Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Economic Performance, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Environmental Management, and Supply Chains in India: A Comparison with Japan

Written By

Hitoshi Hayami, Masao Nakamura and Kazushige Shimpo

Submitted: 26 October 2015 Reviewed: 16 February 2016 Published: 30 June 2016

DOI: 10.5772/62535

From the Edited Volume

Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Edited by Evelin Krmac

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Using input–output tables and data on wastes from the Japanese industrial sectors, we have provided empirical evidence that, in Japan environmental performance of their upstream suppliers contributes positively to the performance of their final product assembly firms or economic sectors. In this paper, we propose to investigate the same hypothesis for firms and other establishments in manufacturing and other sectors in India. Indian supplier firms that sell goods and services to their client assembler firms are not generally structured in the form of efficient supply chains as in advanced economies. So, the environmental performance of these suppliers may not have positive impacts on the performance of their assembler firms or economic sectors, but this is yet to be verified empirically.


  • greenhouse gas emissions
  • supply chains
  • environmental management
  • firm performance
  • India

1. Introduction

Limiting the amounts of industrial wastes generated in firms’ manufacturing processes has been of policy interest in recent years. A type of waste of our interest in this paper is greenhouse gases (represented by the carbon dioxide equivalent below). Even though it is not harmful to human health, CO2 is being regulated like toxic industrial wastes in many developed countries including Japan. More recently, the importance of limiting CO2 emissions globally has been recognized by both developed and developing nations, and an international treaty to strengthen the former Kyoto protocol was signed in Paris.

The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, held in Paris, France, from November to December 2015 was the 21st yearly session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 11th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The Paris Agreement, a global agreement on the reduction of climate change, the text of which represented a consensus of the representatives of the 196 parties attending it, was signed. It needs to be ratified to become a world treaty [1].

One of the topics of research interest, which has not received much empirical attention, is the extent to which CO2 emissions, as an industrial waste, are generated along firms’ supply chains. Although we see large corporations (e.g., 3M, Sony) promoting green procurement policies and claiming to use environment-friendly suppliers, we have little empirical evidence yet to suggest how such environmental management methods based on supply chains might benefit large downstream firms economically. We do not have much empirical evidence either about the impacts on final products of environmental management policies conducted by firms in their supply chains emerging in developing countries like India.

In this paper we present empirical estimates for the amounts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by Indian manufacturing and other economic sectors, and their supply chains. (GHG emissions are measured in carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent in this paper.) We then estimate their contributions to firm performance measured in terms of value added. Figures 1 and 2 show CO2 emissions per person and per income, respectively, in India and Japan over time. We see from these figures that while Japan emits more CO2 than India per capita, Japan generates less CO2 emissions per dollar than India does.

Figure 1.

CO2 emissions per capita: India and Japan, 1990–2011. Source: Prepared by the authors using figures in [25].

Figure 2.

CO2 emissions per GNI (gross national income): India and Japan, 1990–2011. Source: Prepared by the authors using figures in [25].

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. After a brief review of earlier studies in Section 2, we discuss our method and approach toward the analysis of the generation of industrial waste (CO2 emissions here) by supply chains in Section 3. Our data are briefly introduced in Section 4. We show and analyze certain patterns that are found in the generation of CO2 emissions in Indian and Japanese industries in Sections 5 and 6. Section 6 presents our empirical results that relate the value added to the generation of wastes by downstream and upstream firms. Section 7 concludes.


2. Literature

There are relatively few research studies that use nations’ input–output (I–O) tables as the data source for analyzing the relationships between supply chains and firms’ environmental performance. Hayami et al. [6] present a framework in which I–O tables can be used for analyzing the effects, at the sector level, of the environmental management performance of firms in supply chains on their downstream assembly firms’ performance. They present references on the literature that discusses many aspects of environmental management at upstream supply chains as related to their downstream customer firms [7,8]. Discussions on supply chains in India are also found [911]. Details of I–O analysis and applications to the Indian economy and environmental management are found in papers contained in [12].


3. Our approach to estimating output and waste along the stages of a supply chain

As noted earlier, certain downstream producers in developed countries are beginning to practice “green procurement,” by which upstream suppliers with greener production processes become the preferred suppliers of their downstream customer firms. For example, Cisco, NEC, Sony, and Toshiba discuss their corporate green procurement guidelines in [1316]. We apply this notion to India and investigate empirically the extent to which the same notion holds in India.

In order for the government to evaluate the potential benefits (i.e., the greening) of upstream firm production processes resulting from promoting downstream instruments, it is essential that we estimate relationships that describe the generation of waste materials at both upstream and downstream firms in a national economy. However, to our knowledge, only Hayami et al. present an empirical framework to achieve this objective using available data [6]. They also present an empirical model that allows us to estimate downstream firms’ benefits of reduction of their suppliers’ environmental wastes.

We apply the above model to India and derive some preliminary empirical estimates that evaluate the relative importance of the waste materials generated along the supply chain. Our findings in this chapter provide complementary evidence to the importance of environmental management in supply chains reported, for example, for individual firms, obtained using survey data and methodologies different from ours [8,17].

A questionnaire-based survey across 124 companies from eight industrial sectors in Taiwan was used [17] in one study, while survey data on a sample of 122 firms drawn from electronics manufacturers listed on the database of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TWSE) market and the Gre Tai Securities Market (GTSM) in Taiwan was used in another study [8].


See [18] where Indian manufacturers’ approaches to green supply chain management are explained.

3.1. Estimation of output along a supply chain

Our methodology is based on the input–output (I–O) analysis originally developed by Leontief [19,20]. (Applications of the I–O analysis to waste management and other environmental issues are found, for example, in [12,2123]. Additional uses of input–output analysis in environmental management are found in [24]. We divide an economy into industrial and other economic sectors where production of goods and services takes place. We define I–O technical coefficients aij (i,j = 1,2,…,n) to be the amount of input from sector i per unit amount of output from sector j. To ensure positive output values, it is customary to assume the Hawkins–Simon condition [25] that aij lie between 0 and 1 and their column sums are less than 1.

Suppose xj denotes the output from sector j. Then aij are estimated as follows:

a ij = ( X ij / x j ), E1

where Xij denotes the amount of input from sector i that is required for the production of xj. Using supply chain terms, we say aij connect downstream output from sector j to its immediate predecessor upstream input from sector i.

We denote by A an n × n matrix with elements aij, and by x an n × 1 vector in which each component xj represents domestic production (output) of sector j (j = 1,2,..,n). We also denote by fi the final downstream demand for sector i. We denote by f the corresponding n × 1 final downstream demand vector. For example, fi = 1 means a unit final downstream demand for output from sector i. (For simplicity, we ignore the impacts of international trade.)

In order to produce the final downstream demand f, the total amount of input required from sector i in the immediate predecessor stage (denoted by k = 1) is given by

x ( k=1 ) =Af. E2

x(1) is also interpreted to be the indirect demand for the previous stage (k = 1) production process, which is induced by final demand f, because without the production of x(1), the final demand cannot be met. In order to produce x(1), the total amount of input required from sector i in the immediate predecessor stage (denoted by k = 2) in the supply chain is given by the ith element of the following vector:

x ( 2 ) =A x (1) = A 2 f. E3

Generally, we can trace production activities along the supply chain backward, starting from the final demand, and we get

x ( k ) =A x (k1) = A k f,k= 1,2,.... E4

We call x(k) the kth stage indirect effect of final demand f (k = 1,2,…) in the supply chain.

In order to be able to produce final demand f, the following total indirect output must be produced:

x ( indirect ) =Af+ A 2 f+...... + A k f+ .... =A ( IA ) 1 f, E5

where (IA)-1 is the Leontief inverse matrix which exists provided that the aij satisfy the Hawkins–Simon condition given above.

We have shown that our input–output analysis identifies the successive upstream production processes that are followed by the average supply chain for the final demand vector f. This is summarized as follows. The input–output analysis describes all economic activities of the average supply chain in a national economy by following input–output transactions for all goods and services. The analysis typically starts from the final stage of downstream demand as shown above and moves backward by backtracking all predecessor upstream stages of production.

In this paper, we consider CO2 (defined here to be the combined greenhouse gases measured in CO2 equivalent) as a waste material associated with industrial production activities.

3.2. Graphical representation of connectedness of I–O sectors

Different sectors tend to be more connected in modern developed economies than in developing economies. This is because, in a modern economy, unproductive sectors will become more productive, with inputs from more productive sectors to survive. In addition, primary sectors and supplier sectors of manufacturing are connected to assembly sectors of manufacturing in a functional and efficient manner in supply chains. These functional connections are often missing in developing economies. Figures 35 show the degrees of 35 I–O sectors’ connectedness to each other in India and Japan. These 35 sectors are as follows:

No. Name
1 Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry, and Fishing
2 Mining and Quarrying
3 Food, Beverages, and Tobacco
4 Textiles and Textile Products
5 Leather and Footwear
6 Wood, and Products of Wood and Cork
7 Pulp, Paper, Printing, and Publishing
8 Coke, Refined Petroleum, and Nuclear Fuel
9 Chemicals and Chemical Products
10 Rubber and Plastics
11 Other Nonmetallic Minerals
12 Basic Metals and Fabricated Metals
13 Machinery, NEC
14 Electrical and Optical Equipment
15 Transport Equipment
16 Manufacturing, NEC; Recycling
17 Electricity, Gas, and Water Supply
18 Construction
19 Sales, Maintenance, and Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles; Retail Sale of Fuel
20 Wholesale Trade and Commission Trade, Except of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles
21 Retail Trade, Except of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles; Repair of Household Goods
22 Hotels and Restaurants
23 Inland Transport
24 Water Transport
25 Air Transport
26 Other Supporting and Auxiliary Transport Activities; Activities of Travel Agencies
27 Posts and Telecommunications
28 Financial Intermediation
29 Real Estate Activities
30 Renting of m&eq and Other Business Activities
31 Public Administration and Defense; Compulsory Social Security
32 Education
33 Health and Social Work
34 Other Community, Social, and Personal Services
35 Private Households with Employed Persons

List of 35 aggregate I–O sectors used in Figures 35

Source: [5,32].

Figure 3.

Degrees of connectedness of 35 I–O sectors: India, 1995. Note: The size of each square represents the amount of relevant input for the cell measured in terms of US $million dollars at current price. Numbers on vertical and horizontal axes represent 35 I–O sectors for India and Japan defined in the text.

Figure 4.

Degrees of connectedness of 35 I–O sectors: India, 2003. Note: The size of each square represents the amount of relevant input for the cell measured in terms of US $million dollars at current price. Numbers on vertical and horizontal axes represent 35 I–O sectors for India and Japan defined in the text.

Figure 5.

Degrees of connectedness of 35 I–O sectors: Japan, 2003. Note: The size of each square represents the amount of relevant input for the cell measured in terms of US $million dollars at current price. Numbers on vertical and horizontal axes represent 35 I–O sectors for India and Japan defined in the text.

Intuitively speaking, Figures 35 show the degrees of connectedness between sectors in terms of economic transactions. For example, sectors whose transactions are mostly within themselves are depicted as single dots. On the other hand, if two different sectors have more transactions with each other, then those two sectors are connected by a box. Multiple sectors with transactions, such as sectors that define supply chains, are shown with larger boxes containing them. As expected, Figures 3 and 4 show that sectors of the Indian economy are not much connected to each other, though there are considerably more connectedness observed during 2003 than during 1995. This implies that there are increasingly more supply chain type relationships emerging in the Indian economy in recent years. The Japanese economy has developed well-defined supply chain based relationships among sectors in many industries [6]. This is clearly observed in Figure 5. We speculate from these figures, for example, that environmental management performance of upstream suppliers affect the performance of downstream firms much more in Japan than in India.

3.3. Estimation of wastes along a supply chain

Waste here denotes CO2, but our formulation applies to other waste materials as well.

In the I–O analysis presented in Section 3.1, it is customary to include output which has economic value.

In reality, most waste materials have positive or negative economic value. For example, CO2 has economic value in the GHG market currently [26].

It is also customary to assume that industrial waste has no economic value in the form it is generated. For these reasons, industrial wastes are not included in our analysis in Section 3.1.

Actual statistical treatment of industrial waste materials depends on the nature of each waste material, which we will not discuss here.

We treat waste materials separately here. Suppose we have estimated E1j , the amount of waste generated per unit of output produced in sector j (j = 1,2,..,n). We denote by E the corresponding n × n diagonal matrix with E1j in the jth diagonal position. Then the amounts of waste produced by the output of sector j along the successive stages of a supply chain are given as follows:

Denote by wj the amount of waste generated in sector j, and denote by w an n × 1 vector consisting of wj (j = 1,2,..,n).

Then in the final stage, stage 0 (k = 0), of a supply chain, the demand is f, and the waste generated is

w(0) = EA0f = Ef, which is the waste generated from assembly operations of final output f.

In the immediate predecessor upstream stage, stage 1 (k = 1), of the supply chain, the amount of waste generated (called indirect output for stage 1) is

w ( 1 ) =EA x (0) =EAf. E6

Similarly, we can derive the amount of waste generated along the upstream stages (k = 2, 3,…,) of the supply chain as follows:

w ( k ) =EA x (k1) = A k f, k= 2,3, ... E7

This is shown in the last row of Table 1.

Upstream Stages of a supply chain (→ → → closer to the final demand → → →) Downstream: final stage of a supply chain (final demand)
and waste
in upstream
(k = 1,2,…)
← ← ← Indirect
output for
the m-th
stage in
(k = m)
← ← ← Indirect
output for
the second
stage in
(k = 2)

output for
the first
stage in
(k = 1)
Production output along the stages of a supply chain
x(indirect) =
Af + A2f +
… + Akf
+ … = A
← ← ← x(n) = Ax(n-1)
= Anf
← ← ← x(2) = Ax(1) = A2f x(1) = Af f (direct
Waste output generated along the stages of a supply chain
w(indirect) =
AEf + A2Ef
+ .... + AkEf
+ … = A(I
← ← ← w(n) =
← ← ← w(2) =
w(1) = AEf Ef (direct

Table 1.

Production and waste output along the stages of a supply chain.

3.4. Output along a firm-specific supply chain and statistically obtained average output along the average supply chain

We do not have data on individual firm-specific supply chains that expand from downstream to upstream stages of production. However, element aij of input–output matrix A = {aij, i, j = 1,2,..,n} is in fact the statistically estimated average fraction of output of sector i that goes to sector j. This statistical method of obtaining matrix A (called the commodity flow method) thus allocates input Xij from the data of total output xj [27], that is, aij connects downstream sector j to its immediate upstream sector i statistically. We have used this property of matrix A to obtain the average production and waste output along the stages of the average supply chain, x(k) and w(k), k = 1,2,…, given downstream demand vector f. If we had data on production and waste output for the stages of all firm-specific supply chains for given f, then our I–O based estimates give the first-order approximation to the average output of the quantities for all such firm-specific supply chains. (The first-order approximation arises because of the linearity of aij which defines the I–O matrix A.)


4. Data

4.1. Input–output matrix

As we have noted in Section 3.1, our estimation methodology uses an n × n matrix A consisting of

I–O technical coefficients aij (i,j = 1,2,…,n), where n is the number of economic sectors being considered. Since 1973, estimated values for aij (i,j = 1,2,…,n) are published every 5 years as I–O tables by the Government of India [9,28]. In this paper, we primarily use the Indian I–O tables for the years 1998–1999 and 2003–2004, with 130 sectors (n = 130). The I–O sectors consist of 37 primary sectors, 68 secondary (manufacturing) sectors, and 25 service sectors.

In addition to the I–O matrix A = {aij (i,j = 1,2,…,n)}, the Indian I–O table includes additional information on relevant economic quantities for each of the 130 sectors including final demand f for the Indian economy (see Appendix A1).

4.2. Waste and y-products surveys, and I–O matrix A

The environmental input–output table that we use here, based on greenhouse gas emission estimates (GOI, 2010), I–O table, material table, calorific table, combustion ratio table, and other data, was constructed by [9,12,29,30].

4.3. Calculating the amounts of waste materials

Using application of the input-output analysis described above, we used the estimated quantities of CO2 for each of the 130 Indian I–O sectors, which we use in our regression analyses. We also used value-added estimations for each of these I–O sectors.

Using I–O analysis, we estimated the amounts of CO2 generated per unit output for each of the 130 I–O sectors.

We are interested in studying the behavior of CO2 emissions in firms’ decision processes. In this paper, we denote by CO2 emissions the total emissions in carbon dioxide equivalents of all greenhouse gases. CO2 has certain characteristics in common in terms of their implications for firms’ own economic incentives and government regulations.

In addition to direct regulations of various types pertinent to toxic wastes and CO2, indirect regulations often dictate firms’ management of some of nontoxic wastes as well. For example, firms’ nontoxic wastes are sometimes indirectly regulated in terms of the amounts of such waste materials that firms are allowed to bring to landfills and other waste processing facilities. Some nontoxic wastes have commercial value as well.

For example, CO2 emissions, like some other nontoxic wastes, are harmless to human health. On the other hand, CO2 emissions, like some other waste materials, may also mean firms’ excessive use of costly inputs (fossil fuels in case of CO2). (Note that CO2 emissions and fossil energy use are highly correlated [32, 33].


5. Waste output along supply chains: example of an auto industry

One topic of research interest is to evaluate the relationships that might exist between downstream and upstream firms in terms of their waste behavior. Input–output analysis identifies statistically average economic relationships that exist between upstream and downstream firms. It is then possible to use input–output analysis also to find the average amounts of wastes that are generated by upstream firms in supply chains in response to production activities for the final products of downstream firms.

5.1. Example of an auto industry example

Table 1 illustrates how our production of output and waste takes place along a supply chain starting from the final downstream demand. By tracing backward, final assembly plant receives inputs from suppliers in upstream stage 1, who in turn receive their inputs from suppliers in upstream stage 2. As we have shown, I–O analysis allows us to estimate inputs between two successive stages of production along a supply chain.

5.2. A numerical example, India and Japan

This example illustrates the supply chain effects in the propagation of waste (CO2) generation along supply chains in India and Japan.

Amounts generated (tons) Cumulative amounts (tons) Ratio to total
Direct 0.107625 0.107625 0.020439
Indirect (first stage) 0.706568 0.814193 0.15462
Indirect (second stage) 1.205888 2.020081 0.383625
Indirect (third stage) 1.151894 3.171974 0.602376
Indirect (fourth stage) 0.896974 4.068948 0.772717
Total (all stages) 5.26577 5.265770 1

Table 2.

Supply chain effects, auto industry in Japan: CO2 emissions generated by production of one passenger car with a 2000 cc engine.

Source: Authors’ calculations.

Amounts generated (tons) Cumulative amounts (tons) Ratio to total
Direct 0.1346605 0.1346605 0.03002061
Indirect (first stage) 1.919879 2.054539 0.4580298
Indirect (second stage) 1.238733 3.293272 0.7341874
Indirect (third stage) 0.6406156 3.933888 0.8770033
Indirect (fourth stage) 0.3034687 4.237357 0.9446573
Total (all stages) 4.485602 4.485602 1

Table 3.

Supply chain effects, auto industry in India: CO2 emissions generated by production of one passenger car with a 2000 cc equivalent engine.

Source: Authors’ calculations.

Tables 2 and 3 show how much CO2 emissions occur along the auto supply chains in producing passenger cars with certain characteristics: median size cars in India and cars with 2000 cc engines in Japan.

We see from Table 2 that firms along the auto supply chain in Japan generate 5.26577 tons of CO2 emissions, but only 2% of this amount is generated by the final assembler firms. The remaining 98% of CO2 emissions are generated by suppliers and other upstream firms in the supply chain. In comparison, the corresponding figures for India are: 4.485602 tons of total CO2 emissions per car are generated in total, of which 3% is generated by the final assembler firms and the rest (97%) of the emissions are generated by suppliers (Table 3). This similarity in the patterns of CO2 emissions along auto supply chains between India and Japan suggests that production technology of autos is reasonably standardized, perhaps due to the fact that many auto plants in India are owned and operated to a large extent by Western automakers. Another noteworthy point is that total CO2 emissions per car produced is somewhat lower in India than in Japan. This difference occurs in part because of the sizes of passenger cars considered here that are different between India and Japan, and also in part because of the difference between India and Japan in the amounts of CO2 emissions induced by imported car parts. The use of more imported parts implies lower levels of domestic CO2 emissions, which is the case for India. For passenger car production, this ratio is 0.05846 for India and 0.02316 for Japan.

Based on the results given in Tables 2 and 3, we conclude that government environmental regulations about greenhouse gas emissions need to include not only the final auto producers but also many upstream suppliers, in order to be effective.

We noted that our results in Tables 2 and 3 are consistent with the possibility that downstream firms might be able to upload the processing of CO2 in particular to their upstream suppliers, while processing relatively large amounts of nonenergy-intensive tasks themselves in-house. This could easily happen in practice, since processing energy-intensive tasks is generally expensive.

We also note that this hierarchical structure of processing of the waste materials emitted by firms in assembly-based industries is likely to be typical. This is because of the nature of the types of assembly-based industries, which are most efficiently done by streamlining their supply chains so that assembly operations come last. In addition, assembly firms are generally more powerful than suppliers in their supply chains and hence have the most bargaining power.

Detailed processes of generation of CO2 emissions by upstream and downstream firms are presented in Tables 4 and 5.

Auto: CO2 Tons per passenger car (2000 cc equivalent)
Direct First indirect Second indirect 3rd indirect 4th indirect Total Generation
Passenger motor cars 0.1076 Electricity 0.1722 Electricity 0.5514 Electricity 0.3349 Pig iron 0.3230 Electricity 1.2982
Motor vehicle parts and accessories 0.1013 Cast and forged materials (iron) 0.1115 Pig iron 0.1840 Electricity 0.1315 Pig iron 1.0449
Internal combustion engines for motor vehicles and parts 0.0663 Road freight transport 0.0474 Private power generation 0.1040 Private power generation 0.1290 Private power generation 0.4804
Private power generation 0.0601 Miscellaneous ceramic, stone, and clay products 0.0372 Coal products 0.0927 Coal products 0.0831 Coal products 0.3476
Road freight transport 0.0599 Private power generation 0.0349 Self-transport by private cars (passengers) P 0.0393 Crude steel (converters) 0.0319 Road freight transport 0.1471
Sheet glass and safety glass 0.0598 Nonferrous metal castings and forgings 0.0345 Crude steel (converters) 0.0287 Self-transport by private cars (passengers) P 0.0185 Cast and forged materials (iron) 0.1211
Research and development (intra-enterprise) 0.0282 Self-transport by private cars (passengers) P 0.0268 Miscellaneous ceramic, stone and clay products 0.0268 Petroleum refinery products (inc. greases) 0.0162 Self-transport by private cars (passengers) P 0.1082
Motor vehicle bodies 0.0209 Research and development (intra-enterprise) 0.0260 Hot rolled steel 0.0244 Paper 0.0144 Motor vehicle parts and accessories 0.1080
Coastal and inland water transport 0.0165 Synthetic rubber 0.0225 Self-transport by private cars (freight) P 0.0225 Petrochemical basic products 0.0132 Passenger motor cars 0.1076
Tires and inner tubes 0.0158 Hot rolled steel 0.0212 Road freight transport 0.0209 Hot rolled steel 0.0120 Crude steel (converters) 0.0910
Plastic products 0.0114 Coated steel 0.0207 Cold-finished steel 0.0202 Self-transport by private cars (freight) P 0.0107 Miscellaneous ceramic, stone and clay products 0.0895
Waste management services (private) 0.0106 Thermoplastics resins 0.0190 Paper 0.0193 Road freight transport 0.0095 Petroleum refinery products (inc. greases) 0.0695
Self-transport by private cars (passengers) P 0.0093 Cold-finished steel 0.0158 Synthetic rubber 0.0166 Aliphatic intermediates 0.0089 Hot rolled steel 0.0689
Cold-finished steel 0.0093 Petroleumrefinery products (inc. greases) 0.0154 Thermoplastics resins 0.0161 Miscellaneous ceramic, stone and clay products 0.0087 Internal combustion engines for motor vehicles and parts 0.0687
Hot rolled steel 0.0076 Plastic products 0.0153 Petroleum refinery products (inc. greases) 0.0148 Coastal and inland water transport 0.0055 Research and development (intra-enterprise) 0.0638
Miscellaneous ceramic, stone, and clay products 0.0071 Other rubber products 0.0131 Aliphatic intermediates 0.0135 Pulp 0.0051 Sheet glass and safety glass 0.0605
Self-transport by private cars (freight) P 0.0049 Coastal and inland water transport 0.0129 Petrochemical basic products 0.0124 Cyclic intermediates 0.0048 Self-transport by private cars (freight) P 0.0597

Auto: CO2 Tons per passenger car (2000 cc equivalent)
Direct First indirect Second indirect Third indirect Fourth indirect Total generation
Electrical equipment for internal combustion engines 0.0046 Self-transport by private cars (freight) P 0.0128 Coastal and inland water transport 0.0091 Paperboard 0.0042 Paper 0.0537
Electric bulbs 0.0044 Coal products 0.0124 Cast and forged materials (iron) 0.0080 Waste management services (private) 0.0041 Cold-finished steel 0.0509
Petroleum refinery products (inc. greases) 0.0037 Cast and forged steel 0.0115 Air transport 0.0071 Cold-finished steel 0.0039 Coastal and inland water transport 0.0499
Air transport 0.0032 Other final chemical products 0.0104 Waste management services (private) 0.0069 Industrial soda chemicals 0.0036 Synthetic rubber 0.0424
Abrasive 0.0030 Wholesale trade 0.0100 Research and development (intra-enterprise) 0.0065 Crude steel (electric furnaces) 0.0035 Thermoplastics resins 0.0392
Advertising services 0.0029 Crude steel (converters) 0.0099 Cyclic intermediates 0.0063 Air transport 0.0031 Nonferrous metal castings and forgings 0.0385
Other rubber products 0.0024 Paper 0.0073 Aluminum (inc. regenerated aluminum) 0.0062 Ferro alloys 0.0031 Petrochemical basic products 0.0327
Coated steel 0.0024 Air transport 0.0066 Other industrial organic chemicals 0.0050 Cement 0.0029 Aliphatic intermediates 0.0307
Wholesale trade 0.0023 Motor vehicle parts and accessories 0.0061 Other resins 0.0044 Thermoplastics resins 0.0028 Plastic products 0.0305
Harbor transport service 0.0023 Steel pipes and tubes 0.0056 Hired car and taxi transport 0.0038 Petrochemical aromatic products (except synthetic resin) 0.0024 Waste management services (private) 0.0300
Sewage disposal 0.0020 Inorganic pigment 0.0053 Coated steel 0.0037 Synthetic rubber 0.0022 Coated steel 0.0282
Hired car and taxi transport 0.0019 Waste management services (private) 0.0050 Industrial soda chemicals 0.0037 Research and development (intra-enterprise) 0.0019 Air transport 0.0226
Coal products 0.0018 Electrical equipment for internal combustion engines 0.0050 Crude steel (electric furnaces) 0.0036 Other industrial organic chemicals 0.0018 Motor vehicle bodies 0.0219
30 sectors Subtotal 0.6983 1.1338 1.1338 1.0656 0.8655 4.8061
Subtotal 0.1076 0.7066 1.2059 1.1519 0.8970 5.2658
Cumulative 0.1076 0.8142 2.0201 3.1720 4.0689 1.1968
Cumulative/Grand total 0.0204 0.1546 0.3836 0.6024 0.7727 1.0000

Table 4.

Generation of CO2 by supply chains per production of a passenger car with a 2000 cc engine: Japan.

Auto: CO2 Tons per passenger car (2000 cc equivalent)
Direct First stage indirect Second stage indirect Third stage indirect Fourth stage indirect Total generation
Motor 0.1347 Electricity 0.8633 Electricity 0.7269 Electricity 0.4384 Electricity 0.2209 Electricity
Vehicles Iron steel and ferroalloys 0.8470 Iron steel and ferroalloys 0.2832 Iron steel and ferroalloys 0.0799 Iron steel and ferroalloys 0.0266 Iron steel and ferroalloys 1.2545
Iron and steel casting and forging 0.0405 Petroleum products 0.0456 Petroleum products 0.0296 Petroleum products 0.0152 Motor vehicles 0.1489
Land transport including pipelines 0.0388 Nonferrous basic metals 0.0384 Nonferrous basic metals 0.0152 Cement 0.0063 Petroleum products 0.1239
Petroleum products 0.0205 Iron and steel casting and forging 0.0305 Land transport including pipelines 0.0126 Land transport including pipelines 0.0057 Iron and steel casting and forging 0.0872
Synthetic fibers and resin 0.0146 Land transport including pipelines 0.0254 Cement 0.0113 Nonferrous basic metals 0.0051 Land transport including pipelines 0.0872
Nonferrous basic metals 0.0141 Synthetic fibers and resin 0.0174 Iron and steel casting and forging 0.0109 Iron and steel casting and forging 0.0034 Nonferrous basic metals 0.0759
Motor vehicles 0.0125 Coal and lignite 0.0090 Synthetic fibers and resin 0.0072 Synthetic fibers and resin 0.0029 Synthetic fibers and resin 0.0442
Air transport 0.0119 Cement 0.0077 Coal and lignite 0.0050 Paper, paper products, and newsprint 0.0022 Cement 0.0313
Other nonmetallic mineral products 0.0071 Paper, paper products, and newsprint 0.0060 Paper, paper products, and newsprint 0.0041 Coal and lignite 0.0021 Paper, paper products, and newsprint 0.0186
Trade 0.0055 Railway transport services 0.0055 Inorganic heavy chemicals 0.0031 Inorganic heavy chemicals 0.0016 Coal and lignite 0.0182
Insurance 0.0046 Other nonmetallic mineral products 0.0052 Railway transport services 0.0031 Railway transport services 0.0014 Air transport 0.0180
Paper, paper products, and newsprint 0.0043 Inorganic heavy chemicals 0.0049 Natural gas 0.0025 Other nonmetallic mineral products 0.0012 Other nonmetallic mineral products 0.0169
Hand tools and hardware 0.0041 Natural gas 0.0045 Other nonmetallic mineral products 0.0024 Natural gas 0.0012 Railway transport services 0.0150
Railway transport services 0.0040 Trade 0.0037 Trade 0.0018 Other chemicals 0.0009 Inorganic heavy chemicals 0.0128
Rubber products 0.0040 Air transport 0.0036 Other chemicals 0.0017 Trade 0.0008 Trade 0.0123
Plastic products 0.0038 Coal products 0.0023 Air transport 0.0015 Fertilizers 0.0007 Natural gas 0.0092
Other chemicals 0.0034 Other chemicals 0.0021 Coal products 0.0013 Crude oil 0.0006 Other chemicals 0.0087
Banking 0.0033 Plastic products 0.0019 Crude oil 0.0010 Air transport 0.0006 Plastic products 0.0070
Inorganic heavy chemicals 0.0020 Motor vehicles 0.0014 Fertilizers 0.0009 Coal products 0.0005 Insurance 0.0066
Other transport equipment 0.0018 Banking 0.0013 Plastic products 0.0008 Plastic products 0.0003 Banking 0.0057
Other nonelectrical machinery 0.0017 Insurance 0.0013 Construction 0.0006 Construction 0.0003 Rubber products 0.0053
Miscellaneous metal products 0.0007 Construction 0.0010 Banking 0.0006 Banking 0.0002 Hand tools and hardware 0.0048
Art silk and synthetic fiber textiles 0.0006 Iron ore 0.0009 Insurance 0.0004 Structural clay products 0.0002 Coal products 0.0045
Communication 0.0006 Rubber products 0.0008 Structural clay products 0.0004 Insurance 0.0002 Fertilizers 0.0028
Coal and lignite 0.0005 Communication 0.0007 Water transport 0.0004 Water transport 0.0002 Crude oil 0.0027
Construction 0.0004 Hand tools and hardware 0.0006 Iron ore 0.0003 Other oil seeds 0.0002 Construction 0.0025
Electronic equipments including TV 0.0004 Water transport 0.0006 Communication 0.0003 Communication 0.0001 Other nonelectrical machinery 0.0022
Jute hemp and mesta textiles 0.0004 Miscellaneous manufacturing 0.0006 Storage and warehousing 0.0003 Storage and warehousing 0.0001 Other transport equipment 0.0021
Community, social, and personal services 0.0003 Miscellaneous metal products 0.0005 Rubber products 0.0003 Jute hemp and mesta textiles 0.0001 Communication 0.0018
30 sectors subtotal 0.1347 1.9167 1.2333 0.6376 0.3020 4.4656
Subtotal 0.1347 1.9199 1.2387 0.6406 0.3035 4.4856
Cumulative 0.1347 2.0545 3.2933 3.9339 4.2374 4.4856
Cumulative/Grand total 0.0300 0.4580 0.7342 0.8770 0.9447 1.0000

Table 5.

Generation of CO2 by supply chains per production of a passenger car with a medium size engine: India.

Source: Authors’ calculations.

Tables 4 and 5 show the amounts of CO2 emissions generated by the final auto producers, as well as their suppliers and other upstream firms, in producing a passenger car with a 2000 cc engine. These tables provide details on the amounts of waste materials generated by each of the industrial sectors, based on which figures reported in Tables 2 and 3 were obtained.


6. Estimating the contributions of direct and indirect CO2 emissions

6.1. Relative contributions of direct and indirect CO2 emissions to the total sectorial emissions

It is intuitively clear that final output (called output from downstream sectors), whether assembled manufactured products, or output from primary sectors such as mining and agriculture, uses much output produced in their predecessor sectors including suppliers (upstream sectors). It is then likely that the total emissions attributable to any final product (e.g., a passenger car) consist of significant amounts of indirect emissions from upstream sectors and direct emissions which are emitted from the final car assembly stage in the downstream part of the supply chains. Figures 6 and 7 show the breakdown of direct and indirect emissions for 16 sectors. Industries 9–13 with asterisks are thought to be assembly-based manufacturing industries.

We see in these figures that CO2 emissions are skewed toward upstream firms in manufacturing supply chains. This is particularly evident for Japan (Figure 7). Figure 7 also shows that proportions of toxic wastes show a similar pattern.

Figure 6.

CO2 emissions by industry: proportions of indirect emissions for India.

Figure 7.

CO2 emissions by industry: proportions of indirect emissions for Japan. Notes: In this graph for Japan, proportions of indirectly generated amounts of toxic waste (solid and liquid) materials other than CO2 are also shown.

1 Mining
2 Food production
3 Textiles
4 Pulp/paper
5 Chemicals
6 Petrol/Coal production
7 Basic metals
8 Nonferrous metals production
9* General machinery
10* Electric machinery
11* Auto
12* Transportation machinery
13* Precision machinery
14 Electric power
15 Public utility
16 Service

List of industries used in Figures 6 and 7

*Assembly-based manufacturing industries.

Are the patterns of CO2 emissions across upstream and downstream economic sectors that we observed in Figures 6 and 7 consistent with downstream firms’ profit maximization behavior? We are interested in testing the following hypothesis:

H1: Downstream firms’ performance (measured by their value added) is affected by their upstream firms’ CO2 emissions as well as their own.

In general, we expect upstream firms’ generation of toxic wastes such as CO2 to be a negative factor in firms’ value added, but generation of nontoxic wastes may not be, since most nontoxic wastes have commercial value. We first focus on the impacts of downstream firms’ immediate predecessor upstream firms on downstream firm performance, because the impacts, if any, of downstream firms’ environmental management policies such as green procurement can extend most effectively to their immediate predecessor upstream suppliers.

India Japan
Dependent variable Value added Value added Value added Value added
Constant 0.5213***
Direct CO2 waste (downstream) −0.0043
Indirect CO2 waste (upstream total, all stages) −0.1266***
Indirect CO2 waste (upstream, first stage) −0.0107***
Adjusted R2 0.01846 0.27258 0.04373 0.12097
No. of observations 130 130 396 396

Table 6.

Determinants of downstream firms’ value added: effects of direct and indirect CO2 emissions by upstream firms, India and Japan.

*Significance level at 10%.

**Significance level at 5%.

***Significance level 1%.

Notes: The dependent variable (value-added) is measured per sector output.

Neither Harisson-McCabe nor Breusch-Pagan tests for heteroskesdasticity detected statistically significant level in the regressions reported above.

We have also run regressions with log of value-added as the dependent variable. We obtained estimation results which are qualitatively the same. Further, we experienced considerable multicollinearity when indirect emissions from both first and all stages entered regressions. Therefore, we only report regressions with either one of the indirect emission variables here.

These regression results were calculated by the authors. Results for Japan in columns E and F are also reported in [6].

We test this hypothesis empirically by estimating the following regressions using a sample of economic sectors corresponding to Indian input–output sectors for which usable data are available. The data used includes value added and the amounts of CO2 emissions generated during direct and indirect stages of production for each of the input–output sectors in the sample. (Descriptive statistics for these variables for India and Japan are presented in Appendix 2.)

In our specification, we regress value added on the amounts of CO2 generated directly by downstream firms as well as the amounts of CO2 generated indirectly by their upstream producers. Our OLS regression results for India are given in columns A and B of Table 6. Columns C and D show the corresponding results for Japan.

Various tests of heteroskedasticity and specification tests that we have done, respectively, show little heteroskedasticity and little specification errors.

Even though CO2 is not thought to be one of the industrial wastes in a traditional sense, the amounts of CO2 emissions represent the levels of firms’ inputs of fossil fuels. As such, like some other toxic wastes, firms have economic incentives, even without government regulations, to reduce such emissions of CO2, since the cost of energy can be a significant portion of firms’ production costs. Furthermore, from policy perspectives, some policies introduced by the governments of developed countries have been promoting energy-efficient production processes for many years (e.g., beginning in the late 1970s, after the second oil crisis in Japan). And also, in recent years, CO2 emission quota policies of various sorts are being introduced in Japanese, EU, and other nations’ industries.

From Column C of Table 6, we see that 1 ton of direct waste output of CO2 contributes to −0.0018 of firms’ value added per yen of firms’ output. On the other hand, contribution to firms’ value added of the indirect waste output of CO2 from their immediate upstream predecessor suppliers is −0.0115, which is numerically much larger and statistically more significant than our direct waste output. We conclude that firms face significant financial losses, measured by value added, when direct and indirect generation of CO2 occurs in their own production processes. Generation of CO2 emissions by firms’ immediate upstream predecessor suppliers seems to have much larger negative effects on their value added than their own direct waste output. This suggests that downstream firms may have economic incentives to reduce waste output by their immediate predecessor upstream suppliers.

Comparing columns A (India) and C (Japan), we see similar patterns on how CO2 emissions along supply chains affect final sectors’ value added. As far as final sectors’ direct emissions are concerned, direct CO2 emissions have no impact on value added for India, since its coefficient (−0.0043) is statistically not significant. On the other hand, their immediate predecessor CO2 emissions negatively affect final sectors’ value added (with statistically significant coefficient (−0.0107). But direct emission coefficients in Column B are positive and statistically significant (0.0649), suggesting that the more fossil energy is used by the final sector, the more productive (in terms of value added) final sectors become. This might indicate inefficient use of fossil energy, but this is not clear, since the same coefficient in column A is statistically insignificant.

We speculate that there are multiple channels through which downstream and upstream firms’ environmental policies affect downstream firms’ value added.

In all cases, indirect emissions from all supplier stages combined are statistically significant and negative. From these results, we tentatively conclude that, for India, environmental management policies encouraging suppliers in supply chains to reduce their CO2 emissions will likely improve final sector firms’ performance measured in terms of value added. These results for India are consistent with but are not as strong as the policy conclusions obtained for Japan [6].


7. Concluding remarks

Recent advances in supply chain based management methods have made it possible for many firms to organize their production and other business activities as part of the supply chains they belong to. Efficiency gains are realized in terms of reduced inventories, reduced lead times for new product development, and shorter delivery lags, among many other benefits. Our results suggest that including certain supply chain level environmental management schemes, such as “how to manage toxic and nontoxic wastes, as well as CO2 emission for a supply chain as a whole,” in such supply chain management methods might improve not only downstream firms’ economic performance but also advanced economies’ environmental performance significantly.

Consideration of such schemes may underlie some firms’ proposals for green procurement policies. In many sectors of an advanced economy, as supply chain management becomes more sophisticated in pursuing economic efficiency, larger downstream firms tend to become more dominant as the primary driver of management decisions associated with their supply chains. (Note, however, that this phenomenon is not limited to assembly-based manufacturing industries. In retail industries, Walmart and the like have become the primary decision makers for their entire global supply chains.) It is possible that, as a national economy develops and increases its sophistication in logistic capabilities, organic connections between upstream and downstream firms become more prevalent, as we see in Japan. This might make it easier for some downstream firms to adopt green procurement policies.

Another factor that might be important to consider in supply chain based environmental policies is firm ownership structures. Ownership structures of firms involved in supply chains are complex but tend to share some systematic patterns. Dominant downstream firms generally influence business decisions of their upstream suppliers via some forms of partial ownership and/or certain guaranteed purchase agreements. Dominant firms do not necessarily extend their partial ownership to all other firms in their supply chains, but, nevertheless, dominant firms often have significant influence over smaller upstream firms through various sorts of business relationships.

Current public policies on waste management in Japan focus on firms and/or establishments. Because of the reasons stated above, this is not appropriate for an advanced economy in which many firm decisions are made at their supply chain levels in interrelated ways. Our empirical results present limited evidence, for both India and Japan, that downstream firms’ economic performance is affected not only by their own environmental policies but also by the environmental behavior of their upstream suppliers. Some profit-maximizing firms may see it to their advantage to implement green procurement policies. As we have shown, improving suppliers’ environmental performance may lead to immediate improvements in downstream firms’ economic performance. We suppose that government environmental policies need to accommodate this supply chain effect as well. As of now, few environmental regulations for downstream firms have serious implications for upstream firms’ environmental behavior.



The authors thank Keio University for their generous support to conduct research reported in this Chapter. This research was also in part supported by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Appendix A1. 130 Sectors of the input–output Table: India, 2003

Code Name Code Name
1 Paddy 41 Edible
oils other
than vanaspati
2 Wheat 42 Tea and
3 Jowar 43 Miscellaneous
4 Bajra 44 Beverages
5 Maize 45 Tobacco
6 Gram 46 Khadi
and cotton
textiles in
7 Pulses 47 Cotton
8 Sugarcane 48 Woolen textiles
9 Groundnut 49 Silk textiles
10 Coconut 50 Art silk
and synthetic
fiber textiles
11 Other oil seeds 51 Jute hemp
and mesta
12 Jute 52 Carpet weaving
13 Cotton 53 Ready-made
14 Tea 54 Miscellaneous
textile products
15 Coffee 55 Furniture and
fixtures (wooden)
16 Rubber 56 Wood and
wood products
17 Tobacco 57 Paper, paper
products, and
18 Fruits 58 Printing
and publishing
19 Vegetables 59 Leather footwear
20 Other crops 60 Leather and
leather products
21 Milk and
milk products
61 Rubber products
22 Animal
62 Plastic products
23 Poultry and eggs 63 Petroleum products
24 Other
64 Coal products
25 Forestry
and logging
65 Inorganic
26 Fishing 66 Organic
27 Coal and
67 Fertilizers
28 Natural gas 68 Pesticides
29 Crude oil 69 Paints,
varnishes, and lacquers
30 Iron ore 70 Drugs and
31 Manganese ore 71 Soaps,
32 Bauxite 72 Synthetic
33 Copper ore 73 Other
34 Other
74 Structural
35 Limestone 75 Cement
36 Mica 76 Other nonmetallic
mineral products
37 Other
77 Iron, steel,
and ferroalloys
38 Sugar 78 Iron and steel
casting and forging
39 Khandsari
and boora
79 Iron and steel
40 Hydrogenated
80 Nonferrous
basic metals
Code Name Code Name
81 Hand
116 Trade
82 Miscella
117 Hotels and
83 Tractors
118 Banking
84 Industrial
119 Insurance
85 Other
120 Ownership of dwellings
86 Machine
121 Education and research
87 Other
122 Medical and health
88 Electrical
123 Business services
89 Electrical
124 Computer-related
90 Batteries 125 Legal services
91 Electrical
126 Real estate
92 Communication
127 Renting of machinery
and equipment
93 Other
128 Community, social,
and personal services
94 Electronic
129 Other services
95 Ships
and boats
130 Public administration
and defense
96 Rail
121 Education and research
97 Motor
122 Medical and health
98 Motor
123 Business services
99 Bicycles
124 Computer-related services
100 Other
125 Legal services
101 Watches
126 Real estate
102 Medical
127 Renting of machinery
and equipment
103 Gems and
128 Community, social, and
personal services
104 Aircraft
129 Other services
105 Miscell
130 Public administration
and defense
106 Construction 121 Education and research
107 Electricity 122 Medical and health
108 Water supply 123 Business services
109 Railway
124 Computer-related services
110 Land
125 Legal services
111 Water
126 Real estate
112 Air
127 Renting of machinery
and equipment
113 Supportive
128 Community, social, and
personal services
114 Storage
129 Other services
115 Communication 130 Public administration
and defense
Final Demand
PFCE Private final
GFCE Government
GFCF Gross
CIS Changes
in stocks
EXP Exports
IMP Imports
COMOUT Domestic
VA Value added
GVA Gross
INDOUT Domestic

Source: [28,31].

Appendix A2. Descriptive statistics for regression variables: India, 2003 and Japan, 2000

Variables Mean Std. dev. Median Minimum Maximum No. obs.
Value added (dep. variable) 0.47978 0.23504 0.38890 0.00908 1 130
GHG emissions (CO2 equivalent): India, ton-CO2 per million Rupees
Direct emissions (from current sector) 1.4699 5.4709 0.1885 0.0000 48.1495 130
Indirect emissions (emissions from all previous sectors/stages combined) 2.4667 3.2255 1.9813 0.0000 27.4213 130
Indirect emissions (emissions from immediate predecessor sector/stage) 3.2817 2.5990 2.9807 0.0000 18.5870 130
Variables Mean Median Minimum Maximum No. obs.
Value added (dep. var.) 0.444286 0.180905 0.408066 0 0.929868 396
GHG emissions (CO2 equivalent): Japan, ton-CO2 per million Yen
Direct emissions (from current sector) 1.81488 8.02313 0.24814 0 104.2946 396
Indirect emissions (emissions from all previous sectors/stages combined) 2.99029 3.99268 1.98527 0 52.4515 396
Indirect emissions (emissions from immediate predecessor sector/stage) 1.42372 2.99584 0.71593 0 44.9873 396

Source: India—The dataset is compiled by the authors using The Central Statistical Organisation, India at current million Indian Rupees [28]. Japan—The dataset is compiled by the authors using data available from and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

Notes. Value added and direct waste outputs are measured per sector output. Indirect waste output for each stage is measured per total indirect output (all stages combined).


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  • The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, held in Paris, France, from November to December 2015 was the 21st yearly session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 11th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The Paris Agreement, a global agreement on the reduction of climate change, the text of which represented a consensus of the representatives of the 196 parties attending it, was signed. It needs to be ratified to become a world treaty [1].
  • A questionnaire-based survey across 124 companies from eight industrial sectors in Taiwan was used [17] in one study, while survey data on a sample of 122 firms drawn from electronics manufacturers listed on the database of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TWSE) market and the Gre Tai Securities Market (GTSM) in Taiwan was used in another study [8].
  • See [18] where Indian manufacturers’ approaches to green supply chain management are explained.
  • Waste here denotes CO2, but our formulation applies to other waste materials as well.
  • In reality, most waste materials have positive or negative economic value. For example, CO2 has economic value in the GHG market currently [26].
  • Actual statistical treatment of industrial waste materials depends on the nature of each waste material, which we will not discuss here.
  • In addition to direct regulations of various types pertinent to toxic wastes and CO2, indirect regulations often dictate firms’ management of some of nontoxic wastes as well. For example, firms’ nontoxic wastes are sometimes indirectly regulated in terms of the amounts of such waste materials that firms are allowed to bring to landfills and other waste processing facilities. Some nontoxic wastes have commercial value as well.
  • Various tests of heteroskedasticity and specification tests that we have done, respectively, show little heteroskedasticity and little specification errors.
  • We speculate that there are multiple channels through which downstream and upstream firms’ environmental policies affect downstream firms’ value added.

Written By

Hitoshi Hayami, Masao Nakamura and Kazushige Shimpo

Submitted: 26 October 2015 Reviewed: 16 February 2016 Published: 30 June 2016