Open access peer-reviewed chapter

More Functions Associated with Neutrosophic gsα*- Closed Sets in Neutrosophic Topological Spaces

Written By

P. Anbarasi Rodrigo and S. Maheswari

Submitted: 12 July 2021 Reviewed: 15 July 2021 Published: 13 September 2021

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.99464

From the Edited Volume

Advanced Topics of Topology

Edited by Francisco Bulnes

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The concept of neutrosophic continuous function was very first introduced by A.A. Salama et al. The main aim of this paper is to introduce a new concept of Neutrosophic continuous function namely Strongly Neutrosophic gsα* - continuous functions, Perfectly Neutrosophic gsα* - continuous functions and Totally Neutrosophic gsα* - continuous functions in Neutrosophic topological spaces. These concepts are derived from strongly generalized neutrosophic continuous function and perfectly generalized neutrosophic continuous function. Several interesting properties and characterizations are derived and compared with already existing neutrosophic functions.


  • Neutrosophic gsα*- closed set
  • Neutrosophic gsα*- open set
  • Strongly Neutrosophic gsα*- continuous function
  • Perfectly Neutrosophic gsα*- continuous function
  • Totally Neutrosophic gsα*- continuous function

1. Introduction

The concept of Neutrosophic set theory was introduced by F. Smarandache [1] and it comes from two concept, one is intuitionistic fuzzy sets introduced by K. Atanassov’s [2] and the other is fuzzy sets introduced by L.A. Zadeh’s [3]. It includes three components, truth, indeterminancy and false membership function. R. Dhavaseelan and S. Jafari [4] has discussed about the concept of strongly generalized neutrosophic continuous function. Further he also introduced the topic of perfectly generalized neutrosophic continuous function. The real life application of neutrosophic topology is applied in Information Systems, Applied Mathematics etc.

In this paper, we introduce some new concepts related to Neutrosophic gsα continuous function namely Strongly Neutrosophic gsα continuous function, Perfectly Neutrosophic gsα continuous function, Totally Neutrosophic gsα continuous function.


2. Preliminaries

Definition 2.1: [5] Let P be a non-empty fixed set. A Neutrosophic set Ҥ on the universe P is defined as Ҥ=ptҤpiҤpfҤp:pЄP where tҤp,iҤp,fҤp represent the degree of membership function tҤp, the degree of indeterminacy iҤp and the degree of non-membership function fҤp respectively for each element pЄP to the set Ҥ. Also, tҤ,iҤ,fҤ : P]0,1+[ and 0 tҤp+iҤp+fҤp3+. Set of all Neutrosophic set over P is denoted by Neu(P).

Definition 2.2: [8] Let P be a non-empty set. Ⱥ=ptȺpiȺpfȺp:pЄP and Ƀ=ptɃpiɃpfɃp:pЄP are neutrosophic sets, then

  1. Ⱥ ⊆ Ƀ if tȺptɃp,iȺpiɃp,fȺpfɃp for all pЄP.

  2. Intersection of two neutrosophic set Ⱥ and Ƀ is defined as ȺɃ= pmintȺptɃpminiȺpiɃpmaxfȺpfɃp:pЄP.

  3. Union of two neutrosophic set Ⱥ and Ƀ is defined as ȺɃ=pmaxtȺptɃpmaxiȺpiɃpminfȺpfɃp:pЄP.

  4. Ⱥc=pfȺp1iȺptȺp:pЄP.

  5. 0Neu=p001:pЄP and 1Neu=p110:pЄP.

Definition 2.3: [5] A neutrosophic topology (NeuT) on a non-empty set P is a family τNeu of neutrosophic sets in P satisfying the following axioms,

  1. 0Neu, 1Neu ЄτNeu.

  2. Ⱥ1Ⱥ2ЄτNeu for any Ⱥ1,Ⱥ2ЄτNeu.

  3. ȺiЄτNeu for every family Ⱥi/iЄτNeu.

In this case, the ordered pair PτNeu or simply P is called a neutrosophic topological space (NeuTS). The elements of τNeu is neutrosophic open set NeuOS and τNeuc is neutrosophic closed set NeuCS.

Definition 2.4: [6] A neutrosophic set Ⱥ in a NeuTS PτNeu is called a neutrosophic generalized semi alpha star closed set NeugsαCS if NeuαintNeuαclȺNeuint(G), whenever Ⱥ ⊆ G and G is Neuα open set.

Definition 2.5: [7] A neutrosophic topological space PτNeu is called a NeugsαT12 space if every NeugsαCS in PτNeu is a NeuCS in PτNeu.

Definition 2.6: A neutrosophic function f:PτNeuQσNeu is said to be

  1. neutrosophic continuous [8] if the inverse image of each NeuCS in QσNeu is a NeuCS in PτNeu.

  2. Neugsα continuous [7] if the inverse image of each neutrosophic closed set in QσNeu is a Neugsα closed set in PτNeu.

  3. Neugsα irresolute map [7] if the inverse image of each Neugsα closed set in QσNeu is a Neugsαclosed set in PτNeu.

  4. strongly neutrosophic continuous [4] if the inverse image of each neutrosophic set in QσNeu is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu.

  5. perfectly neutrosophic continuous [4] if the inverse image of each NeuCS in QσNeu is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu.

Definition 2.7: [9] Let τNeu=0Neu1Neu is a neutrosophic topological space over P. Then PτNeu is called neutrosophic discrete topological space.

Definition 2.8: A neutrosophic topological space PτNeu is called a neutrosophic clopen set (Neuclopen set) if it is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu.


3. Strongly neutrosophic gsα-continuous function

Definition 3.1: A neutrosophic function f:PτNeuQσNeu is said to be strongly Neugsα continuous if the inverse image of every NeugsαCS in QσNeu is a NeuCS in PτNeu. (ie) f1Ⱥ is a NeuCS in PτNeu for every NeugsαCS Ⱥ in QσNeu.

Theorem 3.2: Every strongly Neugsα continuous is neutrosophic continuous, but not conversely.


Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be any neutrosophic function. Let Ⱥ be any NeuCS in QσNeu. Since every NeuCS is NeugsαCS, then Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is strongly Neugsα continuous, then f1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is neutrosophic continuous.

Example 3.3: Let P =p and Q =q. τNeu=0Neu1NeuȺ and σNeu=0Neu1NeuɃ are NeuTS on PτNeu and QσNeu respectively. Also Ⱥ=p0.6,0.4,0.4 and Ƀ= q0.4,0.6,0.2 are NeuP and NeuQ. Define a map f:PτNeuQσNeu by fp=q+0.2. Let Ƀc=q0.2,0.4,0.4be a NeuCS in QσNeu. Then f1Ƀc= p0.40.60.6. Now, Neuclf1Ƀc=Ⱥc1Neu=Ⱥc=f1Ƀc f1Ƀc is NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is neutrosophic continuous, but f is not strongly Neugsα continuous. Let Ȼ=q0.10.20.8 be a NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Then f1Ȼ= p0.30.41. Now Neuclf1Ȼ=Ⱥc1Neu=Ⱥcf1Ȼ f1Ȼ is not NeuCS in PτNeu.

Theorem 3.4: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be strongly Neugsα continuous iff the inverse image of every NeugsαOS in QσNeu is NeuOS in PτNeu.


Assume that f is strongly Neugsα continuous function. Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαOS in QσNeu. Then Ⱥc is NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is strongly Neugsα continuous, then f1Ⱥc is NeuCS in PτNeu f1Ⱥc is NeuCS in PτNeu f1Ⱥ is NeuOS in PτNeu. Conversely, Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Then Ⱥc is NeugsαOS in QσNeu. By hypothesis, f1Ⱥc is NeuOS in PτNeu f1Ⱥc is NeuOS in PτNeu f1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is strongly Neugsα continuous.

Theorem 3.5: Every strongly Neugsα continuous is Neugsα continuous, but not conversely.


Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be any neutrosophic function. Let Ⱥ be any NeuCS in QσNeu. Then Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is strongly Neugsα continuous, then f1Ⱥ is a NeuCS in PτNeu f1Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is Neugsα continuous.

Example 3.6: Let P=p and Q =q. τNeu=0Neu1NeuȺ and σNeu=0Neu1NeuɃ are NeuTS on PτNeu and QσNeu respectively. Also Ⱥ =p0.4,0.5,0.7 and Ƀ = q0.6,0.8,0.4 are NeuP and NeuQ. Define a map f:PτNeuQσNeu by fp=q. Let Ƀc=q0.4,0.2,0.6be a NeuCS in QσNeu. Then f1Ƀc= p0.40.20.6. NeuαOS=NeuαOS= 0Neu1NeuȺ and NeuαCS=0Neu1NeuȺc. Neuαclf1Ƀc=Ⱥc1Neu=Ⱥc. Now, NeuαintNeuαclf1Ƀc= ȺNeuint1Neu=1Neu, whenever f1Ƀc1Neuf1Ƀc is NeugsαCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is Neugsα continuous. But f is not strongly Neugsαcontinuous. Let Ȼ=q0.30.10.7 be a NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Then f1Ȼ= p0.30.10.7. Now Neuclf1Ȼ=Ⱥc1Neu=Ⱥcf1Ȼ f1Ȼ is not NeuCS in PτNeu.

Theorem 3.7: Every strongly neutrosophic continuous is strongly Neugsα continuous, but not conversely.


Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be any neutrosophic function. Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is strongly neutrosophic continuous, then f1Ⱥ is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu f1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu. Hence, f is strongly Neugsα continuous.

Example 3.8: Let P =p and Q =q. τNeu=0Neu1NeuȺȻ and σNeu=0Neu1NeuɃ are NeuTS on PτNeu and QσNeu respectively. Also Ⱥ=p0.4,0.6,0.2, Ȼ=p0.4,1[0.61]0,0.2and Ƀ= q0.4,0.6,0.2 are NeuP and NeuQ. Define a map f:PτNeuQσNeu by fp=q. Let Ⱦ= q00.200.40.41 be a NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Then f1Ⱦ= p00.20,0.40.4,1. Now Neuclf1Ⱦ=ȺcȻc1Neu=Ȼc=f1Ⱦ. Therefore, f is strongly Neugsα continuous. But f is not strongly neutrosophic continuous. Let Ɇ= q0.40.60.2 be a neutrosophic set in QσNeu. Then f1Ɇ= p0.40.60.2. Now Neuintf1Ɇ=0NeuȺ=Ⱥ=f1Ɇ f1Ɇ is NeuOS in PτNeu. Also Neuclf1Ɇ=1Neuf1Ɇ f1Ɇ is not NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f1Ɇis not both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu.

Remark 3.9: Every strongly neutrosophic continuous is Neugsα continuous, but not conversely. (by Theorem 3.5 & 3.7).

Theorem 3.10: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be neutrosophic function and QσNeu be NeugsαT12 space. Then the following are equivalent.

  1. f is strongly Neugsα continuous.

  2. f is neutrosophic continuous.


  1. (2), Proof follows from theorem 3.2.

  2. (1), Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since QσNeu is NeugsαT12 space, then Ⱥ is NeuCS in QσNeu. Since f is neutrosophic continuous, then f1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is strongly Neugsα continuous.

Theorem 3.11: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be Neugsα continuous. Both PτNeu and QσNeu are NeugsαT12 space, then f is strongly Neugsα continuous.


Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since QσNeu is NeugsαT12 space, then Ⱥ is NeuCS in QσNeu. Since f is Neugsα continuous, then f1Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in PτNeu. Since PτNeu is NeugsαT12 space, then f1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is strongly Neugsα continuous.

Theorem 3.12: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be strongly Neugsα continuous, then f is Neugsα irresolute.


Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is strongly Neugsα continuous, then f1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu f1Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in PτNeu. Hence, f is Neugsα irresolute.

Theorem 3.13: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be Neugsα irresolute and PτNeu be NeugsαT12 space, then f is strongly Neugsα continuous.


Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is Neugsα irresolute, then f1Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in PτNeu. Since PτNeu is NeugsαT12 space, then f1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is strongly Neugsα continuous.

Theorem 3.14: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu and g:QσNeuRγNeu be strongly Neugsα continuous, then gof:PτNeuRγNeu is strongly Neugsα continuous.


Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in RγNeu. Since g is strongly Neugsα continuous, then g1Ⱥ is NeuCS in QσNeu g1Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is strongly Neugsα continuous, then f1g1Ⱥ=gof1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, gofis strongly Neugsα continuous.

Theorem 3.15: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be strongly Neugsα continuous and g:QσNeuRγNeu be Neugsαcontinuous, then gof:PτNeuRγNeu is neutrosophic continuous.


Let Ⱥ be any NeuCS in RγNeu. Since g is Neugsα continuous, then g1Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is strongly Neugsα continuous, then f1g1Ⱥ=gof1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, gofis neutrosophic continuous.

Theorem 3.16: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be strongly Neugsα continuous and g:QσNeuRγNeu be Neugsα irresolute, then gof:PτNeuRγNeu is strongly Neugsα continuous.


Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in RγNeu. Since g is Neugsα irresolute, then g1Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is strongly Neugsα continuous, then f1g1Ⱥ=gof1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, gofis strongly Neugsα continuous.

Theorem 3.17: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be Neugsα continuous and g:QσNeuRγNeu be strongly Neugsαcontinuous, then gof:PτNeuRγNeu is Neugsα irresolute.


Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in RγNeu. Since g is strongly Neugsα continuous, then g1Ⱥ is NeuCS in QσNeu. Since f is Neugsα continuous, then f1g1Ⱥ=gof1Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in PτNeu. Hence, gofis Neugsα irresolute.

Theorem 3.18: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be neutrosophic continuous and g:QσNeuRγNeu be strongly Neugsα continuous, then gof:PτNeuRγNeu is strongly Neugsα continuous.


Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in RγNeu. Since g is strongly Neugsα continuous, then g1Ⱥ is NeuCS in QσNeu. Since f is neutrosophic continuous, then f1g1Ⱥ=gof1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu. Hence, gofis strongly Neugsα continuous.

Inter-relationship 3.19:


4. Perfectly neutrosophic gsα-continuous function

Definition 4.1: A neutrosophic function f:PτNeuQσNeu is said to be perfectly Neugsα continuous if the inverse image of every NeugsαCS in QσNeu is both NeuOS and NeuCS (ie, Neu clopen set) in PτNeu.

Theorem 4.2: Every perfectly Neugsα continuous is strongly Neugsα continuous, but not conversely.


Let f:PτNeuQσNeube any neutrosophic function. Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is perfectly Neugsα continuous, then f1Ⱥ is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu f1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is strongly Neugsα continuous.

Example 4.3: Let P =p and Q =q. τNeu=0Neu1NeuȺȻand σNeu=0Neu1NeuɃ are NeuTS on PτNeu and QσNeu respectively. Also Ⱥ=p0.7,0.8,0.3, Ȼ=p0.7,10.8,10,0.3and Ƀ=q0.70.80.3 are NeuP and NeuQ. Define a map f:PτNeuQσNeu by fp=q. Let Ⱦ=q00.300.20.71 be a NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Then f1Ⱦ=p00.30,0.20.7,1. Now Neuclf1Ⱦ=ȺcȻc1Neu=Ȼc=f1Ⱦ. Therefore, f is strongly Neugsα continuous. But f is not perfectly Neugsα continuous, because f1Ⱦ is not both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu. Since, Neuintf1Ⱦ=0Neuf1Ⱦ f1Ⱦ is not NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f1Ⱦis not both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu.

Theorem 4.4: Every perfectly Neugsα continuous is perfectly neutrosophic continuous, but not conversely.


Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be any neutrosophic function. Let Ⱥ be any NeuCS in QσNeu. Then Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is perfectly Neugsα continuous, then f1Ⱥ is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is perfectly neutrosophic continuous.

Example 4.5: Let P=p and Q =q. τNeu=0Neu1NeuȺȻɆ and σNeu=0Neu1NeuɃ are NeuTS on PτNeu and QσNeu respectively. Also Ⱥ=p0.4,0.2,0.6, Ȼ=p0.6,0.8,0.4, Ɇ=p0,0.40,0.20.6,1and Ƀ= q0.60.80.4 are NeuP and NeuQ. Define a map f:PτNeuQσNeu by fp=q. Let Ƀc=q0.40.20.6be a NeuCS in QσNeu. Then f1Ƀc= p0.4,0.2,0.6. Now Neuclf1Ƀc=ȺcȻcɆc1Neu=Ȼc=f1Ƀc. Also, Neuintf1Ƀc=ȺɆ0Neu=Ⱥ=f1Ƀc f1Ƀc is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is perfectly neutrosophic continuous. But f is not perfectly Neugsα continuous. Let Ⱦ =q00.400.2[0.61] be NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Then f1Ⱦ=p00.400.2[0.61]. Since, Neuintf1Ⱦ=Ɇ0Neu=Ɇ=f1Ⱦ f1Ⱦ is NeuOS in PτNeu. Also, Neuclf1Ⱦ=ȺcȻcɆc1Neu=Ȼcf1Ⱦ f1Ⱦ is not NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f1Ⱦis not both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu.

Theorem 4.6: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be perfectly Neugsα continuous iff the inverse image of every NeugsαOS in QσNeu is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu.


Assume that f is perfectly Neugsα continuous function. Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαOS in QσNeu. Then Ⱥc is NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is perfectly Neugsα continuous, then f1Ⱥc is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu f1Ⱥc is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu f1Ⱥ is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu. Conversely, Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Then Ⱥc is NeugsαOS in QσNeu. By hypothesis, f1Ⱥc is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu f1Ⱥc is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu f1Ⱥ is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is perfectly Neugsα continuous.

Theorem 4.7: Let PτNeu be a neutrosophic discrete topological space and QσNeu be any neutrosophic topological space. Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be a neutrosophic function, then the following statements are true.

  1. f is strongly Neugsα continuous.

  2. f is perfectly Neugsα continuous.


  1. (2), Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is strongly Neugsα continuous, then f1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu. Since PτNeu is neutrosophic discrete topological space, then f1Ⱥ is NeuOS in PτNeu f1Ⱥ is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is perfectly Neugsα continuous.

  2. (1), Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is perfectly Neugsα continuous, then f1Ⱥ is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu f1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is strongly Neugsα continuous.

Theorem 4.8: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be perfectly neutrosophic continuous and QσNeu be NeugsαT12 space, then f is perfectly Neugsα continuous.


Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since QσNeu is NeugsαT12 space, then Ⱥ is NeuCS in QσNeu.Since f is perfectly neutrosophic continuous, then f1Ⱥ is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is perfectly Neugsα continuous.

Theorem 4.9: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu and g:QσNeuRγNeu be perfectly Neugsα continuous, then gof:PτNeuRγNeu is perfectly Neugsα continuous.


Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in RγNeu. Since g is perfectly Neugsα continuous, then g1Ⱥ is both NeuOS and NeuCS in QσNeu g1Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is perfectly Neugsα continuous, then f1g1Ⱥ=gof1Ⱥ is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, gofis perfectly Neugsα continuous.

Theorem 4.10: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be neutrosophic continuous and g:QσNeuRγNeu be perfectly Neugsα continuous, then gof:PτNeuRγNeu is strongly Neugsα continuous.


Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in RγNeu. Since g is perfectly Neugsα continuous, then g1Ⱥ is both NeuOS and NeuCS in QσNeu. Since f is neutrosophic continuous, then f1g1Ⱥ=gof1Ⱥ is NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, gofis strongly Neugsα continuous.

Theorem 4.11: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be perfectly Neugsα continuous and g:QσNeuRγNeu be strongly Neugsα continuous, then gof:PτNeu RγNeu is perfectly Neugsα continuous.


Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in RγNeu. Since g is strongly Neugsα continuous, then g1Ⱥ is NeuCS in QσNeu g1Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is perfectly Neugsα continuous, then f1g1Ⱥ=gof1Ⱥ is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, gofis perfectly Neugsα continuous.


5. Totally neutrosophic gsαcontinuous function

Definition 5.1: A neutrosophic function f:PτNeuQσNeu is said to be totally Neugsα continuous if the inverse image of every NeuCS in QσNeu is both NeugsαOS and NeugsαCS (ie, Neugsα clopen set) in PτNeu.

Definition 5.2: A neutrosophic topological space PτNeu is called a Neugsαclopen set (Neugsαclopen set) if it is both NeugsαOS and NeugsαCS in PτNeu.

Example 5.3: Let P=p and Q =q. τNeu=0Neu1NeuȺ and σNeu=0Neu1NeuɃ are NeuTS on PτNeu and QσNeu respectively. Also Ⱥ=p0.4,0.5,0.7 and Ƀ= q0.2,0.7,0.8 are NeuP and NeuQ. Define a map f:PτNeuQσNeu by fp=q. Let Ƀc=q0.8,0.3,0.2be a NeuCS in QσNeu. Then f1Ƀc= p0.80.30.2. NeuαOS=NeuαOS= 0Neu1NeuȺ and NeuαCS=0Neu1NeuȺc. Neuαclf1Ƀc=1Neu.Now, NeuαintNeuαclf1Ƀc= 1NeuNeuint1Neu=1Neu, whenever f1Ƀc1Neuf1Ƀc is NeugsαCS in PτNeu. Also, Neuαintf1Ƀc=0Neu.Now, NeuαclNeuαintf1Ƀc=0NeuNeucl0Neu=0Neu, whenever f1Ƀc0Neuf1Ƀc is NeugsαOS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is totally Neugsα continuous.

Theorem 5.4: Every perfectly Neugsα continuous is totally Neugsα continuous, but not conversely.


Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be any neutrosophic function. Let Ⱥ be any NeuCS in QσNeu. Then Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since f is perfectly Neugsα continuous, then f1Ⱥ is both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu f1Ⱥ is both NeugsαOS and NeugsαCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is totally Neugsα continuous.

Example 5.5: Let P=p and Q =q. τNeu=0Neu1NeuȺ and σNeu=0Neu1NeuɃ are NeuTS on PτNeu and QσNeu respectively. Also Ⱥ =p0.2,0.4,0.6 and Ƀ = q0.6,0.8,0.4 are NeuP and NeuQ. Define a map f:PτNeuQσNeu by fp=q. Let Ƀc=q0.4,0.2,0.6be a NeuCS in QσNeu. Then f1Ƀc= p0.40.20.6. NeuαOS=NeuαOS= 0Neu1NeuȺ and NeuαCS=0Neu1NeuȺc. Neuαclf1Ƀc=Ⱥc1Neu=Ⱥc.Now, NeuαintNeuαclf1Ƀc=Ⱥ 0Neu=ȺNeuint1Neu=1Neu, whenever f1Ƀc1Neuf1Ƀc is NeugsαCS in PτNeu. Also, Neuαintf1Ƀc=0Neu. Now, NeuαclNeuαintf1Ƀc=0NeuNeucl0Neu=0Neu, whenever f1Ƀc0Neuf1Ƀc is NeugsαOS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is totally Neugsα continuous. But f is not perfectly Neugsα continuous. Let Ⱦ=q0.3,0.1,0.8 be NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Then f1Ⱦ=p0.3,0.1,0.8. Now, Neuintf1Ⱦ=0Neuf1Ⱦ f1Ⱦ is not NeuOS in PτNeu. Also, Neuclf1Ⱦ=Ⱥcf1Ⱦ f1Ⱦ is not NeuCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f1Ⱦ is not both NeuOS and NeuCS in PτNeu.

Theorem 5.6: Every totally Neugsα continuous is Neugsα continuous.


Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be any neutrosophic function. Let Ⱥ be any NeuCS in QσNeu. Since f is totally Neugsα continuous, then f1Ⱥ is both NeugsαOS and NeugsαCS in PτNeu f1Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is Neugsα continuous.

Example 5.7: Let P=p and Q =q. τNeu=0Neu1NeuȺ and σNeu=0Neu1NeuɃ are NeuTS on PτNeu and QσNeu respectively. Also Ⱥ=p0.7,0.6,0.5 and Ƀ=q0.7,0.8,0.3 are NeuP and NeuQ. Define a map f:PτNeuQσNeu by fp=q. Let Ƀc=q0.3,0.2,0.7 be a NeuCS in QσNeu. Then f1Ƀc= p0.3,0.2,0.7. NeuαOS=NeuαOS= 0Neu1NeuȺD and NeuαCS=0Neu1NeuȺcE, where D=p0.710.6100.5, E=p00.50,0.40.7,1. Neuαclf1Ƀc=ȺcF1Neu=F, where =p0.3,0.50.2,0.40.7. Now, NeuαintNeuαclf1Ƀc=0Neu NeuintȺ,NeuintD,Neuint1Neu=Ⱥ,1Neu, whenever f1ɃcȺ,1Neu f1Ƀc is NeugsαCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is Neugsα continuous. But f is not totally Neugsα continuous, because f1Ƀc is not NeugsαOS in PτNeu. Since NeuαclNeuαintf1Ƀc=0NeuNeuclJ=Ⱥc, whenever f1ɃcJ, where J=p0,0.30,0.20.7,1 f1Ƀc is not NeugsαOS in PτNeu.

Inter-relationship 5.8:

Theorem 5.9: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu be totally Neugsα continuous and QσNeu be NeugsαT12 space, then f is Neugsα irresolute.


Let Ⱥ be any NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since QσNeu is NeugsαT12 space, then Ⱥ is NeuCS in QσNeu. Since f is totally Neugsα continuous, then f1Ⱥ is both NeugsαOS and NeugsαCS in PτNeu f1Ⱥ is NeugsαCS in PτNeu. Therefore, f is Neugsα irresolute.

Theorem 5.10: Let f:PτNeuQσNeu and g:QσNeuRγNeu be totally Neugsα continuous and QσNeu be NeugsαT12 space, then gof:PτNeu RγNeu is totally Neugsα continuous.


Let Ⱥ be any NeuCS in RγNeu. Since g is totally Neugsα continuous, then g1Ⱥ is both NeugsαOS and NeugsαCS in QσNeu. Since QσNeu is NeugsαT12 space, then g1Ⱥ is NeuCS in QσNeu. Since f is totally Neugsα continuous, then f1g1Ⱥ=gof1Ⱥ is both NeugsαOS and NeugsαCS in PτNeu. Therefore, gofis totally Neugsα continuous.


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Written By

P. Anbarasi Rodrigo and S. Maheswari

Submitted: 12 July 2021 Reviewed: 15 July 2021 Published: 13 September 2021