Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Rigorous Analysis of the Propagation in Metallic Circular Waveguide with Discontinuities Filled with Anisotropic Metamaterial

Written By

Hedi Sakli and Wyssem Fathallah

Submitted: 19 November 2019 Reviewed: 06 February 2020 Published: 11 March 2020

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.91645

From the Edited Volume

Electromagnetic Propagation and Waveguides in Photonics and Microwave Engineering

Edited by Patrick Steglich

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In this chapter, we present an extension of the rigorous analysis of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in magnetic transverse (TM) and transverse electric (TE) modes in a metallic circular waveguide partially filled with anisotropic metamaterial. In our analysis, the design of waveguide filters with uniaxial discontinuities is based on the determination of the higher-order modes, which have been analyzed and exploited. Below the cutoff frequency, the back backward waves can propagate in an anisotropic material. The numerical results with our MATLAB code for TM and TE modes were compared to theoretical predictions. Good agreements have been obtained. We analyzed a waveguide filters filled with partially anisotropic metamaterial using the mode matching (MM) technique based on the Scattering Matrix Approach (SMA), which, from the decomposition of the modal fields (TE and TM modes), are used to determine the dispersion matrix and thus the characterization of a discontinuity in waveguide. We extended the application of MM technique to the anisotropic material. By using modal analysis, our approach has considerably reduced the computation time compared to High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software.


  • anisotropic metamaterials
  • forward and backward waves
  • MM
  • modal analysis
  • waveguides discontinuity

1. Introduction

Guided modes in circular waveguides consist of metamaterials [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] have been studied in the literature. Many studies of propagation modes in this waveguides with isotropic media [14, 15, 16, 17] or double negative metamaterials [18, 19] have been presented in the literature. However, the rigorous study of the dispersion of anisotropic metamaterials in circular waveguides presents a lack in the literature. In this chapter, we present an extension of the rigorous analysis of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in magnetic transverse (TM) and electric transverse (TE) modes in the case of anisotropic circular waveguides, who take account of the spatial distribution of the permittivity and permeability of the medium. In this structure, the propagation modes are exploited. The effects of anisotropic parameter on cutoff frequencies and dispersion characteristics are discussed. Below the cutoff frequency, the back backward waves can propagate in an anisotropic material. The numerical results with our MATLAB code for TM and TE modes were compared to theoretical predictions. Good agreements have been obtained. We analyzed a waveguide filters filled with partially anisotropic metamaterial using the mode matching (MM) technique based on the Scattering Matrix Approach (SMA) which, from the decomposition of the modal fields, are used to determine the dispersion matrix and thus the characterization of a discontinuity in waveguide. We extended the application of MM technique to the anisotropic material.

This formulation can be a useful tool for engineers of microwave. The metamaterial is largely applied by information technology industries, particularly in the radio frequency devices and microwaves such as the waveguide antennas, the patch antennas, the circulators, the resonators and the filters.


2. Formulation

In the anisotropic diagonal metamaterials medium, the Maxwell equations are expressed as follows






Let consider a circular waveguide of radius R completely filled with anisotropic metamaterial without losses, as represented in the Figure 1. The wall of the guide is perfect conductor.

Figure 1.

Geometry of circular waveguide filled with metamaterial.

By considering the propagation in the Oz direction and manipulating Eqs. (1) and (2), we obtain the expressions of the transverse electromagnetic fields according to the longitudinal fields.




When E and H are the electric and magnetic field respectively. ε and μ are the permittivity and permeability. kz is the propagation constant in z-direction.

In this chapter, we study rigorously the TE and TM modes in this anisotropic waveguide.

2.1 Transverse electric (TE) modes

From Eq. (1), the differential equation for z-component can be obtained as follows


Using the separation of the variables (r,θ), the expression of the longitudinal magnetic field Hz for the TEmn modes in the circular metallic waveguide completely filled with anisotropic metamaterial is necessary for the resolution of the differential Eq. (12). Hz can be written as follows


Jn is the Bessel function of the first kind of order n (n = 0, 1, 2, 3, …).

The expressions (5)(8) become


With Jn' is the derivative of the Bessel function of the first kind of order n (n = 0, 1, 2, 3, …).

The boundary conditions are written as follows:


Consequently, from Eq. (15), we obtain


This implies


Where unm' represents the mth zero (m = 1, 2, 3, …) of the derivative of the Bessel function Jn' of the first kind of order n.

The constant H0 is determined by normalizing the power flow down the circular guide.


Where indicates the complex conjugate.

Eq. (21) gives




Finally, the propagation constant in TE mode is given by


The cutoff frequency is written


We can introduce the following effective permeability and effective permittivity to describe the propagation characteristics of the waveguide modes [6, 7, 13].


Further, it is apparent that:

  • kzTE=k0μr,effTE.εr,effTE>0,forμr,effTE>0andεr,effTE>0;

  • kzTE=k0μr,effTE.εr,effTE<0,forμr,effTE<0andεr,effTE<0;

  • kzTE=±jk0μr,effTE.εr,effTE,forμr,effTE.εr,effTE<0.

The sign of εr,effTE depends on the sign of μrz. In the following, we will consider all cases that arise from the different sign of μrz.

2.1.1 First case μrz>0

For ε>0, we have.


And for ε<0, εr,effTE is rewritten as


It can be seen that μrz>0leads toεr,effTE<0 below the cutoff frequency whenever ε>0orε<0.

2.1.2 Second case μrz<0

Forε>0, εr,effTE is rewritten as


And for ε<0, we obtain.


Consequently, μrz<0leads toεr,effTE>0 below the cutoff frequency whenever ε>0orε<0.

Therefore, the relative permeability μrz below the cutoff frequency determines the sign of the relative effective permittivity of the anisotropic metamaterial in the circular waveguide. And the sign of the product μrr.μrz of the metamaterial below the cutoff frequency determines the sign of the propagation constants of the waveguide studied.

The backward waves are obtained for μrr<0 and μrz>0and the forward waves for μrr>0and μrz<0 and. Therefore, the backward waves and the forward waves can propagate below the cutoff frequency.

2.2 Transverse magnetic (TM) modes

Similar to TE modes, TM modes can be derived as follows:

From Eq. (2), the differential equation for z-component can be obtainedεKc.θe.εrr21r22Ezθ2+εrzεrrKc.re2Ez=0.E34

Using the separation of the variables (r,θ), the expression of the longitudinal electric field Ez for the TMnm modes in the circular metallic waveguide completely filled with anisotropic metamaterial is necessary for the resolution of the differential Eq. (34). Ez can be written as follows


The expressions (5)(8) become


The boundary condition (18) gives the following equation




In Eq. (41)unm represents the mth zero (m = 1, 2, 3, …) of the Bessel function Jn of the first kind of order n.

The constant E0 is determined by normalizing the power flow down the circular guide.


Eq. (42) gives:



δn=2π, ifn=0πsin4πb.n4b.n, ifn>0E45

Finally, the propagation constant in TM mode is given by:


Obviously, the cutoff frequency is written


We can introduce the following effective permeability and effective permittivity to describe the propagation characteristics of the waveguide modes.


Similar to the previous discussion, we have three possibilities:

Further, It is apparent that:

  • kzTM=k0μr,effTM.εr,effTM>0,forμr,effTM>0andεr,effTM>0;

  • kzTM=k0μr,effTM.εr,effTM<0,forμr,effTM<0andεr,effTM<0;

  • kzTM=±jk0μr,effTM.εr,effTM,forμr,effTM.εr,effTM<0.

Consequently, the sign of μr,effTM depends on the sign of εrz. In the following, we will consider all cases that arise from the different sign of εrz.

2.2.1 Case when εrz>0

In this case, for μ>0, μr,effTM is rewritten as.


And for μ<0, we have


It can be seen that εrz>0 leads to μr,effTM<0 below the cutoff frequency whenever μ>0,orμ<0.

2.2.2 Case when εrz<0

In this case, for μ>0, we have


and for μ<0, we obtain.


It is also seen that the relative permittivity εrz which is independent of μ determines the sign of the relative effective permeability μr,effTM of the anisotropic metamaterial in the circular waveguide. The forward wave propagates in the waveguide for εrz<0 and εrr>0, and backward wave propagates for εrz>0 and εrr<0.

Therefore from this analysis, it is found that both the backward waves and the forward waves can propagate in any frequency region. This is determined by the sign of εrz and εrr for TM modes and the sign of μrz and μrr for TE modes.

2.3 Analysis of uniaxial discontinuities in the circular waveguides

In this section, we analyzed a waveguide filters filled with partially anisotropic metamaterial using the extension of the mode matching technique based on the Scattering Matrix Approach which, from the decomposition of the modal fields, are used to determine the dispersion matrix and thus the characterization of a discontinuity in waveguide. The discontinuities are considered without losses.

In Figure 2 we consider a junction between two circular waveguides having the same cross section filled with two different media. ai and biare the incident and the reflected waves, respectively.

Figure 2.

Junction between two circular waveguides filled with two different media having the same cross section.

The transverse electric and magnetic fields (ET,HT) in the wave guides can be written in the modal bases as follows [20]:


where HT and ET are the transverse magnetic and electric fields (T refers to the components in the transverse plane), hmi, emi represent the mth magnetic and electric modal Eigen function in the guide i, respectively and Ami and Bmi are complex coefficients which are determined by normalizing the power flow down the circular guides (m is the index of the mode and i = I, II).

At the junction, the continuity of the fields allows to write the following equations:


By postponing the Eqs. (55) and (56) in (57) and (58), we obtain:


N1 and N2 are the number of considered modes in guides 1 and 2, respectively. By applying the Galerkin method, Eqs. (59) and (60), lead to the following systems:


The inner product is defined as:


The Eqs. (61) and (62) give:


which can be written in matrix form:


where U is the identity matrix. M1 and M2 are defined as:


The scattering matrix of the discontinuity is:


The total scattering matrix is obtained by chaining the S scattering matrices of all the discontinuities in a waveguide having cascaded uniaxial discontinuities [21].


3. Numerical results and discussion

3.1 Propagating modes

We choose the radius of the circular metal guide R = 13.4 mm.

In a first case, we study the TE modes of a circular guide completely filled with anisotropic metamaterials (see Figure 1) with negative μrr or negative μrz. The fundamental mode of the equivalent empty circular waveguide has a resonant frequency of 6.57 GHz. For the case of metamaterials with a permeability μr=1 and permittivity εr=4.4, the fundamental mode presents a resonance frequency of fc.11TE=3.13GHz.

In Figure 3 the curves of the propagation constant, for frequency range 1–10 GHz and for the first five TE modes with μrr=1, μrz=1 and ε=4.4, are represented. We observe that all modes propagate without cutoff frequencies (forward waves). Figure 4 represents the same diagrams for μrr=1, μrz=1 and ε=4.4. When n and m are small and ω is large, the waves stop propagating. So, these modes propagate at low frequencies and cutoff at high frequencies (backward waves).

Figure 3.

Curves of propagation constant kzTE for TE mode of the circular waveguide completely filled anisotropic metamaterial with parameters μrr=1, μrz=1, ε=4.4.

Figure 4.

Curves of propagation constant kzTE for TE mode of the circular waveguide completely filled anisotropic metamaterial with parameters μrr=1, μrz=1 and ε=4.4.

It is interesting to see that both forward and backward waves can be obtained by controlling the signs of μrz and μrr. Our results agree well with the predicted ones.

In a second case, we study the TE modes of this circular waveguide. Figure 5 represents the curves of propagation constant for the frequency range 1–10 GHz and for the first five TM modes with εrr=4.4, εrz=4.4 and μ=1. All modes propagate without cutoff (forward waves).

Figure 5.

Curves of propagation constant kzTM for TM mode of the circular waveguide completely filled anisotropic metamaterial with parameters εrr=4.4, εrz=4.4, μ=1.

Calculated curves of propagation constant for the frequency range 1–10 GHz and for the first five TM modes with εrr=4.4, εrz=4.4, μ=1 are presented. We notice that both forward wave and backward wave can be obtained by controlling the signs of εrr and εrz. Figures 5 and 6 show that our results agree well with the predicted ones.

Figure 6.

Curves of propagation constant kzTM for TM mode of the circular waveguide completely filled anisotropic metamaterial with parameters εrr=4.4, εrz=4.4, μ=1.

We observe that the cutoff frequencies of lowest TE modes decreased with the respect increase of μrz for μrr=1 and ε=4.4 (see Figure 7). In a same manner, the TM cutoff frequencies decreased with the respect increase of εrz for εrr=4.4 and μ=1 (see Figure 8). Consequently, by varying the parameters of material the propagating mode can be controlled.

Figure 7.

The cutoff frequencies for the first five TE modes versus μrz with μrr=1, ε=4.4.

Figure 8.

The cutoff frequencies for the first five TM modes versus εrz with εrr=4.4, μ=1.

3.2 Filter design

We consider now, 12 discontinuities (see Figure 9) constituted by juxtaposing 13 circular waveguides having the same dimensions (R = 13.4 mm). The circuit is formed by alternation of empty guide (εr=μr=1) of width l = 10 mm and guide filled by anisotropic metamaterials (εrr=ε=εrz=4.4; μrr=μ=μrz=1) of width d = 0.2 mm (periodic structure). Figure 9 represents the geometry of the studied structure.

Figure 9.

Geometry of the circular waveguide with 12 discontinuities.

The transmission and reflection coefficients using our numerical method with MATLAB and HFSS are presented in Figure 10. We used 8 modes in the whole circuit for the modal method. The simulations results show that are in perfect agreement. However and especially if the number of discontinuities increases, our method is significantly faster than HFSS. Then, by using our approach, it could easy to design filters according to a given specifications.

Figure 10.

Reflection coefficient of the periodic structure with 12 discontinuities.


4. Conclusion

Rigorous analysis of propagating modes in circular waveguides filled with anisotropic metamaterial has been developed. It was demonstrated that the propagation constant of the waveguide are closely dependent on constitutive parameters of the metamaterial. Using our MATLAB code the dispersion curves of the fundamental mode and the first four higher order modes of the metamaterial waveguide are obtained.

We found that in different frequency ranges below and above the cutoff frequency both the forward and the backward waves can propagate. This is determined by the sign of εrz and εrr for TM modes and by the sign of μrz and μrr for TE modes. Our simulation results are in good agreement with the theoretical prediction.

Moreover, using the Scattering Matrix Approach we applied the extension of MM technique to determine the dispersion matrix and to analyze multiple uniaxial circular discontinuity in waveguide filled with anisotropic metamaterials. This introduced tool is applied to the modeling of large complex structures such as filters where its rapidity compared to the commercial simulation tools is verified.


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Written By

Hedi Sakli and Wyssem Fathallah

Submitted: 19 November 2019 Reviewed: 06 February 2020 Published: 11 March 2020