Open access

Notations and Abbreviations

Written By

Petr Ptáček

Published: 02 July 2014

DOI: 10.5772/58614

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The following abbreviations and symbols are used in this book:

Symbol Description
q¯ The heat flux vector
[p] Isobaric Conditions
[T] Isothermal Conditions
A Frequency factor [s-1]
a, b, c, α, β, γ Parameters of phase unit cell
B i,j The primary breakage distribution
c°pm Standard isobaric molar thermal capacity [J⋅K-1·mol-1]
Ci Reaction Species, Reactant or Product
D Diameter of mill
E a Activation energy [J⋅mol-1]
ETC, Λ Effective thermal conductivity
F The Number of Phases in Given Thermodynamic System
f i The feed rate of size fraction [t⋅h-1]
G Gibbs Energy
g(α) Kinetic function (g(α) = kt)
h The order of matrix of constitution coeficients
HAC High Alumina Cement
HCV High Caloric Value [J⋅mol-1]
K Boltzmann Constant, k = R/ NA = 8.314/ 6.023⋅1023 = 1.381⋅10-23 J⋅K-1.
k The constant of reaction rate
K Equilibrium constant
k B Boltzmann constant
LCV Lower Caloric Value [J⋅mol-1]
LHV Lower Heating Value [J⋅mol-1]
M A Alumina module
MH Hydraulic Module of Clinker
M H Hydraulic module
N Number of Moles [mol].
n Kinetic factor (kinetic exponent)
n +, n - The number of cations, anions
N A Avogadros number (6.02214⋅1023 mol-1)
NCV Net Caloric Value [J⋅mol-1]
P Pressure [Pa]
P c, F c The sieve size passing 80% of clinker after and before crushing
PC, OPC Portland Cement, Ordinary Portland Cement
P D The partial pressure of water vapor [Pa]
PSD Particle packing density
R Universal Gas Constant, R = pst⋅Vst/ Tst = 1.0325⋅105 ⋅ 22.414⋅10-3/ 273.15 = 8.314 J⋅mol-1⋅K-1.
R Number of independent reaction in the system (according to the Gibbs stoichiometric law).
R c Critical Energy Transfer Distance in Blasse’s Theory
S Number of Species in Given Thermodynamic System
S°m Standard molar entropy [J⋅K-1⋅mol-1]
SDSrO Strontium saturation factor
SI The shape index of peak
S i Specific rate of breakage
T Temperature [K]
t Time [s]
T m The temperature of peak [K]
Tpw The temperature of wet point [°C]
v Number of Degrees of Freedom (according to the Gibbs phase law).
V Volume
w/c The water to cement ratio
w 1/2 The half-width of peak [K]
W A Absolute humidity of air [kg⋅m-3]
W c The energy consumed for crushing the clinker [kWh⋅t-1]
W m The mill specific output motor power [kWh⋅t-1]
W R Relative humidity of air [%]
W s Specific air humidity [kgw⋅kgair -1]
x c Critical Concentrations.
xj Molar Ratio (dimensionless, or 100 xj [%])
Z Number of formula per unit cell of phase
z Stoichiometric factor
Χ Pauling´s electronegativity
Δ c H° Heat of Combustion [J⋅mol-1]
Δ fH° The standard enthalpy of formation [J⋅mol-1]
ΔG # Gibbs energy of activated complex [J]
ΔH # Enthalpy of activated complex [J]
Δ r G° The standard Gibbs energy of reaction [J]
Δ r G°(bo) The standard Gibbs energy of reaction recalculated to one mol of basic oxides [J⋅mol-1]
Δ r H° The standard enthalpy of reaction [J]
Δ r S° The standard entropy of reaction [J⋅K-1]
ΔS # Entropy of activated complex [J⋅K-1]
Θ Heating rate [°C⋅min-1]
α The fractional conversion or degree of conversion (normalized on range from 0 to 1 or from 0 to 100 %)
ε Porosity
ϕ ij The structure composition factor.
λ The coefficient of thermal conductivity
λ e The effective thermal conductivity of porous materials
μ i Chemical Potential
μ i° Standard Chemical Potential
ν i Stoichiometric coefficient for species Ci
ν i Stoichiometric coefficient
ρ Density [kg⋅m-3]
τ The fraction of condensation energy transferred to the reactant at interface

The following cement chemistry notation is used in this book:

Oxide/ compounds Formula Abbreviated symbol
Aluminium oxide Al2O3 A
Calcium oxide CaO C
Carbon dioxide CO2 C-
Iron oxide Fe2O3 F
Calcium fluoride CaF2 F-
Water H2O H
Potassium oxide K2O K
Magnesium oxide MgO M
Sodium oxide Na2O N
Phosphorus oxide P2O5 P
Silicon oxide SiO2 S
Sulfur oxide SO3 S-
Titanium oxide TiO2 T

Written By

Petr Ptáček

Published: 02 July 2014