Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Entanglement in High-Energy Physics: An Overview

Written By

Mohammed Nadir

Submitted: 24 September 2023 Reviewed: 02 October 2023 Published: 21 November 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1003658

From the Edited Volume

Quantum Entanglement in High Energy Physics

Oliver K. Baker

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This abstract explores the entwined realms of quantum field theory, holography, and the AdS/CFT correspondence, converging upon the enigmatic phenomenon of entanglement within high-energy physics (HEP). At the core of this narrative lies the concept of entanglement entropy—a profound measure of quantum entanglement that threads the connections between quantum information, correlations, and the very architecture of spacetime. As the journey unfolds, the AdS/CFT correspondence illuminates entanglement’s holographic nature, decoding its role in deciphering the enigmas of HEP. Bell’s inequality emerges as a lighthouse, probing the non-local essence of entanglement and challenging the classical boundaries of reality. Quantum cryptography emerges as a practical extension, harnessing the unique attributes of entanglement for secure communication. The tensor product formalism weaves together the quantum tapestry, while gravity—nature’s sculptor of spacetime—molds the dynamics of entanglement within HEP. This abstract paves the path for a chapter that traverses based on original findings, unraveling the secrets of entanglement’s significance within the intricate fabric of high-energy physics. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2022, awarded to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger, enriches this narrative. Their experiments solidify entanglement’s non-locality, bridging the realms of quantum mechanics and HEP. This abstract encapsulates the entangled narrative and its dialog with gravity.


  • quantum field theory
  • holography
  • AdS/CFT (anti-de sitter/conformal field theory) correspondence
  • entanglement entropy
  • quantum information
  • quantum correlations
  • spacetime
  • Bell’s inequality
  • quantum cryptography
  • tensor product
  • gravity

1. Introduction

Entanglement, a quintessential phenomenon of quantum mechanics, has transcended its role as a conceptual enigma to become a pivotal player in the narrative of high-energy physics (HEP). This chapter embarks on a journey to unravel the deep-seated connections between entanglement and the fundamental aspects of our universe. The principle of superposition, where particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously, and entanglement, where particles become inherently connected across vast distances, are at the core of this mysterious quantum world [1].

1.1 Quantum field theory: Foundations and Frontiers

Quantum field theory (QFT) is the bedrock of modern theoretical physics, providing a framework for describing the interactions of particles and fields. At the heart of QFT lies the peculiar phenomenon of entanglement, where particles become inexorably intertwined, their fates interlinked in a manner that defies classical intuition [1]. This interconnection transcends spatial separation, manifesting non-local correlations that have confounded physicists and spurred debates on the very nature of reality [2].

Quantum field theory intersects with the fabric of spacetime, giving rise to the intricate interplay between entanglement and gravity. The holographic principle, symbolized by the AdS/CFT correspondence, presents a radical perspective that links a gravitational theory in anti-de Sitter space to a quantum field theory (Ads/CFT) on its boundary [3]. This duality evokes profound implications for understanding the emergence of spacetime and the role of entanglement in the underpinnings of gravity [4].

The quest for unraveling entanglement secrets has led to the notion of entanglement entropy, a measure of the quantum entanglement inherent in complex systems [5]. This quantity, intertwined with the fabric of quantum information theory, has offered fresh insights into the architecture of quantum states, phase transitions, and the fabric of spacetime [6].

1.2 Beyond Bell’s inequality

Bell’s inequality and its experimental violations mark a turning point in the exploration of entanglement. Experiments have confirmed the non-local nature of entanglement, challenging classical notions of causality and realism [7, 8]. The ramifications of these violations span from the foundations of quantum theory to the realm of quantum cryptography, promising secure communication protocols that hinge on the inseparability of entangled particles [9].

1.3 Navigating the quantum terrain

The quantum landscape brims with uncharted territories, offering tantalizing prospects for revolutionizing computation, cryptography, and our understanding of the universe. Quantum computing and quantum cryptography leverage entanglement’s unique properties to potentially outperform classical counterparts and ensure communication security in the quantum realm [10]. The tensor product formalism, a powerful mathematical tool, lies at the heart of these endeavors, allowing for the description of composite quantum systems and their interactions [11].


2. Motivation for studying entanglement in high-energy physics

Motivating research in high-energy physics concerning entanglement is essential due to its potential to provide deeper insights into fundamental physical phenomena and their significance in various theoretical frameworks. Here are some key motivations, along with relevant references:

  1. Understanding Quantum Complexity: High-energy physics deals with complex quantum systems, and entanglement serves as a fundamental tool to understand and quantify their intricate quantum correlations. Entanglement entropy, in particular, has been extensively studied to characterize the entanglement structure in quantum field theories and many-body systems [5].

  2. Quantum Gravity and Holography: Investigating the role of entanglement in the holographic AdS/CFT correspondence provides crucial insights into the connection between quantum field theories and gravity in higher-dimensional spacetime. Entanglement entropy in the boundary theory is related to the area of minimal surfaces in the bulk AdS spacetime, offering tantalizing clues about the quantum nature of spacetime [12].

  3. Quantum Computing and Information: Entanglement plays a central role in quantum information theory and quantum computing. Understanding the role of entanglement in quantum algorithms and quantum communication is crucial for developing efficient computational tools and communication protocols [11].

  4. Quantum Field Theories and Phase Transitions: The study of entanglement entropy has led to significant advances in understanding phase transitions and critical phenomena in quantum field theories. Entanglement measures have proven to be powerful tools in characterizing quantum phase transitions [13, 14, 15].

  5. Black Hole Physics and Information Paradox: Investigating the entanglement properties of black holes can provide insights into the nature of black hole entropy and the resolution of the information paradox. Entanglement entropy in black hole systems is a fascinating topic in the study of quantum gravity [3].

  6. Quantum Foundations: Entanglement is at the heart of quantum non-locality and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox [16]. Understanding the foundational aspects of entanglement and its implications for quantum mechanics can deepen our understanding of quantum reality [1, 14]

  7. Quantum Information in Collider Physics: In collider experiments, the efficient handling of enormous data sets and the optimization of event selections are critical. Quantum computing and quantum machine learning, harnessing entanglement and quantum correlations, promise to revolutionize data analysis in HEP [17]. It enables us to probe entanglement in extreme conditions. These experiments can provide empirical evidence for the quantum nature of particle interactions [18, 19].

  8. Fundamental Tests of Quantum Mechanics: HEP provides a unique testing ground for fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. Future experiments may explore aspects like entanglement, non-locality, and quantum correlations to probe the boundaries of our current understanding [1, 20]. These research areas represent just a glimpse of the exciting possibilities that entanglement holds in the realm of High-Energy Physics. As technology advances and our knowledge deepens, these investigations are likely to shape our understanding of the fundamental forces of the universe.

  9. Beyond the Standard Model: HEP is dedicated to probing the fundamental forces and particles of the universe. Entanglement can be a powerful tool for discovering deviations from the Standard Model of particle physics, including the search for dark matter and understanding neutrino properties [21, 22].

  10. Quantum Gravity and Entanglement: The search for a theory of quantum gravity remains a fundamental challenge. Entanglement is expected to play a significant role in reconciling quantum mechanics with general relativity. Research in this area aims to uncover the quantum nature of spacetime itself [23, 24].

  11. Quantum Cryptography and Secure Communication: While not exclusive to HEP, quantum cryptography harnesses entanglement to enable secure communication. Its applications extend to safeguarding sensitive data in HEP experiments, ensuring the integrity of results [25, 26, 27, 28].

  12. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP): HEP experiments often involve extreme conditions, such as the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in heavy-ion collisions. Understanding the entanglement properties of QGP can shed light on its quantum behavior and phase transitions, which are of great interest for studying the early universe and fundamental interactions. Investigating the entanglement properties of particles in the early universe, specifically in the Quark-Gluon Plasma phase, remains a critical area of research. This includes understanding the role of entanglement in QCD and its implications for the early universe [29, 30, 31].

In conclusion, entanglement is a versatile and indispensable concept in high-energy physics, offering avenues for understanding fundamental physics, quantum gravity, quantum information, and technological advancements. Research in this area can lead to breakthroughs with wide-ranging implications for our understanding of the universe and our ability to harness quantum phenomena for practical applications.


3. Explanation of the significance of the chosen keywords

The following explanation underscores the significance of the chosen keywords, showcasing how they interconnect to shape the landscape of high-energy physics and our understanding of entanglement’s role in fundamental particles, quantum gravity, quantum technologies, and more.

  1. Quantum Field Theory: Quantum field theory (QFT) serves as the mathematical framework for describing fundamental particles and their interactions. It unifies quantum mechanics with special relativity and provides a foundation for understanding the behavior of particles in high-energy processes [32]. QFT elucidates how entanglement operates in particle interactions, paving the way for unraveling the intricate quantum dynamics that govern these phenomena.

  2. Holography (AdS/CFT Correspondence): Holography, specifically the AdS/CFT correspondence, establishes a profound connection between quantum field theories and gravity in higher-dimensional spacetimes [2]. This duality suggests that entanglement patterns in a quantum field theory correspond to geometric features in its gravitational counterpart. The AdS/CFT correspondence hints at a deeper unity between these seemingly disparate realms, ushering in novel insights into entanglement’s role in both contexts.

  3. Entanglement Entropy: Entanglement entropy quantifies the amount of entanglement between different components of a quantum system [4]. It provides a powerful tool for probing the entanglement structure within complex systems, such as those found in high-energy physics. Entanglement entropy unveils critical information about the behavior of particles, phase transitions, and emergent phenomena, enriching our understanding of quantum systems.

  4. Quantum Information: Quantum information theory explores how information is processed and manipulated in the quantum realm [11]. In the context of high-energy physics, understanding how entanglement and quantum correlations can be harnessed for quantum information processing is crucial for the development of quantum technologies such as quantum computing and cryptography. These technologies hold transformative potential for solving complex problems that are beyond the reach of classical computers.

  5. Quantum Correlations: Quantum correlations extend beyond classical correlations, giving rise to phenomena like entanglement. These correlations defy classical intuitions and hold the key to harnessing the power of quantum mechanics for information processing and fundamental research [33]. Investigating quantum correlations in various platforms, from photons to qubits, is essential for understanding the entanglement landscape in different physical systems.

  6. Quantum Simulation: Quantum simulation involves using quantum systems to simulate and study complex quantum processes that are challenging to simulate on classical computers [34]. By utilizing entangled states, quantum simulation enables researchers to explore high-energy processes, study particle interactions, and uncover insights into the behavior of particles in extreme conditions.

  7. Gravity and Spacetime: Gravity, as described by general relativity, governs the curvature of spacetime and the behavior of massive objects [35]. Entanglement’s connection to gravity through concepts like the holographic principle highlights its potential role in revealing the underlying nature of spacetime. Exploring entanglement in the context of gravity and spacetime can provide insights into the fundamental fabric of the universe.

  8. Quantum Computing and Quantum Cryptography: Quantum computing leverages entanglement to perform computations with a quantum advantage [10]. Quantum cryptography exploits the non-local nature of entanglement to establish secure communication protocols [36]. These emerging technologies hold promise for revolutionizing various aspects of high-energy physics, from simulating complex systems to securing communication channels. A more recent entanglement-based secure quantum cryptography has been reported by Yin, Juan et al. [27].

  9. Tensor Products: The tensor product formalism, a powerful mathematical tool, lies at the heart of the Quantum Field Theory, allowing the representation of composite quantum systems and interactions which are central to the simulation of complex HEP systems [11].


4. Quantum field theory and entanglement

4.1 Entanglement in quantum field theory

In the realm of high-energy physics (HEP), quantum field theory (QFT) takes on a paramount role in modeling the fundamental forces and particles that govern the universe. Entanglement, a quintessential feature of quantum mechanics, plays a pivotal role in this context. As particles are described by quantum fields, their interactions and correlations are inherently entangled [32]. The entanglement entropy, which quantifies the degree of entanglement in a quantum system, has found profound applications in unveiling the complex nature of QFTs, shedding light on quantum phase transitions and critical phenomena [5].

4.2 Entanglement as quantum correlations

Entanglement serves as a manifestation of quantum correlations beyond classical limits, defying our classical intuitions about the separability of particles. In HEP, this non-local interdependence of particles is crucial for understanding phenomena like confinement, where quarks and gluons remain entangled within hadrons [37]. Entanglement entropy not only characterizes the entanglement but also provides a window into the structure of the underlying quantum states, revealing connections between particles and their collective behavior [29].

4.2.1 Furthermore

For example, “von Neumann entropy” quantifies the amount of entanglement between two subsystems in a quantum system. Mathematically, it is described as follows:



  • S(ρa) is the von Neumann entropy of subsystem A.

  • ρA is the reduced density operator for subsystem A, obtained by taking the partial trace over subsystem B.

To be more explicit, let us express ρA and its components:


Here, TrB (ρ) represents taking the partial trace over subsystem B, which mathematically means summing over all degrees of freedom in subsystem B. This operation leaves you with a reduced density operator that only contains information about subsystem A.

So, in a more detailed form, the von Neumann entropy for subsystem A is:


Some recent references related to von Neumann entropy are cited in [38, 39, 40, 41, 42], while the original work is in Von Neumann [43].

4.3 Quantum field theory and Bell’s inequality (Nobel prize 2022)

The study of Bell’s inequality in HEP explores the boundaries of classical correlations and sets the stage for exploring the non-locality inherent in entanglement. In experiments involving entangled particles, such as those in the domain of HEP, violations of Bell’s inequality affirm the predictions of quantum mechanics over classical theories [1, 8]. These violations underscore the profound implications of entanglement for our understanding of particle interactions and the non-local nature of reality [16]. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2022, awarded to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger, enriches this narrative [6, 44]. Their experiments solidify entanglement’s non-locality, bridging the realms of quantum mechanics and HEP. The entangled narrative encapsulates entanglement’s centrality in HEP, its weaving into quantum simulations, and its dialog with gravity.

4.4 Quantum information and HEP

Quantum information theory finds synergy with HEP, particularly in the context of quantum computing and cryptography. Quantum field theory allows for the representation of complex systems using tensor product formalism [11], a crucial tool in quantum information processing. Quantum computers, leveraging entanglement, hold the potential to revolutionize simulations of quantum systems relevant to HEP [10]. Moreover, quantum cryptography exploits the principles of entanglement to establish secure communication protocols, offering insights into particle interactions and information transfer in HEP [45].


5. Holography and the AdS/CFT correspondence

5.1 The holographic principle and emergent gravity

In the pursuit of understanding the elusive connection between quantum mechanics and gravity, the holographic principle emerges as a revolutionary concept. It posits that the information contained in a region of space can be encoded on its boundary, suggesting a deep connection between quantum systems and their gravitational descriptions [46]. The holographic principle not only challenges our traditional understanding of spacetime but also offers insights into the nature of entanglement.

5.2 The AdS/CFT correspondence: Quantum fields and gravity

At the forefront of this intersection lies the AdS/CFT correspondence, a groundbreaking duality that relates certain quantum field theories in “anti-de Sitter” (AdS) spacetime to theories of gravity in one higher dimension [2]. This correspondence provides a remarkable tool to study the interplay between entanglement and gravity. In HEP, the AdS/CFT correspondence allows researchers to explore strongly coupled quantum field theories by mapping them to weakly coupled gravitational theories, enabling investigations into complex phenomena that were previously inaccessible.

Quantum entanglement in the context of gravity is an area of ongoing research that poses significant challenges due to the complex interplay between quantum mechanics and general relativity. While there is ongoing progress in developing rigorous mathematical frameworks, a complete and universally accepted mathematical description of quantum entanglement in gravity is still an active area of investigation. However, several approaches have been proposed that aim to provide more rigorous mathematical tools and derivations in this field:

  1. AdS/CFT Correspondence: The Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence, a concept derived from string theory, relates certain gravitational theories in anti-de Sitter space (AdS) to conformal field theories (CFTs) in lower dimensions. This duality has been extensively studied and provides a powerful framework to explore the connection between gravity and quantum entanglement. Mathematical techniques from both AdS and CFT sides are employed to understand the entanglement properties of the dual theories.

  2. Holography and Entanglement Entropy: Holography, a principle stemming from the AdS/CFT correspondence, suggests that the information within a gravitational system can be encoded on its boundary. In this framework, the entanglement entropy of a quantum field theory living on the boundary is related to the gravitational properties of the corresponding bulk theory. Mathematical tools such as the Ryu-Takayanagi formula and the Hubeny-Rangamani-Takayanagi formula [12] have been derived to calculate the entanglement entropy in holographic setups.

5.3 Entanglement and geometry: Insights from holography

The AdS/CFT correspondence unveils the holographic nature of entanglement, where the entanglement structure of a quantum field theory is mirrored in the geometry of its gravitational counterpart [3]. The “holographic entanglement entropy” captures this relationship, showing that the entanglement entropy of a boundary region corresponds to the area of a minimal surface in the bulk spacetime. This deep connection between entanglement and geometry enriches our understanding of both quantum mechanics and gravity.

5.4 Spacetime as an emergent phenomenon

Emergence lies at the heart of the AdS/CFT correspondence, where gravity and spacetime emerge from the collective behavior of quantum fields. This hints at a deeper understanding of gravity as a consequence of entanglement and quantum correlations at a more fundamental level [3]. This perspective has profound implications for black hole physics, information theory, and the nature of spacetime itself.

The exploration of holography and the AdS/CFT correspondence uncovers the intricate connection between quantum field theories, entanglement, and the emergence of gravity, reshaping our understanding of the fabric of the universe.


6. Entanglement entropy: unveiling quantum information

6.1 Entanglement entropy in quantum field theories

In the realm of high-energy physics (HEP), the concept of entanglement entropy serves as a powerful tool to probe the intricate nature of quantum field theories. Entanglement entropy quantifies the amount of quantum entanglement between different regions of a quantum system, revealing crucial insights into its underlying structure [5]. In HEP, it provides a means to explore the fundamental nature of particle interactions and their entangled correlations.

6.2 Renormalization and scale dependence

The study of entanglement entropy within HEP has led to a deep connection between the behavior of entanglement and the renormalization group flow of quantum field theories [47]. The entanglement entropy exhibits intriguing scale dependence, reflecting the way that quantum fluctuations and particle interactions manifest at different energy scales. This perspective sheds light on the behavior of particles as they undergo energy changes, providing an intricate understanding of quantum field dynamics.

6.3 Holographic insights into entanglement entropy

The AdS/CFT correspondence also plays a pivotal role in understanding entanglement entropy in HEP. The holographic entanglement entropy prescription relates the entanglement structure of a boundary theory to the geometry of its corresponding bulk spacetime [12]. This deepens our comprehension of how quantum correlations and entanglement are intertwined with the geometry of the universe. Moreover, it offers a novel perspective on the emergence of spacetime itself from the entanglement of underlying degrees of freedom.

6.4 Applications in critical phenomena

Entanglement entropy finds significant applications in the study of critical phenomena, where phase transitions occur in quantum systems. In HEP, this concept provides a unique lens to explore the behavior of quantum fields as they undergo dramatic changes. By characterizing the scaling properties of entanglement entropy near critical points, researchers gain valuable insights into the underlying quantum phase transitions [4]. This has the potential to illuminate the behavior of particles in extreme conditions, such as the early universe.

Exploring entanglement entropy within HEP provides a unique lens to probe the fundamental interactions of particles, revealing insights into renormalization, holography, and critical phenomena, and unveiling the deep connections between quantum mechanics and spacetime.


7. Quantum correlations and spacetime

7.1 Quantum correlations in high-energy physics

In the realm of high-energy physics (HEP), the exploration of quantum correlations takes the central stage. Quantum correlations, often manifested as entanglement, play a fundamental role in describing the behavior of particles and their interactions. These correlations go beyond classical correlations, enabling particles to exhibit non-local connections that challenge our intuition about the nature of reality [1].

7.2 Entanglement and spacetime

One of the most intriguing aspects of quantum correlations in HEP is their connection to spacetime geometry. The AdS/CFT correspondence illuminates how entanglement in a boundary quantum field theory corresponds to geometric features in the dual higher-dimensional spacetime [2]. This suggests that the fabric of spacetime itself might emerge from the intricate web of quantum correlations. Such a perspective provides a new paradigm for understanding gravity as an emergent phenomenon arising from quantum entanglement [3].

7.3 Quantum correlations in extreme conditions

In HEP, the study of quantum correlations becomes particularly fascinating in the context of extreme conditions, such as those found in the early universe or near black holes. Quantum entanglement may play a crucial role in unraveling the mysteries of cosmic inflation, the Big Bang, and the behavior of matter in ultra-high-energy collisions [48]. By harnessing the power of quantum correlations, researchers aim to gain deeper insights into the fundamental nature of particles and their interactions.

7.4 Spacetime as an entanglement structure

Recent research within HEP has unveiled tantalizing connections between the structure of spacetime and the entanglement of quantum degrees of freedom. Entanglement wedges and causal wedges, emerging from the AdS/CFT correspondence, provide new insights into how spacetime is intricately woven from quantum correlations [49]. This suggests that spacetime may be an emergent consequence of quantum entanglement, raising profound questions about the nature of reality at the smallest scales.

Exploring the quantum correlations within HEP offers insights into the nature of spacetime, its connection to entanglement, and the role of quantum correlations in extreme conditions, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of the fundamental interactions of particles.


8. Bell’s inequality and quantum cryptography

8.1 Bell’s inequality: Testing the limits of classical correlations

In the realm of high-energy physics (HEP), the violation of Bell’s inequality stands as a crucial experiment that challenges classical notions of correlations [16]. Bell’s theorem demonstrates that no local realistic theory can reproduce the quantum mechanical predictions of entangled systems, thereby highlighting the non-classical nature of quantum correlations [1].

8.2 Experimental verification and violation of Bell’s inequality

Experiments involving entangled particles, such as photons or ions, have validated the violation of Bell’s inequality and confirmed the fundamentally non-local nature of entanglement [20]. These experiments not only provide compelling evidence against classical realism but also open avenues for harnessing quantum entanglement for practical applications.

8.3 Quantum cryptography: Leveraging quantum correlations for security

The violation of Bell’s inequality has paved the way for revolutionary advancements in quantum cryptography. Quantum key distribution protocols, such as the famous BB84 protocol, utilize entanglement to enable secure communication channels that are inherently immune to eavesdropping [36]. This has immense implications for secure communication, with the potential to revolutionize data encryption and transmission. However, entanglement-based secure quantum cryptography over 1120 kilometers has been reported by Yin, Juan et al. [27].

The exploration of Bell’s inequality and its violation not only challenges classical theories but also finds applications in quantum cryptography, offering a secure foundation for quantum communication protocols.


9. Quantum information processing and tensor product

9.1 Harnessing quantum information for simulation

In the context of high-energy physics (HEP), quantum information processing has gained significant traction due to its potential to simulate complex quantum systems that are computationally intractable with classical methods [34]. Quantum simulators, often implemented using platforms like trapped ions or superconducting qubits, can mimic the behavior of fundamental particles and interactions, offering insights into the behavior of HEP phenomena [10].

9.2 Tensor product formalism: Enhancing computational power

The tensor product, a mathematical construct representing the combined state of multiple quantum systems, plays a pivotal role in quantum information processing. By encoding the entanglement structure between particles, the tensor product enables the manipulation of composite quantum systems, which is central to the simulation of complex HEP systems [11].

9.3 Quantum parallelism and exponential speedup

Quantum computers leverage the inherent parallelism of quantum states to perform certain calculations exponentially faster than classical counterparts. This capability has the potential to revolutionize fields like lattice gauge theory, aiding in the understanding of strong interactions in HEP [50].

Quantum information processing, guided by the tensor product formalism, holds immense promise in simulating complex HEP systems and unlocking unprecedented computational power for addressing fundamental interactions.


10. Entanglement in gravity

10.1 Quantum Entanglement’s role in gravity

Entanglement, a cornerstone of quantum mechanics, has intriguing implications for gravity in the context of HEP. Quantum entanglement’s role in gravitational theories can offer insights into the nature of spacetime itself and the unification of fundamental forces [51]. Entanglement entropy, a measure of quantum entanglement, has revealed a deep connection between gravity and quantum information. The AdS/CFT correspondence suggests that the entanglement entropy of a boundary quantum field theory is related to the area of a bulk black hole horizon, indicating a profound link between quantum information and spacetime geometry [12].

10.2 Entanglement entropy and black holes

In the study of black holes, entanglement entropy has emerged as a crucial concept. The famous “holographic principle” suggests that the information content of a black hole is encoded in its event horizon’s surface area, highlighting the deep connection between entanglement entropy and the geometry of spacetime [52]. Quantum entanglement seems to imply that information is never truly lost, posing a challenge to classical notions of black hole evaporation [52]. The study of entanglement entropy in the context of black holes has opened new avenues for understanding the quantum nature of spacetime [53].

10.3 Emergent spacetime from entanglement

The idea that spacetime may emerge from entanglement has gained traction through the AdS/CFT correspondence. This concept implies that gravity itself could be a consequence of entanglement, reshaping our understanding of the fundamental nature of spacetime in the realm of HEP [3].

The interplay between entanglement and gravity in HEP opens the door to novel perspectives on spacetime’s nature and the fundamental forces governing the universe.

11. Breakthroughs and their awaited applications

Breakthroughs in entanglement within High-Energy Physics (HEP) are eagerly awaited and could have profound implications for our understanding of the fundamental forces of the universe. It could provide new insights into how spacetime emerges from entangled quantum states, potentially leading to a theory of quantum gravity as exploring entanglement’s implications for quantum gravity could reveal deeper insights into the fabric of spacetime Susskind [54]. The potential entanglement structure of the quantum vacuum remains a tantalizing enigma, with implications for phenomena like vacuum energy and the cosmological constant.

  1. Entanglement and the Quantum Nature of Spacetime: Understanding how entanglement is related to the fundamental structure of spacetime is a key goal. Breakthroughs in this area might involve new insights into the nature of spacetime itself and how it emerges from entangled quantum states [2].

  2. Quantum Gravity Unification: One of the most significant open questions lies in reconciling General Relativity with Quantum Mechanics, giving rise to a theory of quantum gravity. Entanglement’s role here is pivotal. The holographic principle, stemming from the AdS/CFT correspondence, suggests that the universe’s fabric is encoded in lower-dimensional entanglement patterns [2, 54]. Bridging this principle with real-world observations could unlock the elusive theory of everything.

  3. Quantum Computing for HEP Simulations: Leveraging entanglement for quantum simulations of high-energy physics processes may lead to breakthroughs in our ability to understand complex particle interactions more efficiently than classical computers [10, 55].

  4. Quantum Simulations Revolutionized: Harnessing entanglement for quantum simulations stands at the forefront. Simulating complex quantum systems, inaccessible through classical computation, could revolutionize material science, drug discovery, and even cosmology. In HEP, simulating quantum chromodynamics to understand confinement and strong interactions is a compelling avenue. Entanglement-based quantum simulations Preskill [10], Cirac & Zoller [55] have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of fundamental interactions. Quantum computers, exploiting entanglement, could efficiently simulate quantum field theories, yielding insights into phenomena that are computationally intractable using classical methods [11].

  5. Fundamental Symmetries Under Scrutiny: Entanglement provides a unique lens for probing fundamental symmetries in particle interactions. Research into the violation of Bell’s inequality Aspect [1] and entangled neutrino oscillations Bilenky et al. [56] could uncover new facets of the Standard Model and point the way to physics beyond it.

  6. Testing Bell’s Inequality Violation in HEP: Further experimental tests of Bell’s inequality violation in particle physics could provide insights into the non-local nature of entanglement and quantum correlations [1, 8].

  7. Black Hole Information Paradox: The information paradox, which arises when quantum information seems to be lost in black holes, is a major challenge surrounding black holes and continues to baffle physicists. Discoveries related to entanglement could help resolve this paradox by shedding light on how information is encoded and preserved in black holes [57, 58]. Discovering how entanglement properties of particles near black holes contribute to this paradox could lead to a breakthrough, resolving the information paradox [59].

  8. Quantum Gravity and Black Holes: Entanglement plays a role in addressing the black hole information paradox. The ER = EPR conjecture [60] suggests that entangled particles might be connected by a wormhole, shedding light on the connection between quantum entanglement and gravity [61].

  9. Entanglement and Black Hole Information Paradox: Resolving the information paradox, which arises when quantum information seems to be lost in black holes, is a major challenge. Discovering how entanglement properties of particles near black holes contribute to this paradox could lead to a breakthrough [58].

  10. Entanglement in Particle Collisions: In HEP experiments like those at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), understanding how entanglement plays a role in particle collisions could lead to new discoveries about the fundamental forces and particles of the universe [18].

  11. Entanglement and Quantum Field Theory: Advancements in our understanding of how entanglement is described within the framework of quantum field theory can lead to deeper insights into the behavior of particles and fields [5].

  12. Quantum Information Protocols in HEP: Developing practical quantum information protocols, such as quantum cryptography, tailored to the needs of high-energy physics experiments, could enhance data security and communication [62].

  13. Entanglement Entropy in Quantum Field Theory (QFT): In condensed matter physics, entanglement entropy has been used to study topological phases of matter. It helps classify and understand different quantum states [5].

  14. AdS/CFT Correspondence: The AdS/CFT correspondence has transformative significance in high-energy physics. It provides a remarkable bridge between two distinct theoretical frameworks—gravity and quantum field theory—enabling researchers to address complex problems in a simpler setting [63, 64]. It has facilitated the study of strongly coupled systems, such as quark-gluon plasmas (QGP) produced in heavy-ion collision [45, 65].

  15. Dark Matter and Dark Energy: These systems are notoriously difficult to analyze using traditional methods. Researchers have explored quantum correlations and entanglement to understand the nature of dark matter and dark energy, critical components of the universe [45, 66].

Breakthroughs in these areas have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe, the behavior of particles, and the nature of spacetime, and they may also have practical applications in quantum technologies.

12. Conclusion

In this chapter, we have delved into the intricate interplay between entanglement and high-energy physics (HEP), showcasing how this fundamental quantum phenomenon has profound implications for our understanding of the universe. From the vantage point of quantum field theory (QFT), entanglement emerges as a key player in elucidating the behavior of particles and their interactions [67]. The holographic nature of entanglement, illuminated by the AdS/CFT correspondence, demonstrates its potential as a bridge between quantum field theories and gravitational theories [2].

Entanglement entropy serves as a powerful tool to quantify and explore the intricate connections within HEP systems. Its applications in deciphering critical phenomena have led to a deeper comprehension of quantum phase transitions [1415]. Moreover, its role in black hole physics through the holographic principle hints at the profound relationship between information, spacetime, and gravity [54].

We have also explored how entanglement plays a pivotal role in testing the foundations of quantum mechanics, as exemplified by Bell’s inequality and its implications for quantum correlations [1]. Furthermore, the deployment of entanglement for quantum simulations promises to revolutionize computational capabilities for HEP [34]. The potential of entangled states in quantum cryptography underscores its importance in securing sensitive information [26].

As we look to the future, the prospects for harnessing entanglement to unlock the mysteries of gravity, advance quantum computing, and deepen our understanding of quantum information remain tantalizingly promising. Yet, open questions persist, beckoning researchers to explore uncharted territories at the nexus of entanglement and HEP. How can we leverage entanglement to enhance our computational and communicative capacities? These questions and more constitute the frontier of entanglement in HEP, inviting future explorations that promise to reshape our understanding of the fundamental fabric of the cosmos [68]. The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2022 highlights the fundamental role of quantum entanglement nexus and HEP [44]. Can entanglement guide us toward a unified theory encompassing quantum and Bell violations in our understanding of quantum mechanics and its relevance to HEP? These experiments have opened new avenues for exploring the quantum behavior of particles, testing fundamental theories, and shedding light on the mysteries of the universe. In the context of HEP, these developments have significance for understanding the behavior of particles and forces in the universe, especially under extreme conditions.

In conclusion, the entanglement in HEP serves as a guiding thread, weaving through the intricate fabric of the cosmos, offering glimpses into the deepest mysteries of nature, and paving the way for new frontiers in research and understanding.


The author thanks the publisher IntechOpen and Tampere University.


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Written By

Mohammed Nadir

Submitted: 24 September 2023 Reviewed: 02 October 2023 Published: 21 November 2023