Open access peer-reviewed chapter

On Conformal Anti-Invariant Submersions Whose Total Manifolds Are Locally Product Riemannian

Written By

Mehmet Akif Akyol

Reviewed: 16 July 2018 Published: 30 April 2019

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.80337

From the Edited Volume

Manifolds II - Theory and Applications

Edited by Paul Bracken

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The aim of this chapter is to study conformal anti-invariant submersions from almost product Riemannian manifolds onto Riemannian manifolds as a generalization of anti-invariant Riemannian submersion which was introduced by B. Sahin. We investigate the integrability of the distributions which arise from the definition of the new submersions and the geometry of foliations. Moreover, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for this submersion to be totally geodesic and in order to guarantee the new submersion, we mention some examples of such submersions.


  • conformal submersion
  • almost product Riemannian manifold
  • vertical distribution
  • conformal anti-invariant submersion
  • 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: primary 53C15; secondary 53C40

1. Introduction

Immersions and submersions, which are special tools in differential geometry, also play a fundamental role in Riemannian geometry, especially when the involved manifolds carry an additional structure (such as contact, Hermitian and product structure). In particular, Riemannian submersions (which we always assume to have connected fibers) are fundamentally important in several areas of Riemannian geometry. For instance, it is a classical and important problem in Riemannian geometry to construct Riemannian manifolds with positive or non-negative sectional curvature. Riemannian submersions between Riemannian manifolds are important geometric structures. Riemannian submersions between Riemannian manifolds were studied by O’Neill [1] and Gray [2]. In [3], the Riemannian submersions were considered between almost Hermitian manifolds by Watson under the name of almost Hermitian submersions. In this case, the Riemannian submersion is also an almost complex mapping and consequently the vertical and horizontal distributions are invariant with respect to the almost complex structure of the total manifold of the submersion. The study of anti-invariant Riemannian submersions from almost Hermitian manifolds was initiated by Şahin [4]. In this case, the fibers are anti-invariant with respect to the almost complex structure of the total manifold. This notion extended to different total spaces see: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14].

On the other hand, as a generalization of Riemannian submersion, horizontally conformal submersions are defined as follows [15]: Suppose that MgM and BgB are Riemannian manifolds and π:MB is a smooth submersion, then π is called a horizontally conformal submersion, if there is a positive function λ such that


for every X,YΓkerπ. It is obvious that every Riemannian submersion is a particular horizontally conformal submersion with λ=1. We note that horizontally conformal submersions are special horizontally conformal maps which were introduced independently by Fuglede [16] and Ishihara [17]. We also note that a horizontally conformal submersion π:MB is said to be horizontally homothetic if the gradient of its dilation λ is vertical, i.e.,


at pM, where H is the projection on the horizontal space kerπ. For conformal submersion, see: [15, 18, 19].

One can see that Riemannian submersions are very special maps comparing with conformal submersions. Although conformal maps do not preserve distance between points contrary to isometries, they preserve angles between vector fields. This property enables one to transfer certain properties of a manifold to another manifold by deforming such properties.

Recently, we introduced conformal anti-invariant submersions [20] and conformal semi-invariant submersions [21] from almost Hermitian manifolds, and gave examples and investigated the geometry of such submersions (see also [22, 23]). We showed that the geometry of such submersions is different from their counterpart anti-invariant Riemannian submersions and semi-invariant Riemannian submersions. In the present paper, we define and study conformal anti-invariant submersions from almost product Riemannian manifolds, give examples and investigate the geometry of the total space and the base space for the existence of such submersions.

Our work is structured as follows: Section 2 is focused on basic facts for conformal submersions and almost product Riemannian manifolds. The third section is concerned with definition of conformal anti-invariant submersions, investigating the integrability conditions of the horizontal distribution and the vertical distribution. In Section 4, we study the geometry of leaves of the horizontal distribution and the vertical distribution. In Section 5, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for a conformal anti-invariant submersion to be totally geodesicness. The last section, we give some examples of such submersions.


2. Preliminaries

In this section we recall several notions and results which will be needed throughout the chapter.

Let M be a m-dimensional manifold with a tensor F of a type (1,1) such that


Then, we say that M is an almost product manifold with almost product structure F. We put


Then we get


Thus P and Q define two complementary distributions P and Q. We easily see that the eigenvalues of F are +1 or −1. If an almost product manifold M admits a Riemannian metric g such that


for any vector fields X and Y on M, then M is called an almost product Riemannian manifold, denoted by MgF. Denote the Levi-Civita connection on M with respect to g by . Then, M is called a locally product Riemannian manifold [24] if F is parallel with respect to , i.e.,


Conformal submersions belong to a wide class of conformal maps that we are going to recall their definition, but we will not study such maps in this paper.

Definition 2.1 ([15]) Let φ:MmgNnh be a smooth map between Riemannian manifolds, and let xM. Then φ is called horizontally weakly conformal or semi conformal at x if either

  1. dφx=0, or

  2. dφx maps horizontal space Hx=kerdφx conformally onto TφN, i.e., dφx is surjective and there exists a number Λx0 such that


Note that we can write the last equation more sufficiently as


A point x is of type (i) in Definition if and only if it is a critical point of φ; we shall call a point of type (ii) a regular point. At a critical point, dφx has rank 0; at a regular point, dφx has rank n and φ is submersion. The number Λx is called the square dilation (of φ at x); it is necessarily non-negative; its square root λx=Λx is called the dilation (of φ at x). The map φ is called horizontally weakly conformal or semi conformal (on M) if it is horizontally weakly conformal at every point of M. It is clear that if φ has no critical points, then we call it a (horizontally) conformal submersion.

Next, we recall the following definition from [18]. Let π:MN be a submersion. A vector field E on M is said to be projectable if there exists a vector field E on N, such that Ex=Eπx for all xM. In this case E and E are called π related. A horizontal vector field Y on Mg is called basic, if it is projectable. It is well known fact, that is, Z is a vector field on N, then there exists a unique basic vector field Z on M, such that Z and Z are π related. The vector field Z is called the horizontal lift of Z.

The fundamental tensors of a submersion were introduced in [1]. They play a similar role to that of the second fundamental form of an immersion. More precisely, O’Neill’s tensors T and A defined for vector fields E,G on M by


where V and H are the vertical and horizontal projections (see [25]). On the other hand, from (5) and (6), we have


for X,YΓkerπ and V,WΓkerπ, where ̂VW=VVM1W. If X is basic, then HVM1X=AXV. It is easily seen that for xM, XHx and Vx the linear operators TV, AX:TXMTXM are skew-symmetric, that is


for all E,GTxM. We also see that the restriction of T to the vertical distribution TV×V is exactly the second fundamental form of the fibers of π. Since TV is skew symmetric, we get π which has totally geodesic fibers if and only if T0. For the special case when π is horizontally conformal we have the following:

Proposition 2.1 ([18]) Let π:MmgNnh be a horizontally conformal submersion with dilation and X,Y be horizontal vectors, then


We see that the skew-symmetric part of Akerπ×kerπ measures the obstruction integrability of the horizontal distribution kerπ.

Let MgM and NgN be Riemannian manifolds and suppose that π:MN is a smooth map between them. The differential of π of π can be viewed a section of the bundle HomTMπ1TNM, where π1TN is the pullback bundle which has fibers π1TNp=TπpN, pM. HomTMπ1TN has a connection induced from the Levi-Civita connection M and the pullback connection. Then the second fundamental form of π is given by


defined by


for X,YΓTM, where π is the pullback connection. It is known that the second fundamental form is symmetric.

Lemma 2.1. [26] Let MgM and NgN be Riemannian manifolds and suppose that φ:MN is a smooth map between them. Then we have


for X,YΓTM.

Finally, we recall the following lemma from [15].

Lemma 2.2. Suppose that π:MN is a horizontally conformal submersion. Then, for any horizontal vector fields X,Y and vertical fields V,W we have.

  1. πXY=XlnλπY+YlnλπXgMXYπgradlnλ;

  2. πVW=πTVW;

  3. πXV=πXMV=πAXV.


3. Conformal anti-invariant submersions from almost product Riemannian manifolds

In this section, we define conformal anti-invariant submersions from an almost product Riemannian manifold onto a Riemannian manifold, investigating the geometry of distributions kerπ and kerπ and obtain the integrability conditions for the distribution kerπ for such submersions.

Definition 3.1. Let M1g1F be an almost product Riemannian manifold and M2g2 be a Riemannian manifold. A horizontally conformal submersion π:M1M2 with dilation λ is called conformal anti-invariant submersion if the distribution kerπ is anti-invariant with respect to F, i.e., Fkerπkerπ.

Let π:M1g1FM2g2 is a conformal anti-invariant submersion from an almost product Riemannian manifold M1g1F to a Riemannian manifold M2g2. First of all, from Definition 3.1, we have Fkerπkerπ0. We denote the complementary orthogonal distribution to Fkerπ in kerπ by μ. Then we have


Proposition 3.1. Let M1g1F be an almost product Riemannian manifold and M2g2 be a Riemannian manifold. Then μ is invariant with respect to F.

Proof. For ZΓμ and VΓkerπ, by using (2), we have g1FZFV=0, which show that FZ is orthogonal to Fkerπ. On the other hand, since FV and Z are orthogonal we get g1FVZ=g1VFZ=0 which shows that FZ is orthogonal to kerπ. This completes proof.□

For ZΓkerπ, we have


where BZΓkerπ and CZΓμ. On the other hand, since πkerπ=TM2 and π is a conformal submersion, using (15) we derive 1λ2g2πFVπCZ=0 for any ZΓkerπ and VΓkerπ, which implies that


Lemma 3.1. Let π be a conformal anti-invariant submersion from a locally product Riemannian manifold M1g1F onto a Riemannian manifold M2g2. Then we have




for Z,WΓkerπ and VΓkerπ.

Proof. For WΓkerπ and VΓkerπ, using (2) we have


due to BWΓkerπ and FVΓkerπ. Hence g1FWFV=g1WV=0 which is (17). Since M1 is a locally product Riemannian manifold, differentiating (3.4) with respect to Z, we get


for Z,WΓkerπ and VΓkerπ. Then using (9) we have


Since FVZM1VΓFkerπ, we obtain (18).□

We now study the integrability of the distribution kerπ and then we investigate the geometry of the leaves of kerπ and kerπ. We note that it is known that the distribution kerπ is integrable.

Theorem 3.1. Let π:M1g1FM2g2 is a conformal anti-invariant submersion from an almost product Riemannian manifold M1g1F to a Riemannian manifold M2g2. Then the following assertions are equivalent to each other;

  1. kerπ is integrable,

  2. 1λ2g2WππCZZππCWπFV=g1AZBWAWBZCWlnλZ+CZlnλWFVE19

for any Z,WΓkerπ and VΓkerπ.

Proof. For WΓkerπ and VΓkerπ, we see from Definition 3.1, FVΓkerπ and FWΓkerπμ. Thus using (2) and (3), for ZΓkerπ we obtain


Further, from (15) we get


Using (9), (10) and if we take into account π is a conformal submersion, we arrive at


Thus, from (12) and Lemma 2.2 we derive


Moreover, using (17), we obtain


which proves ab. □

From Theorem 3.1, we deduce the following characterization.

Theorem 3.2. Let π be a conformal anti-invariant submersion from a locally product Riemannian manifold M1g1F onto a Riemannian manifold M2g2. Then any two conditions below imply the three;

  1. kerπ is integrable.

  2. λ is a constant on Γμ.


for Z,WΓkerπ and VΓkerπ.

Proof. From Theorem 3.1, we have


for Z,WΓkerπ and VΓkerπ. Now, if we have (i) and (iii), then we arrive at


Now, taking W=FV in (20) for VΓkerπ, using (17), we get


Hence λ is a constant on Γμ. Similarly, one can obtain the other assertions. □

We say that a conformal anti-invariant submersion is a conformal Lagrangian submersion if Fkerπ=kerπ. From Theorem 3.1, we have the following result.

Corollary 3.1. Let π be a conformal Lagrangian submersion from a locally product Riemannian manifold M1g1F onto a Riemannian manifold M2g2. Then the following assertions are equivalent to each other:

  1. kerπ is integrable


  3. πZFW=πWFZ

for Z,WΓkerπ.

Proof. For Z,WΓkerπ and VΓkerπ, we see from Definition 3.1, FVΓkerπ and FWΓkerπ. From Theorem 3.1 we have


Since π is a conformal Lagrangian submersion, we derive


which shows iii. On the other hand, using Definition 3.1 and (9) we arrive at


Now, using (12) we obtain

1λ2{ g2(π(ZM1BW),πFV)g2(π(WM1BZ),πFV) }=1λ2g2((F)(Z,BW)+ZππBW,πFV)1λ2g2((F)(W,BZ)+WππBZ,πFV).

Since BZ,BWΓkerπ, we derive


which tells that iiiii.


4. Totally geodesic foliations

In this section, we shall investigate the geometry of leaves of kerπ and kerπ. For the geometry of leaves of the horizontal distribution kerπ, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 4.1. Let π:M1g1FM2g2 is a conformal anti-invariant submersion from an almost product Riemannian manifold M1g1F to a Riemannian manifold M2g2. Then the following assertions are equivalent to each other;

  1. kerπ defines a totally geodesic foliation on M1.

  2. 1λ2g2ZππCWπFV=g1AZBWCWlnλZ+g1ZCWlnλFV

for Z,WΓkerπ and VΓkerπ.

Proof. For Z,WΓkerπ and VΓkerπ, by using (3), (9), (10), (14) and (15) we have


Since π is a conformal submersion, using (12) and Lemma 2.2 we arrive at


Moreover, using Definition 3.1 and (17) we obtain


which proves iii. □

From Theorem 4.1, we also deduce the following characterization.

Theorem 4.2. Let π be a conformal anti-invariant submersion from a locally product Riemannian manifold M1g1F onto a Riemannian manifold M2g2. Then any two conditions below imply the three;

  1. kerπ defines a totally geodesic foliation on M1.

  2. π is horizontally homothetic submersion.

  3. g2ZππCWπFV=λ2g1AZFVBW

for Z,WΓkerπ and VΓkerπ.

Proof. For Z,WΓkerπ and VΓkerπ, from Theorem 4.1, we have


Now, if we have (i) and (iii), then we obtain


Now, taking Z=CW) in (4.1) and using (17), we get


Thus, λ is a constant on ΓFkerπ. On the other hand, taking Z=FV in (25) and using (17) we derive


From above equation, λ is a constant on Γμ. Similarly, one can obtain the other assertions. □

For conformal Lagrangian submersion, we have the following result.

Corollary 4.1. Let π be a conformal Lagrangian submersion from a locally product Riemannian manifold M1g1F onto a Riemannian manifold M2g2. Then the following assertions are equivalent to each other;

  1. kerπ defines a totally geodesic foliation on M1.

  2. AZBW=0

  3. πZFV=0

for Z,WΓkerπ and VΓkerπ.

Proof. For Z,WΓkerπ and VΓkerπ, from Theorem 4.1, we have


Since π is a conformal Lagrangian submersion, we derive


which shows iii. On the other hand, using Definition 3.1 and (9) we arrive at


Now, using (12) we obtain


which tells that iiiii.

For the totally geodesicness of the foliations of the distribution kerπ.

Theorem 4.3. Let π:M1g1FM2g2 is a conformal anti-invariant submersion from an almost product Riemannian manifold M1g1F to a Riemannian manifold M2g2. Then the following assertions are equivalent to each other;

  1. kerπ defines a totally geodesic foliation on M1.

  2. 1λ2g2FUππFVπFCZ=g1TVFUBZ+g1UVg1HgradlnλFCZ

for V,UΓkerπ and ZΓkerπ.

Proof. For ZΓkerπ and V,UΓkerπ, by using (2), (3), (8) and (15) we get


Since M1 is torsion free and VFUΓkerπ we obtain


Using (3) and (10) we have


here we have used that μ is invariant. Since π is a conformal submersion, using (12) and Lemma 2.2 we obtain


Moreover, using Definition 3.1 and (17), we obtain


which proves iii. □

From Theorem 4.3, we deduce the following result.

Theorem 4.4. Let π be a conformal anti-invariant submersion from a locally product Riemannian manifold M1g1F onto a Riemannian manifold M2g2. Then any two conditions below imply the three;

  1. kerπ defines a totally geodesic foliation on M1

  2. λ is a constant on Γμ

  3. 1λ2g2FUππFVπFCZ=g1TVFUBZ

for V,UΓkerπ and ZΓkerπ.

Proof. For V,UΓkerπ and ZΓkerπ, from Theorem 4.3 we have


Now, if we have (i) and (iii), then we obtain


From above equation, λ is a constant on Γμ. Similarly, one can obtain the other assertions.□

If π is a conformal Lagrangian submersion, then (16) implies that TM2=πFkerπ. Hence we have the following corollary:

Corollary 4.2. Let π be a conformal Lagrangian submersion from a locally product Riemannian manifold M1g1F onto a Riemannian manifold M2g2. Then the following assertions are equivalent to each other;

  1. kerπ defines a totally geodesic foliation on M1.

  2. TVFU=0

for V,UΓkerπ and ZΓkerπ.

Proof. From Theorem 4.3 we have


for V,UΓkerπ and ZΓkerπ. Since π is a conformal Lagrangian submersion, we get


which shows iii.


5. Totally geodesicness of the conformal anti-invariant submersion

In this section, we shall examine the totally geodesicness of a conformal anti-invariant submersion. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for a conformal anti-invariant submersion to be totally geodesic map. Recall that a smooth map π between two Riemannian manifolds is called totally geodesic if π=0 [15].

Theorem 5.1. Let π:M1g1FM2g2 is a conformal anti-invariant submersion from an almost product Riemannian manifold M1g1F to a Riemannian manifold M2g2. π is totally geodesic map if and only if.

  1. π is a horizontally homothetic map,

  2. TUFV=0 and HUM1FVΓFkerπ,

  3. AZFV=0 and HZM1FVΓFkerπ

for Z,W,ZΓkerπ and U,VΓkerπ.

Proof. (a) For any Z,WΓμ, from Lemma 2.2 we derive


It is obvious that if π is a horizontally homothetic map, it follows that πZW=0. Conversely, if πZW=0, taking W=FZ in above equation, we get


Taking inner product in (31) with πFZ, we obtain


From (32), λ is a constant on Γμ. On the other hand, for U,VΓkerπ, from Lemma 2.2 we have


Again if π is a horizontally homothetic map, then πFUFV=0. Conversely, if πFUFV=0, putting U instead of V in above equation, we derive


Taking inner product in (33) with πFU and since π is a conformal submersion, we have


From above equation, λ is a constant on ΓFkerπ. Thus λ is a constant on Γkerπ.

  1. (b) For any U,VΓkerπ, using (3) and (12) we have


Then from (7) and (8) we arrive at


From above equation, πUV=0 if and only if


Since π is non-singular, this implies TUFV=0 and HUM1FVΓFkerπ.

  1. (c) For ZΓμ and VΓkerπ, from (3) and (12) we get


Using (9) and (10) we have


Thus πZV=0 if and only if


Then, since π is a linear isomorphism between kerπ and TM2, πZV=0 if and only if AZFV=0 and HZM1FVΓFkerπ. Thus proof is complete.□

Here we present another result on conformal anti-invariant submersion to be totally geodesic.

Theorem 5.2 Let π be a conformal anti-invariant submersion from a locally product Riemannian manifold M1g1F onto a Riemannian manifold M2g2. If π is a totally geodesic map then


for any ZΓkerπ and W=W1+W2ΓTM, where W1Γkerπ and W2 Γkerπ.

Proof. Using (3) and (12) we have


for any ZΓkerπ and WΓTM1. Then from (9), (10) and (15) we get


for any W=W1+W2ΓTM, where W1Γkerπ and W2 Γkerπ. Thus taking into account the vertical parts, we find


which gives our assertion.□


6. Examples

In this section, we now give some examples for conformal anti-invariant submersions from almost product Riemannian manifolds.

Example 6.1. Every anti-invariant Riemannian submersion is a conformal anti-invariant submersion with λ=I, where I is the identity function [7].

We say that a conformal anti-invariant submersion is proper if λI. We now present an example of a proper conformal anti-invariant submersion. Note that given an Euclidean space R4 with coordinates x1x4, we can canonically choose an almost product structure F on R4 as follows:


Example 6.2. Let π be a submersion defined by


Then it follows that




Hence, we have FV1=X1 and FV2=X2 imply that Fkerπ=kerπ. Also by direct computations, we get


Hence, we have


where g1 and g2 denote the standard metrics (inner products) of R4 and R2. Thus π is a conformal anti-invariant submersion with λ2=sin2x1sinh2x2+cos2x1cosh2x2.

Example 6.3. Let π be a submersion defined by


Then it follows that




Hence we have FV1=W1 and FV2=W2 imply that Fkerπ=kerπ. Also by direct computations, we get


Hence, we have


where g1 and g2 denote the standard metrics (inner products) of R4 and R2. Thus π is a conformal anti-invariant submersion with λ=ex32.


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Written By

Mehmet Akif Akyol

Reviewed: 16 July 2018 Published: 30 April 2019