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Perspective Chapter: On the Morse Property for the Distance Function of a Robot Arm

Written By

Yasuhiko Kamiyama

Submitted: 18 August 2023 Reviewed: 30 August 2023 Published: 23 October 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1002913

From the Edited Volume

Motion Planning for Dynamic Agents

Zain Anwar Ali and Amber Israr

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Morse theory plays a central role when we study the configuration space of various mechanical linkages. As an important linkage, we consider the planar robot arm. It is known that the distance function on its configuration space is a Morse function. On the other hand, for a fixed angle θ, we consider the spatial robot arm whose adjacent bond angles are θ. In chemistry, such an arm is used as a model for protein backbones and has been studied extensively. We consider the distance function on its configuration space. The purpose of this chapter is threefold: First, we study whether the distance function is a Morse function. Second, we determine the minimum and maximum values of the function. Consider the case that the arm consists of four bars. Then our third purpose is to study how the distance function is different from the usual Morse function on the torus.


  • robot arm
  • configuration space
  • distance function
  • Morse function
  • critical manifold

1. Introduction

1.1 Mathematical study of robotics

A motion planning problem studies a sequence of valid configurations of a given mechanical linkage. The problem is interesting because it has many important robotics applications. Some impressive results are obtained in Refs. [1, 2, 3]. Mathematicians are also interested in the configuration space of mechanical linkages. Here, the configuration space is defined as the space of all possible shapes of the linkage. Robot arms are quite important examples of mechanical linkages: in molecular biology, the arms describe molecular shapes and the arms play a central role in statistical shape theory.

Morse theory plays a central role when we study the configuration space of robot arms. (See Ref. [4] for the excellent survey with emphasis on the Morse theory.) In differential topology, Morse theory is a powerful tool to analyze spaces. A function f:MR on a manifold M is called a Morse function if every critical point of f is nondegenerate. Morse functions play a principal role in the Morse theory.

The Morse property for the distance function on the configuration space of the robot arm in R2 is studied well. The purpose of this chapter is to consider the distance function on the configuration space of another robot arm.

1.2 The most famous mechanical linkage: The robot arm in R2

We consider the robot arm in R2, which consists of n bars of length 111 connected by revolving joints. The initial point of the robot arm is fixed at O. The configuration space of the robot arm is


By the SO2-action, we may normalize u1 uniquely to be 10. Hence, there is an identification


From (2), we have


Hereafter, we will use (2) as the definition of Wn. (See the following Figure 1.)

Figure 1.

An element of W4.

1.3 The distance function on Wn: Remarkable results

We define the function




Note that μn10 is the equilateral polygon space, which is a critical manifold of dimension n3. In order to avoid critical manifolds of positive dimension, we consider the following restriction of μn:


It is proved in Refs. [5, 6] (see also [[4], Lemma 1.4]) that (6) is a Morse function. More precisely, a critical point corresponds to the case that ui=±u1 for 2in. Moreover, the index of a critical point is determined explicitly. This Morse property has many interesting applications. Among them, the following two applications are particularly important:

  • It is proved in Ref. [7] that polygon spaces are obtained from the sphere by successive surgeries.

  • The homology groups of planar polygon spaces are determined in Ref. [8].

1.4 A new robot arm: A mathematical model for protein backbones

We fix θ0π. The robot arm in R3 with all bond angles θ, permitting “dihedral” spinning about each edge, has been used to model the geometry of protein backbones [9, 10]. Let Xnθ be the configuration space of the arm. That is, Xnθ is defined as the space of all possible shapes of our arm. (See Section 2 for more details.)

1.5 The main problem

Let fn,θ:XnθR be the distance function. In this chapter, we study three problems concerning fn,θ. (See Problem 2.7.) The most important problem is given as follows: Does fn,θ satisfy the Morse property?

1.6 Motivation for the main problem

We explain the motivation for the above main problem. Recall that we have Wn=S1n1. Similarly, we can prove that Xnθ=S1n2. Moreover, μn and fn,θ are defined to be the distance functions. Now since μn satisfies the Morse property, it is natural to ask whether fn,θ also satisfies the property.

1.7 Previous study on fn,θ

Although some chemists are interested in a special element of Xnθ, nobody has studied the space Xnθ nor the function fn,θ. Hence, our results are completely new.

1.8 Summary of the main result

The function fn,θ satisfies the Morse property if and only if n=3 or 5.

1.9 Organization of this chapter

In Section 2, we first prepare notations. Then we pose three problems in Problem 2.7. Finally, we summarize the known results in Theorems 2.9, 2.10 and 2.11. In Section 3, we state our main theorems. Theorems A and B are answers to the first problem of Problem 2.7. Theorems C and D are answers to the second problem. Theorem E is an answer to the third problem. In Section 4, we construct submanifolds of Xnθ, which are used in Section 5. In Section 5, we prove our main theorems. In Section 6, we state the conclusions.


2. Preliminaries

We define the space Xnθ as follows: We fix θ0π and define the following space:


where denotes the standard inner product on R3. Let SO3 act on Anθ diagonally. Then we set


Using the SO3-action, we can normalize a1 and a2 to be


Then similarly to (2), we use the following identification:


Hereafter, we use (10) as the definition of Xnθ. (See the following Figure 2.)

Figure 2.

An element of X4θ.

Lemma 2.1. There is a diffeomorphism


Proof: We prove in the same way as given in [[11], Lemma 13] and [[12], Lemma 7]. From an element


we construct the element a1anXnθ as follows: In the process of constructing ai, we also construct the elements niS2 such that aini=0. We set




where ai+1×ni+1 denotes the cross product.

We set


From (13) and (14) for i=1, we obtain a3 and n3. Next from (13) and (14) for i=2, we obtain a4 and n4. Repeating this process, we obtain ai and ni for 1in. Now we define T by


From the construction, T is a diffeomorphism.

Notation 2.2. We define the element ϕ1ϕn2Xnθ by


where the diffeomorphism T is constructed in Lemma 2.1.

Lemma 2.3. Assume that ϕi0π for 1in2. We write ϕ1ϕn2=a1an. Then the following results hold:

  1. For 1in2, ai is a vector in R2.

  2. If ϕj=π, then we have aj+2=aj. (See the left of the following Figure 3.) On the other hand, if ϕj=0, then aj+2 is as given in the right of the following Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Left: ϕj=π. Right: ϕj=0.

Proof of Lemma 2.3: The lemma is clear from the construction of the diffeomorphism T in Lemma 2.1.

Using Lemma 2.3, we give the following:

Definition 2.4.

  1. Consider the point ϕ1ϕn2 such that ϕi=π for 1in2. We denote the unique point by Pn,θ. (See the following Figure 4.)

  2. Consider the point ϕ1ϕn2 such that ϕi=0 for 1in2. We denote the unique point by Qn,θ. (See the following Figure 5.)

Figure 4.


Figure 5.


Definition 2.5.

  1. We define the function




  2. We also define the function




  3. We also set


Remark 2.6. The point Pn,θ in Definition 2.4 (i) is particularly important. In fact, as we see in Proposition 4.1, Pn,θ is a degenerate critical point of fn,θ when n is even.

The purpose of this chapter is to study the three items in the following:

Problem 2.7. (i) We study whether fn,θ satisfies the same Morse property as μn.

(ii) We obtain explicit formulae for Ln,θ and n,θ.

(iii) We study how the level set d4,θ1r changes as r moves in R.

Background 2.8. We explain the background for the items in Problem 2.7.

(i) The motivation for Problem 2.7 (i) is explained in Subsection 1.6. More precisely, recall that μn in (4) is a function on S1n1. On the other hand, by Lemma 2.1, we can regard fn,θ as a function on S1n2. Then it is natural to ask whether fn,θ has the same Morse property as μn.

(ii) About Problem 2.7 (ii), it is known that a point of Xnθ attains Ln,θ or n,θ. (See Theorem 2.10.) Hence, our task is to obtain explicit formulae for Ln,θ and n,θ.

(iii) About Problem 2.7 (iii), as we stated in Remark 2.6, P4,θ is a degenerate critical point of f4,θ. Hence, we cannot apply the Morse theory for f4,θ. Instead, we determine the level set d4,θ1r for each rR. In particular, we see from our result that f4,θ is in fact different from the usual Morse function on S12.

We summarize the known results in the following Theorems 2.9, 2.10 and 2.11. First, it is clear that μn10 is always nonempty. On the other hand, we have the following:

Theorem 2.9 [13].

  1. When n is odd, we have

    fn,θ10=,if0<θ<πnorn2nπ<θ<π,onepoint,ifθ=πnorn2nπ,aspace of dimensionmaxn50,ifπn<θ<n2nπ.E23

  2. When n is even, we have

    fn,θ10=,if0<θ<n2n,onepoint,ifθ=n2nπ,aspace of dimensionmaxn50,ifn2nπ<θ<π.E24

Proof: Note that fn,θ10 is the configuration space of equilateral spatial n-gons whose first n1 bond angles are θ. In Ref. [13], the space is denoted by Pnn1θ and the corresponding results are proved using the notation Pnn1θ. If we rewrite Pnn1θ to fn,θ10, then we obtain the theorem.

We state our second known result. Recall that Pn,θ and Qn,θ are defined in Definition 2.4.

Theorem 2.10 [14, 15].

  1. The number Ln,θ is attained uniquely by Pn,θ.

  2. If n,θ>0, then n,θ is attained uniquely by Qn,θ.

Let M4θ be the configuration space of equilateral and equiangular squares. In our notation, M4θ is defined as


Then our third known result is the following:

Theorem 2.11 [16]. We have


The following Figure 6 illustrates the case θ=π2. Note that when θ=π2 we have M4θ=Q4,θ, where Q4,θ is illustrated in Figure 5.

Figure 6.

The element of M4π2.

On the other hand, the following Figure 7 illustrates the case 0<θ<π2. The two figures in Figure 7 are mirror images of each other with respect to the xy-plane.

Figure 7.

The two elements of M4θ for 0<θ<π2.


3. Main results

First, we give an answer to Problem 2.7 (i). (See Example 3.2, Theorems A and B.) Theorem 2.9 tells us that if n6, then fn,θ10 is a critical manifold of positive dimension. In order to avoid such a manifold, we remove fn,θ10 from the domain of fn,θ in the same way as given in (1.3):

Notation 3.1. We abbreviate the following restriction by gn,θ:


We begin by studying the most elementary case in the following:

Example 3.2. Consider the case n=3. By Theorem 2.9 (i), f3,θ10 consists of at most finite points. Hence, we may consider f3,θ for g3,θ. We fix θ and use the diffeomorphism T:S1X3θ in Lemma 2.1. Then we can write f3,θT as


for some c1>0 and c2<0. Hence for all θ, f3,θ is a Morse function with two critical points.

Proof of Example 3.2: First, using (13), we compute a3. Second, using (19), we compute f3,θTeiϕ1. Then we obtain (28). Note that (28) implies that f3,θT is essentially the same as the usual Morse function on S1.

Next, we consider the case n=5. Similarly to Example 3.2, we may consider f5,θ for g5,θ.

Theorem A.

  1. We set


    Using this, we set


    Then f5,θ is a Morse function if and only if θΘ.

  2. For θΘ, let νi be the number of critical points of f5,θ with index i. Then the four-tuple ν0ν1ν2ν3 is given by the following Table 1.

  3. In Table 1, all critical points of index 0 attain minf5,θX5θ.


Table 1.

The set ν0ν1ν2ν3.

Remark 3.3. (i) Consider the case π5<θ<35π. Then by Theorem 2.9, we have an identification f5,θ10={kpoints} for some k. By Theorem A (iii), we have in fact that k=4.

(ii) In Table 2, we give a more precise information on f5,θ for the case θ is the ideal tetrahedral bond angle, i.e., θ=arccos13109.5.

Critical valueApproximated valueIndexNumber of critical points

Table 2.

The critical points of f5,θ for θ=arccos13.

The following theorem is the most crucial result about Problem 2.7 (i).

Theorem B. Let n be an integer that satisfies n=4 or n6. Then for all θ, gn,θ is not a Morse function.

Second, we give an answer to Problem 2.7 (ii). (See Theorems C and D.)

Theorem C.

  1. When n is odd, we have


  2. When n is even, we have


Theorem D.

  1. When n=2m+1, we have the following results:

    • When n2nπ<θ<π, we have


    • When πnθn2nπ, we have


    • When 0<θ<πn, we have


  2. When n=2m, we have the following results:

    • When n2nπ<θ<π, we have


  3. When 0<θn2nπ, we have


Third, we give an answer to Problem 2.7 (iii). (See Theorem E.) We define the functions αθ, βθ and γθ as follows:




Lemma 3.4.

  1. The graphs of αθ, βθ and γθ are given by the following Figure 8.

  2. For 0<θ<π, we have L4,θ=αθ.

  3. We have

Figure 8.

The graphs of αθ, βθ and γθ.


Proof of Lemma 3.4: The item (i) is clear from (38), (39) and (40). The items (ii) and (iii) follow immediately from Theorem C (ii) and Theorem D (ii), respectively.

We also define the spaces U, V and W by the following Figure 9.

Figure 9.

The spaces U,V and W.

Recall that P4,θ and Q4,θ are illustrated in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. On the other hand, M4θ are illustrated in Figures 6 and 7. Then the following Theorem E is the main result on Problem 2.7 (iii).

Theorem E. The level set d4,θ1r is given by the following tables.

  1. When π2θ<π, we have (Table 3).

  2. When π3<θ<π2, we have (Table 4)

  3. When θ=π3, we have (Table 5)

  4. When 0<θ<π3, we have (Table 6)


Table 3.

d4,θ1r for the case π2θ<π.


Table 4.

d4,θ1r for the case π3<θ<π2.


Table 5.

d4,θ1r for the case θ=π3.


Table 6.

d4,θ1r for the case 0<θ<π3.

Remark 3.5.

  1. For 0<θπ2, it is clear from (25) that M4θd4,θ10. But Tables 46 imply that the equation M4θ=d4,θ10 in fact holds.

  2. In Theorem E, only the following two points are degenerate critical points of d4,θ: One is P4,θ, which is illustrated in Figure 4. The other is Q4,θ for θ=π2, which is illustrated in Figure 6.

  3. When θ approaches π2 from below, the three terms M4θ, S1S1 and U in Table 4 collapse to Q4,θ for θ=π2.


4. Submanifolds of Xnθ

In order to prove Theorem B, we consider the following three submanifolds of Xnθ:

  • The first submanifold is the point Pn,θ. (About Pn,θ, see Definition 2.4 (i) for the definition and Proposition 4.1 for the property.)

  • The second submanifold is Vnθ for odd n. (About Vnθ, see Definition 4.3 for the definition, and Lemma 4.4 and Proposition 4.5 for the property.)

  • The third submanifold is Σn, which is a point of Xnθ for the case n=2m+1, n3mod4 and θ=arccosmm+1. (About Σn, see Definition 4.6 for the definition, and Lemma 4.7 and Proposition 4.8 for the property.)

Proposition 4.1. Let n be an even number that is greater than or equal to 4. Then Pn,θ is a degenerate critical point of gn,θ, where Pn,θ is defined in Definition 2.4 (i).

Remark 4.2. When n is an odd number, Pn,θ is a nondegenerate critical point.

Proofs of Proposition 4.1 and Remark 4.2: We prove by computing fn,θT, where T is constructed in Lemma 2.1. Recall from Theorem 2.10 that the global maximum of fn,θT is attained by eiϕ1eiϕn2, where ϕi=π for 1in2. Let Hfn,θTeee be the Hessian matrix of fn,θT at the point. We set


Then it is easy to see that

Kn=2n2n32!2sinθ2n4,ifnisodd,0,ifnis even.E43

Proposition 4.1 and Remark 4.2 follow from (43).

Definition 4.3. Let n=2m+1 be an odd number which is greater than or equal to 7. We define the subspace Vnθ of Xnθ as follows.

(i) If n1mod4, then we set

Vnθϕ1ϕn2the following conditions hold,E44


  • ϕ1=π,ϕ2=0 and ϕ3=π.

  • ϕ4 is a variable in 02π.

  • ϕm+2=0.

  • ϕi=π for 5im+1 or m+3in2.

(ii) If n3mod4, then we set

Vnθϕ1ϕn2the following conditions hold,E45


  • ϕ1=0 and ϕ2=π.

  • ϕ3 is a variable in 02π.

  • ϕm+2=0.

  • ϕi=π for 4im+1 or m+3in2.

Lemma 4.4. Let n=2m+1 be an odd number which is greater than or equal to 7. Then the following items hold.

  1. For all θ, Vnθ is a critical manifold of fn,θ. Moreover, Vnθ is diffeomorphic to S1.

  2. The following equation holds.

    fn,θVnθ=m+1mcosθ2,ifmis even,(mm+1cosθ2,ifmisodd.E46

    1. If n1mod4, then for all θ, Vnθ is a subspace of Xnθ\fn,θ10.

    2. Assume that n satisfies n3mod4. Then except for the case θ=arccosmm+1, Vnθ is a subspace of Xnθ\fn,θ10.

Proof of Lemma 4.4: First, we prove the item (i). By direct computations, it is easy to prove that Vnθ is a critical manifold of fn,θ. Moreover, in Definition 4.3 (i), only ϕ4 is the parameter for Vnθ. Hence, Vnθ is diffeomorphic to S1. Similarly, in Definition 4.3 (ii), only ϕ3 is the parameter for Vnθ. Hence, Vnθ is also diffeomorphic to S1.

We can prove the item (ii) from direct computations. The item (iii) follows immediately from the item (ii).

As a corollary of Lemma 4.4, we have the following:

Proposition 4.5. Let n=2m+1 be an odd number which is greater than or equal to 7. Then except the case that n3mod4 and θ=arccosmm+1, gn,θ is not a Morse function.

Proof: By Lemma 4.4 (i) and (iii), Vnθ is a critical manifold of gn,θ of positive dimension. Since nondegenerate critical points are isolated, the proposition follows.

In order to consider the remaining case other than Proposition 4.5, we give the following:

Definition 4.6. Let n=2m+1 be an odd number which is greater than or equal to 7 and n3mod4. We set


We define the point Σn of Xnθ0 as follows.

Σnϕ1ϕn2the following conditions hold,E48


  • ϕi=π for 1im1.

  • ϕm=0.

  • ϕi=π for m+1in4.

  • ϕn3=arccos1n.

  • ϕn2=arccos1n.

(See the following Figure 10.)

Figure 10.

The point Σ7, where only ai1i5 are planar vectors.

Lemma 4.7. We have


Proof of Lemma 4.7: Similarly to the proof of Lemma 4.4 (ii), we can prove the lemma from direct computations.

Note that Lemma 4.7 tells us that Σn is a point of Xnθ0\fn,θ010.

Proposition 4.8. Let n and θ0 be as given in Definition 4.6. Then the point Σn is a degenerate critical point of gn,θ0.

Proof of Proposition 4.8: We can prove the proposition from easy computations in calculus.

Remark 4.9. We write Σn in (48) as Σn=a1an. Then the pair


is defined to satisfy


But if we generalize Σn with respect to general θ so as to satisfy (51), the generalized point is not a critical point of gn,θ.


5. Proofs of the main theorems

Proof of Theorem A: First we prove the item (i). As in the proof of Proposition 4.1, we prove by computing f5,θT. By direct computations, we see that a degenerate critical point of f5,θT has the form eiϕ1eiϕ2eiϕ3 for some


We compute the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix of f5,θT at eiϕ1eiϕ2eiϕ3, where ϕ1ϕ2ϕ3 is as given in (52). An eigenvalue is a function on θ and we determine θ for which an eigenvalue is 0. Then we obtain (i).

The items (ii) and (iii) are proved in the process of proving the above item (i).

Proof of Theorem B: The theorem follows immediately from Propositions 4.1, 4.5 and 4.8.

Proof of Theorem C: By Theorem 2.10 (i), Ln,θ is attained uniquely by Pn,θ. Let a1 and a2 be as given in (9). If n=2m+1, then


Simplifying the right-hand side, we obtain Theorem C (i). Theorem C (ii) can be proved similarly.

Proof of Theorem D: By Theorem 2.9, the range of θ for which n,θ=0 is known. Hence, we need to obtain an explicit formula of n,θ when n,θ>0. Recall from Theorem 2.10 (ii) that when n,θ>0, it is attained uniquely by Qn,θ. We set


Then similarly to (53), we have the following formula:


Simplifying the right-hand side, we obtain Theorem D.

Proof of Theorem E: Since d4,θ1r is a curve, it is easy to draw its shape. Then Theorem E follows.


6. Conclusions

Consider the case n=5. In Ref. [11], d5,θ11 is denoted by C6θ and its topological type was determined as per the following Table 7, where following the Schläfli symbol, 6 denotes the regular hexagon.

Topological type#3S1×S1#3S1×S1S26

Table 7.

The topological type of C6θ.

In Ref. [11], Table 7 was proved as follows: Let R:C6θS1 be a certain map. For each ξS1, we determine the topological type the level set R1ξ. Then we obtain Table 7.

Below, we indicate that there is a chance to reprove Table 7 alternatively: For example, we consider the case θ=arccos13. Then applying the Morse lemma to Table 2, we obtain the diffeomorphism


If we construct a similar table to Table 2 for various θ, then we can reprove Table 7. This is our further problem.


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Written By

Yasuhiko Kamiyama

Submitted: 18 August 2023 Reviewed: 30 August 2023 Published: 23 October 2023