Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Fractional Optimal Control Problem of Parabolic Bilinear Systems with Bounded Controls

Written By

Abella El Kabouss and El Hassan Zerrik

Reviewed: 17 December 2021 Published: 18 January 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.102070

From the Edited Volume

Vibration Control of Structures

Edited by Cyril Fischer and Jiří Náprstek

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The purpose of this paper is to study a fractional distributed optimal control for a class of infinite-dimensional parabolic bilinear systems evolving on a spatial domain Ω by distributed controls depending on the control operator. Using the Fréchet differentiability, we prove the existence of an optimal control depending on both time and space, that minimizes a quadratic functional which leads into account, the deviation between the desired state and the reached one. Then, we show characterizations of an optimal distributed control for different admissible controls set. Moreover, we developed an algorithm and give simulations that successfully illustrate the theoretically obtained results.


  • infinite-dimensional system
  • parabolic bilinear systems
  • fractional derivative
  • optimal control

1. Introduction

In engineering and mathematics, control theory deals with the behavior of dynamical systems. The desired output of a system is called the reference. When one or more output variables of a system need to follow a certain reference over time, a controller manipulates the inputs to a system to obtain the desired effect on the output of the system, As an example: the control of vibration which is becoming more and more important for many industries. This generally has to be achieved without additional cost, and thus, detailed knowledge of structural dynamics is required together with familiarity of standard vibration control techniques. We also cited the following works on what concerns the vibration control [1, 2, 3].

The bilinear system involves the product of state and control, linear in state and linear in control but not jointly linear in state and control. The interest of these systems lies in the fact that many natural and industrial processes have intrinsically bilinear structures, This is the case of furnaces for heating metal slabs or heat exchangers, aircraft and robot arms, or energy transmission lines.

Let Ω be an open bounded domain of n, n1, with regular boundary ∂Ω, and consider a bilinear system described by the equation (see [4])


where, A=Δ of the domain DA=H01ΩH2Ω, u is a control assumed to belong to the set of controls


B is a bounded control operator on L2Ω. For z0H01Ω and uU, system (2) has a unique solution zW=zL20TH01ΩztL20TL2Ω.

Let us consider the fractional quadratic control problem:




where, Dxα denotes the fractional spacial derivative of order α]0,1[, z is a solution of system (2), zdL2Ω is a desired derivative and β is a positive constant.

Ractional calculus has emerged as a powerful and efficient mathematical instrument during the past six decades, mainly due to its demonstrated applications in numerous, seemingly diverse, and widespread fields of science and engineering. As an example, The theory of fractional differential equations has received much attention, as they are important for describing the natural models as in diffusion processes, stochastic processes, economics, and hydrology. Moreover, the fractional optimal control has been studied in many works, such as Frederico et al. have studied a fractional optimal control problem in Caputo’s sense. Agrawal [5] have presented an extended approach to a class of distributed system whose dynamics are defined in the sense of Caputo. In [6], they considered the fractional optimal control problem for variable inequalities. In [7], Bahaa studied the fractional optimal control problem for different systems. When α=0, problem (2) was considered in many works.: Bradley and Lenhart [8] have shown the existence of such an optimal control and given characterization of such control using necessary optimality conditions. Then, an optimal distributed control for a Kirchhoff plate equation acting on the state position. Also, they collaborated with Yong [9] on the same equation by temporal controls acting on the speed state and with special optimal control in Bradley and Lenhart [10]. For parabolic systems, we have mentioned the work in [11], which established an optimal control of a parabolic equation, modeling one-dimensional fluid through a soil-packed tube in which a contaminant is initially distributed, taking a functional criterion as a combination of the final amount of contaminant and the energy. In the same way, Addou and Benbrik [12] studied a fourth-order parabolic distributed parameter system and derived the existence and uniqueness of temporal bilinear optimal control. Then, Zerrik and El Kabouss [13] extended this problem to a more general class of systems governed by a fourth-order parabolic operator and excited by bounded and unbounded controls. A wide literature has also been considered for infinite hyperbolic systems, especially, by Liang [14] who analyzed an optimal control problem for a wave equation with internal bilinear control, and has given an optimal control that allows minimizing a functional cost which contains the difference between the solution’s position and a desired one. In the case of boundary bilinear controls: Lenhart and Wilson [15] have studied the problem of controlling the solution of the heat equation with the convective boundary condition, such as, that the bilinear control represents a heat transfer coefficient. The used approach consists in finding a unique optimal control in terms of the solution of an optimality system.

For a system evolving on a spatial domain Ω, regional controllability concerns the extension of the classical notion of controllability (controllability on the whole domain Ω) to the controllability only on a subregion ω of Ω. This notion is interesting for many reasons: it is close to real applications. For instance, the physical problem that concerns a tunnel furnace where one has to maintain a prescribed temperature only in a subregion of the furnace and may be of great help for systems that are non-controllable on the whole domain but controllable on some subregions, and controlling a system on a subregion ωΩ is cheaper than controlling it in the whole domain. Zerrik and El Kabouss [16] have studied a regional optimal bilinear control of wave equation, taking a functional cost as the sum of the energy and the difference between the solution of the wave equation and the desired state for bounded and unbounded controls. Recently, Zerrik and El Kabouss [17] established an output optimal control problem with a bounded control set. In other words, they considered a problem of controlling only an output of the solution of a parabolic system. In [18], they have studied an optimal control problem for the heat equation in order to give control that leads to a state as the class as possible to the desired state, only on a subregion of the domain of evolution, under constrained controls sets.

In this paper, we consider 0<α<1, which is very important for modeling many real processes. We study a fractional optimal control problem of parabolic bilinear systems. Using the Frechet differentiability, we prove the existence and give the expression of an optimal control solution of (2). Then we discuss particular cases of admissible controls set.


2. Existence of an optimal control

This section discusses the existence of a solution of the problem (2).

First, let us recall the notion of the weak solution of the system (2).

Definition 1.1.

Let T>0, a continuous function z0TL2Ω is a weak solution of system (3) on 0T, if it satisfies the following integral equation


where St denotes the C0 semi-group generated by A in L2Ω.

For fractional Riemann Louiville derivatives, we recall the following definition.

Definition 1.2.

Let 0<α<1 and T>0, the fractional spatial Riemann Liouville derivatives of order α is defined by:


where I01α is the Riemann-Liouville integral of 1α order defined by:


with Γ1α=0+ταeτ.

In the following, we show the existence of optimal control, solution of problem (3).

Theorem 1.3.

Problem (3) has at least one solution.

Proof: For uU, the associated solution of system (3) is one of the equation


Using the bound of the semi-group Stt0 over 0T, we have


It follows


Using the Gronwal inequality, we get


with C1=Cz0L2Ω.

On the other hand, the set JuuU is non-empty and is bounded from below by 0.

Let ukkN be a minimizing sequence in U such that limkJuk=infhUJh..

Then JukkN is bounded. Since ukL20TL2Ω2βJuk thus, ukkN is bounded.

Thus, there exists a subsequence still denoted ukkN that weakly converges to a limit uL20TL2Ω.

Since U is closed and convex, uU.

Let zuk, zu be the corresponding solutions of system (2) to uk and u, we have


This implies,


Using the boudness of semigroup we get


By theorem 3.9. in [4] the weak convergence uku gives ukBzu.uBzu. weakly in L20TL2Ω..

Since Stt0 is compact, we have


It follows that zukz strongly in L20TL2Ω..

Since for α]0,1[, Dxα is continuous from H01ΩL2Ω, then


and as J is lower, semi-continuous with respect to weak convergence, we have


leading to Ju=infuUJuk..

Remark 1.

If we consider the system (2) with a source termfL20TL2Ω


the same well-posedness and regularity results as hold, but the constant C1 in Eq. (7) takes the form as follows:


3. Characterization

We now derive necessary conditions that an optimal control must satisfy. To derive these necessary conditions, we differentiate the cost functional. The differentiation result provides a characterization of the unique optimal control in terms of the optimality system.

In the next, we consider problem (2) and we discuses special cases of the set of admissible controls U.

Proposition 1.4.

Let consider the adjoint system given by:


where zu solution of system (2) and Dxα is the adjoint operator of Dxα.

Then the Frechet derivative of J at uU is given by:



The system (12) has a weak solution pL2OTL2Ω see [8], that satisfies:


where Stt0 denotes the C0 semi-group of generator A, and B the adjoint operator of B.

Let consider the following system:


Let show that the mapping Ψ:uz from UL20TL2Ω is Frechet differentiable, and y=Ψu.h is solution of system (15).

The operator L:hy from U to W is linear.

Using remark (1) we have


It follows that L is continuous.

Now to show that Ψ is Frechet differentiable, it suffices to prove that


Setting zh=Θu+h, ψ=zhzu. and Φ=ψy, then ψ and Φ are solutions of the following systems




It follows that




Then ΦL20TH1ΩChU2.

It means that


We conclude that Θ is Fréchet differentiable.

Let consider u,u+hU, then




Then J is Fréchet differentiable, and its derivative is given by:


Using the system (15), we have


Using the Gronwall lemma, we get


A variational formulation of system (12) leads to:


It means that


Using the Gronwall lemma once more gives


Then inequality (3) becomes


Then the Frechet derivative of J is given by:


The following results characterize and give an expression of an optimal control solution of problem (2) in several cases of admissible controls sets.

Proposition 1.5.

An optimal control solution of problem (2) is given by



The Frechet differential of J is given by


Since J achieves its minimum at u, we have


Taking h=maxmmin1βBzxtp(xt)Mu, we show that hu+1βBzp is negative and then


If M1βBzp we have Muu+1βBzp=0, thus u=M.

If m1βBzpM we have 1βBzpuu+1βBzp=0.

Therefore u=1βBzp.

Now, if m1βBzp, we have muu+1βBzp=0 and then u=m.

We conclude that,


The next proposition shows a necessary optimality condition.

Proposition 1.6.

Let uU be an optimal control, then:



If v=u, we get the condition.

If v is different than u, and since U is convex we have


It follows


which gives




Since oλvu=λvuφλvu, with limz0φz=0. Then


we conclude that,


Corollary 1.

Let gL2Ω, such that gNeq0 and assuming that U=L20T..

Then an optimal control is given by


with vt=1βgL2ΩΩBzxtpxt

Particularly, if gx=1Dx, with DΩ is the actuator location and 1D is the characteristic function such that its measure μD is non-zero, then an optimal control vt is given by



Let vL20T, such that wxt=vtgx it follows from (1.6) that JuwL20TL2Ω)=0 which gives




Then JutgL2Ω=0, it means


which leads to formula (25).


4. Algorithm and simulations

In this section, we give an example to illustrate the usefulness of our main results.

The optimality condition (25) shows that the optimal control u is a function of z and p which themselves are functions of u. Then the control cannot be directly computed. For this reason, we introduce the following algorithm.

  • Step 1: Choose an initial control u0U a threshold accuracy ε>0, and initialize with k=0;

  • Step 2: Compute zk, solution of (2) and pk, solution of (12) relatively to vk.

  • Step 3: Compute


  • Step 4: If uk+1uk>ε,k=k+1, go to step 2. Otherwise u=uk

For simulations, we consider a bilinear system described by the equation:


We consider problem (2) with α=0.2 and zdx=0.62x3+1.7x2+0.023.

Applying the above algorithm, we obtain the following figures (Figures 1 and 2):

Figure 1.

Final state.

Figure 2.

The evolution of an optimal control.

The desired state is obtained with error DxαzxTzdxL2Ω2=5.27.104 and a cost Ju=2.31.103.


5. Conclusion

In this work, we discuss the question of fractional optimal control problem of parabolic bilinear systems with bounded controls, we obtain a distributed control solution, that minimizes a quadratic functional. This work gives an opening to other questions; this is the case of the fractional optimal control problem of hyperbolic systems. This will be the purpose of a future research paper.


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Written By

Abella El Kabouss and El Hassan Zerrik

Reviewed: 17 December 2021 Published: 18 January 2023