Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Martingales and Partial Differential Equations Price Valuation Models for European Put Options

Written By

Hamilton C. Chinwenyi, Hussaini D. Ibrahim and Theophilus Danjuma

Submitted: 13 February 2024 Reviewed: 21 February 2024 Published: 31 July 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1004842

From the Edited Volume

Stochastic Processes - Theoretical Advances and Applications in Complex Systems

Don Kulasiri

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In financial mathematics, options are seen as financial transactions that gives the holder the right rather than obligations to buy or sell some specific quantity of an asset in the eminent future at a static price often called the strike price on or before the expiration date of the option contract. In this research work, we examined a typical model in finance, Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV). Having derived its respective Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs), we obtained the various Martingales and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) option price valuation formulas. These were done by using the replicating and riskless portfolio methods. Also, we were able to establish the equivalence of the Martingales and the PDEs methods for European put option pricing for the two different SDE models considered in this research. We, then applied the Girsanov theorem, Martingale theorem as well as Feynman-Kac theorem. Results obtained, show that using our approach described in this research work, we can actually prove the equivalence of the two (Martingales and PDEs) methods by first, beginning with the Martingales option price valuation formula and finally arrive at the Black-Scholes parabolic PDEs in converse.


  • options
  • financial derivatives
  • Girsanov theorem
  • Stochastic Differential Equation
  • Ito formula
  • Partial Differential Equations

1. Introduction

In finance, derivatives are usually tools that are attached to a specific asset and through which definite risks in finance can be disposed or handled in financial markets. Various transactions in form of derivatives ought to be treated separately. The value of derivatives in finance is often obtained from the exact prices of the fundamental asset value. Since the future reference price of the underlying item is not known with certainty, the value of the financial derivative at maturity can only be predicted. These derivatives in finance, can be applied for various reasons such as arbitrage, hedging, etc. [1].

Options are one of the examples of derivatives in finance. They are one of the most vital financial instruments. Their recent applications in hedging and arbitrage have earned it widespread attention. There are basically four of its kinds; European option, Asian option, American Option and barrier option [2]. Many reasons may inspire an investor to trade in options rather than trading on the commodities or stocks directly. One of such key reasons is that options save transactions and aids an investor in avoiding risks and market restrictions and fluctuations. Trading options in conjunction with their stock portfolios aids investors in carefully adjusting the risk and return of their investments. Since its introduction in financial mathematics, by Black, Scholes and Merton, the interest in derivatives trading has greatly increased [3].

Determining the values of financial derivatives such as options has since constituted a major problem in the field of financial mathematics. There are two key approaches to derive valuation formulas for a specific financial derivative such as options. These are the Martingales and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), approaches [4]. In the Martingale approach, the replicating portfolio which is obtained from underlying assets is expected to be self-financing. Since there is no arbitrage, the identified numeraire that converts the replicating portfolio into martingales is used. Hence, value of the derivative is the expectation of the value of the payoff at expiration.

In the case of the PDE approach, a riskless portfolio is formed with the elimination of the stochastic component such that the Stochastic Differential Equation turns to a PDE. A boundary condition is then specified and the resulting PDE is solved by applying the Feynman-Kac theorem. Let us state here that the two approaches as described above are equal [5], even though they both generate different option price valuation formulas; but showing a detailed proof for this is often a difficult task.

This chapter will be centered on the use of advanced mathematical tools (Girsanov and Feynman-Kac Theorems) to carry out a comparative analysis of the Martingale and PDE approaches in the pricing of options using Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) model in finance as practical examples.

1.1 Definition of terms

In a market economy, we assume there are N assets with values S1t,,SNt at time t, each of which follows a stochastic process.

1.1.1 Option value

Option values are often a function of the underlying asset and time, ut=fStt. The calculation of the price of an option (Premium) is our primary concern. For call option, the fundamental value is given by StK0 and for put option, it is given as KSt0, 0tT. This is actually the value representing the profit an investor gains by exercising his right on the option. The call value is the difference between the underlying price and its fundamental value [6].

1.1.2 Options and replication

Payoff, VT at time T of an option is always a function of the underlying asset. We look out for a self-financing trading strategy that replicates the same payoff such that T=VT. This implies a replicating strategy and replicating portfolio [7].

1.1.3 Self-financing portfolio

A portfolio allocation ξtηtR+ with price (value) Vt given by


is self-financing if it satisfies the relation


where ξt is the stock shares in St and ηt is the deposit in the bank.

1.1.4 Risk-neutral measure

A probability measure P on a sample space, Ω is called a risk-neutral measure if it satisfies


Where E denotes the expectation under P.

1.1.5 Numeraires

Numeraires are assets with positive price, Nt>0, for all given t. The comparative price St˜ of an underlying asset is the ratio of the stock price St to its numeraire price Nt, i.e. S˜t=StNt and S is usually valued in terms of measured in units of N.

1.1.6 Equivalent martingale measure

Let Q and P be probability measures on a sample space Ω. A probability measure, Q is said to be an an Equivalent Martingale Measure (EMM) for a numeraire Nt, if the following conditions are true:

  1. Q˜P and,

  2. The relative price S˜t is a martingale under Q. This implies


For a complete market economy, given a numeraire N, one can obviously find a unique EMM N such that asset prices discounted by N are martingale underN. On the contrary, given an EMM, N we can always find an exclusive numeraire N so that asset prices discounted by N are also, martingale under N.

1.1.7 Martingale

An integrable process XtR+ is said to be a martingale with respect to the filtration FtR+ if


1.1.8 Fundamental theorem of arbitrage

This Theorem states that if the market is complete, then for each and every numeraire Nt there exists a unique Equivalent Martingale Measure N such that the relative price of the assets using that numeraire, is a martingale. Therefore, StNt is a martingale underN. Hence


If we choose another numeraire Mt, then StMt is no longer a martingale under N, but there exists another unique equivalent martingale measure, Mt so that StMt is a martingale underM. Hence,


Other financial terms relevant to the discussions in this research work are defined as follows:

Asset (e.g. Stock, interest rates, commodities, etc.): these are objects that provides a claim to future cash flow.

Strike price: this is defined as a fixed price for exercising rights on an option.

Portfolio: a portfolio (or stock portfolio) is an investment in several assets at the same time. The idea of holding portfolio is that it is expected that this reduces the risk in investment.


2. Methods

2.1 Assumptions, parameters and variables of option price models

2.1.1 Assumptions

The assumptions used in the solutions of the model are as follows:

  1. All assets (stock) considered this research work are dividends free.

  2. There exists a riskless investment portfolio with a guaranteed return on investment and no chance of default.

  3. There exists no arbitrage in the market which implies a complete market economy.

2.1.2 Parameters and variables

The value of the option depends on the following parameters and variables:

St,Xt,XtorSt: the underlying asset (stock price) at time t.

σ: the volatility of the underlying asset (measure of the standard deviation of the returns of the asset).

K: the exercise or strike price.

T: time of expiry.

dt: step-size.

r: interest rate.

μ: average rate of growth of the asset.

dSordX: change in stock price (always positive).

2.2 Preliminaries for model derivation

2.2.1 Girsanov theorem

The basic characteristics of the Girsanov theorem is that of the exponential Martingale


Then, the Girsanov Theorem is stated as follows:

Theorem 2.1 (Girsanov Theorem) [8]: The process Wt˜=Wt+0tϕsds is Brownian motion under the measure Q.

Theorem 2.2: Let ϕt0T be a stochastic process satisfying the Novikov integrability condition


and let Q denote the probability measure defined by




Is certainly a Brownian motion under the measure, Q.

Theorem 2.3 (Martingale Representation Theorem) [8]: Assuming Mt is an Ftmartingale where Ftt0 is the filteration generated by the n-dimensional Brownian motion, Wt=Wt1Wtn. If EMt2< for all t then there exists a unique n-dimensional adapted stochastic process, ϕt such that


where ϕsTdenotes the transpose of the vector, ϕs.

Lemma 2.1 [9]: Let ξtηtR+ be a portfolio strategy with value


The following statements are equivalent:

(i) the portfolio strategy ξtηtR+ is self-financing,



2.2.2 Ito formula

Let us consider the general Ito’s formula which is applicable to Ito processes of the type [8]


or in differential notation


where μtR+ and σtR+ are square-integrable adapted processes.

Lemma 2.2: For any Ito process XtR+ of the form Eq. (9) and any C1,2R+×R and Zt=ftXt we have,


or in differential form


2.2.3 The Black-Scholes PDE

The Black-Scholes Partial Differential Equation (PDE) for the price of a self-financing portfolio is given as:


Proposition 2.1 [9]: Let ξtηtR+be a portfolio strategy such that.

  1. ξtηtR+ is self-financing,

  2. the value Vt=ηtAt+ξtSt,tϵR+, takes the form


for some C1,20×0.

Then the function gtx satisfies the Black-Scholes PDE


and ξt is given by


2.2.4 The Black-Scholes European option price models

In a Black-Scholes European option price models, the concept of arbitrage allows one to establish relationships between prices and hence to determine them. A primary step which determines the theory of valuation of options is the issue of arbitrage. In the real sense of finance, there no prospects of making riskless profit but in most cases in finance, we assume the possibilities of riskless investment which assures return on investment with no choice of uncertainties. Such assumptions can be envisaged in situations of cash deposits in banks or in cases of government bond.

2.2.5 European call and put options

Financial derivatives such as options are financial gears that provides the option holder the right, but not compulsion, for a financial transaction of an underlying asset at a specific time and price [10]. The payoff function of the European Call Option with strike priceK, is given by Fx=xK+ and the Black -Scholes PDE reads


As earlier stated, call options provide the buyers the right to buy assets at a fixed price, K at the maturation time of the option. At a maturation times, if the asset x> K; the buyer gains instantaneous profit,xK. However, if x< K; the buyer refuses to execute the option.

Similarly, for European put options, the Black-Scholes PDE is given as


For the put option, the option buyer has the right to sell the asset at a agreed price at the maturation date. At option expiry tine, if x< K; then the buyer gains in a profit, Kx. But if x>K, he rescinds his decision to execute his right on the option.

2.3 Description of martingale and PDEs options price valuation approach

2.3.1 Martingale approach

In this approach, options are not part of the traded assets S1t,,SNt, so cannot be priced directly. However, using the arguments in Section 1.1.3, we can form a replicating portfolio t=i=1NaitSit that reproduces the option price at maturation time, such that Vt=Πt at t>0 as well as VT=ΠT. However, theorem of Arbitrage states with a numeraire Nt, each comparative price of the asset is a Martingale relative to the measureN, as well as Vt/Nt as they are blend of Martingale. This implies that Vt/Nt becomes


from which the time, t price of the option, Vt, is


In the Black-Scholes economy, we have two assets, a stock St that follows the Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE)


and a fixed bond B such that Eq. (17) is re-written as




Applying Girsanov’s theorem, the process for dSt becomes


where dWtB=dWt+μrσdt.

It is straightforward to solve for Bt=exp0trdu=ert. We apply Ito’s Lemma (Lemma 2.2) to the function lnBt. Then lnBt follows the SDE


Integrating from 0 to t we have,


Taking exponential of both sides, so the solution to the SDE is Bt=exp0trdu since the time zero value of the bond is B0=1. When interest rates are constant then rt=r and Bt=ert. Hence, we apply Bt to be the numeraire such that S˜t=StBt becomes a Martingale under the measure, B. The payoff for European Put is given asVT=KST+, hence, by Eq. (16), the Put price at time-t price is


We can either evaluate this expectation directly or obtain the solution for the European put option price.

Alternatively, when we chose a different numeraire. Bt, is subjective, and we can use St. We have seen earlier that StBt is already a martingale under B. Therefore, BtSt would be Martingale, under S. In Eq. (20) the value Vt of the Put is derived from


Equivalently, using St as the numeraire, the same value Vt can be derived from


The European Put has payoff VT=KST+, so the time-t price of the Put is


Even though the expression in Eqs. (20) and (21) are different, they both produce the same solution because the change in numeraire does not affect the option values once an Equivalent Martingales Measure (EMM) has been defined. So, St=Bt=exp0trdu=ert which makes equation Eqs. (20) and (21) produce the same solution.

2.3.2 PDE approach

Financial portfolios are pairs of adapted stochastic processes such that at date, t they can only depend on the path of a Brownian motion at time, t [11]. In this approach, Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs) are converted into a Partial Differential Equation (PDE) with a set boundary condition. The stochastic components of the SDEs are removed and the PDEs becomes easier to solve. A set of initial values or boundary conditions are often provided to have a unique solution. Whereas, the PDE does not give exact solutions, it can then be solved numerically [12].

It is important also to state here that as we shall see later, the Feynman-Kac Theorem (Theorem 2.4 or 2.5), is an essential tool for the pricing of options using the PDE approach [13]. We shall consider an existing model in mathematical finance and then proceed to solve them analytically by applying the two approaches, Martingale and PDEs methods to obtain options price formulas. The SDE model of interest in this chapter is that of Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV). In this model (CEV), the volatility is assumed to be constant.

2.4 Derivation of options price valuation formula

2.4.1 The Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV) SDE model

Here, we examine European put option pricing in the CEV SDE model Cox (1975). In this case, we have two assets; the cash deposit in the bank account Bis givenbyBt=ert and the stock X follow the SDE


with constants σ>0andα>0 where Wt is a standard Brownian motion, t0, [14]. We proceed to compute the Martingale and PDE options price valuation formula for utXt.

In order to compute the Martingale option price valuation formula for the SDE model in Eq. (22), we assume ϕ=ηtξttϵ0T be portfolio strategy with price,


and that it satisfies the self-financing condition


or equivalently


We proceed by applying notion of change in numeraire. Certainly, the asset prices are strictly positive, that is Bt>0, then the market can be normalized by considering




Thus, market normalization implies taking the price Bt of the riskless investment as the numeraire (unit of price) and then calculating other prices in terms of this numeraire.

Hence, the discounted portfolio becomes


and applying integration by parts, we have


Since dBt1dVtϕ=0. Hence, we have that,


from Eq. (24), it is known that


i.e., ϕ is self-financing, then


which yields that V˜tϕ is self-financing because dB˜t=d1=0. Using Eq. (26) and assuming that dV˜tϕ=ξtdX˜t (this implies that ϕ is a self-financing portfolio). Financially speaking, this implies that changes in portfolio values depends only on changes in the prices or values of assets and not on units in which we measure the asset prices.

In integral form, we recall that a discounted market, is written as


Next, we need to show that Eq. (27) is a Martingale underB. Then, by Girsanov’s Theorem, we can define a probability measure B and the process


is a Brownian motion under B.

Now from Eq. (22) if we now compute dX˜t, we get


or unambiguously, let


We proceed to look for the solution of the preceding equation using Ito’s formula.



Noting that, ut=μXt,vt=σX˜tα and so we have


Integrating both sides of the above equation and simplifying, we get


since W0=0.

Taking exponential of both sides and simplifying, we get


We now go ahead to show that the above solution in Eq. (28) satisfies the properties of a Martingale under the measure, B. First, we find a measure B which uses Bt as a numeraire in order to turn it to a Martingale. We now have


where, WtB=Wt+μrtσt,i.e. this is derived from the application of Girsanov theorem.

By using Bt as the unit price (numeraire), the discounted aaset price X˜t=XtBt and X˜t are martingales. Hence, by the application of Ito’s Lemma to X˜t, we obtain


Since all terms involving the second order derivatives are zero. i.e. σ is zero when we compare the discounted stock price X˜t=XtBt with Eq. (23). Expanding Eq. (29), we have


The solution to the SDE is


To show that X˜tα is a Martingale under B, we consider the expectation under B for s<t, hence we have,


at time s we have that WtBWsB is normally distributed with zero mean and variance t as N0t which is identical in distribution to WtsB at time zero. Hence, we can write


Statistically, the moment generating function (mgf) of a random variable X with normal distribution Nμσ2 is stated as


Under B we have that WtsB is B- Brownian motion and distributed as N0ts. Therefore, the mgf of WtsB is


where σ=ϕ and we can then write


We thus have that


which shows that X˜tα is a B Martingale.

Hence, we have that


and V˜tϕ is a stochastic integral with regard to the Brownian motion under the measure,B. Applying the integrability condition in Theorem 2.2, yields


Hence, we have shown that V˜tϕ is a martingale under B.

Now since,


is a Martingale under B, it follows from the Martingale properties of V˜tϕunderB that,


where C is a contingent claim, uTXT.

Note that ϕ=ηtξttϵ0T hedges the claim C, i.e. we have VT=CVT=uTXT.

Hence Eq. (30) becomes


Since the process XttϵR+ has the Markov property, the value


where ϕXT=uTXT of the portfolio at tϵ0T can be written from Eq. (31) as a function utXt of tandXt. Given the payoff function,


Eq. (31) Becomes


Alternatively, we have


We the recall the basic theorem of Asset Pricing which stipulates that a market is arbitrage free if there is in existence, at least one Equivalent Martingale Measure (EMM). If we correlate all these facts with Theorem 2.3, then we have all instruments for asset pricing.

Hence, if ϕ is a hedging strategy for C, we have that


and the discounted portfolio will be a replicating portfolio for the claim


it follows from the martingale properties of V˜ϕ under B that


which yields


Now, if


then the arbitrage free price is given by


Xt solves the following SDE


under B. Hence, Xt is a Markov process, and we have that


given the payoff function,


Hence, Eq. (32) becomes


Next, we shall derive the PDE valuation formula for the above SDE model in Eq. (22). There are two assets in the model; the bank account B is given by Bt=ert and the stock X follows the SDE


with constants σ>0 and α>0,where W is a QBrownian motion. Applying Ito’s lemma (Lemma 2.2), the value u=uXtt of the Option written on X follows the SDE


We transform the SDE for u into PDE, and define some boundary conditions to allow a solution to the PDE. We then proceed to set up a risk-free self-financing and replicating portfolio consisting of η units of the option and ξ units of the asset, to have


Hence, the portfolio trails the SDE


We take the choices of η=1 and ξ=ux which eliminates the stochastic element from d and makes the portfolio risk-free. The portfolio being risk-free, it earns a riskless rate and the return on portfolio investment in small time increment dt becomes


Substituting for ξ in Eq. (34) and equating it with rdt, produces a Black-Scholes PDE for utXt.


but η=1, therefore


We have been able to establish a risk-free portfolio with Xandu resulting to a PDE since Xandu are each determined by one source of ambiguity which is the Brownian motion W. This enhances the possibility of eliminating the stochastic element thereby resulting to a PDE.

However, we then progress to seek a solution to the PDE above by the application of the Feynman-Kac Theorem (Leon [15], Sarkka [16], Wiktorsson [17]) or numerically given a certain boundary condition. We note that the value ut=uXtt of European put option at time t having a strike price K with a constant interest rate, r which follows the Black-Scholes PDE as stated in Eq. (35) with boundary conditionXTT=KXT+.

2.5 Equivalence of the martingales and PDEs valuation formulas for option pricing models

The two stipulated methods for the derivation of option price valuation formulas as earlier discussed are equal. This can be ascertained through a rigorous proof using the examples earlier discussed in this work. The method employed by Heath and Schweizer [4] to show the equivalence of the two approaches is:

  1. To prove that the valuation formula obtained through the Martingale method can be solved using Ito’s formula, which implies that under some stated verifiable necessary and sufficient conditions that it satisfies the corresponding valuation PDE formula, at least on the support of the underlying diffusion.

  2. To establish that a solution exists for the derived PDE valuation formula.

However, in our research work, we looked at a possibility of establishing the equivalence of the two methods as earlier discussed. This is achieved by the application of Girsanov theorem and Feynman-Kac theorem to drive home our argument that the two approaches are equivalent. That is to show that the Martingale (No-arbitrage) method yields the Black-Scholes PDEs and vice versa.

In financial mathematics, the Feynman-Kac theorem provides the required relationship between parabolic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and stochastic processes. It represents solutions of a parabolic PDE forms of conditional expectations. Conversely, an important class of expectations of random processes can be computed by deterministic methods. The theorem can be in one dimension, and in multiple dimensions [12, 16].

Theorem 2.4: The Feynman-Kac Theorem in one dimension

Suppose that xt follows the stochastic process


where WtQ is a Weiner process under the measure Q. If, Vxttis differentiablewith respect to xt and t and Vxtt follows the Partial Differential Equation (PDE) stated as


and with boundary condition VXTT. The theorem asserts that Vxtt has the solution


Note that the expectation is taken under the measure Q that makes the stochastic term in Eq. (36) Brownian motion. The generator of the process in Eq. (36) is defined as the operator


So, the PDE in Vxtt is sometimes written


The Theorem can be used in two ways:

  1. If xt adapts to the process in Eq. (36) and given a function Vxtt with initial boundary conditionVXTT, then we get a solution for Vxtt as in Eq. (38).

  2. If we know that the solution to Vxtt is given by Eq. (38) and that xt follows the process in Eq. (36), then we are assured that Vxttsatisfies the PDE in Eq. (40).

Theorem 2.5: Multidimensional version of the Feynman-Kac theorem

Suppose that xt follows the stochastic process in n dimensions


where xt and μxtt are each vector of dimension n, WtQ is a vector of dimension mofQBrownian motion,andσxtt is a matrix of size n×m. In other words


The generator of the process is


where for notational convenience μi=μixtt,σ=σxtt, and σσTij is components ij in the matrix σσT of dimensions n×n. Hence, the Partial Differential Equation (PDE) in Vxtt is given as


and with boundary condition VXTTFt has solution


2.5.1 Equivalence of the martingale and PDEs option valuation formulas for constant elasticity of variance (CEV) SDE model

We now proceed to prove the equality of the Martingales and PDEs approaches for the given SDE model in finance.

We consider the CEV SDE model given in Eq. (22) as


and the fixed bond is given as


We apply the Girsanov’s Theorem so that the process for dXt for CEV model in Eq. (22) becomes


The European put has payoff


So in accordance with Eq. (21), the time, t price of the put option is




We ascertain that the discounted option price utBt becomes a martingale only when the Black-Scholes parabolic PDE is fulfilled or solved. In a Black-Scholes model, the arbitrage-free price of an option ut is given as


with numeraire Nt=Bt


where B is the measure under which the discounted stock price


is a martingale. Under B, the discounted option price,


is also a Martingale, which we write as


for convenience.

By Ito’s lemma, ZXtt follows the process


We need the Ito multiplication table given below

Now by differentiatingZt=ertut, we get


Substituting Eq. (49) into Eq. (48) and substituting for dXt for the CEV model in Eq. (22) yields


Note that


Substituting for this in Eq. (50), we have


The conditional expectation under which the martingale option price is derived is taken under the measure, B. Hence, the process dZt must indicate this. Therefore, making a change of the measure to B in Eq. (51) to obtain


Since dWtB=dWt+μrσdt from the application of Girsanov’s Theorem that produced Eq. (44). Rearranging the terms in Eq. (52), we have


Hence, we have that in Eq. (51)


the discounted time, t option price, is a martingale under B only when the drift term in Eq. (53) is zero. That is when


We recognize this equation as the Black-Scholes PDE for the given SDE in Eq. (22). Obviously, it can be said that the price of the option can only be a Martingale if the Black-Scholes parabolic PDE is fulfilled. It suffices to state that the value of ut that solves the PDE given the boundary condition uTXT=KXT+ is the same with the ut in Eq. (45) and we can see that it is the same equation with the one derived in Eq. (35).

Moreso, we proceed to prove the equivalence using the Feynman-Kac theorem. Now given the derived PDE for the CEV model in Eq. (35), we proceed to solve the PDE by applying the Feynman-Kac theorem to ascertain if we can derive the Martingales formula.


with the boundary condition


Let Xt solve the Stochastic Differential Equation


with initial condition xt=x.

We define a process xt on interval tT as follows:


Applying Ito’s formula (Lemma 2.2) on utXt, we have


Using the Ito multiplication table, Table 1, we have


Table 1.

Ito’s multiplication table.




But, ut+rxux+122ux2σ2x2α=ru as given in Eq. (35).

So, we now have


Integrating from ttoT, we have


which gives


Substituting the initial and terminal terms, we get


where ψxT=KXT+


Taking expectations of both sides, we have


We now have


where uxt=uXtt, which is the same option price valuation formula for the CEV model derived in Eq. (47).


3. Conclusion

In this chapter, we have examined the Martingale and PDEs approaches for the valuation of options price for two Stochastic Differential Equation models in finance using the replicating and riskless portfolio methods. The two SDE models studied are the Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV) model and the Heston stochastic volatility model respectively. The model parameters are given in Section 2.1.2.

From this chapter, the following conclusions were drawn:

  1. The Martingales and PDEs approach for the valuation of options price removes the stochastic components in Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) models, thereby making the models riskless and hence easier for the resulting equations to be solved analytically or numerically.

  2. That adequate understanding of the two approaches in valuation of financial Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) models would aid an investor in the mitigation of the risk involved in financial derivative pricing and also in determining the quality of the choice (right) the holder of the option makes at the maturation date of the option.

  3. Analytical results obtained through the application of Girsanov’s theorem for defining an Equivalent Martingale Measure and Feynman-Kac theorem respectively has shown that the two option price valuation formulas derived by both the Martingales and PDEs approaches are equivalent.


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Written By

Hamilton C. Chinwenyi, Hussaini D. Ibrahim and Theophilus Danjuma

Submitted: 13 February 2024 Reviewed: 21 February 2024 Published: 31 July 2024