Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Some Identities Involving 2-Variable Modified Degenerate Hermite Polynomials Arising from Differential Equations and Distribution of Their Zeros

Written By

Cheon Seoung Ryoo

Submitted: 19 March 2020 Reviewed: 28 April 2020 Published: 30 May 2020

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.92687

From the Edited Volume

Number Theory and Its Applications

Edited by Cheon Seoung Ryoo

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In this chapter, we introduce the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials and obtain some new symmetric identities for 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials. In order to give explicit identities for 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials, differential equations arising from the generating functions of 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials are studied. Finally, we investigate the structure and symmetry of the zeros of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations.


  • differential equations
  • symmetric identities
  • modified degenerate Hermite polynomials
  • complex zeros

1. Introduction

The Hermite equation is defined as


where ε is unrestricted. Hermite equation is encountered in the study of quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator, where ε represent the energy of the oscillator. The ordinary Hermite numbers Hn and Hermite polynomials Hnx are usually defined by the generating functions




Clearly, Hn=Hn0.

It is known that these numbers and polynomials play an important role in various fields of mathematics and physics, including number theory, combinations, special functions, and differential equations. Many interested properties about that have been studied (see [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]). The ordinary Hermite polynomials Hnx satisfy the Hermite differential equation


Hence ordinary Hermite polynomials Hnx satisfy the second-order ordinary differential equation


We remind that the 2-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxy defined by the generating function (see [2])


are the solution of heat equation


Observe that


Motivated by their importance and potential applications in certain problems of probability, combinatorics, number theory, differential equations, numerical analysis and other areas of mathematics and physics, several kinds of some special numbers and polynomials were recently studied by many authors (see [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]). Many mathematicians have studied in the area of the degenerate Stiling, degenerate Bernoulli polynomials, degenerate Euler polynomials, degenerate Genocchi polynomials, and degenerate tangent polynomials (see [6, 7, 9]).

Recently, Hwang and Ryoo [10] proposed the 2-variable degenerate Hermite polynomials Hnxyλ by means of the generating function


Since 1+μtμet as μ0, it is evident that (9) reduces to (6). The 2-variable degenerate Hermite polynomials Hnxyλ in generating function (9) are the solution of equation


Since log1+λλ1 as λ approaches to 0, it is apparent that (10) descends to (7).

Mathematicians have studied the differential equations arising from the generating functions of special numbers and polynomials (see [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]). Now, a new class of 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials are constructed based on the results so far. We can induce the differential equations generated from the generating function of 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials. By using the coefficients of this differential equation, we obtain explicit identities for the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we construct the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials and obtain basic properties of these polynomials. In Section 3, we give some symmetric identities for 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials. In Section 4, we derive the differential equations generated from the generating function of 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials. Using the coefficients of this differential equation, we have explicit identities for the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials. In Section 5, we investigate the zeros of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations by using computer. Further, we observe the pattern of scattering phenomenon for the zeros of 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations. Our paper will finish with Section 6, where the conclusions and future directions of this work are showed.


2. Basic properties for the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials

In this section, a new class of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials are considered. Furthermore, some properties of these polynomials are also obtained.

We define the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials Hnxyμ by means of the generating function


Since 1+μxtμext as μ0, it is clear that (11) reduces to (6). Observe that degenerate Hermite polynomials Hnxyμ and 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials Hnxyμ are totally different.

Now, we recall that the μ-analogue of the falling factorial sequences as follows:


Note that limμ1xμn=xx1x2xn1=xn,n1. We also need the binomial theorem: for a variable y,


We remember that the classical Stirling numbers of the first kind S1nk and the second kind S2nk are defined by the relations (see [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13])


respectively. We also have


As another application of the differential equation for Hnxyμ is as follows: Note that




Substitute the series in (11) for Gtxyμ to get


Thus the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials Hnxyμ in generating function (11) are the solution of equation


The generating function (11) is useful for deriving several properties of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials Hnxyμ. For example, we have the following expression for these polynomials:

Theorem 1. For any positive integer n, we have


where denotes taking the integer part.

Proof. By (11) and (13), we have


By comparing the coefficients of tnn!, the expected result of Theorem 1 is achieved.

Since limμ0log1+μμ=1, we get


The following basic properties of the 2-variable degenerate Hermite polynomials Hnxyμ are induced form (11). Therefore, it is enough to delete involved detail explanation.

Theorem 2. For any positive integer n, we have


3. Symmetric identities for 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials

In this section, we give some new symmetric identities for 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials. We also get some explicit formulas and properties for 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials.

Theorem 3. Let a,b>0 (ab). The following identity holds true:


Proof. Let a,b>0 (ab). We start with


Then the expression for Gtμ is symmetric in a and b


By the similar way, we get that


By comparing the coefficients of tmm! in last two equations, the expected result of Theorem 3 is achieved.

Again, we now use


For μC, we introduce the modified degenerate Bernoulli polynomials given by the generating function


When x=0 and βnμ=βn0μ are called the modified degenerate Bernoulli numbers. Note that


where Bn are called the Bernoulli numbers. The first few of them are


For each integer k0, Skn=0k+1k+2k++n1k is called sum of integers. A modified generalized falling factorial sum σknμ can be defined by the generating function


Note that limμ0σknμ=Skn. From Ftμ, we get the following result:


In a similar fashion we have


By comparing the coefficients of tmm! on the right hand sides of the last two equations, we have the below theorem.

Theorem 4. Let a,b>0(ab). The the following identity holds true:


By taking the limit as μ0, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 5. Let a,b>0 (ab). The the following identity holds true:


4. Differential equations associated with 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials

In this section, we construct the differential equations with coefficients aiNxyμ arising from the generating functions of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials:


By using the coefficients of this differential equation, we can get explicit identities for the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials Hnxyμ. Recall that


Then, by (37), we have


By continuing this process as shown in (39), we can get easily that


By differentiating (40) with respect to t, we have


Now we replace N by N+1 in (40). We find


By comparing the coefficients on both sides of (41) and (42), we get




In addition, by (37), we have


By (45), we get


It is not difficult to show that


Thus, by (38) and (47), we also get


From (43) and (44), we note that




For i=1 in (44), we have


Continuing this process, we can deduce that, for 1iN1,


Note that, from (37)(53), here the matrix aijxyμ0i,jN+1 is given by


Therefore, from (37)(53), we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 5. For N=0,1,2,, the differential equation


has a solution




Here is a plot of the surface for this solution. In the left picture of Figure 1, we choose 2x2,1t1,μ=1/10, and y=0.1. In the right picture of Figure 1, we choose 2y2,1t1,μ=1/10, and x=0.1.

Figure 1.

The surface for the solution Gtxyμ.

Making N-times derivative for (10) with respect to t, we have


By (58) and Theorem 5, we have


Hence we have the following theorem.

Theorem 6. For N=0,1,2,, we get


If we take m=0 in (60), then we have the below corollary.

Corollary 7. For N=0,1,2,, we have




The first few of them are


5. Zeros of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials

This section shows the benefits of supporting theoretical prediction through numerical experiments and finding new interesting pattern of the zeros of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations Hnxyμ=0. By using computer, the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials Hnxyμ can be determined explicitly. We investigate the zeros of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations Hnxyμ=0. The zeros of the Hnxyμ=0 for n=30,y=3,3,3+i,3i,μ=1/2, and xC are displayed in Figure 2. In the top-left picture of Figure 2, we choose n=30 and y=3. In the top-right picture of Figure 2, we choose n=30 and y=3. In the bottom-left picture of Figure 2, we choose n=30 and y=3+i . In the bottom-right picture of Figure 2, we choose n=30 and y=3i.

Figure 2.

Zeros of Hnxyμ=0.

Stacks of zeros of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations Hnxyμ=0 for 1n50,μ=1/2 from a 3-D structure are presented in Figure 3. In the top-left picture of Figure 3, we choose y=3. In the top-right picture of Figure 3, we choose y=3. In the bottom-left picture of Figure 3, we choose y=3+i. In the bottom-right picture of Figure 3, we choose y=3i.

Figure 3.

Stacks of zeros of Hnxyμ=0,1n50.

Our numerical results for approximate solutions of real zeros of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations Hnxyμ=0 are displayed (Tables 1 and 2).

Degree nReal zerosComplex zerosReal zerosComplex zeros

Table 1.

Numbers of real and complex zeros of Hnxyμ=0.

Degree nx

Table 2.

Approximate solutions of Hnxyμ=0,xR.

We observed a remarkable regular structure of the complex roots of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations Hnxyμ=0 and also hope to verify same kind of regular structure of the complex roots of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations Hnxyμ=0 (Table 1).

Plot of real zeros of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations Hnxyμ=0 for 1n50,μ=1/2 structure are presented in Figure 4. In the top-left picture of Figure 4, we choose y=3. In the top-right picture of Figure 4, we choose y=3. In the bottom-left picture of Figure 4, we choose y=3+i. In the bottom-right picture of Figure 4, we choose y=3i.

Figure 4.

Real zeros of Hnxyμ=0for1n50, μ=12.

Next, we calculated an approximate solution satisfying Hnxyμ=0,xC. The results are given in Table 2. In Table 2, we choose y=3 and μ=1/2.


6. Conclusions

In this chapter, we constructed the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials and got some new symmetric identities for 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials. We constructed differential equations arising from the generating function of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite polynomials Hnxyμ. We also investigated the symmetry of the zeros of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations Hnxyμ=0 for various variables x and y. As a result, we found that the distribution of the zeros of 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations Hnxyμ=0 is very regular pattern. So, we make the following series of conjectures with numerical experiments:

Let us use the following notations. RHnxyμ denotes the number of real zeros of Hnxyμ=0 lying on the real plane Imx=0 and CHnxyμ denotes the number of complex zeros of Hnxyμ=0. Since n is the degree of the polynomial Hnxyμ, we have RHnxyμ=nCHnxyμ.

We can see a good regular pattern of the complex roots of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations Hnxyμ=0 for y and μ. Therefore, the following conjecture is possible.

Conjecture 1. Let n be odd positive integer. For a>0 or aC\aa<0, prove or disprove that


where C is the set of complex numbers.

Conjecture 2. Let n be odd positive integer and aC. Prove or disprove that


As a result of investigating more y and μ variables, it is still unknown whether the conjecture 1 and conjecture 2 is true or false for all variables y and μ.

We observe that solutions of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations Hnxyμ=0 has not Rex=b reflection symmetry for bR. It is expected that solutions of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations Hnxyμ=0, has not Rex=b reflection symmetry (see Figures 24).

Conjecture 3. Prove that the zeros of Hnxaμ=0,aR, has Imx=0 reflection symmetry analytic complex functions. Prove that the zeros of Hnxaμ=0,a<0,aC\R, has not Imx=0 reflection symmetry analytic complex functions.

Finally, we consider the more general problems. How many zeros does Hnxyμ have? We are not able to decide if Hnxyμ=0 has n distinct solutions. We would like to know the number of complex zeros CHnxyμ of Hnxyμ=0.

Conjecture 4. For aC, prove or disprove that Hnxaμ=0 has n distinct solutions.

As a result of investigating more n variables, it is still unknown whether the conjecture is true or false for all variables n (see Tables 1 and 2).

We expect that research in these directions will make a new approach using the numerical method related to the research of the 2-variable modified degenerate Hermite equations Hnxyμ=0 which appear in applied mathematics and mathematical physics.

Additional information

Mathematics Subject Classification: 05A19, 11B83, 34A30, 65L99


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Written By

Cheon Seoung Ryoo

Submitted: 19 March 2020 Reviewed: 28 April 2020 Published: 30 May 2020