Open access

Data Reduction for Water Quality Modelling, Vaal Basin

Written By

Bloodless Dzwairo, George M. Ochieng’, Maupi E. Letsoalo and Fredrick A.O. Otieno

Submitted: 18 November 2010 Published: 01 August 2011

DOI: 10.5772/22342

From the Edited Volume

Scientific and Engineering Applications Using MATLAB

Edited by Emilson Pereira Leite

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1. Introduction

Constructing models, comparing their predictions with observations, and trying to improve them, constitutes the core of the scientific approach to understanding complex systems like large river basins (Even et al., 2007). These processes require manipulation of huge historical data sets, which might be available in different formats and from various stakeholders. The challenge is then to first pre-process the data to similar lengths, with minimal loss of integrity, before manipulating it as per initial objectives. In the Upper and Middle Vaal Water Management Areas (WMAs) of the Vaal River, bounded by Vaal dam outlet and Bloemhof dam inlet, the overall objective of on-going research is to model surface raw water quality variability in order to predict cost of treatment to potable water standard. This paper reports on part of the overall research. Its objective was to show how a huge and non-consistent water quality data set could be downsized to manageable aspects with minimal loss of integrity. Within that scope, challenges were also highlighted.

One of the more important forms of knowledge extraction is the identification of the more relevant inputs. When identified, they may be treated as a reduced input for further manipulation. In water quality data analysis, data collection, cleaning and pre-processing are often the most time-consuming phases. All inputs and targets have to be transferred directly from instrumentation or from other media, tagged and arranged in a matrix of vectors with the same lengths (Alfassi et al., 2005). If vectors have outliers and/or missing values these have to be identified for correction or to be discarded. More complex mathematical correlations are sometimes employed to identify redundant, co-linear inputs, or inputs with little information content (Alfassi et al., 2005).

Sources and sinks of variables in hydrodynamics, also known as forcing functions, are the cause of change in water quality (Martin et al., 1998). To capture intermediate scale processes that are spotty in spatial extent, extensive sampling and averaging of the calibration data over sufficient spatial scales is done to capture that condition over time. Although many water constituents are non-conservative in nature, a few conservative ones that approach ideal behaviour under limited conditions, could be used for modelling and calibration.

The study area is a major focus of modelling and pollution tracing in the Vaal basin, South Africa, (Dzwairo et al., 2010b, Cloot and Roux, 1997, DWAF, 2007, Gouws and Coetzee, 1997, Naicker et al., 2003, Pieterse et al., 1987, Stevn and Toerien, 1976, Dzwairo et al., 2010a, Dzwairo and Otieno, 2010, Herold et al., 2006).

Data sets spanning many years have been collected by various stakeholders including the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) and Water Boards which treat bulk water for potable use. For management of the basin as a whole these data sets come handy but the major challenge is collating them into uniform and useable data, while noting that the different stakeholders monitor selected parts of the basin for their own specific purposes. Some sampling points might be dropped off or new points picked up as emerging pollution threats require tracing and monitoring in order to mitigate effects. Still a useable data set has to be constructed to monitor pollution and other threats, in addition to informing and alerting decision makers regarding environmental and human health issues. This paper shows how inconsistent and scattered data sets from 13 monitoring points were pre-treated and downsized to SO4 2- inter-relationships. SO4 2- is a very important parameter in surface water quality variability in this region because of the existence of gold and coal mining activities. Threats from acid mine drainage are real.


2. Study area

The study area as indicated in Fig. 1 shows spatial relationships of the sampling points located on VR and its tributaries as follows: B1-B10 on Blesbokspruit River (BR); K10-K10, K6-K25 and K9-K19 on Klip River (KR); K12-N8 on Natalspruit River (NR); K1-R2 on Withokspruit River, which is a tributary of Rietspruit River (RR); K3-R3 on another tributary of RR; K2-R1 and K4-R4 on RR; S1-S1 and S4-S2 on Suikerbosrant River (SR); and V7-VRB37 and V9-VRB24 on Vaal River (VR).


3. Methods and materials

Water quality data from 13 surface raw water quality monitoring points covering the period 1 January 2003 to 30 November 2009 was manipulated to remove limits of detection as well as gaps in sampling periods. An example of raw data is presented in Table 1 for sampling points Y and Z and for only Chl-α, COD, EC and DOC. The extracted data sample covered 5 July 2004 to 26 July 2004.

Using the list of variables in Table 2, comparisons among points entailed obtaining or converting the raw data to match sampling periods among the points. Although there are several interpolation techniques, cubic interpolation was chosen for the time-series data set because the method is shape-preserving. Interpolation created date-interpolated daily data using Matlab R2009b.

3.1. Manipulating data falling below or above detectable limits

Data that was above limit (e.g. 500 < x) was assumed to be one magnitude higher than the given value, whereas that which was reported as below detectable limit (e.g. x< 1.1) was multiplied by 0.75 to give absolute values that could be manipulated as normal data (Ochse, 2007).

Figure 1.

Monitoring points in study area bounded, by the two dams.

Date Chl-α COD EC DOC Chl-α COD EC DOC
Sampling point Y Z
5-Jul-04 17.00 19.00 105.00 4.90
7-Jul-04 8.10 20.00 80.00 8.30
12-Jul-04 5.60 19.00 99.00 6.10
19-Jul-04 8.30 21.00 96.00
21-Jul-04 74.00 27.00 88.00 8.70
26-Jul-04 6.90 24.00 97.00 5.50

Table 1.

Raw data for monitoring points Y and Z.

Parameter Unit Description Abbreviation
so42_ mg/L sulphate SO4 2-
cn_ mg/L cyanide CN-
ec mS/m conductivity EC
do mg/L dissolved oxygen DO
fc CFU/100mL faecal coliforms Fc
Hg µg/L mercury Hg
Cl_ mg/L chloride Cl-
f_ mg/L fluoride F-
no2_ mg/L nitrite NO2 -
no3_ mg/L nitrate NO3 -
Low_Hg µg/L low mercury Hg
Mn mg/L manganese Mn
pH - - -
po43_ mg/L phosphate PO4 3-
s mg/L sulphur S
ss mg/L suspended solids SS
Temp oC temperature -
T_Silica mg/L total silica -
Turb NTU turbidity -
nh4_ mg/L ammonium NH4 +
Chla µg/L chlorophyll -α Chl-α
cod mg/L chemical oxygen demand COD
doc mg/L dissolved organic carbon DOC
Mo mg/L molybdenum Mo
Si mg/L silicone Si
p mg/L phosphorus P
Fe mg/L iron Fe

Table 2.

Parameters under consideration.

3.2. Matlab codes for cubic interpolation

3.2.1. Cubic interpolation

Data interpolation is an application based on underlying geometric algorithms. Data may be uniform, that is, sampling occurs over uniform intervals or it may be scattered, that is, sampling occurs over irregular intervals. When the sample data is scattered, the interpolation techniques use a triangulation-based approach as a basis for computing interpolated values. Table 3 provides a Matlab code for date-interpolating a single column.

To interpolate many columns, the single-column code was adjusted as in Table 4.

3.2.2. Challenges during interpolation

An empty cell at any position of the matrix, for example a missing date or value, returned an error similar to the one in Table 5.

% Load the data with lots of missing dates. Note that in this example
% missing dates are not represented by NaN but are left out completely

"/"/[data,textdata] = xlsread('book.xls');

% Convert the text date to date numbers (you may have to change the date
% format depending on how your dates appear in Excel)

"/"/dates = datenum(textdata,'mm/dd/yyyy');

% Plot the data


% Show the x axis as a date


% Create a new date series starting at the first date in dates and
% ending at the last but with every date in-between

"/"/newDates = dates(1):dates(end);

% Interpolate to find the missing data

"/"/newData = interp1(dates,data,newDates,'cubic');

% Convert the date numbers to strings and then to cell arrays

"/"/stringDates = cellstr(datestr(newDates));

% Combine the dates and the data

"/"/outputData = [stringDates, num2cell(newData')];

% Write the data to Excel

Table 3.

Coding for interpolating a single column.

"/"/newDates = dates(1):dates(end);

%Run the tic toc (3 instructions below at once by copying and pasting, it should give elapsed time as eg 0.305720 seconds)

newColumnData = interp1(dates,columnData,newDates,'cubic');

Elapsed time is 0.305720 seconds.

%In a new figure, plot both the new data and the existing data



%Change date format to years


%Convert the date numbers to strings and then to cell arrays

"/"/ stringDates = cellstr(datestr(newDates));

%Combine the dates and the data

"/"/outputData = [stringDates, num2cell(newColumnData)];

Write the data back to Excel

Table 4.

Code for interpolating many columns.

newColumnData = interp1(dates,columnData,newDates,'cubic');

Warning: NaN found in Y, interpolation at undefined values will result in undefined values.
In interp1 at 178

Warning: All data points with NaN in their value will be ignored.
In polyfun\private\chckxy at 103
In pchip at 59
In interp1 at 283

Elapsed time is 0.042557 seconds.

Table 5.


Another common error was that of a misplaced decimal point or full stop during data capture (Table 6). Matlab would not be able to manipulate this entry for interpolation because it was not a value. A duplicated or non-formatted date would also present an error that would require debugging before a complete interpolated data set could be obtained. These, among other similar errors, required manual debugging through a whole data set, each a 2526 x28 matrix. With a perfect matrix, an interpolation took a fraction of a second.

Measured parameter Measured parameter
72.00 0.29
3.75.0 0.31
70.00 0.29

Table 6.

A highlighted error arising from data capture.

The 13 sampling points’ data was interpolated to the same lengths from 1 January 2003 to 30 November 2009, for the 27 parameters, and then combined into one file for processing using Stata, in order to reduce the matrix. Analysis used case-wise correlation, factor analysis, multivariate linear regression and one-way ANOVA.


4. Results

Initial inspection indicated that the data exhibited gross temporal inconsistency. Sampling dates did not match, in addition to missing values. Table 7 shows the interpolated data for points Z and Y for 5 to 21 July 2004.

Date Chl-α COD EC DOC Chl-α COD EC DOC
Sampling point Y Z
5-Jul-04 17.00 19.00 105.00 4.90
6-Jul-04 16.26 19.00 104.74 4.97
7-Jul-04 8.10 20.00 80.00 8.30 14.58 19.00 104.04 5.14
8-Jul-04 8.80 20.13 80.12 8.32 12.36 19.00 103.06 5.37
9-Jul-04 10.80 20.35 80.44 8.35 9.97 19.00 101.92 5.63
10-Jul-04 13.93 20.66 80.94 8.37 7.80 19.00 100.77 5.86
11-Jul-04 18.01 21.04 81.59 8.39 6.21 19.00 99.75 6.03
12-Jul-04 22.87 21.50 82.33 8.41 5.60 19.00 99.00 6.10
13-Jul-04 28.35 22.01 83.15 8.44 5.75 19.07 98.41 6.09
14-Jul-04 34.28 22.56 84.00 8.46 6.14 19.26 97.82 6.06
15-Jul-04 40.48 23.16 84.85 8.48 6.66 19.54 97.26 6.01
16-Jul-04 46.79 23.78 85.67 8.51 7.24 19.88 96.76 5.96
17-Jul-04 53.04 24.43 86.41 8.54 7.76 20.25 96.36 5.90
18-Jul-04 59.05 25.08 87.06 8.58 8.15 20.64 96.10 5.85
19-Jul-04 64.66 25.73 87.56 8.61 8.30 21.00 96.00 5.80
20-Jul-04 69.70 26.38 87.88 8.65 8.22 21.39 96.03 5.75
21-Jul-04 74.00 27.00 88.00 8.70 8.02 21.86 96.12 5.70

Table 7.

Date-interpolated data for monitoring point Y and Z.

A full length raw data set for Z (2003 to 2009), shown in Fig. 2, was interpolated and graphed in Fig. 3, for only 4 out of the 27 variables, that is, Chl-α, COD, EC and DOC, to reduce congestion and enhance clarity to the cubic interpolation concept.

Figure 2.

Monitoring point (Z)’s raw input data.

Figure 3.

Monitoring point (Z)’s cubic-interpolated data.

Whereas Fig. 2 showed a legend with 4 data sets, Fig. 3’s legend included the interpolated data, colour-coded for clarity. IChla, Icod, Iec and Idoc (IChl-α, ICOD, IEC and IDOC) represented the interpolations of the 4 variables used. Daily interpolation was chosen for this study because after interpolation, any other data interval, for example monthly or yearly variation, could be computed without repeating the time-consuming interpolation process.

4.1. Case-wise correlation analysis

Although case-wise correlation analysis indicated that SO4 2- had a significant linear relationship with all variables except DO, it was strongly positively correlated with EC (0.8720), Cl- (0.7273), S (0.9053) and Mn (0.4779). It was strongly negatively correlated with pH (-0.5380). Table 8 provides detailed output.

4.2. Factor analysis

The major aim of factor analysis is to orderly simplify a large number of interrelated measures to a few representative constructs or factors (Ho, 2006). The 27 variables were subjected to this technique for that reason, to reduce the data set. The data was collapsed into 3 latent constructs (Table 9 and Table 10).

Their Eigen values were noted to be 5.82041, 2.62148 and 2.12070. Factors 1 and 3 were cross-loaded thus Table 11 was constructed because DOC appeared to be conceptually relevant to Factor 3 (physical parameters) while cod remained relevant to Factor 1 (conductivity related). Factor 2 incorporated unique variables which were not cross-loaded into any of the other factors but for which no good common description could readily be assigned. Variables which could not be placed into any of the 3 factors were also deleted from Table 11, effectively reducing the variables, (see Ho, 2006).

| cn_ ec do fc Hg Cl_ f_
cn_ | 1.0000
ec | 0.0908* 1.0000
do | -0.0106 0.0112* 1.0000
fc | 0.0014 0.0217* 0.0141* 1.0000
Hg | -0.0523* -0.1087* 0.0110 -0.0594* 1.0000
Cl_ | 0.0783* 0.8699* 0.0039 0.0062 -0.0192* 1.0000
f_ | -0.0053 0.1819* -0.0404* 0.0239* -0.1666* 0.0259* 1.0000
no2_ | -0.0708* -0.1365* 0.1629* 0.0809* 0.1839* -0.0458* -0.0787*
no3_ | -0.0628* 0.1223* 0.1033* 0.0658* 0.1916* 0.0876* 0.0115*
so42_ | 0.0961* 0.8720* -0.0064 0.0288* -0.2013* 0.7273* 0.2798*
Low_Hg | -0.0009 0.2998* 0.0450* -0.0260* -0.2516* 0.1762* 0.3496*
Mn | 0.0147* 0.3936* -0.0102 0.0668* -0.1783* 0.1815* 0.2316*
pH | 0.0290* -0.4242* 0.0481* -0.0856* 0.1456* -0.1382* -0.3480*
po43_ | -0.0367* -0.0858* 0.0283* 0.0418* 0.1250* -0.0193* -0.0683*
s | 0.0807* 0.8861* -0.0176* 0.0226* -0.1974* 0.7435* 0.2593*
ss | -0.0302* -0.2024* -0.0336* 0.0138 0.0350* -0.1852* -0.0387*
Temp | -0.0120* -0.0369* -0.0424* 0.0201* -0.0948* -0.0544* 0.0481*
T_Silica | -0.0343* 0.1377* -0.0693* 0.0422* -0.1797* -0.0889* 0.2674*
Turb | -0.0434* -0.2525* -0.0862* 0.0284* -0.0893* -0.2899* 0.0213*
nh4_ | 0.0267* 0.3493* -0.0444* 0.2118* -0.0952* 0.2378* 0.1670*
Chla | 0.0039 0.0918* 0.1341* -0.0320* 0.0218 0.1432* 0.0204*
cod | -0.0546* -0.2345* -0.0950* 0.0367* -0.2205* -0.1833* -0.1091*
doc | -0.0661* -0.4022* -0.0080 -0.0702* 0.0607* -0.2446* -0.1826*
Mo | -0.0172* -0.0089 0.0123* 0.0099 -0.0743* 0.0042 0.1316*
Si | -0.0335* 0.1380* -0.0697* 0.0420* -0.1789* -0.0880* 0.2640*
p | -0.0621* -0.1345* 0.0126* 0.0885* 0.1870* -0.0679* -0.0701*
Fe | -0.0026 0.2262* -0.0275* -0.0253* -0.1989* 0.0694* 0.1825*

| no2_ no3_ so42_ Low_Hg Mn pH po43_
no2_ | 1.0000
no3_ | 0.2349* 1.0000
so42_ | -0.1744* 0.0673* 1.0000
Low_Hg | 0.0043 -0.0671* 0.3492* 1.0000
Mn | -0.1449* 0.1893* 0.4779* 0.3674* 1.0000
pH | 0.2318* -0.3675* -0.5380* -0.2211* -0.6252* 1.0000
po43_ | 0.1689* 0.1384* -0.1203* -0.0227* -0.0982* 0.1494* 1.0000
s | -0.1950* 0.1345* 0.9053* 0.3696* 0.4557* -0.5663* -0.1342*
ss | 0.1240* -0.0633* -0.1845* -0.0333* -0.1029* 0.1072* 0.0077
Temp | 0.0630* -0.0771* -0.0238* 0.0534* 0.0040 -0.0540* -0.0178*
T_Silica | -0.0896* 0.2473* 0.3091* 0.0611* 0.4608* -0.5813* -0.0378*
Turb | -0.0204* -0.1152* -0.1688* 0.0356* -0.0306* -0.0228* -0.0251*
nh4_ | -0.0580* 0.2917* 0.4024* 0.1017* 0.4185* -0.5250* -0.0108
Chla | -0.0342* -0.1310* 0.0877* 0.1332* -0.1281* 0.2824* -0.0399*
cod | 0.0019 -0.0659* -0.2149* -0.0550* -0.1509* 0.1585* 0.0490*
doc | 0.1798* -0.1293* -0.4339* -0.0791* -0.3741* 0.5086* 0.1084*
Mo | 0.3506* 0.0616* -0.0121* 0.2235* -0.0400* 0.0553* 0.0226*
Si | -0.0888* 0.2485* 0.3090* 0.0569* 0.4613* -0.5798* -0.0380*
p | 0.2196* 0.2139* -0.1467* -0.0735* -0.1026* 0.1271* 0.3997*
Fe | -0.0672* 0.0155* 0.3688* 0.2579* 0.3347* -0.3531* -0.0490*

| s ss Temp T_Silica Turb nh4_ Chla
s | 1.0000
ss | -0.1908* 1.0000
Temp | -0.0181* 0.1191* 1.0000
T_Silica | 0.2816* -0.0421* 0.0921* 1.0000
Turb | -0.1748* 0.4495* 0.1172* 0.1098* 1.0000
nh4_ | 0.3914* -0.0889* -0.0171* 0.4106* -0.0744* 1.0000
Chla | 0.0871* -0.0764* 0.1166* -0.2724* -0.0942* -0.0613* 1.0000
cod | -0.2205* 0.0726* 0.0453* -0.0157* 0.1842* -0.1168* 0.2257*
doc | -0.4562* 0.2118* 0.0307* -0.2426* 0.2224* -0.3000* 0.1317*
Mo | -0.0146* 0.1181* 0.0840* -0.0464* -0.0400* -0.0398* -0.0106
Si | 0.2797* -0.0429* 0.0911* 0.9992* 0.1082* 0.4096* -0.2750*
p | -0.1633* 0.0182* 0.0381* 0.0554* -0.0311* -0.0118* -0.0532*
Fe | 0.2761* -0.0276* 0.0350* 0.3531* 0.1083* 0.3579* -0.0873*

| cod doc Mo Si p Fe
cod | 1.0000
doc | 0.5436* 1.0000
Mo | 0.0334* 0.0810* 1.0000
Si | -0.0168* -0.2441* -0.0451* 1.0000
p | 0.0381* 0.1008* 0.0430* 0.0570* 1.0000
Fe | -0.0369* -0.1302* -0.0176* 0.3519* -0.0767* 1.0000

Table 8.

Case-wise correlation analysis from CN to Fe.

Factor | Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative
Factor1 | 5.82041 3.19894 0.5510 0.5510
Factor2 | 2.62148 0.50078 0.2482 0.7992
Factor3 | 2.12070 1.29933 0.2008 1.0000

Table 9.

Factor analysis/correlation.

Variable | Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 | Uniqueness

cn_ | | 0.9977
ec | 0.6603 | 0.4260
do | | 0.9881
fc | | 0.9666
Hg | -0.4816 | 0.7544
Cl_ | 0.7176 | 0.1997
f_ | | 0.9921
no2_ | 0.5019 | 0.7768
no3_ | 0.8243 | 0.3693
so42_ | 0.8206 | 0.2361
Low_Hg | 0.6888 | 0.6217
Mn | 0.7274 | 0.5483
pH | -0.4832 | 0.6090
po43_ | | 0.9908
s | 0.8318 | 0.2598
ss | 0.8475 | 0.3456
Temp | 0.3315 | 0.8679
T_Silica | 0.6666 | 0.2333
Turb | 0.8739 | 0.2462
nh4_ | 0.7095 | 0.5037
Chla | | 0.8587
cod | 0.6745 0.4000 | 0.5787
doc | 0.7211 0.3964 | 0.4579
Mo | 0.4133 | 0.8677
Si | 0.6684 | 0.2326
p | | 0.9023
Fe | 0.6249 | 0.6065
(blanks represent abs(loading)<.33)

Table 10.

Rotated factor loadings (pattern matrix) and unique variances.

EC and Cl-, together with FC, Hg, F-, NO3 -, Low_Hg, Mn, pH, S, SS, Temp, T_Silica, Turb, NH4 +, COD, Si, P and Fe, were good predictors for SO4 2- concentration, and the fitted model explains 82% of the total variation (Table 12).

4.3. One-way ANOVA

Table 13 gives the means and standard deviations for each of the sampling points over the entire sampling period.

Comparison of SO4 2- by sample_ID (Table 14) showed that K6-K25, K9-K19, V7-VRB37 and V9-VRB24; K10-K10 and K3-R3; and K2-R1 and K4-R4, were statistically similar. The mean values of SO4 2-of the remaining sampling points were significantly different.

Variable | Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 | Uniqueness
ec | 0.6603 | 0.4260
Hg | -0.4816 | 0.7544
Cl_ | 0.7176 | 0.1997
no2_ | 0.5019 | 0.7768
no3_ | 0.8243 | 0.3693
so42_ | 0.8206 | 0.2361
Low_Hg | 0.6888 | 0.6217
Mn | 0.7274 | 0.5483
pH | -0.4832 | 0.6090
s | 0.8318 | 0.2598
ss | 0.8475 | 0.3456
Temp | 0.3315 | 0.8679
T_Silica | 0.6666 | 0.2333
Turb | 0.8739 | 0.2462
nh4_ | 0.7095 | 0.5037
cod | 0.6745 | 0.5787
doc | 0.3964 | 0.4579
Mo | 0.4133 | 0.8677
Si | 0.6684 | 0.2326
Fe | 0.6249 | 0.6065
(blanks represent abs(loading)<.33)

Table 11.

“Clean” factors.

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 7578
-------------+------------------------------ F( 26, 7551) = 1330.85
Model | 122818707 26 4723796.43 Prob "/ F = 0.0000
Residual | 26802038.4 7551 3549.46873 R-squared = 0.8209
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.8203
Total | 149620746 7577 19746.7 Root MSE = 59.577

so42_ | Coef. Std. Err. t P"/|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
cn_ | -22.32404 18.52691 -1.20 0.228 -58.64195 13.99386
ec | .3736444 .0227941 16.39 0.000 .3289616 .4183271
do | .0131522 .0926716 0.14 0.887 -.1685098 .1948143
fc | .0000566 .0000189 2.99 0.003 .0000195 .0000938
Hg | -89.09861 11.70687 -7.61 0.000 -112.0473 -66.14989
Cl_ | .7573463 .042237 17.93 0.000 .67455 .8401425
f_ | 32.3612 8.280861 3.91 0.000 16.12841 48.59399
no2_ | -10.90126 13.10631 -0.83 0.406 -36.59327 14.79075
no3_ | 3.180277 1.003154 3.17 0.002 1.213816 5.146738
Low_Hg | -4.527516 .8473181 -5.34 0.000 -6.188495 -2.866536
Mn | 51.43273 4.405735 11.67 0.000 42.79626 60.06919
pH | -7.478322 2.569807 -2.91 0.004 -12.51586 -2.440786
po43_ | .8106866 .7992836 1.01 0.310 -.7561315 2.377505
s | 1.743953 .0246683 70.70 0.000 1.695596 1.79231
ss | .072502 .0324992 2.23 0.026 .0087946 .1362095
Temp | 2.217133 .3666414 6.05 0.000 1.498414 2.935852
T_Silica | 9.155261 3.393863 2.70 0.007 2.502346 15.80818
Turb | -.3478313 .0465679 -7.47 0.000 -.4391174 -.2565452
nh4_ | -4.445574 .9591881 -4.63 0.000 -6.32585 -2.565299
Chla | .0047781 .0346057 0.14 0.890 -.0630587 .0726149
cod | .326694 .0819311 3.99 0.000 .1660862 .4873018
doc | .0588864 .4554843 0.13 0.897 -.8339896 .9517625
Mo | 302.1217 183.4853 1.65 0.100 -57.56057 661.804
Si | -25.85465 7.243482 -3.57 0.000 -40.05389 -11.65541
p | 8.823756 2.506464 3.52 0.000 3.910389 13.73712
Fe | 40.61979 13.49268 3.01 0.003 14.17039 67.0692
_cons | 104.0456 25.89705 4.02 0.000 53.28019 154.811

Table 12.


| Summary of so42_
Sample_ID | Mean Std. Dev. Freq.
B1-B10 | 405.26118 140.67122 2526
K1-R2 | 66.18701 115.52301 2526
K10-K10 | 120.27818 58.483346 2526
K12-N8 | 303.80768 116.03529 2526
K2-R1 | 1128.8242 815.12126 2526
K3-R3 | 121.64965 170.8744 2526
K4-R4 | 1123.08 607.58752 2526
K6-K25 | 172.05588 44.633777 2526
K9-K19 | 163.85514 45.159634 2526
S1-S1 | 21.228942 11.581847 2526
S4-S2 | 346.77498 144.27252 2526
V7-VRB37 | 159.3354 44.584895 2526
V9-VRB24 | 154.30907 45.776534 2526
Total | 329.7421 462.44325 32838

Analysis of Variance
Source SS df MS F Prob "/ F
Between groups 4.1391e+09 12 344925487 3926.94 0.0000
Within groups 2.8832e+09 32825 87835.795
Total 7.0223e+09 32837 213853.757

Bartlett's test for equal variances: chi2(12) = 7.4e+04 Prob"/chi2 = 0.000

Table 13.

One way ANOVA.

Row Mean-|
Col Mean | B1-B10 K1-R2 K10-K10 K12-N8 K2-R1 K3-R3
K1-R2 | -339.074
| 0.000
K10-K10 | -284.983 54.0912
| 0.000 0.000
K12-N8 | -101.453 237.621 183.529
| 0.000 0.000 0.000
K2-R1 | 723.563 1062.64 1008.55 825.017
| 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
K3-R3 | -283.612 55.4626 1.37148 -182.158 -1007.17
| 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
K4-R4 | 717.819 1056.89 1002.8 819.272 -5.7442 1001.43
| 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000
K6-K25 | -233.205 105.869 51.7777 -131.752 -956.768 50.4062
| 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
K9-K19 | -241.406 97.6681 43.577 -139.953 -964.969 42.2055
| 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
S1-S1 | -384.032 -44.9581 -99.0492 -282.579 -1107.6 -100.421
| 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
S4-S2 | -58.4862 280.588 226.497 42.9673 -782.049 225.125
| 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
V7-VRB37 | -245.926 93.1484 39.0572 -144.472 -969.489 37.6857
| 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
V9-VRB24 | -250.952 88.1221 34.0309 -149.499 -974.515 32.6594
| 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.007
Row Mean-|
Col Mean | K4-R4 K6-K25 K9-K19 S1-S1 S4-S2 V7-VRB37
K6-K25 | -951.024
| 0.000
K9-K19 | -959.225 -8.20074
| 0.000 1.000
S1-S1 | -1101.85 -150.827 -142.626
| 0.000 0.000 0.000
S4-S2 | -776.305 174.719 182.92 325.546
| 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
V7-VRB37 | -963.745 -12.7205 -4.51974 138.106 -187.44
| 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
V9-VRB24 | -968.771 -17.7468 -9.54607 133.08 -192.466 -5.02633
| 0.000 0.929 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000

Table 14.

Comparison of SO4 2- by Sample_ID.


5. Discussions and conclusions

Case-wise correlation, focussing on SO4 2-, indicated that the variable ‘DO’ was not significant. Among the other significant variables, it was noted that SO4 2- was highly significantly correlated to EC, Cl- and S.

Factor analysis yielded some underlying correlations to support the case-wise correlation analysis. In addition to grouping the variables into 3 factors, the variables which were highly correlated to SO4 2- from case-wise correlation, were loaded together with SO4 2- in Factor 1. This was expected because factor analysis is also based on the assumption that all variables are correlated to some degree. Factor 3 was made up of largely physical parameters while Factor 1 contained variables that had something to do with conductivity of a water sample. Factor 2 did not exhibit any cross-loading with the other 2 factors, yet it was still very difficult to assign a common description to it. Variables CN, DO, FC, F-, PO4 3-, Chl-α and P could be safely deleted as they were not loaded into any of the 3 factors.

Multivariate linear regression indicated that out of the 26 variables that could predict SO4 2-, only 20 were significant, accounting for 82% of the total variation of SO4 2-.

While correlation and regression provided linear relationships, factor analysis, on the other hand, could be used for data reduction. Even though sometimes it is difficult to find a common name to assign to a factor, still, based on these statistical approaches, individual factors or elements within a factor could be further analysed as necessary, with minimal loss of data integrity.

From one-way ANOVA, SO4 2- mean concentration values indicated that monitoring point K2-R1 (1128.82±815 mg/L) was within the vicinity of the source of SO4 2-. Attenuation of the variable was noted as its mean value decreased along the Rietspruit River at K4-R4 and then Klip River at K6-K25 and K9-K19, before Klip River discharged into the Vaal River. From monitoring point B1-B10 (also close to a source of SO4 2-), another established route was through S4-S2, before Suikerbosrant River discharged into the Vaal River upstream of the Klip River. Surface raw water containing high levels of SO4 2- was not draining via K1-R2 and S1-S. Based on SO4 2- mean concentration values only and for management purposes, K1-R2 and S1-S could be left out of the monitoring programme, saving on financial resources. Comparison of SO4 2- by sample_ID showed that K6-K25, K9-K19, V7-VRB37 and V9-VRB24; K10-K10 and K3-R3; and K2-R1 and K4-R4, were significantly similar.

The major challenge was pre-processing of the non-consistent water quality data over the 7 years. Non-consistent data was as a result of missing data, largely where some of the stakeholders dropped or established some water quality variables and monitoring points over the years as monitoring prioritizations changed because of new and emerging pollution threats. The challenge of insufficient and inconsistent data for water quality modelling remains a limitation in the formulation of good and practically useable models. However, interpolations and correlations, including factor analysis and regression, could help build better data sets, especially for pollution trending in river basin management. This could be used to support large-scale public decisions.



The financial assistance of the South African Department of Science Technology (DST) is hereby acknowledged. Opinions expressed and conclusions arrived at, are those of the authors and are not necessarily to be attributed to the DST. The authors would also like to thank Tshwane University of Technology for hosting and co-funding this research. DWA, the Water Research Commission, Rand Water Board (co-funding), Midvaal Water Company and Sedibeng Water, are also sincerely acknowledged, especially for providing very valuable and vital data.


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Written By

Bloodless Dzwairo, George M. Ochieng’, Maupi E. Letsoalo and Fredrick A.O. Otieno

Submitted: 18 November 2010 Published: 01 August 2011