Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Determinantal Representations of the Core Inverse and Its Generalizations

Written By

Ivan I. Kyrchei

Submitted: 09 May 2019 Reviewed: 26 August 2019 Published: 27 November 2019

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.89341

From the Edited Volume

Functional Calculus

Edited by Kamal Shah and Baver Okutmuştur

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Generalized inverse matrices are important objects in matrix theory. In particular, they are useful tools in solving matrix equations. The most famous generalized inverses are the Moore-Penrose inverse and the Drazin inverse. Recently, it was introduced new generalized inverse matrix, namely the core inverse, which was late extended to the core-EP inverse, the BT, DMP, and CMP inverses. In contrast to the inverse matrix that has a definitely determinantal representation in terms of cofactors, even for basic generalized inverses, there exist different determinantal representations as a result of the search of their more applicable explicit expressions. In this chapter, we give new and exclusive determinantal representations of the core inverse and its generalizations by using determinantal representations of the Moore-Penrose and Drazin inverses previously obtained by the author.


  • Moore-Penrose inverse
  • Drazin inverse
  • core inverse
  • core-EP inverse
  • 2000 AMS subject classifications: 15A15
  • 16W10

1. Introduction

In the whole chapter, the notations R and C are reserved for fields of the real and complex numbers, respectively. Cm×n stands for the set of all m×n matrices over C. Crm×n determines its subset of matrices with a rank r. For ACm×n, the symbols A and rkA specify the conjugate transpose and the rank of A, respectively, A or detA stands for its determinant. A matrix ACn×n is Hermitian if A=A.

A means the Moore-Penrose inverse of ACn×m, i.e., the exclusive matrix X satisfying the following four equations:


For ACn×n with index IndA=k, i.e., the smallest positive number such that rkAk+1=rkAk, the Drazin inverse of A, denoted by Ad, is called the unique matrix X that satisfies Eq. (2) and the following equations,


In particular, if IndA=1, then the matrix X is called the group inverse, and it is denoted by X=A#. If IndA=0, then A is nonsingular and Ad=A=A1.

It is evident that if the condition (5) is fulfilled, then (6) and (7) are equivalent. We put both these conditions because they will be used below independently of each other and without the obligatory fulfillment of (5).

A matrix A satisfying the conditions i,j, is called an ij-inverse of A, and is denoted by Aij. The set of matrices Aij is denoted Aij. In particular, A1 is called the inner inverse, A2 is called the outer inverse, A12 is called the reflexive inverse, A1,2,3,4 is the Moore-Penrose inverse, etc.

For an arbitrary matrix ACm×n, we denote by

  • NA=xHn×1:Ax=0, the kernel (or the null space) of A;

  • CA=yHm×1:y=AxxHn×1, the column space (or the range space) of A; and

  • RA=yH1×n:y=xAxH1×m, the row space of A.

PAAA and QAAA are the orthogonal projectors onto the range of A and the range of A, respectively.

The core inverse was introduced by Baksalary and Trenkler in [1]. Later, it was investigated by S. Malik in [2] and S.Z. Xu et al. in [3], among others.

Definition 1.1. [1] A matrix XCn×n is called the core inverse of ACn×n if it satisfies the conditions


When such matrix X exists, it is denoted as A#.

In 2014, the core inverse was extended to the core-EP inverse defined by K. Manjunatha Prasad and K.S. Mohana [4]. Other generalizations of the core inverse were recently introduced for n×n complex matrices, namely BT inverses [5], DMP inverses [2], CMP inverses [6], etc. The characterizations, computing methods, and some applications of the core inverse and its generalizations were recently investigated in complex matrices and rings (see, e.g., [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]).

In contrast to the inverse matrix that has a definitely determinantal representation in terms of cofactors, for generalized inverse matrices, there exist different determinantal representations as a result of the search of their more applicable explicit expressions (see, e.g. [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]). In this chapter, we get new determinantal representations of the core inverse and its generalizations using recently obtained by the author determinantal representations of the Moore-Penrose inverse and the Drazin inverse over the quaternion skew field, and over the field of complex numbers as a special case [26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34]. Note that a determinantal representation of the core-EP generalized inverse in complex matrices has been derived in [4], based on the determinantal representation of an reflexive inverse obtained in [19, 20].

The chapter is organized as follows: in Section 2, we start with preliminary introduction of determinantal representations of the Moore-Penrose inverse and the Drazin inverse. In Section 3, we give determinantal representations of the core inverse and its generalizations, namely the right and left core inverses are established in Section 3.1, the core-EP inverses in Section 3.2, the core DMP inverse and its dual in Section 3.3, and finally the CMP inverse in Section 3.4. A numerical example to illustrate the main results is considered in Section 4. Finally, in Section 5, the conclusions are drawn.


2. Preliminaries

Let αα1αk1m and ββ1βk1n be subsets with 1kminmn. By Aβα, we denote a submatrix of AHm×n with rows and columns indexed by α and β, respectively. Then, Aαα is a principal submatrix of A with rows and columns indexed by α, and Aαα is the corresponding principal minor of the determinant A. Suppose that


stands for the collection of strictly increasing sequences of 1kn integers chosen from 1n. For fixed iα and jβ, put Ir,miα:αLr,miα and Jr,njβ:βLr,njβ.

The jth columns and the ith rows of A and A denote a.j and a.j and ai. and ai., respectively. By Ai.b and A.jc, we denote the matrices obtained from A by replacing its ith row with the row b, and its jth column with the column c.

Theorem 2.1. [28] IfAHrm×n, then the Moore-Penrose inverseA=aijCn×mpossesses the determinantal representations


Remark 2.2. For an arbitrary full-rank matrix ACrm×n, a row vector bH1×m, and a column-vector cHn×1, we put, respectively,


Corollary 2.3. [21] LetACrm×n. Then, the following determinantal representations can be obtained

  1. for the projector QA=qijn×n,


    where ȧ.j is the jth column and ȧi. is the ith row of AA; and

  2. for the projector PA=pijm×m,


    where a¨i. is the ith row and a¨.j is the jth column of AA.

The following lemma gives determinantal representations of the Drazin inverse in complex matrices.

Lemma 2.4. [21] LetACn×nwithIndA=kandrkAk+1=rkAk=r. Then, the determinantal representations of the Drazin inverseAd=aijdCn×nare


where ai.k is the ith row and a.jk is the jth column of Ak.

Corollary 2.5. [21] LetACn×nwithIndA=1andrkA2=rkA=r. Then, the determinantal representations of the group inverseA#=aij#Cn×nare


3. Determinantal representations of the core inverse and its generalizations

3.1 Determinantal representations of the core inverses

Together with the core inverse in [35], the dual core inverse was to be introduced. Since the both these core inverses are equipollent and they are different only in the position relative to the inducting matrix A, we propose called them as the right and left core inverses regarding to their positions. So, from [1], we have the following definition that is equivalent to Definition 1.1.

Definition 3.1. A matrix XCn×n is said to be the right core inverse of ACn×n if it satisfies the conditions


When such matrix X exists, it is denoted as A#.

The following definition of the left core inverse can be given that is equivalent to the introduced dual core inverse [35].

Definition 3.2 A matrix XCn×n is said to be the left core inverse of ACn×n if it satisfies the conditions


When such matrix X exists, it is denoted as A#.

Remark 3.3. In [35], the conditions of the dual core inverse are given as follows:


Since PA=AA=AA=AA=QA, and RA=CA, then these conditions and (15) are analogous.

Due to [1], we introduce the following sets of quaternion matrices


The matrices from CnCM are called group matrices or core matrices. If ACnEP, then clearly A=A#. It is known that the core inverses of ACn×n exist if and only if ACnCM or IndA=1. Moreover, if A is nonsingular, IndA=0, then its core inverses are the usual inverse. Due to [1], we have the following representations of the right and left core inverses.

Lemma 3.4. [1] LetACnCM. Then,


Remark 3.5. In Theorems 3.6 and 3.7, we will suppose that ACnCM but ACnEP. Because, if ACnCM and ACnEP (in particular, A is Hermitian), then from Lemma 3.4 and the definitions of the Moore-Penrose and group inverses, it follows that A#=A#=A#=A.

Theorem 3.6.LetACnCMandrkA2=rkA=s. Then, its right core inverse has the following determinantal representations




are the row and column vectors, respectively. Here a˜.f and a˜l. are the fth column and lth row of A˜A2A.

Proof. Taking into account (16), we have for #A,


By substituting (14) and (15) in (20), we obtain


where e.l and el. are the unit column and row vectors, respectively, such that all their components are 0, except the lth components which are 1; a˜lf is the (lf)th element of the matrix A˜A2A.



Construct the matrix U1=uil1Hn×n. It follows that


where ui.1 is the ith row of U1. So, we get (18). If we first consider


and construct the matrix U2=uif2Hn×n, then from


it follows (19).□

Taking into account (17), the following theorem on the determinantal representation of the left core inverse can be proved similarly.

Theorem 3.7.LetACnCMandrkA2=rkA=s. Then for its left core inverse#A=aij#,l, we have




Here a¯.f and a¯l. are the fth column and lth row of A¯AA2.

3.2 Determinantal representations of the core-EP inverses

Similar as in [4], we introduce two core-EP inverses.

Definition 3.8. A matrix XCn×n is said to be the right core-EP inverse of ACn×n if it satisfies the conditions


It is denoted as A.

Definition 3.9. A matrix XCn×n is said to be the left core-EP inverse of ACn×n if it satisfies the conditions


It is denoted as A.

Remark 3.10. Since CAd=RAd, then the left core inverse A of ACn×n is similar to the core inverse introduced in [4], and the dual core-EP inverse introduced in [35].

Due to [4], we have the following representations the core-EP inverses of ACn×n,


Thanks to [35], the following representations of the core-EP inverses will be used for their determinantal representations.

Lemma 3.11.LetACn×nandIndA=k. Then


Moreover, if IndA=1, then we have the following representations of the right and left core inverses


Theorem 3.12.SupposeACn×n,IndA=k,rkAk=s, and there existAandA. ThenA=aij,randA=aij,lpossess the determinantal representations, respectively,


where âi. is the ith row of Â=AkAk+1 and aˇ.j is the jth column of Aˇ=Ak+1Ak.

Proof. Consider Ak+1=aijk+1 and Ak=aijk. By (21),


Taking into account (9) for the determinantal representation of Ak+1, we get


where at.k+1 is the tth row of Ak+1. Since t=1naitkat.k+1=âi., then it follows (25).

The determinantal representation (26) can be obtained similarly by integrating (8) for the determinantal representation of Ak+1 in (22).□

Taking into account the representations (23)-(24), we obtain the determinantal representations of the right and left core inverses that have more simpler expressions than they are obtained in Theorems 3.6 and 3.7.

Corollary 3.13.LetACsn×n,IndA=1, and there existA#andA#. ThenA#=aij#,randA#=aij#,lcan be expressed as follows


where âi. is the ith row of Â=AA2 and aˇ.j is the jth column of Aˇ=A2A.

3.3 Determinantal representations of the DMP and MPD inverses

The concept of the DMP inverse in complex matrices was introduced in [2] by S. Malik and N. Thome.

Definition 3.14. [2] Suppose ACn×n and IndA=k. A matrix XCn×n is said to be the DMP inverse of A if it satisfies the conditions


It is denoted as Ad,.

Due to [2], if an arbitrary matrix satisfies the system of Eq. (27), then it is unique and has the following representation


Theorem 3.15.LetACsn×n,IndA=k, andrkAk=s1. Then, its DMP inverseAd,=aijd,has the following determinantal representations.




Here, a˜.f and âl. are the fth column and the lth row of A˜Ak+1A.

Proof. Taking into account (28) for Ad,, we get


By substituting (12) and (9) for the determinantal representations of Ad and A in (31), we get


where e.l and el. are the lth unit column and row vectors, and a˜lf is the lfth element of the matrix A˜=Ak+1A. If we put


as the fth component of the row vector ui.1=ui11uin1, then from


it follows (29). If we initially obtain


as the lth component of the column vector u.j2=u1j2unj2, then from


it follows (30).□

The name of the DMP inverse is in accordance with the order of using the Drazin inverse (D) and the Moore-Penrose (MP) inverse. In that connection, it would be logical to consider the following definition.

Definition 3.16. Suppose ACn×n and IndA=k. A matrix XCn×n is said to be the MPD inverse of A if it satisfies the conditions


It is denoted as A,d.

The matrix A,d is unique, and it can be represented as


Theorem 3.17.LetACsn×n,IndA=k, andrkAk=s1. Then, its MPD inverseA,d=aij,dhas the following determinantal representations




Here, âl. and â.f are the lth row and the fth column of ÂAAk+1.

Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 3.15.□

3.4 Determinantal representations of the CMP inverse

Definition 3.18. [6] Suppose ACn×n has the core-nilpotent decomposition A=A1+A2, where IndA1=IndA, A2 is nilpotent, and A1A2=A2A1=0. The CMP inverse of A is called the matrix Ac,AA1A.

Lemma 3.19. [6] LetACn×n. The matrixX=Ac,is the unique matrix that satisfies the following system of equations:




Taking into account (34), it follows the next theorem about determinantal representations of the quaternion CMP inverse.

Theorem 3.20.LetACsn×n,IndA=m, andrkAm=s1. Then, the determinantal representations of its CMP inverseAc,=aijc,can be expressed as


for all l=1,2, where


Here, ût. is the tth row and û.k is the kth column of ÛUAA, g˜t. is the tth row and g˜.k is the kth column of G˜AAG, and the matrices U=uijHn×n and G=gijHn×n are such that


where âi. is the ith row of ÂAAm+1 and a˜.j is the jth column of A˜Am+1A.

Proof. Taking into account (34), we get


where QA=qilA, Ad=aild, and PA=pilA.

a. Taking into account the expressions (13), (10), and (11) for the determinantal representations of Ad, QA, and PA, respectively, we have


where ȧ.t is the tth column of AA, a¨l. is the lth row of AA, and at.m is the tth row of Am. So, it is clear that


where e.t is the tth unit column vector, ek. is the kth row vector, and âtk is the tkth element of Â=AAm+1.



as the tth component of a column vector u.l=u1lunl. Then from


we have


Construct the matrix U=utlHn×n, where utl is given by (42), and denote ÛUAA. Then, taking into account that AAββ=AAαα, we have


If we put that


is the tth component of a column vector v.j1=v1j1vnj1, then from


it follows (35) with v.j1 given by (37). If we initially put


as the kth component of the row vector wi.1=wi11win1, then from


it follows (36) with wi.1 given by (38).

b. By using the determinantal representation (12) for Ad in (41), we have




where e.k is the kth unit column vector, el. is the lth unit row vector, and a˜kl is the klth element of A˜=Am+1A.

If we denote


as the lth component of a row vector gt.=gt1gtn, then


From this, it follows that


Construct the matrix G=gtlHn×n, where gtl is given by (43). Denote G˜AAG. Then,


If we denote


as the tth component of a column vector v.j2=v1j2vnj2, then


Thus, we have (35) with v.j2 given by (39).

If, now, we denote


as the kth component of a row vector wi.2=wi12win2, then


So, finally, we have (36) with wi.2 given by (40).


4. An example

Given the matrix




then rkA=2 and rkA2=rkA3=1, and k=IndA=2 and r1=1. So, we shall find A and A by (25) and (26), respectively.



then by (25),


By similarly continuing, we get


By analogy, due to (26), we have


The DMP inverse Ad, can be found by Theorem 3.15. Since


and rkA3=1, then


Furthermore, by (29),


By similarly continuing, we get


Similarly by Theorem 3.17, we get


Finally, by theorem, we find the CMP inverse Ac,=aijc,. Since rkA3=1, then G=A˜ and


Furthermore, by (40),


By similar calculations, we get


So, by (36), we get


By similarly continuing, we derive


5. Conclusions

In this chapter, we get the direct method to find the core inverse and its generalizations that are based on their determinantal representations. New determinantal representations of the right and left core inverses, the right and left core-EP inverses, the DMP, MPD, and CMP inverses are derived.


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Written By

Ivan I. Kyrchei

Submitted: 09 May 2019 Reviewed: 26 August 2019 Published: 27 November 2019