Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Respiratory Surface Electromyography: Concepts, Utility, and Challenges

Written By

Kian Chung Ong

Submitted: 29 February 2024 Reviewed: 25 April 2024 Published: 15 May 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005465

From the Edited Volume

Pulmonary Emphysema - Recent Updates

Kian Chung Ong

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In recent years, advancements in surface electromyography (EMG) have facilitated the monitoring and measurement of respiration in clinical medicine. Adapting and developing surface EMG (sEMG) specifically for assessing the muscles of respiration non-invasively, without the use of needles or catheters, heralds a new clinical dimension in evaluating respiratory symptomatology and pathophysiology. Surface EMG may be applied for the evaluation of the activity of the diaphragm and other muscles of respiration, such as the intercostal, sternocleidomastoid, and scalene muscles. This serves essential and complex functions for quantification of dyspnea, respiratory drive and effort, as well as for determining the onset of respiratory muscle fatigue. The potential uses for a portable, non-invasive, and preferably wireless respiratory surface EMG device are myriad. However, further applicability of respiratory surface EMG is hindered by technological issues, such as optimal EMG sensor designs and the requisite EMG signal conditioning for the evaluation of respiratory muscle activity. There is abundant scope and need for further collaborative research between clinicians and researchers. This chapter summarizes the basic concepts, uses, and challenges involved in the application of respiratory surface EMG, especially in patients with chronic respiratory disorders, such as pulmonary emphysema.


  • dyspnea
  • respiratory drive
  • neural drive
  • respiratory effort
  • diaphragmatic function
  • respiratory function
  • monitoring
  • ventilation
  • sensor
  • review

1. Introduction

Electromyography (EMG) involves the acquisition of electrical signals produced by changes in action potentials of muscle units during muscular contraction and relaxation. This recording typically requires the placement of electrodes within or on the surface of the muscles of interest. The former type of EMG recording is invasive while the latter, also known as surface EMG (sEMG), is non-invasive and is generally the preferred mode for clinical purposes as well as for evaluation of exercise performance. The utility of sEMG is well established, and in recent years, its role in the evaluation of respiratory muscles is progressively recognized [1]. The commonest muscles of respiration that are used for respiratory sEMG are the diaphragm (that contributes to about 70% of the force of inspiration in healthy adults), intercostal, sternocleidomastoid, and scalene muscles. The field of respiratory sEMG is rapidly expanding and this chapter is aimed at exploring its role and potential, and the challenges faced in clinical application.


2. Rationale for respiratory sEMG

The respiratory neural drive is the efferent signal generated from the respiratory center to the respiratory muscles during inspiration [2], and this signal is generated in response to the myriad afferent sources that provide feedback to the respiratory control center in the body’s respiratory control system. As illustrated in Figure 1, recording sEMG of respiratory muscles during inspiration provides a non-invasive and contemporaneous measurement of the respiratory neural drive [3]. Evaluating a subject’s respiratory neural drive is important for two main reasons. The first is that it provides an objective and synchronic measure of the level of dyspnea the subject is experiencing. Since it is impossible to measure dyspneic sensation at the higher cortical centers currently, measuring the respiratory neural drive represents the best alternative, as the respiratory neural drive is an exact “copy” of the corollary discharge being sent to the higher cortical centers by the respiratory center after processing all the stimuli from afferent sources [4]. The second indication for measuring respiratory neural drive with respiratory sEMG is to non-invasively determine the intrathoracic pressures generated by the inspiratory pump, Pmus.

Figure 1.

A simplified illustration of the respiratory control feedback loop – thin dashed arrows represent signals that may be measured by sEMG. (Adapted from reference [3] with permission).

2.1 Respiratory sEMG for evaluation of dyspnea

Previously, the ratio of the EMG amplitude of the diaphragm (EMGdi) during tidal breathing to the maximal volitional value (EMGdi/EMGdi, max) was proven as an index that provides the strongest correlation with dyspneic sensation in humans [5]. However, measurement of EMGdi requires the placement of an esophageal catheter containing multipaired electrodes, and as such, its measurement was confined to research laboratories. The present developments in respiratory sEMG proffer a non-invasive biomarker of the sensation of dyspnea, and researchers have found the correlation between sEMG and transesophageal EMG of the diaphragm to be very high in stable patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) undergoing treadmill exercise as well as in healthy subjects during inspiratory threshold loading [6, 7]. These researchers surmise that the sEMG percent maximum can serve as a non-invasive marker of neural respiratory drive. In patients presenting with acute heart failure, the severity of dyspnea is also found to correlate with sEMG activity of diaphragm and scalene muscles, the latter thus also providing a useful objective tool for assessment of dyspnea in non-respiratory conditions [8].

2.2 Respiratory sEMG for evaluation of respiratory effort

Pmus is a function of the electric signal obtained from the sEMG of respiratory muscles, i.e., the sEMG correlates linearly or non-linearly with the Pmus, with higher sEMG signal strengths corresponding to higher Pmus. Therefore, respiratory sEMG provides a non-invasive means of estimating Pmus. Pmus is an indication of a subject’s respiratory effort, a useful but oft inaccessible clinical parameter. Conventionally, the commonest way of determining Pmus is by measuring the intrathoracic transpulmonary pressure generated during inspiration by the placement of an esophageal balloon or catheter (Pes), which limits its clinical application to the intensive care unit (ICU) mainly. Researchers have recently attempted to establish an optimal electromechanical correlation of respiratory sEMG signals with Pmus, thus decidedly simplifying and potentially broadening the scope of evaluating pulmonary mechanics in clinical practice [9]. Measuring Pmus by sEMG, instead of Pes, has an added advantage, especially in cases with minimal neuroventilatory uncoupling such as in healthy subjects or patients with mild COPD [3].


3. Current and potential clinical applications of respiratory sEMG

The global prevalence of COPD in 2020 was estimated to be 10.6%, or 480 million cases, and projected to increase to 600 million cases by 2050 [10]. Dyspnea or breathing discomfort and associated exercise limitation are the two most troubling symptoms reported by patients with COPD [11]. Accordingly, current global management guidelines on stable COPD prioritize the reduction of these symptoms as a key treatment goal [12]. However, as asserted in a comprehensive albeit lengthy dissertation on evaluating dyspnea in obstructive lung disease [3], the present methods of measuring dyspnea with questionnaires and symptom scores, i.e., by psychometric evaluation, are inadequate. This is especially so for the purpose of evaluating patient responses to treatments aimed at alleviating dyspnea. The lack of a universally accepted instrument for measuring dyspnea is testament to this inadequacy and the “profusion of measures” currently available, in fact, militates against progress in developing novel therapies for relief of dyspnea. Respiratory sEMG extends physiological assessment of dyspnea with a potential for widespread clinical application.

The health and societal burden inflicted by COPD is enormous, with healthcare resource utilization resulting from exacerbation of COPD accounting for most of the direct and indirect healthcare costs [10]. Clinical studies conducted in separate centers across the globe have found that adding sEMG measurement to current standard evaluation can meliorate the need for hospitalization and predict risk of readmissions following hospital discharge in patients with exacerbation of COPD [13, 14, 15]. COPD exacerbations have often been defined and treated according to clinical symptoms alone and not till recently has the addition of other objective parameters been recommended in grading the severity of such episodes for treatment purposes [12, 16]. The addition of sEMG, if widely available, will likely contribute to the evaluation and treatment of unstable COPD patients in future, as the foregoing clinical trials have shown. The benefits of sEMG can likewise be extended to respiratory monitoring of any case of acute dyspnea. The recent finding of Pmus as the parameter that best predicts success of non-invasive ventilation and high-flow oxygen therapy in patients with COVID-19 infection serves to emphasize the need to measure Pmus, reliably and readily, in conscious patients during acute situations [17]. The recent pandemic has also highlighted the requisition for accurate respiratory assessment of patients on remote telemonitoring [18]. The availability and portability of respiratory surface EMG equipment will undoubtedly contribute to the accuracy of respiratory monitoring in numerous scenarios in future.

In addition to the usefulness of respiratory sEMG based on its amplitude correlation with respiratory neural drive and respiratory effort as explicated above, another functional dimension is the potential of EMG in detecting muscle fatigue [19]. This is made possible by identifying changes in the frequency of EMG signals with the onset of muscle fatigue, thus generating possibilities beyond current capabilities in exercise testing and prescription [3, 20].

A list of the current and potential applications of respiratory surface EMG is presented in Table 1.

Uses of respiratory sEMG or EMGdi
  • Monitoring respiratory effort during sleep studies*

  • Intensive care—optimizing patient and ventilator interaction*

  • Assess the severity and/or predict treatment response and safe discharge in exacerbation of COPD and heart failure*

  • Predict success or failure of non-invasive ventilation/oxygen therapy in acute respiratory failure*

  • Evaluation of asthma in children*

  • Monitoring of respiration in infants*

  • Correlation with dyspnea during exercise in healthy subjects, COPD and heart failure patients*

  • Correlation with chronic dyspnea during activities of daily living

  • Approval for “relief of dyspnoea” indication of interventions by approving authorities

  • Evaluation of dyspnea during exercise testing in athletes and in patients with cardiopulmonary disorders

  • Exercise prescription for healthy subjects (with ventilatory limitation of exercise) and patients with cardiopulmonary disorders

  • Breathing training/retraining during chest physiotherapy and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation

  • Evaluation of response to cardiopulmonary rehabilitation

  • Evaluation and treatment of psychogenic dyspnea/ hyperventilation

  • Determine the onset of diaphragmatic muscle fatigue during exertion in acute/chronic conditions

  • Telemonitoring and follow-up of patients

  • Regulating support of home ventilators in chronic respiratory failure

  • Evaluation and training for vocalization/singing

  • Biofeedback for Yoga, relaxation exercises, and meditation

  • Enhancing exercise performance—including gymnastics, swimming, diving, and outdoor sports

  • Supplementary mobile health device

Table 1.

Current and potential uses of respiratory sEMG or EMGdi.

Asterisks indicate published studies are available.


4. Challenges in developing respiratory sEMG

The transition of theoretical concepts of respiratory sEMG to practical usage is not straightforward. The technological challenges of sEMG may be classified into two—signal acquisition and signal conditioning [21]. The former requires optimal sensor design and placement, as sEMG signals are generally weak (measured in microvolts) and have high signal-to-noise ratios. This is especially applicable in relation to surface EMG sensors for respiratory muscles like the diaphragm, as high impedance due to overlying tissues and “cross-talk” from surrounding muscles is encountered. sEMG signal processing is correspondingly not a simple matter—signal amplification, noise reduction, and signal interpretation require complex algorithms, especially if precise electromechanical association is desired, e.g., in correlating sEMG signals with respiratory parameters like Pmus, breath flow rate, tidal volume, etc. Further progress is imminent as an important initial step appears to have been set in motion with the recent round-table discussion among interested researchers focusing on standardization and developing best practices in the analysis and applications of respiratory sEMG [22].


5. Conclusion

The use of non-invasive sEMG for the measurement and monitoring of respiratory muscle activity portends a promising new paradigm in the subjective and objective assessment of breathing. The clinical potential of respiratory sEMG in the management of patients with dyspnea, a symptom sine qua non of COPD, is immense.


Conflict of interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Kian Chung Ong

Submitted: 29 February 2024 Reviewed: 25 April 2024 Published: 15 May 2024