Open access peer-reviewed chapter

On the Stabilization of Infinite Dimensional Semilinear Systems

Written By

El Hassan Zerrik and Abderrahman Ait Aadi

Submitted: 16 March 2019 Reviewed: 26 May 2019 Published: 27 November 2019

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.87067

From the Edited Volume

Nonlinear Systems -Theoretical Aspects and Recent Applications

Edited by Walter Legnani and Terry E. Moschandreou

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This chapter considers the question of the output stabilization for a class of infinite dimensional semilinear system evolving on a spatial domain Ω by controls depending on the output operator. First we study the case of bilinear systems, so we give sufficient conditions for exponential, strong and weak stabilization of the output of such systems. Then, we extend the obtained results for bilinear systems to the semilinear ones. Under sufficient conditions, we obtain controls that exponentially, strongly, and weakly stabilize the output of such systems. The method is based essentially on the decay of the energy and the semigroup approach. Illustrations by examples and simulations are also given.


  • semilinear systems
  • output stabilization
  • feedback controls
  • decay estimate
  • semigroups

1. Introduction

We consider the following semilinear system


where A:DAHH generates a strongly continuous semigroup of contractions Stt0 on a Hilbert space H, endowed with norm and inner product denoted, respectively, by . and .., v.Vad (the admissible controls set) is a scalar valued control and B is a nonlinear operator from H to H with B0=0 so that the origin be an equilibrium state of system (1). The problem of feedback stabilization of distributed system (1) was studied in many works that lead to various results. In [1], it was shown that the control


weakly stabilizes system (1) provided that B be a weakly sequentially continuous operator such that, for all ψH, we have


and if (3) is replaced by the following assumption


then control (2) strongly stabilizes system (1) [2].

In [3], the authors show that when the resolvent of A is compact, B self-adjoint and monotone, then strong stabilization of system (1) is proved using bounded controls.

Now, let the output state space Y be a Hilbert space with inner product ..Y and the corresponding norm .Y, and let CLHY be an output operator.

System (1) is augmented with the output


The output stabilization means that wt0 as t+ using suitable controls. In the case when Y=H and C=I, one obtains the classical stabilization of the state. If Ω be the system evolution domain and ωΩ, when C=χω, the restriction operator to a subregion ω of Ω, one is concerned with the behaviour of the state only in a subregion of the system evolution domain. This is what we call regional stabilization.

The notion of regional stabilization has been largely developed since its closeness to real applications, and the existence of systems which are not stabilizable on the whole domain but stabilizable on some subregion ω. Moreover, stabilizing a system on a subregion is cheaper than stabilizing it on the whole domain [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. In [9], the author establishes weak and strong stabilization of (5) for a class of semilinear systems using controls that do not take into account the output operator.

In this paper, we study the output stabilization of semilinear systems by controls that depend on the output operator. Firstly we consider the case of bilinear systems, then we give sufficient conditions to obtain exponential, strong and weak stabilization of the output. Secondly, we consider the case of semilinear systems, and then under sufficient conditions, we obtain controls that exponentially, strongly, and weakly stabilize the output of such systems. The method is based essentially on the decay of the energy and the semigroup approach. Illustrations by examples and simulations are also given.

This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we discuss sufficient conditions to achieve exponential, strong and weak stabilization of the output (5) for bilinear systems. In Section 3, we study the output stabilization for a class of semilinear systems. Section 4 is devoted to simulations.


2. Stabilization for bilinear systems

In this section, we develop sufficient conditions that allow exponential, strong and weak stabilization of the output of bilinear systems. Consider system (1) with B:HH is a bounded linear operator and augmented with the output (5).

Definition 1.1 The output (5) is said to be:

  1. 1. weakly stabilizable, if there exists a control v.Vad such that for any initial condition z0H, the corresponding solution zt of system (1) is global and satisfies


  1. 2. strongly stabilizable, if there exists a control v.Vad such that for any initial condition z0H, the corresponding solution zt of system (1) is global and verifies



  1. 3. exponentially stabilizable, if there exists a control v.Vad such that for any initial condition z0H, the corresponding solution zt of system (1) is global and there exist α,β>0 such that


Remark 1. It is clear that exponential stability of (5) strong stability of (5) weak stability of (5).

2.1 Exponential stabilization

The following result provides sufficient conditions for exponential stabilization of the output (5).

Theorem 1.2 Let A generate a semigroup Stt0 of contractions on H and if the condition:

  1. ReCCAyy0,yDA, where C is the adjoint operator of C,

  2. CStyYαCyY and CByYβCyY, for some α,β>0,

  3. there exist T,γ>0 such that


hold, then there exists ρ>0 for which the control


exponentially stabilizes the output (5).

Proof: System (1) has a unique mild solution zt [10] defined on a maximal interval 0tmax by the variation of constants formula


From hypothesis 1, we deduce


Integrating this inequality, we get


It follows that


For all z0H and t0, we have


Using hypothesis 2 and (9), we have


It follows that from (7) and condition 2 that


Integrating (10) over the interval 0T and replacing z0 by zt and using (6), we deduce that


It follows from the inequality (8) that the sequence CznY decreases and that for all nN, we have


Using (11), we deduce


Taking 0<ρ<γ2α2β2T2, we get




where M=1+2ργ2ρα2β2T2>1.

Since CztY decreases, we deduce that


which gives the exponential stability of the output (5).

Example 1 On Ω=]0,1[, we consider the following system


where H=L2Ω and Az=z. The operator A generates a semigroup of contractions on L2Ω given by Stz0=etz0. Let ω be a subregion of Ω. System (12) is augmented with the output


where χω:L2ΩL2ω, the restriction operator to ω and χω is the adjoint operator of χω. Conditions 1 and 3 of Theorem 1.2 hold, indeed: we have


and for T=2, we have


We conclude that for all 0<ρ<e4116e4, the control


exponentially stabilizes the output (13).

2.2 Strong stabilization

The following result will be used to prove strong stabilization of the output (5).

Theorem 1.3 Let A generate a semigroup Stt0 of contractions on H and B:HH is a bounded linear operator. If the conditions:

  1. ReCCAψψ0,ψDA,

  2. ReCCBψψψ0,ψH, hold, then control


allows the estimate


Proof: From hypothesis 1 of Theorem 1.3, we have


In order to make the energy nonincreasing, we consider the control


so that the resulting closed-loop system is




Since f is locally Lipschitz, then system (16) has a unique mild solution zt [10] defined on a maximal interval 0tmax by


Because of the contractions of the semigroup, we have


Integrating this inequality, we get


It follows that


From hypothesis 1 of Theorem 1.3, we have


We deduce


Using (17) and Schwartz inequality, we get


Since B is bounded and C continuous, we have


where K is a positive constant.

Replacing z0 by zt in (20) and (21), we get


Integrating this relation over 0T and using Cauchy-Schwartz, we deduce


which achieves the proof.

The following result gives sufficient conditions for strong stabilization of the output (5).

Theorem 1.4 Let A generate a semigroup Stt0 of contractions on H, B is a bounded linear operator. If the assumptions 1, 2 of Theorem 1.3 and


holds, then control (14) strongly stabilizes the output (5) with decay estimate


Proof: Using (19), we deduce


From (15) and (22), we have


where β=γ222KB2T32+T1+KBz022.

Taking sk=CzkTY2, the inequality (24) can be written as


Since sk+1sk, we obtain


Taking ps=βs2 and qs=sI+p1s in Lemma 3.3, page 531 in [11], we deduce


where xt is the solution of equation xt+qxt=0,x0=s0.

Since xksk and xt decreases give xt0, t0. Furthermore, it is easy to see that qs is an increasing function such that


We obtain βxt2xt0, which implies that


Finally the inequality skxk, together with the fact that CztY decreases, we deduce the estimate (23).

Example 2 Let us consider a system defined on Ω=]0,1[ by


where H=L2Ω, Az=z, and aL0,1 such that ax0 a.e on ]0,1[ and axc>0 on subregion ω of Ω and v.L0+ the control function. System (25) is augmented with the output


The operator A generates a semigroup of contractions on L2Ω given by Stz0=etz0. For z0L2Ω and T=2, we obtain


with β=c02e2tdt>0.

Applying Theorem 1.4, we conclude that the control


strongly stabilizes the output (26) with decay estimate


2.3 Weak stabilization

The following result provides sufficient conditions for weak stabilization of the output (5).

Theorem 1.5 Let A generate a semigroup Stt0 of contractions on H and B is a compact operator. If the conditions:

  1. ReCCAψψ0,ψDA,

  2. ReCCBψψψ0,ψH,

  3. CCBStψStψ=0,t0=0 hold, then control (14) weakly stabilizes the output (5).

Proof: Let us consider the nonlinear semigroup Γtz0zt and let tn be a sequence of real numbers such that tn+ as n+.

From (18), Γtnz0 is bounded in H, then there exists a subsequence tϕn of tn such that


Since B is compact and C continuous, we have


For all n, we set


It follows that t0, Λnt0 as n+.

Using (15), we get


Hence, by the dominated convergence Theorem, we have


We conclude that


Using condition 3 of Theorem 1.5, we deduce that


On the other hand, it is clear that (27) holds for each subsequence tϕn of tn such that CΓtϕnz0 weakly converges in Y. This implies that φY, we have CΓtnz0φ0 as n+ and hence


Example 3 Consider a system defined in Ω=]0,+[, and described by


where Az=zx with domain DA=zH1Ωz0=0zx0asx+ and Bz.=01zxdx. is the control operator. The operator A generates a semigroup of contractions


Let ω=]0,1[ be a subregion of Ω and system (28) is augmented with the output


We have


so, the assumption 1 of Theorem 1.5 holds. The operator B is compact and verifies




Then, the control


weakly stabilizes the output (29).


3. Stabilization for semilinear systems

In this section, we give sufficient conditions for exponential, strong and weak stabilization of the output (5). Consider the semilinear system (1) augmented with the output (5).


4. Exponential stabilization

In this section, we develop sufficient conditions for exponential stabilization of the output (5).

The following result concerns the exponential stabilization of (5).

Theorem 1.6 Let A generate a semigroup Stt0 of contractions on H and B be locally Lipschitz. If the conditions:

  1. ReCCAyy0,yDA,

  2. ReCCByyByy0,yH,

  3. there exist T,γ>0, such that


hold, then the control


exponentially stabilizes the output (5).

Proof: Since Stt0 is a semigroup of contractions, we have


Integrating this inequality, and using hypothesis 2 of Theorem 1.6, it follows that


For all z0H and t0, we have


Since B is locally Lipschitz, there exists a constant positive L that depends on z0 such that


where α is a positive constant.

Using (33), we deduce


While from the variation of constants formula and using Schwartz’s inequality, we obtain


Integrating (34) over the interval 0T and taking into account (35) and (36), we get


Now, let us consider the nonlinear semigroup Utz0zt [1].

Replacing z0 by Utz0 in (37), and using the superposition properties of the semigroup Utt0, we deduce that


Thus, by using (31) and (37), it follows that


where M=2αTL2+1T12 is a non-negative constant depending on z0 and T.

From hypothesis 1 of Theorem 1.6, we have


Integrating (39) from nT and n+1T,nN, we obtain


Using (38), (39) and the fact that CUtz0Y decreases, it follows




where β=11+2γM212.

By recurrence, we show that CUnTz0YβnCz0Y.

Taking n=EtT the integer part of tT, we deduce that


where R=α1+2γM212, with α>0 and σ=ln1+2γM22T>0, which achieves the proof.

4.1 Strong stabilization

The following result provides sufficient conditions for strong stabilization of the output (5).

Theorem 1.7 Let A generate a semigroup Stt0 of contractions on H and B be locally Lipschitz. If the conditions:

  1. ReCCAyy0,yDA,

  2. ReCCByyByy0,yH,

  3. there exist T,γ>0, such that


hold, then the control


strongly stabilizes the output (5).

Proof: From hypothesis 1 of Theorem 1.7, we obtain


Integrating this inequality, gives




From the variation of constants formula and using Schwartz’s inequality, we deduce


Integrating (34) over the interval 0T and taking into account (44), we obtain


Replacing z0 by zt and using the superposition property of the solution, we get


By (43), we get


From (40) and (46), we deduce that CztY0, as t+, which completes the proof.

Proposition 1.8 Let A generate a semigroup Stt0 of contractions on H, B be locally Lipschitz and the assumptions 1, 2 and 3 of Theorem 1.7 hold, then the control (41) strongly stabilizes the output (5) with decay estimate


Proof: Using (45), we get


where θ=2αTL2z02+1T12 and ξt=tt+TCCBUsz0Usz02ds.

From (40) and (48), we deduce that


where ϱ=1γθ.

Integrating the above inequality gives


from nT to n+1T, nN and using (49), we obtain


We obtain


Let us introduce the sequence rn=CUnTz0Y2,n0.

Using (50), we deduce that


Since the sequence rn decreases, we get


and also


We deduce that


Finally, introducing the integer part n=EtT and from (42), the function tCUtz0Y decreases. We deduce the estimate


4.2 Weak stabilization

The following result discusses the weak stabilization of the output (5).

Theorem 1.9 Let A generate a semigroup Stt0 of contractions on H, B be locally Lipschitz and weakly sequentially continuous. If assumptions 1, 2 of Theorem 1.7 and


hold, then the control


weakly stabilizes the output (5).

Proof: Let us consider ψY and tn0 be a sequence of real numbers such that tn+, as n+.

Using (42), we deduce that the sequence hn=CztnψY is bounded.

Let hγn be an arbitrary convergent subsequence of hn.

From (33), the subsequence ztγn is bounded in H, so we can extract a subsequence still denoted by ztγn such that ztγnφH, as n+.

Since C is continuous, B is weakly sequentially continuous and St is continuous t0, we get


From (46), we have


Using the dominated convergence Theorem, we deduce that


which implies, according to (51), that =0, and hence hn0, as t+.

We deduce that CztψY0, as t+. In other words Czt0, as t+, which achieves the proof.

Example 4 Let us consider the system defined in Ω=]0,+[ by


where H=L2Ω, Az=zx with domain DA=zH1Ωz0=0zx0asx+, Bz=01zxdx the control operator and v.L20+. The operator A generates a semigroup of contractions


Let ω=]0,1[ be a subregion of Ω and system (53) is augmented with the output


The operator B is sequentially continuous and verifies




Then, the control


weakly stabilizes the output (54).


5. Simulations

Consider system (53) with zx0=sinπx, and augmented with the output (54).

For ω=]0,2[, we have

Figure 1 shows that the output (54) is weakly stabilized on ω with error equals 6.8×104 and the evolution of control is given by Figure 2.

Figure 1.

The stabilization on ω=]0,2[.

Figure 2.

The evolution control in the interval ]0,8].

For ω=]0,3[, we have

Figure 3 shows that the output (54) is weakly stabilized on ω with error equals 9.88×104 and the evolution of control is given by Figure 4.

Figure 3.

The stabilization on ω=]0,3[.

Remark 2. It is clear that the control (55) stabilizes the state on ω, but do not take into account the residual part Ω\ω.

Figure 4.

The evolution control in the interval ]0,12].


6. Conclusions

In this work, we discuss the question of output stabilization for a class of semilinear systems. Under sufficient conditions, we obtain controls depending on the output operator that strongly and weakly stabilizes the output of such systems. This work gives an opening to others questions; this is the case of output stabilization for hyperbolic semilinear systems. This will be the purpose of a future research paper.


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Written By

El Hassan Zerrik and Abderrahman Ait Aadi

Submitted: 16 March 2019 Reviewed: 26 May 2019 Published: 27 November 2019