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Ant Colony Optimization Toward Feature Selection

Written By

Monirul Kabir, Md Shahjahan and Kazuyuki Murase

Published: 20 February 2013

DOI: 10.5772/51707

From the Edited Volume

Ant Colony Optimization - Techniques and Applications

Edited by Helio J.C. Barbosa

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1. Introduction

Over the past decades, there is an explosion of data composed by huge information, because of rapid growing up of computer and database technologies. Ordinarily, this information is hidden in the cast collection of raw data. Because of that, we are now drowning in information, but starving for knowledge [1]. As a solution, data mining successfully extracts knowledge from the series of data-mountains by means of data preprocessing [1]. In case of data preprocessing, feature selection (FS) is ordinarily used as a useful technique in order to reduce the dimension of the dataset. It significantly reduces the spurious information, that is to say, irrelevant, redundant, and noisy features, from the original feature set and eventually retaining a subset of most salient features. As a result, a number of good outcomes can be expected from the applications, such as, speeding up data mining algorithms, improving mining performances (including predictive accuracy) and comprehensibility of result [2].

In the available literature, different types of data mining are addressed, such as, regression, classification, and clustering [1]. The task of interest in this study is classification. In fact, classification problem is the task of assigning a data-point to a predefined class or group according to its predictive characteristics. In practice, data mining for classification techniques are significant in a wide range of domains, such as, financial engineering, medical diagnosis, and marketing.

In details, FS is, however, a search process or technique in data mining that selects a subset of salient features for building robust learning models, such as, neural networks and decision trees. Some irrelevant and/or redundant features generally exist in the learning data that not only make learning harder, but also degrade generalization performance of learned models. More precisely, good FS techniques can detect and ignore noisy and misleading features. As a result, the dataset quality might even increase after selection. There are two feature qualities that need to be considered in FS methods: relevancy and redundancy. A feature is said to be relevant if it is predictive of the decision feature(s); otherwise, it is irrelevant. A feature is considered to be redundant if it is highly correlated with other features. An informative feature is the one that is highly correlated with the decision concept(s), but is highly uncorrelated with other features.

For a given classification task, the problem of FS can be described as follows: given the original set, N, of n features, find a subset F consisting of f relevant features, where FN and f<n MathType@MTEF@5@5@+=feaagCart1ev2aqatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLnhiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr4rNCHbGeaGqiVCI8FfYJH8YrFfeuY=Hhbbf9v8qqaqFr0xc9pk0xbba9q8WqFfeaY=biLkVcLq=JHqpepeea0=as0Fb9pgeaYRXxe9vr0=vr0=vqpWqaaeaabiGaciaacaqabeaadaqaaqaaaOqaaiaadAgacqGH8aapcaWGUbaaaa@38CC@ . The aim of selecting F is to maximize the classification accuracy in building learning models. The selection of relevant features is important in the sense that the generalization performance of learning models is greatly dependent on the selected features [3-6]. Moreover, FS assists for visualizing and understanding the data, reducing storage requirements, reducing training times and so on [7].

It is found that, two features to be useless individually and yet highly predictive if taken together. In FS terminology, they may be both redundant and irrelevant on their own, but their combination provides important information. For instance, in the Exclusive-OR problem, the classes are not linearly separable. The two features on their own provide no information concerning this separability, because they are uncorrelated with each other. However, considering together, the two features are highly informative and can provide good predictive accuracy. Therefore, the search of FS is particularly for high-quality feature subsets and not only for ranking of features.


2. Applications of Feature Selection

Feature selection has a wide-range of applications in various fields since the 1970s. The reason is that, many systems deal with datasets of large dimensionality. However, the areas, in which the task of FS can mainly be applied, are categorized into the following ways (see Figure 1.).

Figure 1.

Applicable areas of feature selection.

Figure 2.

Picture taken by a camera from a fish processing industry, adapted from [8].

In the pattern recognition paradigm, the FS tasks are mostly concerned with the classification problems. Basically, pattern recognition is the study of how machines can monitor the environment, learn to differentiate patterns of interest, and make decision correctly about the categories of patterns. A pattern, ordinarily, contains some features based on classifying a target or object. As an example, a classification problem, that is to say, sorting incoming fish on a conveyor belt in a fish industry according to species. Assume that, there are only two kinds of fish available, such as, salmon and sea bass, exhibited in Figure 2. A machine gives the decision in classifying the fishes automatically based on training of some features, for example, length, width, weight, number and shape of fins, tail shape, and so on. But, problem is that, if there are some irrelevant, redundant, and noisy features are available, classification performance then might be degraded. In such cases, FS has a significant performance to recognize the useless features from the patterns, delete the features, and finally bring the improved classification performance significantly in the context of pattern recognition.

FS technique has successfully been implemented in mobile robot vision to generate efficient navigation trajectories with an extremely simple neural control system [9]. In this case, evolved mobile robots select the salient visual features and actively maintain them on the same retinal position, while the useless image features are discarded. According to the analysis of evolved solutions, it can be found that, robots develop simple and very efficient edge detection to detect obstacles and to move away among them. Furthermore, FS has a significant role in image recognition systems [10]. In these systems, patterns are designed by image data specially describing the image pixel data. There could be hundreds of different features for an image. These features may include: color (in various channels), texture (dimensionality, line likeness, contrast, roughness, coarseness), edge, shape, spatial relations, temporal information, statistical measures (moments- mean, variance, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis). The FS expert can identify a subset of relevant features from the whole feature set.

In analysis of human genome, gene expression microarray data have increased many folds in recent years. These data provide the opportunity to analyze the expression levels of thousand or tens of thousands of genes in a single experiment. A particular classification task distinguishes between healthy and cancer patients based on their gene expression profile. On the other hand, a typical gene expression data suffer from three problems:

  1. limited number of available examples,

  2. very high dimensional nature of data,

  3. noisy characteristics of the data.

Therefore, suitable FS methods (e.g., [11, 12]) are used upon these datasets to find out a minimal set of gene that has sufficient classifying power to classify subgroups along with some initial filtering.

Text classification is, nowadays, a vital task because of the availability of the proliferated texts in the digital form. We need to access these texts in the flexible ways. A major problem in regard to the text classification is the high dimensionality of the feature space. It is found that, text feature space has several tens of thousands of features, among which most of them are irrelevant and spurious for the text classification tasks. This high number of features resulting the reduction of classification accuracy and of learning speed of the classifiers. Because of those features, a number of classifiers are being unable to utilize in their learning tasks. For this, FS is such a technique that is very much efficient for the text classification task in order to reduce the feature dimensionality and to improve the performance of the classifiers [13].

Knowledge discovery (KD) is an efficient process of identifying valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns from the large collections of data [14]. Indeed, the popularity of KD is caused due to our daily basis demands by federal agencies, banks, insurance companies, retail stores, and so on. One of the important KD steps is the data mining step. In the context of data mining, feature selection cleans up the dataset by reducing the set of least significant features. This step ultimately helps to extract some rules from the dataset, such as, if---then rule. This rule signifies the proper understanding about the data and increases the human capability to predict what is happening inside the data.

It is now clear that, FS task has an important role in various places, where one can easily produce better performances from the systems by distinguishing the salient features. Among the various applications, in this chapter, we are interested to discuss elaborately in a particular topic of “pattern recognition”, in which how FS task can play an important role especially for the classification problem. The reason is that, in the recent years, solving classification problem using FS is a key source for the data mining and knowledge mining paradigm.


3. Feature Selection for Classification

In the recent years, the available real-world problems of the classification tasks draw a high demand for FS, since the datasets of those problems are mixed by a number of irrelevant and redundant features. In practice, FS tasks work on basis of the classification datasets that are publicly available. The most popular benchmark dataset collection is the University of California, Irvine (UCI) machine learning repository [15]. The collection of UCI is mostly row data that must be preprocessed to use in NNs. Preprocessed datasets in it include Proben1 [16]. The characteristics of the datasets particularly those were used in the experiments of this chapter, and their partitions are summarized in Table 1. The details of the table show a considerable diversity in the number of examples, features, and classes among the datasets. All datasets were partitioned into three sets: a training set, a validation set, and a testing set, according to the suggestion mentioned in [16]. For all datasets, the first P 1 examples were used for the training set, the following P 2 examples for the validation set, and the final P 3 examples for the testing set. The above mentioned datasets were used widely in many previous studies and they represent some of the most challenging datasets in the NN and machine learning [12, 17].

Datasets Features Classes Examples Partition sets
Training Validation Testing
Cancer 9 2 699 349 175 175
Glass 9 6 214 108 53 53
Vehicle 18 4 846 424 211 211
Thyroid 21 3 7200 3600 1800 1800
Ionosphere 34 2 351 175 88 88
Credit Card 51 2 690 346 172 172
Sonar 60 2 208 104 52 52
Gene 120 3 3175 1587 794 794
Colon cancer 2000 2 62 30 16 16

Table 1.

Characteristics and partitions of different classification datasets.

The description of the datasets reported in Table 1 is available in [15], except colon cancer, which can be found in [18]. There are also some other gene expression datasets like colon cancer (e.g., lymphoma and leukemia), that are described in [19] and [20].


4. Existing Works for Feature Selection

A number of proposed approaches for solving FS problem that can broadly be categorized into the following three classifications [2]:

  1. wrapper,

  2. filter, and

  3. hybrid.

  4. Other than these classifications, there is also another one, called as, meta-heuristic.

In the wrapper approach, a predetermined learning model is assumed, wherein features are selected that justify the learning performance of the particular learning model [21], whereas in the filter approach, statistical analysis of the feature set is required, without utilizing any learning model [22]. The hybrid approach attempts to utilize the complementary strengths of the wrapper and filter approaches [23]. The meta-heuristics (or, global search approaches) attempt to search a salient feature subset in a full feature space in order to find a high-quality solution using mutual cooperation of individual agents, such as, genetic algorithm, ant colony optimization, and so on [64]. Now, the schematic diagrams of how the filter, wrapper, and hybrid approaches find relevant (salient) features are given in Figures 3(a,b,c). These figures are summarized according to the investigations of different FS related works.

Subsets can be generated and the search process carried out in a number of ways. One method, called sequential forward search (SFS[24,25]), is to start the search process with an empty set and successfully add features; another option called sequential backward search (SBS[4,26]), is to start with a full set and successfully remove features. In addition, a third alternative, called bidirectional selection [27], is to start on both ends and add and remove features simultaneously. A fourth method [28, 29], is to have a search process start with a randomly selected subset using a sequential or bidirectional strategy. Yet another search strategy, called complete search [2], may give a best solution to an FS task due to the thoroughness of its search, but is not feasible when dealing with a large number of features. Alternatively, the sequential strategy is simple to implement and fast, but is affected by the nesting effect [3], wherein once a feature is added (or, deleted) it cannot be deleted (or, added) later. In order to overcome such disadvantages of the sequential search strategy, another search strategy, called the floating search strategy [3], has been implemented.

Search strategy considerations for any FS algorithm are a vital part in finding salient features of a given dataset [2]. Numerous algorithms have been proposed to address the problem of searching. Most algorithms use either a sequential search (for example, [4,5,24,26,30]) or a global search (e.g., [11,23,31-35]). On the basis of guiding the search strategies and evaluating the subsets, in contrast, the existing FS algorithms can be grouped into the following three approaches: wrapper (e.g., [4,6,30,36-38]), filter (e.g., [40,41]), and hybrid (e.g., [23,42]). It is well-known that wrapper approaches always return features with a higher saliency than filter approaches, as the former utilize the association of features collectively during the learning process, but are computationally more expensive [2]).

In solutions for FS, filter approaches are faster to implement, since they estimate the performance of features without any actual model assumed between outputs and inputs of the data. A feature can be selected or deleted on the basis of some predefined criteria, such as, mutual information [39], principal component analysis [43], independent component analysis [44], class separability measure [45], or variable ranking [46]. Filter approaches have the advantage of computational efficiency, but the saliency of the selected features is insufficient, because they do not take into account the biases of classification models.

In order to implement the wrapper approaches, a number of algorithms ([4,24,26,30,47]) have been proposed that use sequential search strategies in finding a subset of salient features. In [24], features are added to a neural network (NN) according to SFS during training. The addition process is terminated when the performance of the trained classifier is degraded. Recently, Kabir et al. [47] proposed approach has drawn much attention in SFS-based feature selections. In this approach, correlated (distinct) features from two groups, namely, similar and dissimilar, are added to the NN training model sequentially. At the end of the training process, when the NN classifier has captured all the necessary information of a given dataset, a subset of salient features is generated with reduced redundancy of information. In a number of other studies (e.g., [4,26,30]), SBS is incorporated in FS using a NN, where the least salient features have been deleted in stepwise fashion during training. In this context, different algorithms employ different heuristic techniques for measuring saliency of features. In [24], saliency of features is measured using a NN training scheme, in which only one feature is used in the input layer at a time. Two different weight analysis-based heuristic techniques are employed in [4] and [26] for computing the saliency of features. Furthermore, in [30], a full feature set NN training scheme is used, where each feature is temporarily deleted with a cross-check of NN performance.

The value of a loss function, consisting of cross entropy with a penalty function, is considered directly for measuring the saliency of a feature in [5] and [6]. In [5], the penalty function encourages small weights to converge to zero, or prevents weights from converging to large values. After the penalty function has finished running, those features that have smaller weights are sequentially deleted during training as being irrelevant. On the other hand, in [6], the penalty function forces a network to keep the derivatives of the values of its neurons’ transfer functions low. The aim of such a restriction is to reduce output sensitivity to input changes. In the FS process, feature removal operations are performed sequentially, especially for those features that do not degrade accuracy of the NN upon removal. A class-dependent FS algorithm in [38], selects a desirable feature subset for each class. It first divides a C class classification problem into C two-class classification problems. Then, the features are integrated to train a support vector machine (SVM) using a SFS strategy in order to find the feature subset of each binary classification problem. Pal and Chintalapudi [36] has proposed a SBS-based FS technique that multiplies an attenuation function by each feature before allowing the features to be entered into the NN training. This FS technique is the root for proposing another FS algorithm in [48]. Rakotomamonjy [37] has proposed new FS criteria that are derived from SVMs and that are based on the sensitivity of generalization error bounds with respect to features.

Unlike sequential search-based FS approaches, global search approaches (or, meta-heuristics) start a search in a full feature space instead of a partial feature space in order to find a high-quality solution. The strategy of these algorithms is based on the mutual cooperation of individual agents. A standard genetic algorithm (GA) has been used for FS [35], where fixed length strings in a population set represent a feature subset. The population set evolves over time to converge to an optimal solution via crossover and mutation operations. A number of other algorithms exist (e.g., [22,23]), in which GAs are used for solving FS. A hybrid approach [23] for FS has been proposed that incorporates the filter and wrapper approaches in a cooperative manner. A filter approach involving mutual information computation is used here as a local search to rank features. A wrapper approach involving GAs is used here as global search to find a subset of salient features from the ranked features. In [22], two basic operations, namely, deletion and addition are incorporated that seek the least significant and most significant features for making a stronger local search during FS.

ACO is predominantly a useful tool, considered as a modern algorithm that has been used in several studies (e.g., [11,31,42,49-52]) for selecting salient features. During the operation of this algorithm, a number of artificial ants traverse the feature space to construct feature subsets iteratively. During subset construction (SC), the existing approaches ([11,42,49-52]) define the size of the constructed subsets by a fixed number for each iteration, whereas the SFS strategy has been followed in [31,49], and [51]. In order to measure the heuristic values of features during FS, some of the algorithms ([11,31,50,52]) use filter tools. Evaluating the constructed subsets is, on the other hand, a vital part in the study of ACO-based FS, since most algorithms design the pheromone update rules on the basis of outcomes of subset evaluations. In this regard, a scheme of training classifiers (i.e., wrapper tools) has been used in almost all of the above ACO-based FS algorithms, except for the two cases, where rough set theory and the latent variable model (i.e., filter tools) are considered, which are in [11] and [31], respectively.

A recently proposed FS [34] approach is based on rough sets and a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. A PSO algorithm is used for finding a subset of salient features over a large and complex feature space. The main heuristic strategy of PSO in FS is that particles fly up to a certain velocity through the feature space. PSO finds an optimal solution through the interaction of individuals in the population. Thus, PSO finds the best solution in the FS as the particles fly within the subset space. This approach is more efficient than a GA in the sense that it does not require crossover and mutation operators; simple mathematical operators are required only.

Figure 3.

a)Schematic diagram of filter approach. Each approach incorporates the specific search strategies. (b)Schematic diagram of wrapper approach. Each approach incorporates the specific search strategies and classifiers. Here, NN, KNN, SVM, and MLHD refer to the neural network, K-nearest neighbour, support vector machine, and maximum likelihood classifier, respectively. (c)Schematic diagram of hybrid approach. Each approach incorporates the specific search strategies and classifiers. Here, LDA, ROC, SU, MI, CI, and LVM, refer to the linear discriminant analysis classifier, receiver operating characteristic method, symmetrical uncertainty, mutual information, correlation information, and latent variable model, respectively.


5. Common Problems

Most of the afore-mentioned search strategies, however, attempt to find solutions in FS that range between sub-optimal and near optimal regions, since they use local search throughout the entire process, instead of global search. On the other hand, these search algorithms utilize a partial search over the feature space, and suffer from computational complexity. Consequently, near-optimal to optimal solutions are quite difficult to achieve using these algorithms. As a result, many research studies now focus on global search algorithms (or, metaheuristics) [31]). The significance of global search algorithms is that they can find a solution in the full search space on the basis of activities of multi-agent systems that use a global search ability utilizing local search appropriately, thus significantly increasing the ability of finding very high-quality solutions within a reasonable period of time[53]. To achieve global search, researchers have attempted simulated annealing [54], genetic algorithm [35], ant colony optimization ([49,50]), and particle swarm optimization [34] algorithms in solving FS tasks.

On the other hand, most of the global search approaches discussed above do not use a bounded scheme to decide the size of the constructed subsets. Accordingly, in these algorithms, the selected subsets might be larger in size and include a number of least significant features. Furthermore, most of the ACO-based FS algorithms do not consider the random and probabilistic behavior of ants during SCs. Thus, the solutions found in these algorithms might be incomplete in nature. On the other hand, the above sequential search-based FS approaches suffer from the nesting effect as they try to find subsets of salient features using a sequential search strategy. It is said that such an effect affects the generalization performance of the learning model [3].


6. A New Hybrid ACO-based Feature Selection Algorithm-ACOFS

It is found that, hybridization of several components gives rise to better overall performance in FS problem. The reason is that hybrid techniques are capable of finding a good solution, even when a single technique is often trapped with an incomplete solution [64]. Furthermore, incorporation of any global search strategy in a hybrid system (called as hybrid meta-heuristic approach) can likely provide high-quality solution in FS problem.

In this chapter, a new hybrid meta-heuristic approach for feature selection (ACOFS) has been presented that utilizes ant colony optimization. The main focus of this algorithm is to generate subsets of salient features of reduced size. ACOFS utilizes a hybrid search technique that combines the wrapper and filter approaches. In this regard, ACOFS modifies the standard pheromone update and heuristic information measurement rules based on the above two approaches. The reason for the novelty and distinctness of ACOFS versus previous algorithms (e.g., [11,31,42,49-52]) lie in the following two aspects.

Figure 4.

Major steps of ACOFS, adapted from [64].

First, ACOFS emphasizes not only the selection of a number of salient features, but also the attainment of a reduced number of them. ACOFS selects salient features of a reduced number using a subset size determination scheme. Such a scheme works upon a bounded region and provides sizes of constructed subsets that are smaller in number. Thus, following this scheme, an ant attempts to traverse the node (or, feature) space to construct a path (or, subset). This approach is quite different from those of the existing schemes ([31,49,51]), where the ants are guided by using the SFS strategy in selecting features during the feature subset construction. However, a problem is that, SFS requires an appropriate stopping criterion to stop the SC. Otherwise, a number of irrelevant features may be included in the constructed subsets, and the solutions may not be effective. To solve this problem, some algorithms ([11,42,50,52]) define the size of a constructed subset by a fixed number for each iteration for all ants, which is incremented at a fixed rate for following iterations. This technique could be inefficient if the fixed number becomes too large or too small. Therefore, deciding the subset size within a reduced area may be a good step for constructing the subset while the ants traverse through the feature space.

Second, ACOFS utilizes a hybrid search technique for selecting salient features that combines the advantages of the wrapper and filter approaches. An alternative name for such a search technique is “ACO search”. This technique is designed with two sets of new rules for pheromone update and heuristic information measurement. The idea of these rules is based mainly on the random and probabilistic behaviors of ants while selecting features during SC. The aim is to provide the correct information to the features and to maintain an effective balance between exploitation and exploration of ants during SC. Thus, ACOFS achieves a strong search capability that helps to select a smaller number of the most salient features among a feature set. In contrast, the existing approaches ([11,31,42,49-52]) try to design rules without distinguishing between the random and probabilistic behaviors of ants during the construction of a subset. Consequently, ants may be deprived of the opportunity of utilizing enough previous experience or investigating more salient features during SC in their solutions.

The main structure of ACOFS is shown in Figure 4, in which the detailed description can be found in [64]. However, at the first stage, while each of the k ants attempt to construct subset, it decides the subset size r first according to the subset size determination scheme. This scheme guides the ants to construct subsets in a reduced form. Then, it follows the conventional probabilistic transition rule [31] for selecting features as follows,

P i k ( t ) = { [ τ i ( t ) ] α [ η i ( t ) ] β u j k [ τ u ( t ) ] α [ η u ( t ) ] β 0 i f i j k E1

where j k is the set of feasible features that can be added to the partial solution, τi and ηi are the pheromone and heuristic values associated with feature i (i 1, 2,…..,n), and α and β are two parameters that determine the relative importance of the pheromone value and heuristic information. Note that, since the initial value of and for all individual features are equal, Eq. (1) shows random behaviour in SC initially. The approach used by the ants in constructing individual subsets during SC can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Representation of subset constructions by individual ants in ACO algorithm for FS. Here, n1, n2,..., n5 represent the individual features. As an example, one ant placed in n1 constructed one subset { n1, n2, n3}.

ACOFS imposes a restriction upon the subset size determination in determining the subset size, which is not an inherent constraint. Because, other than such restriction, likewise the conventional approaches, the above determination scheme works on an extended boundary after a certain range that results in ineffective solutions for FS. In order to solve another problem, that is to say, incomplete solutions to ACO-based FS algorithms; our ACOFS incorporates a hybrid search strategy (i.e., a combination of the wrapper and filter approaches) by designing different rules to strengthen the global search ability of the ants. Incorporation of these two approaches results in an ACOFS that achieves high-quality solutions for FS from a given dataset. For better understanding, details about each aspect of ACOFS are now given in the following sections.

6.1. Determination of Subset Size

In an ACO algorithm, the activities of ants have significance for solving different combinatorial optimization problems. Therefore, in solving the FS problem, guiding ants in the correct directions is very advantageous in this sense. In contrast to other existing ACO- based FS algorithms, ACOFS uses a straightforward mechanism to determine the subset size r. It employs a simpler probabilistic formula with a constraint and a random function. The aim of using such a probabilistic formula is to provide information to the random function in such a way that the minimum subset size has a higher probability of being selected. This is important in the sense that ACOFS can be guided toward a particular direction by the choice of which reduced-size subset of salient features is likely to be generated. The subset size determination scheme used can be described in two ways as follows.

First, ACOFS uses a probabilistic formula modified from [32] to decide the size of a subset r (≤n) as follows:

P r = n r i = 1 l ( n i ) E2

Here, Pr is maximized linearly as r is minimized, and the value of r is restricted by a constraint, namely, 2 ≤ r ≤ δ. Therefore, r 2, 3,……,δ, where δ = μ xn and l = n - r. Here, μ is a user-specified parameter that controls δ. Its value depends on the n for a given dataset. If is closed to n, then the search space of finding the salient features becomes larger, which certainly causes a high computational cost, and raises the risk that ineffective feature subsets might be generated. Since the aim of ACOFS is to select a subset of salient features within a smaller range, the length of the selected subset is preferred to be between 3 and 12 depending on the given dataset. Thus, is set as [0.1, 0.6]. Then, normalize all the values of Pr in such a way that the summation of all possible values of Pr is equal to 1.

Second, ACOFS utilizes all the values of Pr for the random selection scheme mentioned in Figure 6 to determine the size of the subset, r eventually. This selection scheme is almost similar to the classical roulette wheel procedure [55].

Figure 6.

Pseudo-code of the random selection procedure.

6.2. Subset Evaluation

Subset evaluation has a significant role, along with other basic operations of ACO for selecting salient features in FS tasks. In common practices, filter or wrapper approaches are involved for evaluation tasks. However, it is found in [7] that the performance of a wrapper approach is always better than that of a filter approach. Therefore, the evaluation of the constructed subsets is inspired by a feed-forward NN training scheme for each iteration. Such a NN classifier is not an inherent constraint; instead of NN, any other type of classifier, such as SVM, can be used as well for this evaluation tasks. In this study, the evaluation of the subset is represented by the percentage value of NN classification accuracy (CA) for the testing set. A detailed discussion of the evaluation mechanism integrated into ACOFS as follows.

First, during training the features of a constructed subset, the NN is trained partially for τp epochs. Training is performed sequentially using the examples of a training set and a back-propagation (BP) learning algorithm [56]. The number of training epochs, τp, is specified by the user. In partial training, which was first used in conjunction with an evolutionary algorithm [17], the NN is trained for a fixed number of epochs, regardless of whether the algorithm has converged on a result.

Second, check the progress of training to determine whether further training is necessary. If training error is reduced by a predefined amount, ε, after the τp training epochs (as mentioned in Eq. (4)), we assume that the training process has been progressing well, and that further training is thus necessary, and then proceed to the first step. Otherwise, we go to the next step for adding a hidden neuron. The error, E, is calculated as follows:

E = 1 2 p = 1 P c = 1 C ( o c ( p ) t c ( p ) ) 2 E3

where oc(p) and tc(p) are the actual and target responses of the c-th output neuron for the training example p. The symbols P and C represent the total number of examples and of output neurons in the training set, respectively. The reduction of training error can be described as follows:

E ( t ) E ( t + τ p ) ε ,       t = τ ,  2 τ ,  3 τ , . E4

On the other hand, in the case of adding the hidden neuron, the addition operation is guided by computing the contributions of the current hidden neurons. If the contributions are high, then it is assumed that another one more hidden neuron is required. Otherwise, freeze the extension of the hidden layer size for further partial training of the NN. Computation of the contribution of previously added hidden neurons in the NN is based on the CA of the validation set. The CA can be calculated as follows:

C A = 100 ( P v c P v ) E5

where Pvc refers to the number of examples in the validation set correctly classified by the NN and Pv is the total number of patterns in the validation set.

At this stage, the ACOFS measures error and CA in the validation set using Eqs. (3) and (5) after every τp epochs of training. It then terminates training when either the validation CA decreases or the validation error increases or both are satisfied for T successive times, which are measured at the end of each of T successive τp epochs of training [16]. Finally, the testing accuracy of the current NN architecture is checked with selected hidden neurons, using the example of the testing set according to Eq. (5).

The idea behind this evaluation process is straightforward: minimize the training error, and maximize the validation accuracy. To achieve these goals, ACOFS uses a constructive approach to determine NN architectures automatically. Although other approaches, such as, pruning [57] and regularization [58] could be used in ACOFS, the selection of an initial NN architecture in these approaches is difficult [59]. This selection, however, is simple in the case of a constructive approach. For example, the initial network architecture in a constructive approach can consist of a hidden layer with one neuron. On the other hand, an input layer is set with r neurons, and an output layer with c neurons. More precisely, among r and c neurons, one neuron for each feature of the corresponding subset and one neuron for each class, respectively. If this minimal architecture cannot solve the given task, hidden neurons can be added one by one. Due to the simplicity of initialization, the constructive approach is used widely in multi-objective learning tasks [60].


6.3 Best Subset Selection

Generally, finding salient subsets with a reduced size is always preferable due to the low cost in hardware implementation and less time consumed in operation. Unlike other existing algorithms (e.g., [49,50]), in ACOFS, the best salient feature subset is recognized eventually as a combination of the local best and global best selections as follows:

Local best selection: Determine the local best subset, Sl(t) for a particular t (t ∈ 1, 2, 3,…..) iteration according to Max(Sk(t)), where Sk(t) is the number of subsets constructed by k ants, and k 1, 2,…,n.

Global best selection: Determine the global best subset (Sg), that is, the best subset of salient features from the all local best solutions in such a way that Sg is compared with the currently decided local best subset, Sl(t) at every t iteration by their classification performances. If Sl(t) is found better, then Sl(t) is replaced by Sg. One thing is that, during this selection process, if the performances are found similar at any time, then select the one among the two, i.e., Sg and Sl(t) as a best subset that has reduced size. Note that, at the first iteration Sl(t) is considered as Sg.


6.4 Hybrid Search Process

The new hybrid search technique, incorporated in ACOFS, consists of wrapper and filter approaches. A significant advantage of this search technique is that ants achieve a significant ability of utilizing previous successful moves and of expressing desirability of moves towards a high-quality solution in FS. This search process is composed of two sets of newly designed rules, such as, the pheromone update rule and the heuristic information rule, which are further described as follows.

6.4.1. Pheromone Update Rule

Pheromone updating in the ACO algorithm is a vital aspect of FS tasks. Ants exploit features in SC that have been most suitable in prior iterations through the pheromone update rule, consisting of local update and global update. More precisely, global update applies only to those features that are a part of the best feature subset in the current iteration. It allows the features to receive a large amount of pheromone update in equal shares. The aim of global update is to encourage ants to construct subsets with a significant CA. In contrast to the global update, local update not only causes the irrelevant features to be less desirable, but also helps ants to select those features, which have never been explored before. This update either decreases the strength of the pheromone trail or maintains the same level, based on whether a particular feature has been selected.

In ACOFS, a set of new pheromone update rules has been designed on the basis of two basic behaviors (that is to say, random and probabilistic) of ants during SCs. These rules have been modified from the standard rule in [49] and [53], which aims to provide a proper balance between exploration and exploitation of ants for the next iteration. Exploration is reported to prohibit ants from converging on a common path. Actual ants also have a similar behavioral characteristic [61], which is an attractive property. If different paths can be explored by different ants, then there is a higher probability that one of the ants may find a better solution, as opposed to all ants converging on the same tour.

Random case: The rule presenting in Eq. (6) is modified only in the second term, which is divided by mi. Such a modification provides for sufficient exploration of the ants for the following constructions. The reason is that during the random behavior of the transition rule, the features are being chosen to be selected randomly in practice, instead of according to their experiences. Thus, to provide an exploration facility for the ants, the modification has been adopted as follows:

τ i (t+1)=(1ρ) τ i (t)+ 1 m i k=1 n Δ τ i k (t) +eΔ τ i g (t) Δ τ i k (t)={ γ( S k (t))ifi S k (t) 0otherwise Δ τ i g (t)={ γ( S l (t))fi S l (t) 0otherwise MathType@MTEF@5@5@+=feaagCart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLnhiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr4rNCHbGeaGqiVCI8FfYJH8YrFfeuY=Hhbbf9v8qqaqFr0xc9pk0xbba9q8WqFfeaY=biLkVcLq=JHqpepeea0=as0Fb9pgeaYRXxe9vr0=vr0=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@888F@ E6

Here, i refers to the number of feature (i 1, 2,……n), and mi is the count for the specific selected feature i in the current iteration. Δ τ i k ( t ) is the amount of pheromone received by the local update for feature i, which is included in Sk(t) at iteration t. Similarly, the global update, Δ τ i g ( t ) , is the amount of pheromone for feature i that is included in Sl(t). Finally, ρ and e refer to the pheromone decay value, and elitist parameter, respectively.

Probabilistic case: Eq. (7) shows the modified pheromone rule for the probabilistic case. The rule is similar to the original form, but actual modification has been made only for the inner portions of the second and third terms.

τ i (t+1)=(1ρ) τ i (t)+ k=1 n Δ τ i k (t) +eΔ τ i g (t) Δ τ i k (t)={ γ( S k (t))× λ i fi S k (t) 0otherwise Δ τ i g (t)={ γ( S l (t))× λ i fi S l (t) 0otherwise MathType@MTEF@5@5@+=feaagCart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLnhiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr4rNCHbGeaGqiVCI8FfYJH8YrFfeuY=Hhbbf9v8qqaqFr0xc9pk0xbba9q8WqFfeaY=biLkVcLq=JHqpepeea0=as0Fb9pgeaYRXxe9vr0=vr0=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@6053@ E7

Here, feature i is rewarded by the global update, and Δ τg is in the third term, where i ϵ Sl(t)i. It is important to emphasize that, i is maintained strictly here. That is, i at iteration i tti is compared with i at iteration (tt -τp), where tt = t + τp, and τp 1, 2, 3,……In this regard, if γ(Sl(tt)) max((γSl(tt pε)),), where ε refers to the number of CAs for those local best subsets that maintain |Sl(tt)| = |Sl(tt p)|, then a number of features, nc are ignored to get Δτg, since those features are available in Sl(tt), which causes to degrade its performance. Here, nc Sl(tt) but ncSlb, where Slb provides max((γSl(tt p)),), and |Sl(tt)| implies the size of the subset Sl(tt). Note that, the aim of this restriction is to provide Δτg only to those features that are actually significant, because, global update has a vital role in selecting the salient features in ACOFS. Distinguish such salient features and allow them to receive Δτg by imposing the above restriction.

6.4.2. Heuristic Information Measurement

A heuristic value,η , for each feature generally represents the attractiveness of the features, and depends on the dependency degree. It is therefore necessary to use ; otherwise, the algorithm may become too greedy, and ultimately a better solution may not be found [31]. Here, a set of new rules is introduced for measuring heuristic information using the advantages of wrapper and filter tools. More precisely, the outcome of subset evaluations using the NN is used here as a wrapper tool, whereas the value of information gain for each feature is used as a filter tool. These rules are, therefore, formulated according to the random and probabilistic behaviors of the ants, which are described as follows.

Random case: In the initial iteration, while ants are involved in constructing the feature subsets randomly, the heuristic value of all features i can be estimated as follows:

η i = 1 m i k = 1 n γ ( S k ( t ) ) ( 1 + φ e | S k ( t ) | n ) i f i S k ( t ) E8

Probabilistic case: In the following iterations, when ants complete the feature SCs on the basis of the probabilistic behavior, the following formula is used to estimate for all features i :

η i = m i ϕ i k = 1 n γ a ( S k ( t ) ) λ i ( 1 + φ e | S k ( t ) | n ) i f i S k ( t ) E9

In these two rules, φi refers to the number of a particular selected feature i that is a part of the subsets that are constructed within the currently completed iterations, except for the initial iteration. The aim of multiplying mi and φi is to provide a proper exploitation capability for the ants during SCs. λi refers to the information gain for feature i. A detailed discussion on measurement of information gain can be seen in [64]. However, the aim of including is based on the following two factors:

  1. reducing the greediness of some particular feature i in n during SCs, and

  2. increasing the diversity between the features in n.

Thus, different features may get an opportunity to be selected in the SC for different iterations, thus definitely enhancing the exploration behavior of ants. Furthermore, one additional exponential term has been multiplied by these rules in aiming for a reduced size subset. Here, is the user specified parameter that controls the exponential term.


6.5. Computational Complexity

In order to understand the actual computational cost of a method, an exact analysis of computational complexity is required. In this sense, the big-O notation [62] is a prominent approach in terms of analyzing computational complexity. Thus, ACOFS here uses the above process for this regard. There are seven basic steps in ACOFS, namely, information gain measurement, subset construction, subset evaluation, termination criterion, subset determination, pheromone update, and heuristic information measurement. The following paragraphs present the computational complexity of ACOFS in order to show that inclusion of different techniques does not increase computational complexity in selecting a feature subset.

  1. Information Gain Measurement: In this step, information gain (IG) for each feature is measured according to [64]. If the number of total features for a given dataset is n, then the cost of measuring IG is O(n × P), where P denotes the number of examples in the given dataset. It is further mentioning that this cost is required only once, specifically, before starting the FS process.

  2. Subset Construction: Subset construction shows two different types of phenomena according to Eq. (1). For the random case, if the total number of features for a given dataset is n, then the cost of an ant constructing a single subset is O(r × n). Here,r refers to the size of subsets. Since the total number of ants is k, the computational cost is O(r × k × n) operations. However, in practice, r<n MathType@MTEF@5@5@+=feaagCart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLnhiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr4rNCHbGeaGqiVCI8FfYJH8YrFfeuY=Hhbbf9v8qqaqFr0xc9pk0xbba9q8WqFfeaY=biLkVcLq=JHqpepeea0=as0Fb9pgeaYRXxe9vr0=vr0=vqpWqaaeaabiGaciaacaqabeaadaqaaqaaaOqaaiaadkhacqGH8aapcaWGUbaaaa@38D7@ ; hence, the cost becomes O(k × n) ≈ O(n2). In terms of the probabilistic case, ACOFS uses the Eq. (1) for selecting the features in SC, which shows a constant computational cost of O(1) for each ant. If the number of ants is k, then the computational cost becomes O(k).

  3. In ACOFS, five types of operations are necessarily required for evaluating a single subset using a constructive NN training scheme: (a) partial training, (b) stopping criterion, (c) further training, (d) contribution computation, and (e) addition of a hidden neuron. The subsequent paragraphs describe these types in details.

  1. Partial training: In case of training, standard BP [56] is used. During training each epoch BP takes O(W) operations for one example. Here, W is the number of weights in the current NN. Thus, training all examples in the training set for τp epochs requires O(τp × Pt × W) operations, where Pt denotes the number of examples in the training set.

  2. Stopping criterion: During training, the stopping criterion uses either validation accuracy or validation errors for subset evaluation. Since training error is computed as a part of the training process, evaluating the termination criterion takes O(Pv × W) operations, where Pv denotes the number of examples in the validation set. Since Pv< Pt, O(P × v × W) < O(p × kPt × W).

  3. Further training: ACOFS uses Eq. (4) to check whether further training is necessary. The evaluation of Eq. (4) takes a constant number of computational operations O(1), since the error values used in Eq. (3) have already been evaluated during training.

  4. Contribution computation: ACOFS computes the contribution of the added hidden neuron using Eq. (5). This computation takes O(Pv) operations, which is less than O(τp × Pt × W).

  5. Addition of a hidden neuron: The computational cost for adding a hidden neuron is O(r × c) for initializing the connection weights, where r is the number of features in the current subset, and c is the number of neurons in the output layer. Also note that O(r + c) < O(p × Pt × W).

The aforementioned computation is done for a partial training session consisting of τp epochs. In general, ACOFS requires a number, say M, of such partial training sessions for evaluating a single subset. Thus, the cost becomes O(τp × M × Pt × W). Furthermore, by considering all subsets, the computational cost required is O(k × τp × M × Pt × W) operations.

  1. Termination criterion: A termination criterion is employed in ACOFS for terminating the FS process eventually. Since only one criterion is required to be executed (i.e., the algorithm achieves a predefined accuracy, or executes a iteration threshold, I), the execution of such a criterion requires a constant computational cost of O(1).

  2. Subset determination: ACOFS requires two steps to determine the best subset, namely, finding the local best subset and the global best subset. In order to find the local best subset in each iteration t, ACOFS requires O(k) operations. The total computational cost for finding the local best subsets thus becomes O(k × t). In order to find the global best subset, ACOFS requires O(1) operations. Thus, the total computational cost for subset determination becomes O(k × t), which is less than O(k × τp × M × Pt × W).

  3. Pheromone update rule: ACOFS executes Eqs. (6) and (7) to update the pheromone trails for each feature in terms of the random and probabilistic cases. Since the number of features is n for a given learning dataset, the computation takes O(n) constant operations, which is less than O(k × τp × M × Pt × W).

  4. Heuristic information measurement: Similar to the pheromone update operation, ACOFS uses Eqs. (8) and (9) to update the heuristic value of n features. Thereafter, the computational cost becomes O(n). Note that, O(n) O(k × τp × M × Pt × W).

In accordance with the above analysis, summarize the different parts of the entire computational cost as O(n × P) + O(n2) + O(k) + O(k × τp × M × Pt × W). It is important to note here that the first and second terms, namely, n × P and × n2, are the cost of operations performed only once, and are much less than k × τp × M × Pt × P. On the other hand, O(k) << O(k × τp × M × Pt × W). Hence, the total computational cost of ACOFS is O((τp × M × Pt × W), which is similar to the cost of training a fixed network architecture using BP [56], and that the total cost is similar to that of other existing ACO-based FS approaches [42]. Thus, it can be said that incorporation of several techniques in ACOFS does not increase the computational cost.


7. Experimental Studies

The performance of ACOFS has been presented in this context on eight well-known benchmark classification datasets, including the breast cancer, glass, vehicle, thyroid, ionosphere, credit card, sonar, and gene datasets; and one gene expressional classification dataset, namely, the colon cancer dataset. These datasets have been the subject of many studies in NNs and machine learning, covering examples of small, medium, high, and very high-dimensional datasets. The characteristics of these datasets, summarized in Table 1, show a considerable diversity in the number of features, classes, and examples. Now, the experimental details, results, roles of subset size determination scheme in FS, the user specified parameter μ in FS, and hybrid search in FS are described in this context. Finally, one additional experiment on ACOFS concerning performance for FS over real-world datasets mixed with some noisy features, and comparisons of ACOFS with other existing works, are also discussed in this context.

7.1. Experimental Setup

In order to ascertain the effectiveness of ACOFS for FS, extensive experiments have been carried out on ACOFS that are adapted from [64]. To accomplish the FS task suitably in ACOFS, two basic steps need to be considered, namely, dimensionality reduction of the datasets and assigning values for user-specified parameters. In case of dimensionality reduction, in contrast to other datasets used in this study, colon cancer is being very high-dimensional datasets containing a very large number of genes (features). The number of genes of colon cancer (i.e., 2000 genes) is too high to manipulate in the learning classifier and not all genes are useful for classification [63]. To remove such difficulties, we first reduced the dimension of the colon cancer dataset to within 100 features, using an information gain (IG) measurement technique. Ordinarily, IG measurement determines statistically those features that are informative for classifying a target. On the basis of such a concept, we have used such a technique for reducing the dimension of the colon cancer dataset. Details about IG measurement can be found in [64].

In case of user-specified parameters, we used a number of parameters, which are common for the all datasets, reported in the Table 2. It should be noted that, these parameters are not specific to our algorithm, rather usual for any ACO-based FS algorithm using NN. We have chosen these parameters after some preliminary runs. They were not meant to be optimal. It is worth mentioning that, among the parameters mentioned in Table 2, proper selection of the values of parameters and , is helpful for achieving a level of balance between exploitation and exploration of ants in selecting salient features. For example, if 0, then no pheromone information is used, that is to say, previous search experience is neglected. The search then changes to a greedy search. If 0, then attractiveness, the potential benefit of moves, is neglected. In this work, the values of and were chosen according to the suggestion of [53].

Parameter Value
Initial pheromone level for all features, τ 0.5
Initial heuristic value for all features, η 0.1
(,used in subset size determination 0.08 to 0.6
Strength of pheromone level, α 1
Strength of heuristic value, β 3
Pheromone decay parameter, ρ 0.4
Exponential term control parameter, φ 0.1
Iteration threshold, 10 to 18
Accuracy threshold Depends on dataset
Learning rate for BP algorithm 0.1 to 0.2
Momentum term for BP algorithm 0.5 to 0.9
Initial weights of NNs -1.0 to 1.0
The number of epochs for partial training, τ 20 to 40
Training error threshold, λ Depends on dataset
Training threshold for terminating NN training, T 3

Table 2.

Common parameters for all datasets.

7.2 Experimental Results

Tables 3 shows the results of ACOFS over 20 independent runs on nine real-world benchmark classification datasets. The classification accuracy (CA) in Table 3 refers to the percentage of exact classifications produced by trained NNs on the testing set of a classification dataset. In addition, the weights of features for the above nine datasets over 20 independent runs are exhibited in Tables 4-11. On the other hand, Figure 7 shows how the best solution was selected in ACOFS for the glass dataset. In order to observe whether the internal process of FS in ACOFS is appropriately being performed, Figures. 8-11 have been considered. Now, the following observations can be made from Tables 3-11 and Figures 7-11.

Dataset Avg. result with all features Avg. result with selected features
n SD CA (%) SD ns SD CA(%) SD
Cancer 9.00 0.00 97.97 0.42 3.50 1.36 98.91 0.40
Glass 9.00 0.00 76.60 2.55 3.30 1.14 82.54 1.44
Vehicle 18.00 0.00 60.71 11.76 2.90 1.37 75.90 0.64
Thyroid 21.0 0.00 98.04 0.58 3.00 1.34 99.08 0.11
Ionosphere 34.0 0.00 97.67 1.04 4.15 2.53 99.88 0.34
Credit card 51.0 0.00 85.23 0.67 5.85 1.76 87.99 0.38
Sonar 60.0 0.00 76.82 6.97 6.25 3.03 86.05 2.26
Gene 120.0 0.00 78.97 5.51 7.25 2.53 89.20 2.46
Colon cancer 100.0 0.00 59.06 5.75 5.25 2.48 84.06 3.68

Table 3.

Performance of ACOFS for different classification datasets. Results were averaged over 20 independent runs. Here, n and ns refer to the total number of original features and selected features, respectively. On the other hand, CA and SD signify the classification accuracy and standard deviation, respectively.

  1. As can be seen from Table 3, ACOFS was able to select a smaller number of features for solving different datasets. For example, ACOFS selected, on average, 3.00 features from a set of 21 features in solving the thyroid dataset. It also selected, on average, 7.25 genes (features) from a set of 120 genes in solving the gene dataset. On the other hand, a very large-dimensional dataset, that of colon cancer, was preprocessed from the original one to be utilized in ACOFS. In this manner, the original 2000 features of colon cancer were reduced to within 100 features. ACOFS then obtained a small number of salient genes, 5.25 on average, from the set of 100 genes for solving the colon cancer dataset. In fact, ACOFS selected a small number of features for all other datasets having more features. Feature reduction in such datasets was several orders of magnitude (see Table 3).

  2. The positive effect of a small number of selected features (ns) is clearly visible when we observe the CA. For example, for the vehicle dataset, the average CA of all features was 60.71%, whereas it had been 75.90% with 2.90 features. Similarly, ACOFS produced an average CA of 86.05% with the average number of features of 6.25 substantially reduced for the sonar dataset, while the average CA had been 76.82% with all 60 features. Other similar types of scenarios can also be seen for all remaining datasets in ACOFS. Thus, it can be said that ACOFS has a powerful searching capability for providing high-quality solutions. CA improvement for such datasets was several orders of magnitude (see Table 3). Furthermore, the use of ns caused a relatively small standard deviation (SD), as presented in Table 3 for each entry. The low SDs imply robustness of ACOFS. Robustness is represented by consistency of an algorithm under different initial conditions.

Figure 7.

Finding best subset of the glass dataset for a single run. Here, the classification accuracy is the accuracy of the local best subset.

Figure 8.

Number of selections of each feature by different ants for different iterations in the glass dataset for a single run.

  1. The method of determination for the final solution of a subset in ACOFS can be seen in Figure 7. We can observe that for the performances of the local best subsets, the CAs varied together with the size of those subsets. There were also several points, where the CAs were maximized, but the best solution was selected (indicated by circle) by considering the reduced size subset. It can also be seen in Figure 7 that CAs varied due to size variations of local best subsets in different iterations. Furthermore, different features that were included in different local best subsets caused variations in CAs.

Figure 9.

Distribution of pheromone level of some selected features of the glass dataset in different iterations for a single run.

Figure 10.

Distribution of heuristic level of some selected features of the glass dataset in different iterations for a single run.

  1. In order to observe the manner, in which how the selection of salient features in different iterations progresses in ACOFS, Figure 8 shows the scenario of such information for the glass dataset for a single run. We can see that features 1, 7, 8, 6, and 2 received most of the selections by ants during SCs compared to the other features. The selection of features was basically performed based on the values of pheromone update (τ) and heuristic information (η) for individual features. Accordingly, those features that had higher values of τ and η ordinarily obtained a higher priority of selection, as could be seen in Figures 9 and 10. For clarity, these figures represented five features, of which four (features 1, 7, 8, 6) had a higher rate of selection by ants during SCs and one (feature 2) had a lower rate.

Dataset Feature
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Cancer 0.186 0.042 0.129 0.142 0.129 0.2 0.115 0.042 0.015
Glass 0.258 0.045 0.258 0.107 0.06 0.015 0.182 0.06 0.015

Table 4.

Weights of the features selected by ACOFS for the cancer and glass datasets.

Feature 1 2 4 7 9 10 11 12
Weight 0.189 0.103 0.069 0.051 0.086 0.086 0.103 0.086

Table 5.

Weights of the features selected by ACOFS for the vehicle dataset.

Feature 1 7 17 19 20 21
Weight 0.052 0.052 0.332 0.1 0.069 0.15

Table 6.

Weights of the features selected by ACOFS for the thyroid dataset.

Feature 1 3 4 5 7 8 12 27 29
Weight 0.108 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.06 0.12 0.06 0.12 0.036

Table 7.

Weights of the features selected by ACOFS for the ionosphere dataset.

Feature 5 8 29 41 42 43 44 49 51
Weight 0.042 0.06 0.034 0.051 0.17 0.111 0.128 0.034 0.12

Table 8.

Weights of the features selected by ACOFS for the credit card dataset.

Feature 2 9 10 11 12 15 17 18 44
Weight 0.037 0.046 0.056 0.084 0.112 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.06

Table 9.

Weights of the features selected by ACOFS for the sonar dataset.

Feature 22 59 60 61 62 63 64 69 70 119
Weight 0.027 0.064 0.045 0.1 0.073 0.073 0.119 0.110 0.128 0.036

Table 10.

Weights of the features selected by ACOFS for the gene dataset.

Feature 47 72 249 267 493 765 1247 1325 1380 1843
Weight 0.051 0.038 0.051 0.038 0.051 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.051 0.051

Table 11.

Weights of the features selected by ACOFS for the colon cancer dataset.

Figure 11.

Training process for evaluating the subsets constructed by ants in the ionosphere dataset: (a) training error on training set, (b) training error on validation set, (c) classification accuracy on validation set, and (d) the hidden neuron addition process.

  1. Upon completion of the entire FS process, the features that were most salient could be identified by means of weight computation for individual features. That is to say, features having higher weight values were more significant. On the other hand, for a particular feature to have a maximum weight value implied that the feature had the maximum number of selections by ants in any algorithm for most of the runs. Tables 4-11 show the weight of features for the cancer, glass, vehicle, thyroid, ionosphere, credit card, sonar, gene, and colon cancer datasets, respectively, over 20 independent runs. We can see in Table 4 that ACOFS selected features 6, 1, 4, 3, 5, and 7 from the cancer dataset very frequently, that these features had relatively higher weight values, and preformed well as discriminators. Similarly, our ACOFS selected features 42, 44, 51, 43, 8, and 5 as most important from the credit card dataset (Table 8), as well as features 70, 64, 69, 61, 63, 59, and 60 from the gene dataset (Table 10). Note that, weights for certain features are reported in Tables 5-11, whereas weights that were of negligible value for the rest of each dataset are not included.

  1. Finally, we wish to note that a successful evaluation function leads to finding high- quality solutions for ACOFS in FS. Our ACOFS uses a constructive NN model that evaluates the subsets constructed by ants in each and every step during training. As training process progresses, the training error for the training set converges to a certain limit (Figure 11(a)). However, there is an instance in which the training error increases. This is due to the addition of one unnecessary hidden neuron. Such an addition also hampers the training error on the validation set (Figure 11(b)). Therefore, ACOFS deletes such an unnecessary hidden neuron (Figure 11(d)) from the NN architecture, since it cannot improve the classification accuracy on the validation set (Figure 11(c)).

7.3. Effects of Subset Size Determination

The results presented in Table 3 show the ability of ACOFS in selecting salient features. However, the effects resulting from determining the subset size to control ants in such a manner as to construct the subset in a reduced boundary were not clear. To observe such effects, we carried out a new set of experiments. The setups of these experiments were almost exactly the same as those described before. The only difference was that ACOFS had not determined the subset size earlier using a bounded scheme; instead the size of the subset for each ant had been decided randomly.

Dataset ACOFS without bounded scheme ACOFS
ns SD CA(%) SD ns SD CA(%) SD
Vehicle 6.05 4.76 75.73 0.48 2.90 1.37 75.90 0.64
Credit card 15.30 8.25 88.34 0.22 5.85 1.76 87.99 0.38

Table 12.

Effect of determining subset size on the average performances of ACOFS.

Table 12 shows the average results of the new experiments for vehicle and credit card datasets over only 20 independent runs. The positive effects of determining the subset size during the FS process are clearly visible. For example, for the credit card dataset, the average values of ns of ACOFS without and with subset size determination were 15.30 and 5.85, respectively. A similar scenario can also be seen for the other dataset. In terms of CAs, the average CAs for ACOFS with subset size determination were either better than or comparable to ACOFS without subset size determination for these two datasets.

7.4. Effect of µ

The essence of the proposed techniques in ACOFS can be seen in Table 3 for recognizing the subsets of salient features from the given datasets; however, the effects of the inner component µ of subset size determination (see Section 6.1) on the overall results were not clear. The reason is that the size of the subsets constructed by the ants depended roughly on the value of µ. To observe such effects, we conducted a new set of experiments. The setups of these experiments were almost exactly the same as those described before. The only difference was that the value of µ varied within a range of 0.2 to 0.94 by a small threshold value over 20 individual runs.

Values of μ Average performance
Initial Final ns SD CA (%) SD
0.40 0.64 2.60 0.91 80.09 2.69
0.50 0.74 3.05 1.16 82.16 1.51
0.60 0.84 3.30 1.14 82.54 1.44
0.70 0.94 3.45 1.39 81.98 1.39

Table 13.

Effect of varying the value of µ on the average performances of ACOFS for the glass dataset. The value is incremented by a threshold value of 0.01 over 20 individual runs.

Values of μ Average performance
Initial Final ns SD CA (%) SD
0.20 0.30 4.70 2.59 99.54 0.83
0.23 0.33 3.65 2.32 99.65 0.63
0.26 0.36 4.15 2.53 99.88 0.34
0.29 0.39 6.00 3.78 99.48 0.76

Table 14.

Effect of varying the value of µ on the average performances of ACOFS for the ionosphere dataset. The value is incremented by a threshold value of 0.005 over 20 individual runs.

Tables 13 and 14 show the average results of our new experiments over 20 independent runs. The significance of the effect of varying μ. can be seen from these results. For example, for the glass dataset (Table 13), the average percentage of the CA improved as the value of μ. increased up to a certain point. Afterwards, the CA degraded as the value of μ. increased. Thus, a subset of features was selected with a large size. A similar scenario can also be seen for the ionosphere dataset (Table 14). It is clear here that the significance of the result of FS in ACOFS depends on the value of μ. Furthermore, the determination of subset size in ACOFS is an important aspect for suitable FS.

7.5. Effect of Hybrid Search

The capability of ACOFS for FS can be seen in Table 3, but the effect of using hybrid search in ACOFS for FS is not clear. Therefore, a new set of experiments was carried out to observe such effects. The setups of these experiments were almost exactly as same as those described before. The only difference was that ACOFS did not use the modified rules of pheromone update and heuristic value for each feature; instead, standard rules were used. In such considerations, we avoided not only the incorporation of the information gain term, but also the concept of random and probabilistic behaviors, during SC for both specific rules. Furthermore, we ignored the exponential term in the heuristic measurement rule.

Dataset ACOFS without hybrid search ACOFS
ns SD CA (%) SD ns SD CA(%) SD
Glass 4.05 1.35 81.22 1.39 3.30 1.14 82.54 1.44
Credit card 6.15 2.21 87.26 0.66 5.85 1.76 87.99 0.38
Sonar 6.50 2.80 84.42 3.03 6.25 3.03 86.05 2.26
Colon cancer 6.35 4.05 82.18 4.08 5.25 2.48 84.06 3.68

Table 15.

Effect of considering hybrid search on average performances of ACOFS. Results were averaged over 20 independent runs.

Table 15 shows the average results of our new experiments for the glass, credit card, sonar, and colon cancer datasets over 20 independent runs. The positive effects of using a hybrid search in ACOFS are clearly visible. For example, for the credit card dataset, the average CAs of ACOFS with and without hybrid search were 87.99% and 87.26%, respectively. A similar classification improvement for ACOFS with hybrid search was also observed for the other datasets. On the other hand, in terms of ns, for the glass dataset, the average values of ns of ACOFS and ACOFS without hybrid search were 3.30 and 4.05, respectively. For the other datasets it was also found that ACOFS selected a smaller number of salient features. We used t-test here to determine whether the difference of classification performances between ACOFS and ACOFS without hybrid search was statistically significant. We found that ACOFS performed significantly better than ACOFS without local search operation at a 95% confidence level for all the datasets, except for the colon cancer dataset. On the other hand, the t-test was also used here to determine whether the difference in performances between the above two approaches with regard to selecting a reduced number of salient features was statistically significant. We found that ACOFS was significantly better than ACOFS without hybrid search at a 95% confidence level for all four datasets.

In order to understand precisely how hybrid search plays an important role in ACOFS for FS tasks, a set of experiments was additionally conducted. The setups of these experiments were similar to those described before, and different initial conditions were maintained constant between these two experiments. Figures 12 and 13 show the CAs of ACOFS without and with hybrid search, respectively. These CAs were produced by local best subsets in different iterations of a single run. The positive role of using hybrid local search in ACOFS can clearly be seen in these figures. In Figure 12, we can see that a better CA was found only in the initial iteration because of the rigorous survey by the ants in finding salient features. For the next iterations, the CAs fluctuated up to a higher iteration, 19, but were not able to reach a best state. This occurred due to the absence of hybrid search, which resulted in a weak search in ACOFS. The opposite scenario can be seen in Figure 13, where the search was sufficiently powerful that by a very low number of iterations, 5, ACOFS was able to achieve the best accuracy (99.42%) of the salient feature subset. Thereafter, ACOFS terminated the searching of salient features. The reason for such a high performance of FS was just the incorporation of the hybrid search.

Figure 12.

Classification accuracies (CAs) of the cancer dataset without considering hybrid search for a single run. Here, CA is the accuracy of a local best subset.

Figure 13.

Classification accuracies (CAs) of the cancer dataset in ACOFS for a single run. Here, CA is the accuracy of a local best subset.

7.6. Performance on noisy features

The results presented in Table 3 exhibit the ability of ACOFS to select salient features from real-valued datasets. In this study, we examine the sensitivity of ACOFS to noisy features that have been synthetically inserted into a number of real-valued datasets. In order to generate these noisy features, we followed the process discussed in [32]. Briefly, at first, we considered four features, namely, fn1, fn2, fn3, fn4 and the values of these respective features were generated randomly. Specifically, the values of fn1 and fn2 were bound up to [0, 1] and [-1, +1], respectively. For the domains of fn3 and fn4, we first randomly selected two different features from the datasets. Subsequently, the data points of these two selected features were taken as a random basis for use in the domains of fn3 and fn4.

Dataset With all features With selected features
ns S.D. CA (%) S.D. ns S.D. CA (%) S.D.
Cancer 13.00 0.00 97.80 0.89 3.80 1.80 98.74 0.46
Glass 13.00 0.00 73.86 2.81 4.45 1.71 81.69 2.31

Table 16.

Performances of ACOFS for noisy datasets. Results were averaged over 20 independent runs.

Table 16 shows the average performances of ACOFS on the real-valued datasets of cancer and glass mixed with noisy features over 20 independent runs. The ability of ACOFS for FS over real-valued datasets can also be found in Table 3. In comparing Tables 3 and 16, the following observations can be made. For the glass dataset, the average CAs with and without noisy features were 81.69% and 82.54%, respectively. On the other hand, in terms of ns, the average values were 4.45 and 3.30, respectively. A similar scenario can also be found for the cancer dataset. Thus, it is clear that ACOFS has a strong ability to select the salient features from real-valued datasets even with a mixture of noisy features. We can observe that ACOFS selected a slightly higher average number of salient features from the glass dataset with noisy features. The reason is that adding the noisy features created confusion in the feature space. This may assist our ACOFS in selecting a greater number of noiseless features to resolve the confusion in the feature space caused by the noisy features.

7.7. Comparisons

The results of ACOFS obtained on nine real-world benchmark classification datasets are compared here with the results of various existing FS algorithms (i.e., ACO-based and non ACO-based) as well as with a normal ACO-based FS algorithm, as reported in Tables 17-19. The various FS algorithms are as follows: ACO-based hybrid FS (ACOFSS[42]), ACO-based attribute reduction (ACOAR[31]), genetic programming for FS (GPFS[32]), hybrid genetic algorithm for FS (HGAFS[23]), MLP-based FS method (MLPFS[4]), constructive approach for feature selection (CAFS[47]), and artificial neural net input gain measurement approximation (ANNIGMA[26]). The results reported in these tables are over 20 independent runs. In comparing these algorithms, we have mainly used two parameters: classification accuracy (CA) and the number of selected features ( ns).

7.7.1. Comparison with other works

The comparisons between eight FS algorithms represent a wide range of FS techniques. Five of the FS techniques, namely, ACOFS, ACOFSS, ACOAR, GPFS, and HGAFS, use global search strategies for FS. Among them, ACOFS, ACOFSS, and ACOAR use the ant colony optimization algorithm. HGAFS uses a GA in finding salient features, and GPFS uses genetic programming, a variant of GA. For the remaining three FS techniques, namely, MLPFS, ANNIGMA and CAFS; MLPFS and ANNIGMA use backward selection strategy for finding salient features, while CAFS uses forward selection strategy. For evaluating the feature subset, ACOFS, ACOFSS, MLPFS, CAFS, and ANNIGMA use a NN for classifiers, while GPFS and HGAFS use a decision tree and support vector machine, respectively, for classifiers, and ACOAR uses rough set theory by calculating a dependency degree. ACOFS, and CAFS uses a training set, validation set and testing set, while ACOFSS and ANNIGMA use only a training set and testing set. MLPFS and GPFS use 10-fold cross-validation. A similar method, that is, 5-fold cross-validation, is used in HGAFS, where k refers to a value ranging from 2 to 10, depending on the given dataset scale. The aforementioned algorithms not only use different data partitions, but also employ a different number of independent runs in measuring average performances. For example, ANNIGMA and CAFS use 30 runs, ACOFS uses 20 runs, and MLPFS and GPFS use 10 runs. It is important to note that no further information regarding the number of runs has been mentioned in the literature for ACOFSS and HGAFS.

Dataset Comparison
Cancer ns 3.50 12.00
CA(%) 98.91 95.57
Thyroid ns 3.00 14.00 --
CA (%) 99.08 94.50 --
Credit card ns 5.85 - 8.00
CA (%) 87.99 - -
Colon cancer ns 5.25 - 8.00
CA(%) 84.06 - 59.5

Table 17.

Comparisons between ACOFS, ACOFSS [42], ACOAR [31]. Here, “_” means not available.

We can see in Table 17 that ACOFS produced the best solutions in terms of a reduced number of selected features, and the best CA in comparison with the two ACO-based FS algorithms, namely, ACOFSS and ACOAR, for all four datasets. Furthermore, the results produced by ACOFS shown in Table 18 represented the best CA among the other algorithms for all four datasets. For the remaining three datasets, while HGAFS achieved the best CA for two datasets, GPFS achieved the best CA for one dataset. Note that, ACOFS and ANNIGMA jointly achieved the best CA for the credit card dataset. In terms of ns, ACOFS selected the smallest number of features for four out of seven datasets, and the second smallest for two dataset; that is to say, CAFS and HGAFS. In a close observation, ACOFS achieved the smallest ns, which resulted in the best CAs for the glass and ionosphere datasets in comparison with the other five algorithms (see Table 18).

Dataset Comparison
Cancer ns 3.50 2.23 3.00 8.00 6.33 5.80
CA(%) 98.91 96.84 94.24 89.40 98.76 96.50
Glass ns 3.30 -- 5.00 8.00 4.73 -
CA (%) 82.54 -- 65.51 44.10 76.91 -
Vehicle ns 2.90 5.37 11.00 13.00 2.70 -
CA(%) 75.90 78.45 76.36 74.60 74.56 -
Ionosphere ns 4.15 - 6.00 32 6.73 9.00
CA (%) 99.88 - 92.76 90.60 96.55 90.20
Credit card ns 5.85 - 1.00 - - 6.70
CA (%) 87.99 - 86.43 - - 88.00
Sonar ns 6.25 9.45 15.00 29.00 - -
CA (%) 86.05 86.26 87.02 59.10 - -
Colon cancer ns 5.25 - 6.00 - - -
CA (%) 84.06 - 86.77 - - -

Table 18.

Comparisons between ACOFS, GPFS [32], HGAFS [23], MLPFS [4], CAFS [47], and ANNIGMA [26]. Here, “_” means not available.

Significantly, it can be said that FS improves the performance of classifiers by ignoring irrelevant features in the original feature set. An important task in such a process is to capture necessary information in selecting salient features; otherwise, the performance of classifiers might be degraded. For example, for the cancer dataset, GPFS selected the smallest feature subset consisting of 2.23 features, but achieved a lower CA. On the other hand, ACOFS selected a slightly larger feature subset that provided a better CA compared to others for the cancer dataset. In fact, the results presented for other algorithms in Table 18 indicate that having the smallest or largest feature subset did not guarantee performing with the best or worst CA.

7.7.2. Comparison with normal ACO based FS algorithm

In this context, a normal ACO algorithm for solving FS is used, considering similar steps as incorporated in ACOFS, except for a number of differences. We call this algorithm “NACOFS”. In NACOFS, issues of guiding the ants and forcing the ants during SC were not considered. Instead, the ants followed a process for SC where the size of subsets was fixed for each iteration and increased at a fixed rate for following iterations. On the other hand, hybrid search was not used here; that is to say, the concept of random and probabilistic behavior was not considered, including the incorporation of information gain in designing the pheromone update rule and heuristic information measurement rule.

Dataset Comparison
ns S.D. CA S.D. ns S.D. CA S.D.
Cancer 3.50 1.36 98.91 0.40 4.50 0.97 98.77 0.37
Glass 3.30 1.14 82.54 1.44 4.60 1.01 80.66 1.44
Ionosphere 4.15 2.53 99.88 0.34 11.45 6.17 99.88 0.34
Credit card 5.85 1.76 87.99 0.38 22.85 6.01 88.19 0.45

Table 19.

Comparisons between ACOFS and NACOFS. Here, NACOFS refers to the normal ACO-based FS algorithm.

It is seen in Table 19 that the results produced by ACOFS achieved the best CA compared to NACOFS for three out of four datasets. For the remaining dataset, NACOFS achieved the best result. In terms of ns, ACOFS selected the smallest number of features for the all four datasets, while NACOFS selected subsets of bulky size. Between these two algorithms, the performances of the CAs seemed to be similar, but the results of the numbers of selected features were very different. The performance of ACOFS was also found to be very consistent, exhibiting a low standard deviation (SD) under different experimental setups.

7.8. Discussions

This section briefly explains the reason that the performance of ACOFS was better than those of the other ACO-based FS algorithms compared in Table 17. There are three major differences that might contribute to the better performance of ACOFS compared to the other algorithms.

The first reason is that ACOFS uses a bounded scheme to determine the subset size, while ACOFSS, ACOAR, and other ACO-based FS algorithms (e.g., [11,49-52]) do not use such a scheme. It is now clear that without a bounded scheme, ants are free to construct subsets of bulky size. Accordingly, there is a high possibility of including a number of irrelevant features in the constructed subsets. Using the bounded scheme with assistance from other techniques, ACOFS includes the most highly salient features in a reduced number, although it functioned upon a wide range of feature spaces. As shown in Table 17, ACOFS selected, on average, 3.00 salient features, while ACOFSS selected 14.00 features, on average, from the thyroid dataset. For the remaining other three datasets, ACOFS also selected a very small number of salient features. The benefit of using the bounded scheme can also be seen from the results of the selected subsets in ACOFS.

The second reason is the new hybrid search technique integrated in ACOFS. The algorithms ACOFSS, ACOAR and others do not use such a hybrid search technique in performing pheromone update and heuristic information measurement. The benefit of adopting the hybrid search in ACOFS can clearly be seen in Figures 12 and 13. These figures show that ACOFS achieved a powerful and faster searching capability in finding salient features in the feature space. The above advantage can also be seen in Tables 17 and 18. We found that ACOFS had a remarkable capability to produce significant classification performances from different datasets using a reduced number of salient features.

The third reason is that ACOFS used a constructive approach for determining appropriate architectures, that is to say, an appropriate size of the hidden layer for the NN classifiers. The NN then evaluated the subsets constructed by the ants in each iteration during training. The existing ACO-based FS approaches (e.g., [42]) often ignored the above issue of the NN classifiers. Furthermore, a number of other approaches (e.g., [49,50]) often ignored the classifier portions to consider any heuristic methodology by which the activity of the classifiers could be improved for evaluating the subsets effectively. Furthermore, most ACO-based FS approaches performed the pheromone update rule based on classifier performances in evaluating the subsets. In this sense, the evaluation function was one of the most crucial parts in these approaches for FS. However, the most common practice was to choose the number of hidden neurons in the NN randomly. Thus, the random selection of hidden neurons affected the generalization performances of the NNs. Furthermore, the entire FS process was eventually affected, resulting in ineffective solutions in FS. It is also important to say that the performance of any NN was greatly dependent on the architecture [17,57]. Thus, automatic determination of the number of hidden neurons’ lead to providing a better solution for FS in ACOFS.

8. Conclusions

In this chapter, an efficient hybrid ACO-based FS algorithm has been reported. Since ants are the foremost strength of an ACO algorithm, guiding the ants in the correct directions is an urgent requirement for high-quality solutions. Accordingly, ACOFS guides ants during SC by determining the subset size. Furthermore, new sets of pheromone update and heuristic information measurement rules for individual features bring out the potential of the global search capability of ACOFS.

Extensive experiments have been carried out in this chapter to evaluate how well ACOFS has performed in finding salient features on different datasets (see Table 3). It is observed that a set of high-quality solutions for FS was found from small, medium, large, and very large dimensional datasets. The results of the low standard deviations of the average classification accuracies as well as the average number of selected features, showed the robustness of this algorithm. On the other hand, in comparison with seven prominent FS algorithms (see Tables 17 and 18), with only a few exceptions, ACOFS outperformed the others in terms of a reduced number of selected features and best classification performances. Furthermore, the estimated computational complexity of this algorithm reflected that incorporation of several techniques did not increase the computational cost during FS in comparison with other ACO-based FS algorithms (see Section 6.5).

We can see that there are a number of areas, where ACOFS failed to improve performances in terms of number of selected features and classification accuracies. Accordingly, more suitable heuristic schemes are necessary in order to guide the ants appropriately. In the current implementation, ACOFS has a number of user-specified parameters, given in Table 2, which are common in the field of ACO-based algorithms using NNs for FS. Further tuning of the user-specified parameters related to ACO provides some scope for further investigations in future. On the other hand, among these parameters, µ, used in determining the subset size, was sensitive to moderate change, according to our observations. One of the future improvements to ACOFS could be to reduce the number of parameters, or render them adaptive.


Supported by grants to K.M. from the Japanese Society for Promotion of Sciences, the Yazaki Memorial Foundation for Science and Technology, and the University of Fukui.


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Written By

Monirul Kabir, Md Shahjahan and Kazuyuki Murase

Published: 20 February 2013