given that C (1) is the coefficient of the first lag of CO2 and it is a log-log formation, the interpretation will be on elasticity form. The coefficient signs tell us the direction of the impact; negative signs indicate a decrease, and positive signs indicate an increase. Therefore, looking at CO2, we can see that CO2 strongly influences itself at LGGDPSQ(−1). The past realization of CO2 is associated with a 100% increase in CO2 emissions on average certris paribus. LGGDPSQ(−1) recorded t-statistic value of 1.96983* and its corresponding coefficient of 0.004306. Therefore, a percent increase in GDP per capita is associated with a 0.431 percent increase in carbon dioxide emissions on average. The findings from Table 4- the VAR estimates indicated that economic growth increase environmental pollution cetris paribusThe Wald test is shown in Table 4. Table 4 shows that the P-value is significant at the 1% level; as a result, we reject the null hypothesis; (5) = C (6), since the Wald test shows that the coefficient of log GDP data to the first and second lags of GPD have a statistical impact on the log of CO2. We may conclude that GDP GDPSQ has a combined significant effect on CO2 based on the results of the Walt test. It can also be observed in Table 5 that no root lies outside the unit circle. This indicates that VAR meets the stability requirement.

Standard errors(0.03792)(0.48075)(1.11605)
Standard errors(0.03793)(0.48092)(1.11644)
Standard errors(0.00517)(0.06549)(0.15203)
Standard errors(0.00495)(0.06275)(0.14567)
Standard errors(0.00219)(0.02771)(0.06434)
Standard errors(0.00569)(0.07209)(0.06187)
Standard errors(0.00569)(0.07209)(0.16736)

Table 3.

Vector auto-regression estimates.

(*) depicts Significant at 10%, (**) denotes Significant at 5%, (***) represents Significant at 1% level.

Test statisticsValueDfProbability
Null hypothesis:C(5) = (6)
Null hypothesis summary:
Normalized Restriction(=0)ValueStd.Err.

Table 4.

Wald test.

Restriction are linear in coefficients.

−0.035224 - 0.107841i0.113448
−0.035224 + 0.107841i0.113448

Table 5.

VAR stability conditions checks.

The Pairwise Dumitrescu Hurlin panel causality (PDHPC) and Pairwise Granger causality tests are estimated in Table 6. Economic growth and carbon dioxide emissions are bidirectional, according to the PDHPC. The Zbar-stat and its probability values (2.21122, 0.0270; 3.41367, 0.0006) respectively verified this. This finding agrees with [77, 78, 79, 80], who believe that economic expansion leads to increased pollution. The Pairwise Granger causality test (PGCT) also revealed a bidirectional association between economic growth and pollution. The findings are in line with those of [6, 14, 15, 56, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90], who discovered a similar link between economic growth and pollution. The findings are confirmed by PGCT F-statistics and their probability values (F-stat 6.01514, p-value 0.0026; F-stat 8.31827,P-value 0.0003). Both the PDHPC and the PGCT support the environmental Kuznets curve theory.

Granger causality: Pairwise Dumitrescu Hurlin Panel Causality Test and Pairwise Granger causality test
1.Pairwise Dumitrescu Hurlin Panel Causality Test
Null HypothesisW-StatZbar-StatProb.
2.Pairwise Granger causality test
Null Hypothesis:ObsF-statisticsProb.

Table 6.

Pairwise Dumitrescu Hurlin panel causality test.

→Depicts X does not Granger cause Y and Y does not Granger cause X.


5. Conclusion and policy direction

The study looks at economic growth and CO2 emissions: an assessment of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Brazil. ADF-Fisher, PP-Fisher, Im Pesaran, and Chin unit root test checked stationarity. VAR model was used to check the individual endogenous variable’s impact and the Wald test determined the collective impact of the variables. The model proved to be stable through the VAR stability checks. The study used Pairwise Dumitrescu Hurlin panel causality (PDHPC) and Pairwise Granger causality test to test all the hypotheses. The variables are integrated in order one. The Akaike Information Criterion is the lag order utilized for other estimations. Pairwise Dumitrescu Hurlin panel causality (PDHPC) and Pairwise Granger causality test indicated bidirectional causality between economic growth and carbon dioxide emissions. Both the PDHPC and PGCT validate the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis.

The following recommendation was made based on the study’s findings; the investigation supported the EKC concept. Because the EKC hypothesis exists in Brazil, both pure and filthy productions are taking place simultaneously. However, after Brazil has reached a certain level of development, its inhabitants may seek a healthier environment, and the Brazilian Government may impose stricter environmental regulations to encourage a cleaner industry. The measures listed above can help to reduce pollution in Brazil. The Brazilian Government could enhance collaboration among industry, institutions, and researchers, as well as the formation of a single alliance. Creating a safe and ecologically friendly energy usage structure will remain a goal as alternative energy sources become more widely used, could reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and other sources for economic development. As a result, it is critical to strengthen ties between tertiary research institutions and enterprises because joint tertiary and industry-based research would aid in the translation of scientific and technological advances into actual output in the Brazilian economy. The findings of this study and other existing research show that economic growth has a primarily positive impact on emissions, reaffirming an earlier dilemma that the environmental Kuznets literature would lead policymakers to overlook ecological policies in favor of developing a solution. The data imply that environmental quality may suffer significantly and that the economic impact of expansion on certain pollutants is more negligible in Brazil. The most practical application of these discoveries is to notify businesses about their emission forecasts, which can then be used as benchmarks for evaluating environmental policies.



I thank the Almighty God for granting me strength and wisdom. Inputting this chapter together, I realized how true this gift of writing is for me. You have given me the power to believe in my passion and pursue my dreams. I could never have done this without the faith I have in God. I want to express my gratitude to IntetchOpen for the opportunity granted me. Heartfelt thanks go to my family and friends for their encouragement and support in diverse ways.


Authors contributions

BAA wrote the introduction section and methodology and interpreted the data with a conclusion. The author’(s) read and approved the final manuscript.



This current study did not receive any funding from anybody or an organization.


Conflict of interest

The author(s) declare that they have no competing interest.


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Written By

Benjamin Ampomah Asiedu

Submitted: 09 January 2022 Reviewed: 07 March 2022 Published: 30 November 2022