Open access peer-reviewed chapter

On Parametrizations of State Feedbacks and Static Output Feedbacks and Their Applications

Written By

Yossi Peretz

Reviewed: 11 October 2021 Published: 02 December 2021

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.101176

From the Edited Volume

Control Systems in Engineering and Optimization Techniques

Edited by P. Balasubramaniam, Sathiyaraj Thambiayya, Kuru Ratnavelu and JinRong Wang

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In this chapter, we provide an explicit free parametrization of all the stabilizing static state feedbacks for continuous-time Linear-Time-Invariant (LTI) systems, which are given in their state-space representation. The parametrization of the set of all the stabilizing static output feedbacks is next derived by imposing a linear constraint on the stabilizing static state feedbacks of a related system. The parametrizations are utilized for optimal control problems and for pole-placement and exact pole-assignment problems.


  • control systems
  • continuous-time systems
  • state-space representation
  • feedback stabilization
  • static state feedback
  • static output feedback
  • Lyapunov equation
  • parametrization
  • optimization
  • optimal control
  • H∞-control
  • H2-control
  • linear-quadratic regulators
  • pole assignment
  • pole placement
  • robust control

1. Introduction

The solution of the problem of stabilizing static output feedback (SOF) has a great practical importance, for several reasons: they are simple, cheap, reliable, and their implementation is simple and direct. Since in practical applications, full-state measurements are not always available, the application of stabilizing state feedback (SF) is not always possible. Obviously, in practical applications, the entries of the needed SOFs are bounded with bounds known in advance, but unfortunately, the problem of SOFs with interval constrained entries is NP-hard (see [1, 2]). Exact pole assignment and simultaneous stabilization via SOF or stabilization via structured SOFs are also NP-hard problems (see [2, 3] resp.). These problems become even harder when optimal SOFs are sought, when the optimality notions can be the sparsity (see [4]) of the controller (e.g., for reliability purposes of networked control systems (NCSs)), the cost or energy consumption of the controller (which are related to various norm-bounds on the controller), the H-norm, the H2-norm or the linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) functional of the closed loop. The practical meaning of the NP-hardness of the aforementioned problems is that the problems cannot be formulated as convex problems (e.g., through LMIs or SDPs) and cannot have any efficient algorithms (under the widespread belief that P NP). Thus, one has to compromise the exactness (which might affect the feasibility of the solution) or the optimality of the solution. Therefore, one has to utilize the specific structure of the given problem, in order to describe effectively the set of all feasible solutions, by reducing the number of variables and constraints to the minimum, for the purpose of increasing the efficiency and accuracy of the available algorithms. This is the aim of the proposed method.

Several formulations and related algorithms were introduced in the literature for the constrained SOF and other control hard problems. The iterated linear matrix inequalities (ILMI), bilinear matrix inequalities (BMI), and semi-definite programming (SDP) approaches for the constrained SOF problem, for the simultaneous stabilizing SOF problem, and for the robust control via SOF (with related algorithms) were studied in: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. The problem of pole placement via SOF and the problem of robust pole placement via Static Feedback were studied in: [12, 13]. In [14, 15], the method of alternating projections was utilized to solve the problems of rank minimization and pole placement via SOFs, respectively. The probabilistic and randomized methods for the constrained SOF problem and robust stabilization via SOFs (among other hard problems) were discussed in [16, 17, 18, 19]. In [20], the problem of minimal-gain SOF was solved efficiently by the randomized method. A non-smooth analysis approach for H synthesis and for the SOF problem is given in [21, 22], respectively. A MATLAB® library for multiobjective robust control problems based on the non-smooth analysis approach was introduced in [23]. All these references (and many more references not brought here) show the significance of the constrained SOF problem to control applications.

Many problems can be reduced to the SOF constrained problem, including the reduction of the minimal-degree dynamic-feedback problem and robust or decentralized stability via static-feedback, reduced-order H filter problem, global minimization of LQR functional via SOF, and the design problem of optimal PID controllers (see [2, 10, 24, 25, 26, 27] respectively). It is worth mentioning [28], where the alternating direction method of multipliers was utilized to alternate between optimizing the sparsity of the state feedback matrix and optimizing the closed-loop H2-norm, where the sparsity measure was introduced as a penalty term, without any pre-assumed knowledge about the sparsity structure of the controller. The method of augmented Lagrangian for optimal structured static-feedbacks was considered in [29], where it is assumed that the structure is known in advance (otherwise, one should solve a combinatorial problem). The computation overhead of all the aforementioned methods can be reduced significantly, if good parametrization of all the SOFs of the given system could be found, where a parametrization can be called “good” if it takes into account the structure of the given specific system and if it well separates between free and dependent parameters, thus resulting in a minimal set of nonlinear nonconvex inequalities/equations needed to be solved.

In [30], a parametrization of all the SFs and SOFs of Linear-Time-Invariant (LTI) continuous-time systems is achieved by using a characterization of all the (marginally) stable matrices as dissipative Hamiltonian matrices, leading to a highly performance sequential semi-definite programming algorithm for the minimal-gain SOF problem. The proposed method there can be applied also to LTI discrete-time systems by adding semi-definite conditions for placing the closed-loop eigenvalues in the unit disk. A new parametrization for SOF control of linear parameter-varying (LPV) discrete-time systems, with guaranteed 2-gain performance, is provided in [31]. The parametrization there is given in terms of an infinite set of LMIs that becomes finite, if some structure on the parameter-dependent matrices is assumed (e.g., an affine dependency). The H2-norm guaranteed-performance SOF control for hidden Markov jump linear systems (HMJLS) is studied in [32], where the SOFs are parameterized via convex optimization with LMI constraints, under the assumptions of full-rank sensor matrices and an efficient and accurate Markov chain state estimator. In [33], an iterative LMI algorithm is proposed for the SOF problem for LTI continuous-time negative-imaginary (NI) systems with given H norm-bound on the closed loop, based on decoupling the dependencies between the SOF and the Lyapunov certificate matrix.

When solving an optimization problem, it is important to have a convenient parametrization for the set of feasible solutions. Otherwise, one needs to use the probability method (i.e., the “generate and check” method), which is seriously doomed to the “curse of dimensionality” (see [16]). In [13], a closed form of all the stabilizing state feedbacks is proved (up to a set of measure 0), for the purpose of exact pole assignment, when the location errors are optimized by lowering the condition number of the similarity matrix, and the controller performance is optimized by minimizing its Frobenius norm. The parametrization in [13] is based on the assumptions that the input-to-state matrix B has a full rank and at least one real state feedback leading to diagonalizable closed-loop matrix exists, where a necessary condition for the existence of such feedback is that the multiplicity of any assigned eigenvalue is less than or equal to rankB. In this context, it is worth mentioning [34] in which a parametrization of all the exact pole-assignment state feedbacks is given, under the assumption that the set of needed closed-loop poles should contain sufficient number of real eigenvalues (which make no problem if the problem of pole placement is of concern, where it is generally assumed that the region is symmetric with respect to the real axis and contains a real-axis segment with its neighborhood). The results of [34] and of the current chapter are based on a controllability recursive structure that was discovered in [35].

In this chapter, using the aforementioned controllability recursive structure, we introduce a parametrization of the set of all stabilizing SOFs for continuous-time LTI systems with no other assumptions on the given system (for discrete-time LTI systems, the parametrization is much more involved and will be treated in a future work). As opposed to the notable works [36, 37, 38], where for the parametrization one still needs to solve some LMIs in order to get the Lyapunov matrix, here we give an explicit recursive formula for the Lyapunov matrix and for the feedback in the case of SF, and a constrained form for the Lyapunov matrix and for the feedback in the case of SOF.

The rest of the chapter goes as follows:

In Section 2, we set notions and give some basic useful lemmas, and in Section 3, we introduce the parametrization of the set of all stabilizing static-state feedbacks for LTI continuous-time systems. In Section 4, we introduce the constrained parametrization of the set of all stabilizing SOFs for LTI continuous-time systems. The effectiveness of the method is shown on a real-life system. Section 5 is based on [34] and is devoted to the problem of exact pole assignment by SF, for LTI continuous-time or discrete-time systems. The effectiveness of the method is shown on a real-life system. Finally, in Section 6, we conclude with some remarks and intentions for a future work.


2. Preliminaries

By C we denote the complex field and by C the open left half-plane. For zC we denote by Rz its real part, while by Iz we denote its imaginary part. For a square matrix Z, we denote by σZ the spectrum of Z. For a Rp×q matrix Z, we denote by ZT its transpose, and by zi,j or by Zi,j, its ij‘th element or block element. A square matrix Z in the continuous-time context (in the discrete-time context) is said to be (asymptotically) stable, if any eigenvalue λσZ satisfies Rλ<0, i.e., λC (satisfies λ<1, i.e. λD where D is the open unit disk).

Consider a continuous-time system in the form:


where ARn×n,BRn×m,CRr×n, and x,u,y are the state, the input, and the measurement, respectively. Assuming that the state x is fully accessible and fully available for feedback, we define u=K0x to be the state feedback (SF). When the state is not fully accessible or not fully available for feedback but the measurement y is available for feedback, we define u=Ky to be the static output feedback (SOF). The problems that we consider here are the following:

  • (SF-PAR): How can one parameterize the set of all K0Rm×n such that the closed-loop ABK0 is stable, and what is the best parametrization (in terms of minimal number of parameters and minimal set of constraints)?

  • (SOF-PAR): How can one parameterize the set of all KRm×r such that the closed-loop ABKC is stable, and what is the best parametrization?

The parameterizations will be used for achieving other goals and performance keys for the system, other than stability, which is the feasibility defining basic key.

A square matrix Z is said to be non-negative (denoted as Z0) if ZT=Z and vTZv0 for any vector v. A non-negative matrix Z is said to be strictly non-negative (denoted as Z>0) if vTZv>0 for any vector v0. For two square matrices Z,W, we would write ZW (Z>W) if ZW0 (respectively, if ZW>0). For a matrix ZRp×q, we denote by Z+ the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse (see [39, 40] for definition and properties). By LZ,RZ we denote the orthogonal projections IqZ+Z and IpZZ+, respectively, where Is denotes the identity matrix of size s×s. Note that Z+Z and ZZ+ (as well as LZ and RZ) are symmetric and orthogonally diagonalizable with eigenvalues from 01. By diag and bdiag we denote diagonal and block-diagonal matrices, respectively.

A system triplet ABC is SOF stabilizable (or just stabilizable) if and only if there exist K and P>0 such that


for some given R>0 (R=I can always be chosen), where E=ABKC. For the “if” direction, note that (2) implies the negativity of the real part of any eigenvalue of E, implying that the closed-loop E is stable. For the “only-if” direction, under the assumption that E=ABKC is stable for some given K, one can show that P0expEtRexpETtdt is well defined, satisfies PT=P and P>0, and is the unique solution for (2).

Note that the set of all SOFs is given by K=B+XC++LBS+TRC where S,T are any m×r matrices and X is any n×n matrix such that E=ABB+XC+C is stable. Thus, one can optimize K by utilizing the freeness in S,T without changing the closed-loop performance achieved by X. This characterization of the feasibility space shows its effectiveness in proving theorems, as will be seen along the chapter (see also [20, 35]). We also conclude that ABC is stabilizable if and only if ABB+C+C is stabilizable.

In the sequel, we make use of the following lemma (see [39]):

Lemma 2.1 The matrix equation AX=B has solutions if and only if AA+B=B (equivalently, RAB=0). When the condition is satisfied, the set of all solutions is given by


where Z is arbitrary matrix. Moreover, we have: XF2=A+BF2+LAZF2, implying that the minimal Frobenius-norm solution is X=A+B.

Similarly, the equation YA=B has solutions if and only if BA+A=B (equivalently, BLA=0). When the condition is satisfied, the set of all solutions is given by


where W is arbitrary matrix. Moreover, we have: YF2=BA+F2+WRAF2, implying that the minimal Frobenius-norm solution is Y=BA+.


3. Parametrization of all the static state feedbacks

We start with the following lemma known as the projection lemma (see [41], Theorem 3.1):

Lemma 3.1 The pair ABB+ is stabilizable if and only if there exists P>0 such that


When (5) is satisfied then, X is a stabilizing SF if and only if X is a solution for


Moreover, one specific solution for (6) is given by


Similarly, ATC+C is stabilizable if and only if there exists Q>0 such that


When (8) is satisfied then, YT is a stabilizing SF (i.e., ATC+CYT or, equivalently, AYC+C is stable) if and only if Y is a solution for:


One specific solution for (9) is given by


Remark 3.1 The explicit formulas (7) and (10) are our little contribution to the projection lemma, Lemma 3.1. Unfortunately, we do not have such an explicit formulas for LTI discrete-time systems.

In order to describe the set of all solutions for (6) and (9), we need the following lemma that can be proved easily:

Lemma 3.2 Let P>0,Q>0. Then, the set of all solutions for:


is given by Z=WP1 where WT=W.

Similarly, the set of all solutions for:


is given by Z=Q1V where VT=V.

The following theorem describes the set of all solutions for (6) and (9), using the controllers (7) and (10):

Theorem 3.1 Let P>0 satisfy (5) and let X0 be given by (7). Then, X is a solution for (6) if and only if:


where W satisfies WT=W,RBW=0 and L is arbitrary.

Similarly, let Q>0 satisfy (8) and let Y0 be given by (10). Then, Y is a solution for (9) if and only if:


where V satisfies VT=V,VLC=0 and M is arbitrary.


Assume that X is a solution for (6). Since X0 is also a solution for (6), it follows that BB+XX0P+PXX0TBB+=0. Let Z=BB+XX0. Then, RBZ=0 and ZP+PZT=0. Lemma 3.2 implies that Z=WP1, where WT=W and therefore RBW=0. We conclude that XX0=WP1+RBL for some L (namely, L=XX0).

Conversely, let X be given by (13) and let Z=WP1. Then, BB+XX0=BB+Z=Z since BB+RB=0 and since RBZ=0. Now, ZP+PZT=0 implies that


from which we conclude that X satisfies (6), since X0 satisfies (6). The second claim is proved similarly.

In the following we describe the set P of all matrices P>0 satisfying (5). Note that in Theorem 3.1 the existence of P>0 satisfying (5) is guaranteed by the assumption that ABB+ is stabilizable and as a result of Lemma 3.1. Let PP and let


Let XP denote the set of all matrices X satisfying (15) for a fixed PP, and let KP denote the set of all matrices K satisfying (15) for a fixed PP. Note that for a fixed PP, the set XP is convex (actually affine) and PPXP contains all the stabilizing X parameters of the stabilizable pair ABB+. Finally, PPKP contains all the stabilizing SF’s K of the stabilizable pair AB.

For a stabilizable pair ATCT, let Q be the set of all matrices Q>0 satisfying (8), and let


Let YQ denote the set of all matrices Y satisfying (16) for a fixed QQ, and let KQ denote the set of all matrices K satisfying (16) for a fixed QQ. Then, QQKQ contains all the stabilizing SFs K of the stabilizable pair ATCT.

In the following we assume (without loss of generality, see Remark 4.2) that ABB+ is controllable. Under this assumption, we recursively (go downwards and) define a sequence of sub-systems of the given system ABB+. Since BB+ is symmetric matrix (with simple eigenvalues from the set 01), it is diagonalizable by an orthogonal matrix. Let U denote an orthogonal matrix such that


(where k=rankB=rankBB+1 since AB is controllable). Let Â=UTAU=Â1,1Â1,2Â2,1Â2,2 be partitioned accordingly. Let U0=U and let A0=A,B0=B,n0=n,k0=rankB0. Similarly, let U1 be an orthogonal matrix such that U1TB1B1+U1=bdiagIk10, where B1=Â2,1. Let A1=Â2,2,n1=n0k0,k1=rankB1. Then, A1B1 is controllable since A0B0 is controllable (see [35] and see Lemma 5.1 in the following).

Recursively, assume that the pair AiBi was defined and is controllable. Let Ui be an orthogonal matrix such that Bî=UiTBiBi+Ui=bdiagIki0, where ki1 (since AiBi is controllable). Let Aî=UiTAiUi=Aî1,1Aî1,2Aî2,1Aî2,2 be partitioned accordingly, with sizes ki×ki and niki×niki of the main diagonal blocks. Let Ai+1=Aî2,2,Bi+1=Aî2,1,ni+1=niki,ki=rankBi. Then, Ai+1Bi+1 is controllable. We stop the recursion when BiBi+=Iki for some i=b (i.e. the base case, in which also kb=nb).

Now, we go upward and define the Lyapunov matrices and the related SFs of the sub-systems. For the base case i=b, let Pb>0 be arbitrary (note that it is a free parameter!). Let


and note that RBb=0 in the base case. Now, it can be checked that Eb=AbBbKb=AbXb is stable. We therefore have a parametrization of KbPb through arbitrary Pb>0.

Let Pi+1 denote the set of all Pi+1>0 satisfying:


and assume that Ki+1Pi+1 was parameterized through Pi+1>0 ranging in the set Pi+1, as is defined by (19). Similarly, let Pi denote the set of all Pi>0 satisfying:


and assume that KiPi was parameterized through Pi>0 ranging in the set Pi, as is defined by (20).

Now, we need to characterize the matrices Pi>0 belonging to the set Pi. Multiplying (20) from the left by UiT and from the right by Ui we get:


where RBî=000Iniki and Pî=UiTPiUi=Pî1,1Pî1,2PiT̂1,2Pî2,2 is partitioned accordingly. The condition (20) is therefore equivalent to:


which is equivalent to:


Let Pi+1Pi+1 and let Ki+1Ki+1Pi+1. Set Pî2,2Pi+1 and set Pî1,2Ki+1Pi+1. Now, since Pî2,2Pi+1>0, (22) implies that the system:


is stable. Now,


and we need to define Pî1,1 in order to complete Pî to a strictly non-negative matrix. Since:


it follows that Pî>0 if and only if Pî1,1Ki+1Pi+1Ki+1T>0 or equivalently if and only if Pî1,1=ΔPî1,1+Ki+1Pi+1Ki+1T, where ΔPî1,1 is arbitrary strictly non-negative matrix (a free parameter!).

Conversely, if Pi>0 satisfies (20) then (23) is stable and thus:


for some Ri+1Pi+1. But since Ki+1Ki+1Ri+1 if and only if:


since the last equation has unique strictly non-negative solution and since Pî2,2 satisfies this equation, it follows that Ri+1=Pî2,2. Let Pi+1=Pî2,2. Then, Ki+1Ki+1Pi+1 and since Pî1,2=Ki+1Pi+1, it follows that Pî has the form (24). Thus, Pî1,1=ΔPî1,1+Ki+1Pi+1Ki+1T where ΔPî1,1>0 is arbitrary (a free parameter!) and


Therefore, Pi is the set of all Pi>0 such that Pî=UiTPiUi is given by (26). We thus have a parametrization of all Pi>0 satisfying (20). Specifically, P0 is the set of all P0>0 satisfying (5).

Now, let PiPi and let


Then, it can be checked that Ei=AiBiKi=AiBiBi+Xi is stable. We therefore have a parametrization of KiPi through PiPi. We conclude the discussion above with the following:

Theorem 3.2 Let AB be a controllable pair. Then, in the above notations, for i=b1,,0, Pi>0 satisfies (20) if and only if Pî=UiTPiUi has the structure (26) where ΔPî1,1>0 is arbitrary (free parameter), where Ki+1Ki+1Pi+1, where Pb>0 is arbitrary (free parameter) and KbPb is given by (18). Moreover, KiPi for i=b1,,0 is given by (27).

Similarly to the discussion above, relating to ATC+C and defining sub-systems for j=0,,c, we have a parametrization of all Qj>0 satisfying (8) for the related sub-system and specifically, Q0 is the set of all Q0>0 satisfying (8). The parametrizations of all the stabilizing SF’s of ABB+ and ATC+C are given in the following:

Corollary 3.1 Let ABB+ be a given controllable pair. Then, the set of all stabilizing SF’s of ABB+ is given by X=X0+WP1+RBL where


where L is arbitrary, W satisfies WT=W,RBW=0, and P>0 satisfies


i.e. PP0.

Similarly, let ATC+C be a given controllable pair. Then, the set of all stabilizing SF’s of ATC+C is given by Y=Y0+Q1V+MLC where


where M is arbitrary, V satisfies VT=V,VLC=0, and Q>0 satisfies


i.e. QQ0.


4. Parametrizations of all the static output feedbacks

In this section, we give two parametrizations for the set of all the stabilizing SOFs. We start with the following lemma, which was extensively used in [20]:

Lemma 4.1 A system ABC is stabilizable if and only if AB and ATCT are stabilizable and there exist matrices X,YRn×n such that ABB+X and AYC+C are stable and BB+X=YC+C. When the conditions hold, the set of all stabilizing SOFs related to the chosen matrices X,Y is given by KX=B+XC++LBS+TRC or by KY=B+YC++LBF+HRC respectively, where S,T,F,H are any m×r matrices. The closed-loop matrix is given by E=ABKXC=ABB+X=AYC+C=ABKYC.

Remark 4.1 Under the hypotheses of Corollary 3.1, note that X=X0+WP1+RBL and Y=Y0+Q1V+MLC satisfies BB+X=YC+C if and only if BB+X0+WP1=Y0C+C+Q1V, since BB+W=W,BB+RB=0,VC+C=V,LCC+C=0. Moreover, this condition can be simplified to (meaning that it does not include matrix inverses):


We can state now the first parametrization for the set of all the stabilizing SOFs:

Corollary 4.1 Let ABC be a given system triplet. Assume that AB,ATCT are controllable. Then, the system has a stabilizing static output feedback if and only if there exist P,Q>0 and W,V such that


In this case, ABKC is stable if and only if


where S,T,L are arbitrary.

Similarly, ABKC is stable if and only if


where F,H,M are arbitrary.

We conclude this section with a second SOF parametrization:

Corollary 4.2 Let AB and ATCT be controllable pairs. Then, ABKC is stable if and only if there exists K0K0P0 for some P0P0, such that K0LC=0 . In this case, the set of all K‘s such that ABKC is stable, is given by K=K0C++GRC where K0K0P0, and G is arbitrary.

Proof: If there exists K0K0P0 such that K0LC=0 for some P0P0 then K0=K0C+C. Since K0K0P0 it follows that ABK0 is stable. Thus, for K=K0C+ we get that ABKC is stable.

Conversely, if ABKC is stable for some K then, for K0=KC we have K0LC=0 and since ABK0 is stable, Theorem 3.2 implies that there exists P0P0 such that K0K0P0. .

Remark 4.2 Note that when ABB+ is stabilizable, there exists an orthogonal matrix V such that


where Â1,1 is stable and Â2,2B̂2,2B̂2,2+ is controllable (see [35], Lemma 3.1, p. 536). Thus, we may assume without loss of generality that the given pair is controllable. If ABC is a system triplet such that ABB+ and ATC+C are stabilizable then, there exists an orthogonal matrix V such that Â2,2B̂2,2B̂2,2+ and Â2,2TĈ2,2+Ĉ2,2 are controllable, where Ĉ=VTC+CV is partitioned accordingly (see [35], Theorem 4.1 and Remark 4.1, p. 539). Thus, the assumption in Corollary 4.2 that the given pairs are controllable does not make any loss of generality of the results.

The effectiveness of the method is shown in the following example, but first, for the convenience of the reader, we summarize the whole method in Algorithm 1 (with its continuation in Algorithm 2). Let fK denote a target function of the SOF K, to be minimized (e.g., KF, the LQR functional, the H-norm or the H2-norm of the closed loop, the pole-placement errors of the closed loop, or any other key performance that depends on K).

Regarding the LQR problem, let the LQR functional be defined by:


where Q>0 and R0 are given. We need to find ut that minimizes the functional value for any initial disturbance x0 from the equilibrium point 0. Assuming that ut is realized by a stabilizing SOF, let ut=Kyt=KCxt. Then, by substitution of the last into (29), we get:


Now, since Q+CTKTRKC>0 and since EABKC is stable, the Lyapunov equation:


has unique solution PLQRK>0 given by:


By substitution of (31) into (30), we get:


Algorithm 1. An Algorithm For Optimal SOF’s.

Require:An algorithm for optimizingfKunder LMI and linear constraints, an algorithm for computing the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse and an algorithm for orthogonal diagonalization.

Input:System tripletABCsuch thatAB,ATCTare controllable.

Output:SOFKsuch thatABKCis stable minimizingfK— if exists

 1. A0A

 2. B0B

 3. i0

 4. k0rankB0

 5. whileBiBi+Ikido

 6.  compute orthogonal matrixUisuch thatUiTBiBi+Ui=bdiagIki0

 7.  AîUiTAiUi

 8.  partitionAî=Aî1,1Aî1,2Aî2,1Aî2,2

 9.  Ai+1Aî2,2

10.  Bi+1Aî2,1

11.  ii+1

12.  kirankBi

13. end while

14. bi

15. letPbbeasymbol forPb>0

16. X0b12Inb+AbPb+PbAbTPb1

17. letWbbeasymbol foramatrix satisfyingWbT=Wb

18. XbX0b+WbPb1

19. letFbbeasymbol for arbitrary matrix

20. KbBb+Xb+LBbFb



Algorithm 2. An Algorithm For Optimal SOF’s, Continued.

 1. fori=b1downto0do

 2.  letΔPî1,1beasymbol forΔPî1,1>0

 3.  PîΔPî1,1+Ki+1Pi+1Ki+1TKi+1Pi+1Pi+1Ki+1TPi+1

 4.  Pî1ΔPî1,11ΔPî1,11Ki+1Ki+1TΔPî1,11Pi+11+Ki+1TΔPî1,11Ki+1

 5.  PiUiPîUiT

 6.  Pi1UiPî1UiT

 7.  X0iIni+AiPi+PiAiTIni12BiBi+Pi1

 8.  letWibeasymbol foramatrix satisfyingWiT=WiandRBiWi=0

 9.  letLibeasymbol for arbitrary matrix

10.  letFibeasymbol for arbitrary matrix

11.  XiX0i+WiPi1+RBiLi

12.  KiBi+Xi+LBiFi

13. end for

14. optimizefKunder the matrix equationK0LC=0

  and the constraintsΔP0̂1,1>0,,ΔPb1̂1,1>0,Pb>0

  with respect toF0,,FbtoW0,,Wb

  and toΔP0̂1,1,,ΔPb1̂1,1,Pbasvariables

15. ifasolution was foundthen

16. returnK

17. else

18. returnnosolution was found

19. end if

where σmaxPLQRK is the largest eigenvalue of PLQRK. Therefore,


Now, if x0 is known then we can minimize Jx0K by minimizing x0TPLQRKx0. Otherwise, and if we design for the worst-case, we need to minimize σmaxPLQRK.

In the following examples, we have executed the algorithm on Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz 3.10 GHz, RAM: 8.00 GB, Operating System: Windows 10, System Type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor, Platform: MATLAB®, Version: R2018b, Function: fmincon.

Example 4.1 A system of Boeing B-747 aircraft (the “AC5” system in [42] and see also [43]) is given by the general model (given here with slight changes):


where x is the state, w is the noise, u is the control input, z is the regulated output, and y is the measurement, where:




Note that AB and ATCT here are controllable. Let u=urKy, where ur is a reference input. Then, u=urKCxKD2,1w and substitution the last into the system yields the closed-loop system:


where the behavior of z is of our interest. Note that we actually have:


For the stabilization via SOF with minimal Frobenius-norm, we need to minimize fK=KF. For the LQR problem we need to minimize fK=x0TPLQRKx0 when x0 is known and to minimize fK=σmaxPLQRK when x0 is unknown, where PLQRK is given by (32). For the H and the H2 problems, we need to minimize fK=Tw,zsH and fK=Tw,zsH2, resp. where:


These problems needed to be solved under the constraint that ABKC stable, i.e., that K=K0C++GRC, where K0K0P0 for some P0P0, such that K0LC=0.

Applying the algorithm we had:


The “while-loop” stops because B1B1+=I2. We have


Now, we parameterize all the matrices K0 such that A0B0K0 is stable. Let P1=p1p2p2p3, where p1,d1p1p3p22>0. Let w1 be arbitrary and let W1=0w1w10. Let




Let ΔP0̂1,1=p4p5p5p6, where p4,d2p4p6p52>0. Then,








Note that W0T=W0,RB0W0=0 implies that W0=04. We have completed the parametrization of all the SFs of the system, where the parameters W1, P1>0, and ΔP0̂1,1>0 are free.

Regarding the optimization stage, we had the following results: starting from the point (feasible for SF but not feasible for SOF):


in CPUTime=0.59375sec the fmincon function (with the interior-point option and the default optimization parameters) has converged to the optimal point


resulting with the following optimal Frobenius-norm SF and SOF


with KF=1.325888763265586103. The resulting closed-loop eigenvalues are:


For a comparison, in this (small) example we had seven scalar indeterminate, four scalar equations and four scalar inequalities while by the BMI method A0B0KC0P+PA0B0KC0T<0,P>0 we would have 14 scalar indeterminate and eight scalar inequalities. This shows the potential of the method in reducing the number of variables and inequalities/equations, thus enabling to deal efficiently with larger problems. Moreover, the method removes the decoupling of P and K, in the sense that now K depends on P and the dependence of P on K has removed, thus making the problem more relaxed.

Figures 1 and 2 show the impulse response and the step response of the closed-loop system, in terms of the regulated output z=y, where w=0 and ur is the delta Dirac function or the unit-step function, respectively. While the amplitudes seem to be reasonable, the settling time of order 105 seems unreasonable. This happens because lowering the SOF-norm results in pushing the closed-loop eigenvalues toward the imaginary axes, as can be seen from the dense oscillations. We therefore must set a barrier on the abscissa of the closed-loop eigenvalues as a constraint. Note however that as a starting point for other optimization keys where we need any stabilizing SOF that we can get, the above SOF might be sufficient.

Figure 1.

Impulse response of the closed loop with the minimal-norm SOF.

Figure 2.

Step response of the closed loop with the minimal-norm SOF.

Regarding the LQR functional with Q=I,R=I, starting from:


in CPUTime=0.90625sec the fmincon function has converged to the optimal point


resulting with the following optimal SF and SOF


with KF=3.182523976577676103 and LQR wort-case functional-value σmaxPLQRK=1.981249586261248106. The resulting closed-loop eigenvalues are:


The entries of z=y under w=0 and ur=0, when the closed-loop system is derived by the initial condition x0=1111T are depicted in Figure 3. The results might not be satisfactory regarding the amplitudes or the settling time; however, as a starting point for other optimization keys where we need any stabilizing SOF that we can get, the above SOF might be sufficient.

Figure 3.

Response of initial condition of the closed loop with the LQR SOF.

For the problem of pole placement via SOF, assume that the target is to place the closed-loop eigenvalue as close as possible to 10±i,1±0.1i. Then, starting from:


in CPUTime=1.828125sec the fmincon function has converged to the optimal point


resulting with the following optimal SF and SOF


with KF=1.256029021159584105. The resulting closed-loop eigenvalues are:


Figures 4 and 5 depict the impulse response and the step response of the closed loop with the pole-placement SOF. The amplitudes look reasonable but the settling time might be unsatisfactory.

Figure 4.

Impulse response of the closed loop with the pole-placement SOF.

Figure 5.

Step response of the closed loop with the pole-placement SOF.

Regarding the H-norm of the closed loop, starting from:


in CPUTime=0.703125sec the fmincon function has converged to the optimal point


resulting with the following optimal SF and SOF


with KF=8.768026908280017104 and Tw,zsH=1.631954397074613105. The resulting closed-loop eigenvalues are:


The simulation results of the closed-loop system are given in Figure 6, where w is normally distributed random disturbance, where each entry is N0106 distributed. The maximum absolute values of the entries of z=y are

Figure 6.

Response of the closed loop with the optimal H-norm SOF to a 106 variance zero-mean normally distributed random disturbance.


and the maximum absolute values of the entries of x are


The results here are good.

Regarding the H2-norm of the closed loop, starting from:


in CPUTime=8.390625sec the fmincon function has converged to the optimal point


resulting with the following optimal SF and SOF


with KF=2.895579903518702109 and Tw,zsH2=2.289352128445973106. The resulting closed-loop eigenvalues are:


The simulation results of the closed-loop system is given in Figure 6, where w is normally distributed random disturbance, where each entry is N0106 distributed. The maximum absolute values of the entries of z=y are


and the maximum absolute values of the entries of x are


The results here are excellent.

We conclude that the best performance of the closed-loop system is achieved with the optimal H2-norm SOF; however, since the Frobenius-norm of the SOF controller is high, the cost of construction and of operation of the SOF controller might be high, and there are no “free meals.” Note also that by minimizing the SOF Frobenius-norm, the eigenvalues of the closed loop tend to get closer to the imaginary axes (to the region of lower degree of stability), while by minimizing the H2-norm, the eigenvalues of the closed loop tend to escape from the imaginary axes (to the region of higher degree of stability). These are conflicting demands, and therefore, one should use some combination of the related key functions or to use some multiobjective optimization algorithm in order to get the best SOF in some or all of the needed key performance measures (Figure 7).

Figure 7.

Response of the closed loop with the optimal H2-norm SOF to a 106 variance zero-mean normally distributed random disturbance.

The following counterintuitive example shows that the SOF problem can be unsolvable (or hard to solve) even for small systems. In the example we show how nonexistence of SOF can be detected by the method:

Example 4.2 Let


Applying the algorithm we have


The “while-loop” stops because B1B1+=1. Let P1=p1 where p1>0. Then,


Let ΔP0̂1,1=p2, where p2>0. Then


We therefore have:


as the free parametrization of all the state feedbacks for which A0B0K0 is stable—for any choice of p1,p2>0. Now LC0=121111 and the equations K0LC0=0 are equivalent to the single equation:


Assuming p1,p2>0, the last equation implies that


leading to a contradiction with p2 being real positive number.


5. A parametrization for exact pole assignment via SFs

This section is based on the results reported in [34], where the proofs of the following lemma and theorem can be found. The aim of this section is to introduce a parametrization of all the SF’s for the exact pole-assignment problem, when the set of eigenvalues can be given as free parameters (under some reasonable assumptions). This is done as part of the research of the problem of parametrization of all the SOFs for pole assignment. Note that the problem of exact pole assignment by SOFs is NP-hard (see [3]), meaning that an efficient algorithm for the problem probably does not exist, and therefore an effective description of the set of all solutions might not exist too. Also note that with SOFs, the feasible set Ω might exclude some open set from being a feasible set for the closed-loop spectrum (see [12]). These make the full aim very hard (if not impossible) to achieve. We therefore focus here on the problem of exact pole assignment via SFs.

Let the control system be given by:


where ARn×n,BRn×m,CRr×n, Σxt=ddtxt in the continuous-time context and Σxt=xt+1 in the discrete-time context. We assume without loss of generality that AB is controllable. The problem of exact pole assignment by SF is defined as follows:

  • (SF-EPA) Given a set ΩC, Ω=n (in the discrete-time context ΩD), symmetric with respect to the x-axis, find a state feedback FRm×n such that the closed-loop state-to-state matrix E=ABF has Ω as its complete set of eigenvalues, with their given multiplicities.

In [13], a closed form of all the exact pole-placement SFs is proved (up to a set of measure 0), based on Moore’s method. In order to minimize the inaccuracy of the eigenvalues final placement and in order to minimize the Frobenius-norm of the feedback, a convex combination of the condition number of the similarity matrix and of the feedback norm was minimized. The parametrization proposed in [13] is based on the assumptions that there exists at least one real state feedback that leads to a diagonalizable state-to-state closed-loop matrix and that B is full rank. A necessary condition for such SF to exist is that the final multiplicity of any eigenvalue is less than or equal to rankB. Here, we do not assume that B is full rank and we only assume that Ω contains sufficient number of real eigenvalues. A survey of most of the methods for robust pole assignment via SFs or by SOFs and the formulation of these methods as optimization problems with optimality necessary conditions is given in [44]. In [45] a performance comparison of most of the algorithmic methods for robust pole placement is given. A formulation of the general problem of robust exact pole assignment via SFs as an SDP problem and LMI-based linearization is introduced in [46], where the robustness is with respect to the condition number of the similarity matrix, which is made in order to hopefully minimize the inaccuracy of the eigenvalues final placement. Unfortunately, one probably cannot gain a parametric closed form of the SFs from such formulations. Moreover, the following proposed method is exact and therefore enables the use of the parametrization free parameters for other (and maybe more important) optimization purposes. Note that since the proposed method is exact, the closed-loop eigenvalues thyself can be inserted to the problem as parameters.

A completely different notion of robustness with respect to pole placement is considered in the following works:

Robust pole placement in LMI regions and H design with pole placement in LMI regions are considered in [47, 48], respectively. An algorithm based on alternating projections is introduced in [15], which aims to solve efficiently the problem of pole placement via SOFs. A randomized algorithm for pole placement via SOFs with minimal norm, in nonconvex or unconnected regions, is considered in [20].

Let Ω=α1,α1¯c1timesαm,αm¯cmtimesβ1r1timesβrtimes, be the intended closed-loop eigenvalues, where the αs denote the paired complex-conjugate eigenvalues (with nonzero imaginary part), the βs denote the real eigenvalues, and 2c1,,2cm,r1,,r denote their respective multiplicities, where 2i=1mci+j=1rj=n. In the following we would say that the size of the set (actually, the multiset) Ω is n (counting multiplicities) and we would write Ω=n. Note that AB is controllable if and only if ABB+ is controllable, and also note that BB+ is a real symmetric matrix with simple eigenvalues in the set 01 and thus is orthogonally diagonalizable matrix. Let U denote an orthogonal matrix such that:


where k=rankB=rankBB+1 since AB is controllable, and let Â=UTAU=Â1,1Â1,2Â2,1Â2,2 be partitioned accordingly. We cite here the following lemma taken from [34] connecting between the controllability of the given system and the controllability of its sub-system:

Lemma 5.1 In the notations above, ABB+ is controllable if and only if Â2,2Â2,1Â2,1+ is controllable.

Again, we use the recursive controllable structure. Let U0=U and let A0=A,B0=B,n0=n,k0=rankB0. Similarly, let U1 be an orthogonal matrix such that U1TB1B1+U1=bdiagIk10, where B1=Â2,1. Let A1=Â2,2,n1=n0k0,k1=rankB1. Now, Lemma 5.1 implies that A1B1 is controllable since A0B0 is controllable. Recursively, assume that the pair AiBi is controllable. Let Ui be an orthogonal matrix such that Bî=UiTBiBi+Ui=bdiagIki0, where ki1 (since AiBi is controllable). Let Aî=UiTAiUi=Aî1,1Aî1,2Aî2,1Aî2,2 be partitioned accordingly, with sizes ki×ki and niki×niki of the main block-diagonal blocks. Let Ai+1=Aî2,2,Bi+1=Aî2,1,ni+1=niki,ki=rankBi. Then, Lemma 5.1 implies that Ai+1Bi+1 is controllable. The recursion stops when BiBi+=Iki for some i=b (which we call the base case). Note that in the worst case, the recursion stops when the rank kb=1.

Theorem 5.1 In the above notations, assume that j=1rja, where a is the number of parity alternations in the sequence n0n1nb. Let Ω0=Ω. Then, there exist a sequence Ω0Ω1Ωb of symmetric sets with size Ωi=ni (counting multiplicities) and there exist a real state feedback Fi=FiGi+1Fi+1 such that σAiBiFi=Ωi. Moreover, an explicit (recursive) formula for FiGi+1Fi+1 is given by:


where σÂ2,2iÂ2,1iFi+1=σAi+1Bi+1Fi+1=Ωi+1 and Gi+1 is arbitrary real matrix such that σGi+1=Ωi\Ωi+1.

Example 5.1 Consider the problem of exact pole assignment via SF for the same system from Example 4.1. We therefore assume here that the full state is available for feedback control. Now, using the calculations from Example 4.1, we have: n0n1=42 implying that the number of parity alternations is a=0. We therefore can assign by the method any symmetric set of eigenvalues to the closed loop. Let Ω0=αα¯ββ¯ be the eigenvalues to be assigned, and let Ω1=ββ¯. Now,








We have completed the pole-assignment SF parametrization. As an application, assume that α=10+i,β=1+0.1i. Then,


resulting with the closed-loop eigenvalues:


In our calculations, we used MATLAB®, which has a general precession of 57 significant digits in computing eigenvalues. Thus, we have almost no loss of digits by the method. For a comparison, see the last case in Example 4.1 and note that while exact pole assignment can be achieved by SF, in general, it cannot be achieved by SOF because the last is a NP-hard problem (see the introduction of this section). Even regional pole placement is hard to achieve by SOF because of the nonconvexity of the SOF feasibility domain.

Remark 5.1 Note that the indices k0k1kb as well as the indices n0n1nb, can be calculated from AB in advance. After calculating these indices and the number a of parity alternations in the sequence n0n1nb, the designer can define Ω as to satisfy the assumption of Theorem 5.1, i.e., being symmetric with at least a real eigenvalues, in a parametric way, and get a parametrization of all the real SF leading to Ω as the set of closed-loop eigenvalues. Next, the designer can play with the specific values of these and of other free parameters, in order to gain the needed closed-loop performance requirements. This is in contrast with other methods where the parametrization is calculated ad-hoc for a specific set of eigenvalues, where any change in the set of eigenvalues necessitates new execution of the method.

Remark 5.2 Note that Fi+1 can be replaced by Fi+1+IBi+BiHi+1 where Hi+1 is any real matrix, without changing the closed-loop eigenvalues (if one seek feedbacks with minimal Frobenius-norm, then he should take Hi+1=0, otherwise he should leave Hi+1 as another free parameter). Thus, the freeness in HbH1H0 and in Gb+1GbG1 makes the freeness in F0 (e.g. in order to globally optimize the H-norm of the closed loop, the H2-norm or the LQR functional of the closed loop or any other performance key thereof). Note also that the sequences FbF1F0 and Gb+1GbG1 can be calculated for Ω as in Theorem 5.1, where the eigenvalues in Ω are given as free parameters. In that case, it can be easily proved by induction that the state feedbacks FbF1F0 depend polynomially on the eigenvalues parameters and on the other free parameters mentioned above (for complex eigenvalue α they depend polynomially on Rα,Iα).

Finally, it is wort mentioning that the complementary theorem of Theorem 5.1 was also proved in [34], meaning that under the assumptions of Theorem 5.1, any SF that solves the problem has the form given in the theorem (up to a factor of the form given in Remark 5.2).


6. Concluding remarks

In this chapter, we have introduced an explicit free parametrization of all the stabilizing SF’s of a controllable pair AB. This enables global optimization over the set of all the stabilizing SF’s of such pair, because the parametrization is free. For a system triplet ABC, we have shown how to get the parametrization of all the SOFs of the system by parameterizing all the SFs of AB and all the SFs of ATCT and then imposing the compatibility constraint (28). We have also shown a parametrization of all the SOFs of the system triplet ABC by imposing the linear constraint K0LC0=0 on the SF K0 of the pair AB, where K0 was defined recursively and parameterizes the set of all SFs of AB. This leads to a set of polynomial equations (after multiplying by the l.c.m. of the denominators of the rational entries of K0) and inequalities that can be brought to polynomial equations. The resulting polynomial set of equations can be solved (parametrically) by using the Gröbner basis method (see e.g., [49, 50, 51, 52]). By applying the Gröbner basis method, one would get an indication to the existence of solutions and in case that solutions do exist, it would tell what are the free parameters and how other parameters depend on the free parameters. It seems that the proposed method makes the Gröbner basis computations overhead (or other methods thereof) reduced significantly, thus enabling SOF global optimization for larger systems.

In view of Theorem 5.1 (with its complementary theorem proved in [34]), we have introduced a sound and complete parametrization of all the state feedbacks F which make the matrix Ê=UTABFUk-complementary nk-invariant with respect to Ω1 (see [34] for the definition and properties), where U is orthogonal such that UTBB+U=bdiagIk0, k=rankB, where Ω is symmetric and has at least a (being the parity alternations in the sequence n0nb) real eigenvalues, where Ω1Ω is symmetric with maximum real eigenvalues with size Ω1=nk. Assuming Ω as above, we have generalized the results of [13] in the sense that we do not assume the existence of real state feedback F that brings the closed-loop E=ABF to diagonalizable matrix, which actually means that the geometric and algebraic multiplicity coincides for any eigenvalue of the closed loop, and we do not assume the restriction on the multiplicity of each eigenvalue to be less than or equal to rankB. However, in cases where the number of real eigenvalues in Ω is less than a, one should use the parametrizations given in [13], in [45] or in the references there. Note that in communication systems, where complex SFs and SOFs are sought, the introduced method is complete (with no restrictions) since the number of parity alternations and the restriction on Ω to contain as much real eigenvalues, were needed only to guarantee that Fi for i=b,,0 is real in each stage, which is needless in communication systems.

In view of Example 5.1, one can see that the accuracy of the final location of the closed-loop eigenvalues given by the proposed method depends only on the accuracy of computing Bi+ and Ui for i=0,,b and in the algorithm that we have to compute the closed-loop eigenvalues (see [53], for example) in order to validate their final location, and it has nothing to do with the specific values of the specific eigenvalues given in Ω. Therefore, by the proposed method, once that Bi+ and Ui for i=0,,b were computed as accurate as possible, the location of the closed-loop eigenvalues will be accurate accordingly. Thus, by the proposed method the designer can save time since he can do it parametrically only once, and afterward he only needs to play with the specific values of the eigenvalues until he gets a satisfactory closed-loop performance, where he can be sure that the accuracy of the final placement will be the same for all of his trials independently on the specific values of the chosen eigenvalues. Also, the given parametrization of F0 is polynomially dependent on the free parameters and thus is very convenient for applying automatic differentiation and optimization methods.

To conclude, we have introduced parametrizations of SFs and SOFs that are based on the recursive controllable structure that was discovered in [35]. The results has powerful implications for real-life systems, and we expect for more results in this direction. Unfortunately, for uncertain systems, the method cannot work directly because of the dependencies of ABC in uncertain parameters, for which we cannot compute Ui for i=0,,b. However, if a nominal system A˜B˜C˜ is known accurately then, the method can be applied to that system and the free parameters of the parametrization can be used to “catch” the uncertainty of the whole system, together with the closed-loop performance requirements. The research of this method will be left for a future work.


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Written By

Yossi Peretz

Reviewed: 11 October 2021 Published: 02 December 2021