Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Clustering Network Data Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming

Written By

Harun Pirim, Amin Aghalari and Mohammad Marufuzzaman

Submitted: 22 December 2021 Reviewed: 31 March 2022 Published: 24 April 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.104760

From the Edited Volume

Recent Applications in Graph Theory

Edited by Harun Pirim

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Network clustering provides insights into relational data and feeds certain machine learning pipelines. We present five integer or mixed-integer linear programming formulations from literature for a crisp clustering. The first four clustering models employ an undirected, unweighted network; the last one employs a signed network. All models are coded in Python and solved using Gurobi solver. Codes for one of the models are explained. All codes and datasets are made available. The aim of this chapter is to compare some of the integer or mixed-integer programming network clustering models and to provide access to Python codes to replicate the results. Mathematical programming formulations are provided, and experiments are run on two different datasets. Results are reported in terms of computational times and the best number of clusters. The maximum diameter minimization model forms compact clusters including members with a dominant affiliation. The model generates a few clusters with relatively larger size. Additional constraints can be included to force bounds on the cluster size. The NP-hard nature of the problem limits the size of the dataset, and one of the models is terminated after 6 days. The models are not practical for networks with hundreds of nodes and thousands of edges or more. However, the diversity of models suggests different practical applications in social sciences.


  • network clustering
  • signed networks
  • integer programming
  • python application
  • social networks

1. Introduction

Network and graph terms are used interchangeably, while the latter recalls more of a mathematical phenomenon since the study of networks has roots in graph theory [1]. Complex systems of real life can be modeled as networks with certain features. Watts and Strogatz [2] propose that real-world systems exhibit small world characteristics with a connection topology between regular and random. Zhang and Zhang [3] argue based on simulations that the real networks have longer average shortest paths than expected to allow a substantial increase in the network modularity. That is a trade-off between network efficiency and modularity. Albert et al. [4] claim scale-free characteristic of real-world networks that makes them vulnerable to targeted attacks but robust against random failures. Ravasz and Barabási [5] show that the scale-free and high degree clustering characteristics of real networks emerge as a result of hierarchical organization. Balkundi and Harrison [6] investigate the effect of network structure on the team viability and performance. Similarly, Balague et al. [7] report quantification of individual player contributions to the team performance using a network approach. Barabási and Oltvai [8] discuss network biology to understand the internal organization and evolution of a cell. Those studies convince that any system of objects with certain relations can be modeled as a network. The objects (i.e., nodes of the network) can represent individuals, animals, routers, documents, etc., where the relations (i.e., edges of the network) quantify a proximity of a relationship or existence of a relationship (i.e., binary networks).

Network analysis focuses on both descriptive and predictive tasks within the broad scope of network science since network structures at node, edge, network, or intermediate levels reveal information about a function or an emergent behavior. Clustering network data is essential to network analysis to support downstream machine learning tasks such as prediction of a node’s label or directly describe a group of similar objects. There is an abundance of network clustering algorithms [9, 10, 11, 12] mainly categorized under community structure finding title. However, mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formalism, despite its NP-hard nature, provides a flexible representation of the clustering problem and generates a global optimal solution to the problem [13]. The ease of algebraic representation of the problem including the objective function and the constraints and inclusion of special constraints imposed by the nature of the application on hand, availability of special modeling languages and solvers make MILP clustering suitable for many applications. It is conventional to design heuristic algorithms to support the MILP formalism to solve larger problems with thousands of nodes and millions of edges compromising the global optimality [14].

The aim of this chapter is to compare some of the integer linear (ILP) and mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) network clustering models and to provide access to Python codes to replicate the results. Mathematical programming formulations are provided, and experiments are run on two different datasets. Results are reported in terms of computational times and the best number of clusters.

We summarize three ILP and two MILP clustering models providing Python codes and the datasets to generate the results. The chapter is structured as follows. Section 2 introduces the ILP and MILP models. Section 3 presents the Python application and results, followed by the discussion and the conclusion sections.


2. Pure and mixed-integer linear programming models

Given a graph GVE with the set of vertices V and the set of edges E, the clustering models here generate a crisp clustering C=CiiI with clusters Ci comprising nonoverlapping members [15]. Clustering problem is ill-posed since there is no consensus on what defines a cluster. A general adoption is having clusters with similar members and separate clusters holding different members. Bittner et al. [16] propose combining cluster analysis solution with the information gained from subjective choices.

The first model, referred to as (M1), addresses the well-studied graph coloring problem [17]. The problem inherently requires finding the minimum number of colors to assign the nodes of the network such that no adjacent nodes have the same color. The corresponding clustering problem can be viewed as finding clusters of diverse members.


In (M1), xic are binary variables taking value 1 if member i is assigned to cluster c, 0 otherwise. yc are binary variables taking value 1 if color c is used, 0 otherwise. The objective is to minimize the number of colors used. The initial number of colors, k is a user-defined parameter. k can be chosen arbitrarily as long as the feasibility of the model is retained. The first set of constraints (1) implies each member is assigned to one cluster only. The second set of constraints (2) avoids adjacent nodes sharing the same color. The third set of constraints (3) relates two different sets of variables to each other. A color c is used once at least a node is assigned the color. The last set of constraints (4) implies domain of the variables to be binary.

The second model (M2) minimizes the total distance within clusters [18].


N is the number of objects to cluster. k is the number of clusters, a user-defined parameter. yij are binary variables taking value 1 if members i,j are in the same cluster, 0 otherwise. dij are the distance values between members i,j. The first set of constraints (1) is similar to the first model. The second set of constraints avoids empty clusters (2). The third set of constraints (3) is to relate variables to each other in a linear fashion. The last two sets of constraints (4, 5) restrict the domains of variables.

The third model (M3) minimizes the maximum diameter of clusters [19].


In addition to the variable, parameter, and constraint definitions for the second model (M2), an additional continuous variable, namely,Dc, is introduced in (M3). The first set of constraints (1) implies Dc to be the diameter of cluster c, i.e., the longest shortest path in the cluster. Second and third set of constraints (2, 3) are similar to (1, 2) sets of constraints in (M2). The fourth set of constraints (4) implies Dmax is the maximum of Dc values defining the largest diameter. The last two constraints (5, 6) are domain-related.

The fourth model (M4) maximizes the modularity metric [15]. Modularity quantifies the compactness of clusters compared with a random model. The clusterings resulting in modularity values greater than 0.3 and closer to one are perceived to have high modularity.


xij variables take 1 if members i,j are in different clusters, 0 otherwise. mi,j are the elements of the modularity matrix defined as follows.


aij are elements of adjacency matrix being 1 if i,j are connected, 0 otherwise. di is the degree of node i. m is the number of edges for the graph. The first set of constraints (1) define transitivity or clique. If nodes i,j and j,l are in the same cluster then nodes i,l must be in the same cluster either. The second set of constraints (2) restricts variables to binary.

The fifth model (M5) is designed to cluster signed networks [20]. Signed networks assume negative or positive edges between objects. The ideal clustering minimizes the frustration edges, i.e., positive edges between clusters or negative edges within clusters.


fij are binary frustration variables. The first set of constraints (1) are similar to (1) in (M2). The second set of constraints (2) implies that frustration exists between nodes i,j if they belong to different clusters although they share a positive edge. The third set of constraints (3) implies that frustration exists between nodes i,j if they belong to the same cluster sharing a negative edge. The last two sets of constraints (4, 5) are domain-related ones.


3. Python application and results

The Python language is used to code the algebraic models, and the Gurobi solver [21] is used to solve them optimally. Python/GUROBI is one of the most widely used package in solving optimization problems. In our demonstration, we use model 3 (M3) for its simplicity to introduce to the readers. However, the link to the repository of the source codes for all other models (i.e., M1–M5) is provided for the interested readers. Due to the availability of open-source packages and simplicity in maintaining the coding paradigm, the Python programming language is utilized in this study as compared with the other available languages.

We explain the code for the third model only to save space and since the algebraic expressions are quite similar. All codes and data are available through: UKfaculty data [22] is about the friendship network of 81 faculty of a UK university. The data is retrieved from the R package igraphdata. The original data represents a directed network with 817 edges. We collapsed the edges to transform the network into an undirected one. There would be an edge between authors if there was at least one directed edge between them. The undirected network has 577 edges. The shortest path distances are obtained from the original directed network ignoring the weights. A signed network is retrieved from the signet R package [23] to be employed in model 5. The network represents 91 countries and 521 positive or negative relationships. The inclusion of the datasets is decided based on the scalability and existence of edge signs. The transformation of directed edges is to fit the data to the selected network clustering models.

After reading the input files and populating the parameters (e.g., dij), a null GUROBI model (model3) is created as follows:

Next, the model variables, namely xic,Dc, and Dmax, are constructed and added to the model3 model as follows:

Constraint set (1) of M3 can be added to GUROBI’s model3 model as follows:

Likewise, constraint sets (2)–(4) of M3 can be added to GUROBI’s model3 model as follows:

The objective function of M3 can be added to GUROBI’s model3 model as follows:

where, GRB.MINIMIZE represents minimizing the objective function of M3. The objective function of M3 minimizes the maximum diameter of clusters. As such, GRB.MINIMIZE is used. Following creating the model and adding all the variables and constraints, the model3 model is optimized as follows:

Cluster membership vector is stored in the val_map (i.e., the first line in the code below) dictionary. The membership information is used in visualization.

The network is visualized in Figure 1. The distinct node colors represent the clusters. Here the number of clusters is 8 that is the optimal cluster size within the range of 2–10. The sensitivity of the objective function value when the number of clusters changes is plotted.

Figure 1.

Clusters of the UKfaculty network with the number of clusters eight.

The largest cluster (cluster 6 in Figure 2) has 20 members, while the smallest one (cluster 7 in Figure 2) has 5 members. Remaining cluster sizes are 7, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14. The dataset provides group information with respect to faculty affiliated to three distinct universities. Figure 2 illustrates the faculty (numbers on x axis) affiliations (numbers 1, 2, 3 on y axis) in each of eight clusters (numbers 1–8 on y axis). Broken green lines corresponding to faculties 50 and 70 imply unknown affiliations. Clusters include at least two affiliations. Most of the clusters have a dominant affiliation. When the number of clusters increases to 9, the optimal solution produces two clusters of sizes 6 and 10 with single affiliated members.

Figure 2.

Faculty affiliations in clusters.

The best number of clusters between 2 and 10 and solution times are listed in Table 1. Models M1, M3, M4 optimal cluster numbers are close to each other. They used the same dataset to generate clusters. M4 has seven clusters without user input of number of clusters, while M1 and M3 are provided the number of clusters between 2 and 10 to decide on the best number of clusters. M1 finds the optimal solution fastest among all. M2 is computationally the most expensive since it could not find the optimal solution in 6 days. M5 used a signed network dataset. It has the least number of clusters to find the optimal solution once provided number of clusters between 2 and 10. It has the second best solution time among all models with a slightly different network structure with more nodes and edges compared with other models.

ModelBest number of clustersSolution time (CPU s)Data size (V, E)
M190.1(81, 577)
M2Stopped after 6 days(81, 577)
M382.50(81, 517)
M476.19(81, 517)
M540.48(91, 521)

Table 1.

Model results.


4. Discussion

The model minimizing the maximum of cluster diameters can be expected to generate clusters of similar sizes. However, the application of the third model (M3) on the UKfaculty data formed three clusters of size greater than 10. The result reveals that the cluster sizes are dependent on the density of the relationships existing in the data. An alternative optimal solution with the cluster size increased from eight to nine formed more uniform-sized clusters. Two cluster sizes were greater than 10. This observation suggests defining extra constraints to force bounds on cluster sizes based on the subject matter expert opinion. Such constraints can improve the results compromised with the extra computational time.

The first model is more suitable for generating clusters with diverse members since the adjacent nodes are assigned to different clusters while optimizing the number of clusters. Second and third models generate compact clusters minimizing the distances inside the clusters. Both models can be used where individual cluster members are required to be close to each other. Third one is more relaxed compared with the second one minimizing the diameter of clusters instead of minimizing the total distance between members of clusters. The second model is computationally the most expensive among all. The fourth model maximizes the modularity metric to generate compact clusters compared with a random model. The modularity metric is widely used to design heuristic algorithms to cluster large scale datasets. The advantage of the modularity optimization is that it does not require the number of clusters as a user input. The last model is designed for clustering signed networks. Signed networks have many applications in social science.

The maximum diameter minimization model (M3) can form dense clusters as in community structure finding approaches [14, 15]. However, mathematical programming approaches to both modularity maximization and modularity density maximization are computationally more costly compared to M3. Table 1 reports computational efficiency of M3 compared with a modularity maximization model (M4). Many heuristic algorithms are developed [11] for modularity maximization despite the reported deficiencies such as resolution and degeneracy problems. Designing heuristics to optimize M3 can contribute to heuristic approaches in network clustering as such.


5. Conclusion

In this chapter, we provided pure and mixed-integer linear programming formulations with diverse objective functions for crisp clustering problems. The first formulation finds the minimum number of clusters to assign objects that do not share a common edge. The second formulation minimizes the total distance inside clusters. This model is computationally more expensive than others, unable to find the optimal solution in 6 days even for two clusters. The third formulation minimizes the longest shortest path inside clusters. The fourth formulation maximizes the modularity metric to find optimal clustering. The last formulation is designed for signed networks to minimize the number of frustration edges. All models are coded in Python and solved optimally except the second one. Optimal clustering results are reported with respect to solution times and the number of clusters.

Application of the third model on UKfaculty dataset generated clusters with at least two affiliations. However, most of the clusters have a dominating affiliation. The model produces compact clusters in this sense. When the number of clusters is increased from eight to nine, dominating affiliations are distinguished better. There exist two clusters with a single affiliation. Three clusters out of eight have sizes greater than 10. Increasing the number of clusters while the solution stays optimal or imposing bounds on cluster sizes can form clusters with similar sizes. MILP formulations allow flexibility of defining extra constraints to improve results. The third model can be employed to social network datasets to reveal close relationships as such. The models are not practical for networks with hundreds of nodes and thousands of edges or more. However, heuristics can be developed to solve the models for larger datasets. Defining extra constraints based on expert opinions and designing heuristics are future research directions. The code for the third model is explained in detail. All codes and data are publicly available to make a reproduction of the results possible.


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Written By

Harun Pirim, Amin Aghalari and Mohammad Marufuzzaman

Submitted: 22 December 2021 Reviewed: 31 March 2022 Published: 24 April 2022